m if n coi'M > rum n i iun*n>
3 1833 00805 3578
23p Special ^SjSP* appointment
Stump Bedstead and Bedding, in Chest and Valise,
Mahogany Drawers, in Chests, to form a Wardrobe.
Easy Chair, in Chest, to form a Dressing Table.
Mahogany Wash-hand Stand and Fittings, in Oak Tub.
(Complete for £25.)
"UIE great advance that has been made in all matters of Art Manufacture of late years, and
the consequent demand for an increased variety of designs for all Fittings, Furniture, and
^orations, both for ecclesiastical and domestic purposes, has induced Messrs. COX & SONS,
stead of publishing one general Catalogue, containing a few designs of each class of the work
v supply, to publish separate ones for the various branches of their Business. A complete
ist of these Catalogues, eight in number, is given below.
Clmrch. Furniture Price Gd. post free.
Church Plate 3d.
Fabrics and Altar Cloths 6d.
Lighting Arrangements ,, Od. ,,
Stained Glass ,, 6d. ,,
Monuments ,, 6d. ,,
Domestic Gothic Furniture ... 6d. ,,
Christmas Decorations 3d.
CHURCH FURNITURE. — A large assortment can be seen at the Show Eooms, including Pulpits, Desks,
clems. Altar Rails. Eeredoses, Altar Tables, Chairs, Fauldstools, Alms Chests, Offertory Basins, &c.
CHURCH PLATE. — A new edition of the Church Plate Catalogue has just been published, containing a great
riety of both simple and elaborate designs for Flagons, Chalices, Patens, Cruets, Pocket Sets, and Mission and Portable
FABRICS ANT) ALTAR CLOTHS. -The New Catalogue contains a variety of Designs, some of which
e printed in gold and colours. A number of specimens can be seen in the Show Eooms.
LIGHTING- CHURCHES.— Estimates for Lighting Churches and other Buildings, with Coronse, Standard, or
■ackets, to burn Gas, Candles, or Oil. The Special Catalogue contains a great variety of new designs.
STAINED GLASS. — In the New Premises a window about twenty feet high has been erected, so that stained glass
ndows of large size can now be temporarily put up to test the effect, and then make any alteration desirable.
ARTISTIC FURNITURE AND FITTINGS.— Extra Designs of Early English and Queen Anne Eurni-
re have been added to the previous Catalogue by Messrs. Bernard Smith, W. Brangwyn, Moys Smith, C. J. Nichol,
ven Davis, C. Eossiter, B. J. Talbert, and others. Many of these Designs will be found less costly than those first issued.
MONUMENTS. — The Catalogue contains a great variety of designs for Monuments, Tombs, Crosses, and Head
ones, in Granite, Marble, and Stone; Tomb Eails, Memorial Brasses, Mural Tablets, &c, designed by eminent architects
d others, with prices. A new Show Boom has been built specially for the display of the specimens.
CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS.— The enlarged edition of the Illustrated Catalogue contains 380 designs for
rolls, Banners, Texts, Devices, &c, with prices ; also the prices of materials required by amateurs who prepare their own
Fourth Edition, greatly Enlarged, New Designs in Colours. Published at 3s. 6(7., forwarded post free for 40 stamps.
SHOW ROOMS— 28, 29, & 31, Southampton Street, Strand, London.
BRONZE STATUE FOUNDRY— Thames Ditton, Surrey.
ANUF ACTOR Y— The Wood and Stone Carving, Gothic Metal, Monumental, and Granite Polishing
"Works, College Wharf, Belvedere Road, Lamheth.
a 2 2
(gg Appointment),
(to fytxt ilonal |jigj)ncsscs
Messrs. J A Y are always provided with experienced Dress-
makers and Milliners, ready to travel to any part of the
kingdom, free of expense to purchasers, when the emergencies
of sadden or unexpected mourning require the immediate
execution of mourning orders. They take with them made-
tip Costumes, Bonnets, and Millinery, besides materials, one
shilling per yard and upwards, to cut from the piece, all
marked in plain figures, and at the same price as if purchased
at the London General Mourning Warehouse, in Regent
Street. Reasonable estimates are also given for Household
Mourning at a great saving to large or small families.
243, 245, 247, 249, and 251 REGENT STREET,
LonsrzDOZLsr, w.
Makers of Superior HAND-LOOM CARPETS, in patterns of their own
exclusive designs, and suitable for every style of decoration.
Nos, 35 and 36 OLD BOND STREET, LONDON, W.
Upholsterers and Cabinet Makers,
Dado, Ceiling, and Wall Panelling. Designs and Estimates Supplied.
For Disposal of Town and Country Properties.
jVO C IT AT? Ci E FOR, EGIST I£ A. T I O ]N* .
Manufactories: 4, 5, 6, & 7 WOODSTOCK STREET, W„ and STEAM WORKS, HAMMERSMITH.
Regret being compelled to CAUTION the public that their Business,
established by W. Hammond, is carried on at their old Address as
above, that no change in the constitution of their Firm has taken
ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY place, and that they have no connection with any other house.
Patterns and Price List forwarded to Residents in the Country.
WELLINGTON, SOMEESET, is known by both the Commercial and Fashionable world as the great Emporium for the
Manufacture of Serges, Estamenes, and other Woollen Fabrics.
Egbetok Buknett has had the honour of repeatedly supplying to H.E.H. the Princess of Wales these justly celebrated
goods, manufactured from the finest selected Staple AVool, and the only material that can be relied on for Seaside and
Travelling wear. The Dye is Patented, and superior to any other. It makes a warm garment and not heavy. Ladies
having once tried this make invariably give it the preference.
The New EOYAL WELLINGTON HOMESPUN ESTAMENE as manufactured expressly for Her Majesty the
Queen and Royal Family.
EOYAL NAVY and GOVERNMENT SERGES, for Gentlemen's and Boys' Wear, &c.
E. B.'s ROYAL WELLINGTON ANTISOIATICA BLANKETS are lighter and warmer than other makes.
J. E. invites an inspection of his large Stock of Ladies', Gentlemen's, and Children's Boots
and Shoes for Town and Country wear, in the Newest Styles.
with every improvement of the day,
and most economical in price.
ft** removed the Business of our lata house, 68 Fleet Street, to our extensively enlarged High Holborn
Premises (No. 110. 142, ami 113), the latter is now our sole London Establishment.
Bradford's Patent 'Vowel'
Washing, Wringing, and
Mangling Machine.
Towel A E.— Now Pattern, a
remarkably complete and
in all respects desirable
Family Machine, quite
equal in practical utility
to Vowel K, but less costly
in construction £8 8 0
Vowel E.— The well-known
combined Family Machine 9 0 0
Vowel 0.— The well-known
combined large Family
Machine 13 13 0
Bradford's Patent 'Vowel'
Washing Machine.
Vowel A, equal to 12 Shirts or tho
largest Blanket .-63 17
Vowel A, with C Acorn India Rub-
ber Wringer as recommended . . 6
Vowel I, equal to 20 Shirts, and
most suitable for a family ex-
ceeding 12 persons G
Vowel L with C Acorn India Rub-
ber Wringer as recommended . .
Vowel I, New Pattern, with extra
StrongWringing Machine, speci-
ally suited forLaundrymen,and
wherever the work is heavy and
constant ,
1 6
0 0
8 4 0
9 10 0
' Premier '
Box Mangle.
The most perfect
Box Mangle that is
£ I. d.
12 10
13 10
14 10
15 10
16 10
Bradford's Patent Wringing
and Mangling Machines.
No. 0, £3 12 G, 24-in. Rollers.
„ 1, 4 5 0, 27-ln. „
„ 2, 5 5 0, 30-in. „
„ 3, G 10 0, 34-in. „ ,
Perfect as a Wringer,
Unequalled as a Mangle.
Bradford's Patent 'Acorn'
India Bubber Clothes Wringer.
Acom A, Small Size, for Wringing
/ and Starching Underclothing and
Finery £18 0
Acorn C, the most useful, durable,
and saleable ; will wring all
household articles 240
free by post.
140, 142, & 143 HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON.
$jttuf dtotrift of tifttgM Jemettf.
rpHIS Periodical contains Original Articles on Eeligious, Theological, Biblical, Liturgical,
and Ecclesiastical Subjects; full Reviews and also Short Notices of Books; and Com-
The want of such an organ as is here implied has been felt for some time ; more especially
since the extinction of the ' Christian Remembrancer.'' The discussion of the Church Congress
of last year on the best means of promoting Theological Thought, and the way in which the
reference then made to this want has since been taken up, show this feeling to be deeper and
more widely spread than had hitherto been suspected. It has been found that there is among
members of the Church of England, and in other Churches in full communion with her, a strong
desire for a sound high-class Periodical, which might set forth the results of real study and
reflection on the highest of all subjects in such a manner as to be worthily representative of her
teaching and position. Considering the revived energy of the great Anglican Communion, and
the keen interest everywhere displayed in religious subjects, it ought certainly to be possible to
create and to maintain such an organ. Other religious bodies, and even sceptics, have shown
their ability to plan and carry out a design of this kind.
Amongst the Contributors are
The Rt. Hon. W. E. GLADSTONE, M.P.
&c. &c. &c.
In T»»v»l $vo. cloth elegant, price 31.«. M
History of Eton College, 1440 to 1875.
By H. C. MwwKt.i Lytk. M.A. With numerous Illus- I
t rations by P. BL DUXORI, Coloured Plates, and ;
Portrait of the Founder engraved by C. H. Jeens.
Now Kitition. with • roem and Loiters never V>cfore published.
White's Selborne. Tlie Natural
History and Antiquities of Selborne. Edited,
with Notes and Memoir, by Frank BccKi.ANn, a
Chapter on Antiquities by Lord Set.hornk. and tho
Garden Kalendar. With Original Illustrations from
Drawings by Frofessor Delaniotte, taken at Selborne.
and from many interesting and curious objects supplied
by the Editor ; also a Coloured Plate and Map. Medium
Svo. (Uniform with 'Holland House"), 31*. Gd.
Also, a large Paper Edition, containing, in addition to tho
above, thirty Autotype Illustrations from Drawings
by Professor Delamotte, and a Coloured Map of the
Environs of Selborne. - vols. 4to. half morocco elegant,
£4. is.
The Marquis of Lome's Poem— Guido
and Lita: a Tale of the Riviera. New Edition, small
4to. cloth elegant, price 7s. 6d.
Political and Military Episodes during
the First Half of the Eeign of George III.
Derived from the Life and Correspondence of the Eight
Hon. J. Bcbgotn'e. Lieut.-Gen. in His Majesty's Army,
and M.P. for Preston. By E. B. De Fonblanqlb.
With Portrait, Heliotype Plate, and Maps. 8vo. 16?.
Fifty Years of My Life.
By George Thomas, Earl of Albemarle. With Steel
Portrait of the first Earl of Albemarle, engraved by
Jeens. 2 vols. Svo.
Mr. John Richard Green's History of
the English People. Being a Library Edition of tho
' Short History of the English People,' revised, onlarged,
and in great part re-written. With additional Maps.
A Short History of the English
People. By John Richard Grhhn. Witli Coloured
Maps, Genealogical Tables, and Chronological Annals.
Crown Svo. 8s. Qd. Thirty-second Thousand.
ThirU-ontli Animal Publication, Revised after Official Returns.
The Statesman's Year Book for 1876.
A Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of
the Civilised World. Handbook for Politicians and
Merchants. By F. Martin. Crown Svo. 10s. 6d.
Annals of Our Time.
A Diurnal of Events, Social and Political, Homo and
Foreign, from tho Accession of Queen Victoria to tho
Peace of Versailles, Feb. 28, 1871. By J. Irving.
Fourth Edition, revised. 8vo. 16s.
SUPPLEMENT to the above, from February 1871 to
March 1874. 8vo. 4s. 6(2.
Holland House.
By Princess Marie Liechtenstein. With Steel En-
gravings by C. [H. Jeens, after Watts and other
celebrated Artists, and numerous Illustrations by Prof.
Delamotte. Third and Cheaper Edition. Medium 8vo.
cloth elegant, 16s,
FINE EDITION, containing, in addition to the above, 40
Illustrations of tho Woodbury Type Process, and India
Proofs of the Steel Plates. 2 vols. 4to. half-morocco
elegant, £i. 4s.
Beautifully printed on toned paper, and bound in extra cloth, with gilt edges, price 4s. 6d. each;
and in plain cloth, price 3s. 6d. each.
Shakspeare's Complete Works.
Edited by W. G. Clabk. M.A., and W. Aldis Wright,
M.A. With Glossary.
Morte d' Arthur.
Sir Thomas Maxoet's Book of King Arthur, and of his
Noble Knights of the Bound Table. The Edition of
Caxton, revised for Modem Use. With an Introduction,
Notes, and Glossary, by Sir Edward Stbachey.
Burns's Complete Works.
The Poems, Songs, and Letters. Edited, with Glossarial
Index and Biographical Memoir, by Alexander Smith.
Robinson Crusoe.
Edited after the Original Editions, with Biographical
Introduction, by Henry Kingslet.
Scott's Poetical Works.
With Biographical and Critical Essay, by Francis
Turner Paxgeave.
Goldsmith's Miscellaneous Works.
With Biographical Introduction by Professor Masson.
Spenser's Complete Works.
Edited, with Glossary by R. Morris, and Memoir by
J. W. Hales.
Pope's Poetical Works.
Edited, with Notes and Introductory Memoir, by Pro-
fessor Waed.
Dryden's Poetical Works.
Edited, with a Eevised Text and Notes, by W. D.
Chbistie, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge.
Cowper's Poetical Works.
Edited, with Notes and Biographical Introduction, by
W. Benham, M.A., Professor of Modern History in
Queen's College, London.
Virgil's Works.
Rendered into English Prose. With Introductions, Notes,
Analysis, and Index, by J. Lonsdale, M.A., and S.
Lee, M.A.
Rendered into English Prose. With Introductions,
Notes, &c, by J. Lonsdale, M.A., and S. Lee, M.A.
MACMILLAN & CO., Bedford Street, Strand, W.C.
Affording Tourists an opportunity of visiting the magnificent scenery of Glencoe, the.CooLiN Hills, Loch Coruisk, Loch Maree, and the
famed Islands of Staffa and Iona.
These Vessels afford in their passage a view of the beautiful scenery of the Clyde, with all its Watering Places— the Island and Kyles of Bute-
Island of Arran— Mountains of Cowal, Knapdale, and Kintyre— Lochfyne— Crinan— with Islands of Jura, Scarba, Mull, and many others of the
Western Sea— the Whirlpool of Corryvrechan— the Mountains of Lorne, of Morven, of Appin, of Kingairloch, and Ben-Nevis— Inverlochy— the Lands
of Locheil, the scene of the wanderings of Prince Charles and near to where the Ck.ns raised his standard in '45— Lochaber— the Caledonian Canal
—Loch Lochy— Loch Oich— Loch Ness, with the Glens and Mountains on either side, and the celebrated Falls of Foyers. Books descriptive of
the Route may be had on board the Steamers.
Time-Bills, with Map and Fares, free, of Messrs. Chatto & Windus, Publishers, 74 and 75 Piccadilly, London ; or, by post, on application to
the Proprietors, DAVID HUTCHESON & CO., 119 Hope Street, Glasgow. '
FRIEDRICBSHALL, &c, direct from the Springs.
RICH* HOE & SONS, Manufacturers, 44 Leadenhal! Street, London, E.C,
Pttoal Pete! iEwkro in $iluer, ^tmi and Jron
Containing all things
necessary for adminis-
tering the Holy Com-
VASES, Plain and Illumi-
of every description
Designs and Estimates
sent on application
PURE ALTAR BREADS, m ^lead-lined Boxes, warranted to keep in any climate, for 100 Communicants
9d. ; by post. lOd. 25 for PTinsfs oh • by post, lOd. ««««"uuicanra,
-«.<w_wj U\J H.C
9d. ; by post, lOd. 25 for Priests, 9d.
'To make the system of Life Assurance complete, it has yet to be recognised that an Assurance Society is, in its very essence, less a trading
company for profit to Shareholders than an institution with purposes of trust for Policyholders, the trust being to receive and husband the
Premiums till such time as, by the discharge of the Member's claim, the trust is ended as far as such Member is concerned. To this end it should
be enacted that every office shall in each year put apart in a " Trust Fund " a proper proportion of its Annual Premiums to meet assurance risks
and claims only, and not to be touched in any way for expenses, which, if need be, should come out of the Shareholders' capital. The Trustees of
the Fund would take care that it is productively invested, so as to obtain the best rate of interest consistent with safety,'
THIS is exactly the system adopted by the ' Positive,' the entiee net premiums, in addition to 20 per cent, of the
capital, being invested at compound interest in trust for Policyholders, and hypothecated exclusively for the purpose of
paying claims under Policies.
In order that so important a matter as the preservation of the Premium and Guarantee Funds might not be left entirely
to the care and vigilance of the Executive Officers, Teust Deeds have been executed, prescribing that the Fund be set apart
for the exclusive benefit of Policyholders, in the names of Trustees, and be applied to no other purpose than the payment of
claims under Policies.
To each of the Trustees ample and irrevocable powers are afforded of learning from the Company's records the exact
sums which ought to be invested in their names ; and they possess every necessary authority for maintaining the Funds at
the proper limits, that those Funds may at all times and under all circumstances represent an adequate provision for
outstanding liabilities under Positive Assurances.
There is no appropriation of Premium Funds of Policyholders to meet Office expenses, only the 1 loading' or ' charge '
upon the net Premiums being devoted to this purpose.
Loss to Policyholders under such a system is a simple impossibility.
The Policy issued by this Company differs from the ordinary Policy of other Assurance Offices, in being perfectly simple
in language, intelligible to the most illiterate, and free from condition, except for payment of a definite number of Premiums
according to the election of the Assured. Should the Assured die before the term of years chosen for payment of Premiums
has expired, but had continued to pay premiums during his lifetime, the full amount of the assurance will be paid by the
Company : but should the Assured have discontinued his payments, then only the amount represented by the Positive Notes
held will be paid, together with any bonus declared.
A Positive Policy is thus quite original in form ; but the distinguishing principle of the Positive system is the Positive
Note, given on each payment of premium being mads, and of which the following is a copy : —
No. London, 1 87 .
The Positive Government Security Life Assurance Company (Limited) promise to fay to Bearer
Three Months after sight and proof of the death of of
the Sum of Pounds.
Secretary. ^ Directors.
MEMORANDUM— This Positive Note is issued under a Policy dated the
containing a clause that such Positive Note will be redeemed three days after presentation at the Head
Office of the Company, by payment of Pounds
Shillings, being the^amount standing to the credit'of this Note in Consols in special trust.
This Instrument contains two distinct Contracts.
The first contract is an ordinary promissory note, securing 'to bearer' the sum assured at death.
The second contract places at disposal of the bearer a sum of money equal to forty per cent, of the premium paid, invested
in Government securities, in special trust, solely to provide for it ; such sum being obtainable at any time three days after
presentation of the Note, either as a loan bearing interest at 5 per cent., such loan, if desired, continuing throughout life if
the interest is regularly paid, without the assured losing the benefit of the assurance ; or as the surrender value or price at
which the Company contracts to buy back the note.
If it is desired to test the value, safety, convenience, and utility of the Positive system, let the ordinary form of con-
ditional Policy be contrasted with the Positive Policy and Positive Note, and their comparative advantages will then be seen,
(1) The Guarantee Fund of over £50,000, and
(2) The entire net Premiums received (not less than 80 per cent, of the gross), especially reserved for payment of claims
under Policies, and invested in trust in the hands of The Eight Hon. LOED SANDHURST, THOMAS HUGHES,
Esq., Q.C., and MATTHEW HUTTON CHATOR, Esq., Trustees.
(3) The other Assets and Property of the Company; constituting the most unexceptionable provision for payment of
claims under Policies.
Prospectuses, Forms of Application for Assurance, the Rates of Premium, and all information, can be obtained on
application to FBANCIS BABBOW, Managing Director.
B ranch Office: CO Charing Cross: and at Oxford Street, corner of Vere Street.
Richt Hon. William Reresford.
Thil in rieydcll Bouverie, Es>i.
Walter Wrndh.uu Burrell, Est).
Cecil Chaplin, Esq.
George Wodehousc Currie. Es<j.
Bdwju-d IVnt, £$.).
Harrie Morton Kar>iuhar. Esq.
Walter Randolph Faro,uhar, Esq.
Joseph Hoahk, Esq., Chairman.
Aujru>tus Terriok Hamilton, Esq.
Oapt. Henrv O. Hamilton. RN.
Lieut. -Colohol Sir.T. M. Hogg, K.C.B., M.r.
Henrv Francis Shaw Loferrc, Esq.
Charles R. Littledale, Es |.
Richard Kiddulph Martin, Esq.
Alfred Montgomery, Esq.
Frederick Henry Norman, Esq.
Edward Howley Palmer, Esq,
Charles Richard Pole, Esq.
Lambert Pole, Esq,
Colonel Frederick Henrv Rich,
RUrht Hon. o. Solater-Booth, M.r.
Oswald Augustus Smith, Esq.
Henry Richard Tomkinson, Es i.
THF SECURITY offered by this Society is undoubted; a copy of the Revenue Account and Balanco Shoot may bo
obtained on application.
POLICIES can be effected at Annual, Half-yearly, or Quarterly Premiums ; the rates will bo found to be especially
low for young lives.
ASSURANCES effected now participate in Eighty per cent, of the profits every five years, according to the conditions
of the Soeietv's prospectus. An option is allowed at each period of division to receive the Bonus in cash, or apply it in
aucrm ntation of the sum assured, or in reduction of the premium. The Cash Bonuses appropriated to such Policies, at the
last division, averaged 27 per cent, of the premiums paid in the preceding five years, being equal to the return of moro
than b premium and a third ; the additions to the sums assured were, on an average, 49 per cont. on the five years' premiums.
WITHOUT Profit Policies and Endowment Assurances granted.
PERSON'S whose lives are assured may pass by sea during peace, and reside in any part of the Northern Hemisphere
North of the 3oth degree of North Latitude, except China and Japan.
J. G. PRIESTLEY, Actuary.
President— GEORGE
BURNAND, Esq. Vice-Presidmt — THOMAS CURTIS, Esq.
Actuary — CHARLES ANSELL, Jun., Esq.
The Hon. G. TALBOT.
Captain H. W. TYLER, late R.E,
The Accumulated Fund of this Society (exceeding £660,000) is of unusual magnitude in
proportion to its liabilities.
All the Profits belong to the Assured, and are applied to the gradual reduction and ultimate
extinction of their Premiums, a result which may be expected to occur, in the average of cases, in about
20 years from the date of the Policy.
PlindS for the Education of Children and for their Establishment in Life may be
provided on unusually favourable terms, on a new system lately introduced by this Society, based upon
tables of mortality specially constructed for the purpose.
Persons residing in the Country can effect Assurances without personal attendance in London.
Prospectuses and further information forwarded post free on application.
No. 50 Regent Street, and No. 14 Cornhill,
CAPITAL £400,000.
Admiral Sir GEORGE KING, K.C.B.
Sir G. E. WELBY GREGORY, Bart. .
JOHN A. BEAUMONT, Esq., Man. Dir.
Captain W. H. SPENCER.
Secretary. — GEORGE W. STEVENS, Esq.
The Rates of Premium charged by the COUNTY FIRE OFFICE are upon
the lowest scale consistent with security to the Insured.
All Losses are settled with promptitude and liberality.
When a Policy has existed seven years, a Return of 25
per Cent, or one-fourth of the premiums paid is declared
upon such policy.
The following Table contains the Names of some of the Policy Holders who
have participatedjn these Returns :—
Policy No.
Name and Eesidence of Insured
William Felix Riley, Esq., Forest Hill
Messrs. Broadwood, Golden Square, W
W. T. Copeland, Esq., New Bond Street, W.
His Grace the Duke of Beaufort ,
Edward Thornton, Esq., Princes Street, "W
Major-General Vyse
Peter Thompson, Esq., Frith Street, Soho, W. ....
Sir James J. Hamilton, Bart., Portman Square, W
Messrs. C. J. & C. Corder, Brighton
John Amor, Esq., New Bond Street, W
Messrs. Hunt & Roskell, New Bond Street, W
70 15 4
101 2 10
79 11 7
94 10 0
61 14 10
72 9 0
78 15 0
Prospectuses and Ml particulars may he obtained upon application to the Agents of the Office in all
the principal towns of the United Kingdom ; and of the Secretary,
Invested Funds £1,852,232
Annual Income £239,353
Existing Assurances, including Bonus additions £5,313,225
Cash divided among the Policy Holders as Bonus
at the last Quinquennial Division of Profits . £170,661
£11,775. 6s. 8d. lias been paid on Policy No. 4718, issued for £5,000
£9,637. 2s. 2d. „ „ No. 4937, £4,000
£2,182. lis. 8d. „ „ No. 5532, „ £1,000
Policy No. 3924, for £5,000, lias been increased to £12,000. 7s. 0d,
6616, „ £4,000, „ „ £8,855. 17s. Od.
5915, „ £500, „ „ £1,153. 12s. 7d.
A person aged 30 desiring to free himself from payments after a certain
age, may effect a Policy of £1,000 with Profits, by payment of a Premium of
£34. lis. 8d. during 20 years only.
Any person wishing to discontinue further payments, even after only one
Premium has been received, may take the value of the Policy in cash, or a new
Policy for a reduced amount requiring no further payments.
Loans are advanced by the Office upon the deposit of a Provident Policy when
the surrender value amounts to £10.
O. — Rates and Forms of Proposal will be forwarded on application to The
PROYIDENT LITE OFFICE, 50 Regent Street, or 14 Cornliill, London,
i 16
CAPITAL £500,000.
Chairman— SEYMOUR TEULON, Esq. Deputy-Chairman-JOHN CHATE LUXMOORE, Esq.
Bankers— Messrs. DRUMMOND.
Solicitor— HARRY SHOUBRIDGE, Esq., 19 Lincoln's-inn Fields, W.C.
The business of this Company consists in the PURCHASE of, or LOANS upon —
Reversionary Interests, vested or contingent, in Landed or Funded Property, or Securities ; also,
Life Interests in Possession, as well as in Expectation ; and
Policies of Assurance upon Lives.
Loans upon Reversions may be obtained either at an Annual Interest, or in consideration of deferred charges, payable
upon the Reversions falling in.
Immediate Annuities are likewise granted upon the latter principle to persons entitled to Reversionary Interests, who
may thus obtain an income until their property falls into possession, without being called upon for any payment until
that ovent.
Prospectuses and forms of proposal may be obtained from the Secretary, to whom all communications should be
By order of the Board of Directors,
WM. BARWICK HODGE, Acttjaby and Secretary.
Capital, j£1,600,000. Paid up and invested, ^700,000.
The distinguishing characteristics of this Company are; — ■
Steam Thrashing Machines allowed without extra charge. Loss and Damage from Explosion of Gas in Buildings Insured
made good.
Every Information and Forms of Proposal can be obtained from the Offices of the Company, or at any of its
Agencies throughout the Kingdom.
E. COZENS SMITH, General Manager.
The Governors earnestly solicit assistance for this Hospital, which U dependent upon Voluntary Contributions and Legacies. It is situated
m a central and densely populated part of the Metropolis, and since the year 1824 has received upwards of 110,000 cases of accident and emergency.
The average number of Patients relieved yearly is about 20,000. Funds are urgently required. A Donation of Twenty-one Pounds constitutes a
Life Governor. Contributions are thankfully received by the Secretary, at the Hospital, and by Messrs. Drummoxd, 49 Charing Cross.
THE COUNCIL of these HOMES ask for funds to carry on the work of prevention and reformation
amongst young women and girls. They have extended their labours by opening another Home at
Aldborough House, Tottenham Green. They have now room to receive 60 additional inmates, and they
trust that the benevolent public will enable them to do so by subscribing the necessary funds to continue the
good work of rescuing young women and girls from a life of degradation, and giving them Christian
teaching and industrial training. During the year 1875, upwards of 620 ivomen and children ivere assisted
and helped to lead a better life.
Subscriptions and Donatious will be thankfully received by the Chairman of the Council, H. Nelson
Capel, Esq., 16 Upper Woburn Place, W.C; by the Lady Superintendent, 17 Hart Street, Bloomsbury ; and
by the London and Westminster Bank, High Holborn Branch, W.C,
hi 18
This Hospital -was founded in 1828 0:1 the principle of free and unrestricted
admission of the Sick Poor ; poverty and suffering being the only passports
required. Having no endowment, it is entirely dependent foe support on
The Hospital admits into its wards about 1,500 poor sick persons annually,
besides administering advice and medicine to more than 45,000 out-patients, who
resort to it, not only from the crowded courts and alleys in its immediate neigh-
bourhood, but from all parts of London and the suburban districts. The relief
thus afforded is effected at a cost of about £8,000 per annum, while the income of
the Charity from annual subscriptions is not more than £1,500 ; so that the large
balance of £6,500 has to be raised by means of constant appeals to the public
' The Royal Free Hospital is not more free than welcome as a charitable helpiug-place to thousands
of our poor. When first it was started, not a Hospital in London was ever freely open— as in charity all
should be— to such sick folk as the Royal Free was founded specially to succour. In this really useful
Hospital, so long as there are funds unspent, and sleeping wards unfilled, any poor sick persons may
come to them and fill them : and they need not lose their little strength by hunting up subscribers to send them " Open Sesame " in an admission
ticket.'— ruxcn, January 23, 1809.
SUBSCRIPTIONS, DONATIONS, and LEGACIES, are kindly received by the Treasurer, E.
Masterman, Esq., 17 Clement's Lane, E.C. ; Messrs. Brown, Janson, & Co. ; Barclay, Bevan, & Co. ;
Coutts & Co. : Drummond & Co. ; Herries & Co. ; Prescott, Grote, & Co. ; Kansom & Co. ; Smith,
Payne, & Smith ; Williams, Deacon, & Co. ; Nisbet & Co. ; and at the Hospital, by
JAMES S. BLYTH, Secretary.
C. H. F. KOUTH, M.D.
Miss C. BLUNT.
71 Brook Street, W.
7 Lower Seymour Street, W.
52 Montague Square, W.
R. BARWELL, Esq., F.R.C.S.E.
32 George Street, Hanover Square
One Hundred Thousand Cripples in England— their future totally unprovided for.
This is the only Cripples'1 Home for Adult Girls in the Kingdom.
The Cripple Girls are taught Straw Hat and Bonnet-making and Dressmaking. After three years they are mostly
able to earn their own living, and are placed in houses of business. The Industrial Girls are trained for domestic servants ,
and wait upon the Cripples.
Funds are greatly needed, not only to maintain the present efficiency of the work, but also to extend the premises
and to give the Cripples change of air to the seaside — with them an imperative necessity.
ALL DONATIONS and SUBSCRIPTIONS, or Post-office Orders, should be made payable at the Upper Baker Street
Office, to Miss E. Steinmetz, 1 1 Wimpole Street, W. ; or to Miss E. Emes, at the Home,
The Oldest Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest in Europe.
The central position of this old-established Hospital, the great advantages it provides for the Patients, and the benefits
it has dispensed for more tho» hoi/ <i century, enable the Council to commend its claim for increased support to all who
sympathise with sorrow and suffering. The Wards for In-Patients are constantly full, whilst from 1,000 to 2,000 Out-
patients are under treatment every week.
Akjttax SrnscRinnRS of £3. 3s., and Donors of £31. 10s., are entitled to recommend one In-Patient and four or eight
Out-Patients per annum. Annual Subscribers of £1. Is., and Donors of £10. 10s., are entitled to recommend six Out-Patients
per annum. C. LOWTHER KEMP, Sec. to the Council.
' I give and bequeath to the Treasurer for the time being of the Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Oicst, City Road, London, the sum of *
to be applied in and towards carrying on the charitable objects of the Institution : the said sum of *
to be paid free of Lccracv Duty, out of such part of my personal estate as I may lawfully bequeath to the purposes of the said Institution, and I
direct that the receipt of the Treasurer for the time being shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors for the same.'
* The snin to be expressed in words at length.
Patroness — Her Royal Highness the Dt/chess of Cambridge.
Treasurer — John Deacon, Esq., 20 Birchin Lane, E.C.
Sub-Treasurer — Richard B. Wade, Esq., 13 Seymour Street, Portman Square, W.
Honorary Physician — Eustace Smith, Esq., M.D., 28 George Street, Hanover Square, W.
Secretary — Mr. George Scttdamore. Matron — Mrs. H. Alsop.
Bankers —
Sir Samtel Scott, Bart. & Co., 1 Cavendish Square, W. ; Messrs. Williams, Deacon, & Co., 20 Birchin Lane, E.C. ; The
National Provincial Bank of England, Bishopsgate Street, E.C, and the St. Marylebone Branch, 53 Baker Street, W.
This Society/, founded in 1838, seeks to rescue Young Women from all parts of the Country, who up to the
time of their fall have borne a good character. They are cared for in their trouble if expecting to become mothers ;
and, after suitable training, are placed in service, where needful help is given them in supporting their infants, lest,
through want, they should fall again into sin. This is the more necessary from the extreme youth of many of the
applicants, which prevents their earning sufficient to maintain their infants.
Cheques should be crossed ' Messrs. Sir S. Scott, Bart. & Co. Post-office Orders payable to George Sctjdahore,
at the Western Branch District Post Office, Vere Street, Oxford Street, W.
President — The Right Hon. tho Lord Leigh.
Vice-Presidents — The Eight Hon. tho Earl Ducre, The Eight Hon. the Lord Seldorne, Sir Eowley, Bart.,
Sir James John Hamilton, Bart. .
Chaplain — Tho Bev. Feancis J. Holland, M.A. Treasurer — Bobeet Dobeee, Esq.
Honorary Secretary — J. Livingstone Jay, Esq.
Honorary Medical Officers —
Consulting Physicians— Sir William Jennee, Bart., K.C.B., M.D. ; B. Geeenhalgh, M.D. ; Heney Savage, M.D., F.R.C.S.
Consulting Surgeon — Sir W. Feegusson, Bart., F.R.C.S., &c.
Physicians for In-Patients— C. H. F. Bouth, M.D. ; W. B. Rogers, M.D.
Physicians for Children In-Patients — W. H. Day, M.D. ; A. Wynn Williams, M.D.
Physicians for Out-Patients— A. Wynn Williams, M.D.; W. H. Day, M.D.; G. G. Bantock, M.D. ; Percy Bol-lton, M.D.;
Clement Godson, M.D.
Surgeon for In-Patients — T. Spencer Wells, F.B.C.S. Surgeon for Out-Patients — J. Knowsley Thornton, M.B., M.C.
Bental Surgeon — Charles Stoddart.
Bankers — Sir Samuel Scott, Bart., & Co., 1 Cavendish Square.
OBJECTS OF THE HOSPITAL.— 1. An In-department for the reception of poor Women afflicted with diseases
peculiar to their sex, where they have homo comforts and hospital treatment without publicity, also of Children suffering from
non-contagious diseases. 2. An Out-department for such diseases of Women and all diseases of Children. 3. To furnish
attendance to Poor Married Women at their own homes during their Confinements. Admission Feee, without Letter
of Becommendation.
Instituted in May 1758, for Orphan Children from any tart of the Kingdom.
'Sines its formation 3,030 Orphan Children have been admitted; 400 arc now under the care of the Charity.
|)asikiU— JOHN REMINGTON MILLS, Esq. crrasurcr :u»b 9. p.— JOHN KEMP WELCH, Esq., Clapham Common, S.W.
gicrttiuu-JONADAB FINCH, 73 Cheapside, E.C.
§anhtrs-LONDON JOINT STOCK BANK, Princes Street, E.C; and at all its Branches.
UPON Benevolent Contributions FOR more than
four-fifths of its Annual Expenditure, which is
nearly £10,000 (tho Annual Subscriptions only
amounting to £2,400). The annual average cost
per child for 12 years is £23. 2s, 9d. The Com-
mittee are very grateful to be able to acknow-
ledge help in any way, and greatly need it at the
present time. The increased coat of coals, pro-
visions, and clothing calls for increased aid.
The Education given to the children is of a
substantial kind fitting them for domestic service,
for commercial pursuits, and for imparting to them
business habits ; and as many of them come from
distant as well as home counties, the Charity par-
takes of a National Institution. During the last
10 years four-fifths of all Candidates have been
CONTRIBUTIONS will be thankfully received
in aid of the Charity. A Donation of £5. 5s.
constitutes a Life Subscriber ; 10s. Cd. an Annual
Subscriber; a Donation of £10. 10s. and upwards a
Life, or £1. Is. and upwards an Annual Governor.
Office :
73 CnEAPSBDE, London, E.C.
Every Article of Saddlery, Harness, &c.
Is manufacture under the personal superintendence of the Firm, by first-class workmen, and of tho best materials,
The Firm desire to call particular attention to their IMPROVED SPRING SADDLE (for ladies), the leaping
head being doubled down, so as to give greater facility in mounting and dismounting. A large number of
these Saddles are now in use, and are universally appreciated. No Riding School should be without them.
Special London Agents for the Patent Safety Stirrup, and for Cook's Crib-biting Preventive Head Collar (Brgistcred).
All descriptions of Horse Clothing and Stable Furniture.
Instituted 1839, Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1850, and Supported by Voluntary Contributions.
Vice-Patrons: H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, E.G. &c.
jhniMmt TTjn Grace The DUKE of MARLBOROUGH, K.G., D.C.L. | Chairman of Committee.— Caft. Hon. FRANCIS MAUDE, R.N.,V.P.
Treasurer. — THOMSON HANKEY, ESQ., M.P.
Trarelling Secretaries.— Y7 '. C. PRINCE, Esq., JAMES BANCKS, Esq., LINDON SAUNDERS, Esq., and C. K. McAULIFFE, Esq.
ruiting Secretary.— For tlie London District, WM. LOVELL, Esq. Visiting Secretary for Sailors. — CAPTAIN ROBT. N. IVEY.
The Ship-wrecked Mariners' Societt, by the means of the Secretary and nearly 1,000 Honorary Agents, distributed
round the coast, ministers immediate relief to Shipwrecked Men of all nations landed on our shores, clothing and sending
them to their homes, or, if Foreigners, to their nearest Consuls. The Widows and Orphans of the drowned Fishermen and
Mariners are liberally relieved, and rewards are given for saving life at sea. (James i. 27.)
As the number of wrecks increases with the number of ships, so as to more than average 10 per diem, the Committee
are obliged to pressingly appeal to the benevolent public for pecuniary help to meet the continual wants of the poor castaways.
(Acts sxviii. 2.) They succoured in this trying hour, last year, 10,028 Seamen, including their Widows and Orphans.
The Society also publishes a Quarterly Maritime Magazine, 'The Shipwrecked Mariner,' price 6d. May be had at
the Central Office, or of Geo. Morrish, Warwick Lane, Paternoster Eow, or through any Bookseller.
Donations and Annual Subscriptions will be thankfully received by Messrs. Williams, Deacon, & Co., Birchin
Lane, City, Bankers to the Society; by all the London and Country Bankers; by the several Metropolitan Army and Navy
Agents ; by the Honorary Agents throughout the Kingdom ; by the Travelling Secretaries ; and by the Secretary, at the Office
of the Society, Hibernia Chambers, London Bridge, S.E.
W. H. SYMONS, Commander B.N., Secretary.
' 1 gke and bequeath to the Shipwrecked Fishermen axd Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society, London, the sum of *
free of legacy duty, for the use of the said Shipicrecked Fishermen and Mariners' lloyal Benevolent Society ; and I do hereby charge
and mate my Personal Estate liable for the payment of the same.
* The sum to be expressed in words at length.
Nones.— By the law of Mortmain, no Bequest of Land, or Money arising from the Sale of Land after the Testators death, is receivable by the Society.
Every Packet bears the fac simile
Patron :— H.E.H. THE PRINCE OP WALES. President : — THOMAS CAELYLE, Esq.
rpHlS LIBRARY contains 85,000 Volumes of Ancient and Modern Literature in various Languages. — Subscription, £3 a
X year ; or £2 -with Entrance Fee of £6. Life Membership, £26. Fifteen volumes are allowed to Country and ten to
Town Members. Reading Eoom open from Ten to Half-past Six. Prospectus on application. New Edition of the Catalogue,
1000 pp. super-royal 8vo. price 16s. ; to Members, 12s.
ROBERT HARRISON, Secretary and Librarian. •
357, 358, & 359 OXFORD STREET,
CAPITAL £1,000,000 (One Million Sterling), in 100,000 Shares of £10 each.
Chairman and Managing Director — JAMES THOMSON, Esq.
(With power to increase.)
Auditors.— EDWIN H. GALSWORTHY, Esq. ; General J. T. BOILEAU, F.R.S.
EDIMJIRGH BKVNCH: 17 St. Andrew Square.
DANIEL ATWWr.TR, Esq.. 48 Moray Place ; General Sir JOHN CAMrBELL, C.B., K.S.I., Edinburgh.
CALCUTTA S. Cochrane. Manager.
BOMBAY W. Blackball, „
MADRAS F. T. Atkins, „
AGRA Thomas Bailey, Manager.
LAHORE C. II. Chetham, „
SHANGHAI F. W. Lejiarchand, „
HONG KOUG Oilman & Co., Agents.
FIBB ! FIBB ! ! DPIE-E! ! ! !
Weighs but 8 lbs. and will throw water 50 feet.
These Urns are elegant in form, are the most efficient ones yet introduced, and effect a saving of 50 per cent.
The Times newspaper remarks : 'M. Loysel's hydrostatic machine for making tea or coffee is justly considered as one of the most complete
inventions of its kind.'
GRIFFITHS & BROWETT, Birmingham; 12 Moorgate St., London; & 25 Boulevard Magenta, Paris.
I)OYAL GENERAL ANNUITY SOCIETY, for allowing Free Annuities in old age to decayed Merchants, Brokers, Bankers, Professional Men,
I Master Manufacturers, Tradesmen, Clerks, their Widows, and Unmarried Daughters (without distinction of creed or country, and without mem-
bership or payment). Supported wholly by voluntary contributions and bequests. Patrons and Subscribers : The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty,
H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G. Treasurer : Abraham John Roberts, Esq. A new Vice-Presidents' list has been successfully commenced by con-
tributions of £50 and upwards ; donations of not less than £20 form a special Life Governors' fund. Donors of £5 or more are ordinary Life
Governors, and Subscribers of £1 per year are Annual Governors. Ladies are respectfully invited to favour the Society with their kind aid. A new
book of Vice-Presidents, Patronesses, Life Governors, Donors, and Annual Subscribers, intimating the number of votes to which each is entitled
(in proportion to the amount paid, 10s. giving two votes), will shortly be published. All Donors and Subscribers have the privilege of nominating
Candidates. The First Public Dinner wiU shortly be announced. Contributions will be most thankfully received by the Secretary or the Bankers
Roearts & Co. 15 Lombard Street, E.C. '
Offices : 10 Bell Yard, Gracechurch Street, London. FRANCIS F. TOOLE, Stcrttary.
For Memorial? Ecclesiastic, or domestic Windows,
GEORGE HOTJGBT0! & SON, 89 High Holborn, London.
, N.W.
Cheques crossed 'National Bank, Camden Town.5 P. O. O.'s payable at
the Euston Station Office.
Designs and Estimates (free on application) for the Erection complete of
The best, most powerful, and most economical Hot-Water Boiler extant.
The Works adjoin West Brompton Station, Metropolitan District Railway.
THE ODONIPTIC LIQUID DENTIFRICE. Patronised by royalty, the aristocracy, upper and middle classes. An exquisitely delicate tooth
and mouth wash, for cleansing and preserving the teeth and gums, and for purifying and sweetening the breath. It produces a beautiful
cleansing lather and delightful fragrance. It is used and highly recommended by the most eminent dentists. Superior to tooth pastes or powders,
being free from grit. Extract from ' La Mode Inustree,' May 1875 : ' We have always given the preference to liquid dentifrices, as being more
effectual in destroying the parasites which find their only safe refuge from pastes and powders between the interstices of the teeth. Liquids, how-
ever, are more searching, and this (the Odoniptic) is pleasant in the extreme.' Sold in bottles, Is. 6d., 2s. fid., and 4s. Cd. each. Prepared by
LLOYD & GETHING, Pharmaceutical Chemists, 75 FLEET STREET, LONDON.
The last Great Trials for Cultivators and Broadshares.
All the FIRST PRIZES for Cultivators and Broadshares awarded to
C. CLAY, Stennard Works, "Wakefield,
in competition with all the best known
And for particulars of
Soda, Potass, Seltzer, Lemonade, Lithia ; and for GOUT, Lithia and Potass.
' CORKS BRANDED ' R. ELLIS & SON, RUTHIN,' and every Label bears their Trade Mark.
Sold everywhere, and Wholesale of
LONDON AGENTS : — W. BEST & SONS, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square.
For Thirty Years the Medical Profession have approved of this pure solution as the best remedy for ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN,
11 FAD ACHE GOUT, and INDIGESTION, and as a mild Aperient for delicate constitutions, especially adapted for Ladies, Children, and Infants.
When combined with the ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP, it forms a most agreeable effervescing draught, in which its aperient and
cooling qualities are much increased. In warm seasons and warm climates, this simple preparation, when taken uegulahly, has been found highly
benencud. jjjjjjjjjjiQjy) & qq., Chemists, &c, 172 New Bond Street London.
CAUTION.— See that ' DINNEFORD & CO.' is on each Bottle, and the Bed Label over the Cork.
£- "
C— ■
co a
05 3
(/) CO
i ••
The success of J. EdjcukdSON 6: Co."s Works is now so well known, so great a number being erected every year in the
United Kingdom, that it would be superfluous to sav more than that their chief characteristics are: —
This Gas Apparatus has been frequently erected where it is of the xitmost consequence to preserve delicate Marble,
Gildings, and Mediaeval Work ; and the Gas may be used in Sick Booms without deteriorating the atmosphere.
An under gardener, farm labourer, or helper, can manage the works, and make the Gas. The Apparatus requires but
little space, and is quickly erected — the various portions of the iron work being kept in stock.
Her Majesty's Government (Board of Trade Department) has sanctioned the use of J. Edmundson & Co.'s Gas
Apparatus for illuminating Lighthouses with Gas in connection with Wigham's Patent, of which J. Edmtjndson & Co. are
the Proprietors.
Her Majesty's Government (Board of Works Department) also employ Wigham's Patent Lighthouse Gas Burner
as the Signal Light on the Clock Tower, Houses of Parliament, Westminster.
Below is an Abridged List of some of the Gas Works erected by J. EDMUNDSON & CO.
Size of Works.
100 Lights— The Right Hon. Lord Fermoy, Trabolgan, Cork
Size of Works.
250 Lights— His Grace the Duke of Hamilton, Easton Park, Suffolk
150 do. His Grace the Duke of Leinster. Carton, Maynooth
400 do. His Grace the Duke of Richmond, Goodwood
145 do. The Most Noble the Marquis of Drogheda, Moore Abbey
150 do. The Most Noble the Marquis of Drogheda (additional
300 do. The Most Noble the Marquis of Anglesea, Beau Desert
100 do. The Most Noble the Marquis of Headford, Virginia
200 do. The Most Noble the Marquis of Ely, Loftus Hall
100 do. The Right Hon. the Earl of Clancarty, Ballinasloe
100 do. The Right Hon. the Earl of Charleville, Charleville Forest
300 do. The Right Hon. the Earl of Denbigh, Newnham Paddox
300 do. The Right Hon. the Earl of Dunraven, Adare Manor
100 do. The Right Hon. the Earl of Longford, Pakenham Hall
70 do. The Right Hon. the Earl of Meath, Kilruddery
70 do. The Right Hon. the Earl of Dartrey, Rockcorry
50 do. The Right Hon. Earl Poulett, Hants
70 do. The Right Hon. Lord Viscount Bangor, Castle Ward
300 do. The Rieht Hon. Lord Viscount Powerscottrt, Eniskerry
103 do. The Right Hon. Lord Annaly, Woodlands, Clonsilln
100 do. The Right Hon. Lord Ashtown, Woodlawn, Galway
100 do. The Right Hon. Lord Ashtown, Clonodfoy, Limerick
70 do. The Right Hon. Lord Ashtown, Sopwell Hall, Tipperary
850 do. The Right Hon. Lord Clonctury, Lyons, Celbridge
The Right Hon. Lord Rossmore, Monaghan
The Rt. Hon. Lord Saltoun, Philorth House, Aberdeenshire
TheRt. Hon. Lord Henry Scott, M.P., Beaulieu.Hampshire
The Right Hon. Lord Suffield, Gunton Park, Norfolk
The Right Hon. G. Ward Hunt, M.P., Wadenhoe
Sir Robert Anstruther, Bart., M.P., Balcaskie, Fifeshire
Sir David Baird, Bart., Newbythe, Prestonkirk, N.B.
Sir Richard Wallace, Bart., M.P. , Sudbonrne Hall, Suffolk
Colonel Taylor, M.P., Balbriggan
W. A. T. Amhurst, Esq., Buckenham Hall, Brandon
W. A. T. Amhurst, Esq., Didlington Hall, Brandon
(alteration of works)
J. Alves Arbuthnot, Esq., J.P., Windsor Park
E. Cropper, Esq., J.P., Penshurst, Kent
G. W. Griffith, Esq., J.P., Hendersyde Park, Kelso
Arthur Kavanagh, Esq., M.P., Bonis, Kilkenny
Henry Crawshay, Esq., M.P., Gloucestershire
Cary V. Elwes, Esq., J.P., Northamptonshire
Hercules Scott, Esq., Brotherton, Montrose
Joliffe Tufnell, Esq., J.P., Langleys, Chelmsford, Essex
Alexander Duncan, Esq., Knossington Hall, Oakham
Major Ramsay, Straloch, Aberdeen
Andrew Fletcher, Esq., Saltan Hall, Tranent
J. Edmcndson & Co. will at all times have pleasure in waiting, free of expense, upon any gentleman of
any part of the United Kingdom, who may, either for himself or his friends, desire to know the cost in
lighting his residence, or other establishment, with Gas, on hearing from him to that effect.
Address the Sole Manufacturers,
Are prepared to furnish Estimates for any works in the above line, and have
always a staff of first-class.workmen to execute them in any part of
the United Kingdom.
They particularly invite the public to take advantage of the facilities which
their house supplies for the erection of
&tainetr <9ia& $mzmovM SBtniwito^
In Churches and Mausoleums, for which purpose they keep a great number
of Drawings ready for inspection ; or, if desired, they are prepared to furnish
Original Designs to suit any of the various styles of architecture,
- - - 29
AMI OTlir.l!
rugs, M _a rr rjr i <; s, b<: r.r o .
THE Public are CAUTIONED against the unfounded statements frequently made. ' that the composition of CHLORODYNE
is known to Chemists and the Medical Profession.' The fact is, CHLORODYNE was Discovered and Invented by
Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE (ex-Army Medical Staff), and so named by him, and it has baffled all attempts at analysis by the
first Chemists of the day. The method and secret of the preparation have never been published. It. is obvious, therefore,
that anything sold under the name, save Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE, is a spurious imitation.
CAUTION.— Yice-Cha.xcei.loe Sin W, P. Wood stated that Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE was undoubtedly the
Inventor of CHLORODYNE.
CHLORODYNE is admitted by the Profession to be the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered.
CHLORODYNE is the best remedy known for Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma.
CHLORODYNE effectually checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases — Diphtheria, Fever, Ceoup, Ague.
CHLORODYNE acts like a charm in Diarrhcea, and is the only specific in Cholera and Dysentery.
'CHLORODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation, and Spasms.
ICHLORODYNE is the only palliative in Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Toothache, Meningitis, &c.
From Lord Francis Coxyxgham. Mount Charles, Donegal, 11th December 18G8.
' Lord Francis Convnghani. who this time last year bought some of Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne from Mr. Davenport, and has found it a
Bst wonderful medicine, will be glad to have half-a-dozen bottles sent at once to the above address.'
*»* Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physicians that he had received a despatch from Her Majesty's Consul at Manilla, to the effect
that Cholera has been raging fearfully, and that the ONLY remedy of any service was CHLORODYNE. — See Lancet, 1st December 18G4.
Sold in Bottles at Is. \\d., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6if., each. None is genuine without the words ' Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE ' on the
Government Stamp. Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each Bottle.
ISole Manufacturer :— J. T. DAVENPORT, 33 Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, London.
under, mBBksm established
SERVANTS (Livery and Domestic), TRAINED NURSES (Men
The Elite of Europe and others supplied with Servants of every capacity.
CHKONOMETERS, WATCHES, and CLOCKS, have long held pre-
eminent rank, as may be seen from the Eeports of various scientific persons: —
The ASTRONOMER ROYAL, In his Eeport to the Admiralty (13th of August 1870) on forty Chronometers
entered for Annual Competition, says of M. F. Dent's Chronometer:
N.B. — The late Astronomer Koyax (J. Pond, Esq.), reporting in 1829 on the celebrated public
trial, by order of the Lords of the Admiralty, which lasted thirteen years, during which nearly 500
Chronometers were tested, says :
' Your Chronometer, No. 114, is entitled to the First Premium. Actual variation in the year O'Cl hundredths of a second
This is superior to any other yet tried,'
The RUSSIAN IMPERIAL ASTRONOMER, M. STEUVB, of St. Petersburg, reporting upon 81 Chronometers
tested by the Eussian Chronometrieal Expedition in 1843, says:
'The Dent Chronometers have held first rank in a brilliant manner. They contributed, beyond dispute, the
MOST effectually to the exactitude of the results. M. STRUVK'
*#* By command of the Emperor, the Russian Gold Medal of the Highest Order
of Merit was presented to Mr. Dent.
SIR WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, Inventor of the Armstrong Gun, says:
9 Hyde Park Street, ~W., 14th November 1861.
'The Chronometer Watch you made for me in December 1859, has never been affected by travelling or riding ; its
variation at the cud of a year was only 45 seconds. It has proved in every respect a most satisfactory watch.
SIR Cr. B. AIRY, Astronomer Royal (in testimony of the excellence of Dent's Turret Clocks), says :
Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 22nd July 1845.
' I believe the Clock which you have constructed for the Royal Exchange to be the best in the world as regards accuracy
of going and of striking. ' ' G, B. AIRY.
'Mr. DENT,
Prize Medal 1862, awarded for
Excellence of Style and Quality.
The Prince and Princess of Wales, The Crown Princess of Germany,
and many Members of the Royal Family.
New Varieties and Shapes constantly being Introduced.
Two Boors from the Soho Bazaar.
*,*■ The Advertisement page* No*. 1 to 35 arc placed at t/ie commencement of this Work ; the other pages,
2ms. 36 to 50 inclasirc, wilt be found at the end of the Volume.
Agra Bank (Limited), Nicholas Lane, Lombard
Street, E.C 24
County Fire Office, George W. Stevens, Esq.,
Secretary. 50 Regent Street, W. ; and 14 Corn-
hill, E.C. 15
Imperial Fire Insurance Company, E. Cozens
Smith. Esq., General Manager. 1 Old Broad
Street. E.C. ; and 16 Pall Mall, S.W 17
Lombard Bank (Limited), James Pryor, Esq.,
Manager, 43 and 44 Lombard Street, E.C. ; and
277 and 279 Regent Street, W 45
National Life Assurance Society, Charles Ansell,
Juu., Esq.. Actuary, 2 King 'William Street, E.C. 14
Positive Government Security Life Assurance Com-
pany (Limited), 34 Cannon Street, London,
E.C. : Managing Director, F. Barrow, Esq., 19
Parliament Street. Westminster ; Secretary, An-
thony Peck, Esq., M.A. ; Manager, Indian and
Colonial Departments, T. Groom Corley. Esq. ... 13
Provident Life Office, J. A. Beaumont, Esq.,
Managing Director, 50 Regent Street, and 14
Cornhill, E.C 16
Reversionary and Investment Company (The
General), W. B. Hodge, Esq., Actuary and
Secretary, 5 "Whitehall. S.W 17
Sun Life Assurance Society, J. G. Priestley, Esq.,
Actuary, 63 Threadne'edle Street, E.C. ; 60
Charing Cross, W.C. ; and Corner of Vere Street,
OxfordlStreet, W 14
Charing Cross Hospital, H. Woolcctt, Esq.,
Secretary, 49 Charing Cross, W.C 17
Cripples' Home (The) and Female Refuge, 17a
Marylebone Road, N.W 19
Orphan Working School, Jonadab Finch, Esq.,
Secretary ; Office, 73 Cheapside, E.C 21
Royal Free Hospital, -James S. jflyth, Esq.,
Secretary, Gray's Inn Road, W.C 19
Royal General Annuity Society, Francis F. Toole,
Secretary, 10 Bell Yard, Gracechurch Street ... 24
Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, C.
Lowther Kemp. Esq., Secretary, City Road, E.C. 20
Samaritan Free Hospital, George Scudamore, Esq.,
Secretary, Lower Seymour Street, Portman
Square, W. Dorset House Branch : 1 Dorset
Street, Manchester Square, W 21
Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal
Benevolent Society, W. II. Symons, Com. R.N.,
Secretary, jHibernia Chambers, London Bridge 22
St. Marylebone Female Protection Society, Georgo
Scudamore, Esq., Secretary, 157-9 Marylebone
. Road, N.W '. 20
Stride's (Miss) Homes, 12 Great Coram Street,
Russell Square, W.C, and Aldborough House,
Tottenham Green ; Offices, 17 Hart Street,
Bloomsbury, W.C 18
Bullionist (The), 7 Finch Lane, E.C 41
Church Quarterly Review — Spottiswoode & Co.,
New-street Square, London 9
Economist (The), 340 Strand, W.C 41
Investors' Month/!/ Manual (The), 340 Strand.W.C. 41
London Library, Robert Harrison, Esq., Secretary,
12 St. James's Square, W.C 23
Macmilkn & Co., 16 Bedford Street, Covent
Garden, W.C 10
Aerated Waters —
Ellis & Sou, Ruthin, North Wales 27
Agricultural Implements —
Clay, C, Stennari Works, Wakefield 27
Anti-Corrosive Paint —
Carson, Walter, & Sons, La Bcllo Sauvage Yard,
Legate Hill, EC, and 21 Bachelor's Walk,
Dublin 60
Bootmakers —
Gundry & Sons, 1 Soho Square, London, W 31
Reid, John, 99 Regent Street, W 7
Tozer, William, 40 Gracechurch Street; and 161
North Street, Brighton 7
Carpet Manufacturers —
Cardinal & Harford, Levaut Warehouse, 108 and
109 High Holborn, W.C 30
Watson, Bontor, & Co. (to H.M. the Queen and
H.R.H. the Prince of Wales), 35 and 36 Old
Bond Street, W 5
China and Glass Designers and Manufacturers —
Goode, Thomas & Co., 19 South Audley Street,
Grosvenor Square, W 18
Phillips, W. P. & G., 357, 358, and 359 Oxford
Street, and 155 New Bond Street, W 23
London: minted by
spottiswoode and co., new-street square
and parliament street
the <~
*A-iA-o. • '
fcbis W&axk
"IX putting forth a new and much enlarged edition of the
' Couxty Families,' I feel it my duty, as Editor, - and also
a pleasure, to thank those numerous friends and correspondents
who have so kindly supplied me with the requisite materials, of
which I have made extensive use. The Work is now corrected
down to the end of December, 1875.
About 50 additional names have been added to the present
edition, without however increasing its bulk. This has been effected
by the omission or curtailment of redundant matter which was not in
strict keeping with the plan of the book. I am in hope that before
long I shall be able to announce that a Genealogical Volume, supple-
mental to this work, is ready to go to press.
Suggestions and corrections will always be gratefully received
by me if addressed to the care of my Publisher ; and I may add
that the ' County Families ' is now published annually, the necessary
arrangements having been made for keeping it standing permanently
in type.
E. W.
17 Chuiich Row, Hampstead, N.W.
January, 1876.
IT is impossible for me to send forth to the Public this work — the result of more
than two years' constant labour and research — without acknowledging in
terms of gratitude the kind and generous assistance which I have received from
almost every quarter, in answer to the circulars which I have issued to the present
representatives of the highest families in the three kingdoms, whether numbered
among the ' titled ' or the ' untitled ' aristocracy, who, with few exceptions, have
freely communicated to me the information which I requested at their hands. Here
and there, it is true, my applications have been met with a refusal on the part of
those who were most nearly interested ; but even in these cases I have endeavoured
to keep faith with the public, by instituting private inquiries among local friends
and correspondents, and by consulting a large library of useful books of reference.
By these means I have been enabled to produce a volume which, in spite of
numerous imperfections, embraces the whole of the titled, and by far the largest
portion of the untitled aristocracy of the three kingdoms, and may, therefore,
fairly lay claim to be styled, in common parlance, a ' Dictionary of the Upper Ten
I am well aware that such a book as this must always remain, in one sense,
imperfect in a country like our own, where, mainly owing to the influence of trade
and commerce, individuals and families are continually crossing and re-crossing
the narrow line which severs the aristocracy from the commonalty. But I can safely
promise that, as often as a new edition of the ' County Families ' shall be called
for, the book shall be found in a state more nearly approaching completion, by the
constant addition of fresh families to the roll of its contents, and by carefully noting
the various changes wrought day by day by the silent operation of births, marriages,
deaths, and preferments, in the families whose names I record.
It is to be hoped that the public and subscribers to the work will pardon such
errata as they may find on referring to their names ; and they will further oblige
me if they will kindly communicate to me those errors, through my Publisher, in
order that they may be rectified in future editions. When they call to mind that
every separate entry involves a statement of from five to fifty facts, inclusive of
dates, the public will be able to realize some portion of the labour of an Editor in
preparing such a work as this for the press.
I have not chosen the title of this work without deliberation. I have called
my book a Manual of the Titled and Untitled Aeistoceact, and have accordingly
arranged both these orders under a single alphabet, because I remember the words
of James I., that ' the king, though he can make a noble, cannot make a gentleman,'1
and because the bearing of arms, not of titles, has ever been considered as the
distinctive mark of true noblesse.
E. W.
17 Church Eow, Hampstead :
March 31, 1860.
All t JWi\< rank among thcm$ch<cs by date qf creation, in the following order: —
English, &v(ch, of Greet Britain, Irish, of the United Kingdom,
Prince of Wales.
Sons of the Sovereign, in order of birth.
Grandsons. Brothers, Nephews, and Uncles of the Sovereign.
Younger Frinees of the Blood Royal,
Archbishop of Canterbury
Lord Chancellor
Archbishops of York. Armagh, Dublin
President of Council
Lord Privy Seal
Lord Great Chamberlain
The Earl Marshal
Lord Steward of Household
Lord Chamberlain of Household
Dukes f
Lord Great Chamberlain
Lord High Constable
Earl Marshal
Lord Steward of Household
Lord Chamberlain of Household,
Marquises t
Dukes' eldest sons
Lord Great Chamberlain") —
Lord High Constable
Earl Marshal
Lord Steward
Lord Chamberlain
Earls f
Eldest sons of Marquises
Younger sons of Dukes
Lord Great Chamberlain "| i
Lord High Constable I > g
Lord Steward | a o
Lord Chamberlain J ^
Viscounts f
Eldest sons of Eirls
Younger sons of Marquises
The Bishops of London, Durham, and Winchester
English Bishops according to date of consecration
The Bishop of Meath
Other Irish Bishops, in order of consecration
Lord Great Chamberlain
Lord High Constable
Lord Steward
Lord Chamberlain of the Household
Secretary of State
Barons f
Speaker of House of Commons
Commissioners of the Great Seal (when they have i
claim to higher rank)
Treasurer oi the Household "| o u
Comptroller of the Household | R J5
Master of the Horse I" o JjP.g
Vice-Chamberlain of the Household J ~*
Secretary of State, if below the rank of Baron
Eldest sons of Viscounts
Younger sons of Earls
Eldest sons of Barons
Knights of the Garter, if of no higher rank
Privy Councillors, in order of appointment, when with
higher precedence
Chancellor of the Garter
Chancellor of Exchequer
Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster
Chief Justice of Queen's Bench
Master of the Rolls
Chief Justice of Common Pleas
Chief Baron of Exchequer
Vice-Chancellors, according to seniority
Puisne Judges of Queen's Bench
Puisne Justices of Common Ploas
Puisne Barons of Exchequer
Commissioners of Bankruptcy
Younger sons of Viscounts
Younger sons of Barons
Baronets of England, Scotland, Great Britain, Ireland,
and United Kingdom, in order of their respective
Knights of the Thistle, if of no higher rank
Knights of St. Patrick, if of no higher rank
Knights Grand Cross of the Bath ; and of St. Michael and
St. George
Knights Commanders of the Bath ; and of St. Michael and
St. George
Knights Bachelors
Companions of the Bath; and of St. Michael and St.
Queen's Counsel
Masters in Chancery
Eldest sons of younger sons of Peers
Eldest sons of Baronets
Eldest sons of Knights Grand Cross of the Bath
Eldest sons of Knights Grand Cross of St. Michael and
St. George
Eldest sons of Knights Commanders of the Bath
Eldest sons of Knights Commanders of St. Michael and
St. George
Eldest sons of Knights Bachelors
Younger sons of the younger sons of Peers
Younger sons of Baronets
Esquires of the Sovereign's Body
Gentlemen of Privy Chamber
Esquires of Knights of the Bath
Esquires by creation and by office
Younger sons of Knights Grand Cross of the Bath ; oi
Knights Grand Cross of St. Michael and St. George;
of Knights Commanders of the Bath ; of Knights Com-
manders of St. Michael and St. George ; and of Knights
General and Flag Officers
Colonels in the Army, Captains in the Navy
Gentlemen entitled to bear arms
Doctors of Divinity, of Laws, of Medicine, and of Music.
Bachelors of Divinity, of Laws, of Medicine, and of Music.
Masters of Arts ; Bachelors of Arts
Clergymen, Barristers, Subaltern Officers in Army or
Navy, Gentlemen by Profession, Citizens, Burgesses,
Yeomen, Tradesmen, Artificers, Labourers.
The general rule is that unmarried females take their rank from their fathers, married ones from their husbands,
if superior in rank to themselves.
Princess of Wales.
Princess Royal.
Other Daughters of the Sovereign, according to birth.
Mother of the Sovereign.
Wives of Sovereign's Sons, according to seniority of their Husbands.
Wives of Sovereign's Grandsons, according to seniority of their Husbands.
Grand-daughters of the Sovereign. Wives of the Sovereign's Brothers. Nieces of the Sovereign. Wives of the
Sovereign's Nephews. AVives of the Sovereign's Uncles.
Other Princesses of the Blood Royal.
Duchesses *
Marchionesses *
Wives of eldest sons -of Dukes
Daughters of Dukes
Wives of eldest sons of Marquises
Daughters of Marquises
Wives of younger sons of Dukes
Wives of eldest sons of Earls
Daughters of Earls
Wives of younger sons of Marquises
Baronesses *
Wives of eldest sons of Viscounts
Daughters of Viscounts
Wives of younger sons of Earls
Wives of eldest sons of Barons
Daughters of Barons
Maids of Honour to the Queen f
Wives of Knights of the Thistle and St. Patrick
Wives of younger sons of Viscounts
Wives of younger sons of Barons
Wives of Baronets
Wives of Knights Grand Cross of the Bath, Grand Cross
of St. Michael and St. George, Companions of the Bath,
and Companions of St. Michael and St. George
Wives of Knights Bachelors
Wives of Companions of the Bath
Wives of eldest sons of younger sons of Peers
Daughters of younger sons of younger sons of Peers
Wives of eldest sons of Baronets
Daughters of Baronets
Wives of eldest sons of Knights Banneret
Wives of eldest sons of Knights Grand Cross of the Bath
Daughters of Knights Grand Cross of the Bath
Wives of eldest sons of Knights Grand Cross of St. Michael
and St. George
Daughters of Knights Grand Cross of St. Michael and St.
Wives of eldest sons of Knights Commanders of the
Daughters of Knights Commanders of the Bath
Wives of eldest sons of Knights Commanders of St. Michael
and St. George
Wives of eldest sons of Knights Bachelors
Daughters of Knights Batchelors
Wives of younger sons of the younger sons of Peers
Wives of younger sons of Baronets
Wives of Esquires of the Sovereign's Body
Wives of Gentlemen of Privy Chamber
Wives of Esquires of Knights of the Bath
Wives of Esquires by creation
Wives of Esquires by office
Wives of younger sons of Knights Banneret
Wives of younger sons of Knights Grand Cross of the
Wives of younger sons of Knights Grand Cross of St.
Michael and St. George
Wives of younger sons of Knights Commanders of the
Wives of younger sons of Knights Commanders of St.
Michael and St. George
Wives of younger sons of Knights Bachelors
AVives of Gentlemen entitled to bear arms
Wives of Doctors of Divinity, Laws, Medicine, Music
Wives of Batchelors of the same
AVives of Clergymen, Serjeants-at-Law, Queen's Counsel,
Barristers, Subaltern Officers, and of Professional
AVives of Citizens and Burgesses
* Peeresses of the same rank take precedence according to the dignity of their husbands,
t During office, are styled " Honourable," and the distinction is continued by courtesy.
h I Wl III I. 25 Abemarle Street. W.
Am ixc.ton, I Arlington Street. AV.
Akmy and Navy, 36 Fall Mall. S.AV.
Army ash Navy (JuxionV 12 Graft on i ? Ire < t.AY.
Arthur's. 69 St. James's Street, S.AV.
Akt-. 17 Hanover Square. W.
Athkx.ISUM. 107 Tall Mall. S.W.
Athf.x.vum (Junior), 116 Piccadilly, W.
Bkrxkrs' (Ladies), 9 Berncrs Street. W.
Boodle's, 28 St. James's Street, S.W.
Brooks's, 60 St. James's Street, S.AV.
Burlixgtox Fixe Arts, 17 Savile Row. SAV.
Cakltox, 94 Pall Mall. S.W.
Carltox (Junior), 30 Pall Mall. S.W.
Cavendish. 307 Regent Street, W.
City Carltox, 83 King William Street, E.C.
City Liberal, 71 Queen Street, E.C.
City of Loxdox, 19 Old Broad Street, City, E.C.
City Uxited, Ludgate Circus, E.C.
Cmx axd Uxited Service. 316 Regent Street,W.
CrvTL Service (see That«H';d House).
Clarence. 1 Regent Street. S.W.
Cocoa Tree, 64 St. James's Street, S.W.
Coxservattve, 74 St. James's Street, S.W.
Conservative (Junior). 29 King Street, S.W.
Cosmopolitan, 30 Charles Street, W.
County, 43 Albermarle Street, W.
Devoxshtre, 50 St. James's Street, S.W.
East Lxdia Uxited Service, 14 St. James's
Square, S.W.
Farmers', Salisbury Square, E.C.
Garrick, Garrick Street, Covent Garden. W.C.
Garrick (Junior) 1a Adelphi Terrace W.C.
Graftox, 10 Grafton Street, W.
Gresham, la King William Street, City, E.C.
Guards', 70 Pall Mall, S.W.
Hanover Square. Hanover Square, W.
Marlborough, 52 Pall Mall, S.W.
National, 1 Whitehall Gardens, S.W.
Naval and Military, 94 Piccadilly, W.
Naval and Military (Junior), 68 Pall Mall,
Oriental, 18 Hanover Square. W.
Oxford and Cambridge, 70 UiU Mall, S.W.
I'm i Mai.t.. 7 Waterloo L'laee, S.W.
Pabk, 7 Park Place, St. James's, S.W.
Portland, l Stratford Place, Oxford Street,
Pratt's, 14 Park Street. S.W.
Prince's. Hans Place. S.W.
Raleigh, 14 Regent Street, W.
Ramblers', 66 Coleman Street, E.C.
Reform, 104 Pall Mall, S.W.
Road, 4 Park Place, St. James's, S.W.
Royal London Yacht, 22 Regent Street,
Royal Thames Yacht. 7 Albemarle Street, AV.
St. George's, 2 Savile Row, AV.
St. James's, 106 Piccadilly, W.
St. Stephen's, Westminster Bridge, S.W.
Savile, 15 Savile Row, AV.
Scientific, 7 Savile Row, W.
Spring Gardens, 9 Spring Gardens, S.AV.
Temple, 37 Arundel Street, Strand, W.C.
Thatched House, 86 St. James's Street, S.AV.
Travellers', 106 Pall Mall, S.W.
Travellers' (New), 15 George Street, AV.
Turf, Piccadilly, W.
Union, Trafalgar Square, S.AV.
United, 24 Charles Street, S.W.
United Service, 116 and 117 Pall Mall, S.AV.
United Service (Junior), 1 1 Charles Street,
United University, Pall Mall East, S.AV.
Universities, 71 Jermyn Street, W.
University (New), 57 St. James's Street,
Victoria, 18 Wellington Street, Strand, AV.C.
Wanderers', 9 Pall Mall, S.W.
Westminster, 23 Albemarle Street, W.
AVhttehall, 46 Parliament Street, S.AV.
White's, 38 St. James's Street, S.W.
Windham, 1 1 St. James's Square, S.W.
Albemarle, 1 Albemarle Street, W.
Alexandra, Hyde Park Corner, S.W.
British, 27 Coekspur Street, W.
Brown's, 21 Dover Street, W.
Brunswick, 1 0 Hanover Square, W.
Buckingham Palace, 9 Buckingham Gate,
Burlington, 19 Cork Street, W.
Cavendish, 81 Jermyn Street, S.W.
Charing Cross, Charing Cross, S.W.
Claridge's, 42 Brook Street, AV.
Craufurd's, 40 Sackville Street, W.
Crawley's (see York).
Fenton's, 63 St. James's Street, S.W.
Ford's, 13 Manchester Street, W.
Grafton, 10 Grafton Street, AV.
Grosvenor, Buckingham Palace Road, S.W.
LangHam, Portland Place, AV.
Looter's, 1 George Street, W.
London, 43 Albemarle Street, AV,
Long's, 16 New Bond Street, W.
Midland (St. Pancras), Euston Road, N.W.
Palace, 9 Buckingham Gate, S.W.
St. George's, 32 Albemarle Street, W.
Storey's, 9 Dover Street, W,
Thomas's, 25 Berkeley Square, W.
Westminster Palace, Victoria Street, S*W.
York, 9 Albemarle Street, W.
As it is impossible for the Editor to suppose, or even to hope, that in so voluminous
a work as 'The County Families,' many errors in spelling, and many omissions,
will not be detected by his Readers, he begs respectfully to inform them that he will be
much obliged if any Member of the 'Families recorded in these pages will Jcindly notify
to him, under cover to his Publisher, Mr. Hardwicke, 192 Piccadilly, the points in
which any omission or erroneous statement may be detected, in order that such defects
may be remedied in all future editions of this book.
The marlc + denotes that the Family to whose name it is prefixed have failed to
supply the Editor with full and satisfactory information in time for publication.
The asterislc (*) denotes the probable line of succession to a title, or else to
entailed or settled estates.
h — Born.
B.A. — Bachelor of Arts.
B.CL. — Bachelor of Civil Laws.
B. D. — Bachelor of Divinity.
C. B. — Companion of the Bath.
C.C.C.— Corpus Christi College.
C.M.G.— Companion of St. Michael and St.
George (of the Ionian Islands).
Ch. Ch.— Christ Church.
CO. — County.
Coll.— College.
C. S.— Civil Service.
d.— Died.
Dau. — Daughter.
D. C.L. — Doctor of Civil Laws.
div. — Divorced.
D. L. or Dep. -Lieut. — Deputy-Lieutenant.
d. s. f. — Died without issue.
E. I.C.S. — East India Company's Service.
F. A.S.— Fellow of the Asiatic Society.
F.G.H.S.— Fellow of the Genealogical and
Historical Society.
F.G.S.—Fellow of the Geological or Geo-
graphical Society.
F.B.S. — Fellow of the Royal Society
F. S.A. — Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries.
G. C.B.— Grand Cross of the Bath.
G.C.H. — Grand Cross of the Hanoverian Order.
G.C.M.G.— Grand Cross of St. Michael and
St. George.
G.C.S.I.— Grand Commander of the Star of
Heir Pres. — Heir presumptive.
Hon . — Honourable .
J.P. — Justice of the Peace or Magistrate.
J.P. and D.L. — Justice of the Peace and
Deputy -Lieutenant.
K.C.B. — Knight Commander of the Bath.
K.C.H. — Knight Commander of Hanover.
K.C.M.G.— Knight Commander of St. Michael
and St. George.
K.C.S.I. — Knight Commander of the Star . of
K.G.— Knight of the Garter.
K.H. — Knight of Hanover.
K.L.S. — Knight of the Lion and Sun.
KM.— Knight of Malta.
K.P.— Knight of St. Patrick.
K.T.— Knight of the Thistle.
K.T.S.— Knight of the Tower and Sword.
LL.D. — Doctor of Laws.
m. — Married.
M.A.— Master of Arts.
M.P. — Member of Parliament.
P.C. — Privy Councillor.
Q.C. — Queen's Counsel.
E.A. — Eoyal Artillery or Eoyal Academy.
E.E. — Boyal Engineers.
R.H. — Boyal Highness.
E.H.A. — Eoyal Horse Artillery.
E.M. — Eoyal Marines.
Ees. Mag. — Eesident Magistrate.
E.N.— Eoyal Navy.
Et. Hon. — Eight Honourable.
s. — Succeeded (to a title or estate).
I V.C. — Victoria Cross.
f be Oaten ani tlje ilonal /amiln.
LEXAXDEIXA VICTORIA, of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Ireland, and of the Colonies and
Dependencies thereof in Eurofe, Asia, Africa, America, and
Australasia, Queen, Defender of the Faith.
Her Majesty is the only child of the late Prince Edward, Duke of Kent (4th
son of King George ITT.), -who died January 23rd, 1820, by the Princess Victoria
Mazy Louisa, 4th dau. of Francis Frederick Anthony, late reigning Duke of Saxe
Coburg-Saalfeld, sister of His Majesty Leopold I., King of the Belgians, and
■widow of Eniich Charles, reigning Prince of Leiningcn (she died March 16th,
1861). Her Majesty was born at Kensington Palace, May 24th, 1819 ; succeeded
to the Throne on the death of her uncle, King William the Fourth, June 20th,
1837 ; married February 10th, 1840, to H.R.H. Prince Francis Albert Augustus
Charles Emanuel, Duke of Saxony, Prince of Coburg and Gotha (2nd son of
Ernest Frederick Anthony Charles Louis, late reigning Duke of Saxe Coburg and
Gotha), and by him, who died December 14th, 1861, Her Majesty has issue,
1. VICTORIA ADELAIDE MARIA LOUISA, Princess Royal, b. November 21st, 1840;
m. at the Chapel Royal, St. James's Palace, January 25th, 1858, II.I.H. Frederick
William Nicholas Charles, Crown Prince of Germany and Prussia, K.G. (b. October
18th, 1831). Their Imperial Highnesses have issue,
3. PRINCE ALBERT WILLIAM HENRY, b. August 14th, 1862.
4. PRINCE FRANCIS FREDERIC SIGISMUND, b. Sept. 15th, 18G4 ; d. June 18th, 1S6G.
2. ALBEKT EDWAED, PRINCE OF WALES, and Duke of Cornwall, &c. (see p. 230),
J. at Buckingham Palace, November 9th, 1841; m. at Windsor, March 10th, 1863, the
Princess Alexandra Caroline Mary Charlotte Louisa Julia, eldest dau. of Christian IX.,
King of Denmark, and has issue,
<J <1x c/[ &-»-/>^Cf7 prince ALBERT VICTOR CHRISTIAN EDWARD, Duke of Cornwall, b. January 8th, 1864.
3. PRINCESS ALICE MAUD MARY, b. April 25th, 1843; m. July 1st, 1862, H.R.H.
Prince Louis of Hesse, K.G., and has issue,
d. May 29, 1873.
4. PRINCE ALFRED ERNEST ALBERT, Duke of Edinburgh, G.C.M.G. &c. (see p. 316),
b. August 6th, 1844 ; m. January 23rd, 1874, Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess
Marie Alexandrovna, only dau. of His Majesty the Emperor of Russia, and has issue,
5. PRINCESS HELENA AUGUSTA VICTORIA, b. May 25th, 1846; m. July 5th, 1866,
H.R.H. Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderbourg-Augustenbourg, and has '
Aug. 12, 1872.
PRINCESS LOUISE CAROLINE ALBERTA, b. March 18th, 1848; m. March 21, 1871,
John Douglas Sutherland, Marquis of Lome, K.T. (see under Argyll, Duke of).
7. PRINCE ARTHUR WILLIAM PATRICK ALBERT, Duke of Connaught, K.G., &c. (see
p. 220).
8. PRINCE LEOPOLD GEORGE DUNCAN ALBERT, Prince of the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and L-eland, Duke of Saxony, and Prince of Coburg and Gotha,
K.G., K.T., P.C., b. April 7th, 1853.
Residences.— Windsor Castle, Berks ; Osborne House, near East Cowes, Isle
of Wight ; Balmoral, near Aberdeen, N.B. ; Buckingham Palace, and
St. James's Palace, S.W.
Barnes received too late for classification will be found in the SUPPLEMENT.)
ABA1UM. Edward, Esq., of Middleton Hall,
Eldest son of the late Edward Hamlin Adams, Esq.. of
Middleton Hall (who was M.P. for eo. Carmarthen
1S33-4. and Hi;rh Sheriff 1832), by Amelia Sophia,
dau. of John MT'herson, Esq.. of Philadelphia. U.S.:
b. 1S09: «. 1S42: m. 1836 Louisa, dan. of John Taylor,
Esq., of York, aud had. with other issue,
Conrade Maxwell Macrherson Middleton. b. 1S45 ; d. 1873.
having m. ISfiS Susanne Mary, eldest dau. o£ the late
Capt. Saunders, of Tymawr, co. Cardigan.
Mr. Abadam is a Magistrate for co. Carmarthen (Higli
Sheriff 1855), and Lord of the Manors of Gwynionydd-
Uweheerdin, Gwynionydd-Iseerdin. aud Caerwedros. co.
Cardigan ; he has resumed the ancient orthography of
the family name. — Middleton Hall, Uandilv.
+ ABBES, the Bev. George Coopek, of Cleadon
Hall, co. Durham.
Son of the late G. Abbes, Esq.. by n dau. of the late
— Cooper, Esq. : b. 1798. Educated at St. Johns Coll..
Cambridge (B.A. 1S21): is Patron and Lay Improprietor
of Ingleby Arnecliffe, co. York ; late Curate of Dalton-
le-Dale, co. Durham. — Cleadon Hall, near Sunderland.
ABBOT. (See under Colchester, Lord.)
ABBOTT, Sir Frederick, Knt. C.B. (cr.1854).
Third son of the late Henry H. Alexius Abbott, Esq.,
of Little Court, Herts: b. 1805; m. 1835 Frances, dau.
of Lieut.-Col. Cox, K.A. (and -widow of Lieut. -Col.
Hubert De Burgh). Educated at Add iscombe ; entered
the Bengal Engineers 1S22; served in the Burmese war ;
was Superintendent Engineer of the N.-Western Pro-
vinces of Bengal 1841-7 ; became a Major-General on
retired list 1858 ; was Governor of the Military College,
Addiseombe, 1851-61 ; a memberof Council ofMilitary
Education 1862-8.
ABBOTT. (See under Tenterden, Lord.)
ABDT, Sir Thomas Neville, Bart., of Albyns,
Essex and Chobham, Surrey- (cr. 1849).
Only son of the late Anthony Abdy, Esq., Capt. R.N.,
by Grace, dau. of the late Admiral Sir Thomas Rich ;
6.1810; 1841 Harriet, dau. of the late Rowland
Alston, Esq., M.P. Educated at St. John's Coll.,
Cambridge (B.A. 1833); is in the Commission of the
Peace for Essex (High Sheriff 1875), and Patron of
I living; was M.P. for Lyme Regis 1847-52. — Albyns,
Staple ford- Abbots, Romford ; Chobham Place, Chertsey ;
Brooks's and Athaueum Clubs, saw; 6, G-rosvinor
Place, s.w.
Heir, his son William Neville, b. 1844.
ABERCORH", Duke of (James Hamilton,
K.G., P.C.).— Cr. 1868.
Eldest son of James, Viscount Hamilton (who d. 1814),
by Harriet, dau. of the late Hon. John Douglas, and
grandson of John James, 1st Marquis of Abercorn ;
b. 1811; S. as 2nd Marquis 1818; m. 1832 Lady Louisa
Jane, dau. of John, 6th Duke of Bedford, K.G. Edu-
cated at Ch. Ch., Oxford; cr. LL.D. of Dublin 1868;
is Lord Lieut, and Gustos Rotulorum of co. Donegal, a
J.P. and D.L. for co. Tyrone, Patron of 2 livings, a
Governor of Harrow School, Grand Master of Free-
masons in Ireland, and Major-General Scottish
Archers; was Lord Lieutenant of Ireland 1866-8,
re-appointed 1874 ; formerly Groom of the Stolo to
H.R.H. the late Prince Consort. Sits in the House of
Lords as Marquis of Abercorn, cr. 1790. — Baron's
Court. Newtown- Stewart, Ireland, ; Buddingsfonc House,
Portobcllo, N.B. ; Carlton and Travellers' Clubs, s.w. ;
Hampden House, 58, Green Street, w.
Heir, his son James, Marquis of Hamilton ; educated at Har-
row and Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. ISfin, M.A. 18Gr>) ; is a Ma-
gistrate for co. Donegal, Hon. Col. Donegal Militia, Ensign
London Scottish Rifle Volunteers, and a Lord of the Bed-
chamber to the Prince of Wales ; elected M.P. for co.
Donegal 1860 ; b. 1S38 ; m. 18(i!) Lady Mary Anna, youngest
dau. of Richard, 1st Earl Howe, and has issue * James
Albert. Edward, Lord Paisley, b. 18(5!).
ABERCROMBY, Lord (George Campbell
Abercromby). — Cr. 1801.
Eldest son of George, 3rd Lord, by Louisa Penuel, dau.
of the late Hon. John Hay Forbes (who was a Scottish
Judge of Session as Lord Medwyn) ; b. 1838 ; s. as 4th
Lord 1852 ; m. 1858 Lady Julia Janet Georgiana, dau.
of Adam, 2nd Earl of Camperdown ; is a J.P. and D.L.
for cos. Stirling and Clackmannan. — Tullibody, Alloa,
Clackmannanshire ; Ferntoirer, Q'ieff, Perthshire ; Air-
thric Castle, Stirling, N.B. ; 13, Charles Street, w.
Heir Pres.. his brother John, educated at Harrow, late Lieut.
Rifle Brigade, 6. 1841.
ABERCROMBY, Sir Robert John, Bart., of
Birkenbog and Forglen, Banffshire (cr.
Eldest son of the late Sir George Samuel Abercromby,
Bart., of Birkenbog and Forglen, by the Hon. Agnes
Georgiana, 2nd dau. of John, 3rd Lord Kilmaine;
B 1
6. 1850; s. as 7th Bart. 1872. Educated at Eton;
is a Magistrate for co. Banff, and Chief of the clan
Abcreromby. — Forglen House, Turriff, Banffshire ; Fer-
iiio!/, co. Cork ; 5, Poriman Square, w.
Heir Pres., his brother George Cosmo, Sub-Lieut. Scots Fusi-
lier Guards ; b. 1854.
ABBRCROMBY, Alexander Ainsworth, Esq.,
of Craigrownie, Dumbartonshire.
Only son of the late Alexander Abcreromby, Esq.,
of Craigrownie, by Ellen, dan. of Jesse Ainsworth,
Esq., of Wickenha.ll; ft. 1836. Educated at Glasgow
University; is a Magistrate for co. Dumbarton. — Craig-
roicnie House, Cove, by Greenock, N.B. ; Western Club,
Glasgow ; Junior Carlton Club, s.w.
ABERCROMBY. (See under Dunfermline, Lady.)
ABERCROMBY of Glassaugh.
(See Duff of Glassaugh and Fcttcrcsso.)
ABERDARE, Lord (Henry Austin Bruce,
P.O.).— Cr. 1873.
Second son of the late John Bruce-Pryce, Esq., of
Duffryn (who d. 1872), by Sarah, dau. of the late Rev.
Hugh Williams Austin ; ft. 1815 ; m. 1st 1846 Anna-
bella, dau. of Kichard Beadon, Esq. (she d. 1852) ; 2nd
1854 Norah, dau. of the late Lieut. -General Sir Wil-
liam F. Patrick Napier, K.C.B. Called to the Bar at
Lincoln's Inn 1837 ; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Gla-
morgan, and Deputy Chairman of Quarter Sessions ;
was M.P. for Merthyr Tydvil 1852-68, and for co.
Eenfrow 1869-73 ; Under-Secretary of State for Home
Department 1862-4 ; Vice-President of the Committee
of Council of Education, and a Charity Commissioner
of England and Wales 1864-6 ; Home Secretary
1868-73 ; was Lord President of the Council 1873-4;
sworn a Member of the Privy Council 1864; appointed
an Ecclesiastical Commissioner 1869. — Duffryn, Aber-
dare ; Athenaeum Club, s.w. ; 1, Queen's Gate, w.
Heir, his son Henry Campbell, b. 1851.
ABERDEEN", Earl of (John Campbell Hamil-
ton-Gordon).— Cr. 1682.
Only surviving son of George John James, 5th Earl,
(who d. 1864), by Lady Mary, dau. of the late George
Baillie, Esq., of Jerviswood, and sister of George, 10th
Earl of Haddington ; ft. 1847 ; «. his brother as 7th Earl
1870. Sits in the House of Lords as Visct.' Gordon,
U.K. (cr. 1814). Educated at University Coll., Ox-
ford (B. A., 1871); is a Magistrate for co. Aberdeen.
— Haddo House, Aberdeen, N.B. ; Carlton Club, s.w.
Heir Pres., his uncle Major-Gen. Sir Alexander, K.C.B. ;
educated at Harrow ; a Lieut. -Gen. in the Army, Governor
of the Fiji Islands, and Col. 100th Foot ; formerly Deputy
Quarter-Master General ; 6. 1817; m. 1852 Caroline Emilia
Mary, eldest dan. of the late Sir John Herschel, Bart., and
has, with other issue, * Alexander, b. 1859.
ABERDOUR, Lord. (See under Morton, Earl of.)
ABERGAVENNY, Earl of (William
Nevill).— Cr. 1784.
Eldest surviving son of William, 4th Earl, by Caroline,
dau. of the late Ralph Leeke, Esq., of Longford Hall,
co. Salop; ft. 1826; «. 1868; m. 1848 Caroliue, dau.
of the late Sir John Vanden-Bcmpde-Johnstone, Bart.,
M.P., of Hackness Hall, co. York. Educated at Eton ;
is a J.P. and D.L. for Sussex, a Magistrate for Kent and
co. Monmouth, and Patron of 24 livings ; Hon. Col. W.
Kent Yeomanry ; formerly in the 2nd Life Guards.
— Fridge Castle, Tunbridge Wells, Sussex ; Carlton and
Conservative Clubs, s.w. ; 34, Dover Street, w.
Heir, his son Reginald William Bransby, Visct. Nevill; b.
ABINGDON, Earl of (Montagu Bertie).— Cr.
Eldest son of Montagu, 5th Earl, by Emily, dau. of the
late General Hon. Thomas Gage; ft. 1808; s. 1854;
in. 1835 Elizaboth Lavinia, only dau. of the late George
Granville Harcourt, Esq., M.P., of Nuneham Park, Oxon
(she d. 1858). Educated at E'xm and Trinity Coll.,
Cambridge (M.A. 1829); is Lord Lieut, and Custos
Rotulorum of Borks, J.P. and D.L. for Oxon, Lord of
the Manors of Wytham, &c, and High Steward of
Abingdon and Oxford; was M.P. for Oxfordshire
1830-1 and 1832-52; for Abingdon 1852-54. Patron
of 4 livings. — Wytham Abbey, Oxford ; Brooks's, White's,
and St. James's Clidis, s.w. ; 1 8, Grosvenor Street, w.
Heir, his son Montagu Artl'.ur, Lord Norreys ; educated at
Eton ; a J.P. and D.L. for Berks, a D.L. for Oxon, and
Lieut.-Col. R. Berks Militia ; b. 1836 ; m. 1858 Caroline
Teresa, eldest dau. of Ch:irlesTowneley,Esq.,o; Towneley,
co. Lancaster, and by her (who <?. 1873) has, with other issue,
* Montagu Charles Francis, b. 1860.
ABINGER, Lord (William Frederick Scar-
lett).—Cr. 1835.
Only son of Robert Campbell, 2nd Lord, by Sarah, dau.
of the late George Smith, Esq., formerly Chief Justice,
of the Mauritius; ft. 1826; s. 1861 ; m. 1863 Helen,
2nd dau. of the late Capt. George Allan Magruder.
Educated at Eton and Trinity Coll., Cambridge is a
Dep. -Lieut, for Surrey and co. Inverness, and Major
Scots Fusilier Guards. — Inverlochy Castle, Kingussie,
N.B. ; Carlton and Guards' Clubs, s.w. ; 3, Queen's
Gate Terrace, s.w.
Heir, his son James Yorke MacGregor, 6. 1871.
ABNEY, Mrs., of Measbam Hall, Derbyshire.
Helen Joan Sinclair, eldest dau. of the late James
Buchanan, Esq., of Craigend Castle, co. Dumbarton, by
Lady Janet, dau. of James, 12th Earl of Caithness;
in. 1828 William Wotton Abney, Esq., of Measbam
Hall, J.P. and D.L., who died without surviving issue
1 866 . — Measham Hall, Ashby-de-la-Zoueh.
Heir Pres., her husband's next brother, the Rev. Edward
Henry, of the Firs, near Derby, Patron and Vicar of St.
Alkmund's and Rural Dean of Derby, and Proctor in Con-
vocation; B.A. of Exeter Coll., Oxford; second son of
Wm. Wotton Abuey, Esq., of Measham, Capt. R. Horse
Guards, by Elizabeth, dau. of the late Wm. Richardson,
Esq. , of Fulf ord Hall, co. Toik ; 6.1811; m. Catharine,
dau. of Jedediah Strutt, Esq., of Belper, co. Derby, and
has, with other issue,* William de Wiveleslie, Lieut. R.E.;
b. 1843 ; m. 1S64, Agnes, dau. of Edward Smith, Esq., of
Tickton, co. York, and has, with other issue, * Lancelot
Edward Grey, b. 1868.
(See Hastings of Willeslcy, and Earl of Loud,oun.)
ABOYNE, Earl of. (See under Huntly, Marquis of.)
+ ABRAHAM, tbe Rev. Thomas Edward, of
Risby, Suffolk.
Son of the late Capt. Abraham, of Frimley, near Farn-
borough ; ft. 1812 ; m. 1846 the Hon. Ellen, eldest dau.
of Richard, 1st Lord West bury. Educated at Balliol
Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1833, M.A. 1836); is a Magistrate
for Suffolk, Rector of Risby, and Rural Dean of
Thingoe ; formerly Rector of Barton Mills, Suffolk, and
Incumbent of Bickerstaffe, co. Lancaster. — Bisby, Bury
St. Edmunds.
ACHESON, Viscount. (See under Gosford, Earl of .)
ACKERLEY. (See Chamberlaync.)
+ACKERS, Abraham, Esq., of Bickershaw
Hall, Lancashire.
Son of the late A. Ackers, Esq. ; ft. 1800; is married,
and has issue * Charles Peter, ft. 1830 ; m. 1860 Mary,
youngest dau. of Thomas Glover, Esq., of Park Road,
Chorley, co. Lancaster. Is a Manufacturer. — Bicker-
shaw Hall, near Wig an.
ACKERS, Benjamin St. John, Esq., of Prink-
nasb Park, Gloucestershire.
Only surviving son of the late James Ackers, Esq., of
Prinknash Park, formerly M.P. for Ludlow (who d.
1868V by Mary. youngest >1iui. of the late Benjamin Wil-
liams, hso, of LVwrdm Lodge, co. Chester; b. 1830;
m. 1861 Louisa Maria Jane, eldest dan. of Charles
Br«0k« Hunt. Esq.. J.P. and D.L.. lato of Bowden Hall,
co. Gloucester, an', has. with other issue. * James Arthur,
h. 18*3. Mr. Ackers was educated at Rugby aud St.
John's Coll., Oxford, and called to the Bar at Lincoln's 1
Inn 1865. — Primkmnk Pari; PsSnsWidt.
ACKERS. Mrs . of Groat Moreton, Cheshire.
Harriott Susan, 2nd dau. of the late Henry William
llutton. Esq. of Beverley, CO. York; m. 1838 George
Holland Ackers. Esq, of Great Moreton Hall (who d.
18721. leaving is.-ue * Georgians Harriott, ;n. 1858 Sir
C. W. Shakerley. Bart. [trL,,» sec); and Constance
Marianne, m. 1872 FitzRoy Donald, only son of Sir
Charlas FiURoy Maclean. Bart. The late Mr. Ackers
was a J. P. and D.L. for co. Chester (High Sheriff
1852).— Great Moreton, Congleton ; 15, Hyde Park
Terrace, w.
AOLAKD, of Fairfield.
(Sec umler Hood, Sir A., Hart.)
A'COUKT-HOLMES. (See under lLytesbury, Lord.)
A'000 UT-KKIMNGTON, ( 'iiaklkk II . \i;v
Wv.nimiam, Esq., of Amington Hall, War-
Only son of the late Lieut.-Gen. Charles Ashe A'Court-
Repington, C.B., of Amington (who assumed the ad-
ditional name of Remington on succeeding to the estato
of Amington in 1855), by .Mary Elizabeth Catharine,
only dau. of Abraham Qibbs, Esq.; b. 1819 ; s. 1861 ;
in. 1854 Emily, eldest dau. of the late Henry Carrie,
Esq., of West Hoi-seley, Surrey, and has issue. Mr.
A'Court-Eepington, who was educated at Eton and St.
John's Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1841, M.A. 1848), is
Lord of the Manor of Amington; was M.P. for Wilton
1852-5. — Aldington, Tamworth ; Travellers' Club, s.w.
+ ACKl.ANl>. Kor, K1n.M Kv. Esq, of Bonis- ACTON, Lord (Jonx Emkkicu Edward Dal-
beeg-Actox). — Cr. 1809.
ton Honso. Pembrokeshire.
Son of the late Robert James Ackland, Esq.. of Bonis ton
Hou-e : b. 1820; M, 1845 Elizabeth, dau. of John P..
A. Lloyd-Philipps, Esq. Educated at Eton ; is a
Magistrate for co. Pembroke. — Botdston House, Haver- 1
ACLAND, Sir Thomas Dyke, Bart., D.C.L, of
Killerton, Devon (cv. 1644).
Eldest sou of the late Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, Bart.,
of Killerton ^who was M.P. for Devon 1812-31. and for j
X.Devon 1837-57), by Lydia Elizabeth, dau. of the : ACTON, Edwaed Fareee, Esq, of Gatacrc
Only son of the late Sir Ferdinand Richard Edward
Acton, Bart., of Aldenham, co. Salop (who d. 1837), by
Marie, only child of Emerieh Joseph, Due Dalbcrg; b.
1834; m. i8G5 Marie, eldest dau. of Count Arco Valley,
of Munich, Educated at St. Mary's Coll., Oseott ; is a
J. P. and D.L. for co. Salop, and Patron of 1 living;
was M.r. for Carlow 1859-05, for Bridgnorth 1865-6.
— Aldenham Hall, Bridgnorth ; Brooks's and Aihcn-
aum Clubs, s.w.
Heir, his son Richard Maximilian, b. 1S70.
late Henry Hoare, Esq.; b. 1809; as 11th Bart.
1S71 : m. 1st 1S41 Man-, dau. of the late Sir Charles
Mordaunt, Bart, (she </. 1S51) ; 2nd, 1856 Mary, dau.
of the late John Erskine, Esq. Educated at Harrow 1
andCh. Ch.. Oxford (B.A. 1831), subsequently Fellow I
of All Souls' Coll. (M.A. 1835) : is a J.P. and D.L. ,
for Devon, a Magistrate for Somerset, Lord of the
Manors of Killerton, ecc Patron of 7 livings, and Major
S. Devon Yeomanry Cavalry ; was M.P. for W. So-
merset 1837-47 ; elected M.P! for N. Devon 1S65; late
an Ecclesiastical Commissioner. — Killerton and Broad-
cast, Exeter ; Holnicotc, Minehcad, Somerset ; Athcneeum
Club, s.w.
Heir, his son Charles Thomas, M.A. of Ch. Ch., Oxford ;
Barrister-at-law of the Inner Temple ; a Dep. Lieut, for
Somerset : b. 1S42.
Park, Shropshire.
Eldest son of the late Edward Acton Acton, Esq., of
Gatacre, by Frances Elizabeth, dau. of the Rev. J. G.
Spurgeon; b. 1805; 1822; m. 1832 Mary Anne,
youngest dau. of the Rev. Horace Suckling, Rector of
Barsharo, Suffolk, and has, with other issue,
* Edward William Frederick, late Capt. 7Cth Foot ; b. ISSi ;
rii. 1855 Helen Maria, dau. of W. P. Ranney, Esq., of St.
John's, N. Brunswick, and has issue * Helen Beatrice.
Mr. Acton, who was educated at Trinity Hall, Cam-
bridge (B.C.L. 1828), is a J.P. and D.L. for cos. Salop
aud Stafford, Lord of the Manor of Tasley, co.
Salop, Patron of 1 living, aud a Lieut.-Col., late of the
Shropshire Militia. — Gatacrc Park, Bridgnorth ; Oxford
a?id Cambridge Club, s.w.
ACTON, Thomas, Esq, of West Aston, co.
Eldest son of the late Col. Wm. Actou, of West Aston
(w-ho was M.P. for co. Wicklow 1841-8, and High
Sheriff of that co. in 1820), by Caroline, dau. of Thomas
Walker, Esq., Master in Chancery in Ireland ; b. 1820;
s. 1854. Is a Magistrate for co. Wicklow. — West Aston,
near Bathdrum, co. Wicklow.
ACLAND, Hexry Wentworth Dtke, Esq,
F.R.S, of Ellicombe, Somerset.
Fourth son of the late Sir Thomas Dyke Acland,
Bart., of Killerton, Devon (who d. 1871), by Lydia
Elizabeth, only dau. of Henry Hoare, Esq.. of Miteham,
Surrey ; b. 1815 ; m. 1846 Sarah, eldest dau. of the
late Wm. Cotton. Esq., of Walwood, Essex, and has,
with other issue, * William Alison, R.N., b. 1847.
Mr. Acland, who was educated at Ch. Ch., Oxford
(B.A. 1840), and was afterwards Fellow of All Souls'
Coll. (M.A. 1842. M.D. 1848), is Regius Professor of ,
Medicine and Radcliffe Librarian in the University of | ACTON, WlLLIAM, Esq, of Brookville, CO.
Second surviving son of the late Rev. Thomas Acton,
by Sidney, dau. of Hampden Evans, Esq., of Portrane,
co. Dublin, and grandson of the late Thomas Acton,
Esq, of West Aston, co. Wicklow ; b. 1824- ; was High
Sheriff of co. Leitrim 1875. — Brookville, Baheny, co.
Heir Pres., his brother William Molesworth Cole, late Capt.
77th Foot ; b. 183U ; m. 1861 Elizabeth Frances, only child
of the late Capt. F. A. Robinson, 5th Foot.
Oxford, and Hon. Physician to H.R.H. the Prince of
Wales. — Ellico?nbe, near Bunstcr ; Athcneeitm Club,
s.w. Residence : Oxford.
ACLAND, Lawforp, Esq, of Langdown, Hants.
Eldest surviving son of the late Gideon Acland, Esq,
of Camberwell, by Maria, dau. of Samuel Lawford,
Esq, of Peckham, Surrev ; b. 1811 ; m. 1850 Robina I . TTT . -n m {• w i ,
Jemima, dau. of the late Major Roderick Maclean, and ' ACTON, WlLLIAM ROBERT, Esq, of Wolverton
has, with other issue, * Lawford Maclean, b. 1852. Mr.
Acland, who is a Justice of the Peace for Bombay, was
formerly in the H.E.I. C.'s Maritime Service, and after-
wards Solicitor to the Bombay Government. — Langdown \
Lawn, Hythe, Southampton; Oriental Club, w.
Hall, Worcestershire.
Son of the late William Joseph Acton, Esq., J.P, of
Wolverton Hall (who d. 1871), by Mary, widow of
William Trafford, Esq.; b. 1835; m. 1861 Sarah,
eldest dau. of Robert Dand, Esq., of Field House,
B 2 3
Lesbury. Northumberland, and lias, with other issue,
* William Walter, 6. 1862. Mr. Acton is a Magistrate
for eo. Worcester, and Lord of the Manor of Wolver-
ton. — Wolverton Hall, 1'crshore.
Scott, Shropshire.
Frances, eldest dau. of the late Thomas Andrew Knight,
Esq., F.R.S., of Downton Castle, co. Hereford, by
Frances, dau. of Humphrey Felton, Esq., of Woodhall,
eo. Salop; in." 1812 Thomas Pendarves Stackhouse-
Acton, Esq., of Acton Scott, who d. 1835. Is Patron
of Acton Scott. — Acton Scott, Church Stretton.
Heir Pres., t her grandnephew Augustus Wood, Esq. (son of
John Wood, Esq., and Mary, niece of Mr. Stackhouse-
Acton) ; 6. 1S42 ; is a Magistrate for Somerset.
ACWORTH, Nathaniel Brindley, Esq., of The
Hook, Herts.
Third son of the late William Acworth, Esq. ; b. 1805;
m. 1846 Anna Diana, dau. of the Very Rev. Francis
Close, Dean of Carlisle, and had, with other issue,
Francis William, b. 1847, d. 1872. Mr. Acworth, who
was called to the Chancery Bar 1844, and was formerly
Registrar of the Supreme Court at Madras, is a
Magistrate for Herts and Middlesex, and the Liberty
of St. Albans. — The Hook, Northaw, Barnct ; Oriental
Club, w.
ADAIR, Alexander William, Esq., of Heath-
erton, Somerset, and Colhays, Devon.
Eldest son of the late Alexander Adair, Esq., of Heather-
ton Park (LP. for Somerset, and High Sheriff in 1837),
by Harriet Eliza, dau. of George Atkinson, Esq., of
Lee, Kent; b. 1829; s. 1863; m. 1860 Caroline, dau.
of J. G. Tmnbull, Esq., late Accountant- General at
Madras, and has, with other issue, * Gerald, b. 1865.
Lieut.-Col. Adair, who was educated at Eton and Ch.
Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1852, M.A. 1856), is a Magistrate for
Somerset and Devon, and Lieut.-Col. 2nd Somerset
Militia ; formerly Lieut, and Capt. Coldstream Guards.
■ — Heatlierton Park, Taunton ; Colhays, Bovey Tracy,
Devon; Guards' Club, s.w.
ADAIR, Henry, Esq., of Loughaninore, co.
Eldest surviving son of the late Thomas Benjamin
Adair, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Loughanmore, High
Sheriff 1801 (who d. 1855), by Amelia Sophia Leonora,
dau. of Colonel Benjamin Adair, R.M. ; b. 1810 ; s. his
brother Charles 1866. Educated at Exeter Coll., Ox-
ford ; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Antrim (High Sheriff
1871). — Loughanmore, Parkgate, Belfast.
Heir Pres., his brother Benjamin Clements, Captain Royal
Antrim Artillery ; 6. 1812.
ADAIR, the Rev. Hugh Jenison, of Bradford,
Third son of the late Alexander Adair, Esq., of Heather-
ton Park, Somerset, by Harriet Eliza, dau. of George
Atkinson, Esq., of Temple Sowerby, Westmoreland ; b.
1835; m. 1865 Elizabeth, dau. of Bruce Campbell,
Esq., of Mayfield, co. Ayrshire, and has issue * Florence
Janet. Mr. Adair, who was educated at Harrow and
Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1859, M.A. 1865), is Patron and
Vicar of Bradford. — Bradford, near Taunton.
ADAIR, John George, Esq., of Rathdaire,
Queen's Co.
Only son of the late George Adair, Esq., of Rath-
daire, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff of Queen's Co. 1822
(who d. 1873), by Elizabeth, dau. of the late Very
Rev. Thomas Trench, Dean of Kiklare ; b. 1 823 ; m.
1867 Cornelia, dau. of Gen. Wadsworth, of Geneseo,
t Un ler the will of E. W. W. Pendarves, Esq., M.P., of Pendarves,
Cornwall, brother of the late Mr. Stackhouse-Acton,
U.S., and widow of Col. Ritchie, U.S.A. Educated at
Trinity Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1843) ; is a J.P. and D.L.
for co. Donegal (High Sheriff 1867), and a Magistrate
for cos. Kildare, Tipperary, and Queen's Co. — Rath-
daire, Ballybrittas, Queens Co.; Glenveagh Castle, co,
ADAIR. (See Waveney, Lord.)
ADAM, the Right Hon. William Patrick, of
Blair Adam, Kinross-shire.
Elder son of the late Admiral Sir Charles Adam,
K.C.B., of Blair Adam (many years M.P. for cos.
Clackmannan and Kinross, and some time Governor of
Greenwich Hospital), by Elizabeth, dau. of the late
Patrick Brydone, Esq., F.R.S. ; b. 1823; m. 1856
Emily, eldest dau. of Gen. Sir William Wyllie, K.C.B.,
and has, with other issue, * Charles Elphinstone, b.
1859. Mr. Adam, who was educated at Rugby and
Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1846), called to the Bar
at the Inner Temple 1850, is a J.P. and D.L. for cos.
Kinross and Fife; elected M.P. for cos. Clackmannan
and Kinross 1859 ; was a Lord of the Treasury 1865-6
and 1868-73 ; Chief Commissioner of Works and Pay-
master-General 1873-4 ; sworn a Member of the Privy
Council 1873. — Blair Adam, Kinross, N.B.; Bi-voks's,
Reform, and Athenaum Clubs, s.w. ; 65, Eaton Square, ■
ADAM, William Parker, Esq., of Tour, Ayr-
Only son of the late Robert Parker Adam, Esq., of
Tour, by Margaret, 2nd dau. of James Haldane, Esq.,
of Broomlands, N.B. ; b. 1839 ; 5. 1860 ; is a Magistrate
for co. Ayr, and Capt. Ayrshire Yeomanry. — Tour,
Kilmarnock, N.B.
ADAMS, Lady, of Temple Hill, Devon.
Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of the late Sir William
Elford, Bart, M.P., of Plymouth (ext.) ; m. 1821 (as
2nd wife) Gen. Sir George Pownoll Adams, K.C.H.
(eldest son of the late Wm. Adams, Esq., M.P., of
Bowdon House, Ashprington, Devon), who d. 1856,
leaving, with other issue, * George Dacres, in Holy
Orders ; b. 1824 ; m. 1857 Elizabeth Agnes, eldest dau.
of the late Rev. Charles T. Patrick, of Accleton, co. Salop.
— Temple Hill, East Budleigh, near Exmouth.
ADAMS, Ambrose Going, Esq., of Northlands,
co. Cavan.
Second son of the late John Hervey Adams, Esq., J.P.,
of Northlands, High Sheriff of co. Cavan 1854 (who
d. 1870), by his 1st wife, Elizabeth, 3rd dau. of Am-
brose Going, Esq., of Ballyphilip, co. Tipperary; b.
1850 ; m. 1872 Annie Jane Foster, 3rd dau. of the late
Rev. William W. Deering, A.M. ; educated at Trinity
Coll., Dublin ; is a Magistrate for eo. Cavan. — North-
lands, Carrickmacross, co. Cavan ; Manor House, New-
castle, co. Down.
Heir Pres., his brother Samuel Allen (of Ballykeel House, co.
Down), 6. 1S47.
ADAMS, Benjamin Samuel, Esq., of Shinan
House, co. Cavan.
Eldest son of the late Capt. Charles James Adams,
R.N., of Shinan House, formerly J.P. and High Sheriff
of co. Cavan (who d. 1854), by Anne Jane, dau. of
Capt. William Foster, of Fosterstown, co. Meath ;
b. 1827; m. 1st 1855 Georgina, 3rd dau. of the Rev.
George Hickson (who d. 1871); 2nd 1873 Jeannie
Holmes, eldest dau. of George Montgomery, Esq.,
M.D., of Dublin, and has by the former, with other
issue. * Charles James Stuart, b. 1864. Mr. Adams,
who is a Magistrate for co. Cavan (High Sheriff 1866),
was formerly in the 1 2th Foot. — Shinan House, Sher-
cock, co. Cavan,
ADAMS, tho Rev. Benjamin Wit mam. D.D..'
of Kinnea, co. Oavan.
Fourth son of the late Wry Nov. Samuel Adams. M.A..
Dean of CisUel. l\v Frances, youngest dau. of Capt.
John Horvev. of Killano Castle, eo. Wexford; b. 1827;
w. 1st I8.*)t Ceorgina Robots, second dau. of John
Drew Atkin. Esq., of Castle Park. oo. Dublin, and
granddau. of tho late sir Thomas Roberts. Hart., of
Brightsneldiowi.. oo. Cork (she d. 18631: 2nd 1864
Louisa Jano. only dau. of William O'Brien Adams, Esq.,
M.D.. of Kincstown, eo. Dublin, and has, with other
issue, * William Augustus, b. 1865. Dr. Adams, who
was educated at Trinity Coll.. Dublin, is Reetor of
Cloghran, co. Dublin. — Cbyhran Hector;/. Drumcondra,
co. Dubitn.
ADAMS. Charms Stoabt, Esq., of Glynch(
House, oo. Monasjhan.
Third son of the late W ry Rev. Samuel Adams, Dean
of Cashcl. by Frances, youngest dau. of Capt. John
Hervey, of Killaue Castle, eo. Wexford; //. 1820;
m. 1st 1850 Eliza, dau. of Charles MaeMahon, Esq.
(she d. 1 860) : 2nd 1862 Jane Henrietta, dau. of the
Rev. Charles Sheridan Young, and has, by the former,
with other issue, *Samuel Stuart, b. 1851. Mr. Adams
is a Magistrate for eos. Cavan and Meath. — Glyneh
House, HmUuS| 00, Afonagfani.
ADAMS, the Rev. Dackes. of Bowdon, Devon.
Eldest surviving son of the late William D.icres Adams,
Esq.. of Bowdon (who was private secretary to the
Right Hon. W. Pitt, and a Commissioner of Woods and
Forests), by Elizabeth, dau. of the late Mayow Wynell
Mayow. Esq., of Sydenham, Kent ; 6. 1806; s. 1861 ;
M. 1832 Anna Maria, dau. of the late Baldwin Fulford,
Esq.. of Fulford. Devon, and has, with other issue,
* William Fulford. in Holy Orders ; 6. 1S33 ; in. 1S">9 Catherine
Mar}-, only dan. of the late Thomas Horton , Esq. , of Broms-
grove, and has issue two daughters.
Mr. Adams, who was educated at Westminster and
Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1S27, M.A. 1832), is a Magis-
trate for Oxon, Lord of the Manor of Bowdon. and
Vicar of Bamptou, Oxon. — Bowdon ILous-, Totnes ;
Hampton Vicarage, Witney, Oxon.
:i Magistrate forco, Warwick, and a Capt. R.N. retired,
— Anstcy Hall, Coventry.
ADAMS, Henry Atherton, Esq., of Wynters
Grange, Kssex, and Sliere, Surrey.
Eldest son of the late Rev. Richard Leonard Adams,
Rector of Shore Surrey (who d. 18751] by the Hon.
Elisabeth Atherton, dan. of Thomas, 2nd Lord Lilford ;
b, 1838; iii. 1868 Mary Louisa, dau. of Francis Arthur
Bulley, Esq.. of Reading, and lias issue t wo daughters.
Mr. Adams, who was educated at Emmanuel Coll.,
Cambridge, and was for somo time resident in New
/calami and Australia, is a Magistrate for Essex, and
Patron of 2 livings. — Wynters Grange, Harlow.
+ ADAMS, John, Esq., of Ballydevitt, co. Lon-
Son of the late John Adams, Esq. ; h. 18— ; is a J.P.
and D.L. for co. Londonderry, of which he has been
High Sheriff. — Ballydevitt, Aghadowey, co. Londonderry.
ADAMS, John Alexander Fhijuipps, Esq., of
Hollyland, Pembrokeshire.
Eldest son of tho lato John Adams, Esq., J.P., of Hol-
lyland (who d. 1874), by Anne, oldest dau. of Henry
Gibbons, Esq., of Oswestry, eo. Salop; b. 1831; m.
1869 Lucy Ellen, dau. of the late Edward Loftus
Neynoe, Esq., of Castle Neynoe, co. Sligo, and has,
with other issue, * John Loftus, h. 1870. Mr. Adams
was formerly a Capt. R.A. — Hollyland, Pembroke.
+ ADAMS, Joseph Harrison, Esq., of Chad-
well Court, Shropshire.
Son of the late Joseph Hollingworth Adams, Esq., Com-
missary-General to the Forces (who d. 1861) ; i>. 18 — ;
is a Magistrate for co. Stafford. — Chadwell Court, New-
port, Salop.
ADAMS, the Rev. Edward Richards, of El-
mers End, Kent.
Eldest son of the late Edward Richards Adams, Esq.,
J.P. and D.L.. of Elmers (who d. 1872). by Adelaide,
dau. of the late Joseph Wood, Esq., of Mauadon Park,
Devon; b. 1S41 ; educated at Caius Coll.. Cambridge ;
is Lord of the Manor of Charlton Adam, Somerset.
Heir Pres., his brother Joseph Wood, 6. 1843.
ADAMS, Erancis, Esq., of Cotswold Grange,
Grandson of the late Francis Adams, Esq., J.P. and
D.L., of Clifton; b. 1812 ; m. 1835 Maria, dan. of the
late Rev. John Frederick Doveton, of Everdon Hall,
co. Northampton, and Reetor of Wells, Somerset, and
lias, with other issue, * Francis, b. 1837 ; m. 1870 Julia,
dau. of the late Rev. Arthur Drummond, and granddau.
of the Hon. Robert Drummond. — Cotswold Grange,
Chltmham ; Clifton, near Bristol ; Junior Conservative
Club, s.w.
ADAMS, George Curtis, Esq., of Anstey Hall,
Warwi ckshire .
Eldest surviving son of the late Henry Cadwallader
Adams, Esq., of Anstey Hall, by Emma, eldest dau. of
the late Sir William Curtis, Bart., M.P., of Cullens
Grove, Southgate, Middlesex; b. 1807 ; s. his brother,
Major-Gen. Henry William Adams, 1855; in. 1847
Mary Susan, 2nd dau. of Edward Woolmer, Esq., of
Exeter, and has, with other issue, * Heury Cadwallader,
6. 1850. Mr. Adams, who was educated at Rugby, is
ADAMS, Richard Wallis Goold, Esq., of
Jamesbrook, co. Cork,
Eldest son of the late Michael Goold Adams, Esq., of
Jamesbrook, by Martha, 2nd dau. of the late Simon
White, Esq., of Ban try House, co. Cork, and sister of
Richard, 1st Earl of Bantry; A. 1802; s. 1817; m. 1852
Mary Sarah, eldest dau. of the late Sir William Wrixon-
Becher, Bart., and has, with other issue, * William
Richard, b. 1853. Mr. Adams, who was educated at
Trinity Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1823), is a Magistrate for
co. Cork. — Jamesbrook Hall, Cloyne, co. Cork.
ADAMS, Samuel Hamilton Goold, Esq., of
Knocklofty Castle, co. Waterford.
Youngest son of the late Michael Goold Adams, Esq.,
of Jamesbrook, co. Cork (who d. 1817), by Martha,
dau. of Richard White, Esq., of Bantry, co, Cork ;
b. 1815; m. 1st 1846 Fanny, dau. of Col. Thomas Ber-
nard, of Castle Bernard, King's Co. ; 2nd 1852 Frances,
dau. of the Very Rev. Dr. De Burgh, Dean of Cloyne,
and has issue, by the former, * Catherine Charlotte.
Mr. Adams, who was educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin,
is a Magistrate for cos. Tipperary and Waterford ; he
was formerly Lieut. 10th Foot. — The Castle, Knock-
lofty, Clonrncl.
ADAMS, Thomas, Esq., of Lenton Firs, Notts.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Adams, Esq., of Sible
Hedingham, Essex, by Catherine, dau. of William
Smith, Esq., of Lound, Notts; b. 1807; m. 1830 Lucy,
dau. of Samuel Cullen, Esq., of Nottingham, and had,
with other issue, Samuel, b. 1840; m. 1868 Louisa
Lowe, dau. of the late Thomas Coulson, Esq., of Bar-
row-on-Soar, co. Leicester, and d. 1870, leaving, with
other issue, * Samuel Thomas,?;, (posthumous) 1870.
Mr. Adams is a Magistrate for Notts and Nottingham.
— The Firs, Lenton, Nottingham,
ADAMS, Thomas T ravers, Esq., of Ahava-
gurrah, co. Limerick.
Eldest son of the late "William Adams, Esq., of Ahava-
gurrah, by Jane, dan. of John Travers, Esq., of
Cork; h. 1790 ; s. 1846 ; in. 1822 Hannah, 2nd dan. of
Capt. Evans, of Tipperary ; is a Magistrate for cos.
Limerick, Cork, and Tipperary. — Ahavagurrah, Ballin-
landers, co. Limerick.
Heir Pres., his brother George Boyle, 6. 1809.
ADAMS, Wallis, Esq., of Dushanebeg, co.
Eldest son of the late Samuel Wallis Adams, Esq., of
Tulbree, co. Cork (who d. 1843), by Penelope, dan. of
John Wallis, Esq., of Brisbane Castle, co. Cork ; b.
18 — ; m. 1857 Clotilda, dau. of Francis Eowland, Esq..
of Kilboy, co. Cork, and by her, who d. 1860, has
issue, ¥ Samuel George Wallis, b. 1858. Mr. Adams,
who was educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin, is a Ma-
gistrate for co. Cork. — Janemount, Glanmire, co. Cork;
County Club, Cork.
ADAMS, Rev. William, of Throcking, Herts.
Only son of the late William Adams, Esq., by Anne,
dau, of James Daniel, Esq., of Colchester; b. 1806;
m. 1838 Catherine Anna, dau. of William Sibley, Esq.,
of Wellingborough, co. Northampton (she d. s. p. 1854).
Educated at Queen's Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1829,
M.A. 1832); is Patron and Eector of Throekhig ; a
Magistrate for Herts, and Chairman of Buntingford
Special and Petty Sessions. — Throcking, Buntingford ;
National and Junior Carlton Clubs, s.w.
ADAMS, William Henry, Esq., of Plas Llyssyn,
Eldest son of the late William Henry Adams, Esq.
(who was a J.P. and D.L. for co. Lincoln, M.P. for
Boston, and Chief Justice at Hong Kong, who d. 1865),
by Anne, dau. of Thomas Walford, Esq.; b. 1834;
m. 1856 Susannah Rebecca, dau. of the Rev. David
James, Vicar of Llanwnog, co. Montgomery, and has,
with other issue, * William Henry Farr, b. 1857. Mr.
Adams is a Magistrate for co. Montgomery and Capt.
Montgomeryshire Yeomanry Cavalry. — Plas Llyssyn,
Carno, Montgomeryshire.
+ ADAMS, the Rev. William Pigott Cat, of
Hawkchurch, Dorset.
Son of the late Rev. Edward Cay Adams, Patron and
Rector of Hawkeluvrch (who d. 1873) ; b. 1847. Edu-
cated at Exeter Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1870); is Patron
and Rector of Hawkchurch. — Hawkchurch, near Ax-
ADAMS, of Thorpe. (See Cockayne.)
ADAMS-REILLY, Anthony Myles William,
Esq., F.R.G.S., of Belmont, co. Westmeath,
and Roebuck, co. Cavan.
Only surviving son of the late William Adams-Reilly,
Esq., of Belmont and Roebuck, by Frances Helen, dau.
of the Rev. S. Auchmuty, of Ballymuty, co. Longford ; b.
1835; s. 1848. Educated at Rugby and Brasenose
Coll., Oxford; is Lieut. R. Westmeath Rifles.— Bel-
mont, Mullingar.
Heirs Pres., his sisters Margaret Maryamie (m. 1858 Falkiner
John Minchin, Esq. , of Armagh, co. Tipperary), and Frances
Caroline (m. 18G1 the Rev. James Thomas Bennet, of
Cheveley, whom see).
ADAMSON, William Rushton, Esq., of Rush-
ton Park, Sussex.
Eldest son of the late AVilliam Adamson, Esq., of
Macclesfield, co. Chester, by Margaret, dau. of James
Stuart, of Edinburgh; b. 1825; m. 1859 Fanny Con-
stance, dau. of James Deacon, Esq., of Woodford, Essex,
and has, with other issue, * Rushton Webber, b. 1863.
Mr. Adamson, who was educated at the Grammar
School, Macclesfield, is a J.P. and D.L. for Sussex ; he
was formerly a merchant in China. — Rushton Park,
Robertsbridge, Sussex ; City Club, e.c.
AD ARE, Visct. (See under Dunraven, Earl of.)
(See Williams of Liang ibby.)
ADDERLEY, the Right Hon. Sir Charles
Bowyer, of Hams Hall, Warwickshire,
K.C.M.G. (cr. 1869).
Eldest son of the late Charles Clement Adderley, Esq.,
of Hams Hall, by Anna Maria, dau. of the late Sir
Edmund Cradock-Hartopp, Bart.; b. 1814; m. 1842
the Hon. Julia Anne Eliza, eldest dau. of Chandos,
1st Lord Leigh, and has, with other issue,
* Charles Leigh, educated at Eton and B.A. and S.CL. of
Ch. Ch., Oxford ; a J.P. and D.L. for co. Warwick, and
Capt. Warwickshire Yeomanry ; b. 1846 ; m. 1870 Caroline,
3rd dau. of the late Sir Alexander Dixie, Bart., and has,
with other issue, * Ralph Bowyer, b. 1872.
Sir C. B. Adderley, who was educated at Ch. Ch., Oxford,
is a J.P. and D.L. for cos. Warwick and Stafford ; has
been M.P. for N. Staffordshire since 1841 ; was Presi-
dent of the Board of Health, and Vice-President of
the Committee of Council on Education 1858-9; Under
Sec. for the Colonies 1866-8; appointed President of
the Board of Trade 1874. — Hams Hall, Lea Marston,
near Coleshill ; Norton, Stafford; Carlton Club, s.w. ;
35, Eaton Place, s.w.
ADDERLEY, Henry Arden, Esq., of Fillong-
ley, Warwickshire.
Second son of the Right Hon. Sir Charles Bowyer
Adderley, K.C.M.G.. of Hams Hall, co. Warwick (whom
see), by the Hon. Julia Anne Eliza, eldest dau. of
Chandos, 1st Lord Leigh; b. 1848; is Lord of the
Manor of FWlongley. — Fillongley Hall, near Coventry.
ADDERLEY, of Barlaston, Staffordshire.
(See Broughton.)
ADDINGTON, the Rev. Henry, of Henlow
Grange, Beds.
Son of the late W. S. Addington, Commander R.N., of
Goldington, Beds; b. 1820; s. his wife's uncle, Major-
Gen. Hanbury Raynsford, of Henlow Grange, 1868 ;
m. 1852 Matilda Frances, dau. of the late Thomas
Alexander Raynsford, Esq., and by her (who d. 1867)
has, with other issue, * Thomas Alexander Edwards, b.
1857. Mr. Addington, who was educated at Lincoln
Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1843, M.A. 1860), was formerly
Vicar of Langford, Beds. — Henloiv Grange, near Biggles-
ADDINGTON. (See under Sidmouth, Viscount.)
ADDISON, Robert, Esq., of The Friary, West-
Eldest son of the late Thomas Addison, Esq., of King's
Meaburn, by Anne, dau. of Edward Bowness, Esq., of
Asby, co. Westmoreland ; b. 1790; m. 1835 Emily Rose,
dau. of Capt. Dupont, of the French Navy, and has
issue three daughters, of whom the youngest, Elise-
Marie-Caroline, rn. 1870 Joseph H. Fawcett, Esq., Capt.
1st Royal Regt. Mr. Addison is a J.P. and D.L. for
Westmoreland (High Sheriff 1858). — The Friary, Mea-
burn, Appleby.
+ ADDISON, William Brook, Esq., of Man-
ningham, Yorkshire.
Eldest son of the late George Wilson Addison, Esq., of
Manningham (who d. 1861), by Mary, dau. of Charles
Brook, Esq., J.P., of Meltham, Huddersfield; b. 1812;
is a Magistrate for Bradford, and a Manufacturer in
that town. — M<i»iiingham. Bradford.
liar ftyj.. his brother tfcorgp. of Bolton House, near Ilrad-
fonl : y'xfX- in the West Ri.ling Hussars; t>. 1M-J »». 184- !
Marv. .Ian. of — Orr. Esq.. ami has issue.
APKANK. Hv\n, Esq.. of Habrnliam. Csim-
Son of the lato Honrv.Tohn Adoano. Esq.. of Babraham.
J.P. and D.I... ami CustoG Hot of the L of Ely (who
was M.P. for oo. Cambridge 1857-65. and <i. 18701, by
Lady Elizabeth Ph ili ppa. eldest dau. of Charles. 4th
Earl of Hardwieke : 0. 18l>3. Is Lord of the Manor
and Patron of Babraham. — Babraham Hall, Cambridge ;
54. Rutland Gate, s.w.
ADEY. William Moorb, Esq., of Wotton-
under-Edsfo. Gloucestershire.
Only son of the lato Anthony Adoy. Esq.. D.L., of
Wotton-under-Edge (who d. 18691. l>y Emma Elizibcth,
2nd dau. of William James Hill. Esq.. of Wotton-
mllll TM(l,li , b. 1858. — The Hall, Wotton-under-Edge.
Hfirt IWs., his sisters, of whom Amy Constance (the 2nd)
m. 1875 Arthur Henry Turner. Esq.
Robert Affleck, Hart., of Dalham (who d. 18.51), by
Maria, dan. of the Into Sir Elijah Impcy, of Newiek
Park. Sussex: b. 180."); 3. his' brother as (>th Bart.
1864 : m. 1850 Maria Emily, eldest dau. of tho Into
Kdmund Singer Burton, Ksq., of Churchill House, co.
Northampton. Isa Magistrate for co. Cambridge inula
.1.1'. .nidRL. forSurlblk (High Sheriff 1875), Lord of
the Manors of Palhain and l'ingringhoc, and Patron of
1 living. — Dalham lLtll, Hmomarket ; Fuiyringhoc Hull,
Heir, his son Robert, ft. 1852.
+ AG AH. John, Esq,, of Brookfield, Yorkshire
.1 ^'11. ,1111, J^J^U. , U ■> ■' I . .111*1 1 ■.
Biding of co. York. — Btockfidd, York.
ADEY. (See Adye.)
ADLAM, William, Esq., F.S.A., of Chew
Magna. Somerset.
Only son of the late John Adlam. Esq., by Mary Ann,
dau. of John Moore, Esq., of Frenchny, co. Gloucester
fo descendant of an old Somersetshire family) ; b. 1614 ;
#.1858; ;);. 1848 Sophia Harford, only dau. of Philip
Parker, Esq., of Chew Magna : is a Magistrate for
Somerset. — Manor House, Chew Magna, Bristol.
ADLINGTON, Henry Smith, Esq., of Holme-
Hale, Norfolk.
Only son of the late Thomas Adlington, Esq., of East
Bradenham, Norfolk (who d. 1843), by Mary, dau. of
Peter Smith, Esq., of Walbridge. co. Gloucester; f>.
1827; in. 1856 Emma Jean, dau. of the Kev. Charles
Campbell, Vicar of Weasenham, Norfolk, and has sur-
viving issue * Mary Campbell and Evelyn Campbell.
Mr. Adlington, who was educated at Eton and Trinity
Coll.. Oxford, is a Magistrate for Norfolk, Lord of the
Manor of Holme-Hale, and Patron of East Bradenham :
he was formerly Capt. 4th Light Dragoons. — Holme-
Hale Hall, Shipdham ; Army and Navy Club, s.w.
AD YE, Sir JoHH Miller, K.C.B. (cr. 1873).
Son of the late Major James Pattison Adye, R.A., by
Jane, dau. of J. Mortimer Kelson, Esq., of Sevenoaks,
Kent; b. 1819; m. 1856 Mary Cordelia, dau. of the
late Vice-Admiral the Hon. Sir Montagu Stopford,
K.C.B. ; is a Colonel in the Army, Col. R.A., and
Director of Artillery and Stores, with local rank of
Brigadier-General. — Junior United Service Club, s.w.
ADYE, the Rev. Francis "William, of Markyate
Cell, Beds.
Eldest son of the late Daniel Goodson Adey, Esq., of
Markyate Cell, J.P. and D.L. (who d. 1872), by Mary
Anne, dau. of the late Rev. Carpenter Gape, of St.
Albans, Herts; b. 1821; m. 1858 Mary Brooke, dau.
of Thomas Oliver, Esq., of Child Okeford, Dorset.
Educated at Eton and Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Is
a Magistrate for Herts and Beds, Lord of the Manor
of Markyate, and Patron of 1 living. — MarJcyaie Cell,
Heir Pres., bis brother Capel Fothergill,6.1827 ; m. 1848 Ann,
dan. of Frederick Lucas, Esq., of Rochester, Kent, and has
issue * Frederick, 6. 1851.
AFFLECK, Sir Robert, Bart., of Dalham,
Suffolk, and Fingringhoe, Essex (cr. 1782).
Second but eldest surviving son of the late Kev. Sir
AGAR, William Talbot, Esq*, of Milford, Hants.
Only son of the late William Agar, Esq., Q.C., of Elm
Lodge, Camden Town, Middlesex, by Louisa, dau. of
the late lion, and Kev. George, Talbot, D.D., of Temple
Guiting, co. Gloucester ; /;. 1815 ; in. 1853 Jessy Harriet,
2nd dau. of the late Sir Alexander Crichton, E.R.S., of
Sevenoaks. Kent, and has, with other issue, * William
Talbot, b. 1854; m. 1873 Sarah Frances, dau. of tho
late Richard Willan, Esq., of The Grange, Hillingdon,
Middlesex. Mr. Agar, who was educated at Harrow
and Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1836), is a Magis-
trate for Sussex. — Milford House, Lymington.
AGAR-ELLIS. (See under Clifden, Viscount.)
AGAR-ROBARTES. (See under Fobartcs, Lord.)
AGG, William John, Esq., of Hewletts, Glou-
Eldest son of the late Capt. James Agg, of Hewletts,
an Officer in the E.I.C.'s Engineers, by Edith, dau. of
the late James Agg Gardner, Esq., of Cheltenham ; b.
1S02 ; s. 1827 ; m. 1829 Mary, dau. of Wm. Morland,
Esq., of West Ilsley, Berks, and has, with other issue,
* William, late Col. 51st Foot; b. 1831; m. 1861 Beatrix
Shedden, youngest dau. of the late John Barr, Esq.
Mr. Agg, who was educated at Pembroke Coll., Oxford
(B.A. 1821, M.A. 1824), is a Magistrate for co. Glou-
cester.— Hewletts, Cheltenham.
AGLIGNBY, Charles, Esq., of Nunnery, Cum-
Eldest son of the late John Yates, Esq., of Virginia,
U.S. (who d. 1851), by Julia, dau. of W. Lovell, Esq.,
and nephew of the late Major F. Aglionby, M.P., of
Nunnery; b. 1807; in. 1844 Fanny, dau. of Col. James
W. Walker, of Virginia, U.S., and has, with other
issue, * Francis (B.A. of Queen's Coll., Oxford), b.
1848. Mr. Aglionby, who was educated at Princeton,
N. Jersey, U.S. (B.A. 1829), is Lord of the Manors of
Armathwaite and Aglionby. — Nunnery, near Penrith.
AGNEW, Sir Andrew, Bart., of Lochnaw,
Wigtownshire (cr. 1629).
Eldest son of the late Sir Andrew Agne'w, Bart., of
Lochnaw (who was M.P. for co. Wigtown 1830-7), by
Madeline, dau. of the late Sir David Carnegie, Bart.,
M.P., of Southesk.N.B. ; b. 1818; s. as 8th Bart. 1849 ;
m. 1846 Lady Mary Arabella Louisa, dau. of Charles,
1st Earl of Gainsborough. Educated at Harrow; is
Vice-Lieutenant of co. Wigtown ; was M.P. for co.
Wigtown 1856-68; served with the 93rd Highlanders
in Canada in 1838, and afterwards in the 4th Light
Dragoons. — Lochnaw Castle, Stranraer, N.B. ; Brooks's
and Army and Navy Clubs, s.w.
Heir, hia son Andrew Noel, a Dep.-Lieut. for co. Wigtown, b.
AGNEW, Capt. Gerald Andrew, of Easter
Warristou, Midlothian.
Youngost son of the late Sir Andrew Agnew, Bart., of
Lochnaw, co. Wigtown, by Madeline, dau. of Sir David
Carnegie, Bart.; 1835; m. 1870 Margaret Cuning-
hame, only child of the late William Bonar, Esq., of
Warristou. Is Capt. 901 h Light Infantry. — Easter War-
riston, Edinburgh; The Cliff, Babbicombe, Torquay;
Tall Mall Club, s.w.
+ AGNEW, James, Esq., of Larne, co. Antrim.
Son of the late J. Agnew, Esq., of Larne; b. 179-; is
a Magistrate for eo. Antrim, of which he has been High
Sheriff ; descended from a common ancestor with the
Agnews, Baronets, of Lochnaw. — Lame, co. Antrim,
ffeir J'res,, his brother William , of Kilwaughter Castle, near
Larue, a Magistrate for co. Antrim ; b, 18 — .
AGNEW. (See Vans- Agnew.)
AGNEW- WALLACE. (See Wallace.)
AIKMAN, George Robertson, Esq., of The Ross
and Broomelton, Lanarkshire.
Eldest son of the late Capt. George Robertson Aikman,
H.E.I.C.S., of The Boss and Broomelton, by Sarah,
dau. of William Cumby, Esq., of Norfolk ; b. 1817;
s. 1844; is Lord of the Barony of Broomelton, and.
represents a family formerly seated at Loreburne and
Cairnie, co. Forfar. — The Boss, Hamilton, N.B.
Heir Pres., his brother Hugh Henry, of Blackfordby, co.
Leicester {whom see).
AIKMAN, Hugh Henry Robertson, Esq., of
Blackfordby, Leicestershire.
Second son of the late Capt. George Bobertson Aikman,
Esq., of The Boss and Broomelton, co. Lanark (who
d. 1844), by Sarah, dau. of William Cumby, Esq., of
Norfolk; b. 1819; m. 1858 Mary Joyce, only child of
the late Thomas Stokes, Esq., of New Parks, and has,
•with other issue, * Thomas Stokes George Hugh, b.
1860. Mr. Aikman, who was educated at London Uni-
versity School, is a Magistrate for cos. Leicester and
Lanark, and Lord of the Manor of Blackfordby; he
was formerly Capt. 1st Royal Lanark Militia. — Boss
House, Hamilton, N.B. ; Junior Carlton Club, s.w. ; 44,
Portland Place, w.
A1LESBURY, Marquis of (George William
Frederick Brddenell-Bruce, P.O., K.G.).
— Cr. 1821.
Eldest son of Charles, 1st Marquis, K.T., by his 1st
wife, the Hon. Henrietta Maria, dau. of 1st Lord Ber-
wick ; b. 1804; s. 1856; m. 1837 Lady Mary Caroline,
dau. of George Augustus, 11th Earl of Pembroke, K.G.
Educated at Eton and Ch. Ch... Oxford; is Lord Lieut,
and Custos Botulorum of Wilts, Patron of 9 livings,
and Lieut. -Col. Prince of Wales' Own Wilts Yeomanry;
was M.P. for Marlborough 1 826-30 ; called to the House
of Lords in 1838 as Lord Bruce ; was Master of the
Horse to Her Majesty 1859-66 and 1868-74.— Saver-
nake, Marlborough; Jervaulx Abbey, Bcdale ; Whorlton
Cottage, Swainby, Northallerton; Aihcnaum, Carlton,
and Travellers' Clubs, s.w. ; 78, Pall Mall, s.w.
Heir Pres., his brother Lord Ernest Aug. Brudenell-Bruce, P.C.
(of Overstone, Wilts) ; educated at Eton and Trinity Coll.,
Cambridge (M.A. 1831); a Magistrate for Middlesex and
Westminster, J.P. and D.L. for Wilts, Major Wilts Yeo-
manry Cavalry, and M.P. for Marlborough ; late Vice-
Chamberlain to the Queen ; b. 1811 ; m. 1834 the Hon. Louisa
Elizabeth, dau. of John, 2nd Lord Decies ; and had, with
other issue, George John, late Lieut. 14th Hussars, b. 1839 ;
7ii. 1862 Lady Evelyn Mary, 2nd dau. of William, 2nd Earl
of Craven, and d. 1868, leaving, with other issue, *George
William Thomas, 6. 1863.
AILSA, Marquis of (Archibald Kennedy). —
Cr. 1831.
Eldest son of Archibald, 2nd Marquis, K.T., by Julia,
2nd dau. of tho lato Sir Richard Mounteney Jephson,
Bart.; b. 1847; s. 1870; m. 1871 the Hon. Evelyn,
3rd dau. of Charles, 12th Lord Blantyro. Educated at
Eton ; is a Dep. -Lieut, for co. Ayr ; lato Capt. Cold-
stream Guards. — Cassillis House, and Culzcan Castle,
Maybole, Ayrshire, N.B. ; Guards' Club, s.w.
Heir, his son Archibald, Earl of Cassillis, b. 1872.
AINSLIE, Ainslie Douglas, Esq., of Delgaty
Aberdeenshire, and Blervie, Morayshire.
Second son of the late James C. Grant-Duff, Esq., of
Eden, co. Aberdeen (who d. 1858), by Jane Catharine,
only child of the late Sir AVhitelaw Ainslie, M.D., and
brother of Mountstuart E. Grant-Duff, Esq. (whom see) ;
b. 1838; in. 1863, Fanny, dau. of Edward J. Morgan,
Esq., and has, with other issue, * Douglas, b. 1865.
Mr. Ainslie, who was educated at Balliol Coll., Oxford,
and called to the English Bar in 1874, assumed in
1866 the name of Ainslie, under the will of a maternal
grand-uncle, to whose property he succeeded. — Belgaty
Castle, Turriff, N.B.; 70, Lancaster Gate, w.
AINSLIE, Gilbert, Esq., of Hall Garth, Lan-
Son of the late Rev. Gilbert Ainslie, D.D., of Hall
Garth, sometime Master of Pembroke Coll., Cambridge
(who d. 1870), by Emily, dau. of the late William
Coxhead Marsh, Esq., of Gaynes Park, Essex ; b. 1839 ;
m. 1866 Eliza, eldest dau. of Samuel Mendel, Esq., of
Manley Hall, Manchester, and has issue a dau. Mr.
Ainslie is Lord of the Manor of Carnforth, co. Lan-
caster.— Hall Garth, Lancaster.
AINSLIE, Montague, Esq., of Grizedale, Lanca-
Fourth but only surviving son of the late Henry
Aii.slie, Esq., M.D., by Agnes, dau. and coheir of
William Ford, Esq., of Coniston Water Head, and
Grizedale; b. 1792; m. 1st 1818 Sophia Mary, eldest
dau. of George P. Ricketts, Esq., B.C.S. ; 2nd 1834
Mary Ann, eldest dau. of Colin Campbell, Esq., M.D.,
Physician-General in Bengal. Educated at the Charter-
house and Haileybury Coll. ; was in the Civil Service
in Bengal 1807-35; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Lan-
caster.— Grizedcde, Hawkshead, Windermere.
AINSLIE, Mrs., late of Woll, Roxburghshire.
Christina Scott Gourlay, dau. of James Todd, Esq., of
Dirleton, East Lothian; m. 1858 George Combe
Ainslie, Esq., of Woll, who d. 1871.
+ AINSLIE, Robert, Esq., of Muirton House,
Inverness- shire.
Son of the late R. Ainslie, Esq. ; b. 18 — . Is a J.P. and
D.L. for co. Inverness. — Muirton House, TJrray, Beauly.
AIN S WORTH, Richard Henry, Esq., of
Smithill's Hall, Lancashire.
Only son of the late John Horrocks Ainsworth, Esq., of
Moss Bank, co. Lancaster, by Elizabeth, dau. of John
Shaw, Esq., and nephew of the late Peter Ainsworth,
Esq., of Smithill's Hall; b. 1839; s. his uncle 1870;
rn. 1866 Isabella Margaret, dau. of the Rev. John James
Vaughan, rector of Gotham, Notts. Educated at Eton
and Ch. Ch., Oxford; is a Magistrate for co. Lancaster,
Lord of the Manor of Halliwell, and Patron of 1 living.
— Smithill's Hcdl and Moss Bank, near Bolton ; Oxford
and Cambridge, and New University Clubs, s.w.
AINSWORTH, the late Thomas, Esq., of Buck-
barrow, Lancashire.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Ainsworth, Esq., of
Preston, by Lydia, dau. of the Rev. Dr. Macquhae, of
Saint Quivox ; b. 1806 ; d. 1875 ; was a J.P. and D.L.
for co. Lancaster.
AINSWORTH. Thomas. Esq.. of Tho Flosh,
EMttl son of the late DaTld Ainsworth. Esq., of Preston
<who 18191. l<y Alice, dau. of lUchcrd Hatton. Esq.,
of Park Laaa, co, Laanater; />. 1804; «». 1S36 Mary,
dau. of tlio Bur, John Stirling! P.D.. of Craigie. co.
Ayr. ami by her ^vho d. 1 Si>7 > lias, with other issue,
*D»rid, ft. *184_; w. 187* Margaret, 2nd dan. of the 1
late Henry MoConnel. Km)., of Cressbrook. co. Derby.
Mr. Ainsworth is a Magistiate for Cumberland (Hiirh
Sheriff 1861).— The F.'osh, Cleator, H'hitehairn.
AIREY. Sir Richard, G.C.B. (cr. L855V
Eldest still of the late Licut.-Gen. Sir George Airey, '
K.C.H.. by Catharine, dan. of Margaret. 1st Baroness
Talbot de" Malahide; h. 1803: m. 1S38 his cousin the
Hon. Harriet Mary. 3rd dan. of Janus. 3rd Lord
Talbot de Malahide. Educated at Sandhurst ; is a
General in the Army, and Colonel of the 7th Foot; has
served in North America and Ionian Islands ; was
Dep. Adjutant-General 1838-47; Assistant Quarter-
master-General at the Horse Guards 1 8o 1—3 ; Quarter-
master-General in the Crimea 1854-5; Quartermaster-
General of the Forces lSoo-63 ; Governor of Gibraltar
1869-70 : W appointed Adjutant-General to the Forces
\§~0.—Killin<jicorth, Newcastle; United Service Club,
s.w. ; War Office, s.w. ; 7, Lowndes Square, s.w.
AIREY, Jclil-s Talbot, Esq., of Frognal Hall,
Youngest son of the late Lieut. -Gen. Sir George Airey,
K.C.H., by the Honble. Catharine, 3rd dan. of Mar-
garet, lstBaroness Talbot de Malahide; 6. 1817; m.
1S55 Charlotte, dan. of the late Rev. Walter Davenport
Bromley, of Baginton Hall. eo. Warwick, and Wootton
Hall. eo. Stafford, and has. with other issue, * Lionel,
ft. 1863. Mr. Airey, who was called to the Bar at the
Inner Temple 18.52. is a Master in the Court of
Common Pleas. — Frognal Hall, Hampstead, x.w. ; Ori-
ental Club, W. ; St ?j(ant's Lin, Chancery Lane, w.c.
AIREY, die Rev. Thomas, of Holme Park,
Son of the late Bev. Thomas Airey, Incumbent of
Selside; b. 1791 ; m. 1830 Isabella, dau. and heir of
the late Richard Holme, Esq., of Holme Park.
Educated at Merton Coll., Oxford, and Trinitv Coll..
Cambridge (B.A. 1814, M.A. 1817); is a Magistrate
for the W. Riding of Yorkshire : was formerly Incum-
bent of St. George's, Kendal. — Holme Park, Kendal.
ATRLIE, Earl of (David Graham Drummoxd-
Ogilvt, K.T.).— Cr. 1639.
Eldest son of David, 9th Earl, by his first wife Cle-
mentina, oulv dau. of the late Gavin Drummond, Esq.,
ofKeltie.X.B.; b. 1826 ; s. 1849; m. 1851 the Hon. Hen-
rietta Blanche. 2nd dau. of Edward John, 2nd Lord
Stanley of Alderley. Educated at Eton and Ch. Ch.,
Oxford (B.A. 1847); is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Forfar,
Capt. in the Forfarshire Yeomanry Cavalry, a Repre-
sentative Peer for Scotland, and Lord High Commis-
sioner to the Church of Scotland. — Cortaehy Castle,
Kirriemuir, KB. ; Glen Lrla, Alyth, KB. ; Travellers'
Club, s.w. ; Airlie Lodge, Camjpden Hill, "w.
Heir, his son David Stanley William, Lord Ogilvy, b. 1856 ;
educated at Eton.
AIRY, Sir George Biddell, K.C.B., LL.D.,
D.C.L. (cr. 1872).
Son of the late William Airy, Esq., of Alnwick, by
Ann. dan. of George Biddell, Esq., of Bury St. Edmunds, 1
Suffolk; b. 1801; m. 1830 Rieharda, dau. of the Rev.
Richard Smith, of Edensor, co. Derby (who d. 1875) ; !
educated at Colchester Grammar School and Trinity
Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1823, M.A. 1826); appointed
Lueasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge 1826,
Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental
Philosophy 1828, Astronomer Royal 1835; is a Foreign
Associate of the French Academy of Sciences, &c. ; late
President of the Royal Society. — P/ai/ford, Ipswich;
Boj/at Obscrcatcry, Greemvich, s.K.
AITCHISON, Mrs., of Alderstpn, Hadding-
Janet, dau. of the late George Bonnie, Esq., of Phan-
ta-sie, eo. Haddington; m. 1824 James Aitchison, Esq.,
of Alderston, who (/. 1863. leaving issue * four daughters.
Mr. Aitchison was a J.P. and D.L. for co. Haddington.
— A/Jerston House, Haddington, KB.
AITCHISON, Col. William, of Di ummore,
Eldest son of the late William Aitchison, Esq., of
Drummore, by Anne, dau. of Alexander Allan, Esq.,
of Hillside, X.B. ; 6.1827; s.'1846; m. 1871 Alice
Diary .lane, eldest dau. of Thomas W. Chester Master,
Esq., and has issue a dau. Col. Aitchison, who was
educated at Winchester, is a Magistrate for cos. Mid-
lothian and East Lothian, late Lieut.-Col. Scots Fusilier
Guards. — Drummore, Musselburgh, KB. ; Guards' and
United Servict Clubs, s.w.
AKENHEAD, Robert, Esq., of Otterington
Hall, Yorkshire.
Second son of the late Mr. John Akenhead, of New-
castle-on-Tyne ; 6.1822; m. 1 864 Frances Annie, eldest
dau. of Joseph Davison, Esq., of Greencroft Park, co.
Durham, and has, with other issue, * Frank, b. 1867.
Mr. Akenhead, who is a Magistrate for the N. Riding
of Yorkshire, purchased this property in 1853 from the
family of Broadrick.— Otterington Hall, Northallerton.
AKERS, Mrs., of Mailing Abbey, Kent.
Isabella, dau. of John Larking, Esq., late of Clare
House, Kent; m. 1821 Aretas Akers, Esq., J.P. and
D.L., of Mailing Abbey, who d. 1855. Her eldest son,
the Rev. Aretas Akers, m. 1849 Frances Maria, dau.
and coheir of Francis Brandram, Esq., of Tunbridge
Wells. Kent, and d. 1856, leaving, by her (whom. 2ndly
1866 William Whitmore, Esq., of Beckenham, Kent),
with other issue, * Aretas Akers-Douglas (whom see
below). — Mailing Abbey, Maidstone.
AKERS-DOUGLAS, Aretas, Esq., of Chilston
Park, Kent, and Craigs and Tinwald, Dum-
Eldest son of the late Rev. Aretas Akers, of Mailing
Abbey (who d. 1856), by Frances Maria, dau. of Francis
Hollis Brandram, Esq., of Tunbridge Wells, Kent ; b.
1851; m. 1875 Adeline Mary, dau. of Henry Austen-
Smith, Esq.. of Hayes Court, Kent, Mr. Akers-Douglas,
who was educated at Eton and University Coll., Oxford,
and was called to the Bar at the Inner Temple 1874^
is a Magistrate for Kent, and Lord of tho Manor
and Patron of Lenham ; he assumed, by Royal licence,
the name of Douglas, under the will of his kinsman
Alexander Douglas, Esq. (1797). — Craigs, near Bum-
fries, KB. ; Chilston Park, Maidstone ; Union Club, s.w.
AKROYD, Edward, Esq., of Bank Field, York-
Eldest son of the late Jonathan Akroyd, Esq., of
Halifax ; b. 1810 ; m. 1838 Elizabeth, dau. of the late
John Fcarby, Esq., of Poppleton Lodge, co. York. Is
a J.P. and D.L. for the W. Riding of Yorkshire (was on
the roll for High Sheriff 1869), and Patron of 1 living ;
head of the firm of James Akroyd and Son (limited),'
AVorsted Manufacturers ; late Lieut.-Col. Commandant
and now Hon. Col. of the 4th West York Rifle Volun-
teers; was M.P. for Huddersfield 1857-9; for Halifax
1 865-74. -Bank Field, Halifax; Reform Club, s.w.;
40, Lowndes Street, s.w.
+ AKROYD, Henrv, Esq., of Dodclington Hall,
Socoud son of the late Jonathan Akroyd, Esq., of
Halifax, and brother of Edward Akroyd, Esq. ; b. 1811 ;
is a Magistrate for co. Chester ; was formerly a manu-
facturer at Halifax. — Boddington Hall, Nantwich.
ALBEMARLE, Earl of (George Thomas Kep-
pel, F.S.A.).— Cr. 1696.
Third but eldest surviving son of William Charles, 4th
Earl, by Elizabeth, dau. of Edward, 20th Lord De
Clifford ; b. 1799; s. his brother as 6th Earl 1851 ; m.
1831 Susannah, 3rd dau. of the late Sir Coutts Trotter,
Bart. Educated at Westminster ; is a J. P. and D.L.
for Norfolk, a Magistrate for co. Leitrim, and Patron of
3 livings ; a General in the Army, unattached ; late
a Groom-in-Waiting on the Queen ; was M.P. for
East Norfolk 1832-4, and for Lymington 1847-50.
— Quiclenham Hall, Attlcborough, Norfolk; Athenrsum
and Brooks's Clubs, s.w.
tfeir.msson William Coutts, Viscount Bury,K.C.M.G.,P.C. ;
educated at Eton ; a Magistrate for Norfolk ; late M.P.
for Berwick, and Treasurer of Her Majesty's Household ;
formerly M.P. for Wick, &c, and for Norwich, and Capt.
Scots Fusilier Guards ; 6. 1832 ; m. 1S55 Sophia, dau. of
the late Sir Alan Napier MacNab, Bart., of Dundurn
Castle, Upper Canada, and has, with other issue, * Arnold
Alan Cecil, b. 1858.
ALCOOK, Sir Rutherford, K.C.B. (cr. 1862).
Son of the late Mr. T. Alcock ; b. 1809; on. 1st 1841
Henrietta, dau. of Charles Bacon, Esq. (she d. 1853) ;
2nd 1862 Lucy, widow of the Kev. John Lowder.
Educated for the Medical Profession, and served in the
Spanish Legion 1835-7 ; appointed Consul at Shanghai
1846, at Canton 1854; Consul-Gen eral in Japan 1858 ;
Envoy at Jeddo 1859 ; and at Pekin 1865-71 ; cr. Hon.
D.C.L., Oxford, 1863.— Athenceum Club, s.w.
ALCOCK, Edward Vigors, Esq., of Ballynoe,
co. Carlow.
Second but eldest surviving son of the late Rev. George
Alcock (Eeetor of Graig, and Prebendary of Ullard, in
the Diocese of Leighlin), by Maria, dau. of the Rev.
Edward Vigors, of Burgage, co. Carlow; b. 1808; on.
1834 Clementina, dau. of the late John Schoales, Esq.,
Q.C., and has, with other issue, * George, b. 1843. Mr.
Alcock, who was educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin (B.A.
1829, M.A. 1832), and called to the Irish Bar at Dublin
1834, is a Magistrate for co. Carlow. — Ballynoe,
Tullow, co. Carlow.
ALCOCK, Harry, Esq., of Wilton, co. Wexford.
Eldest son of the late Harry Alcock, Esq., of Wilton
Castle, by Margaret, dau. of James Savage, Esq., of
Kilgibbon, co. Wexford; b. 1821 ; s. 1840. Is a J.P.
and D.L. for co. Wexford (High Sheriff 1846), and
Lieut. -Col. Commandant in the Wexford Militia.
—Wilton Castle, Enniscorthy, co. Wexford.
Heir Pres., his brother TJssher William, b. 1825; m. 1858
Aphra Belinda, dau. of Richard Daxton, Esq., of Limerick,
and has issue.
■+ ALCOCK, the late Henry, Esq., of Aireville,
Son of the late H. Alcock, Esq.; b. 1791 ; d. 1869,
having m. and left issue. Was a Magistrate for the
W. Riding of Yorkshire, and a banker and solicitor at
Skipton. — Aire ville, Skipton .
ALCOCK-STAWELL, William St. Leger,
Esq., of Kilbrittain Castle, co. Cork.
Second son of the late Thomas Alcock, Esq., Col. 1st
Surrey Militia, by the Hon. Caroline Catherine Letitia,
dau. of Hayes, 3rd Viscount Doneraile ; b. 1808; on.
1845 Charlotte Harriet Esther, only dau. and heir of
Jonas Stawell, Esq., of Kilbrittain, whose name he has
assumed, and has issue * Jonas William, b. 1846. Mr.
Alcock-Stawell, who is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Cork,
and Lieut.-Col. North Cork Rifles, was formerly Capt.
R. Welsh Fusiliers, and subsequently Lieut.-Col. S. Cork
Militia. — Kilbrittain Castle, Kilbrittain, co. Cork;
United Service and Junior United Service Clubs, s.w.
liam Thomas Jonas, Esq., of Lisnegar, co.
Second son of Col. William St. Leger Alcock-Stawell,
of Kilbrittain Castle, co. Cork (whom see), by Charlotte
Harriet Esther, dau. of Jonas Stawell, Esq., of Kilbrit-
tain, co. Cork, and grandson of Hayes, 2nd Viscount
Doneraile; b. 1850 ; s. 1861 to this property under tho
will of his relative Ludlow, last Lord Riversdale, Bishop
of Killaloe (assuming the name of Riversdale on at-
taining his majority) ; is Lord of the Manors of Lis-
negar and Rathcormae, co. Cork. — Lisnegar, Rathcormac,
ALDAM, William, Esq., of Erickley Hall,
Eldest son of the late William Aldam, Esq., by Sarah,
dau. of Joseph Jowitt, Esq., of Leeds ; b. 1813 ; on. 1 845
Mary Stables, dau. of the late Rev. Godfrey Wright,
of Bilham House, co. York, and by her (who d. 1867),
has, with other issue, * William Wright, b. 1853. Mr.
Aldam, who was educated at Trinity Coll., Cambridge
(B.A. 1836), and called to the Bar at the Middle Temple
1839, is a J.P. and D.L. and Deputy Chairman of
Quarter Sessions for the W. Riding, co. York, and Lord
of the Manors of Frickley and Wickersley ; he was M.P.
for Leeds 1841-7. — Frickley Hall, and Warmsworth,
Boncaster ; Oxford and Cambridge Club, s.w.
ALDBOROUGH, Earl of (Benjamin O'Neale
Stratford). — Cr. 1777.
Elder son of Mason Gerard, 5th Earl, by Cornelia
Jane, eldest dau. of the late Charles Henry Tandy,
Esq.; b. 1808; s. 1849. Is a J.P. and D.L. for co.
Wicklow ; late Capt. 1st Dragoon Guards. — Belan Hcdl,
co. Kildarc ; Stratford Lodge, Baltinglass, co. Wick-
low; Junior United Service Club, s.w.
+ ALDER, the Rev. Edward Thomas, of Etwall,
Eldest son of the late E. Alder, Esq. ; b. 1800.
Educated at St. Peter's Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1822,
M.A. 1825) ; is Patron and Vicar of Etwall ; was for-
merly .Curate of Swaffham Priors. — Etwall, Berby.
+ ALDER, the late William R., Esq., of
Horncliffe, Northumberland.
Son of the late William Alder, Esq., of Horncliffe; b.
18 — ; was a Dep. -Lieut, for co. Durham.
ALDERSEY, Thomas, Esq., of Aldersey and
Spurstow Halls, Cheshire.
Younger and only surviving son of the late Samuel
Aldersey, Esq., of Aldersey Hall, by Lucy, dau. of
George Baylis, Esq., of Shiffnal, co. Salop; b. 1830;
s. 1855 ; on. 1856 Rose Sidney, 2nd dau. of the Rev.
George B. Blomfield, Rector of Stevenage, Herts, and
has, with other issue, * Hugh, b. 1858. Mr. Aldersey,
who is Lord of the Manor of Aldersey, was High
Sheriff of co. Chester 1862, and formerly Capt. 1st R.
Cheshire Militia. — Aldersey Hcdl, Chester; Spurstow
Hall, Whitchurch.
ALDERSOlSr, Sir James, Knt., D.C.L. (cr.
Son of the late John Alderson, Esq., of Hull, by Sarah
Isabella, dau. of Christopher Scott, Esq, ; b. 1800; in.
1828 Marianne, dau. of Peter Berthon, Esq. Educated
at Pembroke Coll., Cambridge; incorp. at Magdalen
Hall. Oxford iRA. 1822. M A. 1826. MR. 1826. MP.
1 S2;> : is F.R.S.. President of tin- Royal Coll. of
Physicians, and Physician Extraordinary to the Queen;
fonm-rlv Fellow of Pembroke Coll., Cambridge;
H— twfnnil 1U\L. Oxon, 1870.— 17, Berkeley Square,
ALDERSON, tho Rov. Grown, of Ganmow
Hill. Derbyshire.
Eldest son of the late Rev. Jonathan Alderson, M.A..
Rector of Harthill (.who 1S4S\ hy Maria Hodgson,
dau. of the late Rev. Rowland Hodgson. Rector of
Rawmarsh. 00. York; b. 1799; >». 1837 Henrietta,
dau. of the late John Kearslev. Esq., of Manchester.
Educated at Pembroke C<j11.. Cambridge (B.A. 1822, j
M.A. 1836): is Vicar of Hornby, eo. York.— Hornby \
Vkxirage, Cat tenet,:
Beir Pres.. his brother Christopher. M.A., of Miuntalon Hall,
Oxford ; Rector of Kirkheaton, co. York : ?>. 18011 ; m. 1S29
Georgians, dau. of the late John reel, Esq., and has i.-suc
t vf o daughters.
ALDRICH-BLAKE, the Rev. Frederic James,
of Welsh Bicknor, Herefordshire, and
Stowfield. GHoiioestershirje .
Son of the late Robert Aldrich. Esq., of Stowmarket.
Suffolk, bj Ann, dau. of Robert Davey, Esq., of Great
Fiuborough, Suffolk: b. 1824 ; in. 1S62 Louisa, dau. of
William Morison, Esq., of Aberdeen, and has, with
other issue. * Frederic Hooper, ft. 1S(>3. Mr. Aldrieh-
Blake. who was educated at Pembroke Coll.. Cambridge
(B.A. 1852, M.A. 1856), is Patron and Rector of Welsh
Bicknor. and Patron of Wherstead. Suffolk ; he assumed,
by royal licence, the name of Blake in 1863. under the
will of his wife's uncle. Thomas Blake, Esq., Lieut. -Col.
Demerara Militia. — Welsh Bicknor Rectory, near Boss ;
National Club, s.w.
ALDRIDGE. Major John, of St, Leonard's
Forest, Sussex.
Eldest son of the late Robert Aldridge, Esq., J.P.
and D.L. of St. Leonard's Forest (who d. 1871), by
Caroline Anne. dau. of Charles G. Beauclerk, Esq., of
St. Leonard's Lodge ; b. 1832 ; m. 1863 Mary Alethea,
dau. of S. Matthews, Esq., and widow of Thomas
Broadwood, Esq.. of Holmbush, Sussex, and has, with
other issue, * Robert Beauclerk, b. 1865. Major Ald-
ridge, who was educated at Eton, is a Magistrate for
Sussex, a Major in the Army, late 21st Fusiliers, and
Major Sussex Militia. — St. Leonard's, Horsham ; Carl-
ton and United Service Chibs, s.w.
ALDRIDGE, Mrs., of Hilary House, Devon.
Mary Anne, eldest dan. of the late Major-General
Pilkington, R.E. ; m. 1848, as his 2nd wife. Vice- Ad-
miral John Williams Aldridge, of Hilary House, who
d. 1875. — Hilary House, Axminster, Devon.
ALDWELL. (See Aldwyn.)
ALD WORTH, Rtchard Oliver, Esq., of New-
market, co. Cork.
Eldest son of the late Robert Rogers Aldworth, Esq.,
of Newniarket, by Elizabeth, daughter of the late Ven.
Archdeacon Oliver, of Ardagh, co. Longford; b. 1794;
s. 1836; m. 1824 Lady Letitia, eldest dau. of Richard,
late Yiset. Ennismore, and granddau. of AVilliam, 1st
Earl of Listowel, and by her (who d. 1874) has, with
other issue,
* Richard William, Lieut.-Col. 7th Royal Fusiliers, 6. 1825 ;
ni. 1863 Lady Mary Catherine Henrietta, eldest dau. of
Francis, 3rd Earl of Bandon.
Mr. Aldworth. who was educated at Rugby and B.N.C.,
Oxford, is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Cork (High Sheriff
1832). — Newmarket House, Newmarket, co. Cork.
ALDWQBTH, Robert, Esq., of West Hag-
hourno, Berkshire,
Son of William Allworlh. Esq., of Frilford, Berks, by
Elizabeth, dau. of Jos. Stone, Esq.; b. 1836; 9ft. 1862
Alice, only child of the late Captain Wright, Bombay
Army, and granddau. of the late Adam Blandy, Esq.,
of Kingston House, Berks. — West Hagbourne, Bidcot.
ALDWORTH, Sr. Lkgki;, Esq., of Beech-
niount, co. Cork.
Third son of the late Robert Rogers Aldworth, Esq., of
Newmarket, co. Cork, by Elizabeth, dau. of tho late
Yen. Archdeacon Oliver, of Ardagh ; b. 1806; m. 1836
Alicia Susan, dau. of Charles I>. Oliver, Esq., of Rock-
mill Lodge, co. Cork, and by her (who d. 1874) has
surviving issue, * Alicia Emily Hester. Mr. Aldworth
is a Magistrate for co. Cork, aud a Commander R.N.,
retired. — Beech mount, Qucenstown, co. Cork.
ALEWOOD. (See A/ywood.)
ALEXANDER, Sir John Wallis, Bart, (or.'
Only surviving son of the late Sir Robert Alexander,
Bart, (who d. 1859), by Eliza, only dau. and heir of
John Wallis. Esq.; 6. 1800; s. his brother as 4th
Bart. 1873; m. 1858 Lady Lepel Charlotte Phipps,
dau. of Henry. 1st Earl of Mulgrave, and sister of
Constantine Henry, 1st Marquis of Normanby (she d.
1869). Called to ,rhe Bar at the Middle Temple
1844. — Lochgarry House, Pitlochry, KB.; 27, Eaton
Square, s.w.
Heir Pres.. his cousin Major William Alexander-Shaw, of
CruiSetown, co. Meath (whom see).
+ ALEXANDER, Sir James, K.C.B. (cr.
Son of the late J. Alexander, Esq. ; b. 1802. Educated
at Addiscombe ; entered the Royal Artillery in 1820;
js a Lieut.-General in the Army, and Colonel Royal
Artillery. — United Service Club, s.w.
ALEXANDER, Sir James Edward, Knt., of
Westerton, Stirlingshire, C.B. (cr. 1838).
Eldest son of the late Edward Alexander, Esq., of
Powis, N.B. (J.P. and D.L. for eo. Clackmannan), by
his 2nd wife, Catherine, dau. of John Glas, Esq., Pro-
vost of Stirling, N.B. ; b. 1807 ; m. 1837 Eveline Marie,
3rd dau. of Lieut.-Col. Charles Cornwallis Michell,
K.H., and has, with other issue, * Edward Mayne, b.
1846. Sir James, who was educated at the Univer-
sities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, and at the Royal
Military Coll., Sandhurst, is a J.P. and D.L. for co.
Stirling, and a Major-General in the Army ; late Lieut.-
Col. 14th Regt., and formerly in the 13th Light Dra-
goons, 16th Lancers, and 42nd Royal Highlanders. —
Westerton House, Bridge of Allan, N.B. ; United Service
and Athencsum Clubs, s.w.
ALEXANDER, Alexander, Esq., of Bryn
Llwyd, Anglesea.
Eldest son of the late Alexander Alexander, Esq. (who
claimed the Earldom of Stirling), by Fortunata Maria
Gertrude, only dau. of Signor Giovanni Bartoletti, of
Naples; b. 1812; s. 1859; m. 1850 Diana, eldest dau.
of the late Pierce Wynne Yorke, Esq., of Dyffryn Aled,
co. Denbigh, and has, with other issue, * Philip William
Wynne, b. 1852. — Bryn Llwyd, Llaniclan, Bangor.
ALEXANDER, Alexander John, Esq., of
Airdrie, and Rosolloch, Lanarkshire, and
Cowden, Dumbartonshire.
Only surviving son of the late Robert Alexander,
Esq., of Kentucky, U. S., by Eliza Weisiger, of Frank-
fort, Kentucky, and nephew of the late Right Hon.
Sir William Alexander, of Airdrie House, Chief Baron
of tho Exchequer; b. 1824; s. his brother 1867; m.
1871 Lucy, dau. of I. Fullorton, Esq., of Chillicotho,
Oliio, U.S., and has surviving issue *a son, b. 1875. Mr.
Alexander is a Magistrate for co. Lanark, Lord of the
Barony of Airdrio, and an American merchant. — Airdrie
House, Airdrie, N.B. ; Cowden Hill, Dumbarton ; Wood-
burn, Kentucky, U.S.
ALEXANDER, Archibald, Esq., of Boydstone,
Only son of Major Alexander Alexander, of Boydstone,
by Grace, dan. of Angus M'Alister, of Loup, co. Argyle
(Chief of the Clan) ; b. 1812; s. 1843; m. 1853 Agnes,
dau. of William Crawfurd, Esq., of Cartsburn, co. Ben-
frew, and has issue * Alexander Charles, b. 1854.
Mr. Alexander, who was educated at the University of
Edinburgh, is a Magistrate for co. Ayr, and a Deputy
Inspector-General ; he was formerly Surgeon-Major of
the 4th Hussars. — Ann's Lodge, Ardrossan, N.B.
ALEXANDER, Arthur, Esq., of Maryville,
co. Galway.
Only surviving son of the late John Alexander, Esq.,
of Maryville (who d. 1845), by Mary, dau. of Giles
Mahon, Esq. ; b. 1810; s. his brother 1847; 1st 1832
Sarah, dau. of Benjamin Falkiner, Esq., of Ballinad,
co. Tipperary, who d. s. p. 1856; 2nd 1857 Sarah Maria,
dau. of the late Arthur Johnston, Esq., of Carriekbreda,
co. Armagh, and Tremont, co. Down. Is a claimant of
the dormant earldom of Stirling. — Maryville, Kinvara.
Heir Pres. (to the honour) his cousin the Rev. John Alex-
ander, LL.D., of Carne Rectory, co. Wexford (whom see).
ALEXANDER, Lieut.-Col. Boyd Francis, of
Swifts, Kent.
Third son of the late Boyd Alexander, Esq., of Bal-
lochmyle, co. Ayr, and Southbar, co. Benfrew (who d.
1861), by Sophia Elizabeth, dau. of the late Sir Ben-
iamin Hobhouse, Bart., and sister of the late Lord
Broughton, G.C.B. ; b. 1834; ?». 1865 Mary, dau. of
David Wilson, Esq., late of Castleton, Surrey, and has
issue * Boyd and Bobert, b. 1873. Col. Alexander,
who was educated at Harrow, was a Lieut.-Col. in the
Bifle Brigade, and served in the Indian Mutiny.
— Swifts, Cranbrook ; Army and Navy Club, s.w.
ALEXANDER, Caledon Dupre, Esq., late of
The Auberries, Essex.
Eldest son of the late Josias Dupre Alexander, Esq.,
M.P. (many years a Director of the East India Com-
pany), by Mary, eldest dau. of the Bev. Thomas
Bracken; 6.1817; s. 1839; m. 1843 Caroline, 2nd dau.
of James Ewing, Esq., of Park Crescent, London,
formerly of the Bengal Civil Service, and has, with other
issue, * Caledon James, late Capt. Coldstream Guards ;
b. 1845 ; m. 1874 Nina Stewart, eldest dau. of Col. Sir
John Stewart Wood, K.C.B. Mr. Alexander, who was
educated at Eton, and is a Dep.-Lieut. for Essex, was
formerly in the 1st Life Guards. — Besidence : Stitton
Place, Guildford ; 30, Belgrave Square, w.
ALEXANDER, Lieut.-Col. Claud, of Balloch-
myle, Ayrshire.
Eldest son of the late Boyd Alexander, Esq., of Bal-
lochmyle, by Sophia Elizabeth, 3rd dau. of the late
Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart., and sister of John, 1st
Lord Broughton, G.C.B. ; b. 1831 ; s. 1861; m. 1863
Eliza, only dau. of the late Alexander Speirs, Esq., M.P.,
of Elderslie, N.B./and has issue * Claud, b. 1867. Col.
Alexander, who was educated at Eton and Ch. Ch.,
Oxford, is a J.P. and D.L. for cos. Ayr and Ben-
frew, and Lieut.-Col. Grenadier Guards ; was elected
M.P. for S. Ayrshire 1874. — Ballochmyle, Maiwhlinc,
N.B. ; Guards, Carlton, Army and Navy, and United
Service Clubs, s.w.
ALEXANDER, Georoe, Esq., of Rathvinden,
co. Carlow.
Third son of tho late John Alexander, Esq., of Milford
House, co. Carlow (who d. 1843), by Christian, dau. of
Lorenzo Nickson, Esq., of Chapel Izod, co. Kilkenny ;
b. 1813 ; educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1836);
called to the Irish Bar 1840 ; is a Magistrate for cos.
Down and Carlow. — Bathvinden, near Leighlin Bridge,
co. Carlow.
ALEXANDER, Ceorge, Esq., F.S.A., of
Westrop House, Wilts.
Second son of the late Bichard Hayward Alexander,
Esq., of Corsham, AVilts, by Mary, eldest dau. of George
Prior, Esq., of Halse House, Somerset; b. 1810; m.
1845 Elizabeth Maria, only dau. of the late John
Baby Hicks, Esq., of Caston Hall, Norfolk. Is a
Magistrate for Wilts. — Westrop House, Highworth,
ALEXANDER, Henry, Esq., of Forkhill, co.
Fourth son of the late Most Bev. Nathaniel Alexander,
D. D., Bishop of Meath, by Anne, dau. of the Bight
Hon. Bichard Jackson, of Jackson Hall, Coleraine ;
b. 1803; m. 1839 Lady Louisa Juliana, 2nd dau. of
Thomas, 2nd Earl of Banfurly, and has, with other
issue, * Granville Henry Jackson, b. 1852. Mr.
Alexander is a Dep.-Lieut. for co. Armagh (High
Sheriff 1856). — Forkhill, Armagh; Sackville Street Club,
Dublin ; Carlton Club, s.w.
ALEXANDER, Henry Browne, Esq., of Barnes,
Second and only surviving son of the late John Alex-
ander, Esq., of Kensington, Middlesex (who d. 1831),
by Mary Anne, dau. of — Browne, Esq., of Weymouth,
Dorset; b. 1800; m. 1830 Caroline, dau. of Thomas
Kettlewell, Esq., of Clapham Common, Surrey, and
has, with other issue, * William Henry, b. 1833. Mr.
Alexander is a Magistrate for Surrey. — The Laurels,
Barnes, s.w. ; Conservative Club, s.w.
+ ALEXANDER, James, Esq., of Oak Bank,
Younger son of the, late James Alexander, Esq., of
Somerhill, Kent, by his 2nd wife, Charlotte Sophia,
dau. of Thomas Dashwood, Esq.,. and widow of the
Hon. Charles Andrew Bruce ; b. 1822; m. 1845 Anna
Maria Julia, eldest dau. of Maximilian Dudley Digges
Dalison, Esq., of Hamptons, Kent. Educated at Eton
and Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1843) ; is a Banker and
E. India Agent in London. — Oak Bank, near Sevenoaks ;
12, Devonshire Street, w.
ALEXANDER, the Rev. John, of Coolgrove
House, Queen's co.
Eldest son of the late Bev. John Alexander, LL.D.,
Bector of Carne, co. Wexford, and Burgess of the city
of Glasgow (who d. 1875), by Mary, dau. of the late
Bev. Weldon John Molony, of Kiltannon, co. Clare,
and Bector o/ Dunleckney, co. Carlow; b. 1833; m.
1866 Caroline, youngest dau. of the late John Jacob,
Esq., M.D., and has, with other issue, *John Donald,
b. 1867. Mr. Alexander, who was educated at Trinity
Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1856), is Bector of Corclone,
Queen's co., and an hereditary Burgess of Glasgow.
— Corclone, Stradbally, Ireland.
ALEXANDER, John, Esq., of Milford House,
co. Carlow.
Eldest son of the late John Alexander, Esq., of Milford
House (who d. 1843), by Christian, dau. of Lorenzo
Nickson, Esq., of Chapel Izod, co. Kilkenny; b. 1802 ;
m. 1848 Esther, eldest dau. of Matthew Brinkley, Esq.,
of Parsonstown, co. Meath, and has, with other issue,
* John, b. 1850. Mr. Alexander, who was educated
at Trinity Coll.. Dublin (B.A. 1823. M.A. 1825\was
High Sheriff of co. Carlow 1824. M.l\ for Carlow
lS.s:?-;>.— .Vf'orrf House. Oir.W; Ki/dorc Street Club,
Dublin ; (MM C7«A, s.w.
R.N.. CIV. of South Barr. Renfrewshire.
Second son of the late Boyd Alexander, Esq.. of Bal-
lochmrlr, co. Ayr. ami South Rut, co. Renfrew, by
Sovh a Elisabeth, 3rd dan. of the late Sir Benjamin
Hobhouse. Hart. : 1832: 1861; >». 18C0 Isabella
Barbara, only dau. of the late T. 0. Hume, Esq., and
has. with otlier issue. * Boyd William John, b. 1862.
Mr. Alexander, who became Capt. R.N". 1863, and served
in the Black Sea 1851-6. is an officer of the Legion of
Honour. — Si'iith Burr. Pais'ey. A'./?.; Army and Xavy
dub. s.w. ; 14, Granville litter, w.
ALEXANDER. William, Esq., of
Ahilly. oo. Donegal.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Alexander, Esq., of
Ahilly (who was High Sheriff of co. Donegal 1852), by
Jane, eldest dan. of William Haig. Esq., of Westfield
House. Doncaster, co. York : b. 1841: 1867- Edu-
cated at Harrow : is a Magistrate for co. Donegal, and
Lord of the Manor of Ahilly. — Ahilly, Buncrttna, co.
Di-negal ; Frotrick, Colchester, Essex.
Heir Pres.. his brother James, ''. 1S43.
ALEXANDER, ROBERT, Esq., C.B., of Rol-
wood, Kent.
Younger son of the late Robert Alexander, Esq. (who
d. 1861 1. by Grace, dau. of the Eev. St. John Blacker.
D.D. ; 6. 1813 : his cousin, the late Lord Cranworth.
in the Holwood estate 1868 ; rn: 1st 1846 Caroline,
dau. of G. Murray, Esq. : 2nd 1870 Emmeline Bethea.
dau. of the late Robert Kaye Greville, Esq., LL.D.,
of Edinburgh, and widow of Major-Gen. Henry Drum-
mond. Is a Magistrate for Kent : was formerly in the
Bengal Civil Service. — Holwood, Bcckenham ; Arthur's
Club, s.w.
ALEXANDER, Robkrt Jackson, Esq., of
Portglenone, co. Antrim.
Eldest son of the late Nathaniel Alexander, Esq., of
Portglenone. co. Antrim (who was a J. P. and D.L., and
M.P. Jot that eo. 1841-02), by Florinda, 2nd dau. of
Richard Boyle Bagley, Esq.. and granddau. of Richard,
2nd Lord Castlemaine ; b. 1843; educated at Harrow;
is a Magistrate for co. Antrim (on roll for High Sheriff
1875), andalso for co. Londonderry (High Sheriff 1870).
— Portglenone House, Ballynuna ; Kihlare Street Club,
Heir Pres., his brother John Staples, late R.N. ; b. 1844.
ALEXANDER, Robert Quin, Esq., of Acton,
co. Armagh.
Eldest son of the late Major Win. Jas. Alexander, co.
Dublin Militia; b. 1816; m. 1840 Gertrude Harriet,
4th dau. of the late John Lushington ReiHy, Esq., of
Scarvagh House, co. Down, and has, with other issue,
* James, b. 1S42. Mr. Alexander, who is a Magis-
trate for cos. Armagh and Tyrone, has served as High
Sheriff of co. Dublin. — Acton, Woyntzpass, co.
Armagh; Sackville Street Club, Dublin.
ALEXAXDER, Samuel Maxwell, Esq., of Roe
Park, co. Londonderry.
Son of the late John Alexander, Esq., of Newton-
limavadv (who d. 1854), by Margaret, dan. of Samuel
Maxwell, Esq., of Armagh ; b. 1834 ; is a J.P. and D.L.
for Londonderry (High Sheriff 1858), and a Magistrate
for co. Donegal. — Roc Park, Newtonlimavady, co. Lon-
donderry ; Windham Club, s.w.
ALEXAXDER. (See under Caledon, Earl of.)
ALEXANDER-SHAW, Major William, of
CruiBetown, co. Meath.
Eldest and only surviving son of tho lato William
John Alexander-Shaw. Esq., of Cruisetown (who d.
1856), by his cousin Isabella, dau. of Robert Alexander,
Esq., Of Seamount, CO. Dublin ; b. 1816 : »t. 1839 Mary,
third dau. of the late Hon, and Right. Rev. Edward
Grey. Bishop of Hereford, and has, with other issue,
an only son, * William Ferdinand, b. 1845. Mr Alex-
ander-Shaw, who w:is educated at Shrewsbury School
and Trinity Coll.. Dublin, is a Major (retired) in H.M.
Bengal Light Cavalry, and in remainder to tho
Baronetcy of his cousin, Sir John Whllis Alexander.
— Cruisetown, co. Meath.
ALIXGTOX, George Marmaduke, Esq., of
Swinhope, Lincoln si tiro.
Eldest son of the late Rev. Marmaduke Alington, of
Swinhope, by Ann. dan. of Rev. John Emeris, of Louth,
co. Linooln:'/-. 1798; S. 1840; m. 1825 Mary, 3rd dau.
of Matthew Bancroft Lister, Esq., of Burwcll Park, co.
Lincoln, and has, with other issue,
* Charles Argentine, B.A. of Wadham Coll., Oxford, Rector
of Muckton, co. Lincoln ; b. i sjs ; m. 1ST:! Eleanor, youngest
dan. of the late Daniel Cave, Esq., of Cleve Hill, co.
(Jlouoester, and Sidbury Manor, Devon (shei/. 1874).
Mr. Alington, who was educated at Westminster and
St. John's Coll., Cambridge, is J.P. and D.L. for co.
Lincoln. — Swmhope, Binbrook, Market Rascn ; Univer-
sity Club, s.w.
ALIXGTOX, Rev. John, of Candlesby, Lincoln-
Third sou of the late Rev. Marmaduke Alington, of
Swinhope, co. Lineolu (who d. 1840), by Anne, dau. of
the late Rev. John Emeris, of Louth, co. Lincoln; b.
1801 : m. 1835 Charlotte Sophia, 3rd dau. of the late
Sir Alan Bellingham, Bart., and has, with other issue,
* Alan Manuaduke, M.A. of Worcester Coll., Oxford, Rector
of Benniworth, co. Lincoln ; b. 1S3G ; m. 18(54 Katharine,
dau. of the late Rev. Thomas Attwood, and has, with other
issue, * a son, b. 1870.
Mr. Alington, who was educated at Rugby and Mag-
dalen Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1822, M.A. 1825), is a Magis-
trate for co. Lincoln, and Rector of Candlesby and
Croxby. — Candlesby, near Spilsby,
ALIXGTOX, Julius, Esq., of Little Barford,
Eldest surviving son of the late Rev. John Alington, of
Little Barford and of Letehworth, Herts (whod. 1863),
by Eliza Frances, dau. of the late Right Hon. Sir
Thomas Plumer, of Canons Park, Middlesex; b. 183- ;
is married, and has issue * Charles Edmund Argentine,
b. 186-. Mr. Alington is Lord of the Manors of Little
Barford and Marston Morteyne, and Patron of 2 livings.
— Little Barford, St. Neots ; 131, Piccadilly, w.
ALIXGTOX-PYE, Henry, Esq., late of Donna
Xook and Somercoats, Lincolnshire.
Second son of the late Rev. Marmaduke Alington, of
Swinhope, co. Lincoln, by Anna, dau. of the Rev. J.
Emeris, of Louth; b. 1800; m. 1st 1826 Charlotte
Mary, 2nd dau. and co-heir of John Yarborough, Esq.,
of Frampton ; 2nd 1854 Lady Albinia Frances, eldest
dau. of Augustus, 6th Earl of Buckinghamshire, and
has by the former ''"Charlotte Alington, in. 1854 the
Rev. Charles Car}' Barnard. Mr. Alington-Pye, who
was educated at Westminster, assumed the additional
name of Pye, by royal licence, under the will of Mrs.
Sarah Rowe. — Somercoats, Louth, Lincolnshire.
ALISOX, Sir Archibald, Bart., K.C.B. (cr.
Elder son of the late Sir Archibald Alison, Bart.,
D.C.L., the eminent historian, by Elizabeth Glencairn,
dau. of Col. P. Tytler, brother of Lord Woodhouselee ;
b. 1826; s. a*s 2nd Bart. 1867 ; m. 1858 Jane, dan. of
James Black, Esq. Educated at the University of Edin-
burgh; is a Col. in the Army, and Deputy Adjutant-
General in Ireland, lato Assistant Adjutant-General at
Aldershot, and Brigadier-General on the Gold Coast ;
was formerly in the 72nd Highlanders. — United Service
Club, s.w.
Heir, his son Archibald, b. 1809.
ALISON, Henry, Esq., of Park Hall, Lanca-
Son of the late Richard Edward Alison, Esq., J.P. and
D.L. for co. Lancaster, by Alice, his wife (she cl. 1875);
b. 1837. Educated at Rugby and Trinity Coll., Cam-
bridge (B.A. 1850); called to the Bar at the Inner
Temple 1853; is a Magistrate for co. Lancaster. —
Park Hall, Chorley.
+ ALISON, Richard, Esq., of Woolton Heys,
Son of the late Richard Alison, Esq., of Woolton Heys
(who d. 1874); b. 18—. Is a Magistrate for co. Lan-
caster.— Woolton Heys, Liverpool.
+ ALLAN, Sir Hugh, Knt. (cr. 1871).
Son of the late H. Allan, Esq. ; b. 18 -- ; is m., and has,
with other issue, * Alexander R, b. 18 — ; m. 1874 Eva
Belford, only dau. of J. N. Travers, Esq. Sir H. Allan
was formerly a Member of the Government of Canada.
— Ravenscraig, Montreal, Canada.
ALLAN, Robert Henry, Esq., E.S.A., of
Blackwell Hall, co. Durham.
Eldest surviving son of the late Robert Allan, Esq., of
Newbottle, co. Durham (cousin of the late George
Allan, Esq., M.P., of Blackwell Grange), by Hannah,!
dau. of William Havelock, Esq.; b. 1802; s. his bro-
ther 1854 ; jr. 1841 Elizabeth, dau. of John Gregson,
Esq., of Murton, and Burdon, co. Durham. Is a J.P.
and D.L. for co. Durham (High Sheriff 1851), a Ma-
gistrate for the N. Riding of Yorkshire, and Lord of
the Manors of Blackwell, and Aislaby, co. Durham, and
of Barton Grange, Wandesford, otherwise Wilkinson's
Manor, Ward's, formerly Ingleby's, Manor, and Apple-
ton-upon- Wiske, in the N. Riding of Yorkshire. — Black-
well Hall, and Blackwell Grange, Darlington.
Heir Pres., his brother George Thomas, b. 1S04 ; m. 1843
Maria, dau. of the Rev. Thomas Ramshay, Vicar of
ALLAN. (See Murray-Allan.)
ALLAN-FRASER. (See Fraser.)
ALLAN- WODDROP. (See Woddrop.)
ALLARDIOE. (See Barclay- Allardice.)
+ ALLAWAY, Stephen, Esq., late of Court-
field, Herefordshire.
Son of the late S. Allaway, Esq.; b. 18 — . Is a J.P.
and D.L. for co. Hereford.
+ ALLAWAY, Thomas, Esq., of Highbury
House, Gloucestershire.
Son of the late T. Allaway, Esq.; b. 18—; m. 18 —
Helen, youngest dau. of the late William Rathbone,
Esq., of Scripplestown Hall, co. Dublin (she d. 1872).
Is a Magistrate for co. Gloucester. — Highbury House,
Lydncy, Gloucestershire.
+ ALLAWAY, William Augustus Hamilton
Kinnaird, Esq., of Graignos Castle, Gla-
Son of the late W. Allaway, Esq., of Graignos Castle,
by Mary, dau. of — Kinnaird, Esq. ; 6. 18 — . Is
% This lady was aunt of the late eminent General Sir Henry
Havelock, K.C.B.
a Magistrate for co. Brecon, and a coal and iron master.
— -Graignos Castle, Neath.
ALLCROFT, John Derby, Esq., of Stokesay
Castle, Shropshire.
Only son of the late J. M. Allcroft, Esq. (who d. 1867),
by Hannah, only dau. of Thomas Derby, Esq. ; b. 1822 ;
in. 1st 1854 Mary Annette, dau. of the Rev. Thomas
Martin; 2nd 1864 Mary Jewell, elder dau. of John
Blundell, Esq., of Timsbury Manor, Hants, and has,
with other issue, * Herbert John, b. 1865. Mr.
Allcroft. is a Magistrate for co. Salop, Lord of the
Manors of Onibury and Stokesay, Patron of 5 livings,
and Treasurer of Christ's Hospital. — Stokesay Castle,
Ludlow; Harlington, Hounslow, Middlesex; Conser-
vative Club, s.w. ; 108, Lancaster Gate, w.
+ ALLEN, Benjamin Haigh, Esq., of Longcroft,
Elder son of the late Benjamin Haigh Allen, Esq., of
Greenhead, near Huddersfleld, by Sarah, 4th dau. of the
late John Whitacre, Esq., of Woodhouse, co. York; b.
1820; is m.-, and has issue. Is a J.P. and D.L. for
co. Stafford ; High Sheriff of co. Hereford 1875.—
Longcroft Hill, Burton-on- Trent ; The Priory, Clifford,
ALLEN, Charles, Esq., of Tenby, Pembroke-
Eifth son of the late Rev. David Bird Allen, of Bicton,
Rector of Burton, co. Pembroke (who d. 1831), by Mary
Anne Harriot, dau. of Peter Bartholomew Jullian, Esq.,
of London ; b. 1808 ; m. 1 840 Mary, dau. of James Allen,
Esq., of Freestone, co. Pembroke, and has, with other
issue, ^Herbert James, a member of the Consular
Service in China, b. 1841. Mr. Allen, who was edu-
cated at Westminster School and Haileybury Coll.,
and appointed to the Bengal Civil Service in 1827, is a
Magistrate for co. Pembroke (on roll for High Sheriff
1876), and was formerly a Member of Council at Cal-
cutta.— Norton House, Tenby ; Oriental Club, w.
ALLEN, Charles Hugh, Esq., of Priskilly, 1
Third but only surviving son of the late Charles Bowen
Allen, Esq., of Rickeston Hall, co. Pembroke, by
Elizabeth, dau. of John Bowen, Esq. ; b. 1831 ; in. 1856
Mary, youngest dau. of Thomas Richard Sanders, Esq.,
and has, with other issue, * Allen Charles, b. 1857.
Mr. Allen is a Magistrate for co. Pembroke. — Priskilly
Forest, Haverfordwest.
ALLEN, George Baugh, Esq., of Cilrhiw,
Son of the late Lancelot Baugh Allen, Esq., of Cilrhiw,
formerly Master of Dulwich Coll., and one of the
Six Clerks in Chancery, by Caroline Jane, dau. of
Thomas Peter Romilly, Esq. ; b. 1821 ; m. 1846 Dorothea
Hannah, dau. of Roger Eaton, Esq., of Pareglas, co.
Pembroke, and has by her (who cl. 1868), with other
issue, * John Romilly, b. 1847. Mr. Allen, who was
educated at Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1842, M.A.
1845), is a Magistrate for co. Pembroke. — Cilrhiw,
Narberth ; 5, Albert Terrace, Regent's Park, n.W.
+ ALLEN, Henry Howard, Esq., of Inchmar-
tine, Perthshire.
Son of the late H. Allen, Esq., of Eveley ; brother of
the late Sir James Vaughan Allen, of Inchmartine, and
uncle of the late James D. Vaughan Allen, Esq., of
Inchmartine ; l>. 18 — ; s. his nephew 1868 ; is Patron
of 3 livings. — Inchmartine, Inchturc, N.B.
ALLEN, Henry Seymour, Esq., of Cresselly,
Eldest surviving son of the late Seymour Philipps-
the rxiTKn kincdom.
Alien. Esq.. of Crc^elly i.T.l'. and P.L. for oo. Pem-
broke, ninl High Sheriff in 1$.">0). by l.ndv Catherine
Fellows. <1a\\. of Newton, 4th Earl of Portsmouth : ft.
1847 : .< IM1. Educated at Harrow ; is a Magistrate
for co. tYnil>roke ^High Sin riff I873\ ami Lord of the
Manor of Orossclly. 0< ssrliy /ft .< . /V »>• -»ke.
Utir Prrt.. his brother Frederick Seymour, b. 11*49.
ALLEN", John, Esq.. of Coleridge House,
Eldest sou of the late Michael Allen, Esq., by Agues,!
dau. of John Cornish. Esq.. of Coleridje House. Devon;
ft. 1791: 1S2S: ;w. 18:*<> Marianne Catherine. 2nd
dau. of the late Edninnd X. W. Eortescue. Esq., of
Fallajiit. Down, and has surviving issuo * George]
Edmund, ft. 1841. Mr. Allen is a J.P. and P.L. for
Pevou. and was formerly Capt. in the N. Devon Militia.
— GJcridpc House. Kingsbridge, ficron.
ALLEX. the Yen. John, of llormead. Herts.
Youngest BOO of the late Rev. David Bird Allen. Rector |
of Burton, co. Pembroke, by Mary Anne Harriet, dau.
of Bartholomew Jullian. Esq., and brother of J. J.
Allen. Esq.. of Bieton (whom s,e); ft. 1S10 ; m. 1834
Harriet, dau. of James White Higgins, Esq., of Hor-
mead Bury. Herts, and has, with other issue,
• John Higjrins. educated at Eton and Trinity Coll.. Cam-
bridge, a Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln's Inn ; b. 1S41.
The Archdeacon, who was educated at Westminster and
Trinity Coll.. Cambridge (B A. 1832, M.A. 183.3), is
Vicar of Prees, co. Salop, and {jute uxoris) Lord of the
Manor of Uormead ; he was formerly Chaplain of King's
Coll.. London, and the first of H. M.'s Inspectors of
Schools. — Residence: JV<y.« Vicarage, Shrewsbury.
ALLEX, Joshua Jcllian, Esq., of Bicton, Pem-
Eldest son of the late Rev. David Bird Allen, of Bicton, !
by Mary Anne Harriot, dau. of Peter Bartholomew
Jullian, Esq.. of London: ft. 1799; s. 1840; m. 1821
Martha, dau. of John Brooke, Esq., and has issue,
« Joshua Bird, edncated at St. Paul's School. B.A. of Trinity
Coll.. Cambridge, Chief Clerk in the High Court of Chan-
cery ; b. 1823 : m. 1S4S JIargaretta Anne, only dau. of Col.
Morison, of Portclew House, co. Pembroke.
Mr. Allen is a Magistrate for Somerset and co. Pem-
broke, and a Solicitor in London. —Bicton, Milford,
Pemln-ol-e; Tents Hill, Mells, Fromc ; 20, Bedford
Row, w.c.
ALLEX, Major Ealph Shdttlewoeth, of
Hampton Manor, Somerset, and Lyngford
House, Somerset.
Son of the late Henry Allen, Esq., of Bathampton,
Somerset, bv Fanny, dau. of Henry Lloyd, Esq. ; 6.
1818; m. 1st 1844 Annie Elizabeth, dau. of Srr Samuel
Cunard, Bart, (she d. 1862); 2nd 1864 Ethel, dan. of
the late John Roy Allen, Esq., of Lyngford House,
Somerset, and lias, with other issue, * Ralph Edward,
ft. 1S46. Major Allen, who was educated at "Wool-
wich, is a Magistrate for Somerset, late Capt. N.
Somerset Yeomanry; was formerly Capt. R.A. and
Major R. Cornwall and Devon Miners Artillery ; elec-
ted M.P. for E. Somerset 1868.— Hampton Manor,
Bath ; Lyngford House, Taunton ; Carlton and United
Service Clubs, s.w.
ALLEX, Thomas Newland, Esq., of The
Yache, Bucks.
Son of the late Thomas Allen, Esq., of The Yache (who
d. 1829), by Sarah, dau. of "William Jackson, Esq., of
Tamworth; ft. 1812; m. 1844 Caroline Josephine, dau.
of Col. Frederick William Grauhan. of Berlin (she d.
1866). Is a J.P. and D.L. for Bucks (High Sheriff
1841).— The Vache, Chalfont St. Giles', Slough; Beform
Club, s.w.
ALLEN, Win i\m. Esq., of I ji scon v tile, 00. Cork.
Eldest soft of the late William Allen, Esq., of Liscon-
ville. bv Mary. dau. of James Low, Esq., of Sally Park,
co. Cork: ft. 1807: 1854: in. 1841 Clara, 'dau. of
Christopher Blunt. Bsq., of Derriquin Castle, co. Kerry,
and has issue * William, ft. 1842. Mr. Allen, who was
Bdbcated at Trinity Coll.. Dttblin (B.A. 1833), is a
Magistrate for co. Cork. — Lisconwto, Kant urk, Cork.
+ ALLEX. the Rev. William Ji.fferys, of Gal-
chell, Somerset.
Younger son of the late John Allen, Esq., of Lyngford,
Somerset, and brother ofthe late John Roy Allen, Esq. ;
ft. 1802. Educated at Pembroke Coll., Cambridge
(B.A. 1826, M.A. 1830) ; is a Magistrate for Somerset;
was Incumbent of Miehaelehureh, Somerset, 1851-6.
— Galchcll, Bridgwater.
+ ALLEX, WiLLiAil John "Campbell, Esq., of
Faunoran, co. Antrim.
Son of the late W. Allen, Esq. ; ft. 18— ; is a Magis-
trate for cos. Antrim and Down, and also for Belfast.
— Faunoran, G/< nis/and, Bdfast.
ALLEX, William Shepherd, Esq., of Wood-
head Hall, Staffordshire.
Only M>n of the late William Allen, Esq., J.P., of Wood-
head Hall (who d. 1871), by Maria, dau. of William
Shepherd, Esq.; ft. 1831 ; m. 1869 Elizabeth Penelope,
only child of John Candlish, Esq., M.P., and has, with
other issue, * William, ft. 1870. Mr. Allen, who was
educated at Wadham Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1854, M.A.
1857), is a Magistrate for co. Stafford; elected M.P.
for Neweastle-uuder-Lyne 1865. — Woodhcad Hall,
Chcadlc ; Reform and University Clubs, s.w.
ALLEX. (See Toumay.)
ALLEX, of Titley Court. (See Greenly.)
ALLEXBY, Henry Charles Hynman, Esq., of
Kenwick raid Garnsgate, Lincolnshire.
Eldest son ofthe late Henry Hynman Allenby, Esq., J.P.,
of Kenwiek House, and Garnsgate Hall (who d. 1869),
by Eliza, dau. of Titus Bourne, Esq., of Afford, co. Lin-
coln (she vi. 2nd 1870 the Rev. Erasmus R. AV. Lloyd,
M.A.) ; ft. 1853. — Kenwiek House, Louth; Garnsgate
Hall, Long Sutton, Lincolnshire.
ALLEYXE, Sir John Cay Xewton, Bart. (cr.
Eldest surviving son of the late Sir Reynold Abel
Alleyne, Bart., by Rebecca, dau. of John Olton, Esq.,
of Barbados; ft. 1820; s. as 3rd Bart. 1870 ; in. 1851
Augusta Isabella, dau. of the late Sir Henry Fitz-
Herbert, Bart. Sir John, who was Capt. 12th Derby-
shire Rifle A7oluuteers, and formerly Warden of Dulwich
Coll., is a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers,
&c. — Buttcrley Car, A/frcton.
Heir, his son Reynold Henry Newton, b. 1852.
+ ALLEREE, the Rev. William Edward, of
Narborough, Xorfolk.
Son of the late W. Allfree, Esq. ; ft. 1818. Educated
at Wadham Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1839, M.A. 1843);
is Patron and Rector of Narborough. — Narborough,
ALLFREY, Frederick William, Esq., of
Silwood Lodge, Berks.
Third son of the late Edward Allfrey, Esq., of Sale-
hurst, Sussex, by Margaret, dau. of Robert Shedden,
Esq., and brother of Robert Allfrey, Esq., of Woke-
field {whom see) ; ft. 1819 ; m. 1845 Emily, dau. ofthe
late Col. Sir Robert Moubray, of Cockairnie, co. Fife,
and has, with other issuo* Moubray, ft. 1846. — Silwood
Lodge, Stanbury, Reading.
ALLFREY, Goodrich Holmsdale, Esq., of
Wokefield, Berks.
Eldest son of the late Bobert Allfrey, Esq., J.P. and
D.L, of Wokefield (who d. 1875), by Caroline, dau. of
William Hobson, Esq. ; b. 1835; m. 1873 Helen Clara,
eldest dau. of William Little, Esq., of Park Square,
Regent's Park, and has issue * Herbert Cyril, b. 1874.
Mr. Allfrey, who is a Magistrate for Berks, was for-
merly Major 2nd Dragoon Guards. — Wokefield Park,
ALLFREY, Henry Wells, Esq., of Heming-
ford House, Warwickshire.
Second son of the late Edward Allfrey, Esq., of Sale-
hurst, Sussex, by Margaret, dau. of Robert Shedden,
Esq., of Paulerspury Park, co. Northampton, and
uncle of G. H. Allfrey, Esq., of Wokefield (whom
see); b. 1817; m. 1st 18-15 Adeline Frances, dau.
of the late Col. Sir Robert Moubray, of Cockairnie,
co. Eife (shed. 1855); 2nd 1859 Catherine Elizabeth,
2nd dau. of Philip Saltmarshe, Esq., of Saltmarshc, co.
York ; he has by the former, with other issue, * Henry,
Ensign 60tli Rifles ; 6.1850. Mr. Allfrey, who was
educated at Exeter Coll., Oxford, is a Magistrate for
co. Warwick. — Hcmingford House, Stratford-on-Avon.
ALLGOOD, Lancelot John Huntee, Esq., of
Nunwick, Northumberland .
Eldest son of the late Robert Lancelot Allgood, Esq.,
of Nunwick, by Elizabeth, dau. of John Hunter, Esq.,
of the. Hermitage; b. 1823; s. 1854; m. 1845 Louisa
Charlotte, dau. of the late Sir Thomas Noel Hill, K.C.B.
Educated at Rugby ; is a J.P. and D.L. for Northum-
berland (High Sheriff 1858); Lord of the Manor of
Nunwick and Patron of 2 livings ; was formerly Lieut.
1 3th Light Dragoons. — Nunwick, Hexham ; Arthur s and
Army and Navy Clubs, s.w.
liar /Ves., his brother James, M. A., of Brasenose Coll. , Oxford ,
Rector ot Ingram, Northumberland ; b. 1S2U ; m. 1854
Isabella, dau. of the late Charles A. Williamson, Esq.
ALLHUSEN, Christian, Esq., of Stoke, Bucks.
Eldest son of the late Charles Christian Frederick All-
husen, Esq., of Kiel, in Holstein, by Margaret, dau. of
John Schroeder, Esq., of Tondern ; b. 1806; m. 1835
A.nn, dau. of John Shield, Esq., of Broomhaugh, and
has, with other surviving issue, * Wilton Allhusen,
b. 1840; m. 1874 Adelaide Louisa, 2nd dau. of Major
Thomas Pakenham Vandeleur, of Bellefield, co. Lime-
rick. Mr. Allhusen is a Magistrate for Durham and
Dep. -Lieut, for Newcastle-on-Tyne. — Stoke Court,
Slough, Bucks ; Beform Club, s.w.
ALLISON, Joseph, Esq., of Bilby, Notts.
Eldest son of the late Joseph Allison, Esq., of Bilby,
by Mary, dau. of Matthew Booth, Esq., of Kirkburton,
near Huddersfield; b. 1785; s. 1812; m. 1817 Elizabeth,
dau. of William Hodgkinson, Esq., of Torworth, Notts,
and has issue * William Hodgkinson, b. 1838. — Bilby,
East Betford.
ALLISON, Robert Andrew, Esq., of Scaleby
Hall, Cumberland.
Eldest son of the late Joseph Allison, Esq., of Carlisle
(who d. 1842), by Jane, youngest dau. of the late John
Andrew, Esq., of Carlisle; b. 1838; 5??. 1867 Laura
Alicia, younger dau. of Joseph Milner Atkinson, Esq.,
of Thorp Arch, co. York, and has issue a son and a
daughter. Mr. Allison, who was educated at Rugby
and Trinity College, Cambridge, is a Magistrate [ for
Cumberland; he purchased this property in 1862.
— Scaleby Hall, Carlisle.
ALLIX, Charles Peter, Esq., of Swaffham
House, Cambridgeshire.
Only son of the late Col. Charles Allix, of Swaffham
House, by his cousin Mary Catherine Elizabeth, dau.
of Charles Allix, Esq., of AVilloughby Hall, co. Lin-
coln ; b. 1842; s. 1862; m. 186S Laura Agneta Wel-
lington, 2nd dau. of Richard Lee Bevan, Esq., of
Brixworth Hall, co. Northampton, and has, with other
issue, * Charles Israel Loraine, /). 1872. 'Mr. Allix,
who was educated at Harrow and Trinity Coll., Cam-
bridge, is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Cambridge (on roll for
High Sheriff 1876). — Swaffham House, Cambridge.
ALLIX, Frederick William, Esq., of Wil-
loughby Hall, Lincolnshire.
Eldest son of the late Charles Allix, Esq., of Wil-
loughby Hall (J.P. and D.L. for co. Lincoln), by Mary,
dau. of William Hammond, Esq., of St. Alban's Court,
Kent; b. 181C; s. 1866; m. 1844 Sophia Mary, only
child of the late Christopher H. Noel, Esq., of Welling-
gore Hall, co. Lincoln, and has, with other issue,
* Noel Charles Harvey, b. 184C ; m. 1S71 Helen, eldest dau. of
Edwin Taunton, Esq., of The Marfords, Bromborough, co.
Mr. Allix, who was educated at Harrow, is a J.P. and
D.L. for co. Lincoln ; he was formerly Capt. Grenadier
Guards. — Willoughby Hall, Grantham.
ALLOTT, the Rev. John, of Hague Hall,
Second but eldest surviving son of the late. Rev. George
Allott, of Hague Hall, by Mary, dau. of James Emer-
ton, Esq., of South Kirkby ; 1811; s. 1848; m.
1836 Catherine, dau. of W. Wilson, Esq., and has issue,
* John George, b. 1838 ; m. 1871 Loui>a, eldest dau. of
Meaburn Stanilaud, Esq., of Harrington, co. Lincoln.
Mr. Allott, who was educated at St. John's Coll., Cam-
bridge (B.A. 1835), is a Magistrate for co. Lincoln,
Patron and Rector of Maltby-le-Marsh.— Hague Hull,
Wakefield,; Maltby-le-Marsh Bectory, Alford.
ALLOWAY, Robert Morellet MONTGO-
MERY-, Esq., of The Derries, Queen's Co.
Eldest son of the late William Johnson Alloway, Esq., of
The Derries, by Margaret, dau. of the late Hon. Judge
Robert Johnson, of Dublin ; b. 1807 ; s. 1829 ; m. 1832
Marian, only dau. of William Lewis, Esq., of Harlech,
co. Dublin, and has, with other issue, * Robert Manna-
duke, b. 1840. Mr. Montgomerie-Alloway, who was
educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1829, M.A.
1833), 'and was called to the Irish Bar in 1830, is a
Magistrate for Queen's Co. — The Berries, Bcdlybrittas,
Queen's Co.
ALLSOPP, Henry, Esq., of Hindlip Hall and
Burton-upon-Trent, Worcestershire.
Eldest surviving son of the late Samuel Allsopp, Esq.,
by Frances, only dau. and heiress of Charles Fowler,
Esq., of Shrewsbury; b. 1811; m. 1839 Elizabeth,
dau. of William Tongue Esq., of Comberford Hall,
co. Stafford, and has issue,
* Samuel Charles, educated at Harrow and M.A. of Trinity
Coll., Cambridge ; a Magistrate for cos. Stafford and Derby,
Lieut. Derbyshire Yeomanry, and M.P. for E. Stafford-
shire; b. 1842; m. 1S68 Georgiana Millicent, eldest dau.
of Charles Rowland Palmer-Morewood, Esq., of Alfreton
Park, co. Derby.
Mr. Allsopp, who is a J.P. and D.L. for cos. Stafford
and Worcester (on roll for High Sheriff 1876), and
a Magistrate for co. Derby, purchased Hindlip in
1866 from the family of Viscount Southwell; was
elected M.P. for E. Worcestershire 1874.— Hindlip
Hall, Worcester; Windham and Carlton Clubs, s.w.;
83, Eaton Square, s.w.
ALMACK, Henry Horn, Esq., of Melford,
Only son of the late Richard Almack, Esq., F.S.A., J.P.,
of Melford (who cl. 1875), by Frances, only dau. of the
late Lieut.- Col. Frederick James Horn, and sister of
Lieut-Gen. Sir Frederick Horn, K.C.B. ; h. 1835; edu-
cated at Harrow. — Melford, near Sudburu, Suffolk,
ALMACK, JOBS, Esq , of Beverley, Yorkshire.
Youncest son of t ho late Thomas Almack. Km]., of
Bishop Burton. CO. York (who <i. 1840), by Catherine,
dau. of Richard Barugh. Esq.; b. 18 — ; is a Magis-
trate for the K. Killing of Yorkshire. — Beverley.
ALSTON*. ArtbCB Richard, Esq., of Dciming-
ton. Suffolk.
Son of the late Kev. Edward Constable Alston. .T.P.,
Patron and Rector of Pennington (who d. 1S7U, by liis
first wife. Harr otto, dau. of the late William Kaekham.
E^.. of Norwich; b. lS-tl ; late Lieut. 64th Regt.—
Dntningte'n, Fran.liiigham.
ALSTON, Crewe, Esq., of Odell, Beds.
Eldest surviving son of the late Justinian Alston, Esq.,
of Odell Castle, by Elizabeth, dun. of the late Gen.,
John Manners Ivor : K 1796; ;n. 1st 1S51 Mary, eldest
dau.ofthc latcRcv. Hugh Spoke, Vicarof Dowlish Wake, '
Somerset (she d. l$oH\; 2nd 1857 Mary, dau. of A. I
Long. Esq. : ho has issue by the former * Rowland
Crewe, A. 1852. Mr. Alston is a Magistrate for Beds
(High Sheriff 1888), Lord of the Manor of Odell,
and Patron of 1 living. — Odell Castle, B<dford ; Fcnn
House, Ugborough, S. Devon.
+ ALSTOX, James William, Esq., of Stock-
briggs, Lanarkshire.
Eldest son of the late J. Alston. Esq. ; b. 18—. Is a
Magistrate for co. Lanark and Lord of the Barony of
• Stockbriggs. — Stockbriggs, Lcsmahaqow, near Lanark,
N.B. ; 205, Bath Street, Glasgow, X.B.
ALSTOX, John- Patrick, Esq., of Muirbura,
Eldest son of the late G. Alston, Esq., by Kachel, dau.
of the late James Brown, Esq., of Auehlochan, co.
Lanark; b. 1816; m. 18-")3 Mary Anne, dau. of the late
William Hamilton, Esq., of Xorthpark, eo. Lanark, and
has issue * George, b. 1S55. Mr. Alston is a J.P. and
D.L. for eo. Lanark. — Mvirburn, Hamilton, X.B. ; 13,
West Regent Street, Glasgow.
ALSTOX, "William Charles, Esq., of ELuidon
Hall, Warwickshire.
Elder son of the late William Charles Alston. Esq.,
J.P. and D.L., of Elmdon Hall, by Elizabeth Anne,
youngest dau. and coheir of Col. Fetherston, of Pack-
wood; b. 1842; s. 1S62. Is a Magistrate for eo. War-
wick, Lord of the Manor of FJmdon, and Lieut. War-
wickshire Yeomanry. — E'mdon Hall, Birmingham.
Heir Pres., his brother James Fetherston, b. 1S44.
ALTAMOXT, Earl of. (See under Sligo, Marquis of.)
ALTHAM, William Surtees, Esq., of Timber-
combe, Somerset.
Only surviving son of Col. John Cook, 28th Light
Dragoons, Inspector of Yeomanry Cavalry, by Eliza-
beth, eldest dau. of Aubone Surtees, Esq., ofHauxley
Hall, Northumberland, and Mary, dau. and coheir of
Koger Altham, Esq.. whose name he assumed by royal
sign manual ; b. 1S13; m. 1st 1850 Henrietta Barrett,
dau. of Edward Moulton-Barrett, Esci., J. P., of Hope
End, co. Hereford (High Sheriff 1814) (she d. 1860) ;
2nd 1S62 Arabella, only surviving dau. of Jesse
Addams, Esq., Q.C., and has by the former, with other
issue, *Altliam Surtees, educated at Winchester, and
B.A. of Ch. Ch. Oxford, in Holy Orders, b. 1851. Mr.
Altham, who is a Magistrate for Somerset, and was
formerly Major 83rd Foot, purchased Timbercoinbe in
1871. — Timbercombc. 'near Aisholt, Somerset ; United,
Service and Junior United Service Clubs, s.w.
Al.WYNK. Lieuti.-Col. THEOBALD Butlkk, of
Mo\ u;'. co. Tipperary.
Son of the late Rev. John Aldwell, .T.I'., of Moyne,
Prebendary of Cashel (who d. 1828), by Eleanor, dau.
of the late Theobald Butler, Esq., of Wilford, eo. Tip-
perary; b. 180— j m. 1829 Elizabeth, dau. of General
Power, Col. Comm. K.A. (she d. 1873). Educated at
Dublin University (B.A. 1828, SI. A. 1835) ; is a Lieut,-
Col. unattached R.I.M. ; he assumed the ancient name
of his family, in lieu of Aldwell, in 1865. — Moyne,
ntar Fithard, co. Tipperary ; Clarence Club, s.w.
j AMBER LEY, Viscount, (See under Russell, Earl.)
AMCOTTS. (Sec Cracroft-Amcotts.)
AMCOTTS -INGILBT, Lady, of Broxbolme,
Mary Anno, only dau. of the late John Clementson, Esq.,
by Elizabeth, 4th dau. of the late Sir Thomas
Turton, Bart, (ext.), of Starborough Castle, Surrey ; m.
IS 13 (as his 2nd wife) Sir William Amcotts-Ingilby,
Burt., of Kettlethorpe Park, co. Lincoln, and Ripley
Castle, co. York, who d. s. p. 1854, when his titles
became extinct, Is Lady of the Manor of Broxholme.
— Broxholme, Ripley,
AMBRY, John Srarke, Esq., of Druid House,
Eldest son of the late John Amery, Esq., of Narrow-
more, Devon; b. 1812. Is a Magistrate for Devon.
—Druid House, Ashburton.
AMERY, "William D'Ameey, Esq., of Eck-
ington, "Worcestershire.
Fourth sou of the late John Amery, Esq., F.S.A., J.P.
and D.L., of Eckington (who d. 1874), by Anna
Dorothea, dau. of the Rev. Frederick William Foster;
b. 1839 ; is Lord of the Manor of Eckington.— Manor
House, Eckington, Pcrshorc.
AMES, Charles Herbert, Esq., of Remen-
bam Place, Berks.
Second son of the late George Henry Ames, Esq., of
Cote House, co. Gloucester (who d. 1873), by Anna,
dau. of the late Gideon Acland, Esq., of Camberwell ;
b. 1830; m 1863 Eliza Scott, 6th dau. of the late
Rev. William Scott Robinson, Rector of Dyrham, co.
Gloucester, and has, with other issue, * William Her-
bert, b. 1868. Mr. Ames, who was educated at Eton
and Haileybury Coll., was formerly in the Madras
Civil Service. — Remcnham Place, Henley-on-Thames ;
E. I. United Service Club, s.w.
AMES, Edward Levi, Esq., of Clevelands,
Third son of the late George Henry Ames, Esq., of Cote
House, Westbury-on-Trym, co. Gloucester (who d. 1873),
by Anna, dau. of Gideon Acland, Esq. ; b. 1832 ; s. his
uncle, John Ames, Esq., 1867; m. 1859 Emily, dau.
of the late Edward Lawford, Esq., and by her (who el.
1864) has, with other issue, * Edward Cecil, b. 1860.
Mr. Ames, who was educated at Trinity Coll., Cam-
bridge, represents a younger branch of the family of
Ames, of The Hyde. — Clevelands, hyme Regis.
AMES, Frederick, Esq., of Hawford Lodge,
Fifth son of the late George Henry Ames, Esq., of
Cote Houso, co. Gloucester (who d. 1873), by Anna,
dau. of the late Gideon Acland, Esq., of Camberwell,
Surrey; b. 1836; m. 1865 Letitia, eldest dau. of the
late George Fillingham, Esq., of Syerston Hall, Notts.
Was formerly an officer in the Riflo Brigade. — Haw-
ALTHORP Yiscount (See under Spencer, Earl.) foid Lodge, Worcester; Junior United Service Club, s.w.
I C ' M
AMES, Henry St. Vincent, Esq., of Cote
House, Gloucestershire.
Fourth sou of tho late Goorgo Henry Ames, Esq., of
Coto Houso (who d. 1873), by Anna, dan. of tho lato
Gideon Acland,Esq.,of Camborwell, Surrey ; b. 1833; m.
1875 Charlotte Henrietta, eldest dau. of the Rov. George
Robinson, Rector of Tartaraghan, co. Armagh; edu-
catod at Exeter Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1857, M.A. 1861).
— Cote House, Westbury-on-Trym ; New University
Club, s.w.
AMES, Louis Eric, Esq., of Linden, North-
Eldest son of the late Henry Metcalfe Ames, Esq., of
Lindon (who d. 1874), by Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of
Major Hodgson-Cadogan, of Brinkburn, Northumber-
land; b. 1855. The late Mr. Ames was a Dep.-Lieut.
for Northumberland (High Sheriff 1864).— Linden,
Heir pres., his brother Felix Lyde, b. 1857.
AMES-LYDE, Lionel Neyille Frederick,
Esq., of The Hyde, Herts.
Eldest son of the late Lionel Ames, Esq., J.P. and
D.L., of The Hyde, High Sheriff of Beds 1865 (who d.
1873), by Augusta Percy, dau. of the late Col. Sir John
Morillyon Wilson, C.B., K.H. ; b. 1850 ; m. 1873 Edith
Eliza, only child of tho late Major Hogge, of Thornham,
Norfolk, of the 7th Dragoon Guards. Is Lieut, and
Capt. Grenadier Guards ; assumed the name of Lyde
by royal licence in 1874. — The Hyde, Harpendcn ;
Thornham Hall, Brancctstcr, Norfolk.
Heir Pres., his brother Gerard YMan, Sub.-Lieut. 1st Royal
Dragoons ; b. 1855.
AMHERST, Earl (William Pitt Amherst).
— Cr. 1826.
Eldest son of William, 1st Earl, by the Hon. Sarah,
dau. and coheir of Lord Archer (ext.), and widow of
Other Hickman, 5th Earl of Plymouth (e.rt.) ; b. 1805 ;
s. 1857; in. 1834 Gertrude, dau. of the late Hon. and
Eight Rev. Hugh Percy, D.D., Bishop of Carlisle.
Educated at Westminster and Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A.
1828); is a J.P. and D.L. for Kent, and Patron of 1
living; was M.P. for Kent 1831-2.— Montreal, Seven-
oaks ; Carlton Club, s.w. ; 43, Grosvenor Square, w.
Heir, his son "William Archer, Visct. Holmesdale, of Linton
Place, Kent, a J.P. and D.L. for that co. and M.P. for
Mid-Kent ; late Capt. Coldstream Guards ; b. 1S3G ; m.
1802 Lady Julia Mann-Cornwallis, only surviving child
and heir of James, 5th and last Earl Cornwallis (ext.).
AMHERST, the Right Rev. Francis Kerril, of
Fieldgate House, Warwickshire.
Elder son of the late William Kerril Amherst, Esq., of
Eieldgate House, by Mary Louisa, dau. of the late
Erancis Eortescue Turville, Esq., of Bosworth Hall, co.
Leicester; b. 1819. Educated at St. Mary's, Oscott ;
is Roman Catholic Bishop of Northampton — Field-
gate House, Kenilworth ; Bishop's House, Northampton.
Jleir Pres., his brother William Joseph, 6. 1820 ; called to the
Bar at the Middle Temple 1843 ; is now in Holy Orders of
the Roman Catholic Church.
AMHURST, William Amhurst TYSSEN-,
Esq., of Didlington Hall, Norfolk.
Eldest son of the late William George Tyssen Tyssen-
Amhurst, Esq., of Hackney and Didlington (who d.
1855), by Mary, eldest dau. of Andrew Fountaine, Esq.,
of Narford Hall, Norfolk; b. 1835; m. 1856 Margaret
Susan, only child of the late Admiral Robert Mitford,
of Mitford, Northumberland, and Hunmanby Hall, co.
York, and has issue seven daughters. Mr. Tyssen-
Amhurst, who was educated at Eton and Ch. Ch., Oxford,
is a J.P. for Westminster and Norfolk (High Sheriff
1866), and J.P. and D.L. for Middlesex. — Didlington
Hall, Brandon; Travellers', Carlton, and Atheneeum
Clubs, s.w.
+AMIEL, Capt. Francis John Tyssen, of
Abergavenny, Monmouthshire.
Socond son of tho lato William Eardlcy Amiol, Esq.,
Lieut. R.N., by his 1st wife, Martha, only dau. of
Thomas Moore, Esq.; b. 1828 ; m. 1859 Isabella, only
child and heir of tho lato Rev. George Preston, Roctor
of Loxdon, and widow of John Morris Colston, Esq.
Is a Magistrate for co. Monmouth ; formerly Capt.
73rd Foot, which he entered in 1846. — The Chapel,
Abergavenny ; 13, Kensington Gardens Terrace, w.
AMORY, Sir John Heathcoat HEATHCOAT-,
Bart., of Knightshaye's Court, Devon-
shire (cr. 1874).
Only son of the late Samuel Amory, Esq., of Portland
Place, London (who d. 1860), by Anne, dau. and heir
of the late John Heathcoat, Esq., of Bolham, many
years M.P. for Tiverton ; b. 1829 ; s. his grandfather
1859 ; m. 1863 Henrietta Mary, only dau. of William
Unwin, Esq. Educated at University Coll., London ;
kept terms for the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, but was not
called to the Bar ; is a J.P. and D.L. for Devon, and
Lord of the Manor of Chettiscombe ; late Major 1st
Devon Rifle Volunteers ; elected M.P. for Tiverton 1868.
— Knightshaye's Court, Tiverton ; Reform Club, s.w.
Heir, his son Ian Murray, b. 18G5.
AMOS, James, Esq., of St. Ibbs, Herts.
Eldest surviving son of the late Andrew Amos, Esq.,
J.P., of St. Ibbs (Downing Professor of Common Law
in University of Cambridge, a Member of the Supreme
Council of India, and Recorder of Oxford, Nottingham,
&c. (who d. 1860), by Margaret, dau. of Professor Lax ;
b. 1828; «. his brother 1875. Educated at Trinity
Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1851, M.A. 1854); is Lord of
the Manor of St. Ibbs. — St. Ibbs and Hippolitt's,
Hitchin, Herts.
AMPHLETT, Sir Richard Paul, of Wychbold
Hall, Worcestershire (cr. 1874).
Eldest son of the late Rev. Richard Holmden Amphlett,
Rector of Hadzor, co. Worcester, by Sarah, dau. of
Nathaniel Paid, Esq., of Bloomsbury Square, London ;
b. 1809 ; in. 1840 Frances, only child and heiress-at-law
of the late Edward Ferrand, Esq., of St. Ives, co. York.
Educated at St. Peter's Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1831,
M.A. 1834), of which Coll. he was also a Fellow ; called
to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn 1834 ; appointed one of Her
Majesty's Counsel and a Bencher of Lincoln's Inn 1858 ;
is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Worcester, and Vice-Chair-
mau of Quarter Sessions ; was M.P. for E. Worcester-
shire 1868-74; appointed a Baron of the Exchequer
1874. — Wychbold Hall, Droitwich ; Carlton Club, s.w.;
32, Wimpole Street, w.
Heir Pres., his nephew Richard Holmden, b. 184G.
AMPHLETT, John, Esq., of Clent, Worcester-
Only son of the late John Amphlett, Esq., of Clent
(who d. 1868), by Jane, dau. of the late Robert Smith-
son, Esq., of Skipwith, co. York; b. 1845 ; in. 1869 Eliza
Anne, only child of Edward B. Baylie, Esq., and has
issue * John, b. 1872. Mr. Amphlett, who was edu-
cated at Worcester Coll., Oxford (B.A. and S.C.L. 1870),
was called to the Bar at the Inner Temple, 1870. —
Clent House, Stourbridge ; Universities Club, s.w.
ANCKETILL, Fitz-Ameline Maxwell, Esq.,
of Spa House, Wiltshire.
Fourth son of the late William Anketell, Esq., J.P.
and D.L., of Ancketill's Grove, by Sarah', dau. of Lieiit.-
Col. J. C. F. Waring-Maxwell, of Finnebrogue, co.
Down; b. 1825; m. 1859 Laura Valetta, 2nd dau. and
coheiress of the late Henry Ranking, Esq., of Bathford
(by his wife Frances Helen, dau. of the late Rev. W.
Heath, Vicar of Inkberrow, Worcestershire), and has,
with other issue, * Reginald, b. 1SG1. Mr. Anokctill.
who was educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin, is heir
apparent to the estate and residence of his uncle, the
late Robert Waring-Maxwell, Esq.. of Killyfaddy,
Co. Tyrone : he assumed the name of A ticket ill, in lieu
of Aukotell. in 1S74. — SfcM House, Box.
ANCKKTILL. Wiiuam. Esq., of Anckolill's
Grovo. co. Monaglmn.
Eldest surviving son of the lato Matthew John Ankc-
tell. Esq.. J.P. and D.L., of Anckctill's Grove (wbowaa
High Sheriff in 1S53, and d. 1870) by Catherine Anne I
Frances, dan. of the late David Ker, Esq., 31. P., of
Portavo, and Montalto. co. Down; b. 1S51 ; his i
brother 1S72; m. 1 $75 Joan Laing, dau. of the Lite]
Robert Falkner, Esq.. of Broughton Tark, co. Lnncns- j
ter. Is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Monaghan (on roll for '
High Sheriff 1S76), and a Magistrate for eo. TyroM ; I
late Lieut. R. Tyrone Fusiliers. — AnckctiWs Grvve,
Emyvaie ; 22, Bcdcliffc Garden*, s.w.
Htir Pres., his brother Henry, R.N.. b. 1855.
ANCKETILL, William Robert, Esq., of Quin-
tin Castle, co. Down.
Second son of the late William Anketell, Esq., of
Aneketill's Grove, eo. Mouaghan (who d. 1851), by
Sarah, dau. of the late Lieut.-Col. John Waring-Maxwell,
of Finnebrogue, eo. Down; h. 1820: m. 1S44 Made-
lina Selina. dau. of the late David Ker, Esq., of Mon-
talto, co. Down, and has, with other issue, * Amyatt
William, b. 1853. Mr. Ancketill is a Magistrate for
co. Down. — Quintin Castle, Portaferry.
ANDERDON, James Hughes, Esq., of West
Pennard, Somerset.
Second son of the late John Proctor Anderdon, Esq., of
Farley Hall, Berks, by Anna, eldest dau. of Thomas
Oliver, Esq., of Bristol, formerly Deputy-Governor of
Massachusetts, U.S. : b. 1790. Was formerly a Banker
in London. — West Pennard, Shepton Mallet ; Athcnmum
Club ; 23, Upper Grosvenor Street, w.
ANDERDON, of Heiilade.
(See Murray-Anderdon.)
ANDERSON, Sir Charles Heney John, Bart,,
of Lea, Lincolnshire (cr. 1660).
Eldest son of the late Sir Charles John Anderson, Bart.,
of Lea, by Frances Mary, dau. of the late Sir John Nel-
thorpe. Bart., of Scawby, co. Lincoln ; b. 1 804 ; s. as 9th
Bart. 1846 ; m. 1832 Emma, dan. of the late John Savile
Foljanibe, Esq., of Aldwarke, Notts (she d. 1S70).
Educated at Oriel Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1826, M.A. 1828).
Is a Magistrate for the W. Riding of Yorkshire, a J.P.
and D.L. for co. Lincoln (High Sheriff 1851). and
Chairman of Quarter Sessions, Lord of the Manors
of Burnby and Havwold, co. York, and Lea and Upton,
co. Lincoln, and Patron of 1 living. — Lea Hall, Gains-
borough ; Athcncevm Club, s.w.
Beir, his son Francis Foljambe; educated at Eton ; a Magis-
trate for co. Lincoln, and Lieut. Notts Yeomanry ; b. 1 S42 ;
m. 1S74 Annie Louisa Heywood, only dan. of the late
Benjamin Heywood Jones, Esq., of Lark Hill, Liverpool.
ANDERSON, Sir Alexander, Knt. (cr. 1863).
Son of the late Rev. Wm. Anderson, of Strichen, co.
Aberdeen, by Helen, dau. of Dr. Alexander Findlay,
Surgeon R.N. ; b. 1802 ; in. 1835 Rachel, dau. of William
Johnston, Esq., of Viewfield, co. Aberdeen. Educated
at Aberdeen University ; became an advocate at the
Scottish Bar 1827; was Lord Provost of Aberdeen
1859-66.— Blelack, Tarland, N.B. ; Fenton's Hotel, s.w.
+ ANDERSON, Sir G-eoege Campbell, Knt.
(cr. 1874).
Son of the late G. Anderson, Esq. ; b. 18 — ; is Chief
Justice, and late Attorney-General of the Bahama
Islands. — Bahama, New Providence, Bahama Islands.
ANDERSON, Sir Henry Lacon, K.C.S.I.,
F.R.G.S. (cr. 1867).
Eldest son of tho late Sir George Anderson, K.C.B.
(sometime Governor of Mauritius and Ceylon), by Ca-
roline, dau. of John Proby Kensington, Esq.; b. 1817;
m. 18 1 1 Anne Grace, 4th dau. of tho late Hope Stewart,
Esq., of Ballechin, co. Perth, Educated at St. John's
Coll., Oxford, and at Haileybury Coll. ; formerly in the
liumkiy Civil Service. Chief Sec. to the Government of
Bombay, Member of the Council of India, and Sec. to
the India Board. — 5, Lcinstcr Gardens, w.
ANDERSON, Sir James, Knt, (cr. 1866).
Son of the late John Anderson, of Dumfries, by Agnes,
dau. of — Richardson, Esq.; b. 1824; m. 1st 1853
Mary, dau. of — Stuart, Esq.; 2nd 1858 Margaret,
dau. of — Milligan, Esq. Is a Oapt. in the Merchant
Service, and was commander of tho Gnat Eastern du-
ring the laying the Atlantic Cftble 1865-6.— Junior
Athciueum Club, w. ; 16, Warrington Crescent, w.
ANDERSON, Sir William George, K.C.B.
(cr. 1870).
Second son of tho lato James Anderson, Esq., who
was Senior Clerk in the Post Office; b. 1804; m.
1836 Mary, youngest dau. of the late Henry Whiteside,
Esq.. of Frognal, Hampstead, Middlesex. Entered the
Civil Service in 1825, as Clerk in the Navy Office ; and
has served continuously in the Admiralty, the Pay-
master-General's Office,the Treasury, and the Exchequer
and Audit Departments ; appointed Assistant Comp-
troller and Auditor of the Exchequer 1 867 ; has been
Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall since 1851. — 1,
Buckingham Gate, s.w.
ANDERSON, Alexander John, Esq., of Kin-
gask, Fifeshire.
Eldest son of the late Major Alexander Anderson (of
the H.E.I. C.'s Service, a Dep. -Lieut, for co. Fife, who d.
1855), by Mary Margaret, eldest dau. of J. H. Hamp-
ton, Esq., of Henllys, co. Anglesea ; b. 1827. Is a Capt.
in the Indian Army. — Kingask, Montrave, N.B.
+ ANDERSON, David, Esq., of Moredun,
Son of the late D. Anderson, Esq., of Moredun ; b.
1813. Educated at Exeter Coll., Oxford (B.A.
1836, M.A. 1838); is a Magistrate for Midlothian,
and a Dep.-Lieut. for eo. Berwick. — Moredun, Liberton,
N.B. ; New Club, Edinburgh; 24, Moray Place, Edin-
ANDERSON, George, Esq., of Little Harle
Tower, Northumberland.
Son of the late Thomas Anderson, Esq., of Little Harle
Tower (J.P. and D.L. for, and formerly High Sheriff of,
Northumberland, who d. 1872), by Emily, dau. of the
late Rev. John Fisher, of Wavendon, Bucks ; b. 1843.
Educated at Eton and Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1868,
M.A. 1869) ; called to the Bar at the Inner Temple
1872; is a Magistrate for Northumberland. — Little
Harle Tower, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
ANDERSON, George, Esq., of Woodhouse,
Youngest son of the late Rey. George Anderson, of
Leochel and Cushnie, co. Aberdeen, by Margaret,
youngest dau. of Mr. Catanach, of Glengairn ; b. 1812.
Educated at Marischall Coll., Aberdeen (M.A. 1828) ;
was formerly Surgeon 12th Royal Lancers and 8th
Royal Irish Hussars ; served in the Kaffir War and
the Crimea, and retired with rank of Deputy Inspector-
General. — Woodhouse, Ecclefcchan, N.B. ; United Ser-
vice and University Clubs, Edinburgh ; Army and Navy
Club, s.w.
c 2 19
ANDERSON, James, Esq., of Grace Dieu, co.
Water ford.
Eldest son of the late Rev. Joshua Anderson (many
years Rector of Myshall, co. Carlow), by Anne, eldest
dan. of Capt. William Perceval; b. 1810; s. 1859 ; in.
1842 Margaret, dau. of Thomas Carew, Esq., of
Ballinamona, co. Waterford, and has, with other issue,
* Thomas William, b. 1853. Mr. Anderson, who was
educatod at Trinity Coll., Dublin, is a Magistrate for
co. Waterford. — Grace Dieu, Waterford.
ANDERSON, James Robert, Esq., of Bleaton,
Son of the late George Brown Anderson, Esq., by Eliza-
beth Anne, eldest dau. of Alexander Geekie, Esq., of
Baldowrie, co. Forfar; b. 1865; s. 186S.— Bleaton-
Hallet, Blairgowrie, N.B.
ANDERSON, James Warren Hastings, Esq.,
of Bourhouse, Haddingtonshire.
Second but only surviving son of the late David Ander-
son, Esq., of St. Germains, co. Haddington (who d.
1869), by Charlotte, dau. of Sir James Nasmyth,
Bart.; b. 1836; m. 1867 Christina, eldest dau. of
Thomas S. Mitchell Lines, Esq., of Phantassie, co.
Haddington, and has, with other issue, * David Mur-
ray, b. 1867. Mr. Anderson, who is a Magistrate for
co. Haddington, was formerly Capt. 69th Regt. and
87th Royal Irish Fusiliers. — Bourhouse, Dunbar, N.B. ;
New Club, Edinburgh; Junior United Service Club, s.w.
ANDERSON,Robert, Esq., of Lochdhu, Nairn-
Eldest son of the late Alexander Anderson, Esq. (who
d. 1826), by Mary Isabella, dau. of Robert Hardy, Esq.,
of Westerton; b. 1819 ; in. 1861 Mary, dau. of Donald
Stewart, Esq., of Harris, and has, with other issue,
* Alestair Stewart, b. 1862. Mr. Anderson is a Magis-
trate for co. Nairn. — Lochdhu, near Nairn, N.B.
ANDERSON, Thomas Darnlet, Esq., of Wa-
verley Abbey, Surrey.
Second son of the late Capt. Archibald Anderson, of
the E.I.C.S., by Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. David
Thomson, of the E.I.C.S. ; b. 1815 ; in, 1847 Dorothy,
dau. of Charles Horsfall, Esq., of Liverpool, and has,
with other issue, * Charles Archibald, b. 1850. Mr.
Anderson is a Magistrate for cos. Lancaster and Sur-
rey, and for Liverpool ; he was Mayor of Liverpool
1859-60. — Waverley Abbey, Farnham; Conservative
Club, s.w.
ANDERTON, William Ince, Esq., of Euxton
Hall, Lancashire.
Only son of the late William Ince Anderton. Esq., of
Euxton and Ince, by Mary Prances, only dau. of
Christopher Crook, Esq., of London ; b. 1825 ; s. 1848 ;
in, 1850 Lady Emma Frances Mary, 2nd dau. of Arthur
James, 9th Earl of Fingall, and by her (who d. 1866)
has, with other issue, * William Arthur Ince, b. 1855.
Mr. Anderton, who is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Lancaster,
Lord of the Manors of Euxton and Ince, and a Capt.
in the Lancashire Hussars, was formerly in the 17th
Lancers. — Euxton Hcdl, Chorlcy.
ANDOVER, Viscount. (See under Suffolk, Earl of.)
ANDREW, Charles, Esq., of Green Hill,
Fourth son of the late George Andrew, Esq., J.P., of
Greenhill, by Grace, second dau. of James Midwood,
Esq. ; 6. 1821 ; m. 1st 1850 Ann, dau. of Samuel
Ashton, Esq., of Pole Bank, co. Chester, and has issue
five daughters; 2nd 1868 Jane Margaret, fourth dau.
of Thomas Blayney, Esq., of the Lodge, Evesham, co.
Worcester. Mr. Andrew is a Magistrate for cos.
Chester, Lancaster, and Worcester. — Green Hill,
Cornwall, Cheshire. Residence : Ham Court, Upton-on-
Sevem ; Eeform Club, s.w.
ANDREW, George Alfred, Esq., of Apsley
House, Lancashire.
Son of the late George Andrew, Esq., of Apsley House
(who d. 1873), by Hannah, dau. of George Mayall, Esq.,
of White Hall, Mossley ; b. 1858. The late Mr. An-
drew was a Magistrate for cos. Chester and Lan-
caster, a Merchant and Manufacturer at Manchester
and Mossley. — Apsley House, Mossley, Manchester;
Erncroft House, Compstall, Stockport.
ANDREWS, of Little Lever and Rivington.
(See Crompton.)
ANGERSTEIN, William, Esq., of Weeting
Hall, Norfolk.
Youngest son of the late John Angerstein, Esq. (who
was MP. for Greenwich 1835-7), by Amelia, dau. of
the late William Locke, Esq., of Norbury Park, Surrey,
and grandson of John Julius Angerstein, Esq. ; b. 1811 ;
s. his brother 1866 ; in. 1842 Mary Ann, only child of
the late Wm. Nettleship, Esq., and has, with other issue,
* "William John Nettleship, 6. 1844 ; m. 18GS Augusta Frances
Anne, only child of Sir Henry Hoare, Bart., and has issue
a dau.
Mr. Angerstein, who was educated at Harrow and Ch.
Ch., Oxford, is a J.P. and D.L. for Kent (on roll for
High Sheriff); he was High Sheriff of Norfolk 1872 ;
M.P. for Greenwich 1859-65. — Weeting Hall, Brandon ;
Travellers' Club, s.w. ; 15, Stratton Street, w.
ANGLESEY, Marquis of (Henry William
George Paget). — Cr. 1815.
Eldest son of Henry, 2nd Marquis, by his first wife
Eleanora, dau. of Col. John Campbell; b. 1821; s.
1869 ; in, 1845 Sophia, dau. of James Eversfield, Esq., of
Denne Park, Sussex. Educated at Westminster ; is a
Magistrate for Norfolk, a J.P. and D.L. for co. Staf-
ford, late Lieut.-Col. Staffordshire Militia ; formerly
Lieut, 1st Life Guards ; was M.P. for S. Stafford-
shire 1845-7. — Beaudescrt, Lichfield; 17, Dover Street,
Heir Pres., his brother Lord Henry, Capt. Queen's Own R.
Staffordshire Yeomanry ; b. 1835 ; m. 1st 1858 Elizabeth,
dau. o{ Mr. Joseph Norcnan (she d. 1873) ; 2nd 1874
Blanche, 4th dau. of Curwen Boyd, Esq.
ANKETELL. (See Ancketill.)
ANNALY, Lord (Luke White).— Cr. 1863.
Eldest son of Henry, 1st Lord, by Ellen, dau. of Wil-
liam S. Dempster, Esq., late of Skibo Castle, co. Suther-
land; b. 1829 ; s. 1873 ; in. 1853 Emily, dau. of James
Stuart, Esq. Is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Dublin (High
Sheriff 1860) ; Lieut.-Col.. Longford Rifles, and State
Steward to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland ; was High
Sheriff of co. Longford 1871 ; M.P. for co. Clare 1859
-60, for co. Longford 1861-2, for Kidderminster 1862
-5 ; formerly Capt. 13th Light Dragoons, and a Junior
Lord of the Treasury. — Woodlands, C/o?isilla, co.
Dublin; Bathdine, Lanesborough, co. Longford; Army
and Navy Club, s.w.
Heir, his son Luke, 6. 1857.
ANNANDALE, John, Esq., of Shotley, co.
Son of Thomas Annandale, Esq., F.R.C.S., of New-
castle-upon-Tyne, and nephew of the late Peter Annan-
dale, Esq., of Shotley Grove (who was a Magistrate for
cos. Northumberland and Durham); b. 1833; s. his
uncle, P. Annandale, Esq., 1862; m. 1861 Louisa Kate,
eldest dau. of Byatt West, Esq., of The Grove, Hintles-
ham, Suffolk, and has issue * a son, b. 186-. — St. Citth-
bert's Lodge, Shothy Bridge, co. Durham,
\\\r CJbobgi Bag., of BuMtlroallis Hall, ANSON, Sir Witiuu Rbynell, Bart. (cr.
Eldest son of the late Sir John William Hamilton An-
son, Bart, by Elizabeth Katherine, clau. of Major-Gen.
sir Denie Pack, K.C.B., ami granddau. of the 1st
Marquis of Waterford, K.P. ; 6. 1813 : s. as 3rd Bart.
1878. Educated al Eton, Ch. Ch., and All Soul's Coll.,
Oxford (B.A. 1866); called to tho liar at the Inner
Temple 1869, and goes tho Homo Circuit; is Patron of
1 living:. — 1. Brick Court, Temple, e.c.
Eldest son of the lute Michael TR&Vugh Anne, Est]., of
Rurghwallis HkU (who d. 1863), by Mary Augusta,
dau. of George Grathorno and of Barbara, Fitzher-
lvrt. of Swinnerton. widow of George Taslmrgh. Esq.. of
lUln, v Hall. Norfolk : f>. 1813. Is a Magistrate for the
V. Ruling of Yorkshire, and Patron of the living
of Burghwallis: was formerly in the Yorkshire Hussars.
— Buruhwalfis Half, near Doneaster.
Earl (Hlv.h Annesley). — Cr.
Heir Pets., his brother Frederick Arthur, b. 1850.
ANSON. (Sec Cartwright.)
ANSON. (See under Liehfit hi, Earl of.)
Eldest surviving son of William Richard, 3rd Earl, by
his 2nd wife Priseilla. dau. of the lato Hugh Moore, I _ _ , „ _ ,
Esq.. of Eglantine House, co. Down; 1831 : his AN b 1RUTHER, Sir ROBERT, Bart., of Balcas-
brother as 54 Earl 1874. Educated at Eton and I kie, Fifeshire (cr. lt>94). ,
Trinity Coll., Dublin: is Patron of 2 livings: was ; Eldest son of tho late Sir Ralph Abererombie Anstru-
M.P. for CO. t'avan 1867-74; lato Lient.-Col. Scots
Fusilier Guards. — Castle Wcllan, co. Down ; Carlton
Cltih, s.w. : 25. Nor/UA Street. W.
Heir Pw., his brother Arthur, Into dipt. Rifle Bripmde: b.
18S.> ; m. 1868 Clara, only dau. o{ the lute George Weston,
Esq., ot Norwich.
ANN ES LEY, Arthur, Esq.. of Ardilla, co.
Only son of the late Rev. William Annesley, of Ar-
dilla. bv Elizabeth Frances, dau. of — Reynell, Esq. ; b.
180- ; j. 1859. Educated at Trinity Coll!, Dublin.
ANNESLEY. Arthur Lyttelton, Esq., of Arley
Castle, Staffoi-dshire.
Eldest son of the late Major-General Norman Maeleod,
C.B. (who d. 1831), by Lady Hester Annabella Anncs-
lev, sister of George, last Earl of Mountmorris (ext.) ;
A.1802; S. his uncle 1844. and assumed his name by
royal licence ; m. 1835 Mary, dau. of John Bradley.
Esq.. of Colbome Hall, co. Stafford, and has issue
♦Arthur, h. 1836. Mr. Annesley, who is a Magistrate
for cos. Salop and Worcester, was formerly a Capt. in
the Army. — Army and Navy Chd>, s.av.
ANNESLEY, Marcus Wedliam, Esq., late of
Oakley, co. Down.
Only son of the late Marcus John Annesley, Esq., of
Kilfvlea. by Caroline, dau. of the late Ferdinando
Smith, Esq.. of The Grange. Halesowen, co. Salop ; b.
ISO-; 1858: m. 1846 Frances Elizabeth, sister of
the late Sir Francis Holyoake-Goodricke, Bart., and
widow of Henry Hordern, Esq., of Dunstall Hall,
co. Stafford.
ANNESLEY, Richard GROYE-, Esq., of
Anne's Grove, co. Cork.
Eldest son of the late Lieut. -Gen. the Hon. Arthur
Annesley (3rd son of Richard, 2nd Earl Annesley),
who assumed the name of Grove, and d. 1849, by Eliza-
beth, dau. of John Mahon, Esq., of Bessborough, co.
Tipperary; b. 1815; s. 1863. Educated at Eton and
Trinity Coll., Dublin ; is a Magistrate for co. Cork.
— Anne's Grove, Castletownroche, co. Corlc.
ANNESLEY. (See under Yalentia, Viscount.)
+ANSLEY, Gilbert John, Esq., of St. Ives,
Eldest son of the late John H. Ansley, Esq., of Hough-
ton Hill, Hunts (who d. 1833), by Catharine, dau. of
Horatio Martelli, Esq.; b. 1829; in. 1854 Henrietta
Georgiana, dau. of the late Rev. Thomas Clayton Glyn,
of Durrington House. Essex. Educated at Eton and
Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1851); is a Magistrate
for Hunts. — The How, St. Ives.
tiler, Bart., of Balcaskie (.T.P. and D.L., and formerly
Capt. Grenadier Guards), by Mary Jane, dau. of the
late Major-General Sir Henry Torrens, K.C.B. (shew.
2ndly 1868 William Talbot-Crosbie, Esq., whom see);
b. 1S34: s. as 5th Bart. 18G3 ; m. 1857 Louisa, dau. of
the Rev. William Knox Marshall, Vicar of Wragby.
Educated at Harrow; is Lord-Lieut, of co. Fife, a J.P.
and D.L. foreo. Caithness, and Patron of 1 living; elected
M.P. for co. Fife 1864; late Lieut.-Col. Grenadier
Guards. — Balcaskie, 1'ittcnweem, Fifeshire : Wat ten,
Caithness. X.B. ; Brooks 's and Travellers' Clubs, s.w. ;
1, Ecelcsion Square, s.w.
Heir, his son Ralph William, b. 1858.
ANSTRUTHER, Sir Windham Charles James
Carmichael, Bart., of Carmichael and Wes-
traw, Lanarkshire (cr. 1694).
Eldest son of the late Sir Windham Carmichael Au-
struther, Bart., bv his 1st wife, Meredith Maria, 2nd
dau. of Charles Wetherell, Esq.; b. 1824; s. as 4th
Bart. 1869 ; m. 1872 Janetta, dau. of Robert Barbour,
Esq., of Bolesworth, co. Chester. Is a J.P. and D.L.
for co. Lanark, and heritable carver to the Royal
Household in Scotland ; elected M.P. for S. Lanark-
shire 1874. — Residence : Corniiston Tower, Biggar,
X.B. ; Carlton and Arthur's Clubs, s.w.
Heir Pres., his brother, Windham George Conway, b. 1842 ,
m. lSf>4 Ellen Anne Elizabeth, dau. of John Adam, Esq.;
and has issue a dau.
ANSTRUTHER, James Hamilton Lloyd, Esq.,
of Hintlesham Hall, Suffolk.
Second son of the late General Robert Anstruther (who
fell at Corunna 1809), by Charlotte Lucy, dau. of Col.
James Hamilton, and grandson of the late Sir Robert
Anstruther, Bart., of Balcaskie, co. Fife; b. 1807; m.
1st 1838 Georgiana Charlotte, eldest dau. of the late
Hon. Lindsey M. Burrell (she d. 1843) ; 2nd 1847 the
Hon. Georgina Christina, dau. of George, 5th Viscount
Barrington, and has by the former, with other issue,
* Robert Hamilton Lloyd, a Magistrate for Suffolk, Capt.
Rifle Brigade ; b. 1841 ; m. 1871 Gertrude Louisa Georgiana,
eldest dau. of Francis Horatio FitzRoy, Esq., of Frogmore
Park, Hants, and has, with other issue, Fitz-Roy Hamil-
ton, b. 1S72.
Mr. Anstruther, who was educated at Sandhurst, is a
J.P. and D.L. for Suffolk (High Sheriff 1852), and
Lord of the Manor of Hintlesham ; he was formerly
Capt. 46th Regt. — Hintlesham Hall, Ipswich.
ANSTRUTHER, Major-Gen. Philip, C.B., of
Thirdpart, Fifeshire.
Eldest surviving son of the late Sir Alexander
Anstruther, of Thirdpart (who d. 1819), by Sarah, dau.
of Thomas Prendergast, Esq., of Groan, and widow
of Capt. W. Selby, E.I.C.S. ; k 1807; educated at
Westminster and Addiscombe, served in China in 1841,
the Punjaub 1849, the Kaffir War 1851, and the Bur-
mese Expedition 1853. — Third-part, Fife, N.B. ; United
Service Club, s.w.
Heir Pres., his brother Thomas ; b. 1810 ; m. 1840 Sophia,
dau. of Arthur Vansittart, Esq., of Sbottesbrooke, Berks,
and has, with other issue, * Philip Robert, Capt. i)4th
Regt. ; 6. 1841 ; m. 1875 Zaida May, eldest dau. of Sir
Thomas Erskine, Bart., of Cambo, co. Fife.
Charleton, Fifesliire, and Carntyne, Lan-
Eldost son of the late John Anstruther, Esq. (who as-
sumed the name of Thomson on inheriting from his
mother the Charleton estates), by Clementina, only dan.
of the Eight Hon. Win. Adam, M.P., of Blair-Adam,
Lord-Lieutenant of co. Kinross ; b. 1819 ; s. 1833 ; m.
1852 Caroline Maria Agnes Eobina, only dau. of the
late Rev. John Hamilton Gray, of Carntyne, and had,
with other issue, John St. Clair, b. 1853, d. 1873. Mr.
Anstruther-Thomson, who was educated at Eton, is a
J.P. and D.L. for co. Fife ; was formerly in the 9th
Lancers and 13th Light Dragoons. — Charleton, Colins-
bufgh, N.B. ; Kilmany, Cupar-Fife, N.B. ; Carntyne
House, Glasgow ; New Club, Edinburgh ; Boodle's,
Junior United Service, and Army and Navy Clubs, s.w.
ANTRIM, Earl of (William Randal M'Don-
nell).— Cr. 1785.
Eldest son of Mark, 5th Earl, by Jane Emma Hannah,
dau. of the late Major Macan, of Carriff, co. Armagh ;
b. 1851; s. 1869; m. 1875 Louisa Jane, 2nd surviving
dau. of the late Lieut.-Gen. the Hon. Charles Grey.
Educated at Eton and Ch. Ch., Oxford ; is a Magistrate
for co. Antrim. — Glcnarm Castle, Antrim.
Heir Pres., his brother, Mark Henry Horace, Lieut. 18th
Foot, late of the 36th Foot, and formerly Lieut, of London-
derry Militia ; b. 1852.
ANTROBUS, Sir Edmund, Bart., of Ames-
bury, Wilts (cr. 1815).
Eldest son of the late Sir Edmund Antrobus, Bart.,
by Anne, dau. of the Hon. Hugh Lindsay ; b. 1818 ; s.
as 3rd Bart. 1870 ; m. 1847 Marianne Georgiana, dau.
of Sir G. Dashwood, Bart. Educated at Eton and St.
John's Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1840); is a J.P. and
D.L. for Wilts, and a Magistrate for Surrey ; was M.P.
for E. Surrey 1841-47 ; elected M.P. for Wilton
1855. — The Abbey, Amesbury, Wilts; University Club,
S."W. ; 146, Piccadilly, w.
Heir, his son Edmund, Lieut, and Capt. Grenadier Guards ;
*. 1848.
iNTROBUS, Hugh Lindsay, Esq., of Chearn,
Second son of the late Sir Edmund Antrobus, Bart., of
Amesbury, Wilts, and Cheam, by Anne, dau. of the
Hon. Hugh Lindsay ; b. 1823; s. 1870 ; m. 1859 Mary,
dau. of the late Admiral Sir Charles Adam, K.C.B.
Is a Banker in London. — Lower Cheam House, Sutton,
Surrey ; 65, Eaton Square, s.w.
ANTROBUS, John Coutts, Esq., of Eaton
Hall, Cheshire.
Eldest son of the late Gibbs Crawfurd Antrobus, Esq.,
of Eaton Hall (J.P. and D.L. for, and formerly High
Sheriff of, co. Chester, and M.P. for Plympton), by his
1st wife Jane, 2nd dau. of Sir Coutts Trotter, Bart. ;
b. 1829; s. 1861; m. 1st 1855 Frances, 2nd dau. of
Clement Swetenham, Esq., of Somerford Booths, co.
Chester (she d. 1863); 2nd 1865 Mary Caroline, dau.
of Geoffrey J. Shakerley, Esq. (she d. 1872); 3rd
1875 Mary Egidia, youngest dau. of the late Gen. Sir
James Lindsay, K.C.M.G. ; he has by the former, with
other issue, * Crawfurd John, b. 1862. Mr. Antrobus,
who was educated at Eton and St. John's Coll., Cam-
bridge (B.A. 1852, M.A. 1855), and was called to the
Bar at Lincoln's Inn 1857, is a Magistrate for co.
Chester (High Sheriff 1868), Lord of the Manors of
Eaton Horton and Eushton, Patron of 2 livings, and
Major Earl of Chester's Yeomanry. — Eaton Hall,
Congleton ; University Club, s.w.
ANTROBUS, Mrs., of Twizell House, North-
Frances Margaret, 2nd dau. of the late Prideaux John
Solby, Esq., J.P. and D.L., of Twizell House, by Lewis
Tabitha, 2nd dau. of Bertram Mitford, Esq., of Mitford
Castlo; s. 1867; m. 1833 the Eev. Edmund Antrobus,
J.P. for Northumberland, youngest son of the late Eev.
William Antrobus, Eector of Acton, Middlesex. Is
Lady of the Manor of Twizell. — Twizell House, Belford.
Heir Pres. , her sister Jane, m. 1839 Sir Thomas Tanored, Bart. ,
and has, with other issue, s Thomas Selby, 6. 1840 ; m.
1866 Mary Harriet, dau. of George Willoughby Hemans, Esq.
ANTROBUS, Thomas, Esq., of The Rookery,
Fourth son of the late Philip Antrobus, Esq., of Turner
Heath, co. Chester (who d. 1829), by Mary, dau. of
Peter Brooke, Esq., of Butley Hall and Pott Hall, co.
Chester; 6.1819. Is a Magistrate for co. Chester. — TJie
Ttoolccry, near Macclesfield.
ANWYL, Thomas Llotd, Esq., of Hengae,
Eldest son of the late Thomas Price Anwyl, Esq., of
Hengae (who d. 1852), by Anna Maria, dau. of William
Lloyd, Esq., of Llwydiarth, co. Anglesea ; b. 1844 ;
in. 1867 Eleanor Hope Sidney, 2nd dau. of John
Maurice Davies, Esq., J. P., of Penpompren, co. Cardi-
gan, and has, with other issue, *Eeginald Augustus, b.
1869. Mr. Anwyl, who was educated at Eugby and
St. Andrew's Coll., Bradfield, Berks, was formerly
Capt. 4th Eoyal S. Middlesex Militia. — Hengae and
Vrondderw, near Corris, Merionethshire; Eryl Aran,
near Bala, Merionethshire ; Civil and Military Club, w.
APPLE WHAITE, Edward Archer, Esq., of
Pickenham Hall, Norfolk.
Third son of the late Edward Archer Applewhaite, Esq.,
Barrister-at-law, of Barbados (who d. 1805), by Mary,
dau. of Philip Lythcott, Esq., of Barbados; b. 1800;
m. 1821 Judith, dau. of Samson Tickle Wood, Esq.,
and had with other issue,
Edward Thornhill, b. 1822; in. 1st 1858 Eleanor, 2nd dau.
of Philip Lythcott Hinds, Esq. ; 2nd 1862 Jane, only dau.
of the late Thomas Hay, Esq., and d. 1871, leaving issue
three sons and two daus.
Mr. Applewhaite, who was educated at the Charter-
house, is a J.P. and D.L. for Norfolk, Lord of the
Manors of N. and S. Pickenham, and Patron of 1 living.
— Pickenham, Swaffharn; Boodle's and Union Clubs, s.w.
ARABIN, William St. Julian, Esq., of High
Beech, Essex.
Only son of the late Eichard Arabiu, Esq., of W. Dray-
ton, Middlesex, and of High Beech, J.P. and D.L., by
Elizabeth Mary, eldest dau. of the late Sir Henry Meux,
Bart.; b. 1842; s. 1865.— High Beech, Waltham Abbey.
Heirs Pres., his sisters Marianne (m. 1865 John Woodford,
Esq., and has issue two sons and two daughters), and Alice
1870 the Hon. .irtlmr Cadogan).
+ ARBUCKLE, Benjamin VAUGHAN-, Esq.,
of Charlton, Kent.
Eldest son of the late Lieut.-Gen. Benjamin Hutche-
son Vaughan-Arbuckle, of Charlton (who d. 1874), by
Mary Elizabeth, his wife; b. 1834: m. 1872 Judith
Emily Preston, dau. of J. Delpratt, Esq., of Queen's
Gardens, Hyde Park. Educated at Woolwich Aca-
demy ; is a Capt. E.A. — Little Heath, Charlton, Wool-
wich, S.E.
ARBUTHNOT, Sir William Wedderburn,
Bart., of Edinburgh (cr. 1823).
Eldest 6on of the late Sir Eobert Keith Arbuthnot,
Arb ]
Rirt., br Anno, 2nd dan. of General Sir John F. Fitz-
Btnld, G.C.B. ; A. 1831; .«. as 3rd Bart. 1873; in.
1863 AHeo Margaret, dan. of the Nov. M. C. Tompson.
Vioar of Alderminster. eo. Worcester. Educated at
Eton: entertvl the Army 1848; retired as Major IStli
Hussars ; is a Ranker at Madras. — Army and Xary
Chth, s.w.
Btir, his son Robert Kcitli, *. 1S<;4.
ARBUTHNOT, Sir Ai.vxaxpek John. K.C.S.I.
(or. 1878),
Son of the late A. Arbuthnot. Esq. ; b. 181- : educated
at Haileybury : is a Member of the Council of the
Gov.-Gen. of India ; late a Member of the Council of
the Governor of Madras ; formerly Chief Secretary
to the Government of Madras.
ARBUTHNOT, the Hon. Mrs., of Woodford
House, Northamptonshire.
Charlotte Eliza, eldest dau. of Richard Hussey, 1st
Lord Vivian. G.C.B. (who d. 1S42). by his 1st wife
Eliza, dau. of Philip Champion de Crespignv, Esq. ; m.
1833 General Charles G. Arbuthnot, late of the 72nd
Highlanders (who d. 1870), leaving, with other issue,
♦Arthur, a Magistrate for 0O. Northampton, A. 1843;
>». 1868 Emily, 4th dau. of William Cuthbert. Esq., of
Beaufront Castle. Northumberland, and has issue,
•Charles, A. 1869. — Woodford House, near lltrapstone.
+ ARBUTHNOT, the late BDHTOTO, Esq., of
Newton House, Hants.
Son of the late E. Arbuthuot. Esq., and cousin of J. A.
Arbuthnot, Esq., of Cowarth Park; A. 180- ; d. 18/3;
■was a Magistrate for Hants. — Xmtown House, near
ARBUTHNOT, George, Esq., of Elderslie,
Son of the late George Arbuthnot, Esq., of Elderslie ;
A. 1815; is m., and has, Vith other issue, * George,
Lieut. 53rd Regt. ; A. 1S52 : m. 1S75 Mary Rose, eldest
dau. of 'William Leslie, Esq., of Warthill, co. Aber-
deen. Mr. Arbtithnot, who -was educated at Eton, is a
Magistrate for Surrey ; he was formerly a Merchant at
Madras. — Elderslie, Ockhy, near Dorking ; 23, Hyde
Park Gardens, w.
ARBUTHNOT, George Clerk, Esq., of Mavis-
bank, Midlothian.
Third son of the late Sir William Arbuthnot, Bart., of
Edinburgh, by Anne, dau. of John Alves, Esq., of
Shipland, co. Inverness : A. 1803 ; m. 1st 1837 Agnes,
dau. of John Rait. Esq., of Anniston, co. Forfar ; 2nd
1845 Caroline Ramsay, dau. of James Hay, Esq., of
Collipriest, Devon, and lias, with other issue, * George,
A. 1846. Mr. Arbuthnot, who is a Magistrate for
Midlothian, was formerly Commander in the maritime
service of the Hon.E.I.C- — Mavisbank House, Loanhcad,
Midlothian ; Xew Club, Edinburgh ; Carlton Club, s.w.
+ ARBUTHNOT, the late Jaues, Esq., of In-
vernethie, Aberdeenshire.
Son of the late J. Arbuthnot, Esq. ; A. 1821 ; d. 1873;
was a Magistrate for co. Aberdeen. — Invcrnethie, Peter-
head, X.B.
+ ARBUTHNOT, Jaues O, Esq., of Balna-
moon, Forfarshire.
Son of the late J. Arbuthnot, Esq., of Balnamoon ; A.
18 — . Is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Forfar. — Balnamoon,
near Forfar, X.B.
ARBUTHNOT, William, Esq., of Cowarth
Park, Berks.
Eldest son of the late John Alves Arbuthnot, Esq., J.P.,
of Cowarth Park (who was High Sheriff of Berks in
1873, and who d. 1875), by Mary, dau. of the late
Steorge Arbuthnot, Esq., of Elderslie, Surrey; A. 1S33 ;
1st 1868 Alolphine Eliza Macleod, 2nd dau. of
Mods. 1". Leeot. French Consul at Madras (she d. the
same year) ; 2nd 1865 Margaret Rosa, eldest dau. of
the late John Campbell, Ksq., of Kilberry, co. Argyle,
and has issue. Mr. Arbuthnot, who was educated at.
Eton and Trinity Coll., Cambridge, was formerly a
Merchant at, Madras. — Cowarth Park, Staines; 69,
Eaton Square, s.w.
ARBUTHNOT, William Henry, Esq., of
Bridgen Place, Kent.
Eldest son of the late William Urquhart Arbuthnot,
Esq., of Bridgen Place (who d. 1 87 I), by Eliza, only dau.
of GeneraJ Sir Henry Taylor, G.C.B., of the Madras
Army; 6. 1886; m. 1875 Mary Pearson, eldest dau.
of Wright Turner, Esq., of Holly Bank, Pendleton, co.
Lancaster. The late Mr. Arbuthnot was a Magistrate
for Kent, a Member of H.M. . Indian Council, and
formerly in the E.I.C.S. — Bridgen Place, Bcxlcy.
ARBUTHNOTT, Viscount (John Arbuthnott).
—Or. 1641.
Eldest son of John, 8th Viscount (who was formerly
Lord-Lieutenant of co. Kincardine, and a Representa-
tive Peer for Scotland), by Margaret, dau. of Hon. W.
Ogibys A. 1806; s. I860; m. 1837 Lady Jean Graham,
eldest dau. of David, 9th Earl of Airlie ; is a J.P. and
D.L. for co. Kincardine; late a Capt. in the Army.
— Arbuthnott House, Fourdoun, N.B.
Heir, his son John, Master of Arbuthnott, D.L. for co. Kin-
cardine, late Lieut. 49th Regt.; b. 18 l:J ; nt. 1871 Anna Har-
riet, only dau. of the late Edmund Allen, Esq.
ARBUTHNOTT, the Hon. Walter, of Hatton,
Kincard in e shire .
Second son of John, 8th Viscount Arbuthnott, by Mar-
garet, eldest dau. of Walter Ogilvy, Esq. (by right 5th
Earl of Airlie"), and nephew of the late Gen. the Hon.
Sir Hugh Arbuthnott, K.C.B., of Hatton; A. 1808; s.
his uncle 1868; m. 1835 Anna Maria, youngest dau. of
Brook Taylor Ottley, Esq., of Delaford, co. Dublin, and
has, with other surviving issue, * Walter Charles
Warner, Lieut. R.A., A. 1847. Mr. Arbuthnott, who
is a Dep. -Lieut, for co. Kincardine, was formerly Capt.
52nd Light Infantry. — Hatton, Montrose, N.B.
ARCEDECKNE, of Glevering. (See Hunting-
field, Lord.)
ARCEDECKNE-BUTLER. (See under Butler,
the Hon. St. John.)
+ ARCHBOLD, Robert, Esq., of Davidstown,
co. Kildare.
Eldest son of the late James Archbold, Esq., of
Davidstown (who d. 186-), by Mary, dau. of Nicholas
Mahon Power, Esq.; A. 1843 ; educated at Trinity Coll.,
Dublin. Is a Magistrate for co. Kildare. — Davidstown,
near Castle Derinot.
+ ARCHDALE, Lieut.-Col. Edward, of Clifton
Lodge, co. Fermanagh.
Third son of the late Edward Archdale, Esq., of Rivers-
dale, co. Fermanagh, by Matilda, 2nd dau. of William
Humphrys, Esq., of Ballyhaise, co. Cavan ; A. 1816;
7n. 1846 Caroline Anne, dau. of Charles Claude Clifton,
Esq., of Tymawr, co. Brecon (she d. 1873). Is a
Magistrate for co. Fermanagh (was on roll for High
Sheriff 1872), and a Lieut.-Col. in the Army; late
Capt. 14th Foot. — Clifton Lodge, Lisnaskca, Ireland.
ARCHDALE, Capt. Mervyn Edward, of Castlo
Archdale, co. Fermanagh, and of Trillick
Lodge, co. Tyrone.
Eldest son of the late Edward Archdale, Esq., of
Biversdale ami Castle Arclidale (who was a J.P. and
D.L. for co. Fermanagh, and High Sheriff 1812), by
Matilda, 2nd dan. of William Humphrys, Esq., of
Ballyhaise, co. Cavan; b. 1812; s. 1864; m. 184-
Emma Inez, dan. of the Into Jacob Gonlding. Esq., of
Kow, and by hor (who d. 1874) has, with other issue,
* Mervyn, b. 1852. Capt. Archdale, who is a J.P. and
D.L. for co. Fermanagh, a J.P. for cos. Donegal and
Tyrone, and Lord of the Manors of Omagh and Bal-
linahalty, was M.P. for co. Fermanagh 1834-74; for-
merly Capt. 6th (Inniskillen) Dragoons. — Castle Arch-
Hale, Lisnarick, co. Fermanagh; Trillieh Castle, co.
Tyrone ; Kildarc Street Club, 'Dublin ; Carlton, Whites,
and Army and Navy Clubs, s.w. ; 41, Half Moon Street,
ARCHDALE, Nicholas Montgomery, Esq.,
of Crocknacrieve, co. Fermanagh.
Fifth son of the late Edward Archdale, Esq., of Rivers-
dale, co. Fermanagh (who d. 1864), by Matilda, 2nd
dau. of William Humphrys, Esq., of Ballyhaise, co.
Cavan ; b. 1820; m. 1852 Adelaide Mary, fourth dau.
of the Rev. John Grey Porter, and has, with other
issue, * Edward Mervyn, Lieut. R.N., b. 1853. Mr.
Archdale is a Magistrate for co. Fermanagh.— Crock-
nacrieve, Ball 'inanudi 'ard.
ARCHDALE, William Humphrys, Esq., of
Riversdale, co. Tyrone.
Second son of the late Edward Archdale, Esq., of Rivers-
dale, and of Castle Archdale, co. Fermanagh (who d.
1864), by Matilda, dau. of William Humphrys, Esq., of
Ballyhaise, co. Cavan; h. 1813 ; m. 1845 Emily Mary
Rebecca, eldest dau. of the late Hon. and Rev. John
Charles Maude. Educated at Exeter Coll., Oxford (B.A.
1835); is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Fermanagh (High
Sheriff 1845), and a Magistrate for co. Tyrone (High
Sheriff 1861); elected M.P. for co. Fermanagh 1874.
— River sd ale, Enn is 7c illen .
Place, Sussex.
Jemima Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the late Rev. William
Kinleside, of Angmering, Sussex (who d. 1836), by
Frances, dau. of William Gratwicke, Esq., of Ham
Place ; s. her brother William Kinleside Gratwicke-
Kinleside, Esq., 1862 ; m. 1835 the Rev. George Arch-
dall, D.D., Master of Emmanuel Coll., Cambridge, who
assumed the additional name of Gratwicke, and d.
1871. — Ham Place, Angmering, Arundel.
Heir Pres., her nephew, the Rev. Robert Vernon Carter
Kinleside, son of the late Major-Gen. R. R. ICinleside.
ARCHER, Clement, Esq., of Ballyseskin, co.
Second son of the late Henry Archer, Esq., by Mary,
dau. of John Harvey, Esq., of Killane Castle, co.
Wexford; b. 1809; s. 1836; m. 1831 Jtilia, dau. of
Charles Worral, Esq., of New York, U.S. — Julia-mount,
Wexford; Mount Pleasant, Bally coglcy, co. Wexford.
Heir Pres., his nephew Henry, 6. 1840, eldest son of the late
Bunbury Archer, Esq., by Maria, dau. of Dr. Ledwith.
+ ARCHER, David, Esq., of Kingsdowne
House, Wilts.
Son of the late D. Archer, Esq., of Kingsdowne
House ; b. 18—. Is a J.P. and D.L. for Wilts.— Kings-
downe House, Slratton St. Margaret, Swindon.
ARCHER, Edward, Esq., of Trelaske, Corn-
Eldest son of the late Edward Archer, Esq., of Tre-
laske, by Charlotte Augusta, dau. of Charles Harward,
Esq., of Hayne House, Devon; b. 1816; s. 1837; m.
1838 Sarah Lydia, eldest dau. of the late Rev. Walter
Radcliffe, of Warleigh, Devon, and has, with other issue,
* Charles Gordon, a Magistrate for Cornwall, b. 184G.
Mr. Archor, who was educatod at Winchester and
Oriel Coll., Oxford, is a J.P. and D.L. for Cornwall,
and Colonel Duke of Cornwall's Rifle Volunteers.
— Trelaske, Launceston.
ARCHER-HIND. (See Hodgson-Archcr-Hind.)
ARCHER-HOUBLON. (See Houblon.)
ARCHIBALD, Sir Thomas Dickson, Knt., late
of Bickley, Kent (cr. 1873).
Son of the late Hon. Samuel George William Archi-
bald, LL.D., Speaker of the House of Assembly, Nova
Scotia, by Elizabeth, dau. of Charles Dickson, Esq. ; b.
1817 ; m. 1841 Sarah, only dau. of Richard Smith, Esq.,
of Dudley Priory, co. Worcester, and has, with other
surviving issue, * William F. A.; b. 1846; m. 1873
Florence, 3nd dau. of the late Charles AV. H. Wallroth,
Esq., of Lee, Kent. Sir Thomas, who was called to
the Bar at the Middle Temple 1852, and went the
Home Circuit, was appointed Counsel to the Treasury
1868, a Judge of the Queen's Bench 1872, anda Judge
of Common Pleas 1875. — 7, Porchcster Gate, w.
ARCHIBALD, Charles William, Esq., of Rus-
land Hall, Lancashire.
Eldest son of the late Charles Dickson Archibald, Esq.,
F.R.S.. of Rusland Hall (who d. 1868), by Bridget,
only dau. of M. Walker, Esq., of Rusland Hall; b.
1838 ; m. 1864 Isabel, 2nd dau. of the late Robert Fal-
con, Esq., M.D., and has issue * Charles Falcon, b.
1856. — Rusland Hall, Ulverston.
ARDEN, George Pinckard, Esq., of Halstead
and Longcrofts, Staffordshire.
Eldest surviving son of the late Rev. Francis Edward
Arden, of Longcrofts (who d. 1855), by Rachel, dau. of
John Pinckard, Esq. ; b. 1813 ; s. his brother the Rev.
H. C. Ardcn, 1865 ; m. 1842 Caroline, dau. of the late
Rear-Admiral Hills, and lias, with other issue,
* George Edward, b. 1853. — Longcrofts Hall, Burton.
ARDEN, Joseph, Esq., of Rickmansworth
Park, Herts.
Eldest son of the late Joseph Arden, Esq., of Islington ;
b. 1799 ; 77i. 1823 Mary Ann, dau. of John Munro, Esq.,
and by her (who d. 1865) has, with other issue,
* Frederick, late Lieut. 12th Lancers; b. 1S26; «i7lS48
Helen, dau. of Hector Munro, Esq.
Mr. Arden, who was called to the Bar at Gray's Inn
1840, is a J.P. and D.L. for Middlesex, a Magistrate for
Herts and the Liberty of St. Albans, and Principal of
the Ancient and Hon. Society of Clifford's Inn. — The
Pari; Rickmansworth ; 1, Clifford's Inn, Fleet Street, e.c.
ARDEN, Richard Edward, Esq., of Sunbury,
Middlesex ; East Burnkam, Bucks ; and
Portvane, Pembrokeshire.
Second son of the late Joseph Arden, Esq., of Isling-
ton ; b. 1804; m. 1st 1832 Fanny, dau. of John
Whitsed, Esq., M.D. (she d. 1836); 2nd 1839 Mary,
dau. of , John Finney, Esq., and has, with other issue,
* Percy, educated at Harrow and Brasenose Coll.,
Oxford, and a Barristcr-at-Law of the Inner Temple ;
b. 1840. Mr. Arden, who was called to the Bar at
Gray's Inn 1847, is a J.P. and D.L. for Middlesex, a
Magistrate for co. Pembroke, a Fellow of the Geolo-
gical and Royal Geographical Societies, a Member of
the Royal Institution of Great Britain, and Patron of
2 livings; was High Sheriff of co. Pembroke 1872.
— East Burnham House, near Slough ; Sunbury Park,
Middlesex ; Portvane, near Haverfordwest ; Cwm Heiddol
and Llanon, Carmarthenshire ; National and Thatched
House Clubs, s.w. ; Junior Athmaum Club,vt.
ARDMILLAN, LORD. (See Craufurd. James.)
&RQLBS, Vkank Atkinson, Esq., of Evereley,
Second son of the l.ito Capt. George Ai-gles, R.N.. of,
Brunswick Boose, Southampton, by Jane, dan. of
Thomas Atkinson. Esq.. of Kendal : b. 1810; 1868
his cousin Susannah, dan. of Tobias Atkinson. Esq., of i
Kendal. Windmill 111 III, and has issue * Thomas
Atkinson, h. 1859. Mr. Argles, who was educated at ]
Tollbridge School, is a J. P. and D.L. for Westmoreland
(High Sheriff 1873). — Kinsley, ililntkorpe; Oanaerwt-
tier Club, s.w.
ARGYLL. Duke of (GEORGE DOUQLAB Gi.assk.ll
Campbell, K.T., P.C., D.C.L.).— Or. 1701.
Younger and only surviving son of John Douglas Ed-
ward Henry, 7th Puke, by his 2nd wife Joanna, dan.
of the late William Glassell. Esq., of Long Xiddry, i
BUI Lothian ; b. 1823 ; 1847 : m. 181 » Lady Eliza- j
beth Georgiana. dan. of George. 2nd Puke of Slither-'
land. K G. : is Hereditary Keeper of the Great Seal of
Scotland and of the Queen's Household in that king-
dom: Lord-Lieutenant of eo. Argyll. Admiral of the I
Western Lies, anil a State Councillor for Scotland ; sits
in the House of Lords as Lord Sundridge and Hamilton ,
(er. 1770) : was L>rd Privy Seal 1852-.") and 1859-00 :
Postmaster-General 1855-8: See. of State for India
and President of the Council for India 1868-74 ; Hon.
D.C.L. Oxon. 1870 ; elected President of the Geological |
Society 1872. — Inn retry Castle. Argyllshire; liosueathl
Castle. Helen sbi'rgh. Dumbartonshire ; Ardcnca /)le Castle, i
Dumbarton, X.B. ; AthenaumClub, s.w.; Argyll Lodge, \
Campdcn Hill, w.
Heir, his son John Douglas Sutherland, Marquis of Lome
(of Domden, Kent), K.T., I'.C. educated at Eton and
Trinity Coll., Cambridge ; il.P. for eo. Argyll, and Lieut. -
Col. 1st Argyllshire Volunteer Artillery, late Capt. London
Scottish Rifle Volunteers J 6. 1S45 ; m. 1S71 H.R.H.
Princess Louise Caroline Alberta, 4th dan. of Her Majesty
the Queen.
AEKCOLL, Thomas, Esq., of Hurstmonceux,
Eldest son of the late Isaac Arkcoll, Esq., of Findon,
Sussex, by Cordelia, dau. of Charles Deadney, Esq., of
St. Leonard' s-on-Sea, Sussex ; b. 1817 : m. 1851, Maria,
dau. of Eiehard Gibbs, Esq., of Yalding. Kent. Is a
Magistrate for Sussex. — Lime Park, Hurstmonceux,
near Hawkhurst.
ARKWRIGHT, Alfred, Esq., of Wirksworth,
Fourth son of the late Peter Arkwright, Esq., of Wil-
lerslev, bv Mary Ann. dau. of Charles Hurt, Esq., of
Wirksworth; 1812; m. 1845 Elizabeth, dau. of
George Henry Crutehley, Esq., of Sunning Hill Park,
Berks, and has issue *two daughters. Mr. Arkwright,
who was educated at Eton, is a J.P. and D.L. for co.
Derby. — The Gate House, Wirksworth, near Derby.
ARKWRIGHT, Arthtr William, Esq., of
Broughton Astley, Leicestershire.
Youngest son of the late Rev. Joseph Arkwright, of
Mark Hall, Essex, by Anne, dau. of the late Sir Robert
Wigram, Bart.; b. 1831. Is a J.P. and D.L. for co,
Leicester (on roll for High Sheriff 1876). — Broughton
Astley, Lutterworth.
ARKWRIGHT, Augustus Peter, Esq., of Wil-
lersley, Derbyshire.
Seventh son of the late Peter Arkwright, Esq., of Wil-
lersley. by Mary Ann, dau. of the late Charles Hurt.
Esq., of Wirksworth, co. Derby; b. 1821. Educated at
the Royal Naval Coll., Portsmouth ; is a Capt. R.N. ;
elected M.P. for N. Derbyshire 1868. — Willcrsley,
near Matlock ; Carlton Club, s.w. ; 3, Spring Gardens,
ARKWRIGHT, Frederick Charles, Esq., of
Willersley Castle, Derbyshire.
Son of the late Frederick Arkwright, Esq., of Wil-
lersley (who d, 1870 by Susan Sabrina, dan. of the
Yen, Archdeacon Buraey; 6, 1853; educated at Eton
and Ch. Ch., Oxford : is Lord of the Manor of Matlock.
— Willersley Casf/c, Matlock ; Sock House, Cromford.
A R K W RIGHT, the Rev. GrBORGE, of Marston,
Herefordshire ,
Third son of the late John Arkwright, Esq., of Hampton
Court, co. Hereford, bv Sarah, eldest dau. of the late
Sir Hungorfbrd Hoskyns, Bart.; b. 1830; m. 1860 the
Hon. Elizabeth, 3rd clan, of Lloyd, 3rd Lord Konyon,
and has, with other surviving issue, * Bernard George,
b. 1862. Mr. Arkwright, who was educated at Eton
and Oriel Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1859, M.A. 1863), is
Rector of Pencombe, and Patron of Marston, co.
Hereford. — Pencombe L'cctory, Bromyard.
AT? KW RIGHT, John Hungerford, Esq., of
Hampton Court, Herefordshire.
Eldest son of the late John Arkwright, Esq., of Hampton
Court (who was J.P. for that co. and High Sheriff
in 1831 1. by Sarah, eldest dau. of the late Sir Hun-
gerford Hoskyns, Bart., of Hare wood ; b. 1833 ; s. 1858 ;
m. I860 Charlotte Lucy, youngest dau. of tho late John
Davenport, Esq., of Foxley, co. Hereford, and has
is.-uo * John Stanhope, b. 1872. Mr. Arkwright, who
was educated at Eton and Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1804,
M.A. 1867), is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Hereford (High
Sheriff 1862), Lord of the Manor of Hampton, and
Patron of 5 livings. — Hampton Court, Leominster ;
Carlton Club, s.w.
ARKWRIGHT, John Thomas, Esq., of Hatton
House, Warwickshire.
Youngest son of the late Peter Arkwright, Esq., of
Willersley, by Mary Anne, dau. of Charles Hurt, Esq.,
of Wirksworth, co. Derby ; b. 1823 ; m. 1856 Laura,
dau. of the late Rev. Edward Willes, of Hamstall Rid-
ware, co. Stafford, and has, with other issue, * John
Peter, b. 1864. Mr. Arkwright, who was educated at
Eton, is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Warwick (High
Sheriff 1871), and a Capt. in the Warwickshire
Yeomanry. — Hatton House, Warwick.
ARKWRIGHT, Loftus Wigram, Esq., of Parn-
dom Hall, Essex.
Fourth son of the late Rev. Joseph Arkwright, of Mark
Hall, Essex, by Anne, dau. of the late Sir Robert
Wigram, Bart. : b. 1829; m. 1864 Elizabeth, dau. of
J. Reynolds, Esq., and has issue, * Loftus Joseph
Wigram, b. 1867. Mr. Arkwright is a Magistrate for
Essex, and Master of the Essex Foxhounds. — Parndon
Hall, Harlow.
ARKWRIGHT, Robert Wigram, Esq., of
Knnston Hall, Northamptonshire.
Eldest son of the late Rev. Joseph Arkwright, J.P., of
Mark Hall, Essex (who d. 1864), by Anne, dau. of the
late Sir Robert Wigram, Bart, ; b. 1822 ; m. 1847 Sophia
Julia, eldest dau. of Alexander Greig, Esq., of Lowndes
Street, London, and has, with other issue, * Frank
Wigscll, Lieut. Coldstream Guards, b. 1848. Mr. Ark-
wright represents a younger branch of the Arkwrights
of Willersley. — Knuston Hall, Wellingborough.
ARKWRIGHT, William, Esq., of Sutton
Scarsdale, Derbyshire.
Only son of the late Major William Arkwright, of the
6th Dragoons (who d. 1857), by Fanny Susan, 2nd dau.
of Edward Thorncwill, Esq., of Dovecliff, co. Stafford,
and grandson of the late Robert Arkwright, Esq., of
Sutton Scarsdale, J.P. and D.L. (who d. 1859) ; b.
1867 ; S, his undo, tho Rev. Godfrey Harry Arkwright,
1866. Is Lord of the Manors of Sutton Scarsdale, &c.
— Sutton Scarsdale, Chesterfield '.
Heir Pres., his cousin Francis (of Coton House, Warwick-
shire), eldest son of the late Ecv. Godfrey Harry Ark-
wright, by his first wife, Fanny, flan, of the late Sir Henry
Fitz-Herbert, Bart. ; b. 184C; educated at Eton ; a Magistrate
for co. Warwick and the N. Hiding of Yorkshire; M.P.
for E. Derbyshire, and formerly in the 100th Rest. ; m.
IstlSUS Louisa, dau. of Henry Millbonk, Esq. (she d. 1873);
2nd 1875 tile Hon. Evelyn, 3rd dau. of William, 3rd Viscount
+ ARKWRIGHT, of Mark Hall, Essex.
Eleanor Harriett, Anne Mary, Anna Frances, Catherine
Elizabeth, Susan Ellen, Gertrude, and Agnes Isabella,
daughters of the lute Rev. Joseph Arkwright, of Mark
Hall, and of Normanton Turville, co. Leicester, by
Anne, dau. of the lato Sir Robert Wigrara, Bart.; s.
their father 1864; Eleanor m, 1851 Capt. George G.
Randolph; and Anne Mary m. 1841 the Rev. George
Edward Bruxner, Rector of Thurlaston, co. Leicester.
— Mark Hall, Harlow.
ARMAGH, Archbishop of (Marcus Gervais
Beresford, D.D.).
Second son of the late Right Re.v. George Beresford,
D.D., sometime Lord Bishop of Kilmore (who d. 1841),
by Frances, dau. of the late Gervais Parker Bushe,
Esq., M.P., of Kilfane, co. Kilkenny ; b. 1801 ; m. 1st
1824 Mary, dau. of Col. Henry Peisley L'Estrange, of
Moyslown, King's Co. ; 2nd I860 Elizabeth, dau. of
James Trail Kennedy, Esq. (she d. 1870) ; he has by
the former, with other issue, * George De la Poer
Beresford, Esq., of Aubawn, co. Cavan {whom see). The
Archbishop, who was educated at Trinity Coll.. Cam-
bridge (B.A. 1823, M.A. 1826, D.D. 1840), and was
formerly Archdeacon of Ardagh and Vicar-General of
Kilmore, was consecrated Bishop of Kilmore 1854,
translated 1862; he is Lord Primate of all Ireland.
— The Palace, Armagh; Athcnaum Club, s."w. ; 42,
Prince's Gardens, "w.
4- ARMIT, Richard, Esq., of Monkstown, co.
Son of the late R. Armit, Esq. ; 18 — ; is married,
and has, with other issue, Georgina, m. 1854 Sir
William Foster, Bart., of Hardingham, Norfolk, and
d. 1861. Mr. Armit is a Banker and Army Agent
in Dublin. — Monkstown, Dublin,
ARMITAGE, Sir Elkanah, Knt., of Hope Hall,
Lancashire (cr. 1849).
Third son of the late Elkanah Armitage, Esq., of New-
ton, co. Lancaster; b. 1794; m. 1st 1816 Mary, dau.
of the late J. Bowers, Esq., of Newton Heath, co. Lan-
caster (she d. 1836) ; 2nd 1838 Elizabeth, 3rd dau. of
the late Henry Kirke, Esq., of The Eaves, co. Derby
(she d. 1868), and has by the former, with other issue,
* Elkanah (of The Rookery, Eccles, co. Lancaster), b,
1817 ; m. 1847 Caroline, dau. of the late John Sugden,
Esq., of Eastwood House, co. York, and has issue.
Sir Elkanah, who is a Manufacturer and Cotton Spinner
in London and Manchester, and partner in the firm of
Armitage & Co., is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Lancaster
(High Sheriff 1866), and has been Mayor of Manchester.
— Hope Hall, Eccles, Lancashire ; Beform Club, s."w.
ARMITAGE, Arthur, Esq., of Dadnor, Here-
Fifth son of the late Whaley Armitage, Esq., J.P., of
Moraston, co. Hereford, by Eleanora, dau. of Edward
Haistwell, Esq.; b. 1812; m. 1851 Isabel Jane, only
dau. of the late Dudley Montagu Perceval, Esq., and
granddau. of the late General Sir Richard Bourke,
K.C.B., and has, with other issue, * Robert, b. 1857.
Mr. Armitage is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Hereford.
— Dadnor, Boss.
+ ARMITAGE, the Rev. Brathwaite, of Ooole,
co. Louth.
Eldest son of tho lato Whaley Armitage, Esq., J.P., of
Moraston, co. Hereford, and Barrister-at Law, by
Eleanor, dau. of Edward Haistwell, Esq.; b. 1803; m.
1831 Ann Susan, dau. of Mr. Longdon, and has, with
other issue, * Whaley Arthur, b. 1844 ; is married, and
has issue. Mr. Armitage, who was educated at Trinity
Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1826), is a Magistrate for eo.
Hereford, was appointed "Vicar of Peterchurch in 1832.
— Coole, co. Louth, Ireland; Peterchurch, Hereford.
ARMITAGE, George, Esq., of Milnsbridge
House and Eunthorp, Yorkshire.
Eldest son of the late Joseph Armitage, Esq., J.P. and
D.L., of Milnsbridge and of Birkby Lodge, co. York, by
Anne, eldest dau. of Joseph Taylor, Esq., of Blackley
Hall, co. Lancaster, and grandson of the late George
Armitage, Esq., J.P. and D.L., of Highroyd House ; b.
1806 ; s. 1860; in. 1830 Caroline Jane, eldest dau. of
James Dowker, Esq., of North Dalton, near Driffield, co.
York, and has, with other issue,
* Joseph Armitage, educated at Rugby ; a Magistrate for the
W. Riding of co. York ; 6. 1840 ; m. 1S66 Julia Frances,
2nd dau. of George Thomas Pollard, Esq., of Stannard
Hall, Halifax, and Ash Field, Cheltenham, and has issue
* George Pollard 6. 18G7.
Mr. Armitage, who was educated at the Grammar
School, Manchester, is a J.P. and D.L. for W. Riding
of Yorkshire. — Milnsbridge House, Huddersfield ; Nun-
thorp, York.
ARMITAGE, Joseph Taylor, Esq., of Birkby
Grange, Yorkshire.
Second son of the late Joseph Armitage, Esq., of Milns-
bridge House, co. York (see that family), by Anne
Taylor, dau. of Joseph Taylor, Esq., of Blackley Hall,
co. Lancaster; b. 1809-.; m. 1846 Ellen, dau. of Henry
Ingram, Esq., of Halifax, and has, with other issue,
* Charles Ingram, b. 1849. Mr. Armitage is a J.P.
and D.L. for the W. Riding of Yorkshire ; late Capt.
2nd W. Yorkshire Yeomanry Cavalry. — Birkby Grange,
Huddersfield ; Conservative Club, s.w.
+ ARMITAGE, William, Esq., of Ainderby
Hall, Yorkshire.
Son of the late W. Armitage, Esq. ; b. 18— ; m. 183-
Charlotte, dau. of the late Harry Wormald, Esq., and
has issue. — Ainderby Hall, Northallerton.
ARMITAGE, William James, Esq., of Raasay,
Third son of the late James Armitage, Esq., of Farnley
Hall, near Leeds (who d. 1872), by Ann Elizabeth, dau.
of Peter Rhodes, Esq., of Park Place, Leeds ; b. 1819 ;
m. 1860 Emily, dau. of William Nicholson Nicholson,
Esq., of Roundhay Park, co. York, and has four sons
and one daughter. Mr. Armitage, who was educated
at the Paris University, purchased this property in
1874 from G. G. Mackay, Esq.— Eaasay House, near
Strome Ferry, N.B. ; Southgate House, Middlesex, n.
ARMIT STEAD, George, Esq., of Kinloch Lag-
gan, Inverness-shire.
Second son of the late George Armitstead, Esq., of
Easingwold, co. York (a Russian merchant), and grand-
son of Rev. John Armitstead, Vicar of .Easingwold, co.
York; b. 1824 ; on. 1848 Jane Elizabeth, eldest dau. of
Edward Baxter, Esq., of Kincaldrum, co. Forfar. Is a
J.P. and D.L. for co. Forfar, a Magistrate for co.
Perth, and a Merchant in London and Dundee ; was
M.P. for Dundee 1868-73. — Kinloch Laggan, Kingussie,
ARMITSTEAD, the Rev. John Richard, of
Sandbach, Cheshire.
Eldest eon of the late Rev. John Armitstead, Vicar of
Sandbaeh. by Susan Hosier, dau. of the Rev. Richard 1
Massie. of Coddington. eo. Chester; b. 1830: 1865;
1S6(> Frances Mary, eldest dau. of William Henry
Hornby. 1%.;.. M l'., of Foole Hall. eo. Chester, and has,
with other issue. * John Hornby. /'. 1868. Mr. Armit-
stead. who was educat«tl at Westminster and Ch. Oil.,
Oxford iB.A. 1852, M.A. 18">.">>. ordained Deacon
1853. and Priest 1 S.">4. i> Patron of Sandbaeh ; late
Rector of Wcndlebury. — The Vicarage, Sandbaeh.
+ ARMITSTEAD, Mrs., of Cranage Hall,
Harriet. 7th dau. of the late Rev. Richard Massie, of
Coddington, eo. Chester : »i. 1SJ9 Lawrence Armitstead,
Esq., of Cranage Hall, who d. 1874, leaving issue. The
lato Mr. Armitstead was a Magistrate for co. Chester.
— Cranage Hall, Middlctcich.
ARMSTRONG. Rev. Sir Edmund Fmmouck,
Bart., of Gallen Priory, King's Co. (cr.
Eldest son of the late Sir Andrew Armstrong, Bart,
(who was a J.P. and D.L. for King"s Co., High Sheriff
in 1S11 and 1S36, and M.P. for King's Co. 1841-52),
by Frances, dau. of the late George A. Fullerton, Esq.,
of Ballintoy, co. Antrim ; b. 1836 ; s. as 2nd Bart. 18G3 ;
m. I860 Alice Ann, eldest dau. of William Windsor
Fisher, Esq. Is a Magistrate for King's Co., and
Vicar of Skeirke, Queen"s Co. — Donaglomore Glebe,
Borris-in-Ossory ; Castle Flemyng, Queen's Co.
Heir, his son Andrew Harvey, b. 1S6G.
ARMSTRONG, Sir Aiexandeb, K.C.B., F.R.S.,
LL.D. (cr. 1871).
Son of the late Alexander Armstrong, Esq.. of Crohan,
co. Fermanagh, by Elizabeth, youngest dau. of the late
Hugh Stephens. Esq.. of Ballina, co. Mayo; b. 1822.
Educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin, and Edinburgh Uni-
versity (M.D. 1842); entered the Navy 1843 ; appointed
Director-General of the Medical Department of the
Navy 1869 ; cr. Hon. LL.D. of Dublin 1872 ; author
of ' A Personal Narrative of the Discovery of the
N. W. Passage,' ' Observations on Naval Hygiene,' &e.
— Albany, Piccadilly w. ; Junior United Sirvicc Club,
s.w. ; Admiralty, Spring Gardens, s.w.
ARMSTRONG, Sir Willuqi George, Knt., C.B.,
LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., of Cragside, North-
umberland (cr. 1859).
Son of the late Alderman Armstrong, of Neweastle-
on-Tyne; b. 1S10; m. 1835 Margaret, dau. of William
Ramshaw, Esq., of Bishop Auckland. Is a Magis-
trate for Northumberland (High Sheriff 1873); in-
ventor of the rifle-cannon which bears his name;
formerly a Solicitor in practice ; was Engineer to the
War Department of Rifled Ordnance 1858-63 ; cr.
Hon. LL.D. Cambridge 1861, D.C.L. Oxon 1870.
— Cragside, Jesmond Bean, Neivcastle-on-Tyne ; Athe-
nceum Club, s.w. ; 9, Hyde Park Street, W.
+ ARMSTRONG, Capt, Alexander Moore, of
Onlmore House, co. Antrim.
Son of the late A. Armstrong, Esq.; b. 1838; is a
Magistrate for cos. Antrim and Londonderry; late
Capt. 63rd Foot, and formerly in the Royal Canadian
Rifle Regiment. — Culmore House, Kilrea, co. Antrim. '
ARMSTRONG, Carteret Andrew, Esq., of
Garry Castle, King's Co.
Eldest son of the late William Bigoe Armstrong, Esq.,
of Garry Castle, by Elizabeth, dau. of James Banquo,
Esq. ; b. 1838; s. his uncle 1869 ; m. 1863 Ellen, dau.
of the late Hugh Dawson, Esq., of West Cliff, Preston,
co. Lancaster. Is a Magistrate for King's Co., and
Capt. 5th R.Lancaster Militia; was formerly Capt. 10th
Regt. and A.D.C. to the Commander of the Forces at
the Capo of Good Hope. — Residence: Mount Carteret'
Banaghir, King's Co. ; Junior United Service Club, s.w
ARMSTRONG-, Charms, Esq., of Larcli Hill,
co. Clare.
Youngest son of the bile William Henry Armstrong,
Esq., M.l'., of Mount Heaton, King's Co., by Bridget,
only dau. of the late Col. Charles MaeDonnell, M.P.,
of New Hall, eo. Clare, and brother of Major Arm-
strong-MaclVinnell, of New Hall (whom see); b. 1830;
m. 1856 (ieorgina Maria, eldest dau. of Richard John
Staepoole, F.sq., D.L., of Eden Vale, co. Clave, and has,
with other issue. * Charles Richard Rcauehamp, b. 1858.
Mr. Armstrong is a Magistrate for co. Clare. — Larch
Hill, Ennis, co. Clare; The Crescent, Limerick.
Aim STRONG, the Rev. Charles Edward, of
Holgate Lodge, Yorkshire.
Eldest son of the late Charles Edward Armstrong, Esq.,
E.I.C.S., by Dorothy, dau. of Capt. Wood, R.N., of
Bowling Hall, co. York (grandfather of Charles, 1st
Visct. Halifax); b. 1807; s. 1852; m. 1838 Mary
Anne, dau. of tho late John Clayton, Esq., of Enfield
Old Park, Middlesex, and has issue,
* Charles Edward, Capt. Bengal Staff Corps ; b. 183!).
Mr. Armstrong, who was educated at Repton and
Worcester Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1831. M.A. 1833), was
appointed Master of Hemsworth Hospital and Vicar
of Frickley and Clayton, co. York, 1832. — Holgate
Lodge, Pontcfract.
ARMSTRONG, Edmund John, Esq., of Lis-
moher, co. Clare.
Eldest son of the late Rev. J. Simpson Armstrong, of
Willow Bank, co. Clare, by Maria, dau. of Robert
Younge, Esq., of Castlerea; b. 1808; s. 1826; m.
1840 Jane, dau. of Thomas Hayter Longden, Esq.,
D.L., of Cheam, Surrey, and has, with other issue,
* Edmund John Young, Lieut. 10th Foot; b. 1844 ; m. 1874
Clara Norris, vounger dau. of William Poole King, Esq.,
Mr. Armstrong, who was educated at Trinity Coll.,
Dublin, is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Clare (High Sheriff
1852). — Lismoher, Kilfenora, co. Clare; Kildare Street
Club, Dublin; 44, Lower Leeson Street, Lublin.
ARMSTRONG, Edward Marcus, Esq., of
Mealiffe, co. Tipperary.
Fifth but second surviving son of the late John
Armstrong, Esq., of Mealiffe, by Catherine, dau. and
heir of the late Thomas Somers, Esq., of Chaffpoole,
co. Sligo ; b. 1829 ; s. his brother George De la Poer
1864; m. 1863 Frances, 3rd dau. of the late Walter
Steele, Esq., of Moynalty, co. Monaghan. Is a Magis-
trate for co. Tipperary. — Mealiffe, Thurles, Tipperary.
Heir Pres., his brother James Wood (of Chaffpoole, Bally-
mote, co. Sligo); a J.P. and D.L. for co. Sligo (High Sheriff
1873), and Capt. R.N. retired ; I. 1827.
Esq., of Killclare, King's Co.
Elder son of the late John Herbert-Armstrong, Esq.,
of Killclare, J.P., Major R. Tyrone Fusiliers, and for-
merly Capt. 95th Foot (who d. 1873), by Elizabeth
Catherine, 2nd dau. of Robert William Lowry, Esq.,
J.P. and D.L., of Pomeroy, co. Tyrone, andBelmore, co.
Westmeath ; b. 1856; is Lord of the Manor of Fox-
borough. — Killclare, Clara, King's Co.
Heir Pres., his brother Robert Lowry Herbert, Lieut. R.N. ;
6. 1859.
ARMSTRONG, Henry Bruce, Esq., of Killy-
lea, co. Armagh.
Second, but only surviving, son of the late William
Jones Wright-Armstroug, Esq., J.P. and D.L., of
Killylea (who d. 1872), by Frances Elizabeth, only
dan. of Major Christopher Wilson, and widow of Sir
M. McCreagh, C.B., K.C.H. ; b. 1844. Educated
at Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1867, M.A. 1870);
called to the Bar at the Inner Temple 1868, and went
tho Home Circuit; is a Magistrate for co. Armagh,
High Sheriff 1874). His father assumed the name
of Wright in 1868, under tho will of Lady Frances
E.Wright-Wilson. — Killylea House, Armagh; Kildare
Street Club, Dublin ; New University Club, s.w.
ARMSTRONG, John Priaulx, Esq., of Clare-
mont, King's Co.
Youngest son of the late Thomas St. George Armstrong,
Esq., of Garry Castle, King's Co., by Elizabeth, dau. of
Thomas Priaulx, Esq., of Montbelle, Guernsey ; b. 1801 ;
m. 1827 his cousin Emma, dau. of Thomas Priaulx, Esq.,
of Guernsey, and has, with other issue,
* Thomas Priaulx St. George, late Capt. 49th Foot ; 6. 1S32.
Mr. Armstrong is a Magistrate for King's Co. — Clare-
mont, Banagher, King's Co.
ARMSTRONG, Richard, Esq., of Greenfield,
co. Dublin.
Eldest son of the late William Armstrong, Esq., of Rox-
borough, co. Armagh, by Elizabeth, dau. of Edward
Stacey Atkin, Esq., of Eoxborough ; b. 1815; m. 1847
Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Meurant, Esq., and has,
with other issue, * William, B.A. of Trinity Coll.,
Dublin, Barrister-at-Law. Mr. Armstrong, who was
educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1839, M.A.
1865), called to the Irish Bar 1839, and appointed
Queen's Serjeant-at-Law 1861, was M.P. for Sligo
1865-8. — Greenfield, Sutton, co. Dublin ; 32, Stephen's
Green, Dublin ; Reform Club, s."W.
ARMSTRONG, Thomas, Esq., of Brecon,
Eldest son of the late Thomas Armstrong, Esq., of
Brecon, by Mary, dau. of John Jones, Esq., of Coed
Mawr, co. Brecon; b. 1820 ; m. 1856 Amelia, dau. of
Spencer Lambert, Esq., of Clapham, Surrey, and has,
with other issue, * Frederick William Thomas, b. 1859.
Mr. Armstrong, who was educated at London University,
is a Magistrate for co. Brecon, M.R.C.S. (England), and
Surgeon to Brecknock Militia. — Brecon.
+ ARMSTRONG, Thomas, Esq., of Eden Hall,
co. Armagh.
Son of the late T. Armstrong, Esq.; 18 — ; is m.,
and has, with other issue, Sarah, m. 1870 Sir Wm. W.
Emerson Tennent, Bart. Mr. Armstrong is a Magis-
trate for co. Armagh. — Eden Hall, Portadown.
ARMSTRONG, Major William, of Farney
Castle, co. Tipperary.
Only son of the late Major Thomas Armstrong, of Far-
ney (formerly of tho 8th Foot), by Bridget Sophia, dau.
of Eichard Vandeleur, Esq., of Kutland, King's Co. ;
b. 1794; m. 1819 Ellen, dau. of George Steele, Esq., of
Harristown, Queen's Co., and had, with other issue,
Thomas, 6. 1820 ; m. 1851 Hathilde de Labrosse, widow of
Capt. William Armstrong, of Mealiffe, co. Tipperary ; and
d. 18G3, leaving issue 2 sons and 1 dau.
Major Armstrong, who is a Magistrate for co. Tipperary,
was in the 19 th Lancers. — Farney Castle, Thurles.
ARMSTRONG, William Bigoe, Esq., of Bal-
Iver, King's Co.
Only son of the late James Ferrier Armstrong, Esq., of
Bal-Iver, by Honoria, eldest dau. of the late John
Fleming, Esq., M.P, of Stoneham Park, Hants ; b. 1 839 ;
s. 1865; m. 1866 Anna Maria De Courcy, 2nd dau. of
James Freeman Hughes, Esq., of The Grove, co. Dublin.
Is Treasurer of King's Co., and the fifth of his family
who has held that office. — Bal-Iver, Banagher, King's Co.
(Soo MacDonncll.)
ARMYTAGE, Sir George, Bart., of Kirklees
^ Park, Yorkshire (cr. 1738).
Eldest son of the late John Army tage, Esq., of Kirklees,
by Mary, dau. of Wm. Assheton, Esq., of Downham
Hall, co. Lancaster; b. 1819; s. his grandfather as 5th
Bart, 1836; m. 1841 Eliza Matilda Mary, dau. of the
late Sir Joseph Eadcliffe, Bart. Is a J.P. and D.L. for
the W. Riding of Yorkshire. — Kirklees Park, Brig-
house ; Carlton Club, s.w. ; 27, Cambridge Square, w.
Heir, his son George John, F.S.A. : b. 1842 : m. 1871
Ellen, eldest dau. of the late Rev. Ayseough Fawkes, of
Farnley Hall, co. York, and has, with other issue, * George
Ayscough, b. 1872.
ARMYTAGE, Lieut.-Col. Henry, of Broomhill,
Eldest son of the late Col. Henry Armytage, of Broomhill
(who cl. 1861), by Charlotte, dau. of the late Nicholas Lo
Gendre Starkie, Esq., of Huntroyde Hall, co. Lan-
caster; b. 1828; in. 1851 the Hon. Fenella Fitz-Har-
dinge Berkeley, dau. of Maurice, 1st Lord FitzHar-
dinge, and has issue * Percy, b. 1853. Col. Armytage,
who entered the Coldstream Guards in 1847, served in
the Crimea 1854-6. — Guards' and Garrick Clubs, s.w. ;
15, St. George's Road, s.w.
ARNEY, Sir George Alfred, Knt. (cr. 1862).
Youngest son of the late Wm. Arney, Esq., of
Salisbury, Wilts, by Maria Charlotte, daxi. of Thomas
G.White, Esq., of Kew, Surrey; b. 1806; educated
at Winchester and Brasenose Coll., Oxford (B.A.
1829, M.A. 1830); called to the Bar at Lincoln's
Inn 1834, and went the Western Circtiit; appointed
Chief Justice of New Zealand 1858. — Auckland, New
ARNOTT, Sir John, Knt., of Fir Hill, co. Cork
(cr. 1859).
Third son of John Arnott, Esq., of Auchtermuty, by
Elizabeth, dau. of Alexander Paton, Esq., of Greedy-
bank ; b. 1817 ; m. 1852 Mary, dau. of James M'Kinley,
Esq., of Stirling, N.B. (she cl. 1866), and has issue. Is a
J.P. and D.L. for the co. and city of Cork (on roll for
High Sheriff 1876), and a Merchant at Cork ; was M.P.
for Kinsale 1859-63 ; Mayor of Cork 1859-60.— Fir
Hill, Woodlands, Monkstown, Cork ; Reform Club, s.w.
ARNOTT. (See Walker- Arnott.)
ARNOULD, Sir Joseph, Knt. (cr. 1859).
Eldest son of the late Joseph Arnould, Esq., J.P. and
D.L., of Whitecross, near Wallingford, Berks (who cl.
1859), by his 1st wife El'zabeth, dau. of Thomas
Bailv, Esq. ; b. 1815; m. 1st 1841 Maria, eldest dau.
of H. G. Eidgeway, Esq. (she cl. 1859); 2nd 1860
Anne Pitcairn, dau. of Major J. W. Carnegie, C.B.
Educated at the Charterhouse and Wadham Coll.,
Oxford (B.A. 1836, M.A. 1839) ; was afterwards Fellow
of his College ; called to the Bar at the Middle Temple
1841, and went the Home Circuit ; was a Judge at Bom-
bay 1859-69. — Garrick Club, w.c.
ARRAN, Earl of (Philip Yorke Gore, K.P.).
— Cr. 1762.
Eldest son of the late Col. the Hon. William John
Gore (who d. 1836), by Caroline, dau. of the late Sir
Thomas Pym Hales, Bart. ; b. 1801 ; s. his uncle as
4th Earl 1837 ; m. 1838 Elizabeth Marianne, dau. of
the late General Sir William F.Patrick Napier, K.C.B.
Is a J.P. and D.L. for eo. Mayo, of which co. he has
been Vice-Lieutenant, and a Magistrate for cos. Donegal
and Wexford ; was formerly Secretary of Legation and
Charge d' Affaires at Buenos Ayres. — Castle Gore, co. ■
Mayo; The Pavilion, Hans Place, Sloanc Street, s.w.
Heir, his son Arthur Saunders William Charles Fox, Vis-
count Su.llev. cliicatcd at Eton ; o JJP, and P.L. for cos. ,
lVnocal ami Mavn, late Hieh Sheriff of eo. Donegal ; n
S)ierial Commissioner of Income T:ix : formerly Attache
at Vienna and Paris: ^. 1S:;:>; m. isr.:> the Hon. Edith,
Snd dan. of the late Viscount Joeolyn. ami of
Kobert, 3rd Karl of Rotlen. ami by her (who ./. 1ST1) has, i
with other issue, • Arthur Jocelyn Charles, f>. 1S6S.
ARROW, William, Esq., of Pilgrim's Hall,'
Son of the late Sir Frederick Arrow. F.R.G.S., of i
Pilgrim's Hall (who.?. 1875), by Harriot. 5th dau. of I
the late Richard Stiloman, Esq., of The Friars. Win-
chilsca, Sussex: b. 1851. The late Sir Frederick
Arrow was a Dep.-Lieut. for the Tower Hamlets, a
J P. and D.L. for Essex, Deputy Master of the
Trinity House, and a Conservator of the River Thames.
— Pilgrim's Ha/I. Brentwood.
+ ARROWSMITH. Peter Rothwell, Esq., of I
The Ferns, Lancashire.
Son of the late Peter Arrowsmith, Esq., by a dau. of
— Rothwell, Esq.; A. 18— ; m. 1S57 Mary Jane, fourth 1
dau. of the late .lames Knight. Esq.. and sister of the
Rev. James William Knight, of Raxtorley Hall. co.
Warwick, and has issue. Is a Magistrate for co.
Lancaster. — The Ferns, Bolton.
ARTHUR, Sir Frederick Leopold, Bart. (cr.
Eldest son of the late Licut.-Gon. the Right Hon. Sir
George Arthur. K.C.H.. by Eliza Orde, dau. of the
late Sir John F. Sigismund Smith, K.C.B., R.A. ; b.
1S16; s. 1854: m. 1856 Lady Elizabeth, 4th dau. of
Thomas, 10th Earl of Kinnouil". Is a Magistrate for
Middlesex. Col. in the Army retired ; was Military
Secretary to his father in India. — Carlton and United
Service Clubs, s.w. ; 24, Queen's Gate, W.
Heir, his son George Compton Archibald, b. 1SC0.
ARTHUR, the Rev. James', of Athcrington,
Eldest son of the late William Arthur. Esq., of Broad-
gate, by Grace, dau. of Edward Hoekin. Esq., of
Stowe;"*. 1797: 1814; m. 1826 Mary. dau. of
Thomas Burnard. Esq., of Bideford, Devon, and has.
with other issue,* Thomas Freke, b. 1828; m. 1856
Mary Priscilla, dau. of John "Wills, Esq. Mr. Arthur,
who was educated at Pembroke Coll., Cambridge
(B.A. 1823), is a Magistrate for Devon, and Patron
Lord of the Manor and Rector of Atherington. — Athcr-
ington Rectory, Barnstaple.
ARTHUR, Thomas, Esq., of Glanomera, co.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Arthur, Esq., D.L., of
Glanomera, by Harriet, dau. and eo-lieir of the late
Wm. Smith. Esq.. of Cahimioyle, co. Limerick ; b. 1806 ;
s. 1845; educated at Eton and Magdalen Coll., Ox-
ford.— Glanomera, Limerick.
Heir Pres., his brother the Rev. Lucius Arthur, b. 1810 ; m.
1S40 Caroline Elizabeth, 3rd dan. of John Jervis, Esq., of
Moseley, co. Warwick, and has issue.
ARTHUR- (See Leahy-Arthur.)
Francis Artjndeli.) . — Cr. 1605.
Eldest son of Henry Benedict, 11th Lord, by his 2nd
wife Frances Catherine, dau. of the late Sir Henry J.
Tichborne, Bart., of Tichborne, Hants; b. 1831 ; s.
1862 ; m. 1862 Anne Lucy, dau. of John Errington,
Esq., of High Warden, Northumberland. Educated at
Stonyhurst Coll. ; is a Count of the Holy Roman
Empire, and co-heir to the baronies of Fitz-Payne and
Kerdeston: late Lieut. R. Wilts Yeomanry Cavalry; a
J.P. and D.L. for Wilts, a Magistrate for Middlesex,
Lord of the Manors of Wardour and Tisbury, Wilts,
ami Patron of 2 livings, — Wurtlour Castle, Salisbury;
Stafford Club, W. : Atheiurum Club, s.w.
ir Pres., his brother Evorard Aloysius, in Holy Orders ; 6.
+ A WENDELL, the Hon. Mrs., late of Belmont
Castle, Essex.
Elizabeth Emmeline, only dau. of the Into Joseph
Bsdaile, Esq., of Belmont. Castle (who d. 1870); w.
1832 the Hon. Henry Arundell, who d. 1857. —Belmont
Castle, Grays Thurroek, mar Romford; 7, Gilston
Road, West Brompton, s.w.
ARUNDELL, "William Rkinfrkd Arundell
EARRIS-, Esq., late of Lifton, Devon.
Eldest son of the late William Arundell H arris -
Arundell, Esq., J.P. and D.L., of St. Mary's, Lifton,
by Mary Lucinda, dau. of William Webber, Esq. ; b.
1822; 1865; m. 1856 Elizabeth, dau. of the Rev.
Henry Townend, and has, with other issue, * William
Beinfred, b, 1857. Mr. Harris-Arundell, who was edu-
cated at Eton, descends from tho Arundells of Treng-
wainton : tho surname of Harris was assumed by the
grandfather, and that of Arundell by the father, of the
present representative. — Residence: Lifton, Devon.
ARUNDELL. (See Hunter- Arundell.)
ASH, of Ashbrook, co. Londonderry.
(See Beresford, of Lear mount.)
ASHBROOK, Viscount (Henry Jeffrey
Flower). — Cr. 1751.
Eldest son of Henry 5th Viscount, by Frances, dau. of
the late Rev. Sir J. Robinson, Bart. ; b. 1829 ; s. 1871 ;
in. 1860 Emily dau. of the late J. F. Abington, Esq., of
Esher. Surrey. Educated at Eton ; is Patron of 1 living ;
was High Sheriff of Queen's Co. 1856 ; late Lieut. 52nd
Foot. — Castle Burrow, co. Kilkenny; Carlton Club, s."W.
lli ir pres., his brother William Spencer, B.A., of Trinity
Coll., Dublin ; m. 18G1 Augusta Madeline Henrietta, eldest
dau. of the late George Marton, Esq., M.P., of Capcrnwray,
co. Lancaster, and has issue a dan.
ASHBURNHAM, Earl (Bertram Ashburn-
ham).— Cr. 1730.
Eldest son of George, 3rd Earl, K.G., by his 2nd wife,
Ladv Charlotte, eldest dau. of Algernon, 1st Earl of
Beverley ; b. 1797 ; s. 1830 ; m. 1840 Katherine Char-
lotte, dau. of the late George Baillie, Esq., of Jervis-
wood and Mellerstain, N.B., and sister of George, 10th
Earl of Haddington. Is a J.P. and D.L. for Sussex, a
Magistrate for cos. Brecon and Carmarthen, Lord of the
Manors of Ashburnham. &c, and Patron of 8 livings.
— Ashburnham Place, Battle, Sussex; Barking Hall,
Needham, Suffolk ; 30, Dover Street, w.
Heir, his son Bertram, Viscount St. Asaph ; a Dep.-Lieut. for
co. Brecon ; b. 1S40.
ASHBURNHAM, the Hon. Percy, of Shem-
fold Park, Sussex.
Second son of George, 3rd Earl Ashburnham, K.G., by
his 2nd wife Lady Charlotte, dau. of Algernon, 1st
Earl of Beverlej-, sister of George, 5th Duke of North-
umberland ; b. 1799; in. 1838 Esther, dau. of the late
Lieut.-Col. By, R.E., but by her (who d. 1848) has
no surviving issue. — Shernfold Park, Tunbridgc Wells ;
20, Bruton Street, W.
ASHBURNHAM, Sir Anchitel, Bart., of
Brooniham, Sussex (cr. 1661).
Eldest surviving son of the late Rev. Sir John Ash-
burnham, Bart., of Brooniham, Canon of Chichester, by
Fanny, 4th dau. of William Foster, Esq., of Holling-
ton. Sussex; b. 1828; s. as 8th Bart, 1854; m. 1859
Isabella, eldest dau. of the late Capt. George Bohun
Martin, R.N., C.B., of East Bridgford, Notts. Is a
Magistrate for Sussex. — Broom ham, Hastings.
Heir, his son Anchitel Piers, 6. 1SC1.
ASHBURTON, Lord (Alexander Hugh Bar-
ing).—Cr. 1835.
Eldest son of Francis, 3rd Lord by Clara Hortenso, dan.
of loDuc do Bassano; b. 1835; s. 18G8; m. 186-1 tho
Hon. Leonora Caroline, 2nd dau. of Edward, 9th Lord
Digby. Educated at Ch. CL, Oxford (B.A. 1857, M.A.
1861); is a J.P. and D.L. for Norfolk, Lord of tho
Manor of Buekenhairi, and Patron of 8 livings ; was
M.P.' for Thotford 1857-67 .—JBuchnham Park, Thet-
ford, Norfolk ; The Grange, Alresford, Hants ; Loch Lai-
chart, Dingwall, Boss-shire, N.B. ; Langham Hall,
Dcdham, Essex ; IVliite's and Tra vellers' Clubs, s.w. ;
82, Piccadilly, w.
Heir, his son Francis Denzil Edward, b. 1866.
ASHBURTON, Dowager Lady, of Melchet
Park, Hants.
Louisa Caroline, 3rd dan. of the late Eight Hon. James
Alexander Stewart Mackenzie, by the Hon. Mary Eliza-
beth Erederiea Mackenzie, eldest dau. of Francis, last
Lord Seaforth, and widow of Sir Samuel Hood, Bart.,
K.C.B. ; m. 1858 (as 2nd wife) William Bingham, 2nd
Lord Ashburton (who d. 1864). — Melchet Park,
Romsey, Hants ; Addiscombe Farm, Croydon; Seaforth
Lodge, Seaton, Devon.
ASHBT, the late Rev. Edward Quenby, of
Quenby Hall, Leicestershire.
Youngest son of the late William Ashby Ashby, Esq.,
of Quenby Hall (who assumed the name of Ashby in
lieu of Latham, and who d. 1848), by Mary, dau. of
Michael Miller, Esq.; 6. 1805; d. 1871, having m. 1st
18 — Eliza, dau. of the Eev. Henry Palmer, of Withcote,
co. Leicester ; 2nd 1854 Ellen Dorothea, youngest dau.
of the Eev. Edward Hatch Hoare, Vicar of Barkby, co.
Leicester (she d. 1855). Educated at Eton and Ch. Ch.,
Oxford (B.A. 1826, M.A. 1833); was Hector of Dunton,
Bucks, Lord of the Manor and Patron of Hungerton.
— Quenby Hcdl, Hungerton, Leicester.
ASHBY, George Ashby, Esq., of Naseby
Woolleys, Northamptonshire.
Only son of the late Eev. George Ashby Maddock, of
Naseby, and of Greenfields, co. Salop, by Anne, dau. of
Mr. George Procter, of Cairn Cottage, co. Argyle ; b.
1834; s. 1836; m. 1855 Helen, dau. of Lieut. -General
John Charles Hope Gibsone, of Pentland, co. Mid-
Lothian, and has, with other issue, * George Ashby,
Lieut. Northamptonshire and Rutland Militia ; b.
1856. Mr. Ashby, who assumed the name of Ashby
by royal licence 1857, in right of his grandmother,
Hannah Maria, da\\. of Edmund Ashby, Esq., of the
Lynches, co. Salop, is a Magistrate for cos. North-
ampton and Leicester, and a Dep.-Lieut. for co. North-
ampton (High Sheriff 1863), and Patron of 1 living;
was formerly Capt. 11th Hussars. — Naseby Woolleys,
'Rugby; Army and Navy Club, s.w.
ASHE, the Rev. Robert Martyn, of Langley,
Eldest and only surviving son of the late Eev. Robert
Ashe, of Langley House, by Mary Jane Jenner, dau. of
Richard Watts, Esq., of Harnhill, co. Gloucester; b.
1807; s. 1855; m. 1852 Letitia, youngest dau. of the
late Capt. Daly, of the 53rd Foot, and has issue. Mr.
Ashe, who was educated at Trinity Coll., Oxford (B.A.
1828, M.A. 1832), is a Magistrate for Wilts, Lord of
the Manor of Langley Burrell, and Patron of that
living. — Langley House, Chippenham.
Stanton House, Wilts, and Nyn Park, Herts.
Only son of the late Rev. John Trenchard Craven
Ashfordby-Trenehard, of Stanton House, by Mary
Elizabeth, only dau. of the Rev. Samuel Davies ; b.
1843 ; m. 1867 Augusta, only child of the Rev. H. R.
Fowler, of Felton, co. Gloucester, and has, with other
issue, * John Henry Mohun, b. 1868. Mr. Ashfordby-
Trenehard, is Lord of tho Manor and Patron of Stanton
Fitzwarren and Northaw, Herts. The additional name
of Trenchard was assumed by royal licence by the
grandfather of the present owner in 1801, under the
will of his maternal uncle.— Nyn Park, Northaw, Burnet.
ASHHURST, John Henry, Esq., ofWaterstock,
Second but eldest surviving son of the lato William
Henry Ashhurst, Esq., of Waterstock (many years M.P.
for Oxfordshire), by Elizabeth, dau. of Oswald Mosloy,
Esq.,of Bolesworth Castle, co. Chester; 6.1813;*. 1846;
m. 1848 Elizabeth, dau. of the late Thomas Duffield,
Esq., M.P., of Marcham Park, Berks, and has, with
other issue, * William Henry, 6. 1851. Mr. Ashhurst,
who was educated at the Charterhouse, is a J.P. and
D.L. for Oxon, a Magistrate for Bucks, and Patron and
Lord of the Manor of Waterstock (High Sheriff 1852) ;
was formerly Capt. 15th Foot. — Waterstock, Oxford.
ASHLEY, Lord. (See under Shaftesbury, Earl of.)
ASHTON, Benjamin, Esq., of Gee Cross, Che-
Second son of the late Samuel Ashton, Esq., of Gee Cross,
by Mary, dau. of Thomas Turner, Esq., of Godley, co.
Chester; 6. 1813; s. 1849. Is a Magistrate for co.
Chester, and a Manufacturer at Hyde. — Gee Cross,
Heir Pres., his brother Thomas, a Magistrate for co. Chester ;
b. 1815.
ASHTON, Charles, Esq., P.R.G.S., of Maple-
well Grange, Leicestershire, and Litchford
Hall, Lancashire.
Eldest son of the late Samuel Ashton, Esq., J.P., of
Prestwich, co. Lancaster (who d. 1866), by Alice,
dau. of S. Tudor, Esq,, of Shrewsbury; 6. 1838; m.
1st 1867 Ada Mary, dau. of Nicholas Edward Hurst,
Esq., of Higham Grange, co. Leicester ; 2nd 1872 Jo-
sephine, 2nd dau. of Robert Henty, Esq., of Nazing,
Essex, and, by the former (who d. 1870) has, with other
issue, * Charles Ealph, 6. 1868. Mr. Ashton, who was
educated at Exeter Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1863, M.A.
1867), and was formerly in the 12th Lancers, is a
Magistrate for co. Leicester, and Lieut. Leicestershire
Yeomanry Cavalry. — Maplewell Gran ge, Loughborough ;
Litchford Hall, Blackley ; New University Club, s.w.
ASHTON, Charles James, Esq., of Little
Onn Hall, Staffordshire.
Eldest son of the late John Ashton, Esq., of Newton
House, co. Chester, and Little Onn Hall, co. Stafford
(who d. 1844), by Elizabeth, dau. of John Leech, Esq.,
of Stalybridge, co. Chester; 6. 1830; m. 1st 1864
Maria, eldest dau. of James Bayley, Esq.; 2nd 1874
Mary Eliza, eldest dati. of Joseph Woodward, Esq., of
Birlingham, co. Worcester, and has issue by the former
*a son, 6. 1865. Mr. Ashton is a Magistrate for co.
Stafford, and Major 4th Administrative Battalion Che-
shire Rifle Volunteers. — Little Onn Hall, Church Eaton,
near Stafford.
ASHTON, Frank, Esq., late of Polefield Hall,
Eldest son of the late John Ashton, Esq., of Barnfield,
co. Lancaster (who d. 1838), by Frances, dau. of the
late Richard Jones, Esq., of Packington, co. Warwick ;
6. 1820 ; m. 1st 1845 Susan, dau. of the late John
Greenwood, Esq., of Polefield Hall ; 2nd 1864 Mar-
garet, dau. of the late James Haddon, Esq.. J.P., of
Altrincham, co. Chester, and Maxwelltown, co. Forfar,
and by her (who d. 1874) has issue * a daughter.
Mr. Ashton is a Magistrate for co. Lancaster, and for
Middlesex and Westminster ; late Major 6th Lancashire
Volunteers. — Residence: Laurel Lodge, Twickenham;
Union Club, s.w.
ASHTON, John Howakth, Esq., of Folctield i
Hall. Lancashire.
Eldest son of the late Thomas V.-hton. Esq., of Middle-
ton. co. Lancaster, and Hatfield, co. Hereford (who d.
\&fiQ\ by Man-, dan. of Thomas Slater. Esq.; A. IS 10 ; ,
m. 1863, Maria, dan. of Frederick Bodwoll. Esq.. of
1 mi. i.>n. and lias, with other issue. * Horace Middleton.
k. 1870. Mr. Ashton. who tU educated at Cheltenham !
Coll., is a Magistrate for co. Lancaster and Capt. D. of
Lancaster's Own Yeomanry. — Poleneld Hall. Manchester;
Hatjitid Court, Leominster; Junior Car/ton Club, s.w.
ASHTON", of Gorstage Hall Cheshire.
(See ffard-Askton.)
ASHTON, Rubra ShokbOSK, Esq., of Wood-
lands. Lancashire.
Second son of the late Thomas Ashton, Esq., of Wood-
lands, by Mary, dau. of Ralph Shorrock, Esq., of Black-
burn : b. 1829. Educated nt University Coll., London
(B.A. 18521 : is a Magistrate for co. Lancaster, and a
Merchant aud Manufacturer. — Woodlands, OivrDarwcn ;
Beform Club, s.w.
+ ASHTON, Thomas, Esq., of Ford Bank,
Son of the late T. Ashton, Esq., of Ford Bank; b. 18—.
Is a J.P. and D.L for co. Lancaster, and a Manufac-
turer.— Ford Bank, Didsbury, near Manchester.
ASHTOWN. Lord (Frederick Mason Trench).
— Cr. 1800.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Trench, Esq. (next
brother of Frederick, 1st Lord), by Mary, dau. of
Henry Mason, Esq.: b. 1804; s. his uncle (under a
special remainder) as 2nd Lord 1S40; m. 1st 1S31
Henrietta, dau. of the late Thomas Phillips Cosby,
Esq., of Stradbally Hall, Queen's Co. (she d, 1845);
2nd 1852 Elizabeth, 2nd dau. and heir of the late
Richard Oliver Gascoigne, Esq., of Castle Oliver, co.
Limerick. Is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Galway (of which
county he has been High Sheriff), and Patron of 1
living. — Woodlawn, Galway: Clonodfoy, Kilfnanc, co.
Limerick; Lothcrton Hall, Shcrburn, near Mi/ford
Junction, Yorkshire.
Heir, his son Frederick Sidney Charles (of Sopwell Hail,
Tipperary), a Magistrate for King's Co. and co. Tipperary ;
b. 1S39 ; m. 1S67 Lady Anne, eldest dan. of 'William. 3rd
Earl of Clancartv, and has, with other issue, * Frederick
Oliver, *. 1S68.
ASHWLN, William Henry, of Bretforton,Wor-
Only surviving son of the late James Ashwin, Esq.,
J.P. and D.L., of Bretforton (who d. 1860), by Jane,
dau. of the late J. D. Collins, Esq., of The Duffryn ;
1S35; m. 185S Gwenelin, dau. of the late J." P.
yton, Esq., of Plas LlaDerchymor, co. Flint, and has,
■with other issue, * James, b. 1860. Mr. Ashwin, who
was educated at Exeter Coll., Oxford, is a Magistrate
for cos. Worcester and Gloucester, and Lord of the
Manor of Aldington. — Bretforton Manor, Evesham.
+ ASHWORTH, George Leach, Esq., of Roth
House, Lancashire.
Son of the late George Ashworth, Esq., of Rochdale
(who was a Magistrate for co. Lancaster); b. 18 — .
Is a Magistrate for co. Lancaster and a Manufacturer
at Rochdale. — Both House, Bochdale.
ASHWORTH, Henet, Esq., of Turton, Lanca-
Eldest son of the late John Ashworth, Esq., of Turton,
by Isabel, dau. of Thomas Thomasson, Esq., of Edg-
worth, co. Lancaster; b. 1794; 5. 1855; m. 1823
Letitia, dau. of George Binns, Esq., of Liverpool, and
has, with other issue, * George Binns, b. 1823. Mr.
Ashworth is a Magistrate for co. Lancaster. — The Oaks,
Turton, Bolton ; Reform Club, s.w.
ASKEW, Emm Wtlhai*, Esq., of Oonishead,
Lancashire, and G lenridiling-, Westmore-
Eldest son of the late Rev. Henry Askew, Rector of Grey-
Moke. Cumberland, bv Ann, dau. of Col. Sunderland, of
Little Croft, Ulverstonc; b. 1808; m. 1832 Lucy, 3rd
dau. of the late lion, and Right Kev. Hugh PeroyjD.D.,
Lord Bishop of Carlisle, and has, with other issue,
• nenry Hogh.Oomet litli Dragoon Gunrds ; b. 1847 ; m. IMS
Mary Bdith Montague, eldest dan. of the late Rev. Octavius
Freire Owen. M.A., and has issue 2 daughters.
Mr. Askew is a Magistrate for cos. Argyle, Cumber-
land, and Lancaster, and Patron of 1 living. — Glen-
ridding, Penrith; Bedhcugh, Durham,
ASKEW, WAT30N, Esq., of Eallinsburn, North-
Only son of the late Capt. Christopher C. Askew, R.N.,
of Broadbush, Hants, by Sarah, dau. of Patrick Dick-
son, Esq., of Whitecross, co. Berwick; b. 1834; s. his
uncle 1851; m, 1856 tho Hon. Sarah, eldest dau. of
David, late Lord Marjoribanka (ext.), and has, with
other issue, * David Hugh Watson, b. 1863. Mr.
Askew, who was educated at Eton and Ch. Ch., Ox-
ford, is a J.P. and D.L. for Northumberland (High
Sheriff 1 863). — Pattiasburn, CornhUl, Northumberland ;
Carlton, Boodle s, and Oxford and Cambridge Clubs, s.w.
+ ASPLNALL, Ralph John, Esq., of Standen
Hall, Lancashire.
Only son of the late John Thomas Walshman As-
pinall, Esq., of Standen Hall (who was J.P. and D.L.
for co. Lancaster, and formerly MP. for Clitheroe), by
Elinor, dau. of N. Aspinall, Esq. ; b. 1847 ; s. 1865.
Is Patron of 1 living. — Standen Hall, Clitheroe.
Heirs Pres.. his sisters, of whom the second, Jane Robinson,
m. 1870 Walter Overbeck Wade, Esq.
ASSHETON, Ralph, Esq., of Downham Hall,
Eldest son of the late William Assheton, Esq., of
Downham Hall, by Frances Annabella, dau. and
co-heir of the late Hon. William Cockayne, of Rushton
Hall, co. Northampton; b. 1830; m. 1854 Emily Au-
gusta, dau. of the late Joseph Feilden, Esq., of Witton,
co. Lancaster, and has, with other issue, * Ralph Cock-
ayne, h. 1860. Mr. Assheton, who was educated at
Eton and Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1852, M.A.
1S66), is a Magistrate for co. Lancaster and W. Riding
of Yorkshire ; elected MP. for Clitheroe 1868.— Down-
ham Hall, Clitheroe; University Club, s.w.
ASSHETON-SMITH. (See Duff Assheton- Smith.)
ASTELL, Charles Edward, Esq., of Puddle-
hinton, Dorsetshire.
Fourth son of the late William Astell (formerly Thorn-
ton), Esq., M.P., of Everton House, Hunts, by Sarah,
only dau. of the late John Harvey, Esq., of Ickwell
Bury, Beds, and Finningley, co. York ; b. 1819 ; m.
1848 Harriette, dau. of Francis Spaight, Esq., of Derry
Castle, co. Tipperary, and has, with other issue,
* Somerset Charles Godfrey Fairfax, b. 1866.
Lieut. -Col. Astell is a Magistrate for Dorset, and a
Lieut.-Col. in the Army, late of the 15th Regt. ; he was
A.D.C. to Sir Colin Campbell and to Lord Hardinge.
— West Lodge, Pudd/chinton, Dorchester.
ASTELL, Henry Godfrey, Esq., of Ickwell
House, Beds.
Second surviving son of the late William Thornton,
Esq. (who assumed the name of Astell, and who d.
1847), by Sarah, dau. of the late John Harvey, Esq., of
Ickwell Bury; b. 1815; m, 1842 Louisa Maria, dau.
of Major-Gen. Edward G. Wynyard, O.B., and lias,
with other issuo, * Godfrey, Lieut. 60th Eifles, b. 1848.
Mr. Astcll was formerly in the Bengal Civil Service,
and Judge of Jounporc. — Ickivell House, NorthiU, near
ASTELL, John Harvey, Esq., of Woodbury,
Cambridgeshire, and Everton, Hunts.
Second but eldest surviving son of the late William
Thornton, Esq., M.P., of Everton House, Hunts (who
assiimed the namo of Astell by royal licence 1806,
and d. 1817), by Sarah, dau. of the late John Harvey,
Esq., of Ickwell Bury, Beds; b. 1806; s. his brother
1861; on. 1853 Anno Emelia, dau. of Robert Parry
Nisbet, Esq., of Southbroom House, Wilts, and has,
with other issue, * William Harvey, b. I860. Mr. As-
tell, who was educated at Haileylmry Coll., is a Magis-
trate for cos. Cambridge and Hunts, a Dep.-Lieut.
for Beds and the City of London, and was formerly
superintendent of the East India Company's Factory at
Canton; he was M.P. for Cambridge 1852-3, for Ash-
burton 1859-65. — Woodbury Hall and Everton House,
near Sa?idj/, Beds ; Carlton and Union Clubs, s.w.
ASTLEY. (See under Hastings, Lord.)
ASTLEY, Sir John Dugdale, Bart., of Ever-
leigb, Wilts (cr. 1821)/
Eldest son of the late Sir FrancisDugdale Asiley, Bart.,
of Everleigh House, by Emma Dorothea, dau. of the
late Sir Thomas Buckler Lethbridge, Bart.; b. 1828 ; s.
as 3rd Bart. 1873 ; on. 1858 Eleanor Blanche, only dau.
and heir of the late Thomas George Corbett, Esq., of
Elsham, co. Lincoln. Educated at Eton, and Ch. Ch.,
Oxford ; is a Magistrate for Wilts and co. Lincoln, Lord
of the Manor of Everleigh, and Patron of 3 livings ; late
Lieut.-Col. Scots Fusilier Guards; elected M.P. for N.
Lincolnshire 1874. — Everleigh House, Marlborough;
Westlcigh, Warminster; Elsham Hall, Brigg, Lincoln-
shire ; Darnhall, Chester ; Marlborough and Guards'
Clubs, s.w. ; 4, Lowndes Square, s.w.
Heir, his sou Francis Edmund Corbet, b. 1859.
ASTLEY, Francis Dukinfield, Esq., of Dukin-
field Lodge, Cbesbire.
Only son of the late Francis Dukinfield Palmer Astley,
Esq., J.P. and D.L., of Dukinfield (who was High
Sheriff of co. Chester 1853), by Gertrude Emma, dau.
of the late Lieut.-Gen. Sir Harry David Jones, G.C.B. ;
b. 1853 ; s. 1868. Is Lord of the Manor of Dukinfield.
— Dukinfield, Lodge, Chester; Arisaig,Fort William, N.B.
ASTLEY, John Newdigate Francis, Esq., of
Ansley Park, Warwickshire.
Eldest son of the Rev. Francis Bickley Astlej7, by
Mary Anne, 3rd dau. and eventual heir of the late
John Newdigate Ludford, Esq., of Ansley Park; b. 1817.
Is a J.P and D.L. for co. Warwick. — Ansley Park, near
Heir Pres., his brother Benjamin Buckley Gifford, in Holy
Orders, B.A. of St. Alba'n's Hall, Oxford; b. 1819 ; m. 1st
]S50 Susan Louisa, 7th dau. of the late Hon. and Rev.
Frederick Pleydell-Bouverie (she it. 1854) ; 2nd 18(13 Maria
Catherine, eldest dau. of the late Sir Alexander B. Dixie,
of Chequers Court, Bucks.
Rosalind Alicia, 5th dau. of the lato Sir Robert
Frankland-Russell, Bart., of Chequers Court and of
Thirkleby Park, co. York (who (/. 1849), by Louisa
Anno, 3rd dau. of the late Right Hon. and Right Rev.
Lord George Murray, Bishop of St. David's ; m. 1854
Lieut.-Col. Francis L'Estrange Astley, who d. 1866,
leaving with other issue * Bertram Fraukland, b. 1857.
Mrs. Astley, who assumed the additional names of
Frankland-Russell under the will of her mother in
, 1872, is Lady of tho Manors of Ellosborough, &c., and
Patron of 1 living. — Chequers Court, near Aylesbury ;
7, Cavendish Squca-c, w.
ASTON", John-, Esq., of Rowington Hall,
Son of the lato Samuel Aston, Esq., of Rowington,
by Jane, dau. of Mr. Watt on ; b. 1800 ; s. 1839 ; on. 1824
Lucy, dau. of John Meredith, Esq., and has issue,
* John Meredith, M.A. of Exeter Coll., Oxford ; b. 1825 ; m.
1857 Katherine Ann, youngest dau. of Thomas Pemberton,
Esq., of Wharstone, co. Warwick.
Mr. Aston is a Magistrate for co. Warwick. — Rowington
Hall, and Wcstfield, Edgbaston.
ASTON, of Aston Hall. (See Talbot.)
ASTOjST-PUDSEY, George Pudsey, Esq., of
Seisdon Hah, Staffordshire.
Eldest son of the late George Peach Aston, Esq., of
Newton, co. Salop, by Mary Anne, youngest dau. of
John Baker, Esq., of The Down, co. Salop; b. 1826 ; s.
his uncle, John Pudsey, Esq. (whose name he assumed),
1860; on. 1869 Ann, youngest dau. of the late A.
Bowyer, Esq., of Much Wenlock, co. Salop, and has
issue *Mary Elizabeth. Mr. Aston-Pudsey is a Magis-
trate for co. Stafford, and Lord of the Manor of Seis-
don.— Seisdon Hall, Wolverhampton.
ATCHERLEY, David Francis, Esq., of Marton,
Shropshire, and Whatcroft, Cheshire.
Eldest son of the late Mr. Serjeant Atcherley, of Mar-
ton Hall, by Anno Margaret, dau. of James Topping,
Esq., of Whatcroft Hall, co. Chester; b. 1823 ; s. 1845 ;
on. 1866 Minnie Amhurst, dau. of tho late Courtenay
Stacey, Esq., of Sandling, Kent, and has issue a dau.
Mr. Atcherley, who was educated at Harrow and Ch.
Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1844), is a J.P. and D.L. for co.
Salop (High Sheriff 1864), a Magistrate for co. Flint,
and Lord of the Manor of Marton. — Marton Hall,
Shrewsbury; Whatcroft Hall, Middlewich; Cymman,
Flint; The Ffryth, Denbigh ; Carlton Club, s.w.
ATHERLEY, Francis Henry, Esq., of Shanklin,
Isle of Wight.
Eldest surviving son of the late Rev. Arthur Atherley,
of Ileavitree, Devon, by Amelia Elizabeth, dau. of the
late Richard Dawkins, Esq., a Commissioner of Excise ;
b. 1831 ; s. 1857; in. 1863 Lady Isabel Julia Elizabeth
Howard, eldest dau. of Charles John, 17th Earl of
Suffolk, and has issue * Arthur Harry Howard, b. I860.
Mr. Atherley, who was educated at Eton, is a Magis-
trate for Hants, Lord of the Manors of Luccombe, Land-
guard, and Road, I. of Wight, and Colonel I. of Wight
Volunteers ; was formerly in the Rifle Brigade — Shank-
lin, L. of Wight; Travellers and Brooks's Clubs, s.w.
ATHERLEY, George, Esq., of Northbrook
House, Hampshire.
Eldest son of the late George Atherley, Esq., of South-
ampton, and nephew of the late Arthur Atherley, Esq.,
formerly M.P. for Southampton; b. 1819; on. 1851
Ellen, dau. of Arthur Frederick, Esq., and has issue
* Evelyn George Hammond, b. 1852. Mr. Atherley, who
was educated at Harrow and Trinity Coll., Cambridge,
is a J.P. and D.L. for Hants. — Northbrook House, Bishops
Waltham; Arthur's and Oxford and Cambridge Clubs,
ATHLUMNEY, Lord (James Herbert Gus-
tavtjs Meredyth Someryille). — Cr. 1863.
Only surviving son of William Meredyth, 1st Lord, by
his 2nd wife, Maria Georgiana Elizabeth, dau. of the
late Herbert G. Jones, Serjeant-at-Law; b. 1865;
5. 1873; will sit in the House of Peers as Lord
Meredyth, U.K. (cr, 1866). — Somerville House, Kavan,
ATHOLE. lhiko of (J.min Jambs Htoh Hkxi;
S IK WART Mn; KAY. K.T.).— CV. 1708.
Only sonof Goorgo, GthDnko, by Anno, only dan. oftho
late Henry Homo Drammood, Esq.. of Blair Drummond
co. forth; b. 1840; 1804; m. 18(53 LOTUBA, eldest
dsn. of sir Thomas Monoivirto. Bart. Sits in t Ho House
of Lords .is Earl Strange ^-r. 1786): is a Dep. Lieut,
for and Horvdilary Sheriff of CO, Perth; late Cant.
S>>ts Fusilier Guards. — Blair Castle, Blair At hole ;
Dmtlrfd House. Pur.kdd. X.I>.: Guards' and Carlton
Cfuhs, s.w. ; 84, Fatoti Place, s.xr.
Heir, his son John Cieorge, Marquis o( TnlliUardine, b. 1871.
ATHOKPE. John Cakykr, Esq., of Dinnington,
Eldest son of the late Marniaduko Middleton Middle-
ton. Esq., of Leam Hall, eo. Derby, by Mary Ann. dan.
of Roln-rt Athorpo Athorpo. Esq.. of Dinnington Hall :
b. 1803 : & his uncle Thomas Athorpo, Esq.. 1820; m.
18:11 Mary. dan. of Thomas Gibbon Eitz-Gibbon, Esq.,
of Ballysccda, CO. Limerick, and by her (^who d. 1S63"!
has, with other issue,
• Holy Orders, M.A. of Emmanuel Coll.,
Cambridge; b. 1835.
Mr. Athorpo. who was educated at Emmanuel Coll.,
Cambridge (RA. 1S26. M A. 1829), is a J.P. and D.L.
for co. Derby, a Magistrate for the West Riding of
Yorkshire, Lord of the Manor of Dinnington, and
late Major 1st AY. York Yeomanry Cavalry. — Dinning-
ton Hall, Rotlurham.
ATHY, Edxonu Joseph Philip, Esq., of Ren-
ville, co. Gal way.
Eldest son of the late Randle Edmond Lynch Athy,
Esq.. of Renville (who d. 1S75). by Margaret, dan. of
the late William Hill Buckle. Esq.. of Chacely, co.
Worcester: b. 1859. The late Mr. Athy was a Magis-
trate for co. Gal way. — Ecnville, Oranmorc.
ATKLN, John Thomas, Esq., of Leadington,
co. Cork.
Eldest son of the late Maurice Uniacke Atkin, Esq., of
Leadington, Lieut.-Col. N. Cork Militia, by Elizabeth,
only dau. of Daniel M'Carthy, Esq., of Carrignavan,
co. Cork, and granddau. of Gerald, 24th Lord King-
sale ; b. 178-; m. 1812 Sophia, dau. of — Wright,
Esq., of Dublin, and has. with other issue, * Maurice,
6. 1814. Mr. Atkin was educated at Trinity Coll.,
Dublin. — Leadington, near Midlcton, eo. Cork.
ATKLNS, Robert St. Legek, Esq., of Water-
park, co. Cork.
Only son of the late Robert Atkins. Esq., of Water-
park, Capt. 60th Rifles, by Elizabeth Sarah, dau. of
James Penrose, Esq.. of Wood Hall, eo. Cork; b. 1842 ;
1S58. Is Lord of the Manor of Waterpark. — Water-
park, Carrigaline, Cork.
Heirs Pres., his sisters Louisa, Mary Elizabeth, and Hen-
rietta Geraldine.
ATKINS. (See Martin-Atkins, and Burnaby-Atkins.)
ATKES"S-GOES"G, t\e Rev. Philip Going, of
Firville, co. Cork.
Eldest son of the late Robert Atkins, Esq., by -Char-
lotte, 2nd dan. and coheir of Philip Going, Esq., of
Monaquil. co. Tipperary ; 6. 1804; s. 1839; m. 1830
Jane. 2nd dau. of the late Rowland Morrison, Esq., of
Tivoli House, co. Cork, and has issue * Robert, b. 1833.
Mr. Atkins-Going, who was educated at Trinity Coll.,
Dublin, assumed the name of Going under the will of
his maternal grandfather — Firville, Mallow.
ATKINSON, Bryan Waller, Esq., of Burton
House, Westmoreland.
Son of the late William Waltham Atkinson, Esq., of
Burton House, by Anne, dau. of William Swainson,
Esq., of Lancaster; b, 1828. Is a Magistrate for co.
Westmoreland, and Lord of the Manor of Burton-in-
ATKINSON, Charles John, Esq., of Lorbottle,
Eldest son of the late Adam Atkinson, Esq., J.P., of
Lorbottle (who d. 1875), by Charlotte Eustatia, only
child of the late John Collett, Esq., M.P. ; /). 1855";
educated at Eton. — Lorbottle, Whit/inghaui, Alnwick.
+ ATKINSON, Edward, Esq., of Ardnaree, co.
Son of the late E. Atkinson, Esq., of Axdnaree; b.
1799 ; is married, and has, with other issue, * Edward
Eastwood, b. 18—; m. 1872 Henrietta Maria, 3rd dau.
of Thomas Atkinson, late Inspector-Gen. of Hospitals.
Mr. Atkinson, who was educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin
(B.A. 1821), is a Magistrate for co. Mayo. — Ardnaree,
near Ballina.
ATKINSON, the Rev. Francis Home, of Mor-
land, Westmoreland.
Eldest surviving son of the late Francis Baring Atkin-
son, Esq., of Morland Hall (a Magistrate for Cumber-
land and Westmoreland, and a D.L. for Cumberland,
High Sheriff 18.32-3, and who d. 1861); />. 1840; m.
1869 Edith Mary, dau. of Henry Vatcher, Esq., cf
Rosemonnt. Jersey, and has, with other issue, * Henry
Ernest, b. 1871. Mr. Atkinson, who was educated at
Rossall School and Cain's Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1861,
M.A. 1863), is Lord of the Manor of Morland, and
Yicar of St. Andrew's, Minley, Hants. — Morland Hall,
Penrith ; Minify Grange, Yatcley, Hants.
+ ATKINSON, George Clayton, Esq., of
Wylam Hall, Northumberland.
Son of the late G. Atkinson, Esq., by Mary, dau. of —
Clayton, Esq. ; b. 18—. Is a Magistrate for Northum-
berland.— Wylam Hall, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
ATKINSON, Guy Newcomen, Esq., of Cangort,
King's Co.
Second, but eldest surviving son, of the late Guy Atkin-
son, Esq., J.P., of Cangort (who was High Sheriff of
King's Co. 1817), by Anne Margaret, dau. of the lato
William Trench, Esq., of Cangort Park; b. 1847; s.
1859. Educated at the R. Military Coll. ; is Capt. 85th
Light Infantry. — Cangort, Shinrone, King's Co.
Heir Pres., his brother William Henry, b. 1848.
ATKINSON, James, Esq., of Windervvath,
Fourth son of the late Richard Atkinson, Esq., of Mil-
bourne, Westmoreland, by Sarah, dau. of John Nicholson,
Esq., of Kirkbythoro. Westmoreland ; ^.1809; m. 1844
Anne, dau. of John Powley, Esq., of Longwathby, Cum-
berland. Is a J.P. and D.L. for Westmoreland (High
Sheriff 1870). — Windcrwatli, Temple Sowerby, Penrith.
ATKINSON, James Netteryille, Esq., of
Ashley Park, co. Tipperary.
Third son of the late George Guy Atkinson, Esq., of
Ashley Park (who d. 18/2), by Bridget, dau. of Patrick
Murphy, Esq.; b. 1843; m. 1875 Margaret Theresa,
dau. of William Bleasby Smithwick, Esq., of Youghall
House, co. Tipperary. The late Mr. Atkinson was
a J.P. and D.L. for King's Co. and co. Tipperary.
— Ashley Park, Nenagh.
ATKINSON, John Frank, Esq., of Micklegate
House, Yorkshire.
Youngest son of the late Robert Atkinson, Esq., by
Louisa, dau. of the late Thomas G. Street, Esq., of
Kilburn, Middlesex ; b. 1821 ; m. 1860 Mary Elizabeth,
dau. of the late Christopher E. Dam pier, Esq., of the
Hollies. Hants, and sister of Croslegh Dampier-Crossley,
Esq. (whom see), and has, with other issue, * Hepwortb.
u 33
Frank, b. 18G2. Mr. Atkinson is a Junior Brother of
the Trinity House, London. — MicMcgatc House, I'ontc-
ATKINSON, Joseph, Esq., of Crowhill, co.
Armagh .
Eldest son of the late Thomas Atkinson, Esq., of Crow-
hill, by Elkabeth, data, of James Johnston, Esq., of
Knappagh, co. Armagh; b. 1822; s. 1842; in. 1844
Judith Charlotte, dau. of Richard Barnsley, Esq., and
has, with other issue,
* Joseph, Lieut. G7th Regt. ; 6. 1845 ; m. 1871 Annie Edith,
eldest dau. of the late John Jervis Broad wood, Esq., of
Buchan Hill, Sussex.
Mr. Atkinson is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Armagh
(High Sheriff 1855). — Crowhill, Loughgall, co. Armagh.
ATKINSON, Leonard Wilson, Esq., of New-
biggin House, Northumberland.
Eldest son of the late John Atkinson, Esq., of Newbig-
gin House (who inherited that property from his uncle
Leonard Wilson, Esq.), by Ann, dau. of Francis Snow-
ball, Esq., of Netherwitton, Northumberland; b. 1836.
Is a Magistrate for Northumberland ; late Capt. King's
Dragoon Guards. — Ncwbiggin House, Hexham ; Army
and Navy Club, s.w.
ATKINSON, Mrs., of Angerton, Northumber-
Anne Louisa, dau. of William Ellice, Esq. ; in. 1840
James Henry Hollis Bradford, Esq., who took the name
and arms of his maternal great-uncle, Ralph Atkinson,
Esq., of Angerton, on succeeding to his estates in 1840.
He was a J.P. and D.L. for Northumberland (High
Sheriff 1847), and d. 1871.— Angerton, Morpeth.
ATKINSON, Lieut.- Col. Ralph, of Angerton,
Younger son of the late Gen. Sir Thomas Bradford,
G.C.B., by his first wife, Mary Anne, niece of Ralph
Atkinson, Esq., and widow of Col. Philip Ainslie;
b. 1824. Is a Magistrate for Oxon, and Lieut. -Col.
Grenadier Guards, retired ; exchanged his name of
Bradford for that of Atkinson by royal licence in 1871,
under the will of his great-uncle, Ralph Atkinson, Esq.,
of Angerton. — Angerton, Morpeth.
ATKINSON, the Rev. Richard, of Cockerham,
Eldest son of the late Richard Atkinson, Esq., of Ellel
Grange, by Frances, dau. of Samuel Grimshaw, Esq.,
of Preston; b. 1822 ; s. 1843 ; m. 1846 Anna Maria,
dau. of the Rev. Charles Hughes Hallett, of Higham,
near Canterbury. Educated at Macclesfield and St.
John's Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1843, M.A. 1844) ; is a J.P.
and D.L. for co. Lancaster, Patron of 2 livings, and
Vicar of Cockerham. — Cockerham Vicarage, Garstang ;
United University Club, s.w.
+ ATKINSON, Thomas King, Esq., of Reston
Hall, Westmoreland.
Son of the late T. Atkinson, Esq., by Mary, dau. of —
King, Esq. ; b. 18 — . Is a Magistrate for Cumberland
and Westmoreland. — Reston Hall, Staveley, near Kendal ;
Car dew Lodge, Carlisle.
ATKINSON, William, Esq., of Ashton Hayes,
Third son of the late Mr. William Atkinson, of Knares-
borough, co. York, by Anne, dau. of the late Mr.
Thomas Jacques, of Marton, co. York; b. 1797 ; m.
1824 Elizabeth, only child of the late John Smethurst,
Esq., of Chorley, co. Lancaster. Is a J.P. and D.L. for
co. Chester (High Sheriff 1857), and Lord of the Manor
and Patron of Ashton Hayes. — Ashton Hayes, Chester.
ATKINSON-CLARK, the Rev. William, of
Belford Hall, Northumberland.
Fourth son of the late George Atkinson, Esq., of Mor-
land Hall, Westmoreland (who d. 1814), by Susan
Mackenzie, dau. of Thomas Dunkley, Esq., of Clarendon,
Jamaica; b. 1809 ; in. 1833 Jane Margaret, dau. of the
late William Clark, Esq., of Belford Hall and Benton
House, Northumberland, and has, with other issue,
* George Dixon, educated at the Charterhouse, and B.A. of
University Coll., Oxford ; a Magistrate for Northumber-
land ; b. 1836 ; m. 1874, Mary Caroline, youngest dau. of
Hon. Henry Coventry, and has issue Francis Maurice
Augustus, 6. 1875.
Mr. Atkinson-Clark, who was educated at Harrow and
University Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1830), was appointed
Rector of Gateshead Fell, co. Durham, 1838, and Hon.
Canon of Durham 1854 ; he assumed the name of
Clark in 1870, under the will of Wm. Clark, Esq., on
his wife succeeding to her. brother. — Belford Hall,
Northumberland ; Port-an-eilean, Pit/ochrie, N.B.
ATKINSON- JOWETT, James, Esq., of Clock
House, Yorkshire.
Eldest son of the late Nathan Atkinson- Jowett, Esq.,
of Clock House (who assumed the additional name of
Jowett by royal licence 1855), by Hannah, dau. of
John Ackroyd, Esq.; b. 1817; in. 1839 Elizabeth, dau.
of James Hodgson, Esq., and has, with other issue,
* Nathan, b. 1840. Mr. Atkinson- Jowett is Lord of
the Manor of Clayton, in Bradford, co. York, and also
of Drewton and Faxfleet, E. Riding. — Residence :
Grove House, Bolton, Bradford.
ATKYNS-BOWYER, Henry, Esq., of Steeple
Aston, Oxfordshire.
Eldest son of the late Henry Atkyns-Bowyer, Esq., D.L.,
of Steeple Aston (who d. 1871), by Isabella, eldest
dau. of James Hodges Byles, Esq. ; b. 1836 ; in. 1873
Lizzie, 4th dau. of Lieut.-Col. Vernon, late Coldstream
Guards. Is a Magistrate for Oxon, and Lord of the
Manor and Patron of Clapham, Surrey ; late Capt,
10th Hussars. — Steeple Aston Grange, Oxford.
ATTHILL, Edward, Esq., of Ardvarney, co.
Fifth son of the late Rev. William Atthill, M.A., of
Brandiston Hall, Norfolk, Fellow of Caius Coll., Cam-
bridge, by Henrietta Margaret Eyre, eldest dau. of the
late Ven. George Maunsell, D.D., Dean of Leighlin ; b.
1819; m. 1847 Jane, eldest dau. and coheir of Lowther
Brien, Esq., of Ardvarney House, and has issue
* William Anthony, b. 1850. Mr. Atthill, who was
educated at Dungannon, is a Magistrate for cos. Fer-
managh and Tyrone. — Ardvarney, Kcsh, co. Fermanagh.
ATTHILL, the Rev. William, M.A., of Bran-
diston Hall, Norfolk.
Eldest son of the late Rev. William Atthill, of Bran-
diston, Prebendary of Clogher, by Henrietta Margaret
Eyre, dau. of the late Very Rev. George Maunsell, D.D.,
Dean of Leighlin ; b. 1807 ; in. 1st 1835 Sarah Bircham,
dau. of Guy Lloyd, Esq., of Bawdswell Hall, Norfolk,
and Croghan House, co. Roscommon (she d. 1837) ; 2nd
1 840 Catherine Elizabeth, only dau. of the late Christ-
topher Topham, Esq., of the Castle Hill, Middleham,
co. York (she d. 1844); 3rd 1847 Caroline Amelia,
only dau. of the late Capt. John Halstead, R.N. (she
d. 1848) ; 4th 1849 Dorothea, dau. of the late Robert
Radclyffe, Esq., of Foxdenton Hall, co. Lancaster, and
has, by his 1st wife,
* William, Capt. and AdjutantT31st L. R. V., Glasgow; late
Lieut. 89th Regt. ; b. lS36;~?n. 1S58 Annie Sarah Fitz-
herbert, dau. of J. Wheeler, Esq., of Westlands, co. Cork.
Mr. Atthill, late Vicar of Horsford, and P.C. of
Horsham St.' Faith's, Norfolk, was formerly Canon and
Sub-Dean of Middleham. — Brandiston Hall, Aide/ford.
ATTWOOD, the Rev. GteORGi.
Sou of tho late Thomas Attwood, Esq., of Norwood,
Surrey, by Marv. only child of Matttew Denton, Esq.,
of Stotfoid. Beds; b. 17:' ): if. 1S51 Sophia, d.-iu. of
the late dpt. Carow Roynell. and has issue *George
Carow Beynell. h. 1S.">4. Mr. Attwood. who was
ftamkd at Pembroke Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1818,
M.A. 18211. is a Magistrate for Suffolk, Eector of
Framlinghaiu-oum-Saxtod. and Rural Doau and Sur-
rogate.— Framli>igha;ii, Woodbridgc.
ATTY, James, Esq., of West Pinchbeck,
Elder son of the late .Tames Atty, Esq., of West Pinch-
beck, by his 1st wife. Harriet, dau. of Sir Thomas
Whieheote. Bart. ; b. 1809 : wi. 1831 Catharine, dau. of
Adlard Wdbv. Esq., of North Raueoby, co. Lincoln,
and has, with other issue, *. Tames, late Lieut. 43rd
Foot, b. 1833. Mr. Atty is a Magistrate for cos. Lin-
coln and Warwick, and Major Warwick Militia. — West
Pinchbeck, Spalding: Rugby, Warwickshire,
ATT YE, Francis Lionel Octavics, Esq., of
Logon Grange, W^rwiokshire,
Only surviving sou of the late Robert Middleton Attye,
Esq.. of Iugon Grange (a J.P. and D.L. for co. Warwick,
and High Sheriff 18251. by Margaretta Lucy, dau. of
the late Yen. Archdeacon Wi lies ; b. 1829; m. 1861
Margaret Maria, eldest dau. of the late David Lloyd,
Esq., of Shepley House. Surrey, and has issue * Robert
Jervoise, b. 1862. Col. Attye formerly commanded
the 2nd Batt. Queen's Royals. — Ingon Grange, Strat-
ford-on-Avon ; Army and Xavy Club, s.w.
AUCHLNLECK, the Eev. Alexander Eccles,
of Castle Lodge, and Mullans, co. Tyrone.
Only son of the late Rev. James Eccles Auchinleek, of
Castle Lodsre and Mullans, bv Caroline, dau. of Richard
Eiddis, Esq. ; b. 1823 ; s. 1831 ; m. 1S62 Fanny, dau. of
John Crozier, Esq., of Gortra House, co. Fermanagh
(she d. 1864). Educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin (B.A.
18411 : is curate of Droufield, co. Derby. — Residence :
Droitfcld, Sheffield.
AUCHLNLECK, Thomas, Esq., of Crevenagh,
co. Tyrone.
Eldest son of the late Daniel Eccles Auchinleek, Esq.,
of Crevenagh (who d. 18491, by Elizabeth Dorothea,
dau. of the Rev. Thomas Lindsay Stack, Rector of
Lower Badony, co. Tyrone ; b. 1837 ; m. 1868 Jane,
eldest dau. of George Henry Loxdale, Esq., of
Liverpool, and has issue * Bessie Sarah, b. 1870. Mr.
Auchinleek, who was educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin,
is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Tyrone (High Sheriff 1872),
and Captain R. Tyrone Fusiliers; formerly Lieut. 11th
Foot. — Crcvc7iagh, Omagh.
AUCKLAND, Lord (William George Eden).
—Or. 1789.
Eldest son of Robert John, 3rd Lord (sometime Bishop
of Bath and Wells), by Mary, dau. of the late Francis
E. Hurt, Esq., of Alderwasley, co. Derby; b. 1829; s.
1870 ; m. 1st 1857 Lucy, dau. of John Walbanke Chil-
ders, Esq., of Cantley" Hall, co. York (she d. 1870) ;
2nd 1872 Lady Mabel Emily, 2nd dau. of George
James, 11th Earl of Winchilsea (she d. 1872) ; 3rd
1875 Edith, youngest dau. of the late Sir William
Eden, Bart., of Windlestone, co. Durham. Is a
Magistrate for the W. Riding of Yorkshire ; late Sec.
of Legation at Stutgardt. — Edenfhorpe, Doncaster ;
Travellers' Club. s.w.; 34, Queen Anne s Gate,s.w.
Heir, his son 'William Morton, 6. 1859.
AUDLEY, the late Lord (George Edward
Thicknesse-Tuchet). — Cr. 1297.
Eldest son of George John, 22nd Lord, by Anne Jane,
eldest dau. of the late Admiral Sir Ross Donnelly,
K.C.B.; 6, 1817; sTlWj; m, lYlWTEmily, d&u. of
t ho late Sir Thomas Livingston Mitchell, K.H. ; 2nd
1868 Margaret Anne, widow of James William Smith,
Esq., and sister of tho Rev. Thomas Dawson Hudson, of
Frogmore Hall, Herts, aadd, 1872, leaving issue tho
* Hon. Mary and tho * Hon. Emily, between whom the
Barony is now in abeyance, — 15, Gloucester Square, w.
AUFB15R1, George Anthony, Esq., of Fouls-
ham Hall, Norfolk.
Only son of tin- Into Anthony Aufrero, Esq., of Hove-
ton St. Peter's, Norfolk, by Matilda, dau. of General
Count Loekhart, of Lanark, N.B. ; b. 1794; s. 1833 ;
m. 1828 Caroline, 2nd dau. of John M. F. Wehrtmann,
Esq., of Hamburg. Is a Magistrate for Norfolk ; served
in the Army 18 years. — Fou/sham Old Ball, Norwich;
Junior United Service Club, s.w.
Heir Pres., his sister Matilda ; m. 1818 Gcorgo Barclay, Esq.
AUSTEN, Mrs., of Aldwick, Sussex.
Elizabeth Mary, dau. of John Reade, Esq., of Holbrook
House, Suffolk; m. 1845 Lieut.-Col. Henry Edward
Austen, of Aldwick (second son of the late Sir Henry
Edmund Austen, of Shalford House, Surrey), who was
a Magistrate for Sussex, and who d. 1874, leaving
issue. — Tlie Pavilion, Aldwick, near Bognor.
AUSTEN, John Francis, Esq., of Broad Ford,
Eldest son of the late Rev. John Austen, Rector of
Chevening, Kent, by Harriett, dau. of Thomas Lane,
Esq., of Bradbo\irne, Kent; b. 1817; s. his uncle in
1859 ; m. 1st 1855 Charlotte, only child of the late
William Tucker, Esq. (she d. 1861); 2nd 1868 Geor-
giana Frederica, eldest daughter of C. Pearse, Esq.
Educated at Ch. Ch., Oxford; is a Magistrate for
Kent, and Patron of 1 living. — Capcl Manor, Bors-
monden, Staplchurst ; 1, Prince's Gate, s.w.
AUSTEN, the Rev. John Hilet,
Ensbuiy House, Dorsetshire.
Only son of the late John Humphrey Austen, Esq., of
Ensbury House, by Catherine, 2nd dau. of W. R. Haynes,
Esq., of Lonesome, Surrey; b. 1816; m. 1846 Maria,
3rd dau. of John Meares, Esq., of Plas Llanstephan,
co. Carmarthen, and granddau. of the late Sir John
Owen, Bart., of Orielton, co. Pembroke, and has, with
other issue, * John Henry, b. 1851. Mr. Austen, who
was educated at Jesus Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1839,
M.A. 1843), is a Magistrate for Dorset and Rector of
Tarrant-KeynestoD, Dorset. — Ensbury, Wimborne.
AUSTEN, Nathaniel
Croydon, Surrey.
Eldest son of the late Major Nathaniel Lawrence
Austen, of Croydon, a Magistrate for Surrey, and
Major in H.M.'s Indian Army (who d. 1873), by Mary
Anne-Eliza, dau. of John Lawrence, Esq. ; b. 1847 ;
educated at St. Peter's College, Cambridge. — The Aca-
cias, Croydon, s. ; Baffendcne, near Bethersden, Kent,
AUSTEN. (See Godwin- Austen.)
AUSTIN, Charles, Esq., of Brandeston, Suffolk.
Son of the late Charles Austin, Esq., J.P., of Bran-
deston (who d. 1874), by Harriet Jane, dau. of the
late Capt. Ralph Mitford Preston Ingilby, and niece of
the late Rev. Sir Henry J. Ingilby, Bart., of Ripley
Castle, co. York ; b. 1858 ; educated at Eton ; is Lord
of the Manor and Patron of Brandeston Brandeston
Ball, Wickham Market.
+ AUSTIN, James, Esq., of Glastonbury
Abbey, Somersetshire.
Son of the late J. Austin, Esq. ; b. 18 — ; is married,
and has, with other issue, * John Edward, b. 18 — ;
m. 1873 Ada Harriet, 3rd dau. of George J. Vine, Esq.,
M.I).— The Abbey, Glastonbury.
1)2 36
F.G.S., of
Lawrence, Esq., of
AUSTIN- GOURL AY. (See Gonrlay.)
AVELAND, Lord (Gilbert Henry Heath-
cote-Drummond-Willoughby) . — Or. 1856.
Eldest son of Gilbert John, 1st Lord, by the Hon.
Clementina Elizabeth, (in her own right) Baroness
Willoughby de Eresby ; b. 1830 ; «. 18G7 ; ffi. 1863 Lady
Evelyn Elizabeth, dan. of Charles, 10th Marquis of
Huntly. Educated at Harrow and Trinity Coll., Cam-
bridge ; is a J.P. and D.L. for cos. Lincoln and Rut-
land, Deputy Lord Great Chamberlain, and Patron of 11
livings; was M.P. for Boston 1852-6, for co. Rutland
1856-67. — Normanton Park, Stamford; Stockcn Hall,
Oakham; Bidby Hall, Bourne; White's Club, s.w. ;
12, Belgrave Square, s/YV".
Heir, his son Gilbert, b. 18G7.
AVERILL, Isaac, Esq., of Broadway, Worces-
Eldest son of the late Isaac Blakeman Averill, Esq.,
of Broadway (who d. 1858), by Mary, dau. of William
Osborne, Esq., of Broadway; b. 1830; m. 1860 Sarah,
dau. of Stephen Averill, Esq., J.P., of Broadway.
Educated at Cheltenham Coll. ; is a Magistrate for
cos. Worcester and Gloucester. — Broadway, Worcester.
AVONMORE, Viscount (William Charles
' Yelverton).— Cr. 1800.
Only surviving son of Barry John, 3rd Viscount, by
his 2nd wife, Cecilia, dau. of the late Charles O'Keeffe,
Esq., of Hollybrook, co. Dublin ; b. 1824 ; s. 1870 ; m.
1858 Emily Marianne, youngest dau. of the late Major-
Gen. Sir Charles Ashworth, and widow of Professor
Edward Forbes, F.R.S. Was formerly a Major R.A.
— Belle Isle, Boscrea, Tippcrary ; Hazle Rock, Wcstport,
co. Mayo.
Heir, his son Barry Nugent, b. 1859.
AWDRY, Sir John Wither, Knt., of Notton
House, Wilts (cr. 1830).
Eldest son of the late John Awdry, Esq., of Notton, by
Jane, 2nd dau. of L. Bigg-Wither, Esq., of Chilton
Eoliat, Wilts, and afterwards of Manydown, Hants ; b.
1795; s. 1844; m. 1st 1830 Sarah Maria, dau. of the
Rev. J. Awdry (who d. 1834); 2nd 1839 Frances Ellen,
dau. of the late Right Rev. Bishop T. Carr, by whom
he has, with other issue, * Thomas, b. 1840 ; m. 1872
Mary Olivier, fourth dau. of West Awdry, Esq.,
of Monkton, Wilts. Sir John, who was educated at
Winchester and Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1818, M.A.
1821), elected Fellow of Oriel Coll. 1819, and called
to the Bar at the Middle Temple 1822, was appointed
a Puisne Justice at Bombay 1830, Chief Justice 1839,
resigned 1841'; js a J.P. and D.L. for Wilts, and a
Hon. D.C.L., Oxford ; late Chairman of Quarter Ses-
sions ; and was one of the Commissioners for the Reform
of the University of Oxford. — Notion House, Chippen-
AWDRY, Ambrose, Esq., of Seend, Wilts.
Only son of the late Peter Awdry, Esq., of Seend (who
d. 1826), by Elizabeth, dau. of Anthony Guy, Esq., of
Chippenham; b. 1816; s. his uncle 1842; m. 1839
Eliza, dau. of George B. Clapcott, Esq., of Keyn-
stone, Dorset, and has, with other issue,
* Ambrose, Lieut. R.E., 6. 1843 ; m. 1808 Frances Grace, 3rd
dau. of the late Joseph Gabbett Studdert, Esq., of Wood-
burn, co. Clare, and has issue * a son, 6. 187.3.
Mr. Awdry is a Dep. -Lieut, for Wilts, and Lord of
the Manor of Seend. — Seend, Mclksham, Wilts ; 35,
Pulteney Street, Bath.
AWDRY, Henry Goddard, Esq., of Notton
Lodge, Wilts.
Fourth son of the late John Awdry, Esq., J.P. and
D.L., of Notton House, Wilts (who d. 1 844), by Jane,
2nd dau. of Lovelace Bigg-Wither, Esq., of Manydown
Park, Hants; b. 1804; m. 1st 1834 Mary, dau. of the
Rev. Kenriek Pock, of Notton Lodge, Wilts ; 2nd
1855 Isabella, dau. of Joseph A. Taylor, Esq.; 3rd
1865 Mary Edmonds, dau. of Henry Cremer, Esq.
Ho is a Magistrate for Wilts. — Notion Lodge, Chippen-
AYLESFORD, Earl of (Heneage Finch).— Cr.
Eldest son of Heneage, 6th Earl, by Jane, only
dau. and heir of the late John Wightwick Knightley,
Esq., of Offchurch Bury, co. Warwick; b. 1849; s.
1871 ; in. 1871 Edith, 3rd dau. of Col. Thomas Peers
Williams, of Templo House, Bucks. Educated at Eton ;
is a Dep.-Lieut. for co. Warwick, Lord of the Manor of
Packiugton, Patron of 6 livings, and Capt. Warwick-
shire Yeomanry Cavalry. — Packington Hall, Coventry ;
The Friars, Aylcsford, Maidstone ; Carlton Club, s.yr.;
9, Stratford Place, "w.
Heir Pres., his brother Charles Wightwick, Lieut. 1st Stafford
Militia, b. 1851 ; m. 1873 the Hon. Georgiana Agnes, eldest
dan. of William, 3rd Lord Bagot (she d. 1874).
AYLESFORD, Dowager Countess of, of Off-
church Bury, Warwickshire.
Jane, only child and heir of the late John Wightwick
Knightley, Esq., of Offchurch Bury, by Jane, dau. of
the late Rev. William Sbippen Willes, of Astrop House,
co. Northampton ; m. 1846 Heneage, 6th Earl of
Aylesford, by whom (who d. 1871) she has, with other
issue, * Heneage, 7th Earl. {See above.) Is Lady of
the Manor and Patron of Offchurch Bury. — Offchurch
Bury, Leamington.
AYLMER, Lord (Udolphus Aylmer). — Cr.
Elder son of the late Capt. John Aylmer, R.N. (who d.
1849), by Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Coates, Esq.; b.
1814; s. his cousin, Frederick William, as 7th Lord
1858 ; m. 1841 Mary Eliza, dau. of Edward Journeaux,
Esq. Represents a younger branch of the Aylmers,
Barts., of Donadea. — Melbourne, Canada.
Heir, his son Matthew, late Lieut. 7th Foot ; b. 1842.
AYLMER, Sir Gerald George, Bart. (cr. 1621).
Second but eldest surviving son of the late Sir Fenton
Aylmer, Bart., by Jane Grace, dau. of Sir John Evans-
Freke, Bart., of Castle Freke, co. Cork, and sister of
John, 6th Lord Carbery ; b. 1798 ; s. as 9th Bart, 181 6 ;
m. 1826 Maria, dau. of Col. G. Hodgson, E.I.C. Edu-
cated at Armagh, and Richmond, co. York, and at
Trinity Coll., Dublin ; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Kildare
(High Sheriff 1827); formerly Lieut. 1st Dragoon
Guards, and Major Kildare Militia. — Donadea Castle,
Donadea, co. Kildare.
Heir, his son Gerald George, J.P. for cos. Dublin and Kildare
(High Sheriff 1854) ; b. 1S30 ; m. 1853 Alice Hester Caroline,
dau. of Conway Richard Dobbs, Esq., of Castle Dobbs, co.
Antrim, and has, with other issue, * Justin Gerald, b. 1863.
AYLMER, Gerald Percy Vivian, Esq., of Wal-
worth, co. Durham.
Eldest surviving son of the late John Harrison Aylmer,
Esq . J.P. and D.L., of Walworth Castle (who was High
Sheriff of co. Durham 1864), by Rosanna Louisa, dau.
of the late Vice- Admiral Sir Joshua C. Coghill, Bart. ;
b. 1856; s. 1868.— Walworth Castle, Darlington.
Heir Pres., his brother Edmund Kendall Grimston, b. 1S59.
AYLMER, Michael, Esq., of Courtown, co.
Only son of the late John Aylmer, Esq., J.P., of Cour-
town and Bally Cannon, by Margaret, only dau. of the
late Sir Fenton Aylmer, Bart., of Donadea Castle, co.
Kildare ; b. 1831 ; s. 1857 ; m. 1852 Charlotte, dau. of
Hans Hendrick, Esq., of Kerdiffstown, co. Kildare, and
has, with other issue, * John Algernon, b. 1853. Mr.
Aylmer is a Magistrate for co. Kildare. — Courtovon,
AYLMER. Michael Yai.extine, Esq., of Dorry,
oo, Tippsnor.
Eldest m of tin lata Gerald Aylmw, Esq^ of Heath-
field, co. Dublin. l>v Catherine, dau. of P. Lambert,
Esq.. of Carnagh. co. Wexford: b. 1812 j *. 1887 ; m,
1S41 Marianne, dan. and s^le heir of the late 'William
Conolly. Esq.. of Dublin, and has. with other issue,
• Gerald JoDWtth. b. 1849. Mr. Aylmer was educated
at Ampleforth and Stonyhurst Colls.— Dcrry, llath- Ttppcrary.
AYL WARD. JjJTKS Kkarnky. Esq., of Shank-
hill, 00. Kilkenny. son of the late Nicholas Aylward, Esq.. of Shank-
hill Castle, bv Elizabeth, oldest dau. of James Kearney.
Esq.. of Blaachville, co. Kilkenny: b. 1810; S. 1832 ;
1853 Isabella, widow of Boauehamp Newton, Esq.
Educated at Eton ; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Kilkenny
(High Sheriff 1837).— Shankhill Castle, Whii<halt, co.
A.YLWOOD, Alfred, Esq., of Crofton Court,
Son of the late Alfred Alewood, Esq., and step-son of
the late J. P. Skeggs. Esq., of Orpington and 1'arn-
borough. Kent : b. 1838: m. 1869 Augusta Henrietta,
only surviving dau. of the late Frederick Besch, Esq.,
of Kensington, and has issue * a daughter. Mr. Ayl-
wood. who is a Capt. 2nd London Rifles, altered the
spelling of his name from Alewood in 1S69.— Crof-
ton Court, Orpington, near Bromley; St. Stcpke/i's
Club, s.w. ; Bracelet/ Cottage, Campden Hill, w.
AYNSLEY. Charles MURRAY-, Esq., C.B,
of Underdown, Herefordshire.
Eldest son of the late John Murray- Aynsley, Esq., J.P.
and D.L.. of Underdown (who d. 18701, by Emma Sara,
dau. of the late Samuel Peach Peach, Esq., of Tocking-
ton House, co. Gloucester; b. 1821 ; m. 1861 Augusta
Judith, eldest dan. of William Gilbert Campion, Esq.,
and has. with Other issue, * John Francis, 1866.
Mr. Murray- Aynsley is a Capt. U.N. and a Knight of
the Legion of Honour. — Underdown , Ledbury.
AY RES, Sir Hknkv. K.C.M.G. (cr. 1872).
Son of the lato II. Ayres.Esq. ; b. 18 — ; is m. and has
issue. Was First Minister of the (iovernment of the
Colony of South Australia. — Adelaide, South Australia.
AYRTON, William Scropb, Esq., of Salfcburn,
Eldest sun of the late William Ayrton, Esq., of London,
(who d. 1858), by Mary, dau. of Samuel Arnold, Esq.,
Mus.D., of London; 6. 1804; m. 1847 Margaret, dau.
of Thomas M. Alsager, Esq., of London, and has,
with other issue, * William Scropo, 1849. Mr.
Ayrton. who was called to the" Bar at tho Middle
Temple 1880, is a Magistrate for tho N. Riding of
Yorkshire : he was formerly Commissioner of the
Court of Bankruptcy. — Clijfden, Saltburn-by-thc-Sca ;
Atlteneeum Club, s.w.
+AYTON, Mrs., of Ashintully, Perthshire.
Catharine Georgina, 2nd dau. of Patrick Bannerman,
Esq., of Aberdeen ; i/i. 18.">2 Roger James Rutherford
Avion, Esq., of Ashintully, a J.P. and D.L. for co.
Perth, who was formerly Lieut. 1st Foot, and who d.
1871.— Ashintully Castle, Blairgowrie, N.B.
AYTOUN, Roger Sinclair, Esq., of Ineh-
dairnie, Fifeshire.
Eldest son of the late John Aytoun, Esq., of Inehdairnie,
by Mary, dau. of James Jeffrey, Esq. ; b. 1823. Educated
at Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1846, M.A. 1848) ; is
a J.P. and D.L. for co. Fife ; was M.P. for Kirkcaldy,
&c, 1862-74. — Inehdairnie, Kirkcaldy, N.B.; B?,ooks's
Club, s.w. ; 33, Upper Brook Street, w.
+ BABLNGTON, Arthur, the Rev., of Cos-
sington, Leicestershire.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Gisborne Babington,
Esq., of Rothley Temple (who d. 1871). by his first
wife, Augusta Julia, dau. of the late Sir Gerard Noel-
Noel, Bart., of Exton, co. Rutland ; b. 1820 ; is married,
and has issue three daughters. Is Rector of Wanlip.
— Wanlip Rectory, Leicester; Cossington, Loughborough.
Heir Pres., his half-brother Charles Edward, 6. 1S28.
BACCHUS, of Norwood House, Warwickshire.
(See Hopkins.)
BACK, Sir George, Knt., F.R.S., D.C.L. (cr.
Son of the late Mr. Back, of Stockport, co. Chester ;
6. 1796; m. 1846 Theodosia Elizabeth, widow of
Anthony Hammond, Esq.. of Savile Row, London
(she d. 1861). Entered the Navy 1808; appointed
Admiral on reserved half-pay 1868; accompanied Sir
J. Franklin in 1818 to Spitzbergen ; conducted ex-
peditions to the North Pole in 1833 and 1836 ; received
Knighthood for his discoveries in the Arctic Regions.
— United Service and Athencsum Clubs, s.w.; 109,
Gloucester Place, Portman Square, w.
BACK, Henry, Esq., of Hethersett, Norfolk.
Son of the late Thomas Back, Esq., of Hetherset,
Hall, by Sarah, dau. of John Hatfeild, Esq., of Norwich ;
b. 1811 ; s. 1848; m. 1st 1849 Annie, dau. of the late
Robert Gardner, Esq., of Chaseley Hall, near Man-
chester (she d. 1849); 2nd 1851 Fanny, dau. of Capt.
Lempriere, R.A., of Ewell, Surrey, by whom he has,
with other issue, * William Henry, b. 1853. Mr.
Back, who was educated at the Charterhouse, is a
Magistrate for Norfolk. — Hethersett Hall, Wymondham.
BACKHOUSE, Edmund, Esq., of Middleton
Lodge, Yorkshire.
Eldest son of the late Jonathan Backhouse, Esq., of
Darlington, co. Durham, by Hannah, dau. of Joseph
Gurney, Esq. ; b. 1824 ; m. 1848 Juliet Mary, dau. of
Charles Fox, Esq., and has, with other issue, * Jona-
than Edmund, b. 1849 ; m. 1871 Florence, youngest
dau. of Sir John S. Trelawny, Bart. Mr. Backhouse,
who is a Magistrate for co. Durham and the N. Riding
of co. York, was elected M.P. for Darlington 1868.
— Middleton Lodge, Richmond, Yorkshire ; Reform and
Brooks's Clubs, s.w. ; Garrick Club, s.w. ; 49, Grosvcnor
Street, w.
BACON, Sir Hickman Beckett, Bart., of Tho-
nock, Lincolnshire (cr. 1611).
Eldest son of the late Sir Henry Hickman Bacon,
Bart., of Raveningham and Thonock (who was High
Sheriff of co. Lincoln 1867), by Elizabeth, younger
dau. of tho late Sir Thomas Beckett, Bart., of Somerby,
co. Lincoln; b. 1855; s. as 12th Bart. 1872. Edu-
cated at Eton ; is Premier Baronet of England, and
Lord of the Manor of Gainsborough. — Thonock Hall,
Heir Pres., his brother Nicholas Henry (of Ravehirighatn
Hall, Norfolk), b. 1857.
BACON, Sir James, Bait., Q.O., of Compton
House, Berks (cr. 1871).
Eldest son of the late James Bacon, Esq., Barrister-at-
Law, of the Middle Temple, by Catherine, dau. of —
Day, Esq., of Manchester ; b. 1798; m. 1827 Laura
Erances, dau. of the late William Cook, Esq., of Clay
Hill, Middlesex, and by her (who d. 1859) has, with
other issue, * Francis Henry, Barrister-at-Law of Lin-
coln's Inn; b. 1829. Sir J. Bacon, who was called to
the Bar at Gray's Inn, is a Bencher of Lincoln's Inn ;
appointed a Commissioner of Bankruptcy 1868 ; Chief
Judge of Bankruptcy 1869 ; Vice-Chancellor 1870.
— Compton House, Compton Beauchamp, Great Farring-
don ; 1, Kensington Garden Terrace, w. ; 12, New
Square, Lincoln's Inn, w.c.
BACON", Major CiESAR, of Seafield and Staward,
Isle of Man.
Eldest son of the late John Joseph Bacon, Esq., of
Seafield, by Anne, dau. of the Rev. Joseph Cosnahan,
"Vicar of Braddan; b. 1791 ; s. 1809; m. 1825 Frances
Hale, dau. of Cornelius Smelt, Esq., Lieut.-Col. N. York
Militia, and many years Lieut.-Governor of the Isle of
Man, and has, with other issue,
* John Joseph, late Capt. 95th Eegt. ; Z>. 1837 ; m. 1869 Cathe-
rine Isabella, eldest surviving dau. of the late J. Tesche-
maker, Esq., D.C.L., of Exmouth, Devon.
Major Bacon, who is a Magistrate for the Isle of Man,
was formerly Capt. (Bt. Major) 23rd Light Dragoons.
— Seafield, Douglas, L of Man ; United Service Club, s.w.
BAGEHOT, Thomas Watson, Esq., of Herds
Hill, Somersetshire.
Son of the late Bobert Bagehot, Esq., of Herds Hill ;
b. 1796 ; m. 1823 Edith, sister of the late Vincent
Stuckey, Esq., of Hill House, Somerset, and by her
(who d. 1870) has issue an only son * Walter, M.A.
of London University, a Magistrate for Somerset ; b.
1826; m. 1858 Eliza, dau. of the late James Wilson,
Esq., M.P. Mr. Bagehot is a Merchant. — Herds Hill,
Langport, Taunton.
BAGENAL, Beauchamp Frederick, Esq., of
Benekerry, co. Carlow.
Eldest surviving son of the late Philip Bagenal, Esq.,
of Benekerry (who d. 1855), by Georgina . Thomasina,
dau. of the late Major Boyd, 2nd Dragoons, of Bosslare,
co. Wexford; b. 1846; s. his brother Walter Phillip,
Capt. 16th Lancers, 1868; in. 1870 Ethel Constance
Mary, 3rd dau. of the late Bobert Westley Hall- Dare,
Esq., of Newtown Barry, co. Wexford, and has, with
other issue, * Beauchamp Walker, b. 1873. Mr. Bage-
nal, who was educated at Cheltenham Coll. and the
Royal Military Coll., Sandhurst, was High Sheriff of
co. Carlow 1871 ; late Lieut. 45th Foot. — Benekerry
House, Carlow.
BAGGALLAY, Sir Richard, Knt. (cr. 1868).
Eldest son of the late Richard Baggallay, Esq., J.P.,
of Upper Tooting, Surrey (who d. 1870), by Ann, dau.
of the late Owen Marden, Esq.; b. 1816; m. 1847
Marianne, youngest dau. of the late Henry Charles
Lacy, Esq., M.P., of Withdeane Hall, Sussex. Edu-
cated at Caius Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1839, M.A. 1842,
and in same year elected to a Fellowship) ; called to
the Bar at Lincoln's Inn 1843 ; appointed a Q.C. and
a Bencher of Lincoln's Inn 1861 ; is a Magistrate for
Surrey and co. Hereford, and Counsel to the Univer-
sity of Cambridge ; was M.P. for Hereford 1865-8,
Solicitor-General in 1868 and 1874; elected M.P. for
Mid Surrey 1870; appointed Attorney-General 1874.
^Carlton Club, s.w. ; 10, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn,
"W.c. ; 55, Queen's Gate, w.
BAGGE, Sir William, Bart., of Stradsett Hall,
Norfolk (cr. 1867).
Eldest surviving son of the lato Thomas Philip Bagge,
Esq.,_ of Stradsett Hall (who d. 1827), by Grace, dau.
of Richard Salisbury, Esq., of Castle Park, Lancaster;
1810 ; m. 1833 Frances, dau. of the late Sir Thomas
Preston, Bart. Educated at the Charterhouse and
Balliol Coll., Oxford ; is a J.P. and D.L. for Norfolk,
Lord of the Manor and Patron of Stradsett ; was M.P.
for West Norfolk 1837-57, re-elected 1865.— Stradsett
Hall, Downham- Market ; Carlton Club, s.w.
Heir, his son, William Henry Ernest ; educated at Sandhurst,
and Caius Coll., Cambridge; 6. 1840; m. 1865 Alice, 2nd
dau. of Alfred Giles, Esq., of The Oaks, Wimbledon Park,
BAGGE, John Henry, Esq., of Ardmore, go.
Eldest son of the late Simon Bagge, Esq., of Ardmore,
J.P., and in 1848 High Sheriff of co. Waterford
(who d. 1872), by Arabella, dau. of the late Lieut.-Col.
Charles Cox, of Carrick-on-Shannon, co. Leitrim; b.
1849. Is a Magistrate for co. Waterford ; late Lieut. 2nd
Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays). — Ardmore House,
near Youghal ; Naval and Military Club, w.
Heir Pres., his brother Simon Alfred, b. 1856.
BAGGE, Richard, Esq., of Gaywood, Norfolk.
Second surviving son of the late Thomas Philip Bagge,
Esq., of Stradsett Hall, Norfolk, by Grace, dau. of
Richard Salisbury, Esq., of Castle Park, Lancaster ; b.
1812; s. his uncle 1835; m. 1835 Pleasance, dau. of
the Rev. E. Hulton, LL.D., and by her (who d. 1869)
has, with other issue, * Richard Salisbury, a Magistrate
for Norfolk; late Capt. 10th Foot, b. 1836. Mr. Bagge,
who was educated at the Charterhouse, is a J.P. and
D.L. for Norfolk, Lord of the Manors of Gaywood and
Tilney-cum-Islington, Norfolk, and Patron of 1 living.
— Gaywood Hall and Islington Hall, King's Lynn;
Conservative Club, s.w. ; Long's Hotel, w.
BAGNALL, Charles, Esq., of Sneaton Castle,
Second son of Thomas Bagnall, Esq., of Newberries,
Herts (whom see), by his 1st wife, Mary, only child of
the late John Nock, Esq., of WestBromwich ; b. 1827 ;
on. 1860 Harriet Curtis, 2nd dau. of the late John
Chapman, Esq., of Whitby, and has, writh other issue,
* Charles Edward, b. 1861. Mr. Bagnall, who was
educated at King's Coll., London, is a Magistrate for
co. Stafford and the N. Riding of Yorkshire, an Iron-
master in that county, and Lieut. Queen's Own R.
Yeomanry Cavalry; was M.P. for Whitby 1865-8.
—Sneaton Castle, Whitby ; Carlton Club, s.w.
+ BAGNALL, Richard Samuel, Esq., of Bes-
cott, Staffordshire.
Eldest son ofthe late Charles Bagnall, Esq., J.P., of Cliff
Hall, co. Warwick, by Mary, dau. of J. Royle, Esq. ; b.
1 79—. Is a Magistrate for cos. Stafford and Warwick.
—Bescott Hall, Walsall s Cliff Hall, Tamworth.
BAGNALL, Thomas, Esq., of Newberries, Herts.
Third son of the late John Bagnall, Esq., by Mary,
dau. of J. Royle, Esq.; b. 1799; m. 1st 1825 Mary,
only child of the late John Nock, Esq., of West Brom-
wich; 2nd 1839 Caroline, dau. of Lancelot Haslope,
Esq., of Highbury Lodge, Middlesex ; he has by the
former, with other issue,
* John Nock, of Shenstone Moss, Lichfield, a J.P. and D.L.
for co. Stafford (High Sheriff 1875) ; 6. 1826 ; m. 1848
Mary Ann, eldest dau. of William Ward, Esq., of Wolver-
hampton, and has issue * John Ward, b. 1854.
Mr. Bagnall is a Magistrate for Middlesex, Westminster,
Herts, and Liberty of St. Albans, and for co. Stafford
(High Sheriff 1863).— Newberries Park, Watford,
Herts; National Club, s.vr.
BAG X Al.l .. Th> m\n Esq., ,Tnn., of Milton
Eruest, Rods.
Thinl son of ThoHMU Bagnall, Esq., of Newlvrries.
Herts ^whom >eo\ by Mary, only child of the late John
Rock, Bml, of West Bromwich, co. Stafford; ft. 1880 ;
is a Magistrate for Beds. — Milton Enust Hall, near
BAGXALE-W1T.D. Hauxaii, Esq., of
Costook. Notts.
Second son of William Kirkby, Esq., of Norwood.
Surrey, by Harriott Ursula Horseman, his wife; 184.):
m. 1871 Alice, youngc>t dau. of the late Richard
Adolph Pfeil, Esq.. of Boxgrove, Surrey, and has issue
• Ralph Kirkby. ft. 1873. 'Mr. Bagnall -Wild, who was
educated at Cains Coll., Cambridge {B.A. 1868). aud
called to the Bar at the Inner Temple 1870, assumed
the names of Bagnall-Wild in 1868, on inheriting: the
estates of his godfather, Samuel Bagnall-Wild, Esq.
— Costock Hall, Ixivghboro ; New University Club, s.w.
BAGOT, Lord (William Bagot).— Cr. 1780.
Eldest son of William, 2nd Lord, by Lady Louisa, 2nd
dau. of George, 3rd Earl of Dartmouth'; ft. 1811; «.
1856; in. 1S51 the Hon. Lucia Caroline Elizabeth,
eldest dau. of the late Lord Doyer. and sister of Henry,
3rd Viscount Clifden. Educated at the Charterhouse,
Eton, and Magdalen Coll.. Cambridge; is a Magistrate
for co. Derby, a J.P. and D.L. for co. Stafford, Lord of
the Manors of Blithefield, ecc, Patron of 2 livings, and
Col. Staffordshire Yeomanry ; was M.P. for co. Denbigh
1835-52: a Lord in Waiting 1866-8. — Blithefield House,
Rugcley; Pool Park, Ruthin ; Carlton Club, s.w.
Heir, his son William, b. 18o7.
BAGOT, Bernard "William, Esq., of Carranure
House, co. Roscommon.
Second son of the late Thomas Neville Bagot. Esq., of
Ballymoe (.who d. 1863\ by Ellen, 2nd dau. of the late
John Fallon, Esq.. of Runniniede, co. Eoscommon; b.
1S18; ;». 1st 1850 Eupheomia, dau. of the late Eichard
J. Hinds. Esq.. of Rathgar, co. Dublin (who d. 1855) ;
2nd 1862 Josephine Isabella, dau. of Joseph A. Holmes,
Esq., J.P. and D.L., of Clogher House, co. Sligo ; and
has issue by the former * Richard John Hinds, b.
1853. Mr. Bagot, who was educated at Trinity Coll.,
Dublin (B.A. 1840), and called to the Irish Bar 1843,
is a Magistrate for co. Roscommon. — Carranure House,
Lecarrow, co. Roscommon.
BAGOT, Col. Charles, of Clmrchdale House,
Eldest son of the late Right Hon. Sir Charles Bagot,
G.C.B. (who d. 1843), by Lady Mary Charlotte Anne,
eldest dau. of William, 3rd Earl of Mornington, and
grandson of William, 1st Lord Bagot; b. 1808; m.
1846 Sophia Louisa, eldest dau. of the late Vice-
Admiral the Hon. Josceline W. Percy, C.B., and has,
with other issue, * Josceline FitzRoy, b. 1854. Col.
Bagot is a Magistrate for co. Stafford, Hon. Col. of the
3rd King's Own Staffordshire Rifle Militia, and
Assistant Master of the Ceremonies to the Queen.
— Churchdale House, Rugeley.
BAGOT, Charles, Esq., of Kilcoursey, King's
Eldest son of the late John Tuthill Bagot, Esq., of
Kilcoursey (who d. 1869), by Eliza, dau. of John
Meyler, Esq. ; b. 1850. — Kilcoursey House, Clara.
Heir Pres., his brother John, b. 1S52.
BAGOT, Christopher Neville, Esq., of Augh-
rane Castle, co. Galway.
Youngest son of the late Thomas Neville Bagot, Esq.,
of Ard and Ballymoe (who d. 1863 ), by Ellen, 2nd dau.
of the late John Fallon, Esq., of Runnimede, co. Ros-
common; ft. 1827; m. 1875 Alice Emily, eldest dau. of
the late Sir William Vomer, Bart., M.P., of Churchill,
co. Armagh. Educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin;
is a Magistrate for cos. Galway and Roscommon.
— Aughrane Castle, Ballygar ; Oriental Club, VT.
BAGOT, Johh Lloyd, Esq., of Ballymoe, co.
Oldest son of the late Thomas Neville Bagot, Esq., J.P.,
of Anl, Kind's Co.. and Ballymoe, by Ellen, 2nd dau.
Of tlic late John Fallon, Esq., of Runninicdc, co. Ros-
common; ft. 1814; a. 1863; m. 1813 Anna Gcorgina,
dau. and heir of the late Edward Henry Kirwan, Esq.,
of Ballyturin, co. Galway, and has, with other issue,
* Thomas, b. 1848. Mr. Bagot is a Magistrate for
cos. Galway and Roscommon. — Burrow, Ballymoe, and
Ballyturin House, Gort, co. Galway.
+ BAGOT, William Walter, Esq., of Pipe
Hayes Hall, Warwickshire.
Sun of the late Rev. Egorton Ralph Bagot, of Pipo Hayes;
b. 1847 ; s. 1866 ; m, 1868 Lucy Matilda, dau. of the
Rev. R, Loftus Tottenham, M.A., and granddau. of the
late Lord Robert P. Tottenham, Bishop of Clogher. Edu-
cated at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; is Lord of the Manor of
Pipe Hayes. — Pipe Hayes Hall, Birmingham.
BAGOT, Col. Edward.
(See under Howard, of Castle Rising.)
BAGOT, of Castle Bagot. (See More- O'Ferr all.)
BAGOT-CHESTER. (See Sheriffs of Hemtead)
BAGSHAW, Robert John, Esq., of Dovercourt,
Only son of the late John Bagshaw, Esq., M.P., of
Dovercourt, J.P. and D.L. for Essex, by his 1st wife
Rebecca, dau. of J. Johnson, Esq. ; b. 1803 ; s. 1861 ;
hi. 1st 1841 Georgiana, youngest dau. of the late
Richard Baker, Esq., of Barham House, Herts (she d.
1867); 2nd 1870 Emma Ann, 2nd dau. of the late
Matthew Clark, Esq. Is a J.P. and D.L. for Essex
(High Sheriff 1873), and a Magistrate for Har-
wich ; formerly a merchant at Calcutta ; was M.P.
for Harwich 1857-9. — Banksea House, Bovereourt,
Harwich ; Reform Club, s.w.
BAGSHAWE, Francis Westbt, Esq., of The
Oaks, Derbyshire.
Eldest surviving son of the late William John Bag-
shawe, Esq., of The Oaks and Wormhill Hall, co.
Derby, by Sarah, 3rd dau. of William Partridge, Esq.,
of Bishop's Wood, co. Hereford ; b. 1832 ; s. 1854 ; m.
1873 Caroline Amelia, younger dau. of Robert Alfred
Cloyne Godwin-Austen, Esq., of Shalford House,
Surrey. Educated at Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A.
1855, M.A. 1859) ; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Derby (High
Sheriff 1868), and for the W. Riding of Yorkshire, and
Capt. 1st West York Regt. Yeomanry Cavalry. — The
Oaks, Sheffield ; Wormhill Hall, Bakcwell, Berbyshire.
Heir Pres., his brother Alfred Drake, 1836.
Esq., of Ford Hall, Derbyshire.
Eldest son of the late Henry Marwood Greaves, Esq.,
J.P. and D.L., of Banner Cross and Ford Hall (who d.
1859), by Mary Catherine Anne, only dau. and heir
of the Rev. William Bagshawe, M.A., of Banner Cross
and Ford Hall; b. 1831 ; in. 1856 Martha, dau. of the
late Joseph Bowmer, Esq., of Lancayo, co. Monmouth,
and Draycott, co. Derby, and has, with other issue,
* William Murray-Caldwell, b. 1864. Mr. Greaves-
Bagshawe, who was educated at Trinity Coll., Cam-
bridge, is a Magistrate for co. Derby ; he assumed the
name of Bagshawe 1853. — Ford Hall, Chapcl-cn-le-
Frith ; Banner Cross, Sheffield.
BAGWELL, John, Esq., of Mai-Meld, co. Tippe-
Eldest son of the late Richard Bagwell, Esq., by
Margaret, dau. of John Croker, Esq., of Ballyneguarde,
and nephew of the late Right Hon. Col. William
Bagwell, M.P., of Marlfield; b. 1811; s. his uncle
1825; m, 1838 the Hon. Eranees Eliza, youngest dau.
of the late Hon. Francis Aldborough, Prittie, and sister
of Henry, 3rd Lord Dunalley, and has, with other issue,
* Richard, educated at Harrow ; B.A. of Ch. Ch., Oxford ;
a Magistrate forco. Tipperary (High Sheriff 18(i!l) ; b. 1841) ;
»». 1873 Harietfce. fourth dau. of Philip Jocelyn Newton,
Esq., of Dunleckney, co. Carlow.
Mr. Bagwell, who was educated at Winchester, is a
J.P. and D.L. for co. Tipperary (High Sheriff 1834)
and for co. Waterford ; was M.P. for Clonmel 1857- 74,
and a Lord of the Treasury 1859-62.— Marl field, Clon-
mel, co. Tipperary; Eastgrove, Queens/own, co. Cork;
KUdarc Street Club, Dublin; Reform Club, s.w.; 37,
Jermyn Street, s.w.
BAGWELL, John, Esq., of Marlhill, co.
Eldest son of the late Rev. John Bagwell, by Alicia,
dau. of the late J. Chadwicke, Esq., of Littleton ; b.
1828; s. 1852; on. 1861 Elizabeth Harriet, only dau.
of the late Rev. Henry Somers Cocks, and widow of
Capt. Hill Tomkinson. — Marlhill, Clonmel.
BAGWELL-PLTREFOY, Lt.-Colonel Edward,
of Greenfield, co. Tipperary.
Second son of the late Very Rev. Richard Bagwell, Dean
of Clogher, co. Tyrone, by Margaret, dau. of Edward
Croker, Esq., of Ballyneguarde; b. 1819; s. 1846 to
the estates of Col. William Purefoy, of Greenfield,
whose name he assumed by royal licence; m. 1st 1854
Isabella Petronclla, dau. of Major Henry Langley, of
Brittas Castle, co. Tipperary ; 2nd 1861 Charlotte,
fourth dau. of John Green Wilkinson, Esq., of Wim-
pole Street, London, and has, with other issue, * Wilfred,
b. 1862. Mr. Bagwell-Purefoy, who was educated' at
Harrow, is Vice-Lieut, of co. Tipperary (High Sheriff
1856), and Lt.-Colonel Tipperary Artillery; was for-
merly Capt. 4th Hussars. — Greenfidcl, Tipperary.
BAIKIE, Robert, Esq., M.D., of Tankerness, co.
Only surviving son of the late Robert Ba'kie, Esq., of
Tankerness (who d. 1817), by Mary, dau. of Thomas Bal-
four, Esq., of Huip, &c. ; b. 1799 ; s. his brother 1869 ;
in. 1852 Helen Elizabeth, dau. of John M. Davidson,
Esq., E.I.C.S. Educated at Edinburgh; is Vice-
Lieutenant and J.P. for co. Orkney ; was formerly in
the medical service of the E.I.C. — The Hall of Tanker-
ness, Orkney, N.B. ; 55, Melville Street, Edinburgh;
United Service Club, Edinburgh.
Heir Pres., his grand-nephew William D. Cowan (son of W. L.
Cowan, Esq., by Deborah, dan. of Joseph Dover, Esq., of
Keswick, Cumberland), b. 1800.
BAILEY, Sir Joseph Russell, Bart., of Gla-
nusk, Brecknockshire (cr. 1852).
Eldest son of the late Joseph Bailey, Esq., some time
M.P. for Sudbury and co. Hereford (who d. 1850), by
Elizabeth Mary, only child and heir of the late William
Congreve Russell, Esq., M.P. of Moore Green, co.
Worcester, and grandson of the late Sir Joseph Bailey,
Bart, many years M.P. for co. Brecon ; b. 1840 ; s. his
grandfather as 2nd Bart. 1858 ; on. 1861 Mary Ann, dau.
of Henry Lucas, Esq., of Glanyrafon, co. Brecon. Edu-
cated at Harrow and Ch. Ch., Oxford; is Lord Lieut,
and Custos Rot. of co. Brecon (High Sheriff 1864), a
Magistrate for cos. Brecon and Hereford, and Patron
of 6 livings ; has been M.P. for co. Hereford since
1865.— Glanusk Park, Crickhowcll ; Carlton Club, s.w.
Heir, his son Joseph Henry Russell, *. 18G4.
BAILEY, Lady, of Glanwye Park, Brecon.
Mary Anne, younger dau. of the late John Thomas
Hendry Hopper, Esq., of Witton Castle, co. Durham ;
on., as his second wife, Sir Joseph Bailey, Bart., J.P.
and D.L., some time M.P. for co. Brecon, who d. 1858.
- — Glanwye Turk, Built h ; 26, Belgrave Square, s.w.
BAILEY, Charles Frederick, Esq., of Lee
Abbey, Devonshire.
Eldest son of the late Charles Bailey, Esq., of Lee
Abbey, by Charlotte, eldest dau. of Samuel Brown,
Esq., of Crediton, Devon; b. 1836; s. 1858; on. 1863
Emily Jeannette, eldest dau. of Charles Norris Wilde,
Esq., of Hookwook House, Surrey. Educated at
Harrow ; is a member of Lincoln's Inn, a Conveyancer
practising below the Bar, and a Magistrate for Devon.
— Lee Abbey, Lyntooi, North Devon ; 5, Stratford Place, w.
Heir Pres., his brother, William Henry, b. 1838 ; m. 1870,
Isabel, 2nd dau. of the late Rev. William Charles Denshire, of
Thetford, co. Lincoln.
BAILEY, Crawshay, Esq., of Aberaman and
Maindiff, Glamorganshire.
Son of the late Crawshay Bailey, Esq., J.P. and D.L.,
of Aberaman, who was High Sheriff of Brecon 1835,
and of co. Monmouth 1850, M.P. for co. Monmouth
1852-68 (and who d. 18721, by his 1st wife. Mary, dau.
of — Crawshay, Esq. b. 1821; on. 1863 Mary, dau. of
Count Metaxa, of Cheltenham, and has issue two
daughters. Mr. Bailey is a Magistrate for co. Brecon
and a J.P. and D.L. for co. Monmouth (High Sheriff
1874), late Capt. Brecon Militia. — Aberaman, Aberdare;
Nanty-glo, Neuport, Monmouthshire; Maindiff Court,
BAILEY, Frederick, Esq., of Blagdon, Somer-
Only surviving son of the late John Bailey, Esq., of
Blagdon; b. 1820. Called to the Bar at the Middle
Temple 1845, and goes the Western Circuit. — Blagdon,
near Bristol; 18, Oxford Terrace, w. ; 1, Cloisters,
Temple, e.c.
BAILEY, the Rev. James Sandpord, of Ightham
Place, Kent.
Only son of the late Capt. James Alderson Bailey
(of King's Own Tower Hamlets Militia and 69th Foot),
of Chesterfield House, Tunbridge Wells, Kent (who d.
1869), by Anne, only child and heir of the late Rev.
Edmund Sandford, B.D., Fellow of Jesus Coll., Oxford;
Rector of Nuffield, Surrey; b. 1824; on. 1857 Lavinia,
dau. of the late Demetrius Grevis- James, Esq., J.P. and
D.L., of Ightham Court, formerly High Sheriff of Kent,
and, by her (who d. 1875) has, with other issue, * Ed-
mund Wyndham Grevis, b. 1858. Mr. Bailey, who was
educated at Jesus Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1845, M.A.
1848), was formerly Vicar of St. Clement's, Cambridge.
— Ightham Place, Sevcnoaks ; 21, Clifton Terrace,
Brighton ; Chesterfield House, Tunbridge Wells.
BAILEY, Mrs., of Easton Conrt, Herefordshire.
Elizabeth Mary, only child of the late William Con-
greve Russell, Esq., of Moore Green, co. Worcester (who
was M.P. for East Worcestershire 1833-4, and d. 1850),
by Elizabeth Isabella, 3rd dau. of the late John Thomas
Hendry Hopper, Esq., of AVitton Castle, co. Durham ;
on. 1839 Joseph Bailey, Esq. (eldest son of the late Sir
Joseph Bailey, Bart.), M.P. for co. Hereford, who d.
1850, leaving, with other issue, * Henry James, b.
1840; on. 1871 Edith Anne, dau. of the late Joseph
Tarratt, Esq., of Berrington, co. Hereford. — Easton
Court, near Tenbury.
BAILIE, Major James, of RingdufFerin, Down-
Eldest son of the late James Bailie, Esq., of Ringduf-
ferin, J.P. and D.L., by his 1st wife Charlotte, dau. of
the Verv B*r, Peter Carleton, beta of St. Patrick's, r
Dublin; b. 1822: 1868; tn. IBM hi* cousin Char- 1
lotto. eldest dan. of Capt. Wm. Carleton, ami lias issue i
•Harriette Louisa. Major Bailie, who was educated at
Trinity Coll.. Dublin flfcA. 1845. M.A. 1848), is a|
Magistrate for c<>. Down, and a Major retired: was
formerly in the 87th liepi.—Riugdufrrin, Kil/yleagh ;
.<rw»y ffW Hfeey C/m/>, s.w.
BAD. LIE. Sir William. Bart., of Polkcinmct,
Linlithgowshire (or. 1S'J;>).
Eldest son of the late Sir William Baillie. Bart., of
Polkemmet. bj Mary Lyon, dan. and coheir of James ;
Dennistoun. Esq.. of Colgrain, co, Dumbarton ; t>. 1816 ;
ft, as 2ud Bart. 1S54; M, 1846 Mary, eldest dau. of
Stair Hathorn Stewart, Esq., of Physgill. co. Wigton. I
Educated at Eton and Oh. Ch.. Oxford |B.A. 1836); is
a J.P. and D.L. and Convener for co. Linlithgow. Patron
of 1 living, and Lieut.-Col. Commanding City of Edin- '
burgh Artillery Volunteers: was M.P. for co. Linlithgow
1 846-7.- -Tolivm met. Whitburn, X.B.
Jieir Pitt., his brother James Peunistoun, *. 1817.
BAILLIE, the Hon. Charles (Lord Jervis-
Second son of the late George Baillie, Esq.. of Jervis-
woode. X.B.. by Man-, dau. of the late Sir James
Pringle. Bart., and next brother of George, 10th Earl
of Haddingdon; b. 1804: m. 1831 the Hon. Anne,
,-oungest dau. of Hugh Lord Polwarth. Called to the
Scottish Bar 1830 ; "appointed Sheriff of Stirlingshire
1853, and Solicitor-General and Lord- Advocate for
Scotland 1858; was M.P. for eo. Linlithgow in 1859;
a Judge of the Court of Session 1859-62, and a Lord
of Justiciary 1862-74.— 10, Strathcarn Road, Edinburgh.
BAILLIE, the Hon. and Rev. John.
Fifth son of die late George Baillie, Esq., of MeUerstain
and Jerviswoode. X.B., by Mary, youngest dau. of Sir
James Pringle, Bart., and brother of George. 10th Earl
of Haddington ; 6. 1810; m. 1837 Cecilia Mary, eldest
dau. of the Rev. Charles Hawkins, Canon of York, and
has, with other issue, * Hugh John, h. 1838. Mr.
Baillie. who was educated at Harrow and Trinity Coll.,
Cambridge (B.A. 1832, M.A. 1852), was appointedReetor
of Elsdon. and Canon Residentiary of York 1854.
— Elsdon Rectory, Xewcastle-on-Tyne.
BAILLIE, Evan, Esq., of Dochfour and Cul-
dnthel, Inverness-shire.
Eldest son of the late Peter Baillie, Esq., M.P., of
Dochfour. by Elizabeth, dau. of the late John Pinney,
Esq.. of Somerton, Somerset; b. 1798; m. 1st 1821
Charlotte Augusta. 2nd dau. of the late Yen. Charles
Baillie-Hamilton, Archdeacon of Cleveland (she d.
1S22); 2nd 1S23 Lady Georgiana Frederics, fourth
dau. of William, 5th Duke of Manchester, and had, w;ith
other issue,
Evan Peter Montagu, a Dep.-Lieut for co. Inverness ; b.
1824 ; if. 1S74, having m. 1855 Lady Frances Anne Bruce,
dan. of Thomas, 7th Earl of Elgin. "
Mr. Baillie is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Inverness, and a
Magistrate for co. Cromarty. — Dochfour and Culduthel
House, Kingussie, X.B. ; Carlton Club, s.w.
BAILLLE, the Right Hon. Henry James, of
Redcastle, Ross-shire.
Eldest son of the late Col. Hugh Duncan Baillie, of
Redcastle (who was Lord-Lieutenant of co. Ross, and
formerly M.P. for Rye and also for Honiton), by his
1st wife Mary, dau. of the Rev. Henry Reynett, D.D. ;
b. 1804 ; s. 1866; m. 1st 1840 the Hon. Philippa Eliza,
dau. of Percy, 6th Viscount Strangford, G.C.B. (she d.
1854) ; 2nd 1S57 Clarissa, eldest dau. of the late George
Rush, Esq., of Elsenham Hall, Essex (she d. 1875),
and has by the former, with other issue,
• Hugh Sidney (of Westenhanger, Kent), Lord of the Manor
OtAshfovd: M84SJ m. 1870 Selina Catherine, only ohlld
of Arthur Nugent, Ks'l.. of Portnferry (she <1. 1S72).
Mr. Baillie, who was educated at Eton, is a J.P. and
D.L. for co. Ross; was M.P. for CO. Inverness 1840-68,
Joint Secretary of the Board of Control ill 1852, and
Under Secretary of Slate for India 1858-9; sworn a
member of the Privy Council 1806. Redcastle, Inver-
ness. X.B. ; Tarrada/e, Ross-shire ; Carlton Club, s.w.
BAILLIE, Hugh Smith, Esq.
S mi of the late CoL Hugh Duncan Baillie, of Redeastlo
and Tarradale, co. Boss, by his 2nd wife Mary, dau. of
Thomas Smith, Ksq.. of ( 'astleton Hall, co. Lancaster; b.
1S22: m. 1847 Eve Maria, 2nd dau. of Henry Villebois,
Esq., and widow of Henry, Viscount ( i 1 entwortll. Edu-
cated at Eton; isa Magistrate for co. Nairn ; late Lieut.-
Col. U. Hmse Guards.— Residence : Lochloy, Nairn.
BAILLIE, James William/ Esq., of Culter
Allors, Lanarkshire.
Eldest son of the late Robert Granbery Baillie, Esq.,
J.P. and D.L.. of Culter AUers, by Anna, 2nd dau. of
the late Menzies Baillie, Esq.. Merchant, of London ;
b. 1824: s. 1862; m. 1857 Wilhelmina, 3rd dau. of
John Ronald, Esq.. Solicitor before the Supreme
Court of Seot land. Educated at the High School and
University of Edinburgh ; admitted a Writer to the
Signet 1847 ; is a Magistrate for co. Lanark. — Culter
House, Biggar, X.B.
Heir Pres., bis brother John Menzies, 6. 1826 ; m. 1S">4 Cecilia,
dau. "f James Macallan, Esq., W.S., and has, with other
issue, 'Robert Granbery, b. 1857.
BAILLIE, John Baillie, Esq., of Leys, Inver-
Eldest son of the late John Frederick Baillie, Esq., of
Leys, by Anne, dau. and heir of the late Col. John
Baillie, M.P., of Leys ; b. 1835 ; s. 1865. Educated at
Harrow ; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Inverness, and was
formerly Lieut, in the Coldstream Guards. — Leys Castle,
Inverness, X.B. ; Guards' Club, s.w.
Heir Pres., his brother Alexander, b. 1837.
BAILLIE, "William Hunter, Esq., of Duntis-
bourne, Gloucestershire ; and Long Calder-
wood, Lanarkshire.
Only surviving son of the late Matthew Baillie, Esq.,
M.D. (some time physician to George III.), by Sophia,
dau. of the late Thomas Denman, Esq., M.D., and
sister of Thomas, 1st Lord Denman; b. 1797 ; s. 1822 ;
m. 1835 Henrietta, dau. of the Rev. Dr. Duff, of St.
Andrew's, N.B. (she d. 1857), and has, with other sur-
viving issue, * William Hunter, late Capt. 8th Regt. ;
b. 1838. Mr. Baillie was educated at Westminster
and Balliol Coll., Oxford. This family is descended
in the female line from the Hunters of Hunterston, co.
Ayr. — Buntisbourne, Cirencester ; Long Caldcruvod,
Lanark, X.B. ; 43, Xorjollc Square, w.
BAILLIE, William Montagu, Esq., late of
Stoke Park, Gloucestershire.
Second son of Evan Baillie, Esq., of Dochfour, co.
Inverness {whom see); 6.1828. Educated at Trinity
Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1850, M.A. 1854); is a Dep.-
Lieut. for co. Gloucester, and a banker at Bristol.
— Carlton and Travellers' Clubs, s.w.
BAILLIE- COCHRANE, Alexander Dundas
Ross Wishart, Esq., of Lamington, La-
Eldest son of the late Admiral Sir Thomas John
Cochrane, G.C.B. (who d. 1872), by his first wife,
Matilda Ross Wishart, eldest dau. of the latoSir
Charles Ross, Bart.; b. 1816; m. 1844 Annabella
Mary Elizabeth, elder dau. of the late Andrew Robert
Drummond, Esq., of Cadlands, Hants, and grand-
dau. of John, 5th Duke of Rutland, and has, with
other issue, * Charles Wallace Alexander Napier, b.
1860. Mr. Baillie-Coehrano, who was educated at
Eton and Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1837), is a
J.P. and D.L. for cos. Haddington and Lanark ;
was M.P. for Bridport 18-11-6 and 1847-52, for
co. Lanark February- April 1857, and for Honiton
1859-68 ; elected M.P. for I. of Wight 1870.— Laming-
ton, Biggar, KB. ; Quarr Abbey, Byde ; Carlton and
Boodle's Clubs, s.w. ; 26, Wilton Crescent, s.w.
J3 AILLIE -H AMILT ON, the Hon. Robert.
Second son of George, 10th Earl of Haddington (who
d. 1870), by Georgina, dau. of the late Ven. Bobert
Markham, Archdeacon of York; b. 1828; m. 1861
Mary Gavin, dau. of Sir John Pringle, Bart., and
granddau. of John, 1st Marquis of Breadalbane ; is a
Dep.-Lieut. for co. Berwick ; formerly Major 44th
Foot; elected M.P. for co. Berwick 1874.— Residence :
Langton House, Dunse, N.B. ; Carlton, Junior Carlton,
and United Service Clubs, s.w.
Esq., of Arnprior, Perthshire.
Second son of Gerard Baillie-Hamilton, Esq., by
Augusta, dau. of the late Col. Henry Anderson Mors-
head, of Widey Court, Devon; b. 1837; m. 1869
Catherine Elizabeth Grace, dau. and heir of the late
Alexander Buchanan, Esq., of Arnprior, whose name he
assumed, and has, with other surviving issue, * John
Edmondstone, b. 1874. Mr. Baillie-Hamilton, who is
second cousin to the Earl of Haddington, represents
the families of Auchleshie and Arnprior of that name.
— Cambv.smore, Callander, KB.; Straihyre, Perth;
Junior Carlton Club, s.w.
BAILLIE-HAMILTON, Leslie George, Esq.,
of Rambleton Law, Berwickshire.
Only surviving son of the late Charles John Baillie-
Hamilton, Esq., of Rambleton Law (some time M.P.
for Aylesbury), by Lady Caroline, only dau. of Wil-
loughby, 4th Earl of Abington ; b. 1828; s. 1865.
Educated at the Royal Naval Coll. ; is Lieut. R.N.
— Bambleton Law, Green Low, Berwickshire, KB.
B AILLIE - HAMILTON, Admiral William
Alexander, of Blackheath, Kent.
Third son of the late Ven. Charles Baillie-Hamilton,
of Rumbleton Law (sometime Archdeacon of Cleveland),
who d. 1820, by Lady Charlotte, 3rd dau. of Alexander,
9th Earl of Home; b. 1803 ; in. 1836 Lady Harriet,
dau. of James, late Viscount Hamilton, and sister of
James, 1st Duke of Abercorn, K.G. Educated at the
Royal Naval Coll., and entered the Navy in 1816 ; is a
Magistrate' for Kent, Her Majesty's Chief Steward of the
Manors of East and West Greenwich, Lee, and Deptford-
le-Strand, and an Admiral R.N. on the reserved list ;
is a Commissioner of the Royal Patriotic Fund, and
was formerly Second Secretary of the Admiralty. — Ma-
cartney House, Greenwich Park, s.e.
(See under Haddington, Earl of.)
BAILWARD, Thomas Henry Methnen, Esq.,
of Horsington, Somerset.
Eldest son of the late John Bailward, Esq., J.P., of
Horsington (who d. 1868), by Elizabeth Frances,
dau. of the late Rev. James Bradney, of Leigh House,
Somerset; b. 1843. Educated at Eton and Balliol
Coll., Oxford ; is a Magistrate for Somerset, and
Lord of the Manor of Horsington. — Horsington Manor,
Wincanton; Frankleigh House, Bradford-on-Avon.
BAILY, Joseph, Esq., of Shenley House,
Eldest Son of the late W. J. Baily, Esq., of Shenley
House, by Elizabeth, dau. of J. Kitelor, Esq. ; b. 181- ;
in. 1 845 Emily Hyacinthe Anne, elder dau. of the late
Rev. George Chetwode, of Chilton House, Bucks, and
has, with other issue, * Charles Chetwode, b. 1847.
Mr. Baily, who was educated at Eton, is a Dep. -Lieut,
for Bucks.
BAILY, Thomas Farmer, Esq., F.R.H.S., F.Z.S.,
&c, late of Hall Place, Kent.
Only son of the late Farmer Baily, Esq., of Hall
Place, by Amelia, dau. of John Perkins, Esq. ; b. 1823 ;
s. 1828; in. 1863 Gertrude Sarah, J youngest dau. of
the late James Addison, Esq., of York. Educated at
Tunbridge School ; is a J.P. and D.L. for Kent (High
Sheriff 1866) ; a Knight Commander of the Order of St.
Louis of Parma ; a Knight of Justice of the Order of
St. George of the Two Sicilies ; a Knight of the Holy
Sepulchre in Jerusalem, and of Sfc. Silvester and the
Golden Spur of Rome ; late Capt. in the Royal Kent
Artillery. — Sunnyside, Byde; Junior Carlton Club,
BAIN, the late Edwin Sandys, Serjeant-at-Law,
of Livelands, Stirlingshire.
Eldest son of the late Lieut.-Col. William Bain, of
Livelands, by Mary, only dau. of Edwin Sandys, Esq. ;
b. 1804; m. 1836 Mary Ann, dau. of the late Wil-
liam Horsman, Esq., and sister of the Right Hon.
Edward Horsman (whom see), and d. 1874, having had
issue two daus., of whom the elder, Frances, in. 1865
Lieut. E. W. Sandys, R.A., of Fulford, co. York, and
is dec. Mr. Bain, who was called to the Bar at the
Middle Temple 1829, and appointed a Serjeant-at-Law
1845, was a Magistrate for co. Stirling. — Easter Live-
lands, Stirling, KB.
+ BAINBRIDGE, John Hugh, Esq., of Frank-
field, co. Cork.
Fourth son of the late Thomas Bainbridge, Esq., of
Croydon Lodge, Surrey, by Anne, da\i. of the late
Morgan Waters, Esq., of Tyfig, co. Glamorgan, and
widow of J. Rowlandson, Esq., of Lancaster; b. 1812 ;
in. 1843 Jane, dau. of Henry Westropp, Esq., of
Limerick, and by her (who d. 1859) has, with other
issue, * John Hugh, Lieut. R.N. ; b. 1845 ; in. 1875
Rose Catherine, eldest dau. of Col. Birch-Reynardson,
C.B., of Rushington Manor, Hants {whom see). Mr.
Bainbridge, who is a Magistrate for co. Cork, was
formerly in the H.E.I. C.S. — Frankjield, Cork; Union
Club, s.w. ; 29, Eaton Square, s.w.
BAINBRIGGE, William Henry, Esq., of Hill
House, Derbyshire.
Eldest surviving son of the late Joseph Bainbrigge,
Esq., of Copeshill, co. Derby (who d. 1842), by his
2nd wife, Hannah, dau. of Mr. Joseph Harrison, of
Yieldersley; b. 1805; s. his brother 1870; m. 1st 1838
Maria Margaret, dau. of — Thompson, Esq., of Liver-
pool; 2nd 1851 Emma, 5th dau. of Joseph B. Yates,
Esq., of Liverpool, and has issue, by the former,
* Thomas Parker Brough, b, 1841. Mr. Bainbrigge is
Patron of 1 living.
BAINES, Edward, Esq., of Leeds, Yorkshire.
Second son of the late Edward Baines, Esq. (many
years M.P. for Leeds), by Charlotte, dau. of the late
Mr. Matthew Talbot, of Leeds; b. 1800; in. 1829
Martha, dau. of T. Blackburn, Esq., and has, with
other issue,
* Thomas Blackburn, B.A., b. 1S32 ; m. 1SG0 Sarah, eldest
dau. of John Buckingham Pope, Esq., of Moor-Allerton,
co. York.
Mr. Baines, who was educated at Manchester, is
author of the ' History of the Cotton Manufacture, &c. ; '
t This lady is a collateral descendant of Joseph Addison.
T11K VMTKli Kl Nil DOM
Prvvpriotor. .md was many years Editor, of tho 'Leeds
Mercury;' is a .J. P. and D.L for the W. Riding of
Yorkshire; President cf the Yorkshire Union of
Mechanics' Institutions : was M. P. for Leeds 1859-74.
— S/. Ahu's Hilt, Burley, Leeds; Reform Club, s.w. ;
AVyrwtv Manshifts, s.w.
BAINES. tho l\o\ . Ki'\v.\Ki\ of Yalding, Kent.
Third son of tho late Rev. .Tamos J. Raines. Vicar of
Cainham, co. Salop. by Mary, dau. of 8. Humphreys,
Esq., of Montgomery ; b. 1 SOI ; m. 1844 Catherine
Eularia, dau. of John Baines. Ksq.. of Shooter's Hill,
Kent, and has. with other issue, * Jervoiso Athelstano ;
b. 1847. Mr. Baines, who was educated at Shrews-
bury and Ch. Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1824, M.A.
1827V of which he was somo time Fellow, is a
Magistrate for Hunts. Lord of the Manor and Vicar
of \ aiding: was formerly Rector of Bluntisham, Hunts.
— Yalding, Maidstone.
BAINES, LaIaBUS Thkelfall, Esq., late of
East Moulsey, Surrey.
Only son of tho 'late Right Hon. Matthew Talbot
Baines, M.P. (some time Chancellor of the Duchy of
Lancaster, and Dep.-Lieut. for cos. York and Lancaster),
who d. 1860, by Anne, onlv surviving child of Lazarus
Threlfall. Esq., of Lancaster ; 1836; in. 1860 Ellon
Mary. dau. of the Rev. John Werge, of Mansfield,
Notts, and has, with other issue, an only son,
» Matthew Talbot, b. 1863. Mr. Baines, who was
educated at Cheltenham and Trinity Coll., Cambridge
(LL.B. 1S59, LL.M. 1863), was called to the Bar at
the Inner Temple 1864.
BAIXES, William Mortimer, Esq., of Bell
Hall, Yorkshire.
Youngest and only surviving son of the late Hewley
Mortimer Baines. Esq., of Bell Hall (who d. 1874), by
Mary, dau. of William H. Harrison. M.D., F.R.S., of
Ripon. co. York : b. 1S30 ; m. 1855 Mary Anne Verdon,
dau. of P. R. Dixon, Esq.. of Auckland. N. Zealand,
and has. with other issue, * Hewley Mortimer, b. 1865.
Mr. Baines, who was educated at Rugby, is F.R.G.S. ;
is Lord of the Manor of Wigginton. and Joint-Lord
of the Manor of Deighton, co. York. The great great
grandfather of the present owner was nephew to Lady
Hewiev. who bequeathed to him the Bell Hall estate.
—Bell Hall, near York.
BALED, Sir Dayid, Bart,, of jSTewbyth, Had-
dingtonshire, and Gilmerton, Mid-Lothian
(cr. 1809).
Third but eldest surviving son of the late Sir David
Baird. Bart., of Newtyth, bv Lad}' Anne, eldest dau. of
Archibald, 1st Marquis of Ailsa, E.T. ; b. 1832 ; S.
as 3rd Bart. 1S52 ; m. 1864 the Hon. Ellen, 2nd dau.
of Charles, 12th Lord Blantyre. Is a J.P. and D.L.
for East Lothian, and Major in the Army, and Major
London Scottish Rifle Volunteers ; late Capt, 98th
Foot; was formerly Lieut. 74th Highlanders. — Kewbyth
House, Haddington, K.B.; Gilmerton Grange, Edin-
burgh; 41, Berkeley Square, w.
Heir, Ms son David, b. 1865.
BALED, Sir James Gardiner, Bart., of Saugh-
ton Hall, Mid-Lothian (cr. 1695).
Eldest son of the late William Baird, Esq. (who d.
vita patris), by Lucy, eldest dau. of Thomas Dickson,
Esq., of Prospect House, Hants, and grandson of the
late Sir James Gardiner Baird, Bart., of Saughton Hall ;
b. 1813 ; s. his grandfather as 7th Bart, 1830 ; m. 1845
Henrietta Mary, sister of Sir John Don-Wauchope,
Bart,, of Edmonstone, Mid-Lothian. Is a J.P. and
D.L. for Mid-Lothian, Lieut. -Col. Mid-Lothian Coast
Artillery Volunteers ; late Capt, Mid-Lothian Yeomanry ;
formerly Capt. 10th R. Hussars. — Residence: Inch
House. Lihrton, N.B.
Heir, his son William James Gardiner, f>. 1R.P>4.
HAIKU. Ai.kxanpkk, Esq., of Urio and Bickar-
ton, Kincardineshire.
Son of the late John Baird. Ksq.. J.P. and D.L.,of Urio
and Lochwood (who d, 1870), by Margaret, dau. of John
Findlay. Esq., of Springhill, "co. Lanark ; b. 1849;
1873 Annette Maria, elder dau. of Sir Lawrenco
Palk. Bart., and has, with other issue, * .John Law-
rence, b. 1874. Mr. Baird, who was educated at Har-
row, is a Dep. -Lieut, for co. Kincardine, and Lord of
the Barony of Urio. — I'ric, Stonehaven, N.B.; liick-
artott, Fetteresso, N.B. ; Carlton Club, s.w. ; 22, Eaton
Square, s.w.
BALED, George Alexander.,. Esq., of Stichill
and Strichen, Aberdeenshire.
Only son of tho late George Baird, Esq., of Stichill and
Strichen, by Cecilia, eldest dau. of tho late Capt.
Villiers Francis Hatton. M.P., of Clonard, co. Wexford ;
b. 1861 ; *. 1870. Descends from a common ancestor
with tho Bairds of Close-burn. — Stichill House, Kelso,
N.B.; Strichen House, near Mintlaw, N.B.
BALED, James, Esq., of Cambusdoon and
Auchmedden, Ayrshire.
Fourth son of the lato Alexander Baird, Esq., of Loch-
wood, co. Lanark, by Jean, dau. of James Moffat, Esq.,
of Whitburn, N.B. ; b. 1803; in. 1st 1852 Charlotte,
dau. of Robert Lockhart, Esq., of Castle Hill, co. Lanark
(she d. 1857); 2nd 1859 Isabella Agncw, eldest dau.
of the late Rear- Admiral James Hay, of Belton House,
East Lothian. Is a Magistrate for co. Lanark, and a
Dep.-Lieut. for cos. Ayr and Inverness ; was M.P. for
Falkirk Burghs 1851-7. — Cambusdoon, Ayr; Auch-
medden, Aberdeen; Knoydart, Inverness; Carlton
Club, s.w.
BAIED, the Misses, of Closeburn, Diimfriesshire.
Jane Isabella, and Charlotte Marion, twin daus. and
heirs of the late Douglas Baird, Esq., of Closeburn, by
Charlotte, only dau. of Henry Aeton, Esq., formerly
Capt. 12th Royal Lancers (uncle of the late Sir Richard
Acton, Bart.) ; s. 1854. Jane Isabella m. 1869 Frederick
Ernest Villiers, Esq., son of the late Hon. and Rt. Rev.
Henry M. Villiers, Bp. of Durham. Charlotte Marion
m. 1869 Visct, Cole, son of the Earl of Enuiskillen.
— Closeburn Hall, Thornhill, Dumfriesshire.
BAIED, Mrs., of Boom Hall, co. Londonderry.
Barbara, dau. of the late Rev. Alexander Delap, of Ray,
co. Donegal ; m. 1839 Daniel Baird, Esq., of Boom Hall
and Newtown Steward, co. Tyrone, who was a Magis-
trate for co. Tyrone (High Sheriff 1854-5), and who d.
1 862, having had issue Charlotte and Jane ; the latter m.
1848 Charles Maturin, Esq., and d. 1851, leaving issue
* Daniel Baird Maturin, b. 1851. — Boom Hall, London-
derry. Residence : The Cottage, Londonderry, Ireland.
BAIED, William, Esq., of Elie, Eifeshire.
Only son of the late William Baird, Esq., of Elie (who
was a Magistrate for cos. Ayr and Lanark, and an
extensive Ironmaster in Scotland, and who was M.P.
for Falkirk 1841-7) ; b. 1848 ; s. 1864. Is Lord of the
Baronies of Elie, Anstruther, &c. — Elie House, Fife.
BAIENSEATHEE, Peter, Esq., of Dum-
barrow, Forfarshire.
Eldest son of the late Hugh Bairnsfather, Esq., W.S.,
of Edinburgh, by Catharine, dau. of Mr. Robert
Walker, of Whitelaw, co. Haddington; b. 1809; m.
1840 Sarah, dau. of the late Major William Miller,
Royal Horse Guards (Blue), and has, with other issue,
* Hugh William, Lieut. Indian Army ; b. 1841. Mr.
Bairnsfather, who is n .T.P. and D.L. for co. Forfar, was
formerly a Writer to the Signet in Edinburgh. — Dum-
barrow, Forfar ; Abbe// Villa, St. Andrews, N.R.
BAKER, Sir Edward Baker Baker, Bart., of
Ranston, Dorset (cr. 1802).
Eldest son of the late Sir Edward Baker Littlehales,
Bart., of Ranston (who assumed the name of Baker by
royal licence in 1817), by Lady Elizabeth Mary, 3rd
dau. of William Robert, 2nd Duke of Leinstor; b. 1806;
s. as 2nd Bart. 1825 ; is a Dep.-Lieut. for Dorset
— Ranston House, Blandford ; 2, St. James's Place, s.w.
Heir Pres., liis brother Talbot Hastings Bendall, M.A. of
Ch. Ch., Oxford, in Holy Orders ; Vicar of Preston, Dorset,
and Prebendary of Salisbury; b. 1820; m. 1800 Florence,
dau. of John Hutchings, Esq., of Ludlow (she d. 1871).
BAKER, Sir George, Bart., of Loventor, Devon
(cr. 1776).
Eldest son of the late Sir Frederick Francis Baker,
Bart., of Loventor, by Harriet, dau. of the late Sir John
Simeon, Bart,; b. 1816; s. as 3rd Bart. 1830; m. 1st
1810 Mary Isabella, 2nd dau. of the late Robert
Nassau Sutton, Esq.; 2nd 1858 Augusta Catharine,
youngest dau. of Sir Robert I itzWygram, Bart. Edu-
cated at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1837); is Lord of the
Manor of Loventor. — Carlton Club, s.w. ; 4, Hyde Pa/-/c
Square, av.
Heir, his son Frederick Edward, 1. 1843.
BAKER, Sir Henry Williams, Bart,, of Dun-
stable House, Surrey (cr. 1796).
Elder and only surviving son of the late Vice-Admiral
Sir Henry Lorraine Baker, Bart., of Dunstable House,
by Louisa Anne, only dau. of William Williams, Esq.,
some time M.P. for Weymouth; b. 1821; s. as 3rd
Bart. 1859. Was educated at Trinity Coll., Cambridge
(B.A. 184-1); is Vicar of Monkland, co. Hereford.
— Dunstable House, Richmond, s.w. ; Horkcsley House ;
Monkland, Leominster.
Heir Pres., his cousin George Edward Dunstan Sherston
Baker, Esq.,P>arrister-at-law, of Lincoln's Inn (eldest son of
the late Henry Sherston Baker, Esq., Governor of Portland
Castle, who (1. 1875, by Mai-ia Martha, dau. of the late
John Burke, Esq., of York Place, London) ; b. 1S4G ; m.
1873 Jane Mary, dau. of Frederick James Fegen, Esq., of
Ballinlonty. co. Tipperary, and has issue Mary Louisa Sher-
ston, b. 1874.
BAKER, Sir Samuel White, Knt., of Sandford
Orleigli, Devon (cr. 1866).
Eldest son of the late Samuel Baker, Esq., formerly of
Lypiatt Park, co. Gloucester; b. 1821; m, 1st 1813
Henrietta, dau. of Rev. Charles Martin ; 2nd 1860 Flo-
rence, dau. of M. Finnian von Sass. Is Hon. M.A. of
Cambridge, and a Dep.-Lieut. for co. Gloucester; a
Fellow of the Royal Society, Fellow of the Royal Geo-
graphical Society, and Victoria Gold Medallist ; re-
ceived the honour of knighthood as the discoverer of
the Albert N'Yanza, the great basin of the Nile ;
created Pacha and Major-General by H.M. the Sultan
of Turkey 1869. — Sandford Orleigh, Newton Abbot;
Athenaum Club, s.w.
BAKER, Sir William Erskine (cr. 1870).
Fourth son of the late Capt. Joseph Baker, R.N., by
Elizabeth, dau. of Caspar Weyermann, Esq. ; b. 1809 ;
7n. 1837 Frances 3rd dau. of Major-General Alexander
Duncan. Educated at Addiscombe ; is a Lieut.-Gen. in
the Army, Colonel Commandant R.E., late Member of
Council for India. — The Castle, Banwcll, Weston-super-
Mare ; United Service Club, s.w.
BAKER, Edgar Charles, Esq., of Holybourn,
Son of the late E. Baker, Esq. ; b. 1 83- ; admitted a
Solicitor 1860 ; is a member of the firm of Baker, Fol-
der, and Upperton, of Lincoln's Inn Fields ; he pur-
chased this property from Mrs. Cole in 1875. — Holy-
bourn Lodge, near Alton.
+ BAKER, Edward Davies, Esq., of Letch-
worth Hall, Herts.
Son of the late E. Baker, Esq., by Mary, dau. of
Davies, Esq.; b. 18 — ; in. 1874 Amelia Alice, dau. of
■ Gale, Esq., and widow of Lawton, Esq., of
Sydenham Park, Kent. Purchased this property from
the Alington family in 1873. — Letchworth Hall, near
BAKER, Capt. Francis James, of Stondon
Place, Essex.
Eldest son of William Baker, Esq., of Ballinvoher, co.
Waterford, by Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Cannon, Esq.,
R.M., of Maryborough, Queen's Co. ; b. 18—; in. 1874
Marianne, second dau. of Robert Smart Watlin, Esq.,
of Putney, and widow of Philip Herman Meyer, Esq.,
of Stondon Place. Is Capt. R. Anglesey Light In-
fantry, and Lord of the Manor of Stondon Massey ;
was formerly in the Ceylon Rifles. — Stondon Place,
near Ongar; Junior Army and Navy Club, s.'w.
BAKER, Henry George, Esq., of Elemore
Hall, co. Durham.
Eldest son of Henry John Baker Baker, Esq., of Elemore
Hall (who d. 1871), by Isabella, dau. of R. L. Allgood,
Esq., of Nunwick, Northumberland; b. 1850. His
father assumed the name of Baker in lieu of Tower on
inheriting Elemore, under the will of his grandfather,
in 1843. — Elemore Hall and Crook Hall, Durham.
BAKER, Hugh, Esq., of Lismacue,- co. Tippe-
Eldest son of the late Hugh Baker, Esq., of Lismacue
(who (/. 1868), by Marion, dau. of Charles Conyers,
Esq., of Castletown Conyers, co. Limerick ; b. 1845.
Educated at Bromsgrove School, and Worcester Coll.,
Oxford ; is a Magistrate for co. Tipperary. — Lismacue,
Tipperary ; Kildare Street Club, Dublin.
Heir Pres., his brother Charles Conyers Massy, b. 1S47.
BAKER, Mrs. Bourne, of Hasfield Court,
Frances Crofton, dau. of the late Most Rev. Dr. Singer,
Bishop of Meath (who d. 1866), by Mary, dau. of the
late Rev. Henry Crofton, and niece of Sir Hugh
Crofton, Bart. ; in. 1855 the Rev. Ralph Bourne Baker,
of Hasfield Court and Dovoridge Woodhouse, who was
a Magistrate for cos. Stafford and Gloucester, and who
d. 1875, leaving, with other issue, * William Meath, b.
1857. — Hctsficld Court, Gloucester.
BAKER, the late Mrs., of Adel, Yorkshire.
Hannah, dau. of the late Joseph Tatham, Esq., of
Leeds, and coheir under the will of her brother George
North Tatham, Esq., of Leeds ; d. 1871, having in. 1805
William Baker, Esq., of London, merchant (who d.
1809), and has issue Hannah Maria, m. Edwin Eddison,
Esq., of Leeds, and had issue. — Adel Manor, Leeds.
BAKER, Richard WestbrooIc, Esq., of Lang-
ham, Rutlandshire.
Elder son of the late Edward George Baker, Esq., of
Langham (who d. 1875), by Ann, only child of Arthur
Marshall, Esq., of Buckminster, co. Leicester; b. 1864.
— Langham Hall, near Oakham.
Heir Pres., his brother George Arthur Marshall, b. 1865.
BAKER, the Rev. Robert Lowbridge, of West
Hay, Somerset.
Son of the late Robert Baker, Esq., of West Hay, J.P.,
J.D.L., (who d. 1860), by Dorothea, dau. of the Rev.
John Wylde, Rector of Aldridge-with-Barr, co. Stafford ;
b. 1831 ; in. 1858 Mary Katherine, dau. of Charles
Noel, Esq., of Bell Hall, co. Worcester (she d. 1871);
2nd 1 S7:i Henrietta Maria, fourth dau. of the late Sir i
MiflhMl Hicks Beach, Hart., of Williamstrip Park. co.
Gloucester. Educated at St. Peters Coll.. Cambridge
(B.A. 1S.)4. M A. 18571: is a Magistrate for Oxon.and
Rector of Wileote and Viear of Ramsden. Oxon. — West
Hay. WrimjtoH, Bristol: Ramsden, Charlhury.
BAKER) Si lde, Esq.. of S&ndbourne, Worces-
b. 1791: H. 1820 Isabella, dau. of the Rev. John
Broome, Viear of Forthampton, eo. Gloucester, and has,
■with other issue,
• Slaile, M.A. of fnivcrsity Coll., Oxfonl, and Vicar of
Clifton-npon-Temc. co. Worcester: b. 1S2S; ra. 1SSS Ann i
Fanny Eliza, dau. of the licv. William Francis Raymond,
Koctor of Stockton, co. Worcester.
Mr. Baker is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Worcester and a I
Magistrate for eo. Salop. — Sand/«>itrnc, near Brwdley.
BAKER, Thomas Harwick Lloyd, Esq., of
Hardwieke, Gloucestershire.
Only son of the late Thomas John Lloyd Raker. Esq..
of Hanlwicke. by his 1st -wife Mary, dau. of William
Sharp, Esq., of Fulham. Middlesex (and niece of Gran-
ville Sharp, Esq.. well known for his exertions in the
cause of Negro emancipation) ; b. 1807; 1841; m.
1840 Mary. dau. of Nicholas Lewis Fenwiek. Esq., of
Besford. co. 'Worcester, and has. with other issue,
• Granville Edwin Lloyd, a Magistrate for co. Gloucester ;
*. 1S41 ; m. 1868 Catherine, 4th dan. of the Hon. Arthur
Lascelles, and has, with other issue, »a son, b. 1873.
Mr. Raker, who was educated at Eton and Ch. Ch..
Oxfonl, is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Gloucester, and
Lord of the Manor of Hardwicke. — Harduickc Court,
+ BAKER, Thomas Henry, Esq., of Cobham,
Son of the late Thomas Raker, Esq., of Rochester (who
was a Magistrate for Kent, and who d. 1 S6- ) ; b. IS — .
Is a Magistrate for Kent. — Owlctts, Cobham, Gravcscnd.
BAKER, William Meath, Esq., of Doveridge
Woodhonse. Derbyshire.
Only son of the late Rev. Ralph Rourne Raker, Esq.,
of Doveridge Woodhouse, and of Hasfield Court, co.
Gloucester (who d. 1875). by Frances Crofton, dan. of
the late Most Rev. Dr. Singer, Bishop of Meath; b.
1S57. The late Mr. Raker was Lord of the Manor of
Hasfield, and Patron of Christ Church, Fenton. — Resi-
dence : Hasfield Court, Gloucester.
BAKER, William Robert, Esq., of Bayford-
burv, Herts.
Eldest and onlv surviving son of the late William
Baker. Esq., of "Bayfordbury (who d. 1813), by Esther,
dau. of Robert Fagan, Esq.; b. 1810; m. 1838 Anna
Emma Katharine, eldest dau. of the late Henry Fynes-
Clinton, Esq. (descended from Henry, 2nd Earl of
Lincoln), and has issue,
• William Clinton, educated at Ch. Ch.. Oxford ; a Magis-
trate for Herts : b. 1SS9 ; m. 1S61 Edith Mildmay Ashhurst,
eldest dan. of the late Rev. Henry Lewis Majendie, Ticar
of Dunmow, and has, with other issue, * Henry William
Clinton, b. 18G5.
Mr. Baker, who was educated at Eton, is a J.P. and D.L.
for Herts (High Sheriff 1836), and Patron of 1 living.
— Bayfordbury, Hertford.
BAKER, of Orsett. (See Wingfield-Bakcr.)
BAKER-CRES SWELL, Addison John, Esq., of
Cresswell, Northumberland.
Eldest son of the late Francis Easterby, Esq., of Black-
heath, Kent, who assumed by royal licence the name
of Cresswell on his marriage with Frances Dorothea,
twin dau. and coheir of John Cresswell, Esq., of
Cresswell: b. 1788; s. 1820; m. 1818 Elizabeth Mary,
dau. of Gilfrid Lawson Reed, Esq., of Champion Hill,
Surrey, and heir of John Baker, Esq., of Hinton-on>the-
Green, co. Gloucester, and by her (who </. 1869) had,
with other issue.
Oswin Addison, b. ism; if. ISM, having m, 1S4:) Anne Sey-
mour Conway, eldest .inn. of sir William Gordon-Cumruing,
Bart., of Altyro and Gordonston, co. Moray, and by her
(who./. 1858) had, with other issue, * Oswin Gumming,
B.A. of Oh, Ch.. Oxford, and a Magistrate for Northumber-
land: late Capt. :lrd Hussars; />. 1814; m. 1871 Emma
Sophia Goorgiana, eldest dau. of the Hon. Richard
Mr. Baker-Cresswell, who was educated at C. C. C,
Oxfonl (created Hon. M.A. of Oxford 1810), is a
JJ», and D.L, for Northumberland (High Sheriff,
1821), and Patron of 1 living; he was M.P. for N.
Northumberland 1841-7. — Cresswell, Morpeth.
+ B ALDERS, Charles Morlky, Esq., of West
Barsham, Norfolk.
Eldest son of the late Lieut. -Gen. Charles William
Morley Baldcrs, C.B.. of West Barsham (who d. 1875),
by Lady Catharine Anne, sister of William, 2nd Earl
of Listowel; b. 1838 : is Lord of the Manor and Patron
of West Barsham, and Captain 1st Dragoon Guards.
— West Barsham Hall, near Faktnham ; Army and Navy
Club, s.w.
+ BALDWIN, Herbert James, Esq., of Clohina,
co. Cork.
Onlv son of the late Herbert Baldwin, Esq., M.D., of
Clohina (who was M.P. for Cork 1833-7), by his 2nd
wife Ellen, dau. of Edward Herrick, Esq. ; b. 1820 ;
5.1861; m. 184.5 Julia, dau. of — O'Driscoll, Esq.
— Clohina, Cork.
BALDWIN", the Rev. Thomas Rigbte, of Ley-
land, Lancashire.
Son of the late Rev. Gardnor Baldwin, J. P., Patron
and Vicar of Leyland, by Elizabeth, dau. of the late
Thomas Orton, Esq., of Tattenhall, co. Chester; b.
1823; m. 1872 Elizabeth, eldest dau. of George Har-
grcaves, Esq. Educated at Sidney Sussex Coll., Cam-
bridge (B.A, 1845, M.A. 1848); is a Magistrate for
co. Lancaster, Viear of Leyland, and Patron of that
living. — Leyland Vicarage, Preston.
BALDWIN, William John Atkinson, Esq., of
Dalton, Lancashire.
Eldest son of the late Rev. John Baldwin, M.A., Fellow
of Christ's Coll., Cambridge, by his 1st wife Elizabeth,
dau. and heir of William Atkinson, Esq., of Dalton ;
b. 1845 ; his mother 1848. Educated at Harrow and
Ch. Ch., Oxford; is a Magistrate for co. Lancaster, a
Member of the Middle Temple, and Capt. R. Cumber-
land Militia. — Dalton-in-Furness, Lancashire; Junior
Carlton and Raleigh Clubs, s.w. ; L 2, Albany, w.
Ileir Pres., his brother Edward Thomas, 6. 1846 ; educated at
Rugby and B.A. of Trinity Coll., Oxford.
BALDWIN, William Tylden, Esq., of Stede
Hill, Kent,
Eldest son of the late William Wriothesley Turner
Baldwin, Esq., of Stede Hill, J.P. and D.L., by his
2nd wife Eliza, dau. of F. N. Balmain, Esq. ; b. 1838;
s. 1866. Educated at Rugby and Trinity Coll., Cam-
bridge ; is a Magistrate for Kent. ; late in the Indian
Civil Service. — Steele Hill, Harridsham, Maidstone.
Heir Pres., his brother John Henry, Capt. Bengal Staff Corps ;
b. 1841.
BALFE, Patrick, Esq., of South. Park, co.
Third but eldest surviving son of the late Michael
Balfe, Esq., of South Park (who d. 1838), by his 2nd
wife Alicia, dau. of Thomas Smith, Esq., of Fort Castle,
King's Co.; b. 1819; «. his brother 1856; m. 1845
Anna, 2nd dau. of William MacDermott, Esq., of Spring-
field, co. Galway, and has, with other issue, * Michael
(on roll for High Sheriff of co. Roscommon 187''));
b. 1819. Mr. Balfe, who was educated at Trinity
Coll., Dublin, is a Magistrate for eo. Koscommon (High
Sheriff 1858), and Capt. Koscommon Militia.— South
Park, Castlerea, co. 'Roscommon.
BALFOUR, Sir George, K.C.B. (cr. 1870).
Eldest son of the late Capt. George Balfour, of Mont-
rose, N.B., by Susan, dau. of Capt. Hume ; b. 1809 ;
m. 1818 Charlotte, dau. of the late Joseph Hume, Esq.
M.P. ; educated at Addi'seombe. Is a Major-General
in the Royal (Madras) Artillery, and Assistant to the
Controller-in-Chief at the War Office ; elected M.P. for
co. Kincardine 1872. — Athenmum Club, s.w. ; Oriental
Club, w. ; 6, Cleveland Gardens, w.
BALFOUR, Arthur James, Esq., of Whitting-
hame, Haddingtonshire.
Eldest son of the. late James Maitland Balfour, Esq., of
Whittinghame, by Lady Blanche Cecil, 2nd dau. of
James, 2nd Marquis of Salisbury, KG. ; b. 1.848; s.
1856. Educated at Eton and Trinity Coll., Cambridge
(B.A. 1869, M.A. 1873); is a Dep. -Lieut, for co,
Haddington, Capt. E. Lothian Yeomany ; elected M.P.
for Hertford 1874. — Whittinghame, Preston-kirk, N.B. ;
Strathconan, Beauty, N.B. ; 4 Carlton Gardens, s.w.
Heir Pres., his brother Cecil Charles, 6. 1849.
BALFOUR, Blayney Townley, Esq., of Town-
ley Hall, co. Louth.
Eldest son of the late Blayney Townley Balfour, Esq.,
of Townley Hall, by Lady Florence Cole, dau. of Wil-
liam, 1st Earl of Enniskillen ; b. 1799; s. 1856; m.
1843 Elizabeth Catharine, dau. of Kichard Molesworth
Keynell, Esq., of Reynella, co. Westmeath, and has,
with other issue, * Blayney Keynell, b. 1845. Mr.
Balfour, who was educated at Harrow and Ch. Ch., Ox-
ford (B.A. 1822), is a Magistrate for cos. Meath and
Louth (High Sheriff 1841) ; was formerly Lieut-Gover-
nor of the Bahamas.— Townley Hall, Droghcda ; Sack-
ville Street Club, Dublin; Travellers' Club, s.w.
BALFOUR, David, Esq., of Balfour and Tre-
nabie, co. Orkney.
Third but eldest surviving son of the late Capt. Wil-
liam Balfour, R.N., of Trenabie, by his 1st wife, Mary
Balfour, dau. of William Manson, Esq., of Kirk-
wall, N.B. ; b. 1811; s. 1846; m. 1844 Eleanor Alder,
dau. of Capt. Samuel Barker Edmeston. Is a J.P.
and D.L. for, and Convener of, co. Orkney, a Magistrate
for Mid-Lothian, and Hon. Col. Orkney Artillery
Volunteers. — Balfour Castle, by Kirkwall, N.B.
Heir Pres., his brother Capt. James William, late of 7th
Dragoon Guards ; b. 1827 ; m. 1852 Isabella, dau. of Col.
Craster, and has issue.
BALFOUR, Francis Walter, Esq., of Fernie,
Eldest son of the late Francis Balfour, Esq., of Fernie,
by Margaret, dau. of Graham Bower, Esq., of Kincaul-
drum, co. Forfar; b. 1831; s. 1854; m. 1866 Jane
Amelia, 2nd dau. of Patrick Small Keir, Esq., of Kin-
drogan, co. Perth, and has, with other issue, * Francis,
b. 1867. Mr. Balfour, who is a J.P. and D.L. for co.
Fife, was formerly Major Rifle Brigade. — Fernie Castle,
Ladybank, N.B. ; Army and Navy Club, s.w.
BALFOUR, John, Esq., of Balbirnie, Fife-
Eldest son of the late Lieut.-General Robert Balfour,
of Balbirnie, by Eglantine Katharine, dau. of John
Fordyce, Esq.; b. 1811; in. 1840 Lady Georgiana
Isabella, 2nd dau. of John Frederick, 1st Earl of
Cawdor, and has, with other issue, * Robert Frederick,
Capt. Grenadier Guards, b. 1846. Mr. Balfour is a J.P.
and D.L. for (formerly Vice Lieut, of) co. Fife, and
Hon. Col. Fife Artillery Militia. — Bcdbirnie, Markinch,
N.B. ; 46, Belgrave Square, w.
+ BALFOUR, Mrs., of Newton Don, Berwick-
shire, and Balgonie, Fifeshire.
Minnie Georgiana, eldest dau. of the Hon. Col. George
Augustus Frederick Liddell, by Cecil Elizabeth, dau.
of the Hon. and Rev. Gerald V. Wellesley, D.D. ; m.
1865 (as 2nd wife) Charles Balfour, Esq., of Newton
Don, who was a J.P. and D.L. for co. Berwick, and who
d. 1872. — Newton Bon, Kelso, N.B.; Balgonie Castle,
Markinch, Fife, N.B.
der Hugh Bruce). — Cr. 1607.
Only son of the late Robert Bruce, Esq., of Kennet,
co. Clackmannan, J.P. and D.L. (Vice-Lieut, and Con-
vener of Clackmannan, who d. 1864), by his second
wife, Jane Hamilton, dau. of the late Sir James Fer-
gusson, Bart., of Kilkerran, co. Ayr ; b. 1849. Edu-
cated at Eton and Oriel Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1871, M.A.
1874); is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Clackmannan, a
Magistrate for cos. Perth and Stirling, and Capt.
Stirlingshire Militia ; established in 1 868 his claim
as 6th Lord Balfour of Burleigh (attainted 1716), and
the attainder was reversed by Act of Parliament 1869.
— Kennet House, Clackmannan ; New Club, Edinburgh;
Carlton and St. Stephen's Clubs, s.w.
BALFOUR-HAY. (See Pater son-Balfour-Hay.)
BALGUY, John, Esq., of Duffield, Derbyshire.
Eldest son of the late John Balguy, Esq., Q.C., of
Duffield (some time Recorder of Derby, a Commissioner
of Bankruptcy, and Chairman of the Derbyshire Quarter
Sessions), by Barbara, dau. of the Rev. John Francis
Seymour Fleming St. John, Prebendary of Worcester ;
b. 1821; s. 1858; m. 1858 Harriet Anne, 3rd dau. of
James William Ogle, Esq., of Oakwood, Beekenham,
Kent, and has, with other issue, * John Henry, b. 1859.
Mr. Balguy, who was educated at Eton and Merton
Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1848), and called to the Bar at the
Middle Temple 1848, is a Magistrate for co. Derby, and
Stipendiary Magistrate for the Potteries. — Duffield
Park, Derby; Arthur's Club, s.yr. ; 20, Chester Square, s.w.
BALL, the Hon. Mrs., of Fort Fergus, co. Clare.
Julia Selana, youngest dau. of Standish, 1st Viscount
Guillamore (who was many years Chief Baron of the
Irish Court of Exchequer), by Katherine, 2nd dau. of
John Thomas Waller, Esq., of Castletown, co. Lime-
rick; m. 1845 William Hawkins Ball, Esq., of Fort
Fergus, who was a J.P. and D.L. for eo. Clare (High
Sheriff 1850), formerly a Major in the Army, and who
d. s. p. 1864. Mrs. Ball is Lady of the Manor of Fort
Fergus. — Fort Fergus, Ennis, co. Clare.
Heir Pres., hex husband's nephew, Richard Hawkins Beau-
champ, Esq., a Magistrate for co. Clare ; b. 1829.
BALL, Arthur William Shirley, Esq., of
Abbeylara, co. Longford.
Eldest surviving son of the late William Shirley Ball,
Esq., of Abbeylara (who d. 1866), by Jane, dau. of
the late Cosby Wilton, Esq., of Omard, co. Cavan ;
b. 1842 ; s. his brother 1867 ; m. 1869 Cecilia Letitia,
2nd dau. of the late William Humphreys, Esq., of
Ballyhaise, co. Cavan, and has, with other issue, *a
son, b. 1870. Mr. Ball was formerly Ensign 59th
Regt. and late of the 8 th Hussars ; was High Sheriff
of co. Longford 1873. — Abbeylara, near Granard ;
Geraldstown, Navan, co. Meath.
BALL, The Right Hon. John Thomas, LL.D.,
of Merton, co. Dublin.
Son of the late Major Benjamin Marcus Ball, formerly
of the 40th Foot; b. 1815; m. 1852 Catherine, dau.
of the Rev. Charles Richard Elrington, D.D. Educated
at Trinity Coll., Dublin, Regius Professor of Divinity
in Trinitv Coll.. Dublin. uA ReOtoi of Armagh (B.A.
1S:5(>. 1.1,. R 1841. LL.P-. 18m: called to the Irish
Bar IMOj became ■ Q.C 1854: Judge of the I'm-
viueial Consistorial Court at Armagh 1S<>2: was
ljutvn's Adv.vate 186.">-74: Solicitor-General and
Attornev-Gouerni for Ireland in 1SC8 ; elected M.P.
for Dublin University 1868 : Hon. P.C.L. Oxon. 1870:
re -appointed Attorney-Gen. for Ireland 1874. — Mtrton,
St. ikr>w/r>»/yA*.«. JhilJiit ; Kildare Street Qht, Dublin ;
8, .Vrrrioe Square Sonth, Dublin ; Carlton Club, s.yr.
BALL. Salisbury, Esq.. of Burwell, Cambridge-
Son of the late Edward Ball, Esq., of Burwell (who
was a J.P. and D.L. for eo. Cambridge, and M.P. for
that county 1868-68), by his second wife, Ann, dau.
of — Cadywold. Esq.. of Kimborley, Norfolk; b. 1836 ;
s. 1865: '.i. 1862 Emily, dau. of James Fielding. Ksq.,
of Mearclough, Sowerby Bridge, co. York. — Buruell,
lee, Selkirkshire.
Hdont son of the late James Ballantyne. Esq.. J.P.
and D.L.. of Holylee (who d. 1870). by Anne. dau. of
Andrew Henderson. Esq.. of Midgehopo, eo. Selkirk ;
b. 1837. I? a Magistrate for cos. Selkirk and Peebles,
and Capt. 98th Foot. — Holylee, Innerleithen, N.B. ; New
Club, Edinburgh.
BALLANTLXE-DYKES, Lamplcgh Freche-
tille, Esq., of Doveuby, Cumberland.
Eldest surviving son of the late Freeheville Lawson
Ballantine-Pykes, Esq., J.P., of Dovenby (formerly
M.P. for Coe'kermouth). by Ann Eliza, eldest dau. and
coheir of the late Joseph Gunson, Esq., of Ingwell ;
b. 1S54 ; 1866. This family, anciently 'Del, and De,
Dykes," originated at Dykesfield, on the Roman Wall.
■ — Dovenby Hall, Cockermouth.
Heir Pres., his brother Lawson Leigh, 6. 1864.
BALLARD, John, Esq., of Corleagh, Cork.
Second son of the late John Ballard, Esq., of Hemp-
stead, co. Cork (who d. 1S'21), by Anne, dau. of James
Broughton, Esq., of Liverpool ; b. 1793 ; m. 1832 Mary,
eldest dau. of Major John Spring Hamilton, 19th Foot,
and by her^who d. 1871) has surviving issue Elizabeth
Anne, m. 1860 Capt. Boughey Burgess, of Lewisham,
and has, with other issue, * Francis Chassereaux Bur-
gess, b. 1861. Mr. Ballard is a Merchant at Cork, and
Treasurer of several local charities. — Residence: 11,
York Terrace, Cork.
BALLESTGALL, George Anderson, Esq., of
Altamont, Perthshire.
Eldest son of the late George Robert Ballingall, Esq.,
M.D., of Altamont (who d. 186S), by Agnes Isabella,
2nd dan. of James Anderson, Esq., of Bleaton-Hallet,
co. Perth ; b. I860.— Altamont, Blairgovrrie, N.B.
(See under Southesk, Earl of.)
BALME, Edward Balme WHEATLEY-, Esq.,
of Cote Wall, Yorkshire, and Louahrissr,
\N estmoreland.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Wheatley, Esq., of Cote
Wall, by Mary, dau. of the late Abraham Balme, of
Whitley; b. 1819; assumed by royal licence 1857
the surname of Balme, after his maternal great-uncle,
the late Bev. Edward Balme ; m. 1 861 Hannah, dau. of
the late Francis Maude, Esq., of Hatfield Hall, Wake-
field. Educated at Rugby and Trinity and Downing
Colls., Cambridge (B.A. 1841, M.A. 1845); is a Magis-
trate for Westmoreland (on roll for High Sherifi
1876), a J.P. and D.L. for the W. Riding of Yorkshire,
and Deputy Chairman of Quarter Sessions for West-
moreland.— Cote Wall, Hopton, Mirfiehl ; Loughrigg,
B ALSTON, William, Esq., of Springfield, Kent.
Eldest son of the late William Balaton, Esq., of Spring-
field, ami brother of the Kov. Edward Halston, Into
Head Master of Eton Ooll. J ft. 1807; S. 1849. Is a
Magistrate for Kent. — Springfield, Maidstone,
ii, ir /'<•(.«. . his brother Richard BUlston Phillips, of Thom-
billa, Maidstone, b. 1808: m. is:i,s Alary, dau. of the lato
.lames Hughes Hawkins Mansfield, Esq., of itainham, Kent,
and by her (who IS.'S) has, with other issue, * Richard
James, educated at Eton ; 6. 1S3!> ; m. 1862 Emily I'arker,
dan. of John Robinson. Esq.. of Goodwin Paddock, Kent,
and has, with other issue, * Reginald, b. 1871.
BAMFORD, Charles, Esq., of Impington,
Ehb r surviving son of the late Charles Bamford, Esq.,
of Cottingham Hall, near Hull (who d. 1857), by Ann,
dau. of John Holmes, Esq., of Hull; b. 1839 ; m. 1863
Henrietta Victoria, eldest dau. of Charles Balls, Esq.,
J. P., of Cambridge, and has, with other issue, * Charles
Frederick, ft. 1865. Mr. Bamford, who was educated
at St. John's Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1862, M.A. 1865),
purchased Impington in 1864 from O.J. Pine-Coffin,
Esq. (whom see). — Impington Hall, Cambridge ; New
University Club, s.w.
BAMFORD, Frederick, Esq., of Starborough
Castle, Surrey.
Second son of the late Charles Bamford, Esq., of Cot-
tingham Hall, co. York (who d. 1859), by Mary Ann,
dau. of John Holmes, Esq., of Hull ; b. 1843; m. 1865
Mary Chisholm, dau. of H. M. Davidson, Esq., of Holme
House, co. Haddington, and has issue three daughters.
Mr. Bamford, who was educated at King's Coll., London,
is Lord of the Manor of Starborough. He purchased
this property from the family of Tonge in 1869. — Star-
borough Castle, Lingficld, near Edcnbridge.
BAMFORD-HESKETH, Robert, Esq., of
Gwyreh, Denbighshire.
Elder son of the late LlojTd Hesketh Bamford-Hesketh,
Esq., of Gwyreh (who was High Sheriff of co. Den-
bigh 1828), by Lady Emily Esther Anne, youngest dau.
of William, 1st Earl Beauchamp ; b. 1826; s. 1861;
m. 1851 Ellen, 2nd dau. of the late John Jones-
Bateman, Esq., of Pentre Ma'wr, co. Denbigh. Is a
Magistrate for co. Denbigh (High Sheriff 1866), and
Lord of the Manors of Cheadle-Hulme and Cheadle-
Bulkeley, co. Lancaster. — Gwyreh Castle, Abergele ; 1,
Portland Place, w.
BAMPFYLDE. (See under Poltimore, Lord.)
BANCROFT, Peter, Esq., of Beechley, Lan-
Only surviving son of the late Joseph Bancroft, Esq.,
of Liverpool (who d. 1 828), by Maria, dau. of Henrv
Forshaw, Esq., of Liverpool; b. 1809; m. 1835
Georgiana, dau. of George Royle Chappell, Esq., J. P.,
of Manchester, and has, with other issue, * George
Chappell, Capt. 2nd Lancashire Militia, b. 1835.
— Beechley, Allerton, Liverpool.
BAND, the Rev. Charles Edward, of Wookey
House, Somerset.
Only son of the late Edward Wright Band, Esq., J.P.,
of Wookey House, by Sarah Elizabeth, eldest dau. of
the Rev. Herman Drewe ; b. 1804 ; m. 1st 1827
Henrietta Mary, dau. of the Rev. Henry Fellowes (she
d. 1841) ; 2nd 1842 Harriet Louisa, dau. of the late Rev.
John T. Bond, Rector of Freston, Suffolk (she d. 1 844) ;
3rd 1861 Susannah Maria, dau. of Thomas Cobham,
Esq., of Marley, Devon, and has, by his 1st wife,
* Charles Edward, b. 1828. Mr. Band, who was edu-
cated at St. John's Coll., Canibridge (B.A. 1823, M.A.
1828), was appointed Rector of Combe Raleigh in 1827.
— Wookcy House, Wells, Somerset; Combe Raleigh,
BANDON, Earl of (Francis Bernard). — Cr.
Eldest son of James, 2nd Earl (who was Lord-Lieu-
tenant of eo. Cork, and a Representative Peer for
Ireland), by Mary Susan Albinia, dan. of the late Arch-
bishop (Brodriek) of Cashel, and sister of Charles, 6th
Viscount Midleton ; 1810; s. 1856; m. 1832 Katha-
rine Mary, dau. of the late Thomas Whitmore, Esq.,
M.P., of ApleyPark, co. Salop (she d. 1873). Edu-
cated at Eton and Oriel Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1831,
M.A. 1834, D.C.L. 1861); is. Lord-Lieut, of co. Cork,
and Col. Cork Militia Artillery ; was MP. for Bandon
1842-56; elected a Representative Peer for Ireland
1857. — Castle Bernard, near Bandon; Durras Court,
Bantry, co. Cork ; Carlton Club, s.w.
Heir, his son James Francis, Viscount Bernard, b. 1830 ; edu-
cated at Eton ; a Magistrate for co. Cork (High Sheriff
1874), Capt. R. Cork City Militia; A.D.C. to the Lord-
Lieut, of Ireland.
BANGOR, Bishop of (the Right Rev. James
Colquhoun Campbell, D.D.).
Second son of the late John Campbell, of Stonefield,
co. Argyll, by Wilhelmina, dau. of the late Sir James
Colquhoun, Bart., of Luss, co. Dumbarton ; b. 1813 ;
tn. 1840 Blanche Bruce, dau. of John Bruce Pryce,
Esq., of Duffryn, co. Glamorgan (who d. 1873). Edu
cated at Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1836, M.A.
1839) ; appointed Rector of Merthyr Tydfil 1844, Arch
deacon of Llandaff 1857 ; consecrated Bishop of Bangor
1859 ; is a Magistrate for co. Glamorgan. — The Palace
Banc/or, N. Wales ; Athenaum Club, s.w.
BANGOR, Viscount (Edward Ward). — Cr,
Eldest son of Edward, 3rd Viscount, by the Hon.
Harriet Margaret, 2nd dau. of Henry, 6th Lord Farn-
ham (she m. 2ndly Major Andrew Nugent, late 36th
Foot); b. 1827; s. 1837. Educated at Eton and
Trinity Coll., Cambridge (M.A. 1857); is a J.P. and
D.L. for co. Down ; elected a Representative Peer for
Ireland 1855. — Castle Ward, Bownpatrick ; Carlton
Club, s.w.
Heir Pres., his brother the Hon. Honry William Crosbie, late
Capt. 43rd Foot ; 6. 1828 ; m. 1st 1854 Mary, youngest dau.
of the Rev. Henry King, of Ballylin, King's Co. (she d.
18(i'J) ; 2nd 1874 Elizabeth, only surviving dau. of the late
Hugh Eccles, Esq., of Cronroe, co. WioMow, and has by the
former, with other issue, * Edward, b. 1SC3.
+ BANKES, Henry Hyde Nugent, Esq., of Stud-
land, Dorsetshire.
Second son of the late Right Hon. George Bankes, of
Studland (who was some time MP. for Dorset, and
who d. 1856), by Georgina Charlotte, dau. of Admiral
Sir Charles Edmund Nugent, G.C.H. ; b. 1828; 1857
the Hon. Lalage Letitia Caroline, youngest dau. of
Richard Hussey, 1st Lord Vivian, and by her (who d.
1875) has, with other issue *a son, b. 1875. Mr.
Bankes, who was educated at Eton and Trinity Hall,
Cambridge (B.A. 1850, M.A 1853), and called to the
Bar at Lincoln's Inn 1854, is a Dep.-Lieuf. for Dorset.
— Studland, Wareham; Chantrey House, Ecclcston Street
South, s.w. ; I, Dr. Johnsons Buildings, Temple, B.C.
BANKES, John Scott, Esq., of Soughton, Flint-
Eldest son of the late Rev. Edward Bankes, of Soughton
(Canon of Bristol and Gloucester, and Rector of Corfe
Castle, Dorset), by his 1st wife, Lady Frances Jane
Scott, dau. of John, 1st Earl of Eldon; 1826;
s. 1867 ; m. 1849 Annie, dau. of the late Chief Justice
Jervis, and lias, with other issue, * John Eldon, b. 1854.
Mr. Bankes, who was educated at Eton and University
Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1848), is a J.P. and D.L. for Dorset,
and a Magistrate and Chairman of Quartor Sessions for
co. Flint (High Sheriff 1869).— Soughton Hall, Northop.
BANKES, Meyrick, Esq., of Winstanley Hall,
Only surviving son of the late Meyrick Bankes, Esq.,
of Winstanley Hall (who assumed by royal licence the
name of Bankes in lieu of Holme), by his 2nd wife
Maria Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Langford Brooke,
Esq., of Mere Hall, co. Chester; b. 1811; s. 1832.
Educated at Eton and Corpus Christi Coll., Oxford ; is
a Magistrate for co. Lancaster, and Lord of the Manors
of Winstanley and Pemberton. — Winstanley Hall, Wigan.
BANKES, Walter Ralph, Esq., of Studland
Manor, and Kingston Lacy, Dorset.
Only surviving son of the late Edmund George Bankes,
Esq., of Studland Manor and Kingston Lacy (who d.
1860), by Rosa Louisa, dau. of Perceval North Bastard,
Esq., of Stourpaine, Dorset; b. 1853; s. his brother
1869. Educated at Harrow and Trinity Coll., Cam-
bridge ; is Lord of the Manors of Studland, Wimborne,
and Shapwick, and Patron of 3 livings. — Kingston
Lacy, Wimborne.
Heir Pres., his uncle Henry Hyde Nugent Bankes, Esq.
(whom see.)
BANKS, John Sladen Marsh, Esq., of Alkham,
Fourth son of the late Laurence Banks; Esq., of Boys
Hall, Ashford, Kent (who d. 1830), by his third wife,
Sarah, dau. of Joseph Sladen, Esq., of Ripple Court,
Kent; b. 1811. Is a Magistrate for Kent. — Alkham
and Bushcy Rough, near Bover.
BANKS, Richard William, Esq., of Ridge-
bourne, Herefordshire.
Eldest son of the late Richard Banks, Esq., of King-
ton, many years Clerk of the Peace for co. Radnor,
(who d. 1S71), by Esther, dau. of William Davies, Esq.,
of Talgarth, co. Brecon ; b. 1819; m. 1858 Emily Rosa,
dau. of Nathaniel Hartland, Esq., of The Oaklands,
co. Gloucester, and has, with other issue, * William
Hartland, b. 1867. Mr. Banks, who was educated at
Rugby, is a Magistrate for cos. Hereford, Brecon, and
Radnor (High Sheriff 1874), and a banker at Kington
and Rhayader. — Ridgcboiirne, near Kington ; Howey
Hall, Radnor.
BANKS, William, Esq., of Higlimoor House,
Eldest surviving son of the late William Banks, Esq.,
of Keswick, Cumberland, by Sarah, dau. of John Pear-
son, Esq., of Greenside Hall; b. 1811 ; m. 1843 Sarah
Barwis, dau. of William Daud, Esq., of Monkhill, Cum-
berland, and has, with other issue, * Henry Pearson,
M.A. of Jesus Coll., Cambridge, a Barrister of the
Inner Temple, and a Magistrate for Cumberland ; b.
1844. Mr. Banks is a J.P. and D.L. for Cumberland
(High Sheriff 1871).— Highmoor House, Wigton; Chi-
chester House, Skinburness, Abbey Town, Cumberland ;
Junior Carlton Club, s.w.
BANKS, William John, Esq., of Oxney Court,
Second son of the late John Banks, Esq.. of St.
Leonard's, Mailing, Kent (who d. 1835), and grandson
of the late Sir Edward Banks, Knt. ; b. 1822 ; m. 1844
Margaret Ellen, dau. of the late Richard Roffey, Esq.,
of Oxney Court, and has, with other issue, * Herbert
Delamark, b. 1854. Mr. Banks is a Magistrate for
Kent, and Lord of the Manor of Oxney. — Oxney Court,
HANKS. William -kkkCB, Esq., P.S.A., of
Hronllys Castle. Brecon.
Third son of tho Into Richard Banks, lv-q., of Kington,
co. Hertford ^lio d. 1871 V l>y Bather, dau. of William
levies. Esq.. M.l>.. of Abc'ronig. Brecon ; K 1882;
m. 1st 1850 Jane Emily, dau. of tin- late lbv. David
Williams, of Ystradmcurig, co. Cardigan (^hef/. 1863); ,
2nd !So7 Eiizabeth Marin, dau. of Edward Richards,
K«j.. of Ynys. CO. Anglesey, and has l>y tlie former,
with lllh>l infmri. * Willi. mi utYiea Morris, b. 1852. Mr.
Rinks, who was odnoatid at Shrewsbury, is a Magis-
trate for cos. Brecon and Radnor. — Residence: Talytty-
nedd. Dtryran. Atigftsca.
Mrs., of Millieugli, Lannrk-
Margaret, dan. of the late Janus Millar, Esq.. of Mil-
hough : m. 1S28 Andrew Bannatyne, Esq., LL.D., a
Member and for some years Dean of the Faculty of
Procurators in Glasgow, who d. 1871 leaving, with
other issue. •John Millar, a Magistrate for co. Lanark,
late Lieut.-Col. in the Army : b, 1829 ; m. 18o9 Janet,
dau. of James Farie, Esq., of Farrac, co. Lanark. — Mil-
kexyk. Blaniyre, N.B.
BAXXERMAX. Sir Ai.i kaxim:k, Bart., of Hack,
Aberdeenshire (cr. 1682).
Only son of the late Sir Charles Bannernian, Bart., of
Elsick. l>v his cousin Anne, dau. of Charles Bannernian,
Baa : b. 1823 ; as 9th Bart. 1S.">1 ; m. 1st 18G0 Lady |
Arabella Diana, youngest dau. of George John. .5th Earl
De la Warr (she d. 1869) : 2nd 1874 Lady Kntherine,
eldest dau. of Bertram. 4th Earl of Ashburnham. '
Educated at Trinity Coll.. Cambridge; is a J.P. and (
D.L. for cos. Kincardine and Aberdeen, and Vice-Lieut,
of co. Aberdeen. — Ehick. and Crimcnmogate, Aberdeen ;
Travellers' Club, s.w. ; 46, Grosvenor Place, w.
Ifcir Ay*., his kinsman George Bannernian, Esq.; 6. 182!).
BANNERMAN, Mrs., of Hunton, Kent.
Mary, dau. of John Wyld, Esq.. of Glasgow; m. 1834
Henry Bannernian, Esq., of Hunton, who was High
Sheriff of Kent in 1S62. and d. 1871, leaving issue
* Marion Wyld. m 1st 1855 James McLaren, second son
of Kichard Smith, Esq.. of Whalley Eange. near Man-
chester; 2nd 1861 Augustus "William Green, Esq.
— Hunton Court, Maidstone.
BAXXERMAN". (See Campbcll-Bannarman.)
BAXXIXG. (See Greaves-Banning.)
BAN TRY, Earl of (William Henry Hake
Hedges White).— Cr. 1816.
Eldest surviving son of Richard, 1st Earl (who d.
1 85! ), by Lady Margaret Ann. dau. of William 1 st Earl
of Listowel ; b. 1801 ; his brother as 3rd Earl 1868 ;
vi. 1S45 Jane, youngest dan. of the late Charles John
Herbert, Esq., of Muekross, co. Kerry. Educated at
Downing Coll.. Cambridge (M.A. 1822) ; is a J.P. and
D.L. for co. Cork (High Sheriff 184S), and Lieut.-Col.
commanding W. Cork Artillery; assumed the name
of Hedges by royal licence 1 840 ; elected a Rep.
Peer for Ireland 1 870. — Bantry House, near Glengariffe ;
Macroom Castle. East Firry, co. Cork ; Kildare Street
Club, Dublin ; United Service and Carlton Clubs, s.w. ;
38, Lowndes Square, s.w.
Heir, his son William Henry Hare, Viscount Bereliaven ; b.
1S54 ; educated at Eton.
BARBER, John, Esq., of The Jewkes, Wor-
Eldest son of Stephen Barber, Esq., of Grimley, co.Wor-
cester, by Hannab, dan. of the late Benjamin Good,
Esq. of Worcester; 1818: m. 1850 Marguerite,
only child of John Walker, Esq., of Wellington, co.
Salop, who./. 1822. Educated al Worcester Coll., Ox-
ford (!' A- I«SI(). 5I A- 1843); called to tho Bar at
Gtoj'b Inn, 1843. Is a Magistrate for cos. Salop and
Worcester, and Cant. Worcester Militia. — The Jiwkes,
Tctibury ; Militia and Yiomanry Club, s.w. •
I5ARBKR, John Sutton, Ksq., of Over Sloniiall,
Only son of the late John Stttton Barber, Esq., J.P.,
of Blakebrooke, co. Worcester (who d. 1S50), by Jane,
eldest dau. of Joseph Boycott, Esq., J.P., of Donning-
ton, co. Salop ; b. 1887; "'■ I860 Marianne Tibbetts,
only dau. of the late John Tibbetts Cooke, Esq., of
High House, Oldswinford, co. Worcester, and has issue
* Alice .May. Mr. Barber, who was formerly in the Mer-
cantile Marine of the H.E.I.C. Service, holds a com-
mission in the Staffordshiio Rille Volunteers. — Over
Stonnall, Walsall.
+ BARBER - STARKE Y, William Joseph
Star key, Esq., of Darjey Dale, Derbyshire.
Only son of the late Rev. William Henry Barber, of
Darby Dale; b. 183-; m. 1873 Margaret Aimee, third
dau. of Sir Georgo Kinloeh, Bart., of Kinloeh, co. Perth,
and has issue * a son, b. 1874. — The Hall, Huttons-
Ambo, York.
BARBOUR, Robert, Esq., of Bolesworth Castle,
Son of the late Humphrey Barbour, Esq., of Bankhead,
Kilbarohan, co. Renfrew, by Elizabeth, only dau. of
John Freeland, Esq., of Glasgow, N.B. ; b. 1797; m.
1st 1827 Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Allan, Esq., of
Liukfield, East Lothian ; 2ndly 1836 Janet Andrew,
dau. of William Fleming, Esq., of Sawmill-field, Glas-
gow, and has, with other issue, an only son,
* George (of Kiugslee, co. Chester), educated at Harrow,
M.A. of Trinity Coll., Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law of the
Inner Temple, a Magistrate for co. Chester, and Lieut,
in the Earl of Chester's Yeomanry Cavalry ; b. 1841; m.
18CS1 Caroline Easton, dau. of Robert Andrew Maefie, Esq.,
M.P.. of Ashfield Chester, and Dreghorn Castle, co.
Midlothian, and ha-s issue three daus.
Mr. Barbour, who was educated at Glasgow, is a J.P.
and D.L for Cheshire (High Sheriff 1866), Lord of the
Manors of Harthill, Chowley, Tattenhall, and Bur-
wardsley, and Patron of 1 living; he purchased Boles-
worth in 1857. — Bolesworth Castle, Chester.
BARBOUR, Willtam, Esq., of Barlay and
Dalshaiigan, Kirkcudbrightshire.
Eldest and only surviving son of the late James Bar-
bour, Esq., of Barlay, in the Stewartry of Kirkcud-
bright, by Elizabeth, dau. of the late David Kennedy,
Esq., J.P. and D.L., of Knocknalling, co. Kirkcud-
bright; h. 1810. Is a Magistrate for co. Kirkcud-
bright.— Barlay and' Dalshangan, New Galloway, N.B.
BARBOUR, William, Esq., of Hillden, co. An-
Son of the late John Barbour, Esq., of Plantation, near
Lisburn ; b. 1797 ; m. 1822 Eliza, dan. of Samuel Ken-
nedy, Esq., of Lisburn, and has, with other issue,
* John Doherty, a Magistrate for co. Down, late M.P. for
Lisburn ; 6. 1824 ; m. 18G4 Elizabeth Law, eldest dau. of
John Milne, Esq.
Mr. Barbour is a Magistrate for co. Antrim, and a
Manufacturer at Lisburn. — Hillden, Lisburn.
BARCHARD, Francis, Esq.,of Horsted, Sussex.
Eldest son of the late Francis Barchard, Esq., of Hor-
sted Place (who was High Sheriff of Sussex 1853), by
Margaret Jane, dau. of the late Elphinstone Piggott,
Esq., Chief Justice of Tobago ; b. 1826; m. 1861 Argen-
tina, dau. of the late John Watson, Esq., of Wick Lodge,
Hove, near Brighton. Mr. Barchard, who was educated
at Winchester and Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1849, M.A.
1853), and called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn 1854, is a
e 49
Magistrate fof Sussex, Lord of the Manor of Hoisted,
and Pat von of Little Hoisted; formerly Capt. Sussex
Artillery Militia,. - Little Horsted Place, Uckfield; Ox-
ford and Cambridge Club, s.w. ; 35, Pall Midi, s.w.
Heir Pres., his brother Elphinstone, b. 1S27 ; m. I860 Cathe-
rine, dau. of (-'apt. Barwell, R.N., of Brighton, and has
issue * a son, b. 1861.
BARCLAY, Sir David William, Bart,, of Pier-
ston, Ayrshire (cr. 1668).
Only surviving son of the late Sir Eobert Barclay, Bart.,
of Picrston, by his- 2nd wife Harriet, Baroness Cronstedt,
dau. of Col. Durell; b. 1804; s. his nephew as 10th
Bart. 1859 ; m. 1829 Elise Josephe, dan. of Charles
Malo, late Marquis de Rune, of Warsy, Picardy (she d.
1867). Was formerly Capt. 99th Eegt., A.D.C. to the
Governor of the Mauritius, and a Member of the Council
of that Island. — Conservative Club, s.w. ; 42, Holland
Boad, w.
Heir, his son Colville Arthur Durell, b. 1829 ; in. 1836 Melanie
Louise, dau. of Mons. J. C. Edouard de Belzim, and has,
with other issue, * David Edward, 6. 1858.
-f BARCLAY, George Robertson, Esq., of
Keavil House, Fifeshirc.
Son of the late G. Barclay, Esq., of Keavil House; b.
1800; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Fife. — Long's
Hotel, w.
BARCLAY, Hedworth Trelawnt, Esq., of
Eastwick Park, Surrey.
Eldest son of the late Hedworth David Barclay, Esq.,
of Eastwick Park (who d. 1873), by Caroline Agnes,
dau. of Harry Brereton-Trelawny, Esq., of Shot-
wick, co. Chester, and widow of John James Galley,
Esq., of Burderop Park, Wilts ; b. 1859 ; is Lord of
the Manor of Great Bookham, Surrey. — Eastwick Park,
Great Bookham, Leathcrhcad.
BARCLAY, Henry Ford, Esq., of Woodford,
Eldest son of the late Ford Barclay, Esq., by Esther,
dau. of William Foster Eeynolds, Esq., of Carshalton
House, Surrey; b. 1826; in. 1848 Eichenda Louisa,
dau. of the late Samuel Gurney, Esq., of Upton House,
Essex, and has, with other issue, * Hugh Gurney, b.
1851. Mr. Barclay, who is a J.P. and D.L. for Essex,
is of a collateral branch of the Barclays of Urie
— Monkhams, Woodford, Essex.
BARCLAY, Joseph Gurnet, Esq., of Leytou,
Essex, and Higliam, Suffolk.
Eldest surviving son of the late Eobert Barclay, Esq.,
of Leyton, Essex (who d. 1853), by Elizabeth, dau. of
the late Joseph Gurney, Esq., of Norwich; b. 1816 ; m.
1st 1842 Mary Walker', dau. of William Leatham, Esq.,
of Wakefield; 2nd 1857 Margaret, dau. of William
Exton, Esq., of Hitchin, Herts, and has, by the former,
with other issue,
* Robert, of High Leigh, Hoddesdon, Herts, b. 1S43 ; m. 1 868
Elizabeth Ellen, dau. of Thomas Fowell Buxton, Esq., of
Easneye, Herts, and has, with other issue, * Robert
Leatham, 6. 1869.
Mr. Barclay is a banker in London. This family is a
younger branch of the Barclays of Urie. — Leyton, Essex ;
Higham, Bury St. Edmunds; Brent Pelham, Bunting-
ford; 54, Lombard Street, B.C.
BARCLAY, Robert, Esq., of Bury Hill, Surrey.
Eldest son of the late Aa'thur Kett Barclay, Esq.,
F.E.S., J.P. and D.L., of Bury Hill, by Mavia Octavia,
dau. of the late Ichabod Wright, Esq., of Mapperley,
Notts; b. 1837; s. 1869. Educated at Harrow and
Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1859) ; is Patron of 1
living, and heir male and representative of the ancient
Scottish house of Barclay of Urie. — Bury Hill, Dorking.
Heir Pres.., his brother Charles Arthur, b, 1S39 ; is married
and has issue.
BARCLAY, Thomas George, Esq., of Wood-
side, Herts.
Youngest and only surviving son of the lato Charlos
Barclay, Esq,, of Bury Hill, Surrey, by Anna Maria,
eldest dau. of Thomas Kett, Esq., of Seething, Norfolk ;
b. 1819; m. 1844 Emily, dau. of the late Eev. James
Joyce, Vicar of Dorking, Surrey.— Woodside, near
Hatfield; 5, Grosv/nor Crescent, s. w.
BARCLAY- ALLARDICE, Robert,- Esq., late
of Urie and Allardice, Kincardinesliire.
Eldest son of Margaret, sole heir and child of the late
Eobert Barclay-Allardice, Esq., of Allardice and Urie
(who d. 1854), by the late Samuel, son of Duncan
Ritchie, Esq. ; b. 1841. This family claims the Scottish
Earldoms of Strathearn, Monteith, and Airth, and to
be a branch of the Eoyal House of Stuart. — Jordan-
stone House, Meiglc, N.B.; University Club, Edinburgh ;
Pall Mall and Wanderers' Clubs, s.w.
Heir Pres., his brother David-Stuart-Barclay, b. 1845 ; in. 1868
Fannie-Eoster, eldest dau. of the late Edwin D. Elliot, Esq.,
of West Brattleboro, Vermont, U.S., and has, with other
issue, * Robert, b. 1869.
BARDSLEY, Sir James Lomax, M.D., Knt. (cr.
Second son of the late Edward Bardsley, Esq., of Not-
tingham ; b. 1801 ; in. 1831 Eliza, dau. of Lieut. Brunt,
E.N., and widow of the Eev. E. H. Sbuttleworth (she
d. 1873). Educated at Edinburgh University'; is J.P.
and D.L. for co. Lancaster, and Senior Consulting
Physician to the Manchester Infirmary. — The Orchard,
Grcenheys, Lancashire ; Sidney Street, Manchester.
BARHAM, trie Rev. Charles Henry, of Trecwu,
Youngest son of the late Joseph Foster Barham, Esq.,
M.P. tor Stockbridge, Hants, by Lady Caroline, dau. of
Sackville, 9th Earl of Thanet \ {ext.) ; b. 1808 ; m. 1st
1836 Elizabeth Maria, dau. of William Boyd Ince, Esq.,
of Ince, co. Lancaster; 2nd 1863 Ellen Catharine, dau.
of Edward T. Massy, Esq., of Cottesmore, co. Pembroke.
Educated at Ch. Ch.,. Oxford (B.A. 1831, M.A. 1834);
is a Magistrate for cos. Pembroke and Westmoreland ;
was formerly Sector of Barming, Kent, and of Kirkby
Thore, Westmoreland ; was M.P. for Appleby, May-
Nov. 1832. — Trecwn, Lcttcrston, Haverfordwest ; Ar-
thur's Club, s.w.
BARING, Edward Charles, Esq., of Coombe
Cottage, Surrey.
Son of the late Henry Baring, Esq., by his 2nd wife,
Cicilia Anne, dau. of the late Vice-Admiral William
Windham; b. 1828; m. 1861 Louisa Emily Charlotte,
dau. of — Bulteel, Esq., of Devon, and has, with other
issue, Edward, b. 1863. Mr. Baring is a Magistrate for
Surrey, and a merchant in London. — Coombe Cottage,
near Kingston-on-Thames ; 37, Charles Street, w.
+ BARING, John, Esq., of Oakwood, Sussex.
Third son of the late Sir Thomas Baring, Bart., by
Mary Ursula, eldest dau. of the late Charles Sealey,
Esq., of Calcutta ; b. 1802 ; m. 1842 Charlotte Amelia,
elder dau. of the Eev. George Dupre Porcher (she d.
1846). Is a Magistrate for Sussex, and a merchant in
London. — Oakwood, Chichester.
+ BARING, Thomas Charles, Esq., of High
Beech, Essex.
Eldest son of the late Eight Hon. and Eight Eev.
Charles Baring, D.D., Bishop of Durham, by his first
% Mr. Barham inherited through this family and the Cliffords,
Earls of Cumberland, the Hereditary Sheriffdom of Westmoreland,
conferred by King John on Robert, 1st Baron de Vetereponte,
Jill; L IMlWUH'ill.
wiiV. Marv Ursula, only dno of Ool. Charles Sealy, of
the H.E.I.O.S. : k 1831; 1869 Misun Cuvr.dau. of
Robert B. Minturn. Esq., of Now York, Educated at
Harrow and wadhaa College Oxford (BJL [852);
was afterwards Follow of B.N.C. (M.A. lSoo) : it- a
Magistrate for l"-^ox : elected M.P. lor S. Kssox 1 S 7 1 .
—High Iiifck, near Walihain Abbey; Cttrl/on and St.
Stephen's Clubs. s.w.
BAKING. William IIkxky, Esq., of Norman's
Court, Hants.
Son of the lata William Baring, Esq., M.P. (who d.
1820). bj Franco, dau .>f tin- Late J. Poulett-Thomp-
son, Rmj.. of Boehampton, Surrey, ami cousin of the
late Thomas Baring. Em) . of Norman's Court ; o. 1S19 ;
Mk 1849 Elisabeth, ilau. of Charles il.nnmersley, Km)..
and has it-sue * Francis, b. 18.52. Mr. Baring, who in-
herited this property on the death of his cousin in 1873.
was formerly Capt. Coldstream Guards. — Xorman's
Court, Salisbury ; Guard* Club, s.W.
BARING. William Wdtoham, Esq., late of
Cromer, Norfolk.
Son of the late Henry Baring. Esq. (next brother of
Alexander, 1st Lord Ashburton), by his 2nd wife Cecilia
Anne, eldest dan, of the late Yice-Aduiiral William
Windham, of Felbrigg. Norfolk: b. 1825 ; m. 1862 Se-
lina Barbara, youngest dan. of the late Major-General
the Hon. Sir Frederick C. Tonsonby. Educated at Ch.
Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1S47); is a Magistrate for Norfolk.
(See under Ashhurton. Lord, and Xorthbrook, Lord.)
BAHIXG- GOULD, the Rev. Saiiine, of Lew
Trenehard, Devon.
Eldest son of the late Edward Baring-Gould, Esq.,
J.P. and D.L., of Lew Trenehard (who d. 1S72), by his
1st wife, Sophia Charlotte, dau. of Admiral Bond ;
b. 1S34 : m. 1868 Grace, dau. of Mr. J. Taylor, of Hor-
bury, co. York, and has issue * Edward Sabine, b.
1871. Mr. Barinsr-Gould, who was educated at Clare
Hall. Cambridge (B.A. 1854, M.A. 1856), is Patron of
Lew Trenehard, and Rector of East Mersea, Essex ;
he was formerly Incumbent of Dalton, co. York. — Lew
Tnnehard, Lcwdown, Devon ; East Mersea, Colchester.
BARKER, the Rev. Alfred Gresley, of Slier-
field, Hants.
Only surviving son of the late George Barker, Esq., of
Stanlake Park (who was High Sheriff of Berks 1856,
and who d. 1868), by Emma Sophia, eldest dau. of
Frederick George Prescott, Esq., of Theobald's Park,
Herts: b. 1834; s. his brother 1S69: hi. 1865 Agnes,
2nd dau. of the Rev. Comyns Tucker, of Beech Hill,
.Devon, and has, with other issue, * Frederick George,
b. 1866. Mr. Barker, who was educated at Rugby and
Trinity Coll.. Oxford (B.A. 1S58, M.A. lS60).is Patron
and Bector of Sherfield-on-Loddon. Hants. — Shcrfidd
Rectory, Basingstoke. I
BARKER, George Jones, Esq., of Albrjgbton
Hall, Salop.
Eldest son of the late John Barker, Esq. (who was
High Sheriff of co. Stafford in 1850), by Theodosia,
only dau. of George Jones, Esq., of Shackerley, co.
Salop; b. 1S25; s. 1852 ; m. 1854 Sara, younger dau.
of James Cunliffe, Esq., Banker, of Loudon, and has
issue *John Raymond, b. 1869. Mr. Barker is a
J.P. and D.L. for co. Stafford. — Albrighton Hall, Wol-
verhampton; Reform Cluh, s."W. ; Fenton's Hotel, s.w.
BARKER, Johx, Esq., of Clare Priory, Suffolk.
Eldest son of the late John Barker, Esq., of Clare
Priory (B.A. of Christ's Coll., Cambridge), by Geor-
giana, da\i. and coheir of Col. Weston, of Shadowbush,
Suffolk; b. 1832. Educated at Trinity Coll., Cam-
bridge (B.A. 1857, M . A . 1888); is Capt, W. Essex
Militia. - Thi Prion/, Clare. Suffolk ; Xational Club, s.W.
u, i» /'c< .«., Ms brother George uigiiy, Capt. 04th Rogt. ; u. 1833.
BARKER, John Henry, Esq.*, of East Lodge,
1 )erb\ shire.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Barker, Esq.; b. 1806;
is married, and has issue * Henry Frederick, b. 1840.
Air. Barker, who was educated at Ch. Ch., Oxford
(B.A. 1 829. M.A. 1834), called to the Bar at Lincoln's
Inn 1886, and went the Midland Circuit, is a J.P.
and 1>.L. for co. |)oi!y. and a Police Magistrate for
the Metropolis. — East Lodge, Bakcwdl,
BARKER, Josi:i'ii 1 in; ion, Esq., of Mattimoro
] 1 ouse, Lincolnshire.
Eldest son of the late Joseph Chamberlain Barker, Esq.,
.1.1'. and D.L., of Mattimore House, Holbeach, by, dau. of John Dow, Esq., of Nccdhain House,
co. Cambridge-; b. 1 84 1 ; 1870; m. 1864 Sarah
Rebecca, dau. of the late Thomas Aveling, Esq., of
Al i veil, co. Cambridge, and has, with other issue,
♦Joseph Hurton Aveling,/'. 1865. Mr. Barker, who is
a Magistrate for co. Lincoln, was formerly Capt. R.
South Lincoln Militia. — Mattimore House, Holbeach.
+ BARKER, Mrs., of Leake, Lincolnshire.
Mary, widow of — Barker, Esq., of Leake . Is Lady of
the Alauor and Patron of the living of Rand, co. Lin-
coln.— Leake, near Boston.
BARKER, Mrs., of Stanlake Park, Berks.
Emma Sophia, eldest dau. of the late Frederick George
Prescott, Esq., of Theobald's, Herts; m. 1829 George
Barker, Esq., of Stanlake Park (High Sheriff of Berks
in 1856), who d. 1868, leaving surviving issue * Alfred
Grc:>leY, in Holy Orders (whom see). — Stanlake Park,
Ruscombe, near Twyford.
BARKER, William Oliver, Esq., of Stirling,
co. Meath.
Eldest son of the late Richard Barker, Esq., of Stirling,
by Mary, dau. of Francis MeFarlane, Esq., of Hunts-
town, co. Dublin ; b. 1818 ; s. 1853 ; m. 1861 Charlotte,
eldest dau. of Henry Mills, Esq., and granddau. of
Samuel Mills, Esq., of Turnings, co. Kildare. Mr.
Barker was educated at Trinity Coll.. Dublin (B.A.
1841, M.D. 1844).— Stirling, Clonce, co. Meath; 6,
Gardiner's Row, DiMin.
BARKER, William PONSONBY-, Esq., of
Kilcooly Abbey, co. Tipperary.
Eldest son of the late Chambre Brabazon Ponsonby,
Esq., of Kilcooly Abbey (who assumed the name of
Barker in 1818, having succeeded to the estates of his
uncle, the late Sir William Barker, Bart.), by Henrietta,
eldest dau. of the 1st Earl of Bective ; b. 1795 ; s. 1834 ;
m. 1816 Elizabeth Selina, 4th dau. of the late Hon. and
Right Rev. William Knox, Lord Bishop of Derry. Is
a J.P. and D.L. for co. Tipperary (High Sheriff 1844),
and a Magistrate for co. Kilkenny (High Sheriff 1824).
— Kilcooly Abbey, Kilcooly, co. Tipperary.
Heir Pres., his brother Thomas Henry, late Capt. Cth Cara-
bineers ; 6. 1838 ; m. ISC- Fanny Mary, dau. of Major R. L.
BARKER. (See Darling-Beirkcr.)
BARKER, ofFairford. (See Raymond-Barker.)
BARKER-MILL. (See Mill.)
BARKLY, Sir Henry, Knt., K.C.B., G.C.M.G.
(cr. 1853).
Only son of the late iEneas Barkly, Esq., merchant, of
London; b. 1815; m. 1st 1840 Elizabeth Ellen, 2nd
dau. of the late John F. Timins, Esq., of Hillfield
k2 51
House, Aldenham, Herts (slio^. 1857); 2nd 1860 Anno
Maria, only dau. of General Sir Thomas Simson Pratt,
K.C.B., and has, with other issue, Arthur C. S., lato
6th Dragoon Guards; h. 1811 ; m. 1873 Fanny Alex-
andra, oldest dan. of the late Right Rev. Thomas G.
Ilatehard, Bishop of Mauritius. Sir Henry, who was
educated at Bruce Castle, Tottenham, was Governor of
British Guiana 1849-53 ; of Jamaica 1853-6 ; of Vic-
toria 1856-63; appointed Governor of the Mauritius
1863, of the Cape of Good Hope 1870 ; was M.P. for
Leominster 18-15-9. — Government House, Cape Town;
Windham and Carlton Clubs, s.w.
BARLOW, Sir Morison, Bart. (cr. 1803).
Third but only surviving son of the late Sir Robert
Barlow, Bart, (who was one of the Judges of the
Native Supreme Court at Calcutta), by Augusta Louisa,
dau. of Major-General Seymour, R.A. ; b. 1835 ; s. as
3rd Bart. 1857. Late Capt. 9th Lancers, formerly
Capt. 7th Hussars.
Heir Pres., his cousin Richard Wellesley, son of the late
Richard Wellesley Barlow, Esq., II. E.I. C. Civil Service, Cth
son of Sir George Hilaro Barlow, 1st Bart. ; b. 1836 ; m.
1SG0 Annie Catherine, dau. of the late Be v. Dr. Whiteside,
Rector of Scarborough, and has, with other issue, * Hilaro
William Wellesley, 6. 1861.
BARLOW, Edmund, Esq., of Sigswortli Grange,
Son of the late Rev. George Francis Barlow, Rector of
Burgh and Sotterly (who d. 1850), by Harriet, dau. of
the late William Mount, Esq., of Wasing Place, Berks ;
b. 1805; m. 1867 Hermitta, dau. of J. Teesdale, Esq.,
and has, with other issue, * Edward, b. 1869. Mr.
Barlow, who was educated at "Westminster, was ad-
mitted a Solicitor in 1830.— Sigsworth Grange, Patclcy
Bridge, Yorkshire ; lied House, HasJccton, Woodbridge ;
36, Butland Gate, s.w.
BARLOW, Frederick, Esq., of Hasketon,
Son of the late Rev. George Francis Barlow, Rector of
Burgh, and Sotterly, Suffolk (who d. 1850), by Harriet,
dau. of the late William Mount, Esq., of Wasing Place,
Berks; b. 1823; m. 1854 Cordelia, dau. of the Rev.
Thomas Maude, Rector of Hasketon (formerly of Bur-
ley Hall, co. York), and has, with other issue, * Eu-
stace, b. 1855. Mr. Barlow is a Magistrate for Suffolk,
Capt. and Paymaster Suffolk Militia Artillery, and
Lieut.-Col. 3rd Battalion Suffolk Rifle Volunteers — The
Shrubbery, Hasketon, Woodbridge ; Junior United Ser-
vice Club, s.w.
+ BARNARD, Charles Edward Gee, Esq., of
Cave Castle, Yorkshire.
Son of the late Rev. Edward William Barnard, Vicar of
South Cavo (who d. 1827), by Philadelphia Frances
Esther, dau. of Ven. Archdeacon Wrangham, and
nephew of the late Henry Gee Barnard, Esq., of Cave
Castle ; b. 1822 ; in. 1862 Sophia Letitia, dau. of the late
Hon. Andrew Godfrey Stuart ; called to the Bar at the
Middle Temple 1847. Is a Magistrate for the E.
Riding of Yorkshire, and Patron of two livings ; he
inherited this property, under the will of his uncle, on
the death of Mrs. Barnard in 1872. — Cave Castle,
Brough, Yorkshire; 5, Crown Crescent, Scarborough.
BARNARD, Major Christopher John, of Ap-
perley House, Gloucestershire.
Son of the late Joseph Barnard, Esq., J. P., of Notcliffe
House (who d. 1874), by Maria, dau. of Joseph Higgin-
son, Esq., of Tewkesbury, co. Gloucester; b. 1833; in.
1st 1863 Elizabeth, dau. of Colonel Nesbitt (she d.
1867) ; 2nd 1868 Constance Elizabeth Georgina, eldest
dau. of Major John Octavius Chichester, 16th Regt.
Is Lord of the Manor of AVhitefield, Impropriator of
the living of Deerhurst, and Major 4th W. I. Regt.
. — Appcrley House and Whitefield Court, Tcwkesbuni.
62 1
BARNARD, Herbert, Esq., of Ham, Surrey.
Eldest son of the late John Barnard, Esq., of Park
Gate, Hani Common, by Mary Anne, dau. of Herbert N.
Jarrett, Esq. ; b. 1831 ; m. 1854 Ellen, dau. of the late
William Wyndham, Esq., of Dinton House, Wilts, and
has, with other issue, * Herbert Wyndham, b. 1859.
Mr. Barnard, who was educated at Eton, is a Magis-
trate for Surrey. — Park Gate, Ham Common, Bichmond,
Surrey ; Union Club, s.w. ; 69, Portland Place, w.
BARNARD, the Rev. Mordaunt, of Mar-
garetting, Essex.
Eldest son of the late Rev. Thomas Barnard, Vicar of
Great Amwell, Herts, by Everilda, 2nd dau. of the late
Sir Mordaunt Martin, Bart., of Burnham, Norfolk ; b.
1795; m. 1820 Margaret Louisa Maria, dau. of Major
Thos. Bolton, late E.I.C.S., and has, with other issue,
* Mordaunt Roger, educated at the Charter House, and
B.A. of Christ's Coll., Cambridge ; Vicar of Margaretting,
Essex : b. 182S.
Mr. Barnard, who was educated at the Charterhouse
and Christ's Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1817, M.A. 1833),
is a Magistrate for Essex, Patron of 1 living, and
Rector of Preston Bagot ; late Rector of Little Bard-
field, Essex. — Preston Bagot, Henley-in-Arden.
BARNARD, Mrs., of Kempston, Beds.
Mary, dau. of Nicholas FitzPatrick, Esq., M.D., of
Bedford; m. 1849 Talbot Barnard, Esq., of Kempston
(a Banker of Bedford), who d. 1867, leaving, with
other issue, * Talbot, b. 1850. — Kempston Hoo, Bed-
ford ; Sandringham Villa, Ealing, w.
BARNARD, Thomas, Esq., of Cople, Beds.
Younger son of the late Thomas Barnard, Esq., Banker,
of Bedford, by Anne, dau. of Thomas Fisher, Esq., of
Cambridge ; b. 1830 ; in. 1859 Isabella Henrietta Theo-
dora, youngest dau. of the late Henry Lawes Long,
Esq., of Hampton Lodge, Surrey, and has, with other
issue, * Thomas Henry, b. 1866. Mr. Barnard, who is
a J.P. and D.L. for Beds, and a banker at Bedford,
was M.P. for Bedford 1857-9.— Cople House, Bedford ;
Brooks's and Reform Clubs, s.w.
BARNARD, the late Thomas, Esq., of Prest-
bury, Gloucestershire.
Eldest son of the late Rev. Robert Cary Barnard, Rector
of Withersfield, Suffolk, by Elizabeth, dau. of R. Cary
Elwes, Esq., of Isleworth, Middlesex; b. 1792 ; in, 1822
Christian, dau. of the late Thomas Porter, Esq., of
Roekbeare House, Devon, and had issue Thomas, for-
merly of the 65th Foot, b. 1823. Mr. Barnard, who
entered the Army in 1808, was a Magistrate for co.
BARNARD. (See under Willoughby-de-Broke, Lord.)
BARNARDISTON, Nathaniel Clarke, Esq., of
The Ryes, Suffolk.
Son of the late Nathaniel Barnardiston, Esq., of The
Ryes, by Elizabeth, dau. of John Styles, Esq., of Kings-
ton, Surrey; b. 1799; s. 1837; m. 1826 Sophia, dau. of
George Robert Eyres, Esq., late of Cavenham Hall,
Norfolk, and has, with other issue,
* Nathaniel, a Magistrate for Essex and Suffolk ; b. 1832 ;
to. 1S0S Lady Florence, 5th dau. of William, 4th Earl of
Dartmouth, and has, with other issue, * Nathaniel Walter,
6. 1858.
Mr. Barnardiston, who was educated at Trinity Coll.,
Cambridge (B.A. 1819, M.A. 1821), and called to the
Bar at Lincoln's Inn 1823, is a Magistrate for Essex,
a J.P. and D.L. for Suffolk, and Patron of 2 livings.
— The Byes, Sudbury; University Club, s.w.
BARNE, Frederick, Esq., of Sotterley, Suffolk.
Eldest son of the late Michael Barne, Esq., of Sotterley,
many years M.P. for Dunwich, by Mary, dau. of Ays-
cough Boucherett, Esq., of Stallingborough, co. Lincoln ;
c. 1S06: 1837; .;. 18:51 Mary Anne Elizabeth, oldest
dau. of the Into Sir John Courtonay Honywood, Bart.,
of Evington. Kent, and has. with other issue,
• Frederick St. John rTrmHg>t>. Capt. mill T.iout.-Col.
Soots Fusilier Guards: f>. lS4i: »i. lsTl I.ndv Constance
Adelaide. 4th dan. of Francis. ."• til Marquis of Hertford, and
has issue • Miles, b. 1S74.
Mr. Bum is a J.P. and D.L. for Suffolk, and Patron
of 3 livings; formerly Capt. 12th Lancers; he was
M.P. for Dunwich 1830-2. — Sotterle) Hall, Wang-
ford; The Grru Friars, Dunwich. Yo.rfonl, Suffolk; May
Noct, Cmyfont. Kent.
+ BARXEBY. William, Esq.. of Clater Park,
Eldest son of the late William Barneby, Esq., of Clater
Tark (who was manv vears a Magistrate for eo. Here-
ford, and High Sheriff in 1S49). l y Mary. 2nd dan. of
the late Richard Barneby, Esq.. of Worcester; b. 1845 :
1856: «». 187". Katharine Anne, youngest dau. of
William I.utley Selater. Esq., of Hoddington, Herts,
and has. with other issue. * a son. Ik 187:1. Mr. Barneby,
who was educated at Eton, descends from .a common an-
cestor with the Barnebys of Broekhampton (whom see).
— Cater Pari; Linton, Bromyard.
BARXEBY, William Henry, Esq., of Breden-
bnrv Court, Herefordshire, and blunder-
field Harold. Worcestershire.
Second son of the late John Barneby, Esq., M.P., of
Broekhampton. co. Hereford (who d. 1S46\ by Susan,
eldest dau. of Henry Elwes, Esq.. of Colesbourne. co.
Gloucester, and brother of J. H. Barnoby-Lutley, Esq.
(whom seel: b. 1843 : m. 18(55 Alice Mary, 3rd dau. of
the late Sir Michael Hicks-Beach. Bart., and has,
with other surviving issue. * Richard Hicks, b. 1875.
Mr. Barneby is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Hereford : late
Lieut. 58th Foot. — Brcdcnb»ry Court. Bromyard;
Junior Carlton and Xaral and Military Clubs, s.w.
BARXEBY-L CTLEY. John* Habixotox, Esq., of
Broekhampton, Herefordshire.
Eldest sou of the late John Barneby. Esq., M.P., of I
Broekhampton, by Susan, eldest dau. of Henry Elwes, 1
Esq., of Colesbourne, co. Gloucester; b. 1840 ; s. 1846 ;
m. 1S64 Emily Margaret, dau. of the Hon. and Rev.
George Gustavus Chetwynd-Talbot. and has. with other
issue. * John Talbot, b. 1S7-. Mr. Barnebv-Lutley, who '
was educated at Eton and Ch. Ch.. Oxford (B. A. 1861,
M.A. 1865V is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Hereford (High j
Sheriff 1872'). and a Magistrate for eo. Worcester; he
assumed the name of Lutley by royal licence 1864.
— Broekhampton, Worcester ; Carlton Club, s.w.
BARXES, Alfred, Esq., of Farnworth, Lanca-
Onlv son of the late George Barnes, Esq.. of Farn-
worth : b. 1S31 ; 1852 ; m. 1854 Ellen, dau. of E. R.
Le Mare. Esq.. of Manchester, and has issue * Harold
Alfred, b. 1856. Mr. A. Barnes, who was educated at
University Coll., London (B.A. 1852), is a Magistrate
for co. Lancaster. — Farntvorth, Bolton.
BARXES, Charles Augustus, Esq., of Chorley
Wood, Herts.
Eldest son of the late John Barnes, Esq., of Chorley
Wood House (who d. 1865), by Sarah, dau. of Charles
Medley, Esq., of Farringdon, Berks; b. 1830. Edu-
cated at Rugby ; is a Magistrate for Herts — Charley
Wood, near Bickmanstvorth.
BARXES, John, Esq., of Bunker's Hill, Cum-
Only son of the late Thomas Barnes, Esq., M.D., F.R.S.,
of Bunker's Hill (who was a Magistrate for Cum-
berland, and d. 1S72), by Ann, only dau. of the late
John Ismay, Esq., of Braekenlands, Cumberland,
and niece and coheir of the late William Kay, Esq.,
of Tring Park. Herts: b. 1820. is married, and has
issue * Thomas Kay. />. 1872. Mr. Barnes is Patron
of 1 living. — Bunker's Hill, Carlisle.
BARNES, Mrs., of Gilling Castle, Yorkshire.
Lavinia, elder and only surviving dau. of the late
Charles Gregory Fairfax, Ksq., of Gilling Castle, by
Mary, sister of the late Sir Henry Goodxieke, Bart., of
Ribston, CO. York ; her brother 1871 ; m. 1837 tho
Rev. James Alexander Barnes, Rector of Gilling (who
d. 1869).— Gilling Castle, York.
BARNES, Thomas, Esq., of Farnworth, Lanca-
Si cond 'ii of the lat e .lames Rothwell Barnes, Esq., of
Farnworth, Magistrate for co. Lancaster, and a merchant
at Bolton, by Elizabeth, dau. of Roger Taylor, Esq., of
Ontwood; b. 1813: m. 1834 Ann, dau. of William
Richardson, Esq., and has issue,
* James Richardson, b, ISHi); m. 1864 Ellen, youngest (3au,
of John Cheatham, Esq., of Eastwood, co. Lancaster.
Mr. Barnes is a Magistrate for co. Denbigh (on roll for
High Sheriff), and a J.P. and D.L. for co. Lancaster, a
merchant and manufacturer at Farnworth, and late
Chairman of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway ;
he was M.P. for Bolton 1852-7. and 1861-8.— L%mefied,
Farntvorth, Bolton ; The Quintet, Graignant, Chirk,
Denbighshire ; Reform Club, s.w.
BARXES, William, Esq., of Great Duryard,
Only son of the late Samuel Barnes, Esq., of Exeter, -
by Juliana Spoke, eldest dau. of the late William
Spoke, Esq., of Jordans, Somerset; />. 1817; m. 1840
Lucy, dau. of Walter Ash Long, Esq., of Preshaw
House, Hants, and by her (who d. 1850) has, with other
issue, * William (of The Grove, St. Leonard's, Devon);
educated at Westminster and Ch. Ch., Oxford ; h. 1843 ;
m. 1874 Jessie Aunie, dau. of Walter Jervis Long,
Esq., of Preshaw House, Hants. Mr. Barnes, who was-
educated at Westminster and Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A
1830, M.A. 1865), is a Magistrate for Devon, and a
Banker at Exeter, and Capt. Royal 1st Devon Yeo-
manry Cavalry. — Great Duryard, Exeter.
BARXES. (See Pcmherton-Barnes.)
BARXETT, Charles, Esq., of Stratton, Beds.
Eldest son of the late Major-General Barnett, of
Stratton, by Harriett, eldest dau. of Admiral Sir Richard
King, Bart,, of Bellevue, Kent ; b. 1796 ; s. 1804;
m. 1826 Elizabeth, 3rd dau. of the late Sir Peter
Payne, Bart., of Blunhum House, Beds, by whom he
has, with other issue,
* Charles Fitzroy, late Capt, 54th Regt. ; b. 1830; m. 1864
Lucy Jane, only child of the late Lieut.-Col. Gregory.
Mr. Barnett, who was educated at Emmanuel Coll.,
Cambridge, is a Magistrate for Beds (High Sheriff
1821).— Stratton Park, Biggleswade.
BARXETT, Charles George, Esq., of Sunning-
dale, Berks.
Second son of George Henry Barnett, Esq., of Glympton
Park, Oxon, by Elizabeth, dau. of the late Stratford
Canning, Esq.; b. 1818; m. 1847 Marianne Jane St.
John, dau. of Edward St. John Mildmay, Esq., and has,
with other issue, * Charles Edward, b. 1848 ; m. 1872
the Hon. Augusta. Rose, youngest dau. of John, 1st
Lord Ormathwaite, and has, with other issue, * Walter
Edward, b. 1 873. Mr. Barnett is a Magistrate for Berks,
and a banker in London. — King's Beeches, Sunningdale,
Bagshot ; White's Club, s.w.
BARXETT, Charles James, Esq., late of Chel-
tenham, Gloucestershire.
Eldest son of tho late James Barnett, Esq., of Stratton
Park, Bedfordshire, formerly M.P. for Rochester ; b.
1800; m. 1839 Sabine Louisa, dau. of Sir William
Curtis, Bart., and has, with other surviving issue,
* William, late Capt. 56th Regt. ; b. 1841.
Mr. Barnett, who is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Gloucester,
was M.P. for Maidstone 1830-1 and 1832-4.— Broohs's
and Union Clubs, s.w.
BARNETT, Henry, Esq., of Glympton, Oxford-
Eldest son of the late George Henry Barnett, Esq.,
J.P. and D.L., of Glympton (who cl. 1871), by Elizabeth,
dau. of the late Stratford Canning, Esq., of London,
merchant, and sister of Stratford, 1st Viscount Stratford
de Redeliffe, KG. ; /). 1815 ; m. 1838 Emily Anne, dau.
of John Stratton, Esq., of Chesterton, Oxon, and has
issue. Mr. Barnett, who was educated at Eton and
Ch. Oh., Oxford (B.A. 1836, M.A. 1847), is a J.P.
and D.L. for Oxon, Lord of the Manor of Glympton,
Patron of 1 living, and Licnt.-Col. Oxfordshire Yeomanry
Cavalry; was MP. for Woodstock 1865-74.— Glympton
Park, Woodstock; Travellers, Carlton, and St. Stephen's
Clubs, s.w.; 15, Halkin Street West, s.w.
BARNEWALL, Sir Reginald Aylmer John,
Bart., of Caucestown, co. Meath (cr. 1622).
Only son of the late Sir Aylmer John Barnewall, Bart.,
by Esmy Mary, dan. of Christopher Barnewall, Esq.,
of Meadstown, co. Meath ; b. 1838 ; s. as 8th Bart, 1838.
Educated at the R. Catholic University, Dublin ; de-
scended from a common ancestor with Lord Trimleston.
■ — 24, Green Street, Park Lane, w.
Heir Pres., Ms cousin John, b. 1825.
+ BARNEWALL, Charles, Esq., of Meads-
town, co. Meath.
Son of the late Christopher Barnewall, Esq., of Meads-
town (who cl. 1849), by Anne, dau. of — Aylmer, Esq. ;
b. 179 — ; m. 1st 18 — Catherine, dau. of John Conolly,
Esq., of Hagg\rd, co. Meath ; 2nd 1844 Letitia.
younger dau. of the late Gerald Aylmer, Esq. Is a
Magistrate for co. Meath. — Meadstown, near Navan ;
23, Eccles Street, Dublin.
BARNEWALL, Thomas, Esq., of Bloomsberry,
co. Meath.
Youngest but only surviving son of the late Joseph
Barnewall, Esq., of Bloomsberry (who d. 1852), by
Margaret, dau. of Thomas Everard, Esq., of Randalls-
town, co. Meath; b. 1827; s. his brother 1866.
— Bloomsberry, Kelts, co. Meath.
Heirs Pres., his sisters.
BARNEWALL. (See under Trimleston, Lord.)
BARNS. (See Graham-Bams.)
BARNSTON, Harry, Esq., of Crewe Hill,
Only surviving son of the late William Barnston, Esq.,
J.P., of Crewe Hill, late Major 55th Regt, (who
d. 1872), by Mary Emma, dau. of Col. King, K.H.;
b. 1870. Is Lord of the Manor of Farndon. — Crewe
Hill, Farndon, Chester.
BARNWELL, the Rev. Charles Barnwell, of
Mileham, Norfolk.
Son of the late John Herring, Esq., Alderman of Nor-
wich, by Catherine, only dau. and heir of John Barn-
well, Esq., of Mileham (whose name he assumed) ; b.
1800; m. 1829 Sophia, dau. of George T. Wyndham,
Esq., of Cromer Hall, Norfolk, and by her (who d. 1871)
has issue * Charles Wyndham, b. 1836; m. 1866 Alice
Anne, only child of the late Col. Skinner, C.B. Mr.
Barnwell, who was educated at Caius Coll., Cambridge
(B.A. 1823), is a Magistrate for Norfolk, Patron and
Rector of Mileham, and Lord of the Manors of Mileham
and Beestoa, — Mileham Hall, Swaffham.
+ BARRAS, John, Esq., of Kihblesworth, co.
Son of the late J. Barras, Esq.; b. 18 — . Is a Dep.-
Lieut, for co. Durham, of which he has been High
Sheriff. — Kihblesworth, near Gateshead.
+ BARRATT, Mrs., late of Lymm Hall, Lan-
Sarah Hester, youngest dau. of the late Thomas Earn-
shaw Tidswell, Esq., of Withington, co. Chester; m.
1860 James Barratt, Esq., of Lymm Hall, who d. 1869.
BARRETO, the Baron Henry, F.R.S.L.,
K.G.C.S., of Brandon Park, Suffolk.
Youngest son of the late James Aldridge, Esq. (J.P.
and D.L. for Sussex), by Elizabeth, dau. of the late
William Bliss, Esq., M.D., of Essex; b. 1818; s. his
uncle Edward Bliss, Esq. (High Sheriff of Suffolk, J.P.),
of Brandon Park, and assumed his name 1846; in.
1868 Catherine Eliza, eldest dau. of the Rev. Robert
Baker, Bector of Friston, Suffolk, and has, with other
issue, * Henry Edward Ernest Victor d'Alreyjo, b.
1869. The Baron is a J.P. and D.L. for Essex, a
Magistrate for Middlesex and Westminster, Lord of the
Manors of Brandon, Blagrove, and Northcomb, and
Patron of 1 living ; he assumed the name of Barreto
in lieu of De Bliss in 1869, on inheriting his estates in
Spain. Late Lieut, Fusilier Guards, and Capt, S.
Middlesex Militia ; was created a Baron of Portugal in
1855, and a Knight Grand Cross of Charles III. of
Spain in 1872. — Brandon Park, Suffolk; Sledclale
Forest, Westmoreland ; Northcombe Half, Bratton Clo-
vclly, Devon; The Elms, Brighton; Berkeley House,
Hyde Park Square, w.
BARRETT, John Basil, Esq., of Milton, Berks.
Eldest son of the late John Richard Barrett, Esq., of
Milton, by Martha, dau. of the late Charles Norrington,
Esq. ; b. 1818; s. 1843; m. 1861 Ellen, dau. of John
Box, Esq., of Abingdon, and has, with other issue,
* John Basil Joseph, b. 1865. Mr. Barrett, who was
educated at Oscott Coll., is a Magistrate for Berks,
and Lord of the Manor of Milton. — Milton House,
BARRETT, John Edward, Esq., of Carriga-
ness, co. Cork.
Eldest son of the late Edward Barrett, Esq., by Mary
Anne, dau. of James Barry, Esq., of Kilbarry ; b. 1823 ;
s. 1843 ; m. 1856Katherine, dau. of William O'Sullivan,
Esq., of Carriganess Castle. Educated at Clongowes
Coll.; is a Magistrate for co. Cork. — Carriganess
Castle, Bantry, co. Cork.
BARRETT, the Rev. Tufnell Samuel, of Court
Lodge, Kent.
Eldest son of the late Tufnell C. Barrett, Esq , of
Court Lodge, by Mary Anne, dau. of the late Benjamin
O'Neil Hughes, Esq., of Hill Town, co. Wexford ; b.
1833; s. 1856; m. 1857 Louisa, dau. of Frederic
Cowper, Esq., of Carleton Hall, Cumberland, and has,
with other issue, * Tufnell Cowper Alliston, b. 1857,
Mr. Barrett, who was educated at Ch. Ch., Oxford
(B.A. 1856, M.A. 1859), entered Holy Orders 1857.
— Court Lodge, Sliome, near Gravesend, Kent ; Barrow-
in-Furness, Lancashire.
BARRETT, William John Gentil, Esq., of
Elmstone, Kent.
Eldest son of William Henry Barrett, Esq., of Bath,
Somerset, by Elizabeth, dau. of the late Chas. Gentil,
Esq., of Tihroot, Calcutta; b. 1845; m. 1868 Amy
Harriet Emma Cassandra, elder daughter of the late
Edward Cbas. John Cobbold, Esq., of Long Melford,
Suffolk, and has, with other issue, * William Alfred
Cobbold, b. 1869. Mr. Barrett, who was educated at
Winchester, is Lord of the Manor of Elmstone, and
Patron of i tiring. — Btmttotu Court, near ffib^Mam;
Cutrrkam, II*. Crxydon ; I'hin rsitics CI ul>, s.w.
BAR KINGTON. Viscount (Gi:oRGE William
Bo B IRQ ton ) .— Cr. 1 7'20.
Eldest son of William Keppel, (!tli Viscount, by the
Hon. Jane Eiirahi th. 2nd dan. of Thomas, 1st Lord
K.'iv. nsworth : b. 182*; «. 1 S(>7 : educated at Eton
and Oh. C!i.. Oxford. Is a ,T.1\ and D.L. for Berks : has
been M l', for Eye since 1S(>6 ; was Private See. to the
late Earl of Derby 1866-8; appointed Vice-Chamber-
lain of the Household 1874. — Picket t House, S/.riven-
iam ; Carlton Ctit/>, s.w. ; 19, Hertford Street, w.
Ilni- Pre."., his brother Peivy (of Vcstlmry Manor. Btiekine-
hftni). Educated at Eton : a Deyi.-Lieut. for Oxon ami a
Mainstrato force*. Xonlutnpton aiul Bucks (High Sheriff
1 >i- 4 > : Lent of the Manor amt ratron of Westbury; late
Capt. Oxford Militia; formerly Lieut. Hide BripraAe, anil
subsequently I.ieut. Soots Fusilier Guards; ft. 1896; m.
1S4'> Louisa, only surviving child of the late Tully lliggius,
Esq., and ha*.- with other issue. * Walter Bulkeley, a
Magistrate for Bucks and Northumberland; ft. 184S;
•h. 1S70 Mary Isabella 2nd dan. of the late Rev. Richard
Bogue, Vicar of Denburv. S. Devon, and has, with other
issue. • William Reginald Shnte, ft. 1873.
BARRINGTON, Sir Croker, Bart., of Glenstal,
co. Limerick (cr. 18ol).
Only surviving son of the late Sir Matthew Barrington,
Bart., of Limerick (who was Crown Solicitor for Minis-
ter 1832-61, and who d. 1861). by Charlotte, dau. of
William Hartigan. Esq., of Dublin; b. 1817: S. his j
brother as 4th Bart. 187--': m. 1S4S Anna, dau. of the
late John Beattie West. Esq.. M.P. for Dublin (she
d. 1873). Educated at Trinity Coll.. Dublin ; admitted
a Solicitor in Dublin 1841 ; was some time Clerk of
the Crown for Limerick. — Glenstal, Murroe, co. Lime-
rick; 10. Ely Place, Dublin.
Heir, his son Charles Burton, ft. 1S4S.
BARRINGTON, Sir John, Knt., of BelviUe,
co. Dublin (cr. 1868).
Eldest son of Edward Barrington, Esq., of Fassaroe,
eo. Wicklow, bv Sarah, dau. of the late Wni. Lead-
beater, Esq.. of Ballitore. co. Kildare ; b. 1824 ; m. 1848
Elizabeth, dau. of the late Jonathan Pim, Esq., of
Bloomsburv, co. Dublin, and has. with other issue,
* Edward, 'b. 1849. Sir John, who is a J.P. and D.L. [
for, and a merchant in Dublin, was Lord Mayor of
Dublin 1865. — Behntte, Kingstown, co. Dublin; Royal
Irish Yacht Club, Kingstown; 202, Great Britain
Street, Dublin.
Hetton Hall
Abbey. Kent
Only son of die late Hon. Russell Barrington (who d.
1835). by Maria, only dau. of the late John Lvon, Esq. ;
b. 1834 ; s. his mother 1871. Is a J.P. and D.L. for
co. Durham. — Hetton Hall, Durham ; Kcarsney Abbey,
by Mary, dau. and heiress of Picrsc Barron, Esq., of
Georgestown, co. Waterford, and Carrig Barron; b.
1793; s. 1797; m. 1815 K&therine Elizabeth, eldest
dau. of Cornelius Bolton, Esq., of Faithleggo, co.
Waterford, M.P.. by Eliza, his wife, 2nd dau. of
Charles MaeDonnoll.' Esq., of New Hall and Kilkoe,
CO. Clare. Appointed Resident Magistrate of co. Lime-
rick in 183SI; is a ,1.1*. ami D.L. for co. Waterford
(High Sheriff 1835).— Carrig Barron, Waterford; 74,
Gtorge Street, Limerick ; Kildare Street Club, Dublin.
13ARRON," I'ii use Marcus, Esq., of Clmviow,
co. Waterford.
Eldest son of the late William Barron, Esq., of Cadiz,
and of Carrig Barron, co. Waterford, by Margarita,
dan. of — Power, Esq.; b. 1805; m. 1825 Catherine
Lucinda, dau. of Lawrence Crowe, Esq., of Stephen's
Green, Dublin, and has, with other issue, * Pierse
Laurence Joseph Manuel, b. 1826. Mr. Barron is a
J.P. and D.L. and Grand Juror of co. Waterford (High
Sheriff 1868), a Governor of the County Asylum, a
Magistrate for the City of Waterford, and a Conserva-
tor of Fisheries. — Glenvieiu, Waterford ; Belmont Park,
Ferrybank, Waterford; 102, Stephens Green, Dublin.
BARRON, William Newell, Esq., of Kinghill
House, Downshire.
YouDgest son of the late Pierse Barron, Esq., by Mary
Anne. dau. o Henry Winston, Esq., of Fethard, co.
Epperary, and mly surviving brother of Sir Henry W.
Barron, Bart.; b. 1805; m. 1831 Mary Frances St. John
Newell, dau. and coheir of Capt. John Newell, B.N.,
of Kinghill House, co. Down, and has, with other issue,
* Pierse Barron Newell, b. 1834. Mr. Barron, who
was educated at Paris, and at Trinity Coll., Dublin,
and was called to the Irish Bar 1830, is a Magistrate •
for co. Down ; was appointed Chairman of Quarter
Sessions of King's Co. 1841, and of co. Monaghan
1870. — Kinghill House, Xeicry, Doicnshirc; 35, Fitz-
icilliam Place, Dublin.
Francis Lion, Esq., of
co. Durham, and Kearsney
Dovtr ; Turf, and Boyal Thames Yacht, Club, w.
Carlton, Junior Conservative, and Wanderers' Clvh,
s.w.; 97, Piccadilly, w.
BARRON, Sir Henkt Page Turner, Bart., of
Belmont Park, co. Waterford (cr. 1841).
Only son of the late Sir Henry Winston Barron, Bart.,
of Belmont Park, some time M.P. for Waterford, by
his 1st wife. Anna Leigh Guy, dau. of the late Sir
Gregory Page Turner, Bart. ; b. 1824 ; s. as 2nd Bart.
1872. Was Secretary of Legation at Lisbon 1858-61,
at Brussels 1861-6 ; Secretary of Embassy at Con-
stantinople 1866-71 ; transferred to Brussels 1871.
— Btlmont Park, Waterford ; St. James's Chd>, w.
BARRON, Pierse George, of Carrig Barron,
co. Waterford.
Only surviving child qf the late John Barron, Esq.,
BARROW, Sir George, Bart. C.M.G. (cr.
Eldest son of the late Sir John Barrow, Bart, (many
years Secretary of the Admiralty), by Mary, dau. of
Peter John Triiter, Esq., of Cape of Good Hope ; b.
1806; s. as 2nd Bart. 1848; m. 1832 Eosamond, dau.
of William Pennell, Esq., and adoj>ted dau. of the late
Bight Hon. John Wilson Croker. Educated at the
Charterhouse ; late Chief Clerk in the Colonial Office,
and Sec. and Registrar of the Order of St. Michael and
St. George. — Athcneeum Club, s.w. ; Ulverstone Lodge,
Addison Boad, Kensington, w.
Heir, his son John Croker, M.A. of Pembroke Coll., Oxford,
and Barrister- at-Law of Lincoln's Inn ; 6. 1833; m. 1857
Emily Jane, eldest dau. of the late James Nathaniel
MeiTiman, Esq., of Kensington Square, London, and has,
with other issue, * Francis Laurence John, ft. 1862.
BARROW, John James, Esq., of Holmewood,
Only son of the late John Barrow, Esq., of Bingwood
Hall, co. Derby (who d. 1871), by Barbara, dau. of
Don Yzguierdo ; b. 1829; m. 1st 1854 Caroline, dau.
of the late. W. Ferguson Holroyde, Esq., of Heath
Boyde, Halifax (who d. 1865); 2nd 1867 Dorothea
Mary, eldest dau. of the Rev. James Deans, Vicar of
Exminster, Devon, and has by the former, with other
issue, * John Burton (of Bingwood Hall, Chesterfield,
co. Derby), educated at Bradfield Coll., Reading, and
Magdalen Coll., Oxford, b. 1855. Mr. Barrow, who
was educated at King's Coll., London, is a J.P. and
D.L. for co. Derby, and Lord of the Manor of Briming-
ton. — Holmewood, near Tunbridge Wells; Junior Carl-
ton Club, s.w. ; 35, Westbourne Terrace, w.
BARROW, Richard Bridgeman, Esq., of Syd-
nope Hall, Derbyshire.
Son of the late George Hodgkinson Barrow, Esq., J.P.,
of Eingwood Hall, co. Derby, formerly of Southwell,
Notts (who d. 18C5); b. 1810; m. 1st 1836 Avice
Elizabeth, only dau. of the late William James May,
Esq. (she d. 1868); 2nd 1868 Janetta Hannah, eldest
dan. of the late Sir John Lambton Loraine, Hart, (she
d. 1870) ; he has by the former, with other issue,
* Richard William, b. 1 84-. Mr. Barrow is a Magistrate
for eo. Derby — Sydnopc Hall, Matlock, Derbyshire.
BARROW, William Hodgson, Esq., of South-
well, Notts.
Second son of the late Rev. Richard Barrow, by Mary,
dau. of the late George Hodgkinson, Esq., of Southwell,
Notts ; b. 178-1 ; s. 1807. Is a J.P. and D.L. for Notts
(High Sheriff 1845); was M.P. for S. Notts 1850-74.
— Southwell, Nottinghamshire ; Carlton Club, s.w.
BARROWS, Col. William, of Hagley, Wor-
Eldest son of the late William Barrows, Esq.. J.P., of
Hagley, by Martha, dau. of Thomas Hill, Esq. ; b. 1825 ;
in. 1848 Helena, dau. of the Rev. A. U. Hansen, of
Holstein, and has, with other issue, * William Adol-
phus, b. 1852. Col. Barrows, who is an Iron Manufac-
turer at Tipton, is a Magistrate for cos. Stafford and
Worcester, and Hon. Col. Staffordshire Rifle Volun-
teers.— The Birches, Hagley, Stourbridge.
BARRS, Frederic William George, Esq., of
Haden Hill, Staffordshire.
Eldest son of the late Rev. Geo. Barrs (who d. 1840),
by Mary, widow of John Haden, Esq., of Haden Hill;
b. 1802 ; in. 1838 Mary, eldest dau. of Dan. Hill, Esq.,
of Rowley Regis, co. Stafford. Educated at St. John's
Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1827, M.A. 1830); is a Magis-
trate for cos. Stafford and Worcester. — Haden Hill,
BARRY, Sir Redmond, Knt. (cr. 1860).
Third son of the late Major-General Henry Green
Barry, of Ballyclough, co. Cork, by Phcebe, dau. of
the late John Armstrong Drought, Esq., of Lettybrook,
King's Co. ; b. 1813 ; called to the Irish Bar 1838 ; is
Senior Puisne Judge of Victoria, and Chancellor of the
University of Melbourne. — Melbourne, Victoria.
BARRY, Arthur Hugh SMITH-, Esq., of Fota
Island, co. Cork, and Marbury, Cheshire.
Elder son of the late James Hugh Smith-Barry, Esq., of
Eota Island and of Marbury, by Eliza, dau. of the late
Shaleross Jacson, Esq.; b. 1843; s. 1857; in. 1868
Lady Mary Frances, 2nd dau. of Edwin Richard. 3rd
Earl of Dunraven, and had issue James Hugh, b. 1870,
d. 1871. Mr. Smith Barry, who was educated at Eton
and Ch. Ch., Oxford, is a Dep. -Lieut, for co. Cork, a
Magistrate for eo. Chester, and Lieut, in the Earl
of Chester's Yeomanry Cavalry ; was M.P. for co.
Cork 1867-74. — Fota Island, Queenstown, co. Cork;
Marbury Hall, Northwich; St. James's Club, s.w.;
26, Chesham Place, s.w.
BARRY, Edward Robert Caulfeild, Esq., of
Kilbolane Castle, co. Cork.
Eldest son of the late Major Bartholomew Edward
Barry, formerly of the 6th Dragoons, by Grace, dau. of
Lieut.-Col. William Caulfeild, of Benown, co. West-
meath; b. 1828; s. 1844; m. 1855 Kate Elizabeth
Manley, dau. of Henry E. Cullen, Esq., of Rockwood,
co. Leitrim. Educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin ; is a
Magistrate for co. Cork. — Kilbolane Castle, Charlcville.
BARRY, James, Esq., of Ballyclough, co.
Cork, and Mocollop, co. Waterford.
Eldest son of the late Major-General Henry Green
Barry, of Ballyclough, by Phoebe, dau. of John Arm-
strong Drought, Esq., of Lettybrook, King's Co. ;
b. 1805; s. 1838; m. 1811 Olivia Maria, dau. and heir
of the late Francis Drew, Esq., D.L., of Mocollop.
Educated at Eton ; is a J.P. and D.L. for cos. Cork and
Waterford (High Sheriff of co. Cork 1841) ; entered the
army 1823, served in the 71st Foot, and was afterwards
Capt. 15th Regt. — Ballyclough, Fermoy, co. Cork; Mo-
collop Castle, Lismore, co. Waterford.
Heir Pres., his brother Sir Redmond Barry (whom see).
BARRY, James Grene, Esq., of Sandville
Grange, co. Limerick.
Eldest son of James Barry, Esq., of Bellevue (who d.
1856), by Maria, dau. of John Grene, Esq., of Cappa-
murra House, co. Tipperary ; b. 1841 ; educated at St.
Mary's Coll., Oscott ; is a Magistrate for co. Limerick.
— Sandville Grange, KilmallocJc ; Bellevue, Croom, co.
BARRY, James Hugh SMITH-, Esq., of co.
Younger son of the late James Hugh Smith-Barry,
Esq., of Fota Island, co. Cork (who d. 1857), by Eliza,
dau. of the late Shaleross Jacson, Esq. ; b. 1845 ; s. his
uncle, James Smith-Barry, Esq., 1857; m. 1874 Lady
Charlotte Jane, eldest dau. of William, 3rd Earl of
Enniskillen. Educated at Eton and Ch. Ch., Oxford;
■was High Sheriff of co. Louth 1870; formerly in the
Grenadier Guards. — Residence: Fota, Queenstown.
BARRY, James Redmond, Esq., J of Glandore,
co. Cork.
Only surviving son of the late James Barry, Esq., of
Donoughmore, co. Cork, by Margaret, dau. of John
Farrell, Esq., of Burren, co. Cork; b. 1789; s. 1800;
m. 1819 Anne, dau. of Bartholomew Foley, Esq., of
Cork, and widow of John Stack, Esq., of the city of
Cork, and has, with other issue,
* William Fitz James, resident Magistrate for co. Westmeath,
and a Magistrate for co. Cork ; 6. 1S24 ; m. 1849 Annette
Thelaire, only dau. of Edmond Hore, Esq., of Liverpool , and
has, with other issue, * James Edmond Fitzwilliam, b. 1853.
Mr. Barry, who is a Magistrate for co. Cork, late a
Commissioner of Irish Fisheries, was formerly In-
spector-General of Irish Fisheries. — Glandore, Ross
Carbery, co. Cork ; Malahide, Dublin; 58, Upper Lee-
son Street, Dublin.
BARRY, Miss, of Lemlara House, co. Cork.
Penelope, 2nd dau. of the late Standish Barry, Esq.,
of Lemlara (who d. 1821), by Margaret, dau. of Philip
John Roche, Esq., of Newcastle, co. Limerick ; s. her
brother Garret Standish Barry, Esq. (formerly M.P. for
co. Cork) 1864. — Lemlara, Carrigtuohill, co. Cork.
Jleir Pres., her sister Anne.
BARRY, Mrs., of Lota Lodge, co. Cork.
Marie Terese, dau. of Francois Bequinot, Esq., of Belle-
vue, Mauritius; in. 1857 George Richard Barry, Esq.,
of Lota Lodge, lato M.P. for co. Cork, who d. 1867.
— Lota Lodge, Glanmire, Cork.
BARRY, William Norton, Esq., of Castle
Cor, co. Cork.
Son of the late William Norton Barry, Esq., J.P.,
of Castle Cor (who d. 1871), by his second wife Eliza-
beth, youngest dau. of the late Sir William Wrixon-
Becher, Bart., of Ballygiblin, co. Cork; b. 1859.
— Castle Cor, Mallow, Cork ; Army and Navy Club, s.w.
BARSTOW, Thomas Irwin, Esq., of Garrow
Hill, York.
Son of the late Thomas Barstow, Esq., J.P. and D.L.,
I This family is descended from the Viscounts Buttevant. as
appears from an inquiry before the Lords' Committee of Privi-
leges in 1825, when claimed by Mr. J. R. Barry; but the title is
still in abeyance.
tf Garrvur Hill, bj Anno Susanna, dau. of Robert
J, mov Esq.; h- 1*»18 : 1 S(il Mary Elizabeth,
d.-m. ofBtHj Lewi**. Bra., of Reaatheath, eo, Chester.
MhM at Trinity Coll. Cambridge (B.A. 1 S 12.
M.A. 184:11 : sailed to the Bar at the Inner Temple 1846.
-frtrnur //?//. fM; 3. Que tist*m>u<}h Terrace, W.
1st!- Mnrj
Mr /vw.. his broth* Robert, (>. 18S0;
June, dau. of OoL Hulmo, Nth Kcgt.
of The
BABTLEET, Robiji Smith. Esq.,
ShruMvrv. Worcestershire.
Eldest son of William Bartleet, Esq., by
dan. of the late Robert Smith, Esq.. of
Grove, eo. Warwick: b. 1822 : »i. 1S.)1 Harriot. dau.
of the lata Joseph Stook. Esq.. of Bournbrook Hall,
near Birmineham. Is a J. P. and D.L. for eo. Worces-
ter : late Capt. 17th Worcestershire Hitle Volunteers.
— 7%t $hrtd>brry. Rtdditek
BARTLETT. John Edwabd, Esq., of Peverel
Court, Bucks.
Eldest son of the late Edward Bartlett, Esq.. of
Buckingham, bv Eliza Man-, dan. of the late S. Hol-
lowav. Esq.. of Buckingham ; b. 1824: m. 1st 1S57
Svhilla Maokouzie. dan. of Alexander Mackenzie
Kirkland. Esq. (she d. 1S60) ; 2nd 1866 Sarah
EmilT. only dau. of James Napier, Esq., of Aig-
burth, near Liverpool ; he has, with other issue,
* Edward Noel Napier, b. 1S70. Mr. Bartlett is a J.P.
and D.L for Bucks, and a Magistrate for Buckingham.
— PeiYrel Court, Aylesbury ; Union Club, s.w. ; Gresham
Club, K.C.
BARTOLUCCI. VrnCEHZO, Esq., of Greenville
Park, co. Kilkenny.
Second son of the late General Luigi Bartolucei, of
Koine (who d. 1858), by Candida, dau. of Signor
Saverio Shuthers. of Rome; b. 1S25; m, 1st 1846
Clem°ntina. vounscrdau. of the late Lieut. -Col. Thomas
(who d. 1867) ;
(High Sheriff 1868), a J.P. for Donegal, and Lord of
the Manor of Wardhouse, CO. Leitrim, was formerly
Capt. Fermanagh Militia. — The Waterfoot, PctUgo,
BARTOX, OiiKisToniuK, Esq., of Roehestown,
co. Tipperary.
Eldest son of the late Samuel William Barton, Esq.,
J.P. and D.L., of Roehestown, by Emma, dau. of the
late Hon. Charles Holy Hutchinson; b. 18:52 ; S. 1857.
Is a Magistrate for co. Tipperary. — Rochestown, Cahir,
Heir Pres., his brother Henry 6. 1S:!0.
BARTON, Hugh Lynedoch, Esq., of Straffan,
co. Kildare.
Eldest son of the lato Nathaniel Barton, Esq., J.P.. of
Straffan (who was High Sheriff of co. Kildare 1850),
by .Mary Susan, 2nd dau. of the late Henry Harm-
wood Scott, Esq., Consul at* Bordeaux, France ; 6.
1824 ; S. 1867 ; m. 1855 the Hon. Anna Emily, eldest
dau, of Eyre, 3rd Lord Clarina. Is a J.P. and D.L.
for CO. Kildare (High Sheriff 1861); late Major
Kildare Rifles; formerly an officer in the 6th Inniskil-
lings. — Straffan House, Straffan Station, co. Kildare.
BARTON", John Hope, Esq., of Stapleton Park,
Yorkshire, and Saxby, Lincolnshire.
Only son of the late John Watson Barton, Esq., of
Stapleton Park, by Juliana, eldest dan. of James Hope,
Esq., of Moray Place, Edinburgh; h. 1833; s. 1840;
<>i. 1872 Florence Mary AnnaLella, youngest dau. of
the late Henry James Ramsden, Esq., of Oxton Hall,
co. York, and has issue * Henry John Hope, b. 1873.
Mr. Barton, who was educated at Eton and Ch. Ch.,
Oxford (B.A. 1856, M.A. 1864), is a Magistrate for
the W. Killing of co. York (High Sheriff 1863), and
a Dep. -Lieut, for co. Lincoln. — Stapleton Par/c, Ponte-
fract; Saxby Hall, Barton-on-Humbcr ; Carlton and
Boodles Clubs, s.w.; 10, Lowndes Street, s.w.
Dundas. of "Canon Hall, eo. Stirlin
2nd 1875 the Countess Amelia Brancaleone. eldest dau.
of the Marquis Brancaleone. of Italy, and niece of the ] BARION, NATHANIEL, Esq., of Corsley, Wilts.
late Lord Brou^hton, and has by the former, with other
issue. * Vincenzo ; b. 184S.— Greenville Park, near Kil-
macow. eo. Kilkenny.
BARTON, Baptist Johnston, Esq., of Green-
fort House, co. Donegal.
Son of the late Baptist Johnston Barton. Esq., J.P., of
Portsalon. co. Donegal, and of Derry Haller, co. Mona-
ehan, by Maria, only dau. of William Mac-Laughlin,
Esq. : b. 1848; s. 1851 to estates in co. Donegal, under
the will of his grand-uncle, Capt. Babington, of Green-
fort (who d. 1836). — Greenfort House, Bamelton.
BARTON,, Esq., of Holbrook House,
Eldest son of the late Very Rev. Charles Barton, D.D.,
Dean and Rector of Boeking, Essex, by Emma Frances,
dau. of the Rev. Barnard Scale, of Braintree, Essex; b.
1818 : m. 1842 Dorothea Maria, dau. of Major Wemyss,
of Gloucester, and has, with other issue, * Maurice
Charles, b. 1852. Mr. Barton, who was educated at
Shrewsbury and Wadham Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1840),
is a Magistrate for Somerset, and a member of the
Inner Temple. — Holbrook House, Wincanton ; Conser-
vative Club, s.w.
BARTON, Chaeles Robert, Esq., of The
Waterfoot, co. Fermanagh.
Eldest son of the late Lieut.-Col. Hugh William Barton,
of TheWaterfoot (who d. 1870), by Mary, dau. of
Robert Johnston, Esq., of Kinlough House, co. Leia-im,
b. 1832 : in. 1872 Henrietta Mervyn, youngest dau. of
Henry Mervyn Richardson, D.L., Esq., of Rossfad, co.
Fermanagh, and has issue * William Hugh, b. 1874. Mr.
Barton, who is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Fermanagh
Only son of the late Nathaniel Barton, Esq., by Eliza-
beth, dau. of the Rev. Brouncker Thring, D.D., Rector
of Sutton Yeney, Wilts; b. 1813; s. 1828; m. 1847
Mary, dau. of John Nicholas, Esq., Commander R.N.,
and has issue * Nathaniel Fletcher, b. 1849. Mr.
Barton, who was educated at Winchester Coll., is a
Magistrate for Somerset, a J.P. and D.L. for Wilts
(High Sheriff 1873), and Lieut. Wilts Yeomanry.
— Corsley House, Warminster.
BARTON, Richard, Esq., of Caldy Manor,
Eldest son of the late Richard Watson Barton, Esq.,
of Springwood, co. Lancaster (who d-. 1861), by Mary,
dau. of John Watson, Esq., of Penwortham Lodge, co.
Lancaster; b. 1821 ; m. 1850 Elizabeth, elder dau. of the
late Sir Benjamin Heywood, Bart. Educatedat St. Peter's
Coll., Cambridge (M.A. 1848) ; called to the Bar'atthe
Inner Temple 1849 ; is a Magistrate for co. Chester
(High Sheriff 1875), and Lord of the Manor of Caldy.
— Caldy Manor, Birkenhead.
BARTON, Samuel Henry, Esq., of Grove,
co. Tipperary.
Eldest surviving son of the late William Barton, Esq.,
J.P. and D.L., of Grove, by (who d. 1857) Catharine,
dau. of Samuel Perry, Esq., of Woodrooffe, co. Tip-
perary ; 6.1817; s. his brother 1871 ; m. 1862 Mary
Eliza, only dau. of the late Major Thomas Frobisher, of
Cheltenham, and has, with other issue, * William
Henry Hugh, b. 1871. Mr. Barton, who was educated
at Harrow, is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Tipperary.
— Grove, Fethard, co. Tipperary; Kildare Street Club,
Dublin; Lansdown Place, Cheltenham; Junior Carlton
Club, s.w.
57 .
BARTON, Thomas Edward Walter, Esq., of
Threxton, Norfolk".
Only son of the late Thomas Barton, Esq., of Threxton,
by Hannah, dan. of Edward Clark, Esq. ; b. 1811; s.
1837 ; vi. 1844 Eliza, only child of John Allday, Esq.,
of Grriston, Norfolk, and has, with other issue, * Thomas
Allday, 6. 1845. Mr. Barton is a Magistrate for Nor-
folk, and Lord of the Manor of Threxton. — Threxton
House, Watton.
+ BARTON, the late Thomas Ekskine, Esq.,
of Glendakmgh, co. Wicklow.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Johnston Barton, Esq.,
of Grlendalough (a J.P. and D.L. for co. Roscommon),
by Frances, dau. of the late David Morris, Esq., Master
in Chancery, and granddau. of Thomas, 1st Lord
Erskine; b. 1831 ; d. 1874. Was a Magistrate for co.
Wicklow. — Glendalough House, Greystoncs, co. WicMow.
BARTTELOT, Sir Walter Barttelot, Bart., of
Stopham, Sussex (cr. 1875).
Eldest son of the late George Barttelot, Esq., of Stop-
ham, J.P. and D.L. (who d. 1872), by Emma, youngest
dau. of the late James Woodbridge, Esq., of Richmond,
Surrey; b. 1820; m. 1st 1852 Harriet, 4th, dau. of the
late Sir Christopher Musgrave, Bart., of Edenhall (she
d. 1863); 2nd 1868 Margaret, only child of the late
Henry Boldero, Esq., of South Lodge, St. Leonard's
Forest, Sussex. Educated at Rugby ; is a J.P. and
D.L. for Sussex, Lord of the Manor of Stopham,
Patron of 1 living, and Lieut.-Col. 1st Batt. Sussex
Rifle Volunteers ; elected M.P. for West Sussex 1860 ;
late Capt. 1st Royal Dragoons. — Stopham House, near
Pulborough, Sussex; Junior United Service and Carlton
Clubs, s.w. ; 3, St. James's Place, s.w.
Heir, ttis son Walter George, educated at Eton ; Lieut. 5th
Dragoon Guards, b. 1854.
BARTTELOT, Brian Barttelot, Esq., of
Bramblehurst, Sussex.
Second surviving son of the late George Barttelot,
Esq., of Stopham, Sussex (who d. 1872), by Emma,
youngest dau. of the late James Woodbridge, Esq.,
of Richmond, Surrey ; b. 1833 ; m. 1864 Mary Dorothy,
eldest dau. of John Frederic Bateman, Esq., of Moor
Park, Surrey, and has, with other issue, * George
Frederic, b. 1865. Mr. Barttelot, who was educated at
Rugby and Merton Coll., Oxford, is a Magistrate for
Sussex, late Capt. 8th Sussex Rifle Volunteers. — Bram-
blehurst, E. Grinstead ; Oxford and Cambridge Club, s.w.
BARWIS, the Rev. William Cuthbert, of
Langrigg, Cumberland.
Eldest son of the late John Barwis, Esq., of Langrigg
by Frances, dau. of the late Rev. John Gutch, Regis-
trar of the University of Oxford ; b. 1824; m. 1st 1850
Mary, dau. of Benjamin Hoghton, Esq., of Waltham
Abbey, Essex ; 2nd 1869 Ellen Sarah, youngest dau. of
the late William Tuckwell, Esq., and has issue by the
former, * Amy. Mr. Barwis, who was educated at
Merchant Taylors' School and Pembroke Coll., Cam-
bridge (B.A. 1847, M.A. 1851), was formerly Incum-
bent of Christ Church, Leeds. — Langrigg Hall, Broom-
field, Mary-port ; Hoylandsmaine, Barnsley.
BASHALL, John, Esq., of Lostock, Lancashire.
Eldest son of the late William Bashall, Esq., of Bamber
Bridge, Lancaster, by Margaret, dau. of T. Miller, Esq.,
ofClitheroe; b. 1802; s. 1845; m. 1822 Charlotte, dau.
of Peter Bodkin, Esq., of Clerkenwell, Middlesex, and
has, with other issue,
* 'William, in Holy Orders, M.A. St. John's Coll., Oxford ;
6. 1828 ; m. 1860 his cousin Elizabeth, youngest dau. of
William Bashall, Esq., of Farington Lodge, near Preston,
co. Lancaster, and has, with other issue, *William, b. 1862.
— Lostock Hall, Preston ; Brooklands, Surbiton, s.w.
' BASHFORD, Frederick, Esq., of Barvins,
Second son of the late James Bashford, Esq., Capt. R.N.,
by Sophia, dau. of William C. Lake, Esq., of Castle
Godwin, co. Gloucester; b. 1818; m. 1st 1844 Mary
Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Capt. George Butler, R.N. ;
2nd 1868 Emma Charlotte, dau. of the late Daniel
Smith Bockett, Esq., of Hampstead Heath, Middlesex;
and has issue by the former, * George Frederick, late
Lieut. Royal Scots Greys, b. 1846. — Barvins, Northaw,
Herts; 135, Finborough Road, West Brompton, s.w.
BASHFORD, William Charles Lake, Esq.,
of Copthorne House, Sussex.
Eldest son of the late James Bashford, Esq., Capt.
R.N. (who d. 1832), by Sophia, dau. of William C.
Lake, Esq., of Castle Godwin, co. Gloucester; b. 1812 ;
m. 1835 Frances Jane, 2nd dau. of the Rev. John
Brome, M.A., of Bromefield, Barbados, and has issue,
* Charles Brome, a Magistrate for Middlesex, and Major
5th Middlesex Militia, late Capt. 9th Lancers; b. 1839 ; m.
1864 Anne Argentine, younger dau. of the late John Fryer,
Esq., of Wimborne, Dorset, and has issue.
Mr. Bashford is a Magistrate for Middlesex. — Cop-
thorne House, near Crawley ; Conservative Club, s.w. ;
37, Brunswick Square, Brighton.
BASKCOMB, George Henry, Esq., of Chisle-
hurst Manor, Kent.
Only son of the late Henry Baskcomb, Esq., of Chisle-
hurst Manor-House and Eltham, Kent, who was the
only son of Charles Baskcomb, Esq., by Elizabeth, only
dau. of the Rev. Thomas Smythe, Magistrate for co.
Northampton; b. 1820; m. 1846 Sarah, only dau. of
Charles Harvey, Esq., Banker and J.P., of Longton Hall,
co. Stafford, and has issue * Charles George Henry,
educated at Lincoln Coll., Oxford, b. 1849. — Manor-
House, Chislehurst, s.e.
BASKERVILLE, Henry, Esq., of Crowsley
Park, Oxfordshire.
Son of the late Oriel Viveash, Esq., of Calne, Wilts, by
Sarah, dau. and heir of Thomas Baskerville, Esq., of
Woolley House, Wilts; b. 1793; s. his cousin, whose
name he assumed by royal licence in 1837; m. 1839
Mary Anna, 2nd dau. of John Standfast Burton, Esq.,
and has, with other issue,
* John, a Magistrate for Oxon, late Major 14th Hussars ;
b. 1840 ; m. 1869 Caroline, dau. of Wm. Chas. Henry,
Esq., of Haffleld, co. Hereford, and has issue * Geoffrey,
6. 1S70.
Mr. Baskerville, who was educated at Haileybury Coll.
and was for some years in the Madras Civil Service, is
a Magistrate for Wilts and Somerset, a J.P. and D.L.
for Oxon (High Sheriff 1847), and Lord of the Manor
of Shiplake. — Croivslcy Parle, Henley-on-Thames.
BASKERVILLE, Walter Thomas Mynors,
Esq., of Clyro Court, Radnorshire.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Baskerville Baskerville,
Esq., J.P. and D.L., of Clyro Court, formerly M.P. for
co. Hereford (who assumed the surname of Baskerville
in 1817, in lieu of Mynors), by his 2nd wife Elizabeth
Mary, dau. of the Rev. Powell Colchester Guise; b.
1839 ; s. 1864. Educated at Eton and Ch. Ch., Oxford ;
is a Magistrate for co. Brecon, and a J.P. and D.L. for
co. Radnor (High Sheriff 1868).— Clyro Court, Hay.
Heir Pres. , his brother Herbert Witherstone Mynors, Lieut.
9th Foot ; b. 1841.
BASKERVYLE-GLEGG, John, Esq., of With-
ington, Cheshire.
Elder son of the late John Baskervyle-Glegg, Esq., J.P.,
of Withington, by Eliza, dau. of J. W. Wilson, Esq. ; b.
1844; s. 1869; m. 1866 Emily Katharine, 2nd dau.
of George Beauchamp Cole, Esq., J.P. and D.L., of
Heatham House, Twickenham, and has issue * a dau.
Mr. Baskervvlo-Ctlegii is n Magistrate for ro. Chester
(on roll for High Sheriff 1876). — 1Vithingt,ii Hall,
Kmxt^foni ; Chrlfo it. Cnglcfon : Gay/on fiw, Neston.
Ifrir /">*>.. his brother.
BASS, Mu iim i Thomas. Esq., of Rangemore,
Kldost .son of the late Michael Thomas Bass, Esq., by
Sarah, dau. of Abram Hoskins, Esq.. of Burtou-on-
Treut : k 1739: ... 1886 ElimJ&ne, dau. of the late
Major Samuel Anion, of Longoroft, co. Stafford, and
1- ts issue.
• Michael Artlnir. educated at Harrow. M. A. of Trinity Coll.,
Cambridge, a Magistrate for oo. Stafford, ami M.r. for K.
Staffordshire; I: ts:>7 ; m. lSi'.it Harriet Goorgina. 4th dau.
of the late Edward Thornewill. Ksij.. of Dove Cliff, co.
Stafford, and has IflWM a daughter.
Mr. Bass, who is a brewer at Burton, a Magistrate for
ro. Derby, and a J. P. and DJL for oo. Stafford, has boon
M.P. for Derby since 1848. — BtHtgtmort, Burton-on-
TWnt ; Reform Club, s.w. ; 101, Eaton Square, s.w.
+ BASSET, the Rev. ABTHOR Crawfcrth
DAY1E-. of Watorinouth, Devon.
Eldest son of the lato Arthur Davio-Basset, Esq., of
Watermouth (who d. 1S70) by Harriot, dau. of Thos.
Crawfurth. Esq.. of Crawfurth. X.B. ; b. 1830. Edu-
cated at Oriel Coll., Oxford: is Patron of 1 living
— Water, nouth, llfraeombe.
BASSET, Glstavus Lamhaet, Esq., of Tehicly
Park, Cornwall.
Eldest surviving sou of the late John Basset. Esq.. J. P.
and D.L., of Stratton, Cornwall (some time M.P. for
Helston and Liour.-Col. Cornish Militia, who it. 1843),
by Elizabeth Mary. dau. of the late Sir Eosc Price,
Bart., of Trengwainton. Cornwall; ?>. 1833: s. his
brother 1870. Educated at Eton : is Patron of 5
livings; late Lieut. 72nd Begt. — Tchidy Park, Red-
ruth; Roscrou; Truro.
Heir Pres.. his brother Walter St. Aubyn, *. 183-.
BASSET, Willia* West James, Esq., of
Beaupre, Glamorganshire.
Son of the late Major William Bruce, K.H. (who
d. 18— \ by Isabella, 3rd dau. of the late Lieut-Col.
Thomas Basset, of Beaupre: b. 1S30. Is a Magistrate
for eo. Glamorgan, Lord of the Manor of Beaupre, and I
late Capt. 94th Regt. ; was formerly Brevet-Major in
the Army; he assumed the name of Basset, in lieu of
Bruce, by royal licence in 1866, under the will of his
maternal uncle. Capt. William Basset, of Beaupre.
— Beaupre, Cowbridgc.
BAS SETT, Francis, Esq., of Leighton Buzzard,
Third son of John Dollin Bassett, Esq.. of The Cedars,
Leighton Buzzard, by Marv. dau. of Thomas Theobald.
Esq.; b. 1820; m. 1842 Ellen. 2nd dau. of Edward
Harris, Esq., of Stoke Newington. Middlesex, and has
issue. Is a Magistrate for Beds and a banker at Leigh-
ton Buzzard; was M.P. for Bedfordshire 1872-5. —
Tlie Heath, Leighton Buzzard; Reform Club, s.w.
BASSETT, Richard, Esq., of Bonvilstone, Gla-
Second son of the late Thomas Morgan Bassett, Esq.,
of Bonvilstone, by Anne, dau. of the Eev. Dr. Morgan ;
b. 1820 ; s. 1841 ; m. 1843 Ann Maria, 2nd dau. of John
Homfray, Esq., and by her (who d. 1863) had, with other
issue, John Richard, b. 1849, d. 1874. Mr. Bassett is
a J.P. and D.L. for co. Glamorgan, and Patron of 1
living. — Bonvilstone House, Cardiff; Conservative Club,
BASSETT, of Nether Hall, Suffolk.
Hannah (m. 1847 the Eev. R. S. Eox), Jane (m, 1851
H. C. Young, Esq.), Catharine (m. 1847 H. Wayman,
Esq.), Eleanor (m. 1849 C. Bidwell-Edwardos, Esq.),
and Marlha. dans, of the lato Rev. William Bassett, of
Nether Hall, by Martha, 3rd dan. of the late John
Brewster, Esq., of Brandon, Suffolk; s. their brother
William Chinery Bassett, Esq., ISlio; are conjointly
Ladies of the Manor of Nether Hall, Thurston. — Nether
Hal), Bury St. Edmunds.
BASTARD, Baldwin John Pollexfen, Esq., of
Kitley and Bucklaud, Devon.
Second but eldesl surviving son of tho lato Edmund
Pollexfon Bastard. Esq., of Kitley (some time M.P. for
Devon), by Anne Jane, only dau. of George, 2nd Lord
Rodney ; 6. 1880 : .<. his brother 1856 ; in. 1861 Frances
Jane, youngest dau. of the lato Hon. Mortimer Rodney.
Educated at Winchester and Balliol Coll., Oxford ; is a
J.P. and D.L. for Devon (High Sheriff 1865), Lord of
the Manors of Yralmpton, Buckland, &e., late Col. Com-
manding 4th Devon Administrative Battalion; served
in the Crimea as Lieut. 0th Foot, — Kitley, Yealmpton ;
Buckland Court, Ashburton, Devon.
Beir Pre*., his brother William Pollexfen, in Holy Orders;
educated at Eton and M.A. of Balliol Coll., Oxford ; b.
ls:ij ; hi. 1S-VJ Caroline, 2nd dau. of the late Vice-Admiral
Woollconibe, of Hemerdon, Devon, and has,, with other
issue, ' William Edmund Pollexfen, b. 18G4.
BASTA11D, Thomas Hohlock, Esq., of Charlton
Marshall, Dorset.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Horlock Bastard, Esq.,
of Charlton Marshall (who was High Sheriff of Dorset
in 1812), by his 1st wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Robert
Biggs, Esq., of Blandford; b. 1796; S.-1849; m. 1st
1844 Margaret, widow of Capt. James Keith Forbes,
H.E.I.C.S. (she d. 1845) ; 2nd 1858 Sarah, eldest dau.
of the late Rev. Edward Vincent, Vicar of Rowde,
Wilts.— Charlton Marshall, Blandford.
BATEMAN, Lord (William Bateman Bateman-
Haxbury) . — Cr. 1837.
Eldest son of William, 1st Lord, by Elizabeth, dau.
of the late Lord Spencer Chichester ; b. 1826; s. 1845 ;
m. 1854 Agnes, dau. of the late General Sir Edward
Kerrison, Bart. Educated at Eton and Trinity
Coll., Cambridge, (M.A. 1847); is Lord-Lieut, and
Custos Rot. of co. Hereford, a Magistrate for co.
Northampton, and Patron of 2 livings ; has been a
Lord in Waiting on Her Majesty. — Shobdon Court,
Leominster ; Boodles and Carlton Clubs, s.w.
Heir, his son the Hon. William Spencer, 6. 1856.
+ BATEMAN, Alletne Sacheverell, Esq., of
Third son of the late Richard Bateman, Esq. (J.P. and
D.L., and formerly High Sheriff of co. Derby), by
Elizabeth, only child of the late Rev. Thomas Keelinge,
of Uttoxeter, co. Derby ; b. 1805; is a Dep. -Lieut, for
co. Derby. — Derby.
+ BATEMAN", the Rev. Edmund Hazelrigg, of
Guilsborough, Northamptonshire.
Eldest son of the late Rev. John Buckby (who as-
sumed the name of Bateman in 1824 by royal licence),
by Mary, dau. of the Rev. Joshua Wigley, D.D. ; b.
1804; m. 1842 Magdalen, dau. of Mr. Lechnor. Mr.
Bateman was educated at Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A.
1826, M.A. 1829).— Guilsborough, Northampton.
BATEMAN, Frederic Osborne FitzHerbert,
Esq., of Hartington Hall, Derbyshire.
Son of the late Thomas Osborne Bateman, Esq., J.P.,
of Hartington Hall (who d. 1874), by Fanny Hanham,
2nd dau. of the late William Lawrence Bieknell, Esq.,
of Lincoln's Inn ; b. 1859. The late Mr. Bateman was a
J.P. and D.L. for co. Derby. — Hartington Hall, Ash-
bourne; Brcadsall Mount, Derby.
BATEMAN, James, Esq., F.R.S.,F.L.S., F.G.S.,
of Knypersley, Staffordshire.
Eldest son of the late John Bateman, Esq., D.L., of
Knypersley, formerly High Sheriff of co. Stafford
(■who d. 1858), by Elizabeth, dan. of George Holt,
Esq., of Redivals, co. Lancaster ; b. 1811; m. 1838
Maria Sibylla, dan. of the Rev. Rowland Egerton-
Warlmrton, of Arloy, co. Chester, and has, with
other issue,
* John (of Moverons Manor and Brightlingsea, Essex) , edu-
cated at Trinity Coll., Cambridge ; 6.1839; m. 1865 the
Hon. Jessy Caroline, 2nd dau. of the late Hon. Richard
Bootle Wiibraham , and has issue * Agnes Mary.
Mr. Bateman, who was educated at Magdalen Coll.,
Oxford (B.A. 1835, M.A. 1844), is a J.P. and D.L. for
co. Stafford Lord of the Manor of Knypersley, and
Patron of 2 livings. — Knypersley Hall, Congleton ;
Aihenmum and National Clubs ; 9, Hyde Park Gate
South, s.-w.
BATEMAN, John, Esq., of Bartholey, Mon-
Eldest son of the late Colthurst Bateman, Esq., J.P.,
of Bartholey (who was High Sheriff of eo. Monmouth
1839), by Jane Sarah, dau. of the late John Kemeys
Gardner Kemeys, Esq. ; b. 1814; s. 1859. —Bartholey
House, Llantryssant, Usk.
Heir Pres. , his brother Robert, a Magistrate f or co. Monmouth ;
b. 1818.
BATEMAN, John Frederic, Esq., F.R.S.,
F.G.S., &c, of Moor Park, Surrey.
Eldest son of the late John Bateman, Esq., of Ockhrook,
co. Derby, by Mary Agnes, dau. of the Rev. Benjamin
La Trobe; b. 1810; m. 1841 Anne, dau. of the late
Sir William Fairbairn, Bart., and has, with other issue,
* "William Fairbairn (in Holy Orders). 6. 1845 ; m. 1S70 Mildred
Jane, 2nd dau. of the late Rev. Robert Sumner, and grand-
dau. of the late Right Rev. Charles Sumner, Bishop of Win-
Mr. Bateman is a J.P. and D.L. for Surrey (High Sheriff
1866). — Moor Park, Farnham ; Athenmum Club, s.w. ;
16, Great George Street, Westminster, s.w.
BATEMAN, Thomas, Esq., of Guilsborough,
Northamptonshire .
Fifth son of the late Rev. John Buckby, of Guils-
borough, by Mary, granddau. of John Bateman, Esq.,
of Guilsborough, whose name he assumed; b. 1810;
m. 1840 Marianne, dau. of John Daubeny, Esq., D.C.L.,
and has, with other issue, * Arthur Wigley, b. 1844.
Mr. Bateman, who was educated at Corpus Christi
Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1831, M.A. 1834), is a Member
of the Middle Temple. — Coton Cottage, Guilsborough,
Northampton ; 2, Elm Court, Temple, e.c.
BATEMAN,ThomasKeelinge, Esq., of Harting-
ton and Morley, Derbyshire.
Eldest surviving son of the late Richard Thomas Bate-
man, Esq., of Hartington Hall and Morley, co. Derby
(who d. 1853), by Mary Magdalena, dau. of Robert
Willoughby, Esq., of Cliffc, co. Warwick; b. 1831 ; s.
his brother Hugh 1860 ; m. 1859 Georgiana, dau. of
Frederick Bannatyne, Esq. (late of the 33rd Regt.), and
has issue * Hugh Alleyne Sachevrel, b. 1860. Mr.
Bateman is Lord of the Manor of Morley and Capt.
1st Derbyshire Militia. — Smalley, Derby.
BATEMAN, Thomas William, Esq., of Mid-
dleton Hall, Derbyshire.
Only son of the late Thomas Bateman, Esq., of Mid-
dleton Hall, by Sarah, 2nd dau. of William Parker,
Esq.; b. 1852; s. 1861; m. 1874 Jane, youngest dau.
of John Hall, Esq., of Baldingstone, co. Lancaster.
The late Mr. Bateman was a well-known Celtic anti-
quary.— Middlcton Halland Lomberdale House, BaJccwell.
BATEMAN. (See Jones-Bateman.
BATEMAN- CHAMPAIN. ' (See Champain.)
BATES, Edward, Esq., of Manydown Park
and Tangier Park, Hants ; Bellefield, Lan-
cashire ; and Gyrn Castle, Flintshire.
Son of the late Joseph Bates, Esq., of Springhall,
near Halifax, co. York, by Rebecca, dau. of the late
Joseph Walker, Esq. ; b. 1816 ; m. 1st 1837 Charlotte,
dau. of C. Smith, Esq.; 2nd 1844 Ellen, dau. of the
late Thomas Thompson, Esq., of Hessle, co. York,
and has, with other issue, * Edward Percy, b. 1845.
Mr. Bates, who is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Lancaster, a
Magistrate for Hants, and an East India Merchant and
Shipowner at Liverpool, was elected MP. for Ply-
mouth 1871. — Manydown Park and Tangier Park,
Basingstoke ; Carlton, Conservative, and Junior Carlton
Clubs, s.w.
BATES, Miss, of Milbourne Hall, Northum-
Sarah, second dau. of the late Ralph Bates, Esq., J.P.
and D.L., of Milbourne Hall (who was High Sheriff
of Northumberland, many years Lieut. -Col. 6thDragoons
and Col.-Commandant of South Northumberland
Militia, and who d. 1813), by Sarah, 3rd dau. of the
late Rev. Nathaniel Ellison, of Newcastle-on-Tyne ;
s. her sister 1868 ; is Lady of the Manor of Milbourne.
— Milbourne Hall, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
BATESON, Lady, of Killoquin, co. Antrim.
Eliza, 2nd dau. of Anthony Hammond, Esq., of Hutton
Bonville, eo. York ; m. 1819 Sir Robert Harvey Bate-
son, Bart., of Killoquin, who d. 1870, when his title
became ext. — Killoquin, Antrim ; Castruse, Donegal.
BATESON, Sir Thomas, Bart., of Belvoir,
Downshire (cr. 1818).
Eldest surviving son of the late Sir Robert Bateson,
Bart., of Belvoir, by Katharine, dau. of the late Samuel
Dickson, Esq. ; b. 1819 ; s. as 2nd Bart, 1863 ; m. 1849
the Hon. Caroline Elizabeth Anne, 2nd dau. of George
Rico, 4th Lord Dynevor. Is a Dep.-Lieut, for cos.
Down and Londonderry (High Sheriff of co. Down
1871) ; late Capt. 13th Light Dragoons ; was MP. for
co. Londonderry 1844-57, and a Lord of the Treasury
in 1852 ; has been M.P. for Devizes since 1864. — Bel-
voir Park, Belfast ; Moira Park, co. Dozen ; Bcllaghy, co.
Londonderry; Carlton, White's, and Travellers' Clubs,
s.w. ; 12, Giosvcnor Place, s.w.
Heir Pres., his brother Samuel Stephen (of Combermore,
Golspie, Sutherlandshire), a Barrister-at-Law of the Inner
Temple; b. 1S21 ; m. 1854 the Hon. Florinda, dau. of
Richard, 3rd Lord Castlemaine.
BATH, Marquis of (John Alexander Thynne).
— Cr. 1789.
Eldest son of Henry Frederick, 3rd Marquis, by the
Hon. Harriet, 2nd dau. of Alexander, 1st Lord Ash-
burton; b. 1831; s. 1837; m. 1861 the Hon. Frances
Isabella Catharine, eldest dau. of Thomas, 3rd Viscount
De Vesci. Educated at Eton and Ch. Ch., Oxford; is
a J.P. and D.L. for Wilts and Somerset, a Magistrate
for co. Monaghan, Patron of 12 livings, a Trustee of
the National Portrait Gallery, Hon. Col. 1st Wilts
Rifle Volunteers, and Capt. Wilts Yeomanry. — Long-
leat, Warminster ; Carlton, Travellers', and Boodle's
Clubs, s.w. ; 48, Berkeley Square, s.w.
Heir, his son Thomas Henry, Viscount Weymouth, b. 1862.
BATH, Dowager Marchioness of, of Muntham
Court, Sussex.
Harriet, 2nd dau. of Alexander, 1st Lord Ashburton,
by Anne Louisa, eldest dau. of the late William
Bingham, Esq., of Philadelphia, U.S.; m. 1830 Henry
Frederick, 3rd Marquis of Bath, who d. 1837, leaving
issue (see above). — Muntham Court, Worthing.
BATH. HBKRT Jamss, Esq., of Alltyferin,
Sun of the late Henry Bath. Esq., of Swansea, eo.
Glamorgan : A. 1821 ; is a Magistrate for eos. Gla-
morgan and Carmarthen (High Sheriff 1869). — Allty-
ferin, Carmarthenshire : Junior Carlton Club, s.w.
BATH AN P WELLS, Bishop of (the Right
Bay. Lord Ami in; Charles Hkrvky, D.l).).
Fourth son of Frederick William. 1st Marquis of
Bristol, by the Hon. Elizabeth Albas*, dan. of Clot-
worthy. 1st Lord Ti inph town ; b. 1808; m. 1S39
Patience, dau. of John Singleton, Esq. Educated at
Eton and Trinity Coll.. Cambridge (M.A. 1830); ap-
pointed Rector of tekworth 1832, and of Horningshcath
1SA3 ; Archdeacon of Sudbury 1862 ; consecrated 1S69 ;
is Patron of 4.5 livings. — The Pa lace, U'clU, Somerset;
Athentrum dub, s.w.
BATHER. John, Esq., of Shrewsbury,
Second sou of the late John Bather, Esq., of The Day
House (some time Recorder of Shrewsbury); b. 1S19 ;
educated at St. John's Coll., Cambridge, of which he
was formerly Fellow (B.A. 1841, M.A. 1844); is a
Magistrate for co. Salop. — The Day House, Shrewsbury.
BATHURST, Earl (William Lennox Bath-
i-kst).— Cr. 1772.
Second and only surviving sou of Henry, 3rd Earl,
K.G. (who d. 1834), by Georgiana, dau. of the late
Lord George Lennox; b. 1791 ; s. his brother, as 5th
Earl. 1S66. Educated at Eton and Ch. Ch., Oxford,
and was Fellow of All Souls (B.A. 1812, MA. 1817);
called to the Bar at Lincoln's Lun 1821 ; is a Magistrate
for co. Gloucester: was M.P. for Weobly 1S12-17, Sec.
to the Privy Council 1S27-60; cr. Hon. D.C.L.
Oxon. 1870. — Oakley Park, CireiicesUr ; Athcneeinn,
lHiiie's, and Carlton Clubs, s.w.; 38, Halfmoon
Street, w.
Heir Pres.. hi; nephew Allen Alexander, educated at Eton
and M.A. Trinity Coll.. Cambridge, M.P. for Cirencester
and Major R. Xorth Gloucester Militia (only son of the
late Hon. Thomas Seymour Bathnrst, who J. 1834, by
Julia, only dau. of John Peter Hanker, Esq.); b. 1832;
m. 1st 1S62 the Hon. Meriel Leicester-Warren, 2nd dau.
of George, 2nd Lord de Tabley (she d. 1S72) ; 2nd 1874
Evelyn, only dau. of George Barnard Hankey. Esq., of
Fetchani Park, Surrey, and has, with other issue,* Seymour
Henry, 6. 1864.
BATHURST, the Hon. Mrs., of Hyams,
Julia, only dau. of the late John Peter Hankey, Esq.,
by Isabella, sister of the late Sir "William Alexander
(some time Chief Baron of the Exchequer) ; m. 1829
Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Seymour Thomas Batliurst, 3rd
son of Henry, 3rd Earl Bathnrst, E.G., who d, 1834,
leaving issue * Allen Alexander Bathurst, Esq. (see
above, under Earl Batliurst). — Hyams, Bagshot, Surrey ;
3, Grosvenor Crescent, s.w.
BATHURST, Sir Fkedeeick Hutchensox HER-
VET-, Bart., of Clarendon, Wilts (cr. 1818).
Eldest son of the late Sir Frederick Anne Her-
vey-Bathurst, Bart., of Clarendon, by Jane, dau. of
John Hutchinson, Esq.; b. 1807; s. as 3rd Bart.
1824; m. 1st 1S32 Louisa Mary, dau. of the late
"Walter Smythe, Esq., of Bambridge House, Hants
(she d. 1840); 2nd 1845 Clara Emily, youngest dan.
of Sir Richard Brooke. Bart, (she d. 1867). Educated
at "Winchester ; is a J.P. and D.L. for Wilts (High
Sheriff 1846), Patron of 1 living, and Lieut.-Col.
Wilts Yeomanry Cavalry ; formerly Capt. Grenadier
Guards. — Clarendon Park, Salisbury.
Heir, his son Frederick Thomas Arthur, educated at Eton,
Lieut.-Col. Grenadier Guards, late M.P. for S. Wilts ; b.
1833 ; m. 1869 Ada, only dau. of Sir John Bibton, Bart.,
and has issue * a son, 6. 1870.
lATHURST, the Rev. WiiAiam Hilky, of
I.yilney, Clouccstershiiv.
Youngi r and only surviving son of the late Bight
Hon. Charles Brugge, M.l'. (who assumed the name
of Hat hurst in 1804, on succeeding to the estate of
Lydney, and d. 1831), by Charlotte, youngest dau.
of Anthony Addington, Esq., M.D., of Up Ottery,
Devon; b. 1796; s. his brother Charles, 1863; in.
1S29 Mary Anne. 4th dau. of Matthew Rhodes, Esq.,
and has, with other issue,
« Charles, a Magistrate for co. Gloucester; b. 1836; m, 1864
Mary BUmbeth, only dau. of the late Lieut.-Col. Hay, and
has issue.
Mr. Bathurst, who was educated at Ch. Ch., Oxford
(B.A. 1818, M.A. 1822), is Lord of the Manor of
Lydney. — Lydney Park, Gloucestershire ; 11, Bolton
Gardens, s.w.
BATSOX. the late Mrs., of Hprseheath, Cam-
Gertrude Juliana Louisa, elder dau. of the late Right
Hon. Henry T. Lowry-Corry, M.P., by Lady Harriet
Ann. . 2nd dau. of Cropley, 6th Earl of Shaftesbury;
d. 1874, having m. 1861 Stanlake Ricketts Bajtson,
Esq., of Horseheath, a J.P. and D.L. for co. Cambridge
(High Sheriff 1867) who d. 1871.
BATT, Robert Narcissus, Esq., of Purdysbum,
Down shire.
Only son of the late Robert Batt, Esq., of Purdysburn
(who was a J.P. and D.L. for co. Down, and High
Sheriff 1 846), by Charlotte, dau. of Samuel Wood, Esq.,
of Upton, co. Chester; b. 1844; s. 1864; in. 1866
Marion Emily, eldest dau. of Sir Edward Samuel
Walker, of Berry Hill, Notts. Mr. Batt, who was
educated at Harrow and Trinity Coll., Cambridge, is
a Magistrate for co. Down (High Sheriff 1870).
— Purdysburn, Belfast ; Junior Carlton Club, s.w.
BATT, Thomas, Esq., of Rathnrullan, co.
Only son of the late Thomas Batt, Esq., of Rathmttnan,
by Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Waddell, Esq., of Island-
deny, co. Down; b. 1816; s. 1857; m. 1852 Charlotte,
eldest dau. of the Ven. Edmond H. Dalrymple Knox,
Archdeacon of Killaloe, and has, with other issue,
* Thomas Edmond, b. 1854. Mr. Batt, who was edu-
cated at Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1837, M.A.
1840), is a J.P. and D.L. for co.Donegal (High Sheriff
1844). — Rathmullan House, co. Donegal.
BATTEL, Edmux\d CHISHOLM-, Esq., of
Thorn Faulcon, Somerset.
Second son of the late John Batten, Esq., of Hollands
and Thorn Fauleon (who d. 1854), by Sarah, dau. of
John Copeland, Esq., of Ivcr, Bucks ; b. 1817 ; m.
1843 Jemima, only sister of the late Chisholm of
Chisholm, of Erchless Castle, co. Inverness (whose
name they assumed, by royal license, in 1858), and
has, with other issue,
* James Forbes, educated at Winchester, and B.A. of
Exeter Coll., Oxford ; Lieut. 34th Eegt. ; b. 1847.
Mr. Chisholm-Batten, who was educated at Edinburgh
and Oxford, and called to the Bar at the Inner Temple
1842, is a Magistrate for co. Inverness. — Thorn Court,
near Taunton; Aigas, Beauty, Inverness-shire; 25,
Thurloe Square, s.w.
BATTEN, Herbert Butler, Esq., of Hollands,
Third son of the late John Batten, Esq., of Thorn
Faulcon and Hollands, Somerset (J.P. and D.L.), by
Sarah, dau. of John Copeland, Esq., of Iver, Bucks,
and Lingfield Lodge, Surrey; b. 1820; m. 1858
Elizabeth, only dau. of the late Eev. William Phelips,
of Cucklington, Somerset, and sister of William
Phelips, Esq., of Montacut© House, Somerset, and lias,
with pther issue, * Herbert Phelips, b. 1859. Mr.
H. B. Batton is a J.P. and D.L. for Somerset, and a
Magistrate for Dorset ; Into Capt. 1st Somersot Militia.
— Hollands, Yeovil; Windham Club, s.w.
BATTEN, John, Esq., F.S.A., of Aldon,
Somerset, and Upcerne, Dorset.
Eldest son of the late John Batten, Esq., J.P. and D.L.,
of Aldon, and Thorn Faulcon, Somerset, by Sarah,
dan. of John Copeland, Esq., of Iver, Bucks, and
Lingfield Lodge, Surrey ; b. 1815; s. 1854; m. 1841
Grace Eleanor, only surviving dau. of John White, Esq.,
of Upcerne, and of Eairlee, I. of Wight, and has, with
other issue,
* John Mount, Capt. 8tli Foot ; b. 1843 ; m. 1873 Margaret
Annie, eldest dau. of the late Rev. John Brooks, Hector of
Walton, Lancaster.
Mr. Batten is a Magistrate for Dorset, and Patron
of the livings of Thorn Faulcon, and Upcerne. — Aldon,
Yeovil; Upcerne House, Dorchester.
BATTERSBY, George, Q.C., LL.D., of Lough
Bane, co. Westmeath.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Battersby, Esq., J.P., of
Newcastle, co. Meath, by Margaret Catherine, eldest
dau. of George Rotheram, Esq., of Crossdrum, co.
Meath; b. 1802; s. 1839; m. 1830 Charlotte Sarah,
dau. of the late Eight Hon. John Kadcliff, Judge of the
Prerogative Court in Ireland, and lias surviving issue,
* John Radcliffe, B.A., of Trinity Coll., Dublin, and a Bar-
rister-at-Law ; 6. 1839; m. 1873 Augusta Helen, youngest
dau. of John Rynd, Esq., of Reynella, co. Westmeath.
Mr. Battersby, who was educated at Trinity Coll.,
Dublin (B.A. 1823), was of Lincoln's Inn, and called to
the Bar of Ireland 1826; appointed a Queen's Counsel
1844 ; is a Magistrate for cos. Westmeath, Meath, and
Cavan ; and Chancellor of the Archdiocese' of Dublin.
— Lough Bane, Collinstown, co. Westmeath; Kildare
Street Club, Dublin ; 20, Leeson Street, Dublin.
BATTERSBY, Thomas. Esq., of Oakfield Place,
co. Antrim.
Eldest son of the late Richard Battersby, Esq., of Oak-
field Place, by Ellen Carr, dau. of the late John Casson,
Esq., of The Mount, Liverpool ; b. 1819; s. 1858; m.
1860 Eliza, 3rd dau. of the late Francis George Charles
Briand, Esq., of Highbury, Middlesex, and has issue
* Edith Ellen. Mr. Battersby, who was educated at
Belfast Coll., is a Magistrate for Carrickfergus (High
Sheriff I860).— Oakfield Place, Carrickfergus.
BATTISCOMBE, Robert Charles, Esq., of
Hactons, Essex.
Eldest son of the late Eev. Eichard Battiscombe, of
Hactons (who d. 1873), by Anne, dau. of the Eev.
Charles Marshall, Eector of Lawhitton, Cornwall ;
b. 1824 ; m. 1856 Mary Elizabeth Anne, dau. of Patrick
James Fairy, Esq., of Hornchurch, Essex. — Hactons,
Upminster, Romford.
BATTLEY, Major D'Oyly William, of Belve-
dere Hall, co. Wicklow.
Eldest surviving son of the late Thomas Cado Battley,
Esq., Barrister-at-Law, of Wilbroke, co. Dublin (who
d. 1852), by Arabella, dau. of the Rev. Capel Grange,
of Whalley Abbey, co. Lancaster ; b. 1811; m. 1838
Margaret, dau. of W. Edie, Esq., of Thorn Hill, co.
Tyrone, and has, with other issue, * D'Oyly Cade,
Capt. 5th Royal Middlesex Light Infantry, b. 1841,
m. 1868 Annie, dau. of William H. Jackson, Esq., of
Inane, co. Tipperary. Major Battley, who was for-
merly in the 77th Regt., is maternally descended from
a common ancestor with Sir C. W. D'Oyly, Bart, and
. tho Earl, of Bolvedore (ext.). — Belvedere Hall, near Breiy,
co. Wick/ow ; Hibernian United Service Club ; 24, Mount
Street, Dublin.
BATTY, the Rev. Edward, of Ballyliealy, co.
Second surviving son of the late Philip Batty, Esq., of
Ballyliealy, by Catherine, dau. of Gaynor Barry, Esq.,
of Beau, co. Dublin, and brother of Espino Batty, Esq.
(whom see) ; b. 1797; m. 1st 1823 Mary Ann, widow
of Capt. Robert Caulfeild, R.N. ; 2nd 1830 Catharine,
dau. of John Kincaid, Esq., M.D., H.E.I.C.'s Service,
and has, by his 2nd wife, with other issue, * Philip
Edward, b. 1834. Mr. Batty, who' was educated at
Trinity Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1819), is life owner of
Ballyliealy. — Bcdlyheedy, Delvin, co. Westmeath.
BATTY, Espine, Esq., of Ballyhealy, co. West-
Eldest surviving son of the late Philip Batty, Esq., of
Ballyhealy, by Catharine, dau. of Gaynor Barry, Esq.,
of Beau, co. Dublin ; s. his brother Fitzherbert 1847;
m. 1st 1832 Jane Harris, dau. of Michael Harris, Esq.;
2nd 1S35 Belissa, dau. of John Smyly, Esq., Q.C. ;
3rd 1862 Maria, dau. of Robert Wilson, Esq., of co.
Dublin, and has issue * Espine Fitzherbert, b. 1862. Mr.
Batty, who was educated at Eton and Brasenose Coll.,
Oxford, was called to the Irish Bar 1819, and went the
Home Circuit there ; formerly Counsel to the Irish
(Government) Office, London. — Bed 'lyh call/, $ Delvin, co.
IVestmeath ; Stephen's Green East, Dublin.
BATTYE, Lionel Richard James Scholefield,
Esq., of SkeltonHall and Crosland Manor,
Son of the late Eichard Battye, Esq., J.P., of Skelton
Hall and Crosland Manor (who d. 1873), by Frances,
eldest dau. of James Jenkinson Bibby, Esq., of Hard-
wicke Grange, co. Salop; b. 1S67. Is Lord of the Manor
of North Crosland. — Skelton Hall, York; 66, Queen's
Gardens, w.
BATTYE-CUMMING. (See Gumming.)
+ BAUMGARTNER, John Percy, Esq., of
Gorleston, Suffolk.
Son of the late John Thomas Baumgartner, Esq., M.D.
(who d. 1874); b. 181--. Is a Magistrate for co.
Cambridge. — Gorleston, Great Yarmouth.
BAUMGARTNER, Major-Gen. Robert Julian,
C.B., of Godmanchester, Hunts.
Eldest son of the late John Thomas Baumgartner, Esq.,
M.D., of Godmanchester (who d. 1874); b. 1814; m.
1859 Helen, dau. of — Thompson, Esq., of Greenwood
Park, co. Down. Is a Major-General in the Army ; was
formerly Lieut.-Col. 27th Foot. — Godmanchester, Hunt-
Heir Pres., his brother Edward Joscelyn, Barrister-at-law of
the Middle Temple, and a Magistrate for Hunts ; b. 1815 ;
hi. 18.51 Catherine, youngest dau. of the late William
Taylor, Esq., of Histon, co. Cambridge (she d. 1S54).
BAWTREE, John, Esq., of Abberton, Essex.
Son of the late John Bawtree, Esq., J.P. and D.L., of Ab-
berton (who d. 1873), by Mary, dau. of Jehoshaphat
Postle, Esq., of Colney Hall, near Norwich ; b. 1817 ; m.
1842 Helen, younger dau. of the late James Inglis, Esq.,
of Norwood., Surrey, and has issue. Mr. Bawtree is
a Magistrate for Essex, and a banker at Colchester.
— Abberton, Colchester.
BAX-IRONSIDE, John Henry, Esq., C.B., of
Houghton-le- Spring, co. Durham.
Eldest son of the late John Bax, Esq., of Preston
% The present eldest representative of the family has, for his
life, transferred the mansion and estate to His next brother, Ed ward
(whom see).
Hou*o. near Favcrsham. Kent (who <l. 1863), by Jane,
7ih .Um. of the lata William Ironside, Esq., of Hough-
ton-l*-Sprii . '. 1SJ7 ; *<. lSli.i Sarah Elizabeth, dau.
of Major-Gcnoral Robert O. llughcs. of Plas l\'vh. oo.
Anil, -i a. an I has. with other issue. * Henry George
Ontram. V 18.W. -Mr. Hnx-Ironside. who was edu-
cated at Eton and Hailoyhury Coll.. is an Officer
in i ho Bengal C ivil Sowioo : ho assumed the name
of Ironside royal Keenee in 1866. under the will
of his uncle. Osvpt. William Iivnside, 33M Toot.
— IToi(<jhi(m-fc-Sjtri ig, Durham; Ori utal Chtb, w.
BAXEXPALE. .Ioskph Hornby. Esq., of
Worplesdon Place, Surrey.
Sm of the late Joseph Rixcndalo. Esq.. .T.P. ami D.L..
of Woodside. Middlesex fwho d. 1872), by Mary, dan.
of John Birky. Esq., of Blackburn, CO. Lancaster;
l>. 1817; m. 1 S46 Elisabeth Mary, only dan. of the late
William Broekedon, Esq.. F.K.S.. and has. with other
issue, an only son. * Joseph WWW in. b. 1848 : m. 1874
Frances Margaret Julia, only child of the Son. Francis
Scott, of Sandhurst Gran. Surrey.- Worjilesdon
Place, Guildford ; 78, Brook Strtt t, w.
BAXTER. Lady, of Balgarvie, Fifeabire.
Elizabeth, dau. of the late Robert Montgomerie, Esq.,
of Barnahill. eo. Ayr : IS":! Sir David Baxter.
Bart., of EQlmaron and Balgarvie, a J. P. and D.L. for
eo. Fife, who d. 1872 (title ext.). — Balgarvie, Cupar,
Fifeshirc : 5, Moray Place, Edinburgh.
BAXTER, the Rev. Henry Fleming, of Sibdon
Castle, Shropshire.
Son of the late James Baxter, Esq.. J.P. and D.L , of
Sibdon Castle (who d. 1871), by Frances, eldest dau.
of Thomas White, Esq., of Ludlow, co. Salop; b. 1838 ;
1869 Anne Maria, younger dau. of the late J. W.
Weaver, Esq., of Oaken, Wolverhampton. Educated
at B.N.C., Oxford (B.A. 1S60, M.A. 1868); is Lord
of the Manor, Patrou and Curate of Sibdon. — Sibdon
Castle. Craven Anus, Shropshire.
BAXTER, Robert, Esq., of Stoke Lodge,
Third son of the late Dudley Baxter, Esq., of Stoke
Golding (who was a J.P. and D.L. for co. Leicester), by
Mary. dau. of — Stratton, Esq.; b. 1802; m. 1825
Joanna Maria Xon.a, youngest dau. of tile late Thomas
Bradley Paget. Esq., of Tamworth, co. Warwick, and
has, with other issue, Robert Dudley (of Oakhill,
Hampstead), Solicitor, b. 1827 ; d. 1875, having m.
1856 Mary, youngest dau. of the late Robert Taylor,
Esq., of Broomland, co. Dumfries, and had, with other
issue, * Robert Dudley, b. 1858. Mr. Baxter, who was
admitted a Solicitor in 1823, is a partner in the firm
of Messrs. Baxters and Co., of Victoria Street, AVest-
minster. — Stoke Lodge, near Hinckley ; 28, Queen Anne's
Gate, s.w.
BAXTER, the Right Hon. William Edward,
of Kincaldruiri, Forfarshire.
Eldest son of the late Edward Baxter, Esq., of Kincal-
drum and Dundee (who d. 1871), by Euphemia, dau. of
the late William Wilson, Esq., and nephew of the
late Sir David Baxter, Bart., of Kilmaron Castle ; b.
1825; m. 1847 Janet, dau. of John Home Scott.
Esq., and has two sons and five daughters. Mr.
Baxter, who was educated at Dundee and University
of Edinburgh, is a merchant at Dundee, and a J.P.
and D.L. for eo. Forfar ; he has been M.P. for Mont-
rose since 1855 ; was Sec. to the Admiralty 1868-71 ;
Sec. to the Treasury 1871-73; sworn a member of
the Privy Council 1873. — Kincaldrum, near Forfar ;
Ashe! iff, Dundee, X.B. ; Reform dub, s.w.
BATLEY, Sir John Robbm Laurie Emilius,
Hart. (or. L884).
Eldest sou of the late Sir John Edward Georgo Bayley,
Hart., bj his l-q wife Charlotte, dau. of the late John
Miiiet Foot or, Esq., of Kearsney Abbey, Kent; b.
1823: S. as 3rd Hart. 1871 ; in. 1855 .Marianne Sophia,
dau. of Edward Ivoyd Kice. Esq.. of Dane Court. Kent.
Educated al Eton and Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.D.
1862) ; is Vicar of St. John's'. Paddingt.on ; late Rector
of St. George's, Bloomshury . — Shcre Lodge, Guildford;
National Club, s.w.; 14, Hyde Park Street, w.
Heir, his sun Clruule Villiers Emilius, 6. 1855.
BAYLEY, Richard, Esq., of Castle Dyke, York-
Only son of the late Richard Bayley, Esq., of Broom-
lield, near Sheffield, by Ellen, only child of Philip
Haist. Esq., of Wakefield; b. 1801; s. 1829. Is a
Magistrate for co. Derby, the W. Riding of Yorkshire,
and for Sheffield.— Castle Dyke, Ecclesall, She field.
BAYLEY, RoitKUT Preston, Esq., of Rookwood,
co. Roscommon.
Eldest son of the lato Richard Bayley, Esq., of Preston
House. S.irbiton. Surrey, by Harriot, youngest dau. of
the late John Birch, Esq., of St. John's Wood, London ;
ft. 1830. Is a J.P. and D.L. for CO. Roscommon, a
Magist rate for co. Gal way (High Sheriff 1869), a member
of the Royal Coll. of Surgeons, and Lieut. Dublin Artil-
lery.— I'ookwood, Aihleague, co. Roscommon ; JKildare
Street Club, Dublin ; Junior Athenaium Club, w.
+ BAYLEY, William, Esq., of Staley House,
Son of the late James Bayley, Esq., of Staley House
(who was a Magistrate for co. Chester) ; b. 18 — . Is
a Magistrate for co. Chester, and a manufacturer at
Staleybridge. — Staley House, Staleybridge.
BAYLEY, William Rutter, Esq., of Cotford
House, Devon.
Only child of the late Rev. William Bayley, of Lyn-
combe, Bath, by Dorothea, dau. of Daniel Ayrey, Esq.,
of Southwark ; 6. 1813 ; m. 1835 Flora Bower, dau. of
Lieut.-General Hector Monro, of Edmondsham, Dorset,
and had. with other issue, William Rutter, M.A. of
Oriel Coll., Oxford, Rector of Cassington, Oxford ; b.
1836 ; d. 1875, haying m. 1865 Snsan, dau. of Edward
Harvey, Esq., of Brixton, Surrey, and had issue a son
and dau. Mr. Bayley, who was educated at Queen's
Coll., Oxford, is a Magistrate for Devon. — Cotford
House, Sidmouth ; Conservative Club, s.w.; Junior
Athcneeum Club,y\\
BAYLIS, the Rev. Edward, of Hedgerley,
Son of the late Edward Baylis, Esq., of Hedgerley (who
was a J.P. and D.L. for Middlesex, and a Commissioner
of Taxes), by Elizabeth Dorothy, dau. of Thomas Rigby,
Esq. ; b. 1815 ; s. 1867. Educated at Harrow and St.
John's Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1839, M.A. 1842); is
Patron and Rector of Hedgerley. — Hedgerley, Slough.
BAYLY, Lady, of Lyme, Dorset.
Martha, dau. of A. C. Fisher, Esq. ; m. 1829 (as 2nd
wife) Sir Henry Bayly, K.H. (who d. 1867), leaving,
with other issue, * Vere Temple, Capt. 54th Foot ; b.
1834; m. 1862 Lucy Harriet, 2nd surviying dau. of
William Sacheverell Coke, Esq., of Langton Hall,
BAYLY, Edward Symes, Esq., of Ballyarthur,
co. Wicklow.
Eldest son of the late Roy. Henry Lambart Bayly, of
Ballyarthur, by Selina, dau. of Sir Charles Levinge,
Bart., of Knockdrin Castle, co. Westmeath; b. 1807 ;
s. 1827; on. 1835 Catherine, youngest child of the late
Right Hon. Maurice Fitzgerald, Knight of Kerry, and
has, -with other surviving issue, * Edward Richard,
Major Wicklow Rifles, late of the 3rd Regt. ; b. 1845 ;
IV. 1875 Adelaide Alicia, eldest dan. of Col. Charles John
Tottenham, of Plas Iierwyn, N.Wales. Mr. Bayly, who
was educated at Harrow, and formerly Capt. 34th
Foot, is a J.P. and D.L. for eo. Wicldow"(High Sheriff!
1837), and Lient.-Col. Commandant Wicklow Rifles;
lato Vice. -Lieut, of co. Wicklow. — BaByarthiir, Ovoca,
Wicklow ; Kildare Street Club, Dublin.
BAYLY, John, Esq., of Debsborough, co.
Eldest son of the late John Bayly, Esq., of Debsborough
(who was a J.P. and D.L. for co. Tipperary, High
Sheriff 1845), by his 1st wife Catherine, youngest dau.
of Thomas Yates, Esq., of Bury, co. Lancaster ; b. 1 830 ;
s. 1865; on. 1857 Mary Anne Charlotte, dau. of the
late Daniel Barrington, Esq., of Limerick, and by her
(who d. 1870) has, with other issue, * John, b. 1858.
Mr. Bayly, who was educated at Eton and Trinity
Coll., Cambridge, is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Tipperary
(High Sheriff 1874), and late Capt. 1st Duke of
Lancaster's Own Regt. of Militia. — Debsborough,
Nenagh, eo. Tipperary ; Kildare Street Club, Dublin ;
Union Club, s.w.
BAYNES, Sir William John Walter, Bart.,
of Coombe Wood, Surrey (cr. 1801).
Eldest son of the late Sir William Baynes, Bart., by
Julia, dau. of the late General Sir John Smith, R.A. ;
b. 1820 ; s. as 3rd Bart. 1866 ; m. 1845 Margaret, dau.
of Daniel Stuart, Esq., of Wykeham Park, Oxon.
Is a Magistrate for Surrey. — Coombe Wood, Kingston-
on-Thames ; 25, Portland Place, w.
Heir, his son Christopher William, b. 1S47.
BAYNES, the Hon. Lady, of Hurst Green,
Frances, third surviving dau. of Thomas 1st Lord Den-
man, by Theodosia Anne, dau. of the late Rev. Richard
Vevers, Rector of Kettering, co. Northampton ; on. 1846
Admiral Sir Robert Lambert Baynes, K.C.B., who d.
1869, leaving, with other issue, * Denman Lambert,
Lieut. 75th Regt. ; b. 1851. — The Cottage, Hurst Green,
BAYNES, Thomas Hutton, Esq., of Claremont
Hall, Lancashire.
Eldest son of the late John Baynes, Esq., of Clare-
mont Hall, J.P. and D.L. (who d. 1873), by Thomasine,
eldest dau. of John Hutton, Esq., of Lancaster ;
b. 1844. Educated at St. John's Coll., Cambridge
(B.A. 1867, M.A. 1870).— Claremont Hall, Blackburn.
BAYNING, Lady, of Honingham Hall, Norfolk.
Emma, only dau. of the. late William Henry Fellowts,
Esq., of Ramsey Abbey, Hunts, by Emma, 4th dau. of
the late Richard Benyon, Esq., of Englefield House,
Berks ; on. 1842 Henry William Powlett, 3rd Lord
Bayning, who d.s.p. 1866, when his title became est.
Is Patron and Lady of 1he Manor of Honingham.
— Honingham Hall, Norwich.
BAYTON, John, Esq., of Wyke, Sussex.
Son of the late Rev. William S. Bay ton, Vicar of Ford,
Sussex, by Martha, dau. of W. Guy, Esq. ; b. 1819 ; in.
1843 Georgiana, dau. of the late Charles Harison,
Esq., of Seaford, Sussex, and has, with other issue,
* William Stevens, b. 1853. Mr. Bayton is a Magi-
strate for Sussex.
BAZALGETTE, Sir Joseph William, C.B.
(cr. 1874).
Eldest son of the late Captain Joseph William Bazal-
gette, R.N.; 6.1819; on. 1845 Maria, 4th dau. of
Edward Rough, Esq., of New Rcss, co. Wexford. Is
engineer-in-chief to tho Metropolitan Board of Works ;
was nominated a C.B. in recognition of his public
services in tho design and construction of the main
drainage and other metropolitan improvements, and
knighted on completion of the third Embankment of
the Thames. — St. Mary's, Wimbledon Park, s.w.
BAZLEY, Sir Thomas, Bart., of Eyford, Glou-
cestersbire (cr. 1869).
Eldest son of Thomas Bazley, Esq., of Gilnow, near
Bolton, co. Lancaster (who d. 1845), by Anne, dau. of C.
Hilton, Esq., of Horwich ; b. 1797 ; m. 1828 Mary, 2nd
dau. of Sebastian Nash, Esq., of Clayton, co. Lancaster.
Is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Lancaster, and a Magistrate
for Oxon ; was a Member of the Royal Commission
for the Exhibition of 1851 ; Member of the Royal
Commission for the Amalgamation of tho Laws of the
United Kingdom, 1853 ; Member of die Royal Com-
mission at Paris, 1855 ; has been MP. for Manchester
since 1858; was 14 years President of the Manchester
Chamber of Commerce. — Eyford Park, Moreton-in-
Marsh; Union Club, Manchester ; Reform and Brooks's
Club, s.w. ; lc, King Street, St. James's, s.w.
Heir, his son, Thomas Sebastian (of Hathorop Castle, near
Fairford, co. Gloucester), M.A. of Trinity Coll., Cambridge ;
a Magistrate for cos. Chester and Gloucester (High Sheriff
1S74); 6. ; m. 1855 Elizabeth, 2nd dau. of Robert
Gardner, Esq., of Chaseley, co. Lancaster, and has, with
other issue, * Gardner Sebastian, b. 18G3.
BAZLEY, Charles Henry, Esq., of Kersal,
Elder and only surviving son of the late Robert Bazley,
Esq., of Manchester (who d. 1845), by Lucy, dau. of
John Kenworthy, Esq., J. P., of Peel Hall, co. Lancaster,
and nephew of Sir Thomas Bazley, Bart.; b. 1838;
on. 1870 Alice Elizabeth, only dau. of Elias Doming,
Esq., C.E., of Pendleton, Manchester, and has, with
other issuo, * Robert, b. 1871. Mr. Bazley is a
Magistrate for co. Lancaster, and a cotton-spinner
at Manchester. — West Bank, Kersal, Manchester;
Reform Club, Manchester.
BEACH, the Right Hon. Sir Michael Edward
HICKS-, Bart., of Williamstrip, Glouces-
tershire (cr. 1619).
Eldest son of the late Sir Michael Hicks Hicks-Beach,
Bart., of Williamstrip (who was MP. for E. Gloucester-
• shire 1853-4), by Harriet Vittoria, dau. of John Strat-
ton, Esq., of Farthinghoe Lodge, co. Northampton; b.
1837; s. as 9th Baronet 1854 ; on. 1st 1864 Caroline
Susan, eldest dau. of John Henry Elwes, Esq., of
Colesbourne Park, co. Gloucester (she d. 1865) ; 2nd
1 874 Lad}- Lucy Catherine, 3rd dau. of Hugh, 3rd Earl
Fortescue. Educated at Eton and Ch. Ch., Oxford
(B.A. 1858, M.A. 1861); is a J.P. and D.L. for co.
Gloucester, Lord of the Manors of Nethertvon and
Quenington, Patron of 2 livings, and Capt. Royal
North Gloucestershire Militia; has been MP. for E.
Gloucestershire since 1864 ; was Sec. of Poor-law
Board and Under Sec. of the Home Department in
1868 ; appointed Chief Secretary for Ireland and sworn
a Privy Councillor 1874. — Williamstrip Park, Fair-
ford; Netheravon House, Amesbury, Wilts; Carlton
and Arthur's Clubs, s.w.
Heir Pres., his brother William Frederick, a Magistrate for
co. Gloucester ; 6. 18-41 ; in. 1S65 Elizabeth, eldest dau. of T.
Tyrrwhitt-Drake. Esq., of Shardcloes, Bucks, and has, with
other issue, *Y\"illiam, b. ISGli.
BEACH, William Wither Bramstdn, Esq., of
Oakley Hall, Hants, and Keevil, Wilts.
Eldest son of tho lato William Beach, Esq., MP., of
Oakley Hall, by Jane Henrietta, dau. of John Browne,
Esq.,of Salperton, co. Gloucester; b. 1826; s. 1856; on.
1857 Caroline Chichester, youngest dan. of the late Col.
Clevland, of Tapeley Park, Devon, and has, with other
issue. * Archibald William Hicks, ft. 18.50. Mr. Beach,
who ma educated at Eton and Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A.
1849. M.A. 1S.').\ is a Magistrate for Hants. Capt.
Hants Yeomanry CftVmilJ, uwd of the Manors of
Kocvil, IVane. and Church Oakley, and Patron of
i livings : has boon MP. for X. Hants since 1857.
Oal-iry Hall. Basitystolr ; Kccvil House, Trowbridge;
C.i.-.'.v ; 4»'.-.j />•- '•"<'.< c<V.«. s.w.
BEADXELE. t\d. Giokgv. of Cvnhinfa, Mont-
Only surviving BOD of the late George Beadnell. Esq.,
of Cvnhinfa, by Maria, dau. of the late Rev. Roderick
Jones. Rector of I.Ian merowig. 00. Montgomery ; ft. 1820;
m. 1st 1845 Althea Mary. dau. of the Rev. John W.
Tivvor. Canon and Chancellor of Bangor; 2nd 1849
Jane Anue, dau. of Cant. Robert Stroatfoild, R.X..
and has. with other issue. * Alfred George Streatfeild,
of the 25th King's own Borderers. 1850. Col.
Beadnell, who was educated at King's Coll., London,
is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Montgomery, and Colonel
commanding the Royal Montgomery Rifles Militia;
was formerly in the Bengal Army. — Ct/iihinfa, Mont-
gomery : Junior United Strviccand Raleigh Clubs, s.W. ;
Garrick Club, w.c. ; 104, Bdgravc Road, s.w.
BEADON, Sir Cecil, K.C.S.I.— Cr. 1866.
Youneest sou of the late Richard Readon, Esq., by
Annabella. dau. of the late Sir William Pierco Ashe
A'Court. Bart.: ft. 1815; m. 1st 1837 Harriet, dau. of
Major Ralph H. Sneyd (she d. 1855"); 2nd 1858 Agnes,
dau. of William H. Sterndale, Esq., of Ashford, co.
Derhv. Educated at Haileybury ; appointed Secretary
to Board of Customs (Bengal C.S.) 1836; is Lieut-
Governor of Bengal, and a Member of the Supreme
Council of India.— Belvedere, Calcutta ; Oriental Club,
w. ; Athenaeum Club, s.w. ; 15, Elvaston Place, s.w.
BEADON, Edwards, Esq., of Corfe, Somerset.
Eldest surviving son of the late Robert Beadon, Esq.,
of Taunton and" Corfe (who d. 1845), by Hannah,
dau. of Hugh Petten, Esq., of Corfe ; b. 1800 ; m. 1836
Anne Clarke Baker, only dau. of Montague Bere Baker
Bere. Esq., of Morebath House, Devon, and widow of
the Rev. Richard F. Follett. Mr. Beadon was educated
at Tiverton School. — Highlands, Taunton.
Heir Pres.. his brother Richard John, M. A. of Queen's Coll.,
Oxford ; Rector of Shirwell. Devon ; 6. 1803 ; m. 1848 Char-
lone Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the late Sir ArthnrChichester,
Bart., and has, with other issue, Richard, 6. 1840.
BEADON, Capt. George, R.N., of Creech-
barrow, Somerset.
Youngest son of the late William Beadon. Esq , J.P.,
of Gotten House, Somerset (who d. 1855). by Martha
Anne, only Child of John Hanimett, Esq., Lieut. R.N.,
of Chard, Somerset ; b. 1810; m. 1833 Sarah, youngest
dau. of the late William Oliver, Esq., of Hope Corner,
Somerset, and has, with other surviving issue,
* Oliver Annitage, Lieut. R.M., b. 1845 ; m. 18H7 Lucy
Beadon, dau. of Joseph M. Jackson, Esq.. Inspector-General
of Medical Department, Madras Presidency.
Mr. Beadon, who entered the Navy in 1825, is a Capt.
K.X. — Creechbarrow, near Taunton.
BEADON, John Hammett, Esq., of Gotten
House, Somerset.
Second but eldest surviving son of the late William
Beadon, Esq.. J.P., of Gotten House (who d. 1855), by
his 1st wife Martha Anna, only child of the late John
Hammet, Esq., Lieut. R.N., of Chard, Somerset, and
sole heiress of the Musgraves of Gotten; b. 1806; m.
1845 Emma Harriet, only dau. of James Whiting, Esq.,
of Carshalton, Surrey, and has, with other issue, an
only son, * John Hammett, b. 1847. Mr. Beadon was
formerly Capt. 1st Somerset Militia. — Gotten House,
West Monckton, near Taunton,
BEALE, Thomas Bakbot, Esq., of Brettenham,
Second son of the late Daniel Beale, Esq., of Millfield
House. Edmonton, Middlesex, by Elizabeth, only
child of Paul Barbot, Esq., of London; 6, 1805;
m. 1838 Jane, dau. of Edward C. Hill, Esq., of London,
and has, with oilier issue, * Daniel Chaunecy, educated
at Eton and Exeter Coll., Oxford, a Magistrate for
Suffolk, ft. 1842. Mr. Beale, who was educated at
Winchester, is a Magistrate for Suffolk (High Sheriff
18741. and Lord of the Manor of Brettenham; was
formerly in the Bengal Civil Service. — Brettenham
Park, Bi'des.'on ; Union Club, s.w.
BEALE, Thomas SALWEY, Esq., of Heath
House, Shropshire.
Eldest sim of the lale Thomas Beale, Esq., of Heath
House, by Constance Isabella, dau. of the late Richard
Salwey, Esq., of Moor Park, co. Salop; /). 1816; s.
1845 ; m. 1815 Elizabeth, dan. of William Corden, Esq.,
of Derby, and has, with other issue, * Walter Salwey,
b. 1840. Mr. Beale, who was educated at Eton, is Lord
of the Manor and Patron of Hopton Castle; ho was
formerly in the 68th Regt. — Heath House, Ludlow.
BEALE, William Laxsdowxe, Esq., of Warfieltl,
Son of the late Samuel Beale, Esq., J.T., of Warfield,
sometime M.P. for Derby and Chairman of the Midland
Railway (who d. 1874), by his 1st wife, Emma, dau. of
the Rev. E. Butcher, of Sidmouth, Devon ; b. 1829 ; m.
1S57 Caroline, dau. of the late Charles Geaeh, Esq.,
M.P., and has issue. Mr. Beale is a Magistrate for
Berks. — Warfield Grove, Bracknell, Berks; Waltham
St. Lawrence, Maidenhead.
BEAMISH, Benjamin Swayne, Esq., of Mount
Beamish, co. Cork.
Eldest surviving son of the lato John Samuel Beamish,
Esq., of Mount Beamish, by Arabella, dau. of Benjamin
Swayne, Esq. ; h. 1806 ; 1852 ; m. 1842 Cherry Mar-
garet, dau. of Thomas Little, Esq., M.D., LL.D., of
Sligo. — Mount Beamish, near Bandon ; Rathmahon,
Blackrock, co. Cork.
+ BEAMISH, Charles, Esq., of Delacour, co.
Fifth son of the late William Beamish, Esq., of Beau-
mont House, co. Cork, by Anne Jane Margaret, dau. of
Robert De-la-Cour, Esq. ; b. 180-. Is a Magistrate for
co. Cork. — Delacour, Killandrish, co. Cork.
BEAMISH, Francis Bernard Skrvingtox, Esq.,
of Grenville House, co. Cork.
Son of the late Francis Bernard Beamish, Esq., J.P.
and D.L., M.P., of Grenville House, by the Hon. Cathe-
rine, dau. of the late Capt. the Hon. Michael De Courcy,
R.N., and sister of John, 28th Lord Kingsale ; b. 1839;
s. 1868; m. 1862 Catherine Phoebe, dau. of Col.
Broadley, of Belle Vue, co. Cork. — Grenville House,
Cork ; Alpha House, Salcombe, Kingsbridgc, Devon.
BEAMISH, the Rev. George, of Beaumont,
co. Cork.
Eldest son of the late Richard Beamish, Esq., J.P., of
Beaumont (who d. 1867), by Susan Becher, dau. of
Richard Hungerford, Esq.; b. 1830; m. 1st 1864
Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the Rev. William Chadwick
Neligan, LL.D. (she d. 1865); 2nd 1870 Henrietta,
eldest dau. of the late George Crofts, Esq., of Temple
Hill, Blackrock, co. Cork, and has, with other issue,
* Richard, b. 1874. Mr. Beamish, who was educated at
Trinity Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1859), is Rector of Temple
O'Malus, co. Cork. — Beaumont House. Clonakilti/ co
Cork, '
f 65
BEAMISH, North Ludlow Axel, Esq., of
Ami Mount, co. Cork.
Eldest son of tho lato North Ludlow Beamish, Esq.,
K.H., F.R.S., of Ann Mount, who was a Magistrate for
co. Cork, High Sheriff of tho city of Cork 1855, and
who d. 1872, by Aline Marie, dau. of Rev. John Eric
Forsstrom, M.A., and of Petronolla Elizabeth, dau. and
heir of Casparus A. Robertson, Governor of Veors-
chooten and Veur, Holland; 6. 1842; m. 1869 Edith
Annie, eldest dau. of the Rev. W. Hamilton Thompson,
Rector of Stoke Dry, and has, with other issue, * a
son, b. 1871. — Ann Mount, New Glanmire, Cork.
BEAMISH, Richard, Esq., of Abbey Mount,
co. Cork.
Only surviving son of the late Abraham Beamish, Esq.,
of Abbey Mount (who d. 1841), by Frances, dau. of
Thomas Roche, Esq., of Baltimore, co. Cork ; b. 1823 ;
m. 1849 Martha, only dau. of Samuel Jagoe, Esq., of
Sunville, co. Cork, and has, with other issue, * Abraham,
b. 1852. Mr. Beamish is a Magistrate for co. Cork,
— Abbey Mount, Leap, co. Cork.
BEAMISH, Robert De-la-Cour, Esq., of
Ditchley, co. Cork.
Second but oldest surviving son of the late William
Beamish, Esq., of Beaumont House, by Anne Jane
Margaret, dau. of Robert De-la-Cour, Esq., of Short
Castle, co. Cork; b. 1791; s. his nephew 1848; m.
183- Maria Anne, dau. of the late Lieut.-Col. Mac-
donald, and has, with other surviving issue, * Archibald
Macdonald, b. 1S42. Mr. Beamish was High Sheriff
of co. Cork in 1841. — Ditchley, Little Island, co. Cork.
BEAMISH, Thomas, Esq., of Kilmalooda,
co. Cork.
Eldest son of the late Sampson Beamish, Esq., by
Catharine, dau. of Rev. Thomas Waller Evans, Rector
of Dunmanway, co. Cork; b. 1802; s. 1843 ; in. 1829
Lydia Maria, eldest dau. of Capt. Andrew Poole, of
Kilrush, co. Cork. Is a Magistrate for co. Cork.
— Kilmalooda House, Timoleague, co. Cork.
Heir Pres., his brother Sampson, ft. 1807 ; m. 1836 Elizabeth,
2nd dau. of Capt. Poole, of Kilrush, and has, with other
issue, * Thomas, ft. 1840.
+ BEAMISH-BERNARD, George, Esq., of
Palace Anne, co. Cork.
Eldest surviving son of the late Richard Beamish, Esq.,
of Raharoon, co. Cork, by Elizabeth, dau. of Arthur
Bernard,Esq., of Palace Anne; b. 1820; s. his brother
1856; late an officer in the Army. Is head of the
family of Beamish. The additional name of Bernard
was assumed by the late owner on succeeding to the
estate of Palace Anne, under the will of his maternal
uncle, Thomas Bernard, Esq. — Palace Anne, Bandon.
+ BEAN, Alfred William, Esq., of Danson
Park, Kent.
Son of the late J. Bean, Esq. ; b. 18-; m. .18- Mary, dau.
of T. Jackson, Esq., of Eltham, Kent ; was formerly
a railway contractor ; he purchased this property of
H. Johnston, Esq., in 1865. — Danson Park, nearBexlcy.
BEARCROET, Edward, Esq., of Mere Hall,
Eldest son of the late Edward Henry Bearcroft, Esq.,
of Mere Hall, by Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Bowen,
Esq., of Pantyderry, co. Cardigan; b. 1816; s. 1833;
in. 1 850 Eliza, 3rd dau. of Col. Colby, of Fynone, co.
Pembroke, and has issue an only son, * Edward Hughes,
educated at Eton; b. 1852. Mr. Bearcroft, who was
educated at the R.M. Coll., Sandhurst, is a J.P. and
D.L. for co. Worcester (High Sheriff 1854).— Mere Hall,
Droitwich ; Union Club, s.w.
BEARDMORE, John, Esq., of Uplands, Hants.
Only son of the late John Beardmore, Esq., of Uplands
66 '
(who was J.P. and D.L. for Hants, and High Sheriff
1846), by Mary Anne, only dau. of the late Capt.
George Cooper Ridge, of Morden Park, Surroy ; b. 1856 ;
s. 1861.
Heir Pres., his sister Eleanor Frances.
BEARE, Arthur Cotton Esq., of Holland
House, Kent.
Son of the late Major William Gabbett Beare, of
Holland House (who d. 1874), by Charlotte Laura,
dau. of Charles Bowland Cotton, Esq., of Kingsgate,
Isle of Thanet, and niece of the late John Powell
Powell, Esq., of Quex Park, Kent, and Park House,
Fulham, Middlesex; b. 1849; m. 1874 Alice Lucy St.
John, youngest dau. of Heneage Wm. Dering, Esq. Edu-
cated at Sandhurst; late Lieut. 13th Hussars.— Hol-
land House, Kingsgate, Isle of Thanet; 34, Devonshire
Place, w.
BEASLEY, Charles, Esq., of Harston, Lei-
Son of the late Thomas Calvert Beasley, Esq., J.P., of
Harston, by Sarah Dunkley, dau. of Thomas Oldham,
Esq., of Martin House, co. Lincoln; b. 1840; m. 1871
Florence Paulet Pigott, dau. of Thomas Piatt, Esq.,
Barrister-at-Law. Is a Commissioner of Taxes. — Har-
ston, Grantham.
BEASLEY, Joseph Noble, Esq., of Chapel
Brampton and Pitsford Hall, Northamp-
Son of the late John Beasley, Esq., of Chapel Bramp-
ton (who d. 1874), by Letitia, eldest dau. of the late
Rev. John Noble ; b. 1839 ; m. 1862 Sophia Mary, 2nd
dau. of Thomas William Coventry, Esq., grandson of
George, 6th Earl of Coventry, and has issue * a son,
b. 1870. — Chapel Brampton Hall, Northampton.
BEATSON, Mrs., of Rossend, Fifeshire.
Eliza, 3rd dau. of John Baird, Esq., of Camelon, co.
Stirling; m. 1832 Alexander Campbell ^Beatson, Esq.,
of Rossend, Capt. Indian Army, who d. 1832, leaving
an only and posthumous child, Alexander John, of
Rossend, who d. 1861. — Eossend, Fifeshire, N.B. ; 4,
Circus Place West, Edinburgh.
BEATSON-BELL, Andrew, Esq., of Kilduncan,
Only surviving son of the late John Beatson-Bell, Esq.,
of Glenfarg (co. Perth) and Kilduncan (a J.P. for cos.
Perth and Fife), by Ann, elder dau. of the late Charles
Young, Esq., of Leith ; b. 1831 ; s. 1868 ; m. 1865 Mary,
dau. of the late Nicholas Dodd, Esq., of Bellshield,
Northumberland, and has, with other issue, * John, b.
1866. Mr. Beatson-Bell, who was educated at the
Edinburgh Academy, and the Universities of Edin-
burgh and Glasgow, was called to the Scottish Bar in
1854 ; is a J.P. and Sheriff-Substitute for co. Fife ; and
Capt. Commandant 2nd Fifeshire R. V. corps. — Bel-
more, Cupar-Fife, N.B.; University Club, Edinburgh.
BEATTIE, Alexander, Esq., of Summerhill,
Chislehurst, Kent.
Eldest surviving son of the late Alexander Beattie,
Esq., by Helen, dau. of David Crawford, Esq., of
Edinburgh ; b. 1806 ; m. 1st 1835 Mary Anne Elizabeth
Theresa, youngest dau. of the late Vice-Admiral Sir
Edward G. Colpoys, K.C.B. ; 2nd 1855 Jane, dau. of
Richardson Purves, Esq., of Sunbury Place, Middlesex,
and has, by the former, * Henry Richard, late Capt. W.
Kent Militia, and formerly Lieut. 52ndFoot; b. 1838; m.
1871 Alice Jane, only dau. of the Hon. Sidney Roper-
Curzon (whom see). Mr. Beattie, who was educated
at Glasgow University, is a Magistrate for Kent and
Sussex ; he was formerly an East India merchant in
Calcutta, Liverpool, and London. — Summerhill, Chisle-
hurst ; Junior Carlton and National Clubs, s.w.
BKATTY. Dayu\ Esq., of Borodalo, CO.
Eldest son of the l it.- Capt . David Beatty. .T.P., of
Borodalo (a Peninsular officer), by Elizabeth, eldest dau.
of the late John Martin. Esq*, of Cork; 1817:
1S.S5; »>. 1st 1S3S his cousin Maty Elizabeth, only
child and heir of Robert Loagfield, Esq.; 2nd 18-17
Lctitia. widow of Jacob William GofF. Esq.. of Hore-
town House, co. Wexford: 3rd 1851 Charlotte Mar-
garet, 4th dau. of the late Harry Aleoek, Esq., of
Wilton Castle, eo. Wexford; he has. by his 1st wife,
with other issue, * David Lougfield, late Lieut. 4th
Hussars: b. 1841. Mr. Beatty is Master of the
Wexforvl Foxhounds. — Borenlale, Enniscorthy.
-f BE ATTT-rO WXALL, the Rev. Charles
CoLTBAK, of Milton Ernest, Bedfordshire.
f>. 1806; m. 1st 1SS5 Miss — ; 2nd 1S73 Miss Amy E.
Lythe, of Beverley : and has by the former marriage,
with other issue, * Charles E., late Capt. 6Sth (The
Durham) Light Infantry, b. 1837: m. Miss Edith
Philippa — . Educated at Claro Hall, Cambridge
(B.A. 182"). M.A. 183LM: is a Magistrate for Beds, and
Vicar of Milton Ernest. — Milton Ernest, near Bedford.
BEAUCHAMP, Earl (Frederick LtgoS).— Cp.
Third but only surviving son of Henry Beauchamp,
4th Earl (who d. 1863), by Lady Susan Caroline,
2nd dau. of William. 2nd Earl of St. Germans; b.
1830; his brother 1866: >n. 186S Lady Mary, only
dau. of Philip Henrv. 5th Earl Stanhope. Educated
at Eton and Ch. Ch.," Oxford (B.A. 1S52), and after-
wards elected Fellow of All Souls Coll. ; is a Magis-
trate for co. Worcester, and Patron of 5 livings ; was
M.P. for Tewkesburv 1857-63, for West Worcestershire
1863-6 ; a Lord of the Admiralty March-June 1S59 ;
created a Hon. D.C.L. Oxon 1S70; appointed Lord
Steward of the Household 1874. — Madrcsfield, Great
Jdalvern ; Carlton Club, s.w. ; 13, Belgrave Square, s.w.
Heir, his son William, Viscount Elmley ; 6. 1672.
BEAUCHAMP, Dowager Countess, of Stan-
ford, Leicestershire.
Catherine, 3rd dau. and coheir of Sarah, late Baroness
Braye, by Bobert Otway Cave, Esq., some time M.P.
for co. Tipperary ; m. 1st 1826 Henry Murray, Esq. ;
2nd 1850 John Keginald, 3rd Earl Beauchamp. who
assumed the surname of Pindar only, and d. 1853.
— Stanford Hall, Bugby ; 193, Grosvcnor Square, w.
BEAUCHAMP, Sir- Reginald William PROC-
TOR-, Bart,, of Langley Park, Norfolk
(cr. 1744).
Eldest son of the late Sir Thomas William Brograve
Proctor-Beauchamp. Bart., J.P. and D.L., of Langley
Park, by the Hon. Caroline Esther, dau. of Granville
George,2nd Lord Badstoek; b. 1853 ; s. as 5th Bart.
1874. Is a Dep. -Lieut, for Norfolk, Lord of the Manor
of Langley, and Patron of 4 livings. — Langley Park,
Heir Pres., his brother Granville Pelham, b. 1855.
BEAUCHAMP, Edmund Beauchamp, Esq, of
Trevince, Cornwall.
Eldest son of the Eev. Marwood Tucker, M.A., of
Balliol Coll., Oxon, and Bector of "Widworthy, Devon,
' by Anne Cranmer, dau. of Edmund Nagle, Esq. ;
b. 1833 ; m. 1st 1856 Maria Sadleir, dau. of Burton
Persse, Esq., of Moyode Castle, co. Galway (who d.
1870); 2nd 1873 Gertrude, dau. of Dudley Persse,
Esq., of Boxborough, eo. Galway; he has issue by the
former * Matilda. Mr. Beauchamp, who was educated at
Winchester, is a Magistrate for Cornwall (High Sheriff
1870) ; late Lieut. 59th Begfc. — Trevince, EcdnUh ;
Junior United Service Club, s.w.
I BEAUCHAMP, George Edward Haliied,
Esq., of Beeoh Hill, Berks.
Kldest son of the late George Edward Beauchamp,
Esq., of Beech Hill, by Ellen Louisa, dau. of Bobert
Hawed, Esq. ; b, 1810 ; s. 1868; is married, and has
issue. The late Mr. G. E. Beauchamp was a Magistrate
for Berks, and a merchant at Beading. — Beech Hill,
Beading ; Thctfvrd, Norfolk.
BEAUCLERK, Lord Amelius, of Lciston,
Fifth son of the late William, 8th Duke of St. Albans,
by Maria, only dan. and heir of John Nelthorpe, Esq.,
of Little Grimsby, co. Lincoln; /). 1815; m. 1853
Frances Maria, only dau. of Charles Harrison, Esq.,
and has, with oilier issue, * Charles William Went-
worth, 6. 1S54. Lord Amelius, who was educated at
the B. Naval Coll., is a Magistrate for Suffolk, and a
Capt. B.N. — Lciston Hall, near Saxmundham.
BEAUCLERK, Aubrey t>e Veke, Esq., of Ard-
glass Castle, Downshire.
Only surviving son of the late Major Aubrey AVilliam
B -auclerk. of Ardglass, and of St. Leonard's Lodge,
Horsham (who was M.P. for E. Surrey 1835-7), by his
1st wife, Ida, 3rd dau. of the late Sir C. Goring, Bart. ;
b. 1836; «. 1852; m. 1858 Evelyn Matilda, dau. of
Henry FitzBoy, Esq., of Salcey Lawn, co. Northamp-
ton, and has issue * Sidney de Vere, b. 1866. Mr.
Beauclerk, who was educated at Cheltenham and at
Trinity Coll., Cambridge, is a Magistrate for co. Down
(High Sheriff 1863). — Ardglass Castle, Downshire ; 8,
Charles Street, w.
BEAUCLERK, Frederick Edward, Esq., of
Winchfield House, Hants.
Eldest son of the late Charles William Beauclerk, Esq.
(J.P. and D.L. for Hants), who d. 1863, by Penelope,
dau. of Edward Hulkes, Esq.; b. 1852; s. his grand-
mother, Lady Frederick Beauclerk, 1866. Is Lord of
the Manor of Winchfield.
Heir Pres., his brother Charles St. John, b. 1854.
+ BEAUCLERK, Henry William, Esq., of
Leckhampstead, Bucks.
Only son of the late John Beauclerk, Esq., Barrister-at-
Law (who d. 1840), by Mary, dau. of Thomas Fitzhugh,
Esq.; b. 1812; m. 1st 1838 Lady Katharine Frances,
7th dau. of George, 3rd Earl of Ashburnham ; 2nd 1840
Louisa, eldest dau. of the late Sir George Wombwell,
Bart., and had issue Katherine Mary, d. 1867, having
m. 1864 the Eev. Frederick Boyd, Bector of Holwell,
Beds. Mr. "Beauclerk is Lord of the Manor and
Patron of Leckhampstead.
+ BEAUCLERK, Mrs., of King's Castle,
Maria Sarah, dau. of the late Ealpli Lonsdale, Esq. ;
m. 1861 George Bobert Beauclerk, Esq., of King's
Castle, formerly Capt. 23rd B. Welsh Fusiliers, who d,
1871, leaving, with other issue, * Amelius George, b.
1871. — King's Castle, near Ardglass, Downshire.
BEAUCLERK, William Nelthorpe, Esq., of
Little Grimsby, Lincolnshire.
Eldest son of the late Lord Frederick Charles Peter
Beauclerk, of Little Grimsby, by Jemima Eleanor, 6th
dau. of the late James Raymond Johnstone, Esq., of
Alva, co. Clackmannan; b. 1849; s. 1865. Is Lord
of the Manor and Patron of Little Grimsby. — Little
Grimsby Hcdl, Louth.
Heir Pres. his brother Frederick Amelias, b. 1851.
BEAUCLERK. (See under St. Albans, Duke of.)
F 2 67
BEAUFORT, Duke of (Hknuy Charles Fitz-
Roy Somerset, P.O., K.G.).— Cr. 1G82.
Only son of Ilonry, 7th Duke, K.G-., by his 2nd wife
Emily, dan. of the lato Culling Charles Smith, Esq. ;
b. 1824; s. 1853; m. 1845 Lady Georgiana Charlotte,
dau. of Richard, 2nd Earl Howe. Educated at Eton ;
is Lord-Lieut, of co. Monmouth, a Magistrate for
co. Brecon, and J.P. and D.L. for co. Gloucester,
Patron of 25 livings ; a Lieut. -Col. unattached, and
Hon. Col. Gloucestershire Yeomanry Hussars ; late
Capt. 7th Light Hussars ; was M.P. for East Glouces-
tershire 1846-53; Master of the Horse 1857-8 and
1866-8. — Badminton, Chippenham; Stoke Giffbrd,
Bristol; Troy House, Monmouth; Llangattock, Crick-
howcll; Carlton Clvb,s.yr.
Heir, his son Henry Adalbert Wellington Fitzroy, Marquis
of Worcester, Dep. -Lieut, for co. Monmouth, and Capt.
Royal Horse Guards ; b. 1S47.
BEAUMAJST, Edward John Barry, Esq., of
Furness, co. Kildare.
Only surviving son of the late Michael Beauman, Esq.
(some time Capt. in the East India Company's Service),
by Mary, dau. of General Wahab ; b. 1804; m. 1833
Elizabeth, dau. of George Moore, Esq., of Wicklow.
Is a Magistrate for co. Kildare. — Great Forenaughts {or
Furness), Naas, co, Kildare.
BEAUMAN, John Christopher, Esq., of Hyde
Park, co. Wexford.
Only son of the late Matthew Forde Beauman, Esq.,
of Hyde Park (who d. 1872), by Harriet, youngest dau.
of the late Rev. Thomas Quinu, of Wingfield, co. Wick-
low; b. 1846. The late Mr. Beauman was a Magistrate
for co. Wexford (High Sheriff 1844), and formerly a
Capt. in the Army. — Hyde Park, Gorey, co. Wexford.
Heirs Pres., his sisters.
BEAUMONT, Lord (Henry Stapleton).— Cr.
Eldest son of Miles, 8th Lord, by the Hon. Isabella
Anne, eldest dau. of John 3rd Lord Kilmaine ; b. 1848;
s. 1854. Educated at Eton ; is Lord of the Manor of
Carlton and Patron of 1 living, a Knight Grand Cross
of the (Italian) Order of the Holy Sepulchre, and a
Knight of the Order of St. John ; late Cornet 1st Life
Guards. — Carlton Hall, Selby ; Guards' Club, say.
Heir i>m.,his brother Miles, b. 1850; educated at Eton;
Lieut, and Capt. Coldstream Guards.
BEAUMONT, Sir George Howland, Bart., of
Cole-Orton, Leicestershire (cr. 1660).
Eldest son of the late Sir George Howland Willoughby
Beaumont, Bart., of Cole-Orton, by Mary Anne, eldest
dau. of the late Most Rev. Dr. Howley, Archbishop of
Canterbury; b. 1828; s. as 9th Bart. 1845; m. 1st
1850 Paulina Menzies, dau. of Wm. H. Belli, Esq.
(she d. 1870); 2nd 1872 Octavia Willoughby, widow
of Major John Richard Smyth Wallis, of Drishane
Castle, co. Cork. Educated at Winchester and Ch. Ch.,
Oxford ; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Loicester (High Sheriff
1852), and Patron of 2 livings ; late Capt. Leicestershire
Yeomanry Cavalry. — Cole-Orton Hall, Ashby-de-la-
Zouch ; Carlton and Garrick Clubs, s.w.
Heir, his son George Howland William, b. 1S51.
BEAUMONT, Edward Blackett, Esq., F.R.S.
and F.A.S., of Darfield, Yorkshire.
Fourth son of the late Col. Thomas Richard Beaumont,
M.P., of Bretton Hall (who d. 1829), by Diana, dau.
and heir of the late Sir Thomas Wentworth Blackett,
Bart.; b. 1802; m. 1825 Jane, dau. of William Lee,
Esq., of Grove, co. York, and has, with other issue,
* Frederick Edward Blackett, educated at Harrow and R.
Military Academy, Woolwich ; Major R.E., and M.P. for
S. Durham ; b. 1S33.
Mr. Beaumont is a J.P. and D.L. for the W. Riding of
Yorkshire. — Woodhall, Darfield, near Barnsley, York-
shire; Travellers' and White's Clubs, s.w.
BEAUMONT, Francis Henry, Esq., of Buck-
land Court, Surrey.
Eldest son of the late William Francis Beaumont, Esq.,
of Buckland Court, by Frances Mary Caroline, dau. of
John Smith, Esq., of Bnry St. Edmunds, Suffolk ; b.
1834; s. 1837; m. 1856 Mary Emily, dau. of Evan
Baillie, Esq., of Docbfour, co. Inverness, N.B., and
Lady Georgiana Baillie, and has, with other issue,
* Francis Montagu, b. 1857. Mr. Beaumont, who was
educated at Oriel Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1856), is a Ma-
gistrate for Surrey, and Lord of the Manor of Buckland.
— Buckland Court, Beigate ; Carlton Club, s.w.
BEAUMONT, George, Esq., of Bridgford
Hill, Notts.
Eldest son of the late Capt. Richard Henry Beaumont,
84th Regt., and grandson of the late Rev. George Beau-
mont of Chapelthorpe, co. York, Rector of St. Nicholas,
Nottingham ; b. 1796 ; m. 1821 Ann, dau. of John Shil-
cock, Esq., of Redmile, co. Leicester, and by her (who
d. 1870) has issue four sons and one daughter. Mr.
Beaumont succeeded to this property under the will of
his uncle the Rev. Thomas Beaumont, M.A. — Bridgford
Hill, Nottingham ; National Club, s.w.
BEAUMONT, Henry Frederick, Esq., of Whit-
ley Beaumont, Yorkshire.
Eldest son of the late Henry Ralph Beaumont, Esq., of
Newby Park, co. York, by Catherine, 5th dau. of the
lateSir George Cayley, Bart., of Brompton Hall, co. York;
b. 1833 ; s. 1857 ; m. 1858 Maria Joanna, only surviv-
ing dau. of William Garforth, Esq., of Wiganthorpe,
co. York, and has, with other issue, * Henry Ralph, b.
1865. Mr. Beaumont, who was educated at Eton and
Trinity Coll., Cambridge, is a Magistrate for the N.
Riding, and a J.P. and D.L. for the W. Riding of
Yorkshire (on roll for High Sheriff), a Magistrate for
co. Lincoln, and Lord of the Manor of Whitley Beau-
mont ; was M.P. for the S. division of W. Riding of
co. York 1865-74. — Whitley Beaumont, Huddersfield ;
Irnham Park, Bourne, Lincolnshire ; Brooks's andBeform
Clubs, s.w. ; Garrick Club,Y\.c. ; 11, Dover Street, w.
+ BEAUMONT, John, Esq., of Barrow Hall,
Eldest son of the late John Beaumont, Esq., of Barrow -
on-Trent, by Mary Elizabeth, 2nd dau. of Nathaniel,
2nd Lord Scarsdale ; b. 1826; s, 1834.— Barrow Hall,
Heir Pres., his brother Robert Curzon, b. 1827.
BEAUMONT, Somerset Archibald, Esq., of
Bywell, Northumberland.
Third son of the late Thomas Wentworth Beaumont,
Esq., M.P., of Bretton, by Henrietta Jane Emma,
dau. of John Atkinson, Esq., of Maple Hayes ; b.
1836. Educated at Harrow and Trinity Coll., Cam-
bridge ; is a Dep. -Lieut, for Northumberland ; was
M.P. for Newcastle-on-Tyne 1860-5, for Wakefield
1868-74. — Bywell, Gateshead; Travellers' Club, s.w.;
St. James's Club, w. ; 23, Park Street, w.
BEAUMONT, Wentworth Blackett, Esq., of
Bretton Park, Yorkshire.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Wentworth Beaumont,
Esq., M.P., of Bywell and Bretton, by Henrietta Jane
Emma, dau. of John Atkinson, Esq., of Maple Hayes,
co. Stafford; b. 1829 ; s. 1849 ; m. 1856 Lady Margaret,
dau. of Ulick John, 1st Marquis of Clanricarde, K.P.,
and has, with other issue, * Wentworth Canning
Blackett, b. 1860. Mr. Beaumont, who was educated
at Harrow and at Trinity Coll., Cambridge, is a Ma-
gist rate for CO. Durham, a J. P. and D.L. for North*
nmlvrland and the \Y. Ruling of co. York, and Patron
of ll' livings: has lwn M.P. for S. Northumberland
since 1S.V2. — Brettou Park, Wkk&tlij Atltnhttttls,
XorthuiMbcrlaml ; Reform, Dwellers', and Brooks's
OfofAs, s.w. ; 144, Piccadilly, w.
+ BE A VAX, James, Esq.. of Presteign, Bad.
Son of the late J. Beavan, Esq. ; A. 18—. Is a Magis- '
trute for oo. Radnor (High Sheriff 1869). and Capt.
1st Radnorshire R. V. — Prcstrign, Radnorshire.
+ BEA VAX. Samiti, Esq., of Lhvvnmadock, 1
Radnorshire- .
Son of the late S. Beavan, Esq.; b. 18 — ; is a Dep.-
Lieut, for co. Radnor. — Uwynmadock, Builth.
BEAVER. High Epwarp Campbell, Esq., of
Brvn-GlAs. Montgomeryshire.
Kldest son of the late Hugh Bearer. Esq.. of Bryn GUIs,
and Glyn Garth. Anglesea. by Isabella Janet, dan. of
the late Sir Duncan Campbell. Bart., of Barealdine, co.
Argyll : b. 1843. Is a merchant in South America.
BECHER, Sir Hexky WRIXOX-, Bart., of
Ballygiblin. co. Cork (cr. 1831).
Kldest son of the late Sir William Wrixon-Becher. Bart.,
of Ballvgiblin (who was some time M.P. for Mallow1),
by Elizabeth, dan. of John O'Neill. Esq. ; !>. 1826 ; .v.
as '2nd Bart. 1S50. Educated at Eton and University
Coll., Oxford : is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Cork ; (on
roll for High Sheriff 1875) ; formerly Lieut, in the Rifle
Brigade.— 'Ballygiblin, Mallow, co. 'Cork; Castle Hyde,
Fermoy, co. Cork; Crcagh, Skibbereen, co. Cork.
I/tir Pres.. his brother John, of Hollybroolc, co. Cork, M.A.
of Trinity Coll.. Cambridge ; a J.P. and D.L. for eo. Cork ;
ft. 1S2S;" m. lS-i" Lady Emily Catherine. 2nd dau. of
William, 2nd Earl of Listowel, K.P.,and has, with other
issue, *a son, ft. 1S59.
BECHER. Sir Arthur Mitford, K.C.B. (cr.
Son of the late Colonel Becher; b. 1816; educated
at Addiseombe. Is a Lieut. -Gen. in the Army ; was
formerly Capt. 61st Bengal and Quarter-Master-
General of the Army in India ; Commanded the Sirhind
Division. — United Service Club, s.w.
BECHER, John Henry, Esq, of Hill House,
Son of the late Rev. John Drake Becher, J.P., of Hill
House, Vicar of South Muskham, Notts, by Elizabeth
Susanna, only dau. of Henry Machin, Esq. ; b. 1840 ;
1S64. Educated at Harrow and Trinity Coll.,
Cambridge (B.A. 1861): is a Magistrate for Notts.
— Hill House, Southwell.
BECHER, Michael Alleyn Richard, Esq., of
Ballydnvane House, co. Cork.
Eldest son of the late Michael Alleyn Becher, Esq., of
Ballvduvane (who d. 1850), by Mary, dau. of Thomas
Alleyn. Esq.. of Ballvduvane ; b. 1799 ; m. 1868 Helen,
eldest dau. of Thomas Hicks, Esq., of Torquay, Devon,
and by her (who d. 1878) has, with other issue, *a son,
b. 1870. Mr. Beecher is a Magistrate for co. Cork.
— Ballydnvane House, near Clinakitty, co. Cork.
BECHER, Richard Henry Hedges, Esq., of
Lakelands, co. Cork.
Eldest son of the late John Becher, Esq., of Holly-
brook, co. Cork, by Susannah, dau. of Thomas Hunger-
ford, Esq., of Pox Hall, co. Cork; h. 1799; s. 1820
in. 1st 1839 Melian, eldest dau. of the O'Donovan o
Montpellier. co. Cork' (head of that sept), she d. 1859
2nd 1861 Mary Hungerford, eldest dau. of Richard
Neville Somervillo, of Ardmanah, co. Cork. Mr.
Becher is a Magistrate for cos. Cork and Kerry. — Lake-
lands, Skibbereen, co. Cork.
BECKETT, Sir Edmund Beckett, Bart,, Q.C.,
of Grimthorpe and Barkstall Grange, York-
shire, and of Binbrooke, Lincolnshire (cr.
Son of the late Sir Edmund Beckett, Bart., of Doncaster,
by Maria, dau. of the late William Beverley, Ksq.,
of Beverley, eo. York ; b. 1816 ; as 5th Barf. 1874 ;
. 1845 Fanny Catharine, dan. of the late Right Rev.
John Lonsdale. D.D., Lord Bishop of Lichfield, Edu-
cated mi Eton and Trinity Coll.. Cambridge (B.A.
1S3S. M.A. 1811. LL.D. 1863); is a Magistrate for
HorN and the W. Biding of Yorkshire. The lato Baro-
net assumed the name of Denison in lieu of his patro-
nymic bur resumed the name of Beckett in 1873.
— Residence : Batch Wood, St. Albam ; Athenaeum Club,
s.w. ; 33, Queen Anne Street, w.
flefr Pres., his brother Christopher Beckett Denison, Esq.,
J.P. and DX. for the W. Riding of Yorkshire, and M.P.
for E. Div. of W. Riding of Yorkshire; formerly in the
Bengal Civil Service ; b. IS2.">.
BECKETT, Miss, of Somerby Park, Lincoln-
Mary, elder dau. of the late Sir Thomas Beckett, Bart.,
of Somerby Park (who d. 1872), by Caroline, dau. of
Joseph Beckett, Esq., of Barnsley, eo. York ; is Lady of
the Manor of Somerby, and Patron of 1 living.
— Somerby Park, near Gainsborough.
BECKETT, of Meanwood Park. (See Denison.)
BECKWITH, Mrs., of Trimdon and Silksworth,
co. Durham.
Priseilla Maria, dau. and heir of Thomas Hopper, Esq.,
of Silksworth House, co. Durham, by Wilhelmina
Dorothea, dau. of the Rev. Richard Hammett, of Clo-
velly, Devon; m. 1831 General William Beckwith,
K.H., of Trimdon, who d. 1871. Is Lady of the
Manor of Trimdon, and Patron of 1 living. — Trimdon
House, Sedgefield ; Silksworth House, Sunderland.
BECTP7E, Earl of.
(See under Head fort, Marquis of.)
BEDFORD, Duke of (Francis Charles
Hastings Russell). — Cr. 1694.
Eldest son of the late Major-General Lord George
William Russell, G.C.B. (who d. 1 846), by Elizabeth
Anne, only child of the late Hon. J. Theophilus Raw-
don, and cousin of William, 8th Duke of Bedford ;
6. 1819; s. his cousin as 9th Duke 1872; m. 1844 Lady
Elizabeth, eldest dau. of George John, 5th Earl de la
Warr. Is Gustos Rot. of the Isle of Ely, a J.P. and
D.L. for Beds, and Hon. Col. Beds Rifle Volunteers ;
late Major Beds Militia ; was M.P. for Beds 1847-72 ;
formerly Capt. Scots Fusilier Guards. — Woburn Abbey,
Beds ; Oakley House, Bedford ; Endsleigh, Tavistock ;
Brooks s, Reform, Travellers' , and United Service Clubs,
s.w. ; 81, Eaton Square, s.w.
Heir, his son George William Francis Sackville, Marquis of
Tavistock, educated at Balliol Coll., Oxford ; M.P. for Beds ;
b. 1852.
BEDFORD, the Rev. Thomas.
Eldest surviving son of the late John Bedford, Esq., of
Huntingdon (who d. 1824), by Jane, his 2nd wife ; b.
1809; m. 1835, and has, with other issue, * John, b.
1837 ; m. 1867 Alice Harriet, dau. of Capt. Childers
Thompson, of York. Mr. Bedford, who was educated at
ma nue Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1832, M.A. 1835), is
atron of Iford-with-Kingston, Sussex, and Rector of
Estree, Herts. — The Rectory, Elstree, Herts.
I 69
BEDFORD, tlio Rov. Wit- r jam Kirkpatrtck
RILAND-, of Sutton Coldfield, Warwick-
Eldest son of the late Eev. William Riband-Bedford,
• Koctor of Sutton Coldfield (who assumed the additional
name of Riland), by Grace, dau. of the late Charles
Sharpe, Esq., of IToddam Castle, co. Dumfries; b. 1826 ;
5. 1843 ; m. 1851 Maria Amy, youngest dau. of Joseph
Houson, Esq., and has, with other issue, * William
Campbell, b. 1852. Mr. Bedford, who was educated
at Westminster and Brasenose Coll., Oxford (B.A.
1848, M.A. 1852), is a Magistrate for co. Warwick,
and Rector and Patron of Sutton Coldfield. — Sutton
Coldfield, Birmingham ; National Club, s.w.
Bart., of Oxburgh, Norfolk (or. 1660).
Eldest son of the late Sir Henry Richard Paston-
Bedingfeld, Bart., of Oxburgh, by Margaret Anne
Bishopp, only child and heir of the late Edward
Paston, Esq. (of a family formerly Earls of Yarmouth) ;
6.1830; s. 1862; m. 1859 Augusta Lucy, only child
and heir of Edward John Clavering, Esq., of Callaly
Castle, Northumberland. Educated at Stonyhurst
Coll. ; is a J.P. and D.L. for Norfolk, Lord of the Manors
of Oxburgh and Bedingfeld, and Patron of 1 living ;
he was formerly in the Austrian Cuirassiers, and Capt.
in the W. Norfolk Militia. — Oxburgh, Stoke Ferry,
Norfolk ; Reform Club, s.w.
Heir, his son Henry Edward, 6. 1860.
BEDINGFELD, the Rev. James, F.L.S.
Fourth son of the late John James Bedingfeld, Esq., of
Ditchingham Hall, Norfolk, by Sarah, dau. of Paul
Piersy, Esq., of Fair Hill, co. Cork; b. 1809; m. 1839
the Hon. Frances, 5th dau. of John Minet, 3rd Lord
Henniker, and has, with other surviving issue, * James,
Lieut. R.N., b. 1845. Mr. Bedingfelcl, who was edu-
cated at Eton and Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A.
1831), is a Magistrate for Suffolk, and Rector of
Bedingfeld, Suffolk. — Bedingfeld Rectory, Eye ; United
University Club, s.w.
BEDINGFELD, Philip Henniker Bosard,
Esq., of Ditchinghani Hall, Norfolk.
Eldest son of the late Philip Bedingfeld, Esq., LL.D.,
a Magistrate for Suffolk (who d. 1870), by Adelaide
Mary, dau. of the late Rev. Edgar Rust D'Eye, of
Abbots Hall, Suffolk, and Rector of Drinkstone, and
grandson of the late John Longueville Bedingfeld, Esq.,
of Ditchingham Hall ; 6.1859; s. his grandfather 1871.
Is Lord of the Manor of Pirnhowand Patron of 2 livings.
— Ditchingham Hall, Bungay.
Heir Pres., his brother Fleming Augustus O'Brien, b. 1862.
BEEBEE, Mrs., of Womaston, Radnorshire.
Mary Matilda, only dau. of the late David James, Esq.,
of Womaston; m. 1840 the Rev. Meyrick Beebee,
Rector of Simonburn, Northumberland, and formerly a
Chaplain R.N., who d. 1874, having had, with other
issue, Meyrick Henry Legge, late Fellow of St. John's
Coll., Cambridge; b. 1842; d. 1875. — Womaston, near
BEECH, James, Esq., of Brandon Lodge,
Only son of the late James Beech, Esq., of The Shawe,
co. Stafford, by Esther, dau. of — Sutton, Esq., of
Shawe House, co. Stafford; b. 1813; m. 1843 Emily
Charlotte, 4th dau. of the late John Madocks, Esq.,
M.P., of Glanywern Hall, co. Denbigh, and has, with
other issue, * Rowland John, b. 1853. Mr. Beech, who
was educated at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1834), is a J.P.
and D.L. for co. Warwick (High Sheriff 1864), and .
Lord of the Manor of Wolston. — Brandon Lodge, ■
Wolston, near Coventry ; The Shawe, Chcadle ; Carlton
Club, s.w. ; 2, Eaton Place, s.w.
BEECROFT, George Atjdtjs Beaumont, Esq., of
Ravensworth, Yorkshire.
Only son of tho late George SkirrowBeecroft, Esq., J.P.
and D.L. of Kirkstall, co. York (who was M.P. for
Leeds 1857-68), by his wife, Mary Isabelle, only dau.
of the late George Beaumont, Esq., J. P., of Halifax ;
b. 1844; s. 1869. Educated at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.Mus.
and B.A. 1868). — New University Club, s.w.; Arts
Club, w. ; 4, Gloucester Terrace, n.w.
BEEDHAM, Bratlesford Harry, Esq., of
Aslifield House, Yorkshire.
Eldest son of the late John Beedham, Esq., of Aslifield
House, and of Spring Hill House, co. York (who d.
1873), by Anne, dau. of the late Josiah Claughton, Esq.,
of Hasland House, co. Derby ; b. 1827. — Ashfield House,
BEEDHAM, Mrs., late of Spring Hill House,
Anne, dau. of the late Josiah Claughton, Esq., of
Hasland House, co. Derby, one of the coheirs of a
lineal descendant of the ancient family of Brailsford,
of Brailsford, co. Derby ; m. 1825 John Beedham, Esq.,
J. P., of Spring Hill House, and of Ashfield House, co.
York, who d. 1873, having had, with other issue,
* Braylesford Harry (whom see above).
BEERS, John, Esq., of Leslie Hill, co. Donegal.
Third son of the late William Beers, Esq., of Bally-
ward, co. Down, by Jane, dau. of the late Ven. Charles
Leslie, of Kincraigie Castle, co. Donegal, Archdeacon
of Raphoe; b. 1801 ; m. 1834 Catherine Anne, dau. of
William Colquhoun, Esq., and has, with other issue,
* John Leslie, b. 1838. Mr. Beers is a Magistrate for
co. Donegal. — Leslie Hill, Manor Conyngham, co.
Donegal ; 28, Royal Terrace, Kingstown, Dublin.
BEEVOR, Sir Thomas Branthwayt, Bart., of
Hargham Hall, Norfolk (cr. 1783).
Only son of the late Sir Thomas Beevor, Bart., of
Hethel, Norfolk, by Anne, dau. of Hugh Hare, Esq.,
of Hargham Hall; b. 1798; s. as 3rd Bart. 1820; m.
1st 1819 Elizabeth Bridget, dau. of the late Richard
Lubbock, Esq., M.D., of Norwich (she d. 1831); 2nd
1832 Martha, dau. of Archibald Herdiment, Esq., of
Old Buckenham, Norfolk (she d. 1843); 3rd 1845
Mary, dau. of F. Davies, Esq. Is a J.P. and D.L. for
Norfolk. — Residence : Yarmouth, Norfolk.
Heir, his son Thomas, of Hingham, Norfolk, a Magistrate for
Norfolk; b. 1823; m. 1850 Sophia Jane, 5th dau. of the
late Rev. Clement Chevallier, of Badingham, widow of
Isaac Jermy-Jermy, Esq., of Stanfleld Hall, Norfolk, and
has issue eight sons and three daughters.
BEEVOR, the Rev. Edward Rigby, of He-
vingham, Norfolk.
Son of the late James Beevor, Esq., of Norwich, by
Mary, dau. of the late Edward Rigby, Esq., M.D., of
Norwich; b. 1799. Educated at C. C. C, Cambridge
(B.A. 1823) ; is Rector and Patron of Hevingham.
— Hevingham Rectory, Norwich.
BEEVOR, Henry, Esq., of Blyth, Notts.
Eldest son of the late John Beevor, Esq., of Newark,
Notts (who d. 1833) ; by Elizabeth, only dau. of Francis
Parke, Esq., of Attleborough Hall, Norfolk ; b. 1817;
m. 1840, Harriette, youngest dau. of Samuel Hodgkin-
son, Esq., of Kilton, Notts, and has, with other surviv-
ing issue, * John Grosvenor, b. 1846 ; m. 1872 Annie,
eldest dau. of Sir James Meek, Knt., of Middlethorpe
Hall, co. York, and has issue. Mr. Beevor is a Magis-
trate for Notts, and Chairman of the Board of Guardians
of Worksop Union. — Blyth, Worksop.
BELCHER, Sir Edward, Knt., K.C.B. (cr.
Second son of Andrew Belcher, Esq., formerly Member
of Council, Norn Scotia, and late of Clarence Lodge.
Roohampton. 9lR0| k 1799; m. 1880 Diana, dau. of
— Jollifti. Esq. Kntorod tho Navy 1812: is an Ad-
miral. R.X.: served in West Indies, and on Chinese,
Spanish. Mediterranean, and African coasts; conducted
an expedition 1852-1 in search of Sir J. Franklin. Is
author of • A Voyage Round the World,' &Q, — Union
Club, S.W. ; 13, l\>rsci Street, \\.
BELCOMBE. tho Nov. Kkanois Einv.UiP, of The
Brooms. Staffordshire.
Youngest son of the late Dr. Bclcombe. of York, by
Harriet, dau. and coheir of Vernon Cotton, Esq., of Lea
Hou«c. CO. Stafford, and widow of John Bagshaw. Esq. :
b. 1827; his half-sister. Miss Bagshaw. 1856: ,n.
1st 1 S.»S Francos, dau. of the late .lames Heath Leigh,
Esq.. J. P. and P.L.. of Belmont, co. Chester; 2nd 187-1
Kate, dau. of William Pumbuck. Esq.. M. P., of Edin-
burgh, and has by the former, with other issue,
* George Edward, b. 1859. Mr. Bclcombe, who was
educated at the University of Edinburgh (M.R.C.S.
1S501. was formerly Vicar of Whitley. — Residence ; 14,
Merchiston Avenue, Edinburgh.
BELDAM, EDWABD, Esq., of Royston, Cam-
Seventh son of the late William Beldam. Esq.. of Roys-
ton, by Marianne, only dau. of William Woodham, Esq.,
of Shepreth Hall, co. Cambridge; b. 1812; m. 1844
Eliza, dau. of John Rankin. Esq., of New York, and
has, with other suviving issue, * Francis William Ed-
wurd, educated at Harrow, b. 1856. Mr. Beldam, who
was called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn 1860, is a Magis-
trate for Herts and co. Cambridge. — Banycrs, Royston.
BELFAST, Earl of.
(See under DoncgaU, Marquis of.)
BELFIELD. John Finney, Esq., of Priniley
Hill, Devon.
Only son of the late Rev. Finney Belfield, of Priniley
Hill, bv his 1st wife Eleanor, dau. of Thomas Daniel,
Esq. ; 6. 1811 ; s. 1858; m. 1854 Eliza Conway, only
dau. of Capt. George Bridges, R.N., and by her (who
d. 1S671 Las. with other issue, * Henry Conway, b.
1855. Mr. Belfield, who was educated at Oriel Coll.,
Oxford (B.A. 1834, M.A. 1836), is a Magistrate for
Devon, and alternate Patron of 1 living. — Primley Hill,
Paignton, Torquay ; Oxford and Cambridge Club, s.w.
BELFIELD, William, Esq., of Maknains, Glou-
Second son of the late Thomas Daniel Belfield, Esq., of
Blasrdon, Devon, by Elizabeth, dau. of John Eversley,
Esq., of Barbados; b. 1824; in. 1856 Charlotte Louisa,
dau. of James Godfrey Fitter, Esq., of Upper Grosvenor
Street, London, and has, with other issue, * Herbert
Eversley, b. 1857. Mr. Belfield, who is a Magistrate for
co. Gloucester, was formerly in the 17th and 88th
Rests. — Malmains, Frenchay, Gloucestershire ; Pall
Mall Club, s.w.
BELGBAVE, William, Esq., of Preston Hall,
Rutlandshire, and Maidwell Hall, North-
Son of the late Rev. William Belgrave, of Preston Hall
(who d. 1871), by Sophia Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of
William Belgrave, Esq., of Preston Hall; b. 1822 ; in.
1847 Ellen Mary, 2nd dau. of Percival Hare Earle,
Esq., of Torquay, and has, with other issue, * William,
b. 1850. Mr. Belgrave, who was educated at Lincoln
Coll., Oxford, is Patron of Preston (High Sheriff of co.
Butland 1875). — Preston Hall, Uppingham; Maid-
well Hall, Northampton.
BBLHAVBN, Lord (James Hamilton).— Cr.
Only sou of the late Archibald Hamilton, Esq.. .'surgeon
92nd Regt. (who 1823), by Mary, dau. of the late
David Clarke, Esq.; I>, 1822; his kinsman as 9th
Lord 1868; established his claim to the Barony 1875.
— WiskaW House, Motherwell, Lanarkshire.
BELL, Sir Fbancis Dillon, Knt. (cr. 1872).
Son of the lato F. Bell, Esq.; b. 18—. Is Speaker
of the Houso of Representatives of Now Zealand.
— Auckland, Arte Zealand.
BELL, Sir GbOEGE, K.C.B. (cr. 18G7).
Son of the late George Bell, Esq., of Bell Vue, co,
Fermanagh, by Catherine, dau. of Dominiek Nugent,
Esq.. M.P., of Mount Prospect, co. Cavan; b. 1794 ;
vi. 1 820 Margaret Addison, dau. of Thomas Dougal, Esq.,
banker, of Sot land. Educated at Dublin entered
tin- service 1811 ; is a Lieut. -Gen. in the Army, and
Col. 1st Foot, lad' Col. 32nd Foot ; served in the Penin-
sula, East and West Indies, and in the Crimea. — Junior
United Service Club, s.w.; 156, IVcstbournc Terrace, w.
BELL, Sir John, K.C.B. (cr. 1852).
Son ofthe late David Bell, Esq., of Bonnytoun, co. Fife ;
b. 1782 ; m. 1821 Lady Catherine, elder dau. of James,
1st Earl of Malmesbury (she d. 1855). Is a General
in the Army (which he entered in 1805), and Col. 4th
Foot ; served in Sicily, tho Peninsula, America, and at
the Cape of Good Hope, where he was Chief Secretary
1828-41 ; was Lieut.-Governor of Guernsey 1848-54.
— United Service Club, s.w. ; 55, Cadogan Place, s.w.
BELL, Sir Sydney Smith, Knt. (cr. 1869).
Ninth son of the late William Bell, Esq., Banker and
Merchant, of London, by Anna, dau. of John Young,
Esq.. of Edinburgh ; b. 1805 ; in. 1831 Esther, 3rd dau.
of William Pattison, Esq., of Edinburgh. Educated
at Edinburgh and Glasgow Universities ; called to the
bar at the Inner Temple 1839; appointed Puisne
Judge at the Cape of Good Hope 1851, and Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court, and President of the
Legislative Council of that colony 1868. — Cape Town,
South Africa ; Thatched House Club, s.w.
BELL, Charles William, Esq., of Winterslow,
Eldest son of the late William Bell, Esq., J.P., of Ford
Hall, co. Durham (who d. 1856), by Mary Wilhelmina,
dau. of John Morrison, Esq., of Aldstone, Cumberland;
b. 1833 ; on. 1863 Louisa Maria, dau. of William Henry
Dawes, Esq., J.P., of The Hall,Kenilworth, co. Warwick,
and has, with other issue, * Claude William Hedley, b.
1868. Mr. Bell, who was educated at St. John's Coll.,
Cambridge, is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Durham, for-
merly Lieut. 15th Hussars. — Residence : Roche Court,
near Salisbury ; Army and Navy Club, s.w,
BELL, the late Frederick, Esq., of Thirsk,
Eldest son of the late Rev. William Macbean, M.A.
(who assumed the name of Bell only, in lieu of that
of Macbean), by Frances, dau. of John Bell, Esq., of
Thirsk Hall; b. 1830; d. 1875; educated at Mag-
dalen Coll., Oxford ; was a J.P. and D.L. for the N.
Riding of Yorkshire. — The Hall, Thirsk, Yorkshire.
BELL, Isaac Lowthian, Esq., F.R.S., of
Washington Hall, co. Durham.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Bell, Esq., of Newcastle-
on-Tyne, by Mary, dau. of Isaac Lowthian, Esq. ; b.
1816 ; in. 1842 Margaret, dau. of Hugh Lee Pattinson,
Esq. Is a Magistrate for co. Durham, and an ironmaster,
coal owner, &c. ; was elected M.P. for N. Durham, but
unseated on petition 1874; elected M.P. for Hartlepool
1875. — Rounton Grange, Northallerton; Washington
Hall, near Sunderland ; Reform Club, 6,w.
BELL, James Frederick SPENCER-, Esq., of
Fawe Park, Cumberland.
Son of the late James Spencer-Bell, Esq., of Fawe
Park (who d. 1872), by Mary Ann, dau. of Jeremiah
Spencer, Esq., of .South Lodge, Coekermouth, Cumber-
land ; b. 18C3. The late Mr. Spencer-Bell, who was
M.P. for Guildford 1852-7, assumed the name of
Spencer by royal licence in 1866. — Fawe Parle,
Keswick; South Lodge, Coekermouth; 1, Devonshire
Place, w.
BELL, John, Esq., of Enterkine, Ayrshire.
Eldest son of the late John Bell, Esq., of Enterkine,
J.P. and D.L. (who d. 1871), by his 2nd wife Jessy,
dau. of tho late- Robert A. Hill, Esq., W.S., of Rose-
bank, N.B. ; //. 1811; m. 1868 Margaret Crawfurd,
eldest dau. of William Cooper, Esq., of Failford, co.
Ayr, and has, with other issue, * John James, b. 1873.
Mr. Bell is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Ayr ; late Captain
Ayrshire Yeomanry Cavalry.— Enterkine, Tarbolton,
BELL, Matthew, Esq., of Bom-ne Park, Kent.
Only son of the late John Bell, Esq., F.R.S. and K.C., of
Lincoln's Inn, and formerly of Kendal, co. Westmore-
land, by Jane, dau. of Henry Grove, Esq., of London ;
b. 1817; s. 1836; m. 1839 Fanny Cecilia, youngest
dau. of the late Thomas Bigge, Esq., of Benton,
Northumberland, and has, with other issue,
* Matthew John, a Magistrate for Kent ; b. 1840 ; m. 1870
Kathlpen Matilda. 2nd dau. of John Eeilly, Esj., of St.
Briget's, co. Dublin.
Mr. Bell, who was educated at Eton and Trinity
Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1838, M.A. 1811), is a J.P.
and D.L. for Kent (High Sheriff 1850), Lord of the
Manor of Bishopsbourne, and Patron of 1 living.
— Bourne Park, Canterbury ; Junior Carlton Club,
s.w. ; 22, Warwick Sqitare, s.w.
BELL, the late Mrs., of Woolsington, North-
Elizabeth Anne, dau. and heir of Henry TJ. Reay,
Esq., of Killingworth, Northumberland ; d. 1873, having
in. 1816 Matthew Bell, Esq., of Woolsington, J.P. and
D.L. for Northumberland (High Sheriff 1816), Lord of
the Manors of Woolsington, &c, who was M.P. for
Northumberland 1826-31, and for S. Northumberland
1832-52, and who d. s. p. 1872. — Woolsington and
Killingworth House, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; Hanwick
Hall, Bishop Auckland.
BELL, Robert, Esq., of Lunna, Shetland.
Son of the late Joseph Bell, Esq., F.R.C.S. Edin
burgh, by Robert, dau. of David Craigie, Esq., of
Dumbarnie, co. Perth; b. 1815; m. 1st 1816 Robina
only surviving child of the late Robert Hunter, Esq.,
of Lunna, Shetland (she d. 1863); 2nd 1869 Agnes
MeCrae, dau. of William Bruce, Esq., of Symbister, co.
Shetland, and has by the former, with other issue,
•Robert Hunter, b. 1856. Mr. Bell is a J.P. and D.L.
for Shetland, and an Advocate and Sheriff-Substitute
for co. Stirling. — Lunna, Shetland, N.B. Residence :
Belmont, Falkirk, N.B.
BELL, Robert, Esq., of Norris Castle, Isle of
Son of the late Robert Bell, Esq., L.L.B. ; b. 1797 ; m.
1821 Sarah, dau. of the late Rev. Samuel Ashe, and
has issue * Robert, 1830, in. 1858 Georgiana Helen,
youngest dau. of Robert Crosse, Esq., of St. Saviour's,
Jersey. Mr. Bell, who is of Scottish extraction, pur-
chased this property in 1839. — Norris Castle, Cowcs.
BELL. Thomas, Esq., F.R.S., of Selborne, Hants.
Only son of the late Thomas Bell, Esq., of Poole, Dor-
set, by Susan, dau. of William Gosse, Esq., of co. Radnor
and of Ringwood, Hants; b. 1792 ; m. 1832 Jane Sarah,
dau. of William Roberts, Esq., of Ruabon, N. Wales
(she d. 1873). Was formerly Secretary of tho Royal
Society and President of tho Linnsean Society. — The
Wakes, Selborne, Alton; Athcnceum Club, s.w.
BELL. (See Senhouse.)
BELL AIRS, Capt. Edmund Hooke Wilson, of
Mulbarton, Norfolk.
Eldest son of the late Sir William Bellairs, of Mulbar-
ton (who d. 1863), by Cassandra, dau. and heir of
Edmund Hooke, Esq., of Mulbarton Lodge; b. 1823;
m. 1852 Emilia, dau. of James Stevenson, Esq., of
Uffington, co. Lincoln, and has, with other issue,
* Edmund Hooke William, b. 1854. Captain Bellairs
is a Magistrate for Norfolk, Patron of 1 living, late
Capt. and Adjutant 1st Battalion Norfolk Rifles;
formerly Capt. 7th Fusiliers, Exon of the Yeomen
of the Guard, and Member of the Upper House of
the first Parliament of New Zealand. — Mulbarton
Ijodge, Norwich. Residence : Biarritz, France ; Army
and Navy Club, s.w.
BELLAIRS, the Rev. Stevenson Gilbert, of
Stockerston, Leicestershire.
Son of the late George Bellairs, Esq., of Stockerston
(who d. 1875), by Mary, dau. of Samuel Linwood,
Esq.; b. 1825; m. 1868 Florence Elizabeth, dau. of
George Norman, Esq., of Goad by Marwood Hall, co.
Leicester, and has, with other issue, * Gilbert Nigel
Mowbray, b. 187-. Mr. Bellairs, who was educated at
Magdalen Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1848, M.A. 1851), is
Lord of the Manor of Stockerston, Patron of 2
livings, and Rector of Goadby Marwood, oo. Leicester.
— Stockerston, Uppingham; Goadby Marwood, Melton
BELLAIRS, the Rev. Henry Walford, of
Deeping, Lincolnshire.
Eldest son of the late Rev. Henry Bellairs, J.P., of
Deeping (who d. 1872), by Dorothy Parker, dau. and
coheir of the late Peter Mackenzie, Esq., of Grove
House, Middlesex; b. 1812; m. 1839 Mary Hannah
Albina, dau. of George Watkin Kenrick, Esq., of Woore
Hall, co. Salop, and has, with other issue, * Henry
Kenrick Spencer, b. 1841 ; m. 1865 Mary Jane, 2nd
dau. of Benjamin Helps Starey, Esq. Mr. Bellairs,
who was educated at Shrewsbury and C. C. O, Oxford
(B.A. 1835, M.A. 1840), is Patron of 2 livings; was
appointed Vicar of Nuneaton and Rural Dean 1871 ;
was formerly one of H.M. Inspectors of Schools. — The
Vicarage, Nuneaton.
+ BELLAS, the Rev. Thomas, of Bongate,
We s tmor el and .
Son of the late W. Bellas, Esq.; b. 1791; m. 18—
Elizabeth, dau. of (she d. 1871). Educated at
Queen's Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1813, M.A. 1816); is a
J.P. and D.L. for co. Westmoreland, and Vicar of St.
Michael, Appleby. — Bongate, Appleby.
BELLEAU, Sir Narcisse Fortunat, Knt. (cr.
Son of the late Mr. Gabriel Belleau, of Quebec, by
Marie de Kotsche Hamel, his wife; b. 1808; m. 1835
Marie Remi Josette, dau. of the late L. Gauvreau, Esq.
Educated at Quebec Seminary ; called to the Bar of
Lower Canada 1832 ; was a Member of the Legislative
Council of Canada 1852-7 ; is Premier and Receiver-
General of Canada ; late Minister of Agriculture, and
formerly Speaker of the Assembly of Canada ; was
formerly Mayor of Quebec. — Quebec.
BELLE W, Lord (Edward Joseph Bellew).
— Cr. 1848.
Only son of Patrick, 1st Lord, by Anna Fermina, dau.
of tho lato Don J. da ttfttdon | Rioe, of Seville \ b,
1SS0; 1866: IS'iS Augu-ta Margaret, only dau.
of iho Into Col. George Bryan, of Jcnkinstown,
co. Kilkonnv. Educated at Stonyhurst Coll.; is a
J. P. ami D.L. for CO. Lonth (High Sheriff 1864); late
Major in tho Loath Rifles. — Barmeatk, Dtmlear, co.
LoHfh ; Rrwks's s.w.
H«r. his son Charles Bertram, b. 1S55.
BKLLEW, John Froupk, Esq.. of Stockleigh
Court. Devon.
Eldest son of the lato John Prestwood Bellow. Esq., of
Stoddsigfa Court, by Mary Ann, dau. of William Han-
cock, Esq.. of Wivoliseombo, Somerset : >>. 1 S'J'l : .>•'.
1861 : m. 1 ST I Louisa, 3rd dau. of the Rev. Henry
John Tavlor. of Dulvcrton. Somerset, and has issue
Evolvn Maude Fronde. Is n Magistrate for Devon,
and Lord of the Manors of Stockleigh. English. East
Anstov. and Dodbrooke. — Stockleigh Court, Credit on;
Barton House. Bist Anstey ; Nhy'/I, Dulvcrton : High
How*, ftttwh.
Heir Pres., his brother William Legrassicke, *. 1831.
BELLEW-GRATTAX. Sir Henry Christopher,
Bart., of Mount Bellow, co. Gal way (cr.
Onlv son of tho late Thomas Arthur Bellew-Grattan,
Esq", (who was some time M.F. for CO. Galway. and who
d. 18631. by Paulino, dau. and coheir of Henry Grattan,
Esq., and granddau. of the late Et. Hon. Henry Grat-
tan, whose name he assumed in addition to his patrony-
mic; b. 1860; s. his uncle as 3rd Bart. 1867. — Mount
Billeic, Gal tray.
Heir Pres., his uncle Michael, b. 1835 ; is in Holy Orders.
BELLIXGHA3I, Sir Alan Edward, Bart., of
Castle Bellingham. co. Louth (cr. 1790).
Eldest son of the late Sir Alan Bellingham, Bart., of
Castle Bellingham. by Eliza, dau. of the Eev. Edward
Walls, of Boothby Hall. eo. Lincoln : !>. 1800 ; *. as 3rd
B\rt. 1827: m. 1841 Elizabeth, only dau. and heir of
the late H. Clarke. Esq.. of West Skirbeck House, co.
Lincoln. Educated at Trinity Coll.. Dublin (B.A. 1822,
M.A. 1835); is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Louth (High
Sheriff 1829). — Dunany House and Castle Bellingham.
co. Louth, Ireland ; Carlton Club, s.w.
Heir, his son Alan Henrv. 6. 1846 ; m. 1ST4 Lady Constance
Jnlia, 2nd dan. of Charles, 2nd Earl of Gainsborough.
BELMORE, Earl of (Somerset Richard Lowby-
Corry, P.C., K.C.M.G.).— Cr. 1797.
Eldest son of Armar, 3rd Earl, by Emily Louise,
vouno-est dau. and coheir of the late William Shepherd,
Esq.,Cof Bradbourne. Kent; 6. 1835; s. 1845; m. 1861
Anne Elizabeth Honoria, 2nd dau. of the late Capt.
J. N. Gladstone, R.N., M.P., of Bowdeu Park, Wilts.
Educated at Eton and Trinity Coll., Cambridge (M.A.
1856) ; is a J.P. and D.L. for eo. Tyrone, and a Magis-
trate for co. Fermanagh: elected a Representative Peer
for Ireland 1857 ; was Under Secretary of State for
the Home Department 1S66-7; Governor of New
South Wales 1868-72— Castle Coolc, Enniskillen, co.
Fermanagh ; Sackville Street Club, Dublin ; Carlton,
Travellers , and Uliite's Clubs, s.w.
Heir, his son Armar, Viscount Corry, b. 1ST0.
BELPER, Lord (Edward Strctt, P.C.).— Cr.
Only son of the late William Strutt, Esq., of St, Helen's
House, co. Derby, by Barbara, dau. of the late Thomas
Evans, Esq.. of "Derby ; b. 1801 ; m. 1837 Emily, dau.
of the late Eight Eev. Dr. Otter, Bishop of Chichester.
Educated at Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1823); is
Lord-Lieut, of Notts (High Sheriff 18501, a Magistrate
for co. Leicester, and a J.P. and D.L. for co. Derby ;
late Chairman of the Notts Quarter Sessions ; was M.P.
for Derby 1830-48, for Arundel 1851-2, for Not-
tingham 1852-6; Chief Commissioner of Railways
1816-8 ; Chancellor of tho Duchy of Lancaster 1852-4.
— Kingston Hall. Kcgiror/h, Derby ; Bcforni, Brooks's,
and Athctiirum Clubs, s.w.; 75, Eaton Square, s.w.
a, ir. his son Henry: edne&ted at Harrow and LL.M, of
Trinity OoU., Cambridge; a J.P, and D.L. for Notts and
d). lVrln . and Capt. S. Notts Yeomanry Cavalry ; lato M.P.
torB. Derbyshire ; l>. 1S40 ; in. 1ST! Lady Margaret, (1th dau.
of Thomas, 2nd Earl ot Leicester, and iuis issue * William,
b. 1875.
BELT, William John Esq., of Bossall Hall,
Only surviving son of the late Robert Belt, Esq., of
Bossall Hall (who d. 1839), by his second wife, Mar-
garet, second dau, of tin- lato Captain P. Gordon
(grandson of Robert Gordon, Esq., of Lunan, near
Speymouth); 6. 1826; s. his brother 1870; m. 1865
Sibella Marianne, only dau. of the late William Albin
Garratt, Esq., Barrister-at-Law,.of Hampstead, Middle-
sex. Educated at Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1851);
called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn 1861. — Bossall Hall,
York; Oxford and Cambridge Club, s.yr.; 102, Gower
Slrett, w.c.
BEXCE, Edward Robert Stabkie, Esq., of
Kentwell Hall, Suffolk.
Second son of the late Col. Henry Bence-Bence, of
Thorington Hall, Suffolk, by Elizabeth Susanna, dau. of
the late Nicholas Starkie, Esq., of Frenchwood, co.
Lancaster; b. 1823; m. 1850 Albinia, dau. of George
J. Sulivan, Esq., of Wilmington, Ryde, Isle of Wight,
and has, with other issue, * Edward Starkie, b. 18G2.
Mr. Bence, who was educated at the Charterhouse, is a
J.P. and D.L. for Suffolk ( High Sheriff 1861 ), and Lord of
the Manors of Kentwell Monks and Stan stead ; he was
formerly Capt. 1st Dragoon Guards.- — Kentwell Hall,
Sudbury, Suffolk; Army and Navy, and Carlton
Clubs, s.w.
BEXCE, Henry Alexander Starkie, Esq., of
Thorington Hall, Suffolk.
Eldest son of the late Col. Henry Bence-Bence, J.P.
and D.L., of Thorington Hall, many years Col. E.
Suffolk Militia, by Elizabeth Susannah, 2nd dau. and
coheir of the late Nicholas Starkie, Esq., of French-
wood, co. Lancaster ; b. 1816 ; s. 1861 ; m. 1850 Agnes,
dau. of John Barclay, Esq., and has issue three
daughters. Mr. Bence, who was educated at the
Charterhouse and Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1837), is
a J.P. and D.L. for Suffolk (High Sheriff 1872), Lord
of the Manors of Thorington, Kelsale, and Carlton,
Suffolk, and Patron of 2 livings ; was formerly in the
diplomatic service. — Thorington Hall, Sttxmundham.
BEXDYSHE, the Rev. Richard, of Barrington
Hall, Cambridgeshire.
Eldest surviving son of the late John Bendyshe, Esq.,
of Barrington Hall, J.P. and D.L., and formerly High
Sheriff of co. Cambridge (who d. 1855), by his 1st wife
Catherine, eldest dau. of George Matcham, Esq., of Ash-
fold Lodge, Sussex, and niece of Admiral Viscount
Nelson; b. 1822; s. his brother 1865. Educated at
Harrow and Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1847, M.A.
1850); late Curate of Harbridge, Hants. — Barrington
Hall, Royston.
Heir Pres., his brother Nelson, 6. 1823.
BENEDICT, Sir Julius, Knt. (cr. 1871).
Second son of the late M. Benedict, of Stuttgart, by
Flora, dau. of M. Van Geldern, of Dusseldorf ; b. 1805;
m. 1833 Adele, dau. of M. Charles Jean, of Geneva
(she d. 1852). Educated at Stuttgart, Weimar, and
Dresden; is author of several operas and other musical
compositions ; formerly Musical Director of the Impe-
rial Theatre, Vienna, the Theatres of San Carlo and
Fondo, Naples, and Conductor of English and Italian
Operas in London. — Arts and Westminster Clubs, w. ;
2, Manchester Square, w.
BENETT, Capt. Charles Cowpek.
Eldest surviving son of the late Rev. John Benett,
LL.D., Rector of Donhead St. Andrew, Wilts, and Ower
Moigne, Dorset, by Frances, sister of the 1st Sir Thomas
Turton, Bart.; b. 1789; m. 1st 1810 Sarah, dau. of the
late William Burlton, Esq., of AYyken Hall, co. Leicester,
and Donhead Lodge, Wilts (she d. 1853); 2nd 1861
Eliza Agnes, 2nd dan. of the late Rev. George Randall
Orchard, of Christ Church, North Bradley, Wilts, and
has, by the former, with other issue,
* William Morgan (of Kritham, near Lyndhurst, Hants) ;
b. 1813 ; m. 1S43 Barbara Sarah, dau. of the late Capt.
Waring, B.N., of Lyme Regis, and has issue.
Mr. Benett, who is a Magistrate for Lyme Regis, and
a Capt. R.N., is the senior male representative of the
Benetts of Pythouse, Wilts. — St. Andrew's, Lyme Eegis.
Pythouse, Wilts, and Preston, Sussex.
Second son of the late Rev. Arthur Fane, Prebendary
of Salisbury, and Rector of Fulbeck, co. Lincoln, by
Lucy, dau. of the late John Benett, Esq., M.P., of
Pythouse, whose name he has assumed; b. 1839 ; s. his
cousin 1856 ; m. 1867 Ellen, only surviving child of
the late William Stanford, Esq., of Preston Place,
Sussex (whose name he has assumed), and has issue
* John Montague, b. 1870. Mr. Eane-Benett-Stanford,
who was educated at Marlborough Coll., is a Magis-
trate for Wilts and Dorset, and Capt. Commandant
Shaftesbury Rifle Volunteers ; late Lieut. 43rd Light
Infantry; has been M.P. for Shaftesbury since 1873.
■ — Pythouse, Tisbury, Wilts; Norton Manor House,
Warminster, Wilts; Preston Place, near, Brighton;
Boodle's, Army and Navy, and Carlton Clubs, s.w. ;
14, Ennismore Gardens, s.w.
BENGOUGH, John Charles, Esq., of The
Ridge, Gloucestershire.
Eldest surviving son of the late George Bengough, Esq.,
of The Ridge (who d. 1856), by Anne, dau. of the late
John Cooke Carpenter, Esq., Capt. R.N. ; b. 1829 ; s.
his brother 1865 ; m. 1857 Caroline Augusta, dau. of
the Rev. Alan Gardner Cornwall, of Ashcroft, co.
Gloucester, and has, with other issue, * John Alan
George, b. 1859. Mr. Bengough, who was educated at
Rugby and Oriel Coll., Oxford, is a Magistrate for co.
Gloucester (on Roll for High Sheriff 1876), Lord of
the Manors of Whitminster, Frampton Cotterell, Harn-
hill, and Woodmancote, co. Gloucester, and Monkland,
co. Hereford, Patron of 2 livings, and Capt. in Royal
Gloucestershire Yeomanry Cavalry and Gloucestershire
Rifle Volunteers. — The Bidge, Wotton-under-Edgc.
BENN, Major-Gen. Piercy, R.A.,of Farringdon,
Son of the late Rev. John Benn, formerly of Hensing-
ham Park, Cumberland, and many years Rector of Far-
ringdon, by Elizabeth, dau. of R. T. Heysham, Esq., of
Stagenhoe Park, Hants; b. 1800; m. 1st 18 — Rose,
dau. of J. De Saumarez, Esq.; 2nd 1844 Ella, 5th sur-
vivingdau.of Capt. JohnMolyneux, R.N., andgranddau.
of the late Right Hon. Sir Capel Molyneux, Bart., of
Castle Dillon, co. Armagh, and has, with other issue,
* Piercy Molyneux, b. 1846. Major-Gen. Benn, who
entered the Army in 1821, is a Col. R.A. retired.
— Farringdon, near Alton.
BENN- WALSH. (See under Ormathwaite, Lord.)
BENNET, the Rev. Edward Kedington, D.C.L.,
of Rougham, Suffolk.
Second surviving son of the late Rev. James Thomas
Bennet, of Cheveley, by Henrietta Eliza, eldest dau.
of the late James Jackson, Esq., of Doncaster ; b.
1834; on. 1861 Frances Caroline, youngest dau. of the
late William T. Adams-Reilly, Esq., of Belmont, co.
Westmeath, and Roebuck, co. Cavan, and has, with
other issue, * Roger Kedington, 1870. Dr. Bennet,
who was educated at Merchant Taylors' School and
University Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1858, M.A. 1863, D.C.L.
1867), is a Magistrate for co. Cambridge, and was
formerly Patron of Cheveley, Rector 1868-71.— The
Rookery, Rougham, Bury St. Edmunds.
BENNET, James Thomas Hand, Esq., of Cheve-
ley, Cambridgeshire.
Son of the late Rev. James Thomas Bennet, of Cheve-
ley (who d. 1871), by Henrietta Eliza, eldest dau. of
the late James Jackson, Esq., of Doncaster, co. York ;
b. 1832 ; m. 1856 Catharine Lucy, dau. of James
Lavender, Esq. — Cheveley, Newmarket.
BENNET, Philip, Esq., of Rougham, Suffolk.
Son of the late Philip Bennet, Esq., of Rougham (who
d. 1875), by Barbara Harriet Sophia, eldest dau. of
Edgar Disney, Esq., of The Hyde, Essex; b. 1862.
The late Mr. Bennet was a Magistrate for Suffolk,
Lord of the Manors of Beyton and Rougham, Patron
of 1 living, and Major Suffolk Yeomanry Cavalry,
— Rougham Hall, and Battallies House, Bury St.
BENNET, Richard Gully, Esq., of Tresillian
House, Cornwall.
Eldest son of the late Richard Gully Bennet, Esq., of
Tresillian House, by Loveday, dau. of William Bassett,
Esq., of Pencorse; b. 1820; s. 1836; m. 1846 Mary
Jean, 4th dau. of Richard Hosken, Esq., of Carevick,
and has, with other issue, * Edward Gully, Lieut. 48th
Foot, b. 1849. Mr. Bennet, who was educated at Trinity
Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1843), is a J.P. and D.L. for
Cornwall. — Tresillian House, Truro.
BENNET. (See under TanJcerville, Earl of.)
BENNET, of Laleston. (See Richards.)
BENNETT, Sir John, Knt., F.R.A.S., of
Mountfield, Sussex (cr. 1872).
Son of the late Mr. John Bennett, of Greenwich, Kent,
by Elizabeth Sinnock, dau. of Mr. John Williams, of
Hastings; b. 1814 ; m. 1843 Agnes, dau. of Mr. John
Willson, of Deptford ; is a member of the Common
Council of the City of London, and a member of the
Metropolitan School Board (City Division) ; was Sheriff
of London and Middlesex 1871-2. — The Banks, Mount-
field, Hurstgreen, Sussex ; Bulwich Common, s.e.
BENNETT, Daniel, Esq., of Faringdon, Berks.
Eldest son of the late William Bennett, Esq., of Far-
ingdon (who was High Sheriff of Berks 1837), by
Marianna, dau. of John Dunkin, Esq., of Fryerning,
Essex; 6.1823; s. 1844; m, 1847 Mary Elizabeth,
eldest dau. of Uvedale Corbett, Esq., of Aston Hall,
co. Salop, and has issue *Marianna-Katharine. Mr.
Bennett, who was educated at Rugby and Merton Coll.,
Oxford, is a J.P. and D.L. for Berks, a J.P. for Wilts,
and Lieut. R. Wilts Yeomanry. — Faringdon House,
Berks; Conservative Club, s.w.
BENNETT, the Rev. Edward Leigh, of Long
Sutton, Lincolnshire.
Third son of the late Rev. John Leigh Bennett, of
Thorpe Place, Surrey, by Harriet Eliza, dau. of the
Rev. Thomas Leigh Bennett, and brother of the Rev.
Henry Leigh Bennett, of Thorpe Place (whom see) ;
b. 1799 ; s. his uncle in the vicarage of Long Sutton
1843; m. 1st 1826 Ellinor, dau. of William Codring-
ton, Esq., of Wroughton, Wilts; 2nd 1843 Anne
Hudson, dau. of the Rev. Thomas Huntiugford, of
Kempsford, co. Gloucester, and has by the former, with
other iesne. •Edward Leigh, ft. 1828. Mr. Bennett,
\rho was educated at Westminster and Merlon Ooll.,
O \ ; rd (BJL 1891), IB ■ Magistrate. COS, Lincoln and
Gloucester, and Vicar and Patron of Long Sutton.
— L\>ng Sntton. irisbeach.
BENNETT. Francis Yaumine, Esq., of
Thomastown, King's Co.
Eldest son of the late Valentino Bennett, Esq., of
Thomastown, by Elizabeth Helena, dau. of George
Ryan. Esq.. of "inch. eo. Tippcrarv : ft. 1826: 1839.
Educated at Oscott Coll.; is a J.P. and D.L. for
King's Co. (High Sheriff 1854): was formerly in
the Army. — Thomastotcn House, Frank/ord, King's Co.;
Junior Carlton Club, s.w.
Mr IVi.. his brother George Henry, late Lieut.-Col. 20th
Foot ; 6. 18J8.
BENNETT. Frederick Wextworth, Esq., of
Cadburv Houso, Somerset.
Eldest son of the late James Bennett. Esq., J.P., of
Cadbury House (who d. 1872), by Annabella, eldest
dan. of the Rev. Provis Wiekham, of Charlton House.
Somerset; ft. 182"; m. IS — Catherine Eliza, dau. of
. Esq. (she d. 1875). Is a Magistrate forSomer
set. Lord of the Manors of N. and S. Cadburv, and
Patron of S. Cadbury ; late Capt. 69th Regt.— Cadbury,
Castle Cary.
BENNETT, Geokge Latham, Esq., of Glenefy,
co. Limerick.
Second son of the late William Bennett, Esq., of the
5th Fusiliers (who d. 1809), by Constance, dau. of
Michael Seanlan, Esq., of Ballinahagh, eo. Limerick ;
ft. 1804; s. his brother 1832; »;. 1st 1833 Letitia,
dau. of Robert Fetherstone, Esq.. of Bruree, co. Lime-
rick (she d. 1S40); 2nd 1S46, Eliza, dau. of the Rev.
William Massy, of Clonbeg. co. Tipperary, and has
with other issue, * Willi am Henry Massy, ft. 1849,
Mr. Bennett is a Magistrate for cos. Limerick and
Tipperary. — Glenefy, Galbally, co. Limerick; County
Club, Limerick.
BENNETT, Hexet Edward, Esq., of Sparkford,
Eldest son of the late Rev. Henry Bennett, of Spark-
ford (who d. 1874\ by Emilv. dau. of Edward Moberly,
Esq., of St. Petersburg; ft. 1822; m. 1857 Louisa
Birchall, dau. and coheir of the late Hon. Chief Justice
Sir James B. Macaulay, C.B., of Toronto, Canada.
Educated at Winchester and St. John"s Coll., Cambridge,
called to the Bar at the Inner Temple 1848 ; is a Ma-
gistrate for Somerset, Lord of the Manor and Patron of
Sparkford, and Capt. 1st Somerset Militia. — Sparkford,
Heir Pres.. his brother Charles William. Hector of Sparkford.
Somerset : b. IS — ; m. 1SV5 Mary Anne, youngest dau. of
Thomas Grahame. Esq.
BENNETT, the Rev. Hexey Leigh, of Thorpe
Place, Surrey.
Eldest son of the late Rev. John Leigh Bennett, of
Thorpe Place, by his cousin Harriot Eliza, dau. of
Thomas Leigh 'Bennett, Esq.; ft. 1795; s. 1835 ;
m. 1845 Caroline, 2nd dau. of George Henry Crutchley,
Esq., of Simning Hill Park, Berks, and has, with other
issue, * Henry Currie Leigh, 6. 1852. Mr. Bennett,
who was educated at Westminster and Ch. Ch., Oxford
(B.A. 1816), is a Magistrate for co. Northampton, lay-
Impropriator and Lord of the Manor of Thorpe. — Thorpe,
Place, Chcrtsey ; University Club, s.w.
BENNETT, John, Esq., of Bedstone, Salop.
Only son of the late Edward Bennett, Esq., of Bed-
stone; ft. 1832; m. 1859 Caroline Mary, 2nd dau. of
Joseph Tarratt, Esq., of Ludford Park, near Ludlow,
co. Salop, and has, with other issue, * Edward Arthur,
ft. 1860. Mr. Bennett, who was educated at Shrews-
bury, and Trinity Coll., Cambridge, served in the 21st
and 80th Regts.. and 1868 to the estates of his great-
grandfather, John Bennett, Esq., of Willaston Hall, co.
Chester, is Lord of l lie Manors of Bedstone and Willas-
tou, and Captain Salop Militia, — Bedstone Souse, Aston-
on-Ctun ; St. dan, Torquay. Residence : The Molt,
S&lcombe, near Kingsbridge; Army and Navy Club, s.w.
BENNETT, John, Esq., of Grange, King's Co.
Eldest surviving son of the late Ocorgo Bennett, Esq.,
Q.C., of Grange (2nd son of John Bennett, a Judge
of the King's Bench, Ireland, and Jane, sister of tho lato
sir Jonathan Lovett, Hart., of Liscombe House, Bucks),
by Eleanor, dau. of Capt. Kingsley, of H.M.'s 8th
Regt.; ft. 1813; 1856; m. 1842 Sarah, eldest dau.
of John Brereton. Esq.. and has, with other issue,
* George Lovett, ft. 1844; m. 1872 Martha Rosa, 4th
dau. of James Freeman Hughes, Esq., J. P., of Tho
Grove, Stillorgan, co. Dublin. Mr. Bennett, who was
educated at Shrewsbury, is a Magistrate for King's Co.
(High Sheriff 1864), and Lord of the Manor of Grange.
— Grange, Clarccn, Farsonstoum, King's Co.
BENNETT, John Charles, Esq., of Bennett's
Court, co. Cork.
Third son of the Rev. John Jackson. Rector of Tallow
and Vicar of Kilwatermoy, co. Waterford ; ft. 1843; s.
his undo Joseph Henry Bennett, Esq., whose name he
assumed by royal licence 1874; m. 1865 Maryi eldest
dau. and coheir of the Rev. Francis Newport (by
Catherine, 4th dau. of the late Sir J. Nugent Humble,
Bart.), and has issuo three daughters. Mr. Bennett,
who was educated at Westminster and Royal Military
Coll.. Sandhurst, served in the 100th (Royal Canadian)
and 1st AV. I. Regiments. — Bennett's Court, Queens-
totin, Ireland.
BENNIE, George, Esq., of Farmoyle House,
co. Monaghan.
Only son of the late John Bennie, Esq , of Farmoyle,
by Margaret, dau. of Robert Glenny, Esq., of Newry;
ft. 1827 ; s. 1847 ; on. 1850 Jane, dau. of James Parker,
Esq., and has issue * Elizabeth Margaret Hallyday.
Mr. Bennie, who was educated at Merchiston Castle,
Edinburgh, is a Magistrate and Grand Juror for co.
Monaghan ; he was formerly a merchant in Newry.
— Farmoyle House, Bcdlihay, co. Monaghan.
+ BENNITT, Joseph, Esq., of Ashwood House,
Son of the late Samuel Bennitt, Esq., by Jane, dau. of
Samuel Hodgetts, Esq., of Dudley, and brother of Wm.
Bennitt, Esq., of Stourton Hall (whom see) ; ft. 1801.
Is a Dep.-Lieut. for co. Worcester, J.P. and D.L. for
co. Stafford, and Patron of 2 livings. — Ashwood House,
Kingswinford ; Compton, Stourbridge.
BENNITT, William, Esq., late of Stourton Hall,
Eldest son of the late Samuel Bennitt, Esq., by Jane,
dau. of Samuel Hodgetts, Esq., of Dudley, co. Worcester ;
ft. 1800; 771. 1836 Sarah Louisa, dau. of John Dawes,
Esq., and has, with other issue,
* Pynson Wilmot, Lieut. Queen's Own Worcestershire Yeo-
manry Cavalry; 6. 1837; m. 186") Mabel, youngest dau. of
J. B. Harris-Burland, Esq., of New Court, co. Gloucester.
Mr. Bennitt is a Magistrate for cos. Worcester, Staf-
ford, and Salop, a Dep.-Lieut. for eo. Worcester, and
Patron of 2 livings, late Capt. Worcestershire Yeo-
manry Cavalry. — 16, Powis Square, Bayswater, w.
BENSON, Lady, of Montenotte, co. Cork.
Mary, dau. of John Smith, Esq., late of the 56th Regt. ;
on. 1849 Sir John Benson, of Montenotte, an eminent
civil engineer, and architect of the Great Exhibition
at Dublin, who d. 1874. — Montenotte, Cork; 8, Cecil
Street, Strand, w.c.
BENSON, Mrs., of Utterby, Lincolnshire.
Mary Catherine, only child and heir of the late Sapsfqrd
Harrold, Esq., of Utterby House, by Elizabeth, dau. of
James Fenwick, Esq. ; m. 1829 the Rev. Henry Bristowe
Benson, who d. 1855, leaving no issue. Mrs. Benson is
Patron of 1 living. — Utterby House, Louth.
BENSON, Ralph Augustus, Esq., of Lut-
, wyche, Shropshire.
Eldest son of the late Moses George Benson, Esq., of
Lutwyehe, J.P. and D.L. (who d. 1871), by Charlotte.
Riou, only child of the late Col. Lyde Browne, 21st
Fusiliers; b. 1828; m. 1860 Henrietta Selina, only dau.
of the late Charles Bobert Cockerel 1, Esq., B.A.,
and has, with other issue, * Ralph Beaumont, b. 1862.
Mr. Benson, who was educated at Winchester and Ch.
Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1850, M.A. 1853), and called to Bar
at the Inner Temple 1854, and appointed Recorder of
Shrewsbury I860, is a Magistrate for co. Salop, a
Metropolitan Police Magistrate, Lord of the Manor
of Lutwyehe, and Patron of 2 livings. — Lutwyehe Hall,
Wenlock ; 33, Beaufort Gardens, s.w.
BENSON, Starling, Esq., of Fairy Hill,
Third son of the late Thomas Starling Benson, Esq.,
J.P. and D.L., formerly High Sheriff of Surrey (who
d. 1858), by Hannah, younger dau. of William Newberry,
Esq. ; b. 1808. Educated at Eton ; is a Magistrate for
co. Glamorgan. — Fairy Hill, Gower, near Swansea.
-f BENT, Baldwin Harry, Esq., late of Wen-
nington, Lancashire.
Son of the late W. Bent, Esq. ; b. 18—. Is a Magistrate
for co. Lancaster and the W. Biding of Yorkshire, and
a merchant and manufacturer.
BENT, James, Esq., of Baildon, Yorkshire.
Fifth son of the late William Bent, Esq., of Stoneyfield.
co. Stafford, by Sarah, dau. of John Gorton, Esq., and
brother of the late Sir John Bent, of Edge Hill, near
Liverpool; b. 1807; m. 1818 Margaret Eleanor, elder
dau. and coheir of the late John Lambert, Esq., of
Baildon, and by her (who d. 1873), has issue * James
Theodore, b. 1852. Mr. Bent is a Magistrate for W.
Biding of co. York. — Baildon House, Leeds.
BENT ALL, Edward Hammond, Esq., of Hey-
bridge, Essex.
Son of the late William Bentall, Esq., of Heybridgc,
Essex, by Mary, dau. of Edward Hammond, Esq. ; b.
1814; m. 1846 Susannah Julia, dau. of George Wood-
gate, Esq. Is an iron founder and implement maker ;
late Capt.-Commandant 1st Essex Engineer Volunteers ;
was M.P. for Maldon 1868-74.— Hey bridge, Maldon ;
Upgang House, Upper Norwood, s.e. ; Reform Club, s.w.
BENTINCK, Sir Henry John William, K.C.B.
(cr. 1855).
Youngest son of the late Major-General John Charles
Bentinck (Count of the Holy Boman Empire), by
Jemima, eldest dau. of the 6th Earl of Athlone, and
cousin of William, 5th Duke of Portland; b. 1796; on.
1829 Benira Antoinette, dau. of the late Admiral Sir
James Hawkins-Whitshed, Bart., G.C.B. Entered the.
Army in 1813, and served in the Coldstream Guards;
is a General in the Army, and Col. of the 28th Foot ;
late A.D.C. and Groom in Waiting to Her Majesty ;
served in the Crimea. — United Service Club, s.w.; 22,
Upper Grosvenor Street, w.
BENTINCK, Charles Aldenburg, Esq., oflndio,
Third surviving son of the late Vice-Admiral William
Bentinck (who d. 1813), by Lady Frances Augusta Eliza,
only dau. of Charles, 1st Earl Manvers ; b. 1810; m. 1st
1849 Harriet, 3rd dau. of the lato Baldwin Fulford,
Esq., of Fulford, Devon (she d. 1853); 2nd 1858
Frances, 2nd dau. of the lato Martin Williams, Esq., of
Bryn-Gwyn, co. Montgomery, and has by the former
* Henry Aldenburg, b. 1852 ; educated at Marl-
borough Coll., B.A. of Exeter Coll., Oxford. Mr. Ben-
tinck is a Magistrate for Devon. — Indio, Bovey Tracey,
BENTINCK, George Augustus Frederick
Cavendish, Esq., of Brownsea Island,
Only son of the lato Major-General Lord Frederick 0.
Bentinck, C.B., and grandson of the 3rd Duke of
Portland, by Lady Mary, 3rd dau. of William, 1st
Earl of Lonsdale ; b. 1821 ; in. 1850 Prudence Penelope,
4t h dau. of the late Col. Charles Powell Leslie, of Glas-
lough Castle, co. Monaghan, and has with other issue,
* William George, 1854 ; educated at Harrow. Mr.
Bentinck, who was educated at Westminster and at
Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1843, M.A. 1847), and
called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn 1846, was M.P. for
Taunton 1859-65, elected M.P. for Whitehaven 1865 ;
appointed Parliamentary Sec. to the Board of Trade
1874. — Brownsea Island, Poole ; Turf Club, av. ; Carl-
ton and Travellers' Clubs, s.w.; 3, Grafton Street, w.
BENTINCK, George William Pierrepont
ALDENBURG-, Esq., of Terrington St.
Clement, Norfolk.
Eldest son of the late Vice-Admiral Wm. Bentinck, by
Lady Frances Eliza Augusta, only dau. of Charles, 1st
Earl Manvers; b. 1803; s. 1813. Educated at Sand-
hurst, ; is a J.P. and D.L. for Norfolk ; was M.P. for
W. Norfolk 1852-65; re-elected 1871 — Terrington St.
Clement, King's Lynn, ; Carlton and Travellers' Clubs,
s.w. ; 56, Davies Street, wT.
Heir Pres., his brother Henry Paget, b. 1805.
BENTINCK. (See under Portland, Duke of.)
BENTLEY, James, Esq., of Woodgreen Park,
Son of the late Francis Bentley, Esq., by Catherine.,
dau. of George Burton, Esq. ; b. 1785 ; m. 1816 Ann,
dau. of the. late Goland Burton, Esq. (she d. 1863).
Is a Magistrate for Middlesex and Essex, a J.P. and
D.L. for Herts (High Sheriff 1860), a Commissioner of
Lieutenancy for London, and Patron of 1 living ; he
was formerly a merchant in London. — Woodgreen Pari;
Cheshunt, Herts.
j BENTLEY, John, Esq., late of Birch House,
Only son of the late John Bentley, Esq., of Birch House,
by Ellen, dau. of Richard Lomax, Esq., of Harwood,
near Bolton ; b. 1797 ; s. 1821 ; m. 1836 Emma, eldest
dau. of the late Clement Royds, Esq., of Mount Falinge,
co. Lancaster, and has, with other issue, * Francis John
Royds, b. 1850. Mr. Bentley, who was educated at the
University of Edinburgh, is a J.P. and D.L. for Mid-
dlesex, and a Magistrate for Middlesex, Westminster,
and co. Lancaster. — Union Club, s.w.; 36, Portland
Place, ~w.
BENTLEY, Robert John, Esq., of West House,
(and late of Finningley Park), Yorkshire.
Eldest son of the late Robert Bentlej-, Esq., by Eliza-
beth, dau. of Miles Netherwood, Esq., of Deighton Hall,
near Huddersfield, co. York ; b. 1822 ; s. 1850; m. 1844
Sarah, 2nd dau. of Thomas Hirst, Esq., of Low House,
near Bradford, co. York, and by her (who d. 1879) has,
with other issue, * Philip Arthur, b. 1854. Mr. Bentley
is a Magistrate for Notts, and a Dep. -Lieut, for the W.
Riding of co. York. — West House, Bother ham.
BENTLET, William, Esq., of Hurlston, co.
SeOOad but iUmI surviving son of the late William
Bwtffay, Esq.. of Hurlston. by Matilda, dan. of Stumbles
Philips, Esq.. of Mount Philips, eo. Tipperary ; ft. 1821 ;
s. his brother 1842 ; ;,\. 1 S . » 7 Juliet Mary, only dau. of
William Dighy Liwlor. Esq., M.D., and lias issue
•William Aubrey, ft. L86& Mr. Rentier, who was edu-
cated at Trinity Coll.. Dublin (BJL 1845), is a Magis-
trate for co. Clare. — Hurlston, Broadford. Limerick.
BENT LEY- INNES, Frederic Stocks, Esq., of
Tliruuistor, Caithness-shire.
Youngest son of the late Henry Reutley. Esq., of (Hilton
and Filey, eo. York, by Maria, youngest dau. of
Michael Stocks, Esq., J.P.. of Upper ShiMen Hall, near
Halifax : ft. 1837 : assumed the additional name of
Innes 1863. on his marriage with Henrietta, only child
of the late Robert Inues, Esq., of Thrumster, and has.
with other issue, * Frederic Dunbar Sinclair, ft. 1864.
Mr. Reutlev-Inncs was educated at Rugby, called to the
Rar at the Middle Temple 1860, is a J.P. and D.L. for
co. Caithness, and was formerly one of H.M.'s Gentle-
men at Arms. — THrmuter flense, Golspie, N~B.j Re-
form Club, s.w.
BENYON. the Rev. Edward Richard, of Culford
Hall Suffolk.
Son of the late Edward Renyon, Esq., and nephew of
the late Richard Renyon De Reauvoir, Esq., of Culford;
ft. 1802 : ;n. 1830 Jane, only dau. of Edward Evans,
Esq.. of Eyton Hall, co. Hereford. Educated at St.
John's Coll.. Cambridge (BJL 1S25): appointed Rector
of Culford with Ingham and Tiniworth 1839 ; is a Ma-
gistrate for Suffolk, and Lord of the Manors of Culford,
Ingham, Tiniworth, West Stow, and Woodwell. — Cul-
ford Hall, Burt/ St. Edmunds; 33, Port man Square, w.
BENTON. Mrs., of Denston Park, Suffolk.
Caroline Eliza, eldest dau. of the late John Tharp. Esq.,
of Chippenham Park. co. Cambridge, by Anna Maria,
dau. of Col. Charles Phillips, of Ruxley Lodge, Surrey ;
m. 1823 Samuel Yate Renyon. Esq.. J.P., of Denston
Park, who </. 1864, leaving, with other issue, * Augus-
tus William. R.X. : ft. 1841; m. 1870 Rosina, dau. of
the Rev. W. H. Williams, and widow of Edward
Charles FoUett, Esq., and by her, who was die. 1874,
he has issue * Edward Augustus George, 4. 1871. —
Denston Park, Newmarket ; 30, Hill Street, w.
BENTON. Richard, Esq., of Englefield, Berks.
Second surviving son of the late William Henry Fel-
lowes. Esq.. of Ramsey Abbey, Hunts, by Emma, 4th
dau. of Richard Renyon. Esq., of Englefield House ; 4.
1811 ; s. 1854 to the Rerkshire estates of his maternal
uncle, Richard Renyon-de-Beauvoir, Esq.. and took the
name of Renyon under his will ; m. 1858 Elizabeth
Mary, 2nd dau. of Robert Clutterbuck, Esq., of Watford
House, Herts, and has issue * three daughters. Mr.
Benvon, who was educated at the Charterhouse and at
St. John's Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1833, M.A. 1S35), and
called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn 1837, is a J.P. and
D.L. for Berks (High Sheriff 1857), a Chairman of
Quarter Sessions, and Patron of 8 livings ; has been
M.P. for Berks since 1860. — Englefield House, Reading ;
Carlton, Conservative, and Boodle's Clubs, s.w. ; 17, Gros-
venor Square, w.
BENTON, Thomas, Esq., late of Gledhow
Lodge, Yorkshire.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Benyon, Esq., J.P. and
D.L., of Headingley Grange, co. York; b. 1800; in.
1835 Ann Williams, elder dau. of William Williams
Brown, Esq., Banker, of Leeds, and has issue. Is a
J.P. and D.L. for the AY. Riding of Yorkshire ; was
formerly a merchant at Leeds. — Mylton, Warwick.
BERE, the Rev. John, of Timewell, Devon.
Eldest son of th;> late John Bare, Esq., of Timewell
House, by Diary, eldest dau. of the late Rev. James
Randolph; ft. 1820 j s. 1868; m. 186'.) Caroline Matilda,
only dau. of the late Kev. William Bernard, Rector of
Clatworthy, Somerset. Educated at Emmanuel Coll.,
Cambridge (B.A. 1844); is Rector of Skilgate, and
Patron and Vicar of Upton, Somerset. — Residence:
Skilgate Rectory, Wiveliseombe,
J/cir I'rcs.. his brother Richard, 6. 182-.
BERE, Montague, Esq., of Morebath, Devon.
Eldesl son of the late Montague linker Bore, Esq., a
Commissioner of Bankruptcy, a D.L. for Devon, and
Chairman of the Quarter Sessions (who <l. 1858), by
Wilhelmina Jemima, 3rd dau. of the late Right Rev.
Dr.Sandford, Bishop of Edinburgh; ft. 1824; m. 1852
Cecil Henrietta. 2nd dau. of Capt. T. Wentworth Bullcr,
U.S.. of Whimple, Devon, and has. with other issue,
* Montague Clavill, b. 185G, educated at the Charterhouse.
Mr, In re, who was educated at Balliol Coll., Oxford
(B.A. 1846), and called to the Bar at the Inner
Temple, 1850, was Recorder of Penzance 1857-62;
Recorder of Southampton 1862-70; appointed Recorder
of Bristol 1870; Judge of Cornwall County Court
1872; is Patron of 1 living. — Elliot Terrace, Plymouth.
BEREHAVEN, Viscount,
(See under Bantry, Earl of.)
BERENS, Alexander Augustus, Esq., of
Spratton Grange, Northamptonshire.
Only son of the late Alexander Berens, Esq., of
Raleigh Hall, Surrey, by Charlotte, dau. of George
Busby, Esq. ; ft. 1842 ; m., 1st 1865 Mary Ellen, eldest
surviving dau. of Thomas Shaw Heilier, Esq., of
Rodbaston Hall, co. Stafford ; 2nd 1866 Louisa
Winifred, 3rd surviving dau. of the late Rev. Edward
Stewart, Vicar of Sparsholt, Hants; and has issue by
the former * Alexander Heilier, ft. 1865. Mr. Berens,
who was educated at Trinity Hall, Cambridge (B.A.
1864, M.A. 1874), is a Magistrate for eo. Northampton,
and Capt. Northampton and Rutland Militia. — Spratton
Grange, Northampton ; New University Club, s.w.
BERENS, Henry Hclse, Esq., of Sidcup,
Son of the late Joseph Berens, Esq., of Kevington,
Kent, by Charlotte, 3rd dau. of Richard Benyon. Esq.,
of Englefield House, Berks; ft. 1804; m. 1841 Elli-
nor, youngest dau. of the late George Stone, Esq., of
Coopers, Chislehurst, Kent, and has issue * Ellinor
Frances. Mr. Berens is a Magistrate for Kent, a
Commissioner of Lieutenancy for London, and a Di-
rector of the Bank of England — Sidcup, Foot's Cray.
BERENS, Richard Benton, Esq., of Kevington,
Eldest son of the late Richard Beauvoir Berens, Esq.,
of Kevington, by Catherine, dau. of the late John
Edmund Dowdeswell, Esq., M.P., of Pull Court, co.
Worcester; ft. 1834 ; s. 1859 ; m. 1860 Fanny Georgina,
dau. of Alexander A. Park, Esq., Master of the Court
of Common Pleas, and has, with other issue, * Richard,
ft. 1864. Mr. Berens, who was educated at West-
minster and Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1857, M.A. 1865),
is a Magistrate for Kent, and Patron of 2 livings ;
late Lieut, W. Kent Yeomanry Cavalry. — Kevington,
St. Mary Cray, Kent ; Oxford and Cambridge Club,s.vf.
BERESFORD, the Right Hon. William, of
Hampton Court, Middlesex.
Only son of the late Marcus Beresford, Esq. (many
years M.P. for Dungarvan), by Lady Frances Arabella,
younger dau. of Joseph, 1st Earl of Milltown ; 6. 1797 ;
m. 1834 Catherine, dau. of the late George Robert
Heneage, Esq., of Hainton Hall, co. Lincoln, and has,
with ol her issue, * Mostyn do la Poer, Liout.- Col. 72nd
Highlanders; b. 1 83;5. Mr. Borosford, who was edu-
cated at Eton and St. Mary's Hall, Oxford (B.A. 1819),
is a Magistrate for co. Wicklow, and a Major in the
Army retired ; formerly Capt. 12th Lancers ; was M.P.
for Harwich 1841-7, for N.Essex 1847-65; Secre-
tary at AVar in 1852. — Hampton Court, Middlesex ;
Carlton, United Service, and Travellers' Clubs, s.w.
BERESFORD, George De la Poer, Esq., of
Awbawn, co. Cavan.
Eldest son of the Most Rev. Marcus Gervais Beresford,
D.D., Archbishop of Armagh, by his 1st wife Mary, dau.
of Col. Henry P. L'Estrange, of Moystown, King's Co. ;
b. 1831 ; m. 1860 Mary Annabella, dau. of the late
Bev. William Vernon Harcourt, of Nuneham Park,
Oxon., and has, with other issue, * Marcus William, b.
1862. Mr. Beresford, who was educated at Eton and
University Coll., Oxford, is a J.P. and D.L. for co.
Cavan (High Sheriff 1867); elected M.P. for Armagh
1875. — Awbawn, Killeshandra.
BERESFORD, John Barre, Esq., of Lear-
momifc and Aslibrook, co. Londonderry.
Eldest son of the late Henry Barre Beresford, Esq., of
Learmount, by Eliza, youngest dau. of John Bayly,
Esq., of Hambrook, near Bristol ; b. 1815 ; s. 1837 ; m.
1st 1840 Sophia, 3rd dau. of Hugh Lyons-Montgomery,
Esq. (she d. 1850) ; 2nd 1853 Caroline, only child and
heir of the late William Hamilton Ash, Esq., of Ash-
brook, co. Londonderry ; he has, with other issue,
* Henry Barre Blacker, Lient. R.N. ; b. 1848, and William
Randal Hamilton (heir to the Ashbrook property), b. 1859.
Mr. Beresford, who was educated at Eton and Ch. Ch.,
Oxford (B.A. 1835, M.A. 1865), is a J.P. and D.L. for
co. Londonderry (High Sheriff 1846), late Vice-Lieut,
of that county. — Learmount Park and Ashbrook,
BERESFORD, the Rev. John George.
Youngest son of the late Admiral Sir John Poo Beres-
ford, Bart,, K.C.B., G.C.H., by his 2nd wife Harriet
Elizabeth, 3rd dau. of the late Henry Peirse, Esq.,M.P.,
of Bedale, co. York; b. 1821 ; m. 1846 the Hon. Caro-
line Amelia, youngest dau. of Thomas, 1st Lord Denman,
and has, with other issue, * John Peirse de la Poer, b.
1846. Mr. Beresford, who was educated at Eton and
St.Peter's Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1843, M.A. 1847), was
Vicar of St Andrew's, Whittlesey 1846-9, Bector of
Wymondham 1849-61, and was appointed Bector of
Bedale 1861. — The Rectory, Bedale, Yorkshire.
BERESFORD, Colonel Marcus, of East Sheen,
Fourth son of the late Bev. Gilbert Beresford (who was
formerly Bector of St. Andrew's, Holborn, and of Hoby,
co. Leicester), by Anne, dau. of the Rev. Henry Browne ;
b. 1818; m. 1848 Elizabeth, dau. of William Green,
Esq., M.D., of Durham. Educated at King's Coll.,
London ; is a Magistrate for Surrey, and Hon. Colonel
7th Surrey Bifle Volunteers ; has been M.P. for South-
wark since 1870; was formerly in the N. American
Militia. — Sheen House, East Sheen, s.-w. ; Carlton Club,
BERESFORD, Robert Henry, Esq., of Wood-
house, co. Waterford.
Eldest son of the late George John Beresford, Esq., of
Woodhouse (who was a Magistrate for co. Waterford,
and a Col. R.A. retired), by his 2nd wife Frances Con-
stantia, eldest dau. of the late Robert John Uniacke,
Esq., J.P. and D.L., of Woodhouse, formerly High
Sheriff of co. Waterford ; b. 1845 ; s. 1864. Mr. Beres-
ford, who is Lieut. 39th Regt., represents a younger
branch of the noble house of Waterford. — Woodhouse,
Stradbally, Piltown, co. Waterford.
Heir Pres., his brother John George, b. 1847.
78 »
(See under Waterford, Marquis of, and Decies, Lord.)
BERESFORD. (See Massy-Beresford.)
BERESFORD. (See Pack-Beresford.)
BERESFORD-HOPE, Alexander James Beres-
ford, Esq., of Bedgebury, Kent.
Youngest son of the late Thomas Hope, Esq., of Deep-
dene, Surrey (Author of " Anastasius"), by Louisa,
youngest dau. of the Hon. and Most Rev. William
Beresford, Archbishop of Tuam, 1st Lord Decies (she
in. 2nd 1832 William Viscount Beresford, G.C.B., and'
d. 1851); b. 1820 (assumed the name of Beresford by
royal licence) ; m. 1842 Lady Mildred, dau. of James,
2nd Marquis of Salisbury, K.G., and has, with other
issue, * Philip, educated at Harrow, b. 1851. Mr.
Beresford-Hope, who was educated at Harrow and
Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1841, M.A. 1844), cr.
Hon. D.C.L. of Oxford 1848, and Hon. LL.D. of Cam-
bridge 1864, is a Magistrate for Kent and co. Stafford,
and Patron of 2 livings ; he was M.P. for Maidstone
1841-52 and 1857-9, for Stoke-upon-Trent 1865-8 ;
elected M.P. for Cambridge University 1868. — Bedge-
bury Park, Cranbrook, Kent; Beresford Hccll, Ash-
bourne ; Carlton, Athenceum, University, Oxford and
Cambridge, and New University Clubs, s.w. ; Arklow
House, 1, Connaught Place, w.
BERESFORD-PEIRSE, Sir Henry Monsonde
La Poer, Bart., of Bedale Hall, Yorkshire
(cr. 1814).
Eldest son of the late Henry William De la Poer
Beresford-Peirse, Esq., J.P. and D.L. (who assumed
the additional name of Peirse, on succeeding to the
estates of his maternal aunt Miss Peirse, of Bedale
Hall, and who d. 1859), by Henrietta Ann Theodosia,
only dau. of the late Hon. and Rev. Thomas Monson ; b.
1850; s. his uncle as 3rd Bart. 1873; in. 1873 Lady
Adelaide Mary Lucy, fifth dau. of Francis, 3rd Earl of
Bandon. Is a J.P. and D.L. for the N. Riding of
Yorkshire, Lord of the Manor of Bedale, and Patron
of 2 livings. — The Hall, Bedale, Yorkshire.
Heir, his son Henry Bernard De la Poer, b. 1875.
BERIDGE, the Rev. Basil, of Algarkirk, Lin-
Son of the late Bev. Basil Bury Beridge, by Dorothy,
dau. of John Tanfield, Esq., of Carthorpe, co. York;
b. 1797; m. 1st 1823 Bettina Mary Elizabeth, dau. of
the Rev. William Chaplin, of Thorpe Hall, Louth (she
d. 1824) ; 2nd 1828 Judith, dau. of John Pulteney, Esq.,
of Northerwood, Hants (she d.s.p. 1860). Mr. Beridge,
who was educated at Harrow and Magdalen Coll., Ox-
ford, is a Magistrate for co. Lincoln and Patron and
Rector of Algarkirk. — Algarkirk, Spalding.
BERINGTON, Charles Michael, Esq., of
Little Malvern, Worcestershire.
Eldest son of the late William Berington, Esq., of
Little Malvern, by Mary Frances, da\i. of Don Joseph
Brune, of Cadiz, Spain; b. 1830; s. 1847; in. 1st
1858 Ellen Mary, 2nd dau. of the late James Balfe,
Esq., of Runnimote, co. Roscommon; 2nd 1869 Mary
Louisa Patricia, eldest dau. of the late Michael Agnew
Coxon, Esq.,B.C.S., and has, with other issue, * William,
b. 1873. Mr. Berington, who was educated at Down-
side Coll., Bath, is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Worcester
(High Sheriff 1868), and a Magistrate for co. Hereford.
— Little Malvern Court, Malvern.
+ BERINGTON", Col. John, of Winsley, Here-
fordshire, and Moat Hall, Salop.
Eldest son of the late Lieut.-Col. John Berington,
J.P. and D.L., of Winsley Park, co. Hereford, by
Frances, xridow of J. Dickenson. Esq.: 1815;
1852 ; m. 1850 Ocorgina, dau. of tho lata I. 8. Coxon,
Esq.. of Flcsk Prion-, co. Korry. Is n IVp.-bwm.
co. Hereford and a Colonel Hereford Militia. — Resi-
dence : Bruges, Belgium.
BERKELEY. Karl of (Thomas Moke vox Firz-
Harimxc.e-Herkei ey). — Cr. li'r'.'.J
Fifth son of Frederick Augustus. 5th Karl, by Mary,
dau. of Mr. William Colo, of Wot ton-undor- Edge, co.
(Hooeester, and vounger brother of Maurice, 1st Lord
FitiHardinge; b". 1796 : a. 1810. Educated at C. C. C,
Oxford ; is coheir to the Baronies of Mowbray. Sea-
grave, and llraose of Gower. — Crawford, Hoitnslow.
Urir Prts.. his brother George Charles Grant W. .i Magistrate
for eo. Gloucester ; former! v an officer in the Coldstream
Guards; M.P. for W. Gloucestershire 1S32-I7: f>. IMDj m.
18S4 Caroline Martha. Jan. of the late Vaul Benfleld, Esq..
and bv her (who </. 1870) has surviving issue 'Edward
Stratton FiuHardinge, late Capt. 2nd Life Guards, ft. 1S27.
BERKELEY, the Hon. Paget Fmz-
Hakpixce. of Old Park, Sussex.
Younger son of Maurice. 1 st Lord FitzHardinge, by Lady
Charlotte, dau. of Charles. 4th Duke of Richmond;
b. 1830: m. 1856 Louisa Elisabeth, only dau. of the
late H. L. Lindow, Esq. Is a Magistrate for Sussex,
and a Dep.-Lieut. for cos. Gloucester and Sussex; was
M.P. for Gloucester 1862-65.— Old Park, Chichester;
Brooks's Club, s.w. ; 1, BUI Street, W.
BERKELEY, Robert, Esq., of Spetchley Park,
Eldest son of the late Robert Berkeley, Esq., of
Spetchley. J.P. and D.L. (who d. 1 874). by Henrietta
Sophia, eldest dau. and coheir of the lato Paxil Ben-
fiefd, Esq.; b. 1823; r,i. 1851 Lady Mary Catherine,
younger dau. of Thomas. 3rd Earl of Kenmare, and
has, with other issue, * Robert, b. 1853. Mr. Berkeley
is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Worcester, and Lord of the
Manor of Spetchley, and Patron of 4 livings. — Spetchley
Park, Wtrcesttr.
BERKELEY, the Rev. William Comtns, of
Cotheridge Court, Worcestershire.
Eldest soa of the late William Berkeley, Esq., of
Cotheridge Court, by Lucy Frederiea, dau. and coheir
of John Richard Comvns, Esq., of H viands, Essex;
b. 1S10 : s. 1869 ; m. 1844 Harnett Elizabeth, dau. of
the late John Bowyer Nichols, Esq., F.S.A., of Hanger
Hill, Ealing, Middlesex, and by her, who d. 1875, has,
with other issue, * Rowland Comyns, b. 1845. Mr.
Berkeley, who was educated at Jesus Coll., Cambridge
(B.A. 1834), is Lord of the Manor, Yiear, and Patron
of Cotheridge. — Cotheridge Court, Worcester.
BERKELEY. (See under Fitz-Hardinge, Lord.)
ford, Esq., of Hearuesbrooke, co. G-alway.
Only son of the late Thomas Bermingham-Trotter,
Esq., of Bermingham. co. Galway (who d. 1844), by
RosabeUe, dau. of the late Major William Stirling
St. Clair, of Emma Yale, co. Wicklow; b. 1840 ; s. his
grandfather. Clifford Trotter, Esq., 1859 ; m. 1865
Frances Margaret, only child of Capt. Robert Jocelyn
Otway, R.X., D.L., of Castle Otway (whom see). Mr.
Bermingham- Ruthven is a Magistrate for co. Galway,
and coheir to the Baronies of Atlienry and Delvin ; he
reassumed the surname of Ruthven by royal licence
in 1865. — CharleviUe Cottage, Eivniskerry. co. Wicklow.
BERNAL-OSBORNE. (See Osborne.)
X The Earl, though 5th son of his father, was the first son
born after the marriage of 179H, the only marriage established to
the satisfaction of the House of Lords.
BERNARD, the Hon. J 1 i nky Boyle, of Cool-
maiu Castle, co. Cork.
Third son of James, 2nd Earl of Bandon, by Mary
Susan Albinia, dau. of the late Hon. and Most. Rev.
Charles Brodrick, Archbishop of Cashel, and sister
of Charles Bth Viscount MidTeton; l>. 1812; m. 1848
Matilda Sophia, youngest dau. of the lato Liout.-
Gkmeral Charles Turner, of Sutton, Middlesex, Col.
18th Rest Educated at Eton and Balliol Coll.,
Oxford ; is a Magistrate for co. Cork, and Col. S. Cork
Light Infantry; was M.P. for Bandon 1863-8.— Cool-
main Castle, Bandon, co. Cork ; Carlton Club, s.w.
BERNARD, the Hon. Mrs., of The Farm, co.
Elizabeth, only dau. of the lato Lieut.-Col. Henry
Oilman of Clan Coolc, co. Cork; m. 1831 tho Hon.
William Smyth Bernard, a Magistrate for co. Cork,
and Capt. half-pay 1st Dragoon Guards, who was M.P.
for Bandon 1832-34 and 1857-63, and who d. 1863.
— The Farm, Bandon, co. Cork.
BERNARD, Edward Morkogh, Esq., of
Sheheree, co. Kerry.
Eldest son of the late John Morrogh, Esq., of Glan-
mire House, co. Cork (who assumed the name of Ber-
nard in 1841, and d. 1866), by Frances Mary, only
child and heir of the late Joseph Blount, Esq., of
Hurstbourne Tarrant, Hants ; b. 1843. Is a Magistrate
for co. Kerry (High Sheriff 1 870),— Sheheree, Killamey.
BERNARD, Joseph, Esq.
Son of the late Peter Bernard, Esq., of Southampton, by
Sophia, dau. of Duncan Dallas, Esq. ; !>. 1804 ; m. 1841
Georgians Emily, dau. of William Abbott, Esq., late of
Waraford Park, Hants, and had issue Charles Colson,
b. 184S ; educated at Winchester and Merton Coll.,
Oxford (B.A. 1870) ; called to the Bar 1872, d. 1872.
Mr. Bernard is a Magistrate for Hants and for South-
ampton.— 10, Eockstonc Place, Southampton.
BERNARD, Thomas, Esq., of Castle Bernard,
King's Co.
Eldest son of the late Col. Thomas Bernard, M.P., of
Castle Bernard, by his 2nd wife, Lady Catherine
Henrietta, sister of John, 3rd Earl of Donoughmore ;
b. 1816; s. 1834. Educated at Winchester ; is Lord-
Lieut, of King's Co. (High Sheriff 1837), Lieut.-Col. in
the Army, and Lieut.-Col. King's Co. Militia ; was
formerly Capt. 12th Lancers. — Castle Bernard, Kin-
nctty, King's Co.; Carlton Club, s.w.
Heir Pres., his brother Richard, formerly in the Army ; b.
BERNARD, Thomas Ttringham, Esq., of Win-
chendon Priory, Bucks.
Second surviving son of the late Sir Scrope Bernard-
Morland, Bart., by Harriet, dau. of William Morland,
Esq. ; b. 1791 ; m. 1st 1819 Sophia Charlotte, dau. of
the late Sir D. Williams, Bart., and by her has surviv-
ing issue one dau., Sophia Elizabeth, m. 1861 J. Na-
pier Higgins, Esq., Q.C. ; 2nd 1840 Martha Louisa, dau.
of W. Minshull, Esq. (d.); 3rd 1864 Ellen, relict of
Henry Duffield Elwes, Esq., of Marcham Court, Berks
(d.) Mr. Bernard, who was educated at Eton and Ch.
Ch., Oxford, is a J.P. and D.L. for Bucks, Patron of
1 living, and heir presumptive of his brother Sir
Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. ; was M.P. for Ayles-
bury 1857-65. — Winchcndon Priory, Aylesbury ; Union
Club, s.w. ; 33, Onslow Square, s.w.
(See under Bandon, Earl of, and Tuam, Bishop of.)
BERNARD, of Palace Anne.
(See Beamish-Bernard.)
BERNARD-MO R LAND. (See Morland.)
BERNERS, Baroness (Emma Harriet Tyr-
whitt).— Cr. 1455.
Only surviving child of the late Hon. and Eev. Robert
Wilson (who d. 1850), by his 2nd wife Harriet, younger
dau. and eoheir of the late Col. George Crump, and
widow of John Wilson Sheppard, Esq., of Campsey
Ashe, Suffolk; s. her uncle Henry, 6th Lord, 1871 ;
m. 1853 Sir Henry Tyrwhitt, Bart, (whom see). Is
Patroness of 1 living. — Asshwelthorpe, Wymondham.
Heir, her son Harry Tyrwhitt, 6. 1854.
BERNERS, the late Lady, of Keythorpe Hall,
The Hon. Henrietta Charlotte, only dau. of Thomas,
1st Lord Delamere, by Henrietta Elizabeth, dau. of Sir
Watkin William Wynn, Bart., of Wynnstay, co.
Denbigh; d. 1 87-1, having m. 1857 Henry William,
6th Lord Bcrners, who d. s.p. 1871. Was Lady of the
Manors of Keythorpe, &c. — Ktythorpe Hall, Leicester.
BERNERS, John, Esq., of Woolverstone Park,
Eldest son of the late Ven. Henry D.Berners, of Wool-
verstone (sometime Archdeacon of Suffolk), by Sarah,
dau. of John Jarret, Esq., of Fremantle, Hants ; h.
1800; m. 1832 Mary Henrietta, dau. of the Eev.
Joshua Rowley, and niece of the late Sir William
Bowley, Bart. Is a J.P. and D.L. for Suffolk, Lord of
the Manors of Woolverstone and Harkstead, and Patron
of 2 livings. — Woolverstone Park, Ipswich; 35, Upper
Brook Street, w.
Heir Pres., his brother Hugh (rf Midanbnry, Hants), a Capt.
Royal Navy, and a Magistrate for Hants ; b. 1801 ; m. 1832
Julia Alice, dau. of John Ashton, Esq., of the Grange, co.
Chester, and has, with other issue, * Charles Hugh, a
Magistrate for Suffolk, b. 1842.
BERNEY, Sir Henry Hanson, Bart,, of Barton
Bendish, Norfolk (cr. 1620).
Only son of the late Sir Hanson Berney, Bart., of Kirby
Beadon, by his 2nd wife, Agnes, dau. of Mr. Thomas Peck ;
b. 1843 ; s. as 9th Bart. 1870 ; m. 1866 Jane Dorothy,
eldest dau. of the Rev. Andrew Bloxam, Rector of
Harborough Magna, co. Warwick. Educated at
Trinity Hall, Cambridge (LL.B. 1865) ; is Patron of
1 living. — Woodlands, Windermere.
Heir, his son Thomas Hugh, b. 1S60.
BERNEY, George Duckett, Esq., of Morton
Hall, and Easton Lodge, Norfolk.
S'on of the late Thomas Trench Berney, Esq., J.P., of
Morton Hall (High Sheriff of Norfolk 1812), by Mary,
dau. of Thomas Penrice, Esq., of Great Yarmouth,
Norfolk; b. 1813; s. 1869; m. 1864 Catherine Mary,
dau. of the Rev. H. Lombe (whom see). Is a J.P. and
D.L. for Norfolk, Lord of the Manors of Morton, Helm-
ingham on the part of Ringland, Hockering, and Mattis-
hall, and Patron of the livings of Morton, Hockering and
Mattishall Berg. — Morton Hall, Norwich; EastonLodge,
BERNEY, the Rev. Thomas, of Bracon Ash,
Second son of the late Thomas Trench Berney, Esq., of
Morton Hall, Norfolk (who d. 1869}, by Mary, dau. of
Thomas Penrice, Esq., of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk,
and brother of George Duckett Berney, Esq. (whom
see) ; b. 1816. Educated at Charterhouse and St.
John's Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1839, M.A. 1845); is
Lord of the Manor and Rector of Bracon Ash ; late
Rector of Hockering. — Bracon Hall, Norwich.
(See under Caithness, Earl of.)
BERRINGTON, Arthur. Vendigaed Davies,
Esq,, of Pant-y- Goitre, Monmouthshire,
and Cefngole, Glamorganshire.
Only surviving son of the late Jenkin Davies Ber-
rington, Esq., of Woodland Castle, co. Glamorgan (who
d. 1871), by Charlotte, only dau. of the late Benjamin
Hall, Esq., M.P.,and sister of the late Lord Llanovcr
(ext.) ; b. 1833 ; m. 1st 1853 Frances Lennox Heneage,
3rd dau. of the Rev. Charles Lane, Rector of Wrotham,
Kent; 2nd 1861 Ada Barbara, dau. of the late John
Lane, Esq., of Loyton Grange, Essex ; he has by the
former, with other issue, * Arthur Tewdyr, b. 1854.
Mr. Berrington, who was educated at Eton and Exeter
Colls., Oxford, is a J.P. and D.L. for cos. Glamorgan
and Monmouth (High Sheriff 1856).— Pant-y-Goitre,
Abergavenny ; Cfngole, Swansea.
BERRY, John, Esq., of Tayfield, Fifeshire.
Eldest son of the late William Berry, Esq., of Tayfield,
by Isabella, eldest dau. of the late Sir Robert Hender-
son, Bart., of Fordel, co. Fife, and grandson of the late
John Berry, Esq., of Wester Bogie, N.B., and afterwards
of Tayfield; b. 1824; s. 1852; m. 1858 Margaret Hig-
gins, 3rd dau. of the late John Burn-Murdoch, Esq., of
Newck, co. Stirling, and has, with other issue, * Wil-
liam, b. 1864. Mr. Berry, who was educated at the
Universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, and called to
the Scottish Bar 1849, is a Magistrate for cos. Fife and
Forfar, and Her Majesty's Chamberlain and Receiver
for the Lordships of Fife, &c. — Tayfield, Newport, by
Dundee, N.B.
BERTIE, Lady Geoegina Anke Emily, of Wes-
ton-on-the- Green, Oxfordshire.
Second dau. of Admiral Lord M. Kerr and of Charlotte
(in her own right) Countess of Antrim, in. 1825 the
Hon. and Rev. Frederic Bertie, of Weston-on-the-
Green, Rector of Wytham, Berks, and Albury, Oxon,
who d. 1868, leaving, with other issue, * Charles
McDonnell, b. 1829 ; educated at Eton. Her Ladyship
is patron of Weston-on-the- Green. — Weston Manor,
(See under Abingdon, Earl of, and Lindscy, Earl of.)
BERTIE-PERCY. (See Percy.)
BERTRAM, William, Esq., of Nisbet and
Kersewell, Lanarkshire.
Eldest son of the late William Bertram, Esq., of Nis-
bet and Kersewell, by Louise, dau. of Dr. Arnaud de
Lapeijre, of Port Louis, Mauritius; b. 1826; s. 1839;
m. 1858 Adelaide Mary, dau. of — Batman, Esq., of
Australia, and widow of John Daniel Collyer, Esq.,
and has, with other issue, * William, b. 1859. Mr.
Bertram, who is a Magistrate for co. Lanark, was formerly
Lieut. 77th Foot. — Kersewell House, Carnwath, N.B.
BERWICK, Lord (Wm. Noel-Hill).— Cr. 1784.
Second but only surviving son of Richard, 4th Lord (who
d. 1848), by Frances Maria, dau. of the late Wm. Mostyn
Owen, Esq. ; b. 1802 ; s. his brother as 6th Lord 1861.
Educated at Rugby ; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Salop,
Lord of the Manor of Attingham, Patron of 2 livings,
and a Col. in the Army retired. — Attingham, Shrews-
bury; Carlton and United Service Clubs, s.w.
Heir Pres., his nephew Richard Henry (eldest son of the late
Hon. and Rev. Thomas Henry Noel-Hill, who d. 1870), by
Harriet Rebecca, eldest dau. of the late John Humffreys,
Esq., of Lwyn, co. Montgomery; b. 1S47 ; m. 1SG9 Ellen,
eldest dau. of Hen- Bruckspatron Nystrorn, of Malmoe,
BESSBOROUGH, Earl of (John George Bra-
bazon Ponsonby, P.O.). — Cr. 1739.
Eldest son of John William, 4th Earl, by Lady Maria,
3rd dau. of John, 10th Earl of Westmoreland ; b. 1809;
1 S 1 7 : >*. 1st 18.V> Lulv Frances Charlotte, eldest
dan. of John Gtoorgr, 1st Karl of Durham (she*/. 1835) ;
•Jn.l 1 S4*> I Caroline. eldest dau. of Charles. 6tll
Puke of Richmond, K.G. Educated at the Ohartcr-
MH; sit* in tin- House of Peer* as Lml Ponsonby
(er. 1 749~i ; SaLord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of
.>>. Oarlow; whs MP. forlVrby 1835-47 : Master of the
Biritimwlii 1S4S ,v_\ 1862-8, ami I859-6S; Lord
Steward of the Household 1 868-6, M d 186S-74. — BlSS-
h*9*<tt> S . . K immy; GmrihiU, BEST, Thomas, Esq., of Wool vers Dean, Hants
Somerset, by Martha, dan. of John Draper, Esq., of
North Down, Somerset; b. 1796: s, 18-13; m, 1826
Sophia, youngest dim. of John Bureham, lisq., mid has
issue an only son. * Thomas, of Wool vers Dean
(whom see). Mr. Best, who was educated at Jesus
Coll.. Cambridge (B.C.L. 1823), is a Magistrate for
Hants ; he was formerly Rector of Kirkby-on-Bain,
eo. Lincoln. — Rtd Rice, Andovcr ; Car/ton Club, s.w:
Onr/otr : Sy&mht/. Ijcicrstrr ; Travel/as' and Brook
C*'#. s.w.; 40. ( hnrlc.i Street, w.
Mr Pirs.. bb l»rotlirr FMtarickGaQnn, (donated at Harrow,
XI. A. of Trinity OolL, Cambridge : Harristor-at-Law, and a
Dcn.-LioiiU for King's Co. ; ft.
BEST, the Hon. Robkbt Raixev, of Croffcon
Lodge. Herts.
Youngest son of the late William Samuel, 2nd Lord '
Wynfonl (who </. 18i>1'1. by Jane, youngest dan. of |
William Thoyts. Esq.. of Sulhanipstcad Park, Perks :
b. 1S34; M, ISoti Maria Addison, youngest dan. of
Thomas A. Swaysland. Esq.. of Crawley, Sussex ; was
formerly Capt. Gren. Guards and 21st R.N. P. Pusiliers. !
— I'nfton Lodge, Stevenage ; Junior Carlton Club, s.w. I
BEST, Gkorge Holmxgs, Esq., of Eastbui-y,
Eldest son of the late George Pest. Esq.. J. P. and D.L., I
of Etstbury. by his "2nd wife. Elizabeth Georgina Anne, '
2nd dau. of the late General and Lady Elizabeth Loftus, j
and granddau. of George. 1st Marquis Townshend.
K.G.7/'. 1835: 1870. Is Lord of the Manor of Eist-
bury ; late Capt. 51 st Regt. — Eastlmry House, Compton,
Heir Pres., his brother Henry Compton, ft. 1S37.
+ BEST. Head Pottixger, Esq., of Donninoton
Castle, Berks.
Eldest son of the late Rer. James Wilkes Pest, of Dou.-
nington. by Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of the late Rev.
Head Pottinger. Vicar of Compton. Berks ; b. 1809 ; ,n.
1st 1839 Maria. 2nd dau. of the late Thomas Duffield.
Esq.. M.P., of Marcham Park. Perks ; 2nd 1846 Jane,
eldest dau. of George Stratton, Esq., of the Madras Civil
Service, and has. by the latter. * Marmaduke Head, a
Magistrate for Perks, h. 1847. Mr. Pest, who was
educated at University Coll., Oxford (P.A. 1 830). is a
J.P. and D.L. for Perks (High Sheriff \9,bZ).—Donning-
ion Castle, Xcwbttry.
BEST. HexryDewes, Esq., of Bilston, Stafford-
Eldest son of the late Edward Pest, Esq., of Pilston I
(who was a Magistrate for eo. Stafford), by Mary, only j
child of Matthew- Dewes, Esq., of Chipping Norton, I
Oxon ; b. 1832 ; ». 1861. Mr. Pest is a Magistrate for
CO. Stafford. — Bihton, Staffordshire.
BEST, Major Mawdistlt Gacssex, of Boxley,
Second son of James Pest. Esq., J.P., of Park House
Poxley. by Harriet, dan. of Samuel R. Gaussen, Esq.,
of Prookman's Park, Herts ; b. 1826. Is a Magistrate
for Kent, and a Major in the Army retired ; was for-
merly in the 25th Foot. — Park House, Boxley, Maid-
stone; United Strvice Club, s.w. ; 30, Hertford Street, w.
BEST, Mrs. Fairfax, late of Chilston Park, and
Wierton, Kent.
Margaret Anna, dau. of Joseph George Prett, Esq. ; m.
Thomas Fairfax Pest, Esq., of Chilston Park and
Wierton, Kent (formerly in the Grenadier Guards), a
J.P. and D.L. for Kent, who d. 1849, leaving issue four
daughters. — Residence: 87, Westbourne Terrace, w.
BEST, the Rev. Thomas, of Red Rice, Hants.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Pest, Esq., of Haselbury,
Only son ol the Hew Thomas Pest, of Bed Bice,
(whom Bee), by Sophia, dau. of ,1. Birchara, Esq., o
Uoningsby, eo. Lincoln; />. 1827; m. 1858 Louis;
Emily, .Ian. of Sir George Shiffnor, Bart., of Coombe,
Sussex, and has. with other issue, * Thomas George,
b. IJJ61, Mr. Best, who was educated at Eton and
Magdalen Coll . Oxford, is a Magistrate for Hants and
Wilis, and a Dep.-Lieut, for eo. Lincoln; ho was for-
merly Capt. in the Hampshire Militia. — Woolvirs
Dean, Andover ; Carlton Club, s.w.
BEST, William Allan, Esq., of Blakebrook
House, Worcestershire.
Eldest son of the late John Best, Esq., formerly M.P. for
Kidderminster (who d. 1865), by Mary, dau. of William
Trow, Esq. ; b. 1850.
BEST. (See under Wynford, Lord.)
BESTE, John- Richard DIGBY-, Esq., of Bot-
leigh, Hants, and Abbotsham, Devon.
Only son of the late Henry Pigby-Pestc, Esq., by
Sarah, dan. of Edward Scaly, Esq., of Nether Stowey,
Somerset; b. 1806; .s. 1836; m. 1st 1830 Harriott
Rosamond, dau. of Charles Pest, Esq., of Elmsly, co.
York; 2nd 1850 Marian, dau. of Shearman Bird, Esq.,
of Harold's Park, Essex, and widow of James Barlow
Hoy, Esq., of Thornhill Park, Hants, and has, with
other surviving issue, * Kenelm, in Holy Orders of the
Church of Rome; b. 1836. Mr. Digby-Beste, who was
educated at Stonyhurst Coll., is a J.P. and D.L. for
Hants, and a Magistrate for Devon. — Botleigh Grange,
Southampton ; Abbotsham Court, Bideford ; Castle
dcirOlmo, Tuscany.
BESWICK, William, Esq., of Gristborpe,
Second but eldest surviving son of the late William
Peswick, Esq., J.P., of Gristhorpe (who d. 1837), by
Mary, dau. of Thomas Kcld, Esq., of Scarborough, co.
York; b. 1817; s. his brother George 1851. Is a
Magistrate for the E. Riding of Yorkshire, and Lord
of the Manor of Gristhorpe.— Gristhorpe, Filey.
Heir Pres., his brother Thomas Keld, ft. 1819.
ROYDS. (See under Royds, of
BETHELL, James Fraxcis Hole, of Spring,
field House, Somersetshire.
Eldest son of the late William Hole Bethell, Esq., of
Springfield House, by the late Ellen Mary, dau. of
William Gent Wood and Ann Crook his wife, of Chip-
penham ; b. 1848; s. 1863. Educated at St. John's
Coll., Cambridge (P.A. 1871, M.A. 1874); called to
the Par at Lincoln's Inn 1873. — Pilton House and
Springfield House, Shepton Mallet ; Junior Conservative
Club, s.w.
Heir Pres., his brother William Wood, ft. 1849.
BETHELL, William Frogatt, Esq., of Rise
Park and Watton Abbey, Yorkshire.
Eldest son of the late Rev. George Pethell, M.A., Fel-
low of Eton Coll., and Rector of Worplesdon, Surrey
(who d. 1857), by Anne, dau. of Thomas Light.foot,
Esq.; b. 1809; s. his uncle, Richard Bethell, Esq.,
1864 ; m. 1841 Elizabeth Beckett, 2nd dau. of Edmund
Q 81
Denison, Esq., of Grimthorpe, co. York, and. by lior
(who d. 1870) has, with other issue, * William, b. 1847.
.Mr. Botholl, who was educated at Eton and Brasenose
Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1831), is a J.P. and D.L.for the E.
Riding of Yorkshire (High Sheriff 1875), and Lord of
the Manor and Patron of Bcverloy Rise. — Rise Parle,
Butt; Watton Abbey.
BETHELL. (See under Westbury, Lord.)
BETHUNE, Sir John Teottee Lindsay, Bart.,
of Kilconquhar, Fifeshire (cr. 1836).
Eldest son of the late Major-General Sir Henry Lind-
say Bethune, Bart., by Coutts, dau. of John Trotter,
Esq., of Dyrham Park, Herts ; b. 1827 ; s. as 2nd Bart,
1851; m. 1858 Jeanne Eudoxie Mario, dau. of Mons.
J. V. Duval, of Bordeaux. Is a J.P. and D.L. for co.
Fife; late Lieut. 91st Foot; claims the dormant titles
of Lord Lindsay of the Byres, Earl of Lindsay, and
Viscount Garnock. — Kilconquhar, Fife, N.B. ; New Club,
Edinburgh; Union Club, s.w.
BETHUNE, Alexander, Esq., of Blebo, Fife-
Eldest son of the late Lieut.-General Alexander Bethune,
of Blebo, by Maria, dau. of Robert Low, Esq., of Clatto,
co. Fife ; b. 1824 ; s. 1847 ; m. 1849 Margaret, dau. of
John Maxwell, Esq., of Dundee, N.B., and has, with
other issue, * Alexander, b. 1860. Mr. Bethune, who
was educated at Durham and Edinburgh Academies, is
a J.P. and D.L. for co. Fife, and Capt. 2nd Fifeshire
R.V. ; was formerly in the 42nd Highlanders. — Blebo,
Cupar, N.B. ; New Club, Edinburgh.
BETHUNE, the Rev. George Cuddington, of
Chulmleigh, Devon.
Eldest son of the late Rev. George Maximilian Bethune,
LL.D., of Worth, Sussex (who d. 1841), by Anna Maria,
dau. of Simon Ewart, Esq., of London; b. 1807; m.
1845 Julia, dau. of the Rev. George Hole, Rector of
Chulmleigh, Devon, and has, with other issue, * George
Maximilian, b. 1854. Mr. Bethune, who was edu-
cated at Trinity Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1829, M.A. 1832,
B.D. 1841), is Rector of Chulmleigh and Patron of
1 living ; was formerly Rector of Worth, Sussex.
— Chidmlcigh Rectory, Devon.
BETHUNE, Robert, Esq., of Nydie, Fifeshire.
Second son of the late Lieut.-Gen. Bethune, of Blebo,
and brother of Alexander Bethune, Esq., of Blebo
(whom see); b. 1827 ; s. 1850; in. 1865 Mary Louisa,
dau. of the late William Amherst Hale, Capt. 52nd Light
Infantry, and has, with other issue, * Henry Alexander,
b. 1866. Major Bethune is a Magistrate for co. Fife,
and a Major on the Retired List ; served formerly in
the 92nd Highlanders. — Nydie, St. Andrew's, N.B. ;
New Club, Edinburgh.
BETHUNE. (See Drinkwatcr-Bethune.)
BBTTON, Richard, Esq., of Overton, Salop.
Only son of the late Major Richard Betton, of Great
Berwick, co. Salop, by Mary Anne, dau. of the Rev.
Aaron Foster, of Taunton; b. 1808; s. 1819; m. 1st
1831 Charlotte Margaret, dau. of the late Richard
Salwey, Esq., of Moor Park, near Ludlow, co. Salop ;
2nd 1863 Mary, eldest dau. of the late John Walton,
Esq., of Esher, Surrey. Is a Magistrate for cos. Here-
ford and Salop. — Overton House, Ludlow.
Heirs Pres., his sisters.
BETTS, George, Esq., of Wortham, Suffolk.
Only son of the late Rev. Thomas D'Eye Betts, of
Wortham Hall, Rector of Martlesham, and a Magis-
trate for Norfolk and Suffolk (whocZ. 1859), by Harriet,
dau. of the late Rev. George Clarke Doughty, of
Theberton Hall, Suffolk, Rector of Martlesham and Vi-
car of Hoxue, Suffolk; b. 1829; entered the 81st Regt,
1847; retired from the Army as Major in 1872.
— Wortham Hall, Diss ; Army and Navy Club, s.w.
BETTY, William Thomas, Esq., of Knightstown,
Queen's Co.
Eldest son of the late Rev. William Betty, of Rutland
Square, Dublin, and Rector of Castlecor and Oldcastle,
co. Meath, by Catherine Henrietta, dau. of the late
Joshua Kemmis, Esq., of Knightstown, Queen's Co ; b.
1831 ; s. 1852. Educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin ; late
Capt. 6th Dragoon Guards. — Rutland Square, Dublin ;
Army and Navy Club, s.w.
Heir Pres., his brother Joshua Frederick, Capt. R.A. ; b. 1832.
BE VAN, the late Charles Dacees, Esq., of
Boskenna, Cornwall.
Son of the late Lieut.-Col. Charles Bevan (whod. 1811),
by Mary, dau. of Vice- Admiral James Richard Dacres ;
b. 1805; d. 1872. Educated at the Charterhouse and
Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1827, M.A. 1829) ; called to
the Bar at the Middle Temple 1830; was a Magistrate
for Cornwall and Judge of the Cornwall County Court;
and Recorder of Falmouth, &c. — Boskenna, Penzance.
BEVAN, George Innes, Esq., of Godmanchester,
Son of the late Rev. George Bevan (who d. 1819), by
Anne, dau. of Andrew Buchanan, Esq., of Glasgow ; b.
1818; m. 1839 Rachel, dau. of the late Robert Bevan,
Esq., of Rougham, Suffolk, and has, with other issue,
* George, Capt. 81st Regt., b. 1842. Mr. Bevan, who
was educated at Harrow, is a Magistrate for Suffolk
and Hunts, and a banker at Huntingdon. — Farm Hall,
Godmanchester ; Junior Carlton Club, s.w.
BEVAN, James Johnstone, Esq., of Bury St.
Edmunds, Suffolk.
Son of the late Charles Bevan, Esq., of London, by
Mary, dau. of James Johnstone, Esq.; b. 1818. Edu-
cated at Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1841, M.A.
1844); is a Magistrate for Suffolk, and a banker at
Bury St. Edmunds. — Northgate House, Bury St.
BEVAN, Richard Lee, Esq., of Brixworth
Hall, Northamptonshire.
Second son of the late David Bevan, Esq., of Belmont,
Herts, and Fosbury House, Wilts (who d. 1846), by
Favell Bourke, youngest dau. of Robert Cooper Lee,
Esq., Merchant, of London, and of Roxhall, Jamaica ;
b. 1810; m. 1840 Isabella Judith Maria, eldest dau. of
the Rev. L. Loraine-Smith, J.P., of Enderby Hall, co.
Leicester, and Rector of Passenham, Bucks, and has,
with other issue, * Lambton Lee Loraine, Lieut.
R.N. ; b. 1845. Mr. Bevan is a Magistrate for co.
Northampton. — Brixworth Hall, Northampton; 19,
Wimpole Street, w.
BEVAN, Robert Coopee Lee, Esq., of Fosbury,
Wilts, and Trent Park, Herts.
Eldest son of the late David Bevan, Esq., of Fosbury
House, by Favella Bourke, dau. of Robert Cooper Lee,
Esq., of 'Bedford Square, London; b. 1809; s. 1846 ;
m. 1st 1836 the Lady Agneta Elizabeth, dau. of the late
Sir Joseph Sydney Yorke, and sister of the 4th Earl of
Hardwicke (she d. 1851); 2nd 1866 Emma Frances,
dau. of the late Right Rev. Philip N. Shuttleworth,
Lord Bishop of Chichester, and has, with other issue,
* Sydney, b. 1838. Mr. Bevan, who was educated at
Harrow and Trinity Coll., Oxford, is Lord of the
Manor of Fosbury and Patron of 2 livings. — Fosbury
House, Hungcrford, Wilts; Trent Park, East Barnet,
Herts ; 25, Prince's Gate, s.w.
BEVAN, Thomas, Esq., of Stone Park, Kent.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Bevan, Esq., M.D., of
'Finsbury Circus, London (who d. 1847), by Hannah,
dau. of Samuel B< nnott. Esq.. of London : />. 1820 : .».
IMS Emma, dau. of Thomas Bayes, Esq.. of Kim-,
N-rlcv. Norfolk, and Ins. with other issue. * Robert,]
A. 1857. Mr. lVvmi. who was educated at tile City of
London School, is a Magistrate for Kent. — Stone Pari;
«MYtr Dortforxi ; 41, PfefOTM Street, s.w.
HKVAN. William Uoukkt, Esq., of Plumpton
House. Suffolk.
Eldest son of the late Hobert Reran. Esq., Hanker, of
Rough am Rookery. Bury St. Edmunds; /'. 1812; m.
1839 Sara Cowell. onlv dan. of the late Abraham Raw-
I in son, Esq.. of Lancaster, and of Eakenham, Norfolk,
Ud has. with other issue. * William Henrv Rawlinson.
B. A.. of Trinity Coll.. Cambridge: b.' 1840. Mr.
Bevnn, who was educated at Trinity Coll., Cambridge
(B.A. 1834, M.A. 18371. is a Magistrate for Suffolk,
and a banker at Bury St. Edmunds. — Plumpton
House. Whcpstcad, Burt/ St. Edmunds.
BE YE R IPO E-PUNC AN. tSee Macduf-Puncan.)
BEY ERLEY. (^W under Xor/humbn-land. Duke of.)
BEYINGTON, Jam i s Bickixgham, Esq., of
Merle Wood, Kent.
Eldest son of the late Saniuel Bevington, Esq., of the
Neckiuger Mills, by Elizabeth, dau. of James Bucking-
ham. Esq., of London; b. 18i>4 ; 1S32 Mary. dau. of
John Knox, Esq., J. P., of Rushbrooke, co. Derry, and
has issue * Samuel Bourne (of The Elms, Bieklcy
Park. Kent): Major 10th Surrey Volunteers ; 6. 1832*;
wt„ 1859 Sarah Ann. dau. of Benjamin Edgington, Esq.,
The Elms, Tooting, Surrey, and has issue two sons
and four daughters. Mr. Bevington is a Magistrate
for Surrey and a merchant in Southwark. — Merle
Wood, Scvcnoaks, Kent; St. Thomas's Street, South-
BEYVES, the Rev. Thomas Akcher, of Beau-
mont House, Pevon.
Second but eldest surviving son of the late Thomas
Bewes, Esq. (who was M.P. for Plymouth 1S32-41), by
his 1st wife Frances, youngest dau. of John Culme,
Esq., of Tothill, Devon; b. 1803; s. 1857- Edu-
cated, at "Westminster and Exeter Coll., Oxford (B.A.
1825, M.A. 1828).— Beaumont House, Plymouth.
Heir P*-es., his brother Cecil Edward (of Ridgway, near
Plvmpton, Devon), a Magistrate for Devon; formerly Capt.
69th Foot; ft. 1816; m. 1S47 Frances Elizabeth, eldest dau.
of George William Soltau, Esq., of Little Efford, Devon.
BE \YTCKE. Calyerley, Esq., of Close House,
Eldest son of the late Calverley Bewicke Bewicke, Esq.,
of Close House, by Elizabeth Philadelphia, dau. of
Thomas Wilkinson, Esq., of Coxhoe, co. Durham ; b.
1817; 5.1865: m. 1854 Jane Henrietta, only dau. of
W. T. MeCullagh-Torrens, Esq., M.P., and has, with
other issue, * Calverley, b. 1858. Mr. Bewieke, who
was educated at Trinity Coll., Cambridge, is Lord of
the Manors of Urpeth and Kirkheaton, and Patron
of 1 living; on roll for High Sheriff of co. Northum-
berland 1876. — Close House, Wylam-on-Tyne ; Urpeth
Lodge, co. Durham.
BEWICblE, Calverley Theodore, Esq., late
of Hallaton Hall, Leicestershire.
Eldest son of the late Calverley Bewicke, Esq., of Hal-
laton Hall (who was a Dep. -Lieut, for co. Durham), by
Mary Amelia, youngest dau. of the late Rev. Nathaniel
John Hollingsworth, Rector of Boldon ; b. 1848; s.
1864. Is Lord of the Manor of Hallaton, Patron of 1
living, and a Lieut. R.N.
+ BEYNON, Edmund Batley, Esq., of Car-
shalton, Surrey.
Eldest son of the late Rev. Edmund Turner Bealty,
who assumed the name of Beynon on his marriago
with Martha, only dau. and heir of Edward Beynon,
Esq., of Carshalton; l>. 1805; 1842. Educated at
Trinity Coll.. Cambridge (B.A. 1829, M.A. 1832) ; is a
Magistrate for Surrey. Lord of the .Manor of Carslial-
ton, and Patron of 1 living. — Shines Oaks, Chchhum,
Croydon ; Carshalton Lodge, Carshalton, Surrey.
BEYNON, John. Esq., of Trewern, Pembroke-
Elides! and only surviving son of the late John Thomas
Beynon, Esq., of Trewern (who*/. 1878), by Catherine
Sophia, 2nd dau. of Charles Allen Philipps, Esq., of
St. Bride's Hill. co. Pembroke: 8. 1829; m. 1864
Elizabeth, 2nd dan. of Charles Prust, Esq., of Haver-
fordwest, co. Pembroke. Educated at Worcester, Coll.,
Oxford; is a Magistrate for cos. Carmarthen and
Pembroke. — Trewern, Whit/and, South, Wales.
+ BIANCONI, the late, Esq., of Long-
field, co. Tipperary,
Son of the late Charles Bianconi, Esq.; b. 1785; d.
1875, having m. and had a dau. Mary, m. 1865 Morgan
John (VConnell, Esq., of Greena, co. Kerry, (who d.
1875). The late Mr. Bianconi was a J.P. and D.L. for
co. Tipperary. — Lougjidd, Cashcl, co. Tipperary.
BIBER-ERSKINE. (Sec Erskinc, of Dryburgh.)
BIPPLECOMBE, Sir George, Knt., C.B.
(cr. 1873).
Son of the late Thomas Biddlecombe, Esq. ; b. 1807 ; m.
1st 1842 Emma Louisa, dau. of Mr. Thomas Keat, of
Blashenwell, Dorset (who d. 1865); 2nd 1866 Emma
Sarah, dau. of William Middleton, Esq., of Sheffield.
Is a Captain R.N. retired, and was formerly in the
Merchant Service ; served as Master of H.M.'s yacht
Victoria and Albert 1849-50, and afterwards as Assist-
ant-Master-Attendant at Devonport, and Master- Atten-
dant at Woolwich. — 68, Granville Park, Blacklicath,s.E.
BIPPULPH, Sir Theophilus William, Bart.,
of Birdingbury, Warwickshire (cr. 1664).
Eldest son of the late Theophilus Biddulph, of Birding-
bury, by Jane Rebecca, dau. of the late Robert Vyner,
Esq., of Eathorpe, co. Warwick ; b. 1830 ; s. as 7th
Bart. 1854; m. 1872 the Hon. Mary Agnes, 3rd dau.
of Kenelm, 17th Lord Somerville (cxt). Educated at
Eton and Trinity Coll., Oxford ; is a J.P. and D.L.
for co. Warwick, and Patron of 1 living ; late Major
2nd Warwickshire Militia. — Birdingbury Hall, Rugby.
Heir, his son Theophilus George, b. 1874.
BIPPULPH, John, Esq., of Swansea, Gla-
Second son of the late John Biddulph, Esq., of Led-
bury, co. Hereford (who d. 1854), by Augusta, dau.
of — Roberts, Esq.; b. 1806; m. 18 — Emma Maria,
daii. of the late William Chambers, Esq., of Llanelly
House, co. Carmarthen, and Bicknor, Kent. Is a J.P.
and D.L. for co. Glamorgan. — St. Helen's Road, Swansea.
BIPPULPH, Michael, Esq., of Ledbury Park,
Eldest son of the late Robert Biddulph, Esq., of Led-
bury Park (J.P. and D.L. force Hereford, High Sheriff
in 1857, and formerly M.P. for Hereford, who d. 1864),
by Elizabeth, dau. of the late George Palmer, Esq.,
M.P., of Nazing Park, Essex ; b. 1834 ; m. 1864 Ade-
laide Georgiana, youngest dau. of the Right Hon.
General Peel, and has by her (who d. 1872), with other
issue, * John, b. 1869. Mr. Biddulph, who was educated
at Harrow, is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Hereford ; has
been M.P. for co. Hereford since 1865. — The Park,
Ledbury; Brooks's Club, s.w. ; 31, Eaton Place, s.w.
o 2 83
THE 1 N itkii KINGDOM.
13IDDULPH, Nicholas, Esq., of Congo? House,
co. Tipperavy, and Fortal, King's Co.
Eldest son of the late Francis Biddulph, Esq., of
Mount Oliver, Queen's Co., by Mary, dan. of Kichard
.Steele, Esq., of Kyle, Queen's Co. ; b. 1803; m. 1833
Catherine, dau. of t he Rev. Edward Lucas, of Rakenry,
co. Cavan, and has, with other issue, * Francis Edward,
Capt. 19th Foot; b. 1834; in. 1861 Annabella, dau.
of John Kennedy, Esq., of co. Down. Mr. Biddulph,
who was educated at Trinity Coll., Cambridge, is a
Magistrate for co. Tipperary. — Con gor House, Borriso-
kane, co. Tipperary.
BIDDULPH, Thomas Shrapnel Forester, .of
Aniroth Castle, Pembrokeshire.
Eldest son of the Rev. Thomas T. Biddulph, sometime
Patron and Vicar of Bengworth, co. Worcester, and
Incumbent of St. James's, Bristol, and Durston, Somer-
set (who d. 1839), by Rachel, dau. of Z. Shrapnel,
Esq., of Bradford, Wilts; b. 1789; m. 1820 Charlotte,
youngest dau. of the Rev. James Stillingfleet, Preben-
dary of Worcester (shed. 1863), and has, "with other issue,
* Michael Antony, Colonel R.A.; b. 1821; m. 1S56 Katherine,
ne'e Stomati-Mavromichaele.
Mr. Biddulph, who was educated at Worcester Coll.,
Oxford (B.A. 1816, M.A. 1819), is a Magistrate for cos.
Pembroke and Carmarthen, and Prebendary of Brecon ;
late Rector of Brockley, Somerset.
BIDDULPH, of Burton Park.
(See IVright-Biddidph.)
BIDDULPH, of Chirk Castle.
(See Myddelton-Biddulph.)
BID GOOD, Charles Henry, Esq., of Rock-
beare, Devonshire.
Eldest son of the late Henry F. Bidgood, Esq., of Rock-
beare Court, by Sarah, dau. of Thomas Porter, Esq., of
Rockbeare House ; b. 1822; s. 1851. Educated at Eton
and Trinity Coll., Cambridge ; is a Magistrate for Devon,
and Lord of the Manor of Rockbeare. — Rockbeare
Court, Exeter.
BIDWELL, the Rev. George.
Fourth son of the late Leonard Shelford Bidwell, Esq.,
of Thetford, Norfolk; b. 1787; m. 1811 Elizabeth,
dau. of Samuel Bidwell, Esq., and has issue,
* George Shelford, B.A. of St. John's Coll., Cambridge, in
Holy Orders, Curate of Yetminster, Dorset; b. 1830; m.
1858 Emma, dau. of Richard Prall, Esq., of Rochester.
Mr. Bidwell, who was educated at Eton and Clare Hall,
Cambridge, of which Coll. he was sometime Fellow
(B.A. 1809, M.A. 1812), was appointed Rector of
Stanton 1811 ; he is a Magistrate for Suffolk. — Stanton
Rectory, Ixiuorth, Suffolk.
+ BIDWELL, the Rev. Woodward Clarke.
Son of the late Shelford Bidwell, Esq. ; b. 1820. Edu-
cated at Clare Hall, Cambridge (B.A. 1843, M.A. 1846) ;
is a Magistrate for co. Bedford, and Vicar of Potton.
— The Vicarage, Potton, Bedfordshire.
BIGG, Edward Francis, Esq., of The Hyde,
Son of Smith Henry Bigg, Esq., of Nuthurst, Sussex,
by Augusta, dau. of John Curtis, Esq.; b. 1837; m.
1865 Fanny, elder dau. of the lato Wm. Everington,
Esq., of Heme Hill, Surrey. Mr. Bigg, who was ad-
mitted a Solicitor in 1860, inherited this property on
the death of his uncle in 1875. — The Hyde, Crawley;
61, Lincoln's Inn Fields, w.c.
BIGGAR, Joseph Gillis, Esq., of Trainfield
House, co. Antrim.
Eldest son of Joseph Biggar, Esq., by Isabella, dau. of
William Houston, Esq., of Ballyearl, co. Antrim ; b.
1828. Educated at Belfast Academy ; is a merchant
and Town Councillor at Belfast ; elected M.P. for co.
Cavan 1874. — Trainfield House, Belfast; Devonshire
Club, s.w.
BIGGE, Charles Selby, Esq., of Long Hors-
ley, Northumberland.
Eldest son of the late Charles John Bigge, Esq.,
Banker, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, and first Mayor of that
borough, by Lewis Marianne, eldest dau. of the late
Prideaux John Selby, Esq., of Twizell House, and
grandson of the late Charles W. Bigge, Esq., of Linden,
Northumberland, who d. 1849; b. 1833; m. 1858
Katharina, dau. of John W. Ogle, Esq., of Oakwood,
Kent, and has, with other issue, * Charles Prideaux
Ogle, b. 1860. Mr. Bigge, who was educated at Rugby
and Ch. Ch., Oxford, is a Magistrate for Northumber-
land.— Long Horsley, Morpeth.
BIGGE, Matthew Robert, Esq., of Islip, North-
Seventh son of the late Charles Wm. Bigge, Esq., J.P.
and D.L., of Linden House, Northumberland, by
Alicia, dau. of the late Christopher Wilkinson, Esq.. of
Thorpe, co. York; b. 1822; in. 1st 1848 Mildreda,
dau. of Col. Bell, of Fenham Hall, Northumberland ;
2nd 185- Elizabeth Jane, dau. of the Rev. W.
Darnell, Rector of Stanhope, co. Durham, and has,
with other issue, * Philip Matthew, b. 1862. Mr.
Bigge, who was educated at Rugby, is a Magistrate
for cos. Northampton and Northumberland. — Islip
House, near Thrapstone.
BIGGER, John James, Esq., of Falmore Hall,
co. Louth.
Eldest son of the late Lennox Bigger, Esq., J.P., of
Falmore Hall, by Charlotte, dau. of the late John East-
wood, Esq., of Castletown Castle, co. Louth; b. 1797;
s. 1838; m. 1 838 Charlotte Feris, dau. of David Courte-
nay, Esq., of Mountbaylie, co. Louth, and widow of
Major Francis Eastwood, and has issue * John James
Eastwood, late 6th Dragoon Guards, b. 1839. Mr.
Bigger is a Magistrate for cos. Louth and Armagh (High
Sheriff 1862); he was Mayor of Dundalk 1835-8.
— Falmore Hall, Dundalk.
+ BIGGER, William Finlay, Esq., of Rivers-
view House, co. Londonderry.
Eldest son of the late W. Bigger, Esq., of London-
derry; b. 18 — . Is a Magistrate for the city of
Londonderry (High Sheriff 1874). — Rivers view House,
BIGGS, the Rev. George Hesketh.
Eldest son of the late Rev. George Biggs, Rector of
Upton Warren, co. Worcester (who d. J 836), by Mary
Margaret, dau. of John Bree, Esq., M.D., of Stratford-
on-Avon and Beausall, co. Warwick; b. 1823; m. 1st
1854 Lucy Amelia, dau. of James Moilliet, Esq., of
Cheyney Court, co. Hereford (she d. 1868); 2nd 1873
Helen, 4th dau. of the late John Farquhar Fraser,
Esq., of East Marsk, Somerset, and has by the former,
with other issue, * Walter Bree Hesketh, b. 1856. Mr.
Biggs, who was educated at Worcester Coll., Oxford
(B.A. 1846, M.A. 1864), is a Magistrate for co. Wor-
cester, and Vicar of Ettington. — Ettington, Stratford-
on- Avon; Universities Club,s.~w.
+ BIGGS, Henry Godolphin, Esq., of Stockton,
Eldest son of the late Harry Biggs, Esq., of Stockton,
formerly High Sheriff of Wilts, by Margaret, dau. of
Godolphin W. Burslem, Esq., of Alton Grange, co.
Leicester; b. 1804; s. 1856; m. 1837 Mary Anne, dau.
of the late William Wyndham, Esq., of Dinton House,
Wilts. Educated at Eton and Ch. Ch., Oxford; is a
Magistrate for Wilts, ami Lord of tho Manor of Stoek-
ton.— ShvlfoH House. Salistmrj/.
Ifrtr ,"•,.<.. his sUtor Mrs. Yoatman <\v1tom wl.
BIGGS. Wim v\i, Esq., of Hightiold House,
Son of tho late Mr. William Riires. of Leicester. Mer-
chant and Manufacturer: ft. 1805: »». 1837 Mary,
yonngvst dau. of the late John Worthington, Esq. Is
a Magistrate and Alderman of Leicester ; was Mayor of
Leicester 1842-3 and IS 1^-9: M.P. for Newport. Isle of
Wight, lSo'J-7. — Hi<]hfield House, Isiecster ; Jieform
Club, s.xr.
-f BIG LAND, WasoH Henry John, Esq., of
Biglaiul Hall. Lancashire.
Younger and onlv surviving son of the late Yice-
Adml. Wilson B. liigland. of Bicland Hall, K.H. (who
d. 18o81. by Emily, sister of the late Adml. Sir Henry
Leeke; ft. Big/and Hall, Upper Holker, near
BIGSltt'-CHAMBERLLN, Thomas, Esq., late
of Sutton Bennington, Notts.
Second son of the late John Bigsby, Esq., M.D.,
of Nottingham, by Mary, dau. of the late John Cham-
berlin, Esq. ; ft. 1800 ; hi. 1832 Harriot, dau. of Lieut. -
Col. Kirke and Anne his wife, dau. of Sir William
Richardson. Bart., of Augher Castle, 00. Tyrone, and
by her (who d. 18621 has, with other issue,
• Thomas Chamberlin. M.A. of Emmanuel Coll., Cambridge ;
Rector of Saundby, Notts; b. 1836.
Mr. Bigsby-Chamberlin, who assumed the name of his
maternal grandfather, is a Magistrate for Notts.— 21,
Letces Crescent, Brighton.
BILL, CHARLES, Esq., of Farley, Staffordshire.
Second son of the late John Bill, Esq., J. P., of Farley
Hall (who d. 1S53\ bv Sarah, eldest dau. of Abe'l
Humphry?, Esq.. of Philadelphia, U.S.; ft. 1843; s. his
brother 1S56 : m. 1S70 Ellen Margaret Hepburn, 2nd
dau. of Lieut. -Col. William Fitz Herbert, of Somersal
Herbert, co. Derby, and has, with other issue,
♦Charles Fitzherbert, ft. 1872. Mr. Bill, who was
educated at Eton and University Coll., Oxford (B.A.
1S67. M.A. 1S69"). and called to the Bar at Lincoln's
Inn 1868 ; is a Magistrate for co. Stafford. Lord of
the Manor of Cheadle Grange, and Capt. 3rd Stafford-
shire Militia. — Farley Hall, Cheadle ; United Univcr- >
sity Clv.b, s.w. : St. James's Chd>, w\
BILLAM, of Newall Hall. (See Wilkinson.)
+BILLINGTON, John Wykdham, Esq., of
Kennington, Kent.
Eldest son of the Rev. John Billington, of Kennington,
Yiear of Boughton-Aluph, by Mary, dau. of — Wynd-
ham. Esq. : ft. 1830. Is a Magistrate for Kent ; was
formerly Capt. in the Royal Horse Guards Blue.
— Kennington, Ashford, Kent.
BINGHAM, Denis, Esq., of Bingham Castle,
co. Mayo.
Eldest son of the late Robert Augustus Bingham. Esq.,
of Bingham Castle (who was nephew of John, 1st Lord
Clanmorris), by Anne, dau. of Bingham Denis, Esq., of
Bingham Castle; ft. 1818; s. 1842; m. 1846 Elizabeth
Elinor, dau. of the late Arthur Nash, Esq., of Carn
House, co. Mayo, and has issue * Denis Arthur, ft.
1849 ; m. 1874 Maria, eldest dau. of the late Capt, W.
H. Broad, R.N. Mr. Bingham, who was educated at
Trinity Coll., Dublin, is a Magistrate for co. Mayo.
— Bingham Castle, Bclmullet, co. Mayo.
+ BINGHAM, Col. George William Powlett,
C.B., of The Vines, Rochester, Kent.
Eldest son of the late Arthur B. Bingham, Esq., Capt.
R.N., by Emily, dau. of William L. Kingsman, Esq., of
Petworth, Sussex; ft. 1817; m. 181- Sophia, 3rd dau
of Col. Charles Cox Bingham, U.A. Entered the Army
in 1S3S : is a Magistrate for Kent
Army; was formerly in the
Col. in tho
The Vines,
61th Rogt.
Esq., of Bing
1UNGHAM KiniAKn llii-nsi.n.
ham's Melcombe, Dorset.
Eldest surviving son of the late Rev. William Bingham,
of Bingham's Melcombe, by Sarah Emily, dan. of
Lieut. -General William Wvnvard. of Kensington Palace;
ft. 1804: s. 1848; m. 1836 Harriet Georgiana, 3rd dau.
of the Rev. Montagu J. Wynyard. Is a J.P. and D.L.
for Dorset ; appointed Col. of the Dorset Militia 1852;
was formerly in the H.E.I.C.'s Military Service. — Bing-
ham's Me/combc. Dorchester.
Btir I'n s.. his brother Charles William, in Holy Orders, Rec-
torol Uelcombe Horsey, and a Magistrate for Dorset; 6,
1S10; »i. 1st is:',:i Caroline Darner, 2nd dau. of the Ilev.
Montagu J. Wynyard (sbe tl. 1864); 2nd 1855 Mary, dau.
of the late l!ev. Daniel Campbell, Rector of Crowcombe.
BINGHAM, Thomas Richard Duvereux, Esq.,
late of Wartnaby, Leicestershire.
Eldest son of the late Henry Corlcs Bingham, Esq.,
J.P. and D.L., of Wartnaby (who was High Sheriff of
co. Leicester, 1854), by Frances Lydia, dau. of the Rev.
Paul Belcher, Rector of Heather, co. Leicester; ft. 1834;
.t. 1868 ; m. 1858 Margaret, adopted dau. of the late
General Sir Sydney John Cotton, G.C.B., and has, with
other issue, * Sydney, ft. 1860. Mr. Bingham, who was
educated at Sandhurst, is Lord of the Manor of Wart-
naby, Patron of 1 living, and Capt. Bengal Staff Corps;
late of the 98th Rogt,
BINGHAM, Lord. (Sec under Lucan, Earl of.)
BINGHAM. (See under Clanmorris, Lord.)
BINGHAM, of Heathfield Lodge. (See Mansell.)
BINGLEY, Henry, Esq., of Higham Lodge,
Eldest son of tho late Robert Bingley, Esq., F.R.S., of
Higham Lodge, by Sarah, dau. of the late Stanesby
Alchorne, Esq., of the Tower of London ; ft. 1801 ;
s. 1847 ; m. 1828 Hannah, dau. of the late Daniel
Mildred, Esq., of Woodford, and has, with other issue,
* Robert Mildred, M.A. of Trinity Coll., Cambridge, and
Rector of Braiseworth , Suffolk; b. 1830; m. 1861 Alice
Fanshawe, dau. of the Rev. James Campbell, Vicar of Eye,
and niece of the late Admiral Sir Arthur Fanshawe, K.C.B.
Mr. Bingley, who is a Magistrate for Essex, and pos-
sesses landed property in Suffolk, was for many years
an Officer of the Royal Mint. — 19, Lewes Crescent,
BLNNEY, the Rev. Richard, D.C.L., of Bangor
Glebe, Dovvnshire.
Son of the late Hon. Hibbert Newton Binney, Member
of Council, Nova Scotia, by Lucy, dau. of Col. Creigh-
ton, of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia; ft. 1807; m. 1834
Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Hardman, Esq. Educated
at Trinity Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1844, M.A. 1848) ;
graduated D.C.L. at King's Coll., Nova Scotia, 1857;
is a Magistrate for co. Down, Incumbent and Rural
Dean of Bangor, and Chaplain to Viscount Bangor ;
formerly Capt, 74th Regt., and a Magistrate for co.
Kilkenny and Queen's Co. — Bangor Glebe, Belfast.
(See tmder Haddington, Earl of.)
BLNNLNG-HOME, George Home Monro, Esq.,
of Argaty, Perthshire, and SoftlaAv, Rox-
Eldest son of the late David Monro Binning, Esq., of
Softlaw (who assumed the name of Binning by deed of
entail, and d. 1843), by his cousin Sophia, only child
and heir of George Homo, Esq., of Argaty "(she d.
1806) ; b. 180-1 ; m. 1839 Catherine, dan. of Col. Joseph
Burnett, of Gadgirth, eo. Ayr. Is a Magistrate for co.
Perth, and Lord of the Baronies of Argatyand Softlaw.
— Argaty, Doune, N.B.
BIRCH, Sir Thomas Bernard, Bart., of the
Hazles, Lancashire (cr. 1831).
Eldest son of the late Sir Joseph Birch, Bart., of the
Hazles, by Elizabeth Mary, 3rd dan. of Benjamin
Heywood, Esq., of Liverpool ; b. 1791 ; s. as 2nd Bart.
1833. Educated at Rugby and Jesus Coll., Cam-
bridge (B.A. 1813, M.A. 1816) ; called to the Bar at
Lincoln's Inn 1817; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Lan-
caster; was M.P. for Liverpool 1847-52.— The Hades,
Prescot, Lancashire ; Reform and Brooks's Clubs, s.Vf. ;
10, Park Place, St. James's, s.w.
BIRCH, George Francis, Esq., of Clare Park,
Only son of the late Major George Birch, of Clare
Park, by Lydia Diana, dau. of the Rev. Samuel Erancis
Dashwood, of Stanford Park, Notts; b. 1834; «. 1855 ;
m. 1861 Katherine Georgina, dau. of Hugo Mont-
gomery Campbell, Esq., of The Hollies, co. Stafford,
and has, with other issue, * George Reginald, b. 1864.
Mr. Birch, who was educated at Rugby and Sandhurst
Royal Military Coll., and at Trinity Coll., Cambridge
(B.A. 1856), is a Magistrate forHants, andMajor Hants
Infantry Militia. — Clare Park, Famham.
BIRCH, Henry, Esq., of Dromartin Castle, co.
Third son of the late George Birch, Esq., of Birch
Grove, co. Tipperary, by Sarah, dau. of John Sayce,
Esq., of Bath; b. 1805. Educated at Trinity Coll.,
Dublin; called to the Irish Bar 1830 ; is a Magistrate
for co. Dublin. — Dromartin Castle, Dundrum, co. Dub-
lin ; University Club, s.w.
BIRCH, Thomas John, Esq., of Armitage
Lodge, Staffordshire.
Only son of the late Thomas Birch, Esq., of Armitage
Lodge, by Mary, dau. of William Smith, Esq., of
Longdon, and granddau. of Edward Lightwood, Esq.,
of Yoxall, co. Stafford; b. 1808; s. 1837; m. 1842
Julia Elizabeth, only dau. of the late John Chanter,
Esq., of London, and has, with other issue, * Lightwood
Thomas, b. 1851. Mr. Birch, who was educated at
Glasgow University, is a Magistrate for co. Stafford.
—Armitage Lodge, Eugeley.
BIRCH, Wyrley, Esq., of Wretham, Norfolk.
Eldest son of the late George Wyrley Birch, Esq. (who
d. 1855), by Jane, dau. of Richard Congreve, Esq., of
Burton, eo. Chester; b. 1837 ; s. his grandfather, 1867 ;
m. 1862 Rebecca Katharine, eldest dau. of the Ven.
Samuel Moore Kyle, Archdeacon of Cork, and has, with
other issue, * Wyrley Edwin George, b. 1867. Mr. Birch,
who was educated at Eton, is a J.P. and D.L. for Nor-
folk, and Patron of 2 livings ; he was formerly in the
88th Connaught Rangers and 45th Sherwood Eoresters.
— Wretham Hall, Thctford, Norfolk • Army and Navy
and Raleigh Clubs, s.w. ; R. Thames Yacht Club, w.
BIRCH. (See Newell-Birch.)
BIRCH- REYNARDSON. (See Reynardson.)
BIRCH- WOLFE. (See Wolfe.)
BIRCHALL, Lieut.-Col. Arthur John Vesey
LLNDSEY-, of Black Rock House, co.
Eldest son of the late Capt. Owen Lindsey, of St. Audries,
co. Mayo, by Mary, dau. and heir of Robert Birchall, Esq.,
of Black Rock House, co. Leitrim; b. 1811 ; m. 1839
Jane, dau. of the late Capt. John Duckworth, of Mount
Erris, co. Roscommon, and has surviving issue * John
William, b. 1849. Mr. Birchall, who served in the
Navy 1826-48, is a Magistrate for co. Leitrim, and late
Lieut.-Col. Leitrim Rifles Militia. — Black Rock House,
Drumshambo, co. Leitrim,
BIRCHALL,*John Dearman, Esq., of Bowden
Hall, Gloucestershire.
Second son of the late Samuel Jowitt Birchall, Esq.,
of Springfield House, Leeds, by Sophia Jane, eldest
dau. of the late John Dearman, Esq., of Champion
Hill, Surrey; b. 1828 ; m. 1st 1861 Clara Jane, elder
dau. of the late William Leigh Brook; Esq., of Mel-
tham Hall, co. York, and by whom (she d. 1863) he has
issue Clara Sophia; 2nd 1873 Emily, dau. of John
Jowitt, Esq., of Harehills, Leeds, and has issue * John
Dearman, b. 1875. Mr. Birchall is a Magistrate for
co. Gloucester. — Bowden Hall, Gloucester; Junior
Carlton Club, s.w.
+ BIRD, Charles Henry, Esq., of Crookery,
Son of the late C. Bird, Esq., b. 1838 ; educated at St.
John's Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1861, M.A. 1864); is a
Magistrate for co. Lancaster. — Crookery, Garstang.
BIRD, Charles Pavin, Esq., of Drybridge
House, Herefordshire.
Elder son of the late Rev. Thomas Hugh Bird, J P., of
Drybridge House (who was formerly a Member of the
Middle Temple, and subsequently Vicar of Yarkhill,
co. Hereford), by his 1st wife Jane, 2nd dau. of Samuel
Bell, Esq., of Hopton Hall, Norfolk; b. 1847 ; s. 1868.
Is in the Bengal Civil Service.
Heir Pres., his brother Reginald Hereford, b. 1849.
BIRD, Major Robert Wilberforce, of Barton,
Warwickshire, and Blunt's Hall, Suffolk.
Eldest son of the late Robert Merttins Bird, Esq.,
H E. I.C. S., of Barton House, by Jane Grant, eldest
dau. of the Rev. David Brown, D.D., Chaplain in India ;
b. 1S14; s. 1869; m. 1843 Elizabeth Maria, 3rd dau.
of the late Henry Cloete, Esq., of Westerford, Cape of
Good Hope, and had, with other issue,
Robert Wilberforce Merttins, Barrister-at-law of the Middle
Temple ; b. 1845 ; mi 1870 Katharine Sophia, eldest dau. of
the late Francis Myburgh, Esq., and d. 1874, having had
issue * a son, 6. 1872,
Major Bird, who was educated at Trinity Coll., Cam-
bridge, is a Magistrate for Suffolk and cos. Worcester
and Warwick, Lord of the Manors of Barton and Blunt's
Hall, and a Major in the E.I.C.S. retired. — Barton
House, Shipston-on-Stour ; Blunt's Hall, Haverhill.
BIRD, William, Esq., of Hornsey, Middlesex.
Youngest son of the late Edward Bird, Esq., of Crock-
herbtown, co. Glamorgan; b. 1805; m. 1828 Sarah,
only child of George Buck, Esq., of London, and has,
with other issue, * James, b. 1830; m. 1852 Elizabeth
Jane, eldest dau. of Richard Clay, Esq., of Muswell
Hill, Middlesex, and has, with other issuse, * Clement,
b. 1862. Mr. Bird is a Magistrate for Middlesex, and
Chevalier of the Legion d'Honneur. — Crouch Hall,
Hornsey, n. ; 32, Great Cumberland Place, w.
BIRKBECK, Edward, Esq.
Youngest son of Henry Birkbeck, Esq., of Keswick
Hall, Norfolk, by Elizabeth Lucy, youngest dau. of the
late Robert Barclay, Esq., of Clapham, Surrey ; b.
1838 ; m. 1865 the Hon. Mary Augusta, youngest dau.
of William, 1st Lord Hylton. Is a J.P. and D.L.
for Norfolk. — Residence : Horstead Hall, Norwich ;
Marlborough and Arthur's Clubs, s.w. ; 10, Upper Brook
Street, w.
BIRKBECK, Henry, Esq., of Stoke Holy
Cross, Norfolk.
Eldest son of the late Henry Birkbeck, Esq., of Kes-
wick, and Stoke Holy Cross, Norfolk, by his 1st wife
Jane, 2nd dau. of Joseph Gurney, Esq., of Lakenham
Grove. Norwich: 1S2- : m. 1st IS I- Marv Anne,
eldest dau. of the late Anthony Hanioud. Esq.. of
Westacr*. Norfolk: 2nd 1 80- Ethel, sister of Sir
William Hovel 1 Ffolkes. Hart., of Hillingdon. Norfolk.
Is ■ Magistrate for Norfolk (High Sheriff 18601. and a
Ranker. — Stoke Holy Cross, Nonrirk.
BIRKREOK. John, Esq.. of .\nlcy, Yorkshire.
Eldest son of the late John Birkbook, Esq.. of Anley
faba i. lSlt\ by Margaret, dan. of William Ion,
of Dent, eo. York; h. 1817: m. 1841 Lydia, dan. of
Robert St;,iisf.-ld. Esq.. of Field House, Halifax, eo.
York, and has. with other issue. * John. b. 1842 ; M.
1S(?7 Rachel Wilhelmina. dan. of the late George Stans-
feld. Esq.. and has issue » John. b. 187-'. Mr. Birk-
Ivvk. who was educated at Trinity Coll., Cambridge,
is a Magistrate for eo. Lancaster and W. Riding of
Yorkshire. — Anlry. Settle . Junior Carlton Club, s.w.
BIRKRKOK, William, Esq., of Thorpe, Nor-
Thin! son of the late Henry Rirkbeek, Esq., of Keswick,
Norfolk, by his 2nd wife Elizabeth Lucy, youngest dau.
of the late Robert Barclay, Esq.. of Ciapham. Surrey:
b. 1832: m. 1st 1858 Elizabeth Margaret. 2nd dau. 'of
Albemarle Cator. Esq., of Woodhastwick. Norfolk, and
Beekenham. Kent (sherf. 1859") : 2nd 1862 Susan Maria,
3rd dau. of the late Anthony Hamond, Esq., of 'West-
acre, Norfolk. Is a partner in the firm of Messrs.
Gurnev & Co.. bankers. — Thorpe, Norwich ; Junior
Carlton Chi>>, s.w.
BIRKIX, Richard, Esq., of Aspley Hall, Notts.
Son of the late Richard Birkin. Esq., J.P., of Aspley
Hall (who d. 1870). bv Mary Ann, dau. of Mr. Tho"-
mas Walker, of Trowel], Notts ; b. 1828 ; married 1860
Sophie Annie, only dau. of William Cliff, Esq., of St.
Quentin. Cerisy, and Chateau de Vadeneourt, Dep. de
l'Aisue, France, aud has issue * Richard Noel Richer,
l>. 1861. Mr. Birkin is a Magistrate for Nottingham,
and Lord of the Manor of Toton. — Aspley Hall,
Nottingham; County Club, Nottingham; Devonshire
Club, S.-W.
BIRLEY, Arthur Lkyland, Esq., of Milhanke,
Son of the late Thomas Birley, Esq., of Milbanke, by
Anne. dau. and coheir of John Langton. Esq., of Kirk-
ham ; b. 1S20; m. 1855 Jane, dau. of Richard Addison,
Esq., of Liverpool, and has issue John Leyland, b.
1857, and Edith Jane, b. 1801. — Milbanke, Kirlcham,
near Preston.
BIRLEY, Chakles, Esq., of Bartle Hall, Lan-
Second son of the late Thomas Birley, Esq., of Milbanke,
bv Anne, dau. of John Langton, Esq., of Kirkham ;
b. 1812 ; in. 1843 Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Addison
Esq., of Liverpool, and by her (who d. 1867) has issue
* Charles Addison, b. lSli.—Bart/e Hall, Preston.
BIRLEY, Edmcnd, Esq., of Clifton Hall, Lan-
Third son of the late William Birley, Esq., of Kirkham
(who d. 1850), by Mary, dau. of John Swainson, Esq.,
of Preston, co. Lancaster; b. 1817; rm. 1846 Caroline
Dorothea, dau. of the Rev. Richard Moore, Vicar of
Lund, co. Lancaster, and has, with other issue, * Edmund
William, b. 1854. Mr. Birley, who was educated at
Rugby, is a Magistrate for co. Lancaster. — Clifton
Hall, Preston.
BIRLEY, Henry Langton, Esq., of parr Hill,
Eldest son of the late Thomas Langton Birley, Esq., of
Carr Hill (who d. 1874), by Anne, eldest dau. of the
late John Birley, Esq., of Wood End, Cumberland;
/>. is:;r. The late Mr. Birley was a Magistrate for co.
Lancaster. — Carr Hill, near Kirkham.
liar Pres.. liis brother Hut ton, b, 1 840 ; »i. 18— Alice Mnry,
fan, of Esq. (she (f. IVft),
BIRLEY, HDmSH, Esq., of Moorland, Lanca-
Son of the late Joseph Birley, Esq., of Ford Bank. Man-
chest er. by Jane. dau. of Thomas Hornby, Esq., of
Kirkham:'/.. 1817: m. 18(2 Maholla. dau. 'of Joseph
Basendale, Ksq.. and Ikis issue Hugh Arthur, h. 1843;
„i. 1871 Amy. eldest dau. of W. H. Chichester, Esq.,
of Cirenofen. Devon. Educated at Winchester; is a
Magistrate tor CO. Lancaster; elected M. P. for Man-
chester 1868. — Moorland, Withington, Manchester.
BI RLEY, the Rev. John Shephbed, of Kirkham,
BIdBSl son of the late William Birley, Esq., of Kirk-
ham. by Mary, dau. of John Swainson, Esq., of Preston ;
6. 1805; s. 1850; m. 1836 Anne, dau. of John Har-
greaves, Esq.. of Hart Common, and by her, who d.
1872. has issue *Lucy Mary Shepherd, m. 1870
Herbert, second son of Thomas Cross, Esq., of Rud-
dington Hall, Notts. Mr. Birley, who was educated at
Brasenose Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1827, M.A. 1830), is a
Magistrate for co. Lancaster and head of the family of
Birley, of Kirkham. — Kirkham, Preston; Moss Lee,
Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire ; National Club, s.w.
BIRLEY, Richard Kennedy, Esq., of Pendle-
ton, Lancashire.
Eldest son of the late Richard Birley, Esq., of Pendle-
ton, J.P. and D.L. (who d. 1874), by his 1st wife,
Amelia Garforth, dau. of James Kennedy, Esq., of
Manchester; b. 1845; m. 1870 Jane Garden, dau. of
John Blaikie, Esq., late of Craigiebuckler, co. Aberdeen.
Educated at Winchester; is a merchant and manufacturer
at Manchester. — Sccdley, Pendleton, Manchester.
BIRLEY, Thomas Hornby, Esq., of Highfield
Second surviving son of the late Joseph Birley, Esq.,
of Ford Bank, near Manchester (who d. 1847), by Jane,
eldest dau. of Thomas Hornby, Esq., of Kirkham ; b.
1815; m. 1843 Anne, dau. of Capt. James Leatham,
and has, with other issue, * James Leatham, b. 1847.
Mr. Birl«y is a Magistrate for co. Lancaster. — Highfield,
Hcaton Mersey, and Hart Hill, Manchester.
BIRLEY, William, Esq., of The Larches,
Second son of the late William Birley, Esq., of Kirk-
ham, by Mary, dau. of John Swainson, Esq. ; b. 1811 ;
m. 1854 Eliza, dau. of J. Hastings, Esq. Is a J.P. and
D.L. for co. Lancaster. — Tlie Larches, Preston.
BIRON", the Rev. Edwin.
Only surviving son of the late James Biron, Esq., of
Dublin ; b. 1802. Educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin
(B.A. 1826, M.A. 1830); is a Magistrate for Kent,
and Vicar of Lympne and West Hythe, Kent. — Lympne
Vicarage, Hythe.
BISCOE, the Rev. Frederick, M.A.
Fifth son of the late Vincent H. Biscoe, Esq., of Hook-
wood, Surrey; b. 1807; m. 1837 Mary Susannah,
younger dau. of Rear-Admiral Robert Gambier Mid-
dleton, of Moor House, Kent, and has issue. Educated
at Westminster and Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1830, M.A.
1832) ; is a Magistrate for co. Gloucester, and Vicar
of Turkdean. — The Vicarage, Turkdean, Northleach.
BISCOE, Thomas Porter Bonell, Esq., of
Newton, Inverness-shire.
Second son of the late John Edwin Biscoe, Esq., by
Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Baggaley Bradshaw, Esq., of
Holbrooke, co. Derby; b. 1795; m. 1844 Wilhelmine,
dau, of Major Thomas Fraser, of Newton, and has, with
other issue, * Thomas Ramsay, b. 1850. Mr. Biseoe,
who was educated at Haileybury, is a J. P. and D.L. for
co. Inverness, and Lord of the Baronies of Kingillie
and Drumchnrdney (comprised in Newton), which he
acquired by purchase in 1850 ; ho was formerly in the
E.I. OS., Bengal. — Kingillie. House, Inverness, N.B.
BISCOE, William EARLE,Esq., of Holton, Oxon.
Eldest son of the Rev. Thomas George Tyndale, by
Mary Anne, dan. of Timothy Hare Earle, Esq., of
Swailowfield, Berks: b. 1813; in. 1850 Elizabeth Carey,
dau. of George G. Sandeman, Esq., of Westfield, South
Hayling, Hants, and has, with other issue, * Henry
Stafford Tyndale, b. 1857. Mr. Biseoe, who is a J.P.
and D.L. for Oxon (High Sheriff 1868), is Lord of
the Manor and Patron of Holton; he assumed his
name by royal licence in 1866. — Holton Park, Oxford.
BISHOP, Rev. Alfred C/esar, of Bramdean,
Youngest son of the late William Bishop, Esq., of
Basingstoke; b. 1811 ; in. 1st, 1834 Lucy Sarah Anne,
dau. of Sir James and Lady Frances Wedderburn ; 2nd
1866 Louisa Frances Katharine, youngest dau. of the
late Hon. and Rev. Atigustus George Legge; lie has by
the former, with other issue, * James Francis Joseph,
b. 1835. Mr. Bishop, who was educated at Queen's
Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1834, M.A. 1838), was instituted to
the living of Martyr Worthy 1851, to Bramdean 1866.
— Bramdean House, Alresford.
BISHOP, Charles, Esq., of Dollgarreg, Car-
Son of the late John Rees Bishop, Esq., of Dollgarreg;
m. 1828 Eleanora Elizabeth, dau. of the Rev. Lewis
Lewis, of Gwinfe, and by her (who d. 1866), has, with
other issue, * John, B.A. of Caius Coll., Cambridge, a
Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, and a Magis-
trate for co. Carmarthen, b. 1830. Mr. Bishop was
educated at Harrow. — Dollgarreg, Llandovery.
BISHOP, the Rev. William Chatterlet, of
Shelton Hall, Staffordshire.
Eldest son of the late William Bishop, Esq., by Mary
Anne, dau. and heiress of Charles Chatterley, Esq., of
Shelton Hall ; b. 1813 ; s. 1849 ; in. 1840 Janet, dau.
of the late Sir Robert Dunbar, Bart. Educated at St.
John's Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1835, M.A. 1838), elected
Fellow of St. John's Coll. 1839 — Shelton Hall, Stoke-
tipon- Trent.
Heir Pres., his brother Frederic Bishop, Esq., of the Mount,
near Stoke-upon-Trent ; a Magistrate for co. Stafford ; b.
1815 ; m. 1842 Eliza Agnes, dau. of James "Watson, Esq., of
Toutley Hall, Berks.
BISSET. (See FenwicJc-Bissct.)
BITTLESTON, Sir Adam, Knt. (cr. 1858).
Son of the late Thomas Bittleston, Esq. (formerly one
of the official assignees of the Birmingham District
Court of Bankruptcy), and grandson of the late Adam
Bittleston, Esq., of Maryport, Cumberland; b. 1817;
m. 1844 Rebecca Ann, eldest dau. of George Hastings
Heppel, Esq., and has issue. Called to the Bar at
the Inner Temple 1841, and went the Midland Circuit;
became a Revising Barrister 1850; appointed a Judge
of the Supreme Court at Madras 1858; a Judge of the
New High Court of Judicature 1862. — Madras.
BLAAUW, Thomas St. Leger, Esq., of Beech-
land, Sussex.
Only surviving son of the late William Henry Blaauw,
Esq., J.P. and D.L., of Beechland, by his 2nd wife
Margaret Emily, dau. and coheir of the late Sir John
St. Leger Gillman, Bart., of Curraheen, co. Cork ; b.
1839 ; s. 1870 ; m. 1867 Fanny Alice, 2nd dau. of the
late Charles John Bigge, Esq., of Linden, Northum-
bcrland, and has, with other issue, * Henry Thomas Gill-
man, b. 1874. Mr. Blaauw is a Magistrate for Sussex.
— North Lodge, Newtek, Lewes.
BLACHFORD, Lord (Frederic Rogers, P.O.,
K.C.M.G.).— Cr. 1871.
Eldest son of the late Sir Frederick Leman Rogers,
Bart., of Blachford, by Sophia, dau. of Lieut.-Col.
Charles Russell Deare, of the Bengal Artillery ; b.
1811 ; s. as 8th Bart. 1851 ; m. 1847 Georgiana Mary,
dau. of the late Andrew Colvile, Esq., of Ochiltree,
N.B. Educated at Eton and Oriel Coll., Oxford (B.A.
1832, M.A. 1835, B.C.L. 1838), and was afterwards
Fellow of Oriel Coll. ; called to the bar at Lincoln's
Inn 1836 ; is Patron of 1 living, and alternate Patron
of another ; was Under-Secretary of State for the
Colonies 1860-71. — Blachford. Ivybridge ; Athenceum
Club, s.w.
Heir Pres. (to the Baronetcy), his brother John Charles, b.
+ BLACK, William Connel, Esq., of Kailzie,
Eldest son of the late James Black, Esq., of Dalmonach,
co. Dumbarton, by Margaret, dau. of William Simpson,
Esq., of Glasgow, N.B. ; b. 1839; m. 1871 Florence
Elizabeth, youngest dau. of the Hon. George Ponsonby
Prittie, of Oakville, co. Tipperary, and had issue James
Ponsonby, b. and d. 1874. Mr. Black, who was for-
merly Capt. in the 2nd Dragoons (Scots Greys), is a
J.P. and D.L. for co. Peebles, and Lord of the Barony
of Kailzie. — Kailzie, near Peebles, N.B. ; New Club,
Edinburgh ; Naval and Military Club, w.
BLACKALL, Major Robert, of Colamber
Manor, co. Longford.
Son of the late Samuel Blackall, Esq., of Colamber
Manor, formerly M.P. for co. Longford, and Governor
of the West African Settlements and of Queensland
(who d. 1871), by his 1st wife Georgina, dau. of the
late Henry Rowles, Esq., of Stratton Street, London ;
b. 1834 ; m. 1867 Mary Emily, 2nd dau. of the Rev.
F. G. Gifford. Is a J.P. and D.L. for cos. Leitrim and
Longford, and a Major in the Army, late of the 30th
BLACKBURN, Sir Colin, Knt., LL.D., of
Doonholm, Ayrshire (cr. 1860).
Second son of the late John Blackburn, Esq., of Killearn,
N.B., by Rebecca Leslie, dau. of the Rev. Colin Gillies ;
b. 1813. Educated at Eton and Trinity Coll., Cam-
bridge (B.A. 1835, M.A. 1838) ; called to the Bar at
the Inner Temple 1838; appointed a Judge of the
Court of Queen's Bench 1859. — Doonholm, Ayr, N.B.;
10, Prince's Gardens, s.w.
BLACKBURN, John, Esq., of Killearn, Stir-
Son of the late Peter Blackburn, Esq., J.P. and D.L.,
of Killearn (who was sometime M.P. for co. Stir-
ling and a Lord of the Treasury), by Jean Wedderburn,
2nd dau. of James Wedderburn, Esq., formerly Solici-
tor-General of Scotland; b. 1843; s. 1870.— Killearn,
BLACKBURN, Joshua, Esq., of Brockwell
Hall, Surrey.
Eldest son of the late Joshua Blackburn, Esq., of
London, by Elizabeth, dau. of John Blades, Esq., of
Brockwell Hall, who was Sheriff of London in 1812;
b. 1822; in. 1853 Mary Ann, dau. of the late Edward
Smiles, Esq., of Newcastle-on-Tyne, and has, with other
issue, * Joshua John Blades, b. 1854. Mr. Blackburn,
who was called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn 1851, and
went the Home Circuit, is a Magistrate for Surrey.
— West House, Eastbourne ; Brockwell Hall, Didwich, s. ;
Eeform Club, s.w.
BLACKBURNE, Edwabd, Esq., Q.C., of Rath- 1 BLACKER, Murbat MacGrbgor, Esq., of
farnham Castle, co. Dublin
Third son of the lata Rt. Hon. Francis Blaekburne, of
Rathfnrnham Castle (\Me Lord Chancellor of Ireland"),
who </. 1867, by Jane, dm. of William Martley, Esq.,
of Rslhfallon, co. Motto ; K l S23 ; m. 1857 Qeoigina
dau. of the late RoWrt Graves. Esq.. of Dublin, and has
with other issue. * Francis. />. 1869. Mr. Blaekburne
who was educated at Trinity Coll.. Dublin, and called
to the Irish Bar 1845, is a Magistrate for eo. Dublin.
— R,j(Afar»h<ii,i Castle, Dublin ; 34, MirrioH Square.
BLACK BURNE, Francis William, Esq., of
Tankardstown. CO. Heath.
Eldest son of the late William Mart ley Blaekburne.
Esq., J.P.. of Tankardstown, by Mary. dau. of the |
Rev. William Thorpe, D.D. (she M. 2nd 1869 George I
Lefroy, Esq.); b. 1851; «. 1868. — Tankardstown, Slane,
co. Meath.
Heirs Pits., his brother, Augustus Edward William, 6. ISM.
BLACKBURNE. JOBS, Esq., of Rcnny, co.
Son of the late Frederick John Blaekburne, Esq., of
Kenny, by Elisabeth, dau. of Anthony Crofton, Esq. ;
b. 185S ; 1863. — Kenny, Ballyhooly, co. Cork.
BLACKBURXE, Johx Ireland, Esq., of Hale I
Hall, Lancashire.
Eldest son of the late John Ireland Blaekburne, Esq.,
of Hale Hall (who was M.I\ for Warrington 1835-4", |
and who d. 1S74), bv Anne. dau. of William Bamford, j
Esq., of Bamford, eo. Derby; b. 1817; m. 1st 1846 j
Mary, elder dau. of the late Sir Henry Bold Hoghton,
Bart., of Hoghton Tower; 2nd 1S57 Emma Jemima, j
dau. of George Ravenseroft, Esq., and widow of Robert
15th Vis
burne, who was educated at Eton, is a J.P. and D.L.
for co. Lancaster, Patron of 1 living, and Hon. Col.
4th Royal Lancashire Militia. — Hale Hall, Liverpool ;
Boodle's and United Service Clubs, s.w.
Clarexnount, co. Mayo.
YouilgesI son of the late Lieut. -Col. Valentino Blacker,
C.IV. Surveyor-General of lmlia. by Emma, dau. of Ro-
bert Johnson, Esq., of Elm Grove, Lancaster; h. 1824;
m. 1851 Frances Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Samuel Blacker,
LL.D., Rector of Mullabrack, co. Armagh. Educated at
the London University; is a J.P. and D.L. forco. Mayo.
— CUtrtmount, Ctaremorris, Co. Mai/o; Toft Monks
House, Beccles, Suffolk; Saekri/le Street Club, Dublin.
BLACKER, the Rev. Rorert Sharland Carew,
of Woodbrook, co. Wexford.
Eldest surviving son of the late William Blacker, Esq.,
of Woodbrook (who ,/. 1831), by Anne, dau. of the lato
Robert Shapland Carew, Esq., of Castleboro', eo. Wox-
ford, sister of Robert 1st Lord Carew ; b. 1826 ; s. his
brother 1869 : m. 1858 Theodosia, dau. of Georgo
Meara. Esq., of May Park, co. Waterford, and has,
with other i>sue. * William Robert George, b. 1860.
Mr. Blacker, who was educated at Charterhouse and
Trinity Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1848, M.A. 1809), is Rector
of Marholm, co. Northampton and Hon. Canon of
Peterborough. — Woodbrook, Enniscorihy, co. Wexford ;
Marholm Rectory, Peterborough,
BLACKER, St. John Thomas, Esq., of Elm
Park, co. Armagh, and Tnllahennel, co.
Eldest son of the late Rev. Dr. Samuel Blacker, of Elm
Park, and Prebendary of Mullabrack. by Elizabeth,
dau. of Thomas Douglas, Esq., of Grace Hall, co. Down ;
b. 1822; s. 1849; m. 1855 Elizabeth, dau. of Col. and
Lady Grace Vandeleur, of Kilrush,co. Clare, and grand-
dau. of Hector John, 2nd Earl of Norbury, and has,
with other issue, * Maxwell Vandeleur, 4. 1859. Mr.
Blacker is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Kerry (of which he
has been High Sheriff). — Elm Park, Armagh; Tnllahen-
nel, Bally! on gford, co. Kerry; Kildare Street Club, Dublin.
iseount Hereford and has by the former with 1 BLACKER, Stewakt, Esq., of Carrick Blacker,
issue, * Robert Ireland, b. 18.j0. Mr. Black-, a t,
co. Armagh.
Eldest son of the late Capt. George Blacker, H.E.I. C.
Service, by Anne, dau. of Capt. Sloane, and nephew of
the late Col. William Blacker, J.P. and D.L. of Car-
rick Blacker, Vice-Treasurer of Ireland 1817-29; b.
1813; s. his uncle 1855. Educated at Trinity Coll.,
Dublin (M.A. 1834); called to the Irish Bar 1834;
was High Sheriff of co. Armagh 1858-9. — Carrick
Blacker Manor, Portadown, co. Armagh; Sackville
Street Club, Dublin; Athcnceum Club, s."w.
BLACKER, William, Esq., of Castle Martin,
co. Kildare.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Samuel Blacker, Esq., of
Castle Martin (who d. 1857), by Frances, dau. of
Thomas A. Forde, Esq., of Seaforde, co. Down ; b.
\ 1853 ; educated at Harrow and Trinity Coll., Cam-
I bridge ; is a Magistrate for co. Kildare. — Castle Martin,
Kilcullen, co. Kildare; Kildare Street Club, Dublin,
Heir Pres., his brother Frederick Henry, 6. 1854,
BLACKETT, Sir Edward, Bart., of Matfen
Hall, Northumberland (cr. 1673).
Second son of the late Sir William Blackett, Bart., of
Matfen Hall, by Mary Anne, dau. of the late Benjamin
Keene, Esq., of Weston Lodge, co. Cambridge ; b. 1805 ;
s. as 6th Bart, 1816; in. 1st 1830 Julia, dau. of Sir
Charles Monck, Bart., of Belsay Castle ; 2nd 1851
Frances Vere, dati. of the late Sir William Loraine,
Bart., and widow of William Henry Orel, Esq., M.P.
(she d. 1874) ; 3rd 1875 Helen, eldest dau. of the late
John Richardson, Esq., of Kirklands, co. Roxburgh.
Educated at Eton and Ch. Ch., Oxford ; is a J.P. and
D.L. for Northumberland, and Patron of 1 living ; was
formerly Lieut. 1st Life Guards. — Matfen Hall, New-
castle-on-Tync ; Carlton and Boodle's Clubs, s.w.'; 16,
Port man Square, w.
BLACKBURXE - MAZE, William Ireland,
Esq., late of Southborough, Kent.
Eldest son of the late Rev. Thomas Blaekburne, Rec-
tor of Prestwich, co. Lancaster (who d. 1847), by
Emma, dau. of Henry Hesketh, Esq., of Newton, co.
Chester; b. 1825; m. 1855 Charlotte Emma, only
child of the late Peter Maze, Esq., of Portland Place,
London, and has, with other issue, * William Peter.
b. 1865. Mr. Blackburne-Maze, who assumed the latter
surname by royal licence in 1855, is Capt. 14th Kent
Rifle Volunteers. — Residence : Boundes Park, Tun-
bridge Weils; Carlton Club, s.yr.
BLACKER, the Rev. Beaver Henrt, of Lisna-
hanna, co. Tyrone.
Eldest son of the late Latham Blacker, Esq., J.P., of
Glenkeen, co. Londonderry (who d. 1872), by Cathe-
rine, eldest dau. of the late Rev. George Miller, D.D.,
some time Fellow of Trinity Coll., Dublin, Vicar-
General of Armagh ; b. 1821 ; m. 1st 1850 Isabella, elder
dau. of the late Martin Brownly Rutherfoord, Esq., of
Merrion Square. Dublin (she d. 1850); 2nd 1855
Sophia Eliza, eldest dau. of the late Hugh O'Reilly,
Esq., J.P., of Rathaldron Castle, co. Meath; he has
issue by the former * Latham Brownly Rutherfoord,
b. 1S50. Mr. Blacker, who was educated at Trinity
Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1843, M.A. 1846), was formerly
Vicar of Booterstown, co. Dublin, and Rural Dean of
South Dublin. — Lisnahanna, Trillick, co. Tyrone. Re-
sidence : Cheltenham.
Hei?, his son Edward William, Licut.-Col. in the Army,
lato Capt. Rifle Brigade; b. 1881 ; m. 1871 the Hon. Julia
Frances, youngest dau. of Kcnclin, 17th Lord Somerville
(.ext.), and has issue * a son, b. 1K74.
BLACKETT, Edward Umfreville, Esq., of
Wylam, Northumberland.
Eldost son of the late Edward Algernon Blaekett, Esq.,
Capt. R.N., of Wylam (who d. 1873), by his first wife
Lucy, dau. of the Eev. AVilliam Minchin, of Grcenhills,
co. Tipperary ; b. 1853; educated at Repton School and
Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Is a Lieutenant
R.A., Lord of the Manors of Wylam and of Wetton,
co. Stafford, and Patron of 1 living. — Wylam Oakwood,
Wylam, Northumberland; Naval and Military Club, w.
Heir Pres., his brother John Ingham Burgoyne, b. 185G.
BLACKETT, Mrs., of Sockburn, co. Durham.
Widow of — Blaekett, Esq., of Sockburn. Is Lady
of the Manor of Sockburn. — Sockburn Hall, near Dar-
BLACKETT-ORD, Mrs., of Whitfield Hall,
Anne Jane, only dau. of the late Lieut.-Col. Andrew
Hamilton, and niece of the late William Ord, Esq.,
M.P., of Whitfield Hall ; m. 1842 the Rev. John Alex-
ander Blackett-Ord, of Whitfield Hall (who assumed
the additional name and arms of Ord by royal licence
in 1855, on his wife's succeeding to that property),
who d. 1865, leaving, with other issue, * Edward
Hamilton, b. 1843, late Cornet 13th Hussars. Mrs.
Blackett-Ord is Lady of the Manor and Patron of
Whitfield. — Whitfield Hall, Haydon Bridge.
BLACKLEY. (See Entry.)
BLACKLOCK, Joseph Herbert, Esq., of Hope-
field, Lancashire.
Son of the late William Thomas Blacklock, Esq., J.P.,
of Hopefield, by Marianne, youngest dau. of Robert
Lord, Esq., of Kearsley, co. Lancaster; b. 1855; s.
1870. This family, until the year 1745, was settled
in Scotland. — Hopefield House, Pendleton, Manchester.
BLACKNEY, Hugh, Esq., of Bally Ellen, co.
Eldest son of the late Walter Blackney, Esq., of Bally
Ellen (who was sometime M.P. for co. Carlow), by his
2nd wife Isabella, 3rd dau. of the late Sir Hugh
Nugent, Bart., of Ballinlough, co. Westmeath; b. 1818;
s. 1842. Is a Magistrate for co. Carlow. — Bally Ellen,
BLACKWALL, John, Esq., of Hendre House
and Oakland, Denbighshire.
Second son of the late Thomas Blackwall, Esq., of
Hendre House and Oakland, by his first cousin Mary,
dau. of Thomas Eaton, Esq., of Derby ; b. 1790 ; s. his
brother 1854; m. 1836 Jane, daughter of — Scott,
Esq., and has, with other issue, * John, b. 1837; in.
1866 Margaret Sarah, dau. of Robert Owen Moulsdale,
Esq., of Bryn Dyffryn, co. Denbigh, and has issue John,
b. 1866. — Hendre House, Llanrwst.
BLACKWALL, John Blackwall EVANS-,
Esq., of Blackwall, Derbyshire.
Eldest son of the Rev. Charles Evans, of Blackwall,
late Vicar of Hulland, co. Derby, by Emma, dau. and
heiress of the late John Blackwall, Esq., of Blackwall ;
b. 1837; m. 1871 Lucy, dau. of Richard Eaton, Esq.,
and has, with other issue, * John Eaton, b. 1873. Mr.
Evans-Blackwall, who was educated at Brighton Coll.,
is a Magistrate for co. Derby ; he assumed the name of
Blackwall 1871. — Blackwall, Kirk Ireton, Wirksworth.
BLACKWELL, Miss, of Ampney Park, Glou-
Elizabeth Emma, eldest dau. of the late Eardley John
Blackwell, Esq., of Ampney Park, by Marie, dau. of
Thor Svee, of Vaago, Norway. Is a ward in Chancery,
and Lady of the Manor of Ampney-Crucis.
BLACKWOOD, Sir Prancis, Bart. (cr. 1814).
Eldest surviving son of the late Sir Henry Martin
Blackwood, 3rd Bart, (who was a Capt. Royal Navy),
by Harriet Louisa, dau. of J. M. Bulkeley, Esq. ; b.
1838; s. his brother as 4th Bart. 1854; m. 1st 1861
Laura Olivia, 2nd dau. of Robert S. Palmer, Esq., of
Merrion Square, Dublin (she d. 1865); 2nd 1871
Dorothy Frances, eldest dau. of the late Rev. Edward
Quicke, of Newton St. Cyr, Devon ; is Commander R.N .
— Upper Norwood, s. • «•
Heir, his son Henry Robert Temple, b. 1862.
BLACKWOOD. (See under Bufferin, Lord.)
BLACKWOOD. (See Madox-Blackwood.)
BLACKWOOD. (See Price of Saintfield.)
+ BLAGDON, John Locke, Esq., of Bodding-
ton Manor, Gloucestershire.
Son of the late J. Blagdon, Esq., of Boddington Manor ;
b. 1830 ; m. 1857 Isabella Harriot, only dau. of the
Rev. C. Babbitts, Rector of Wanstrow, Somerset. Is
Lord of the Manor of Boddington.
BLAGRAVE, John Henry, Esq., of Calcot
Park, Berks, and Barrow Court, Somerset.
Only son of the late Anthony Blagrave, Esq., of Barrow
House, formerly of the H.E.I.C.S. (who d. 1860), by
Mary, dau. of Thomas Yates, Esq., and widow of —
Daly, Esq.; b. 1811 ; s. his uncle, Col. J. Blagrave, of
Calcot Park, 1867; m. 1st 1844 Sarah Cooper, dau. of
the late Richard Sayers, Esq., of Greenwood, co. Dublin
(she d. 1865) ; 2nd 1869 Agnes, dau, of — Pole, Esq.,
and widow of Geo. Smith Thornton, Esq., of Marden
Hill, Herts ; he has by the former, with other issue,
* Henry Barry, b. 1848. Mr. Blagrave is a Magistrate
for Somerset, a J.P. and D.L. for Berks (High Sheriff
1870), Lord of the Manors of Tylehurst and Barrow
Court, and Patron of 1 living. — Calcot Bark, Reading;
Barrow Court, Bristol ; Windham Club, s.w.
BLAIR, Henry Temple, Esq., of Avontoun,
Younger but only surviving son of the late William
Blair, Esq., of Avontoun (who d. 1873), by Jane Chris-
tian, eldest dau. of the late Henry Nourse, Esq., of Cape
Town, Cape of Good Hope, grandson of the late Right
Hon. Robert Blair. Lord President of the College of
Justice in Scotland ; b. 1836. Is a Magistrate for co.
Linlithgow. — Avontoun House, Linlithgow, N.B.
BLAIR, Hugh, Esq., of Auchenreoch, Kirk-
Son of the late H. Blair, Esq., of Auchenreoch ; b.
18 — ; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Kirkcudbright,
— Auchenreoch, Kirkcudbrightshire.
BLAIR, James Kennedy, Esq., of Wheatfield,
Co. Antrim.
Eldest son of the late James Blair, Esq., of Belfast, by
Sarah, dau. of the late William Annesley, Esq., of Bel-
fast; b. 1807; m. 1853 Mary, dau. of Richard Lowe,
Esq., of Liverpool. Educated at the Belfast Academical
Institution and the University of Edinburgh ; called to
the Bar at Lincoln's Inn 1835; is a Magistrate for co.
Lancaster; late Judge of the Liverpool County Courts ;
formerly Judge of the Salford Hundred Court of Record.
— Wheatfield, Belfast. Residence: Curzon Bark, Chester.
BLAIR, William Fordyce, Esq., of Blair, Ayr-
Eldest surviving son of the late William Blair, Esq., of
Blair. MT. tor iv. Ayr. by Magdah n. dau. of the late
John l'orvhoo. Bml, of Ajton, co. Berwick; l>. 1805;
. 1840 Caroline Isabella, youngest dan. of t ho late
John Sprot. M<v].. of London, and Eu, with other issue,
* Frederick Gordon, ft. 1868. Mr. Blair, who WBB edu-
cated at the Royal Naval Coll., is a J. P. and D.L. for
co. Ayr. and a Capt. B.N. retired.- 2>7cn>, Dairy, X.B. ;
l~>iitf\f Scrvict Club, s.w.
BLAIR. (See H**tcr-Blair.)
BLATR. (.^ StopM-Blair.)
BLAIR - IMRIK. William Thomas Taylor,
Esq., of Lunan, Forfarshire.
Second but eldest surviving son ot the late Brigadier
James Blair, by Charlotte Cecilia, dan. of General Jaeob
Vanrenen. of the H.E.I.C.S.; b. 1833; his grand-
uucle in 1849 to the estate of Lunan, w hen he assumed
the additional name and arms of lmrie. Is a Magistrate
and Commissioner of Supply for DO. Forfar, Major For-
far and Kincardine Militia Artillery, and Lord of the
Barony of Lunan — Lunan House, Arbroath, JY.Z?.
Heir Prfs., his brother Henry Francis Blair. Major Royal
(late Benpil) Engineers; 6. 1838; m. 1S<;S Sophia Grace,
dan. of the late Captain John Bott. of the 5th Bengal
Light Cavalry, and step-daughter of the late Giles Loder,
Esq.. of Wilsford House, Wilts, and has. with other issue,
• Hugh Francis, *. 18T3.
(See Maconochie-Wcllwood.)
BLAIR-OLIPHANT. (See Kington.)
BLAKE, Sir Valentine, Bart., of Menlough
Castle, co. Galway (cr. 16'22).
Eldest son of the late Sir Thomas Edward Blake, Bart.,
of Menloiurh Castle, by Letitia Maria, dau. of Flick
O'Brien. Esq. : b. 1836; s. as 14th Bart. 1874; m.
1864 Camilla Eugenia, dau. of Harvey Combe, Esq.,
of the Madras Civil Service. Is a Magistrate for
Galway t^High Sheriff 1872), and Capt. Galway Militia.
— Menlough Castle, Galway.
Heir, his son Valentine, b. 1866.
BLAKE. Sir Henry Charles, Bart,, of Aslifield,
Suffolk (cr. 1772).
Eldest son of the late Sir James Henry Blake, Bart., of
Langham Park, Suffolk, by Louisa Elizabeth, dau. of
General the Hon. Thomas Gage; b. 1795; s. as 4th
Bart. 1832; m. 1st 1819 Mary Anne. dau. of William
Whitter, Esq., of Midhurst, Sussex (she d. 1841); 2nd
1849 Louisa, dau. of Sir Thomas Pilkington, Bart.,
and widow of Rev. G. A. Dawson. Is a Magistrate for
Suffolk. — Ash field, Bury St. Edmunds ; Groton House,
Soaford, Suffolk.
Heir, his grandson Patrick James Graham (eldest son of the
late Rev. Henry Bunbury Blake, Rector of Hesset, Suffolk,
who rf.1873, bv Frances llarian, dau. of Henry James Oakes,
Esq., of Newton Court, Suffolk), b. 1861.
BLAKE, Francis, Esq., of Cregg, co. Galway.
Eldest son of the late James Blake, Esq., of Cregg,
by Jane, dau. of Piner Joyce, Esq., of Merview ;
b. 1789 ; m. 1819 Georgina Elizabeth, sister of the late
Sir Joseph Burke, Bart., of Glinsk, and has, with other
issue, * James, a Magistrate for co. Galway, b. 1823 ;
m. 1851 Helena, dau. of Arthur French, Esq., of
Frenchpark, co. Roscommon. Mr. Blake is a Magis-
trate for co. Galway (High Sheriff 1848). — Cregg Castle,
BLAKE, Fraxcis Douglas, Esq., of Twizel
Castle and Tilmouth Park, Northumber-
Son of the late Capt. Francis Blake, who was a natural
son of the late Sir Francis Blake, Bart., of Twizel
Castle and Tilmouth Park (who d. 1860, when his
title became extinct) : S. 1853. Is Lord of the Manor
of Tilmouth, SC. — Twizel Castle, Berwick ; Tilmoutli
Pari; near Coldstream.
Heir Pres., his brother Arthur, 6. 185-.
+ BLAKE, the Into Francis Valentine, Esq., of
Gortiiamona, co. Galway.
Eldest son of the late Patrick Blake, Esq., of Gort-
nanwma j b. 1880; s, I860. Was a J.P. and D.L. for
CO. Galway. — Gortnamona, Kiltormcr, co. Galway.
BI/AKE. Erxi.U! Valentine, Esq., of
Ronvylo, co. Galway.
Eldest sod of the late Edgar Henry Blake, Esq., of
Renvyje (who d, 1872), by Caroline Johanna, dau. of
the Boy. II. A. Burke, son of the late Michael Burke,
Esq.. of Ballydugan ; b. 18—. The late Mr. Blake was
a Magistrate for CO. Galway. and a retired Commander,
E.N. — Ben vyle, Connemara.
BLAKE, James Bunbury, Esq., of Thurston
House, Suffolk.
Fourth son of the late Sir James H. Blake, Bart., of
Langham Park, Suffolk, by Louisa Elizabeth, dau. of
the late General the Hon. Thomas Gage, and grand-
dau. of 1st Viscount Gage; 6. 1802 ; m. 1831 Catha-
rine, youngest dau. of the late Sir Thomas Pilkington,
Bart., of Chevet, co. York, and has issue an only son,
* George rilkington, Capt, in the Army ; 6. 18:15 ■ m. 1860
Adeline, 3rd dau. of James King King, Esq., of Staunton
Park, co. Hereford, and has, with other issue, a son, b. 18G5.
Mr. Blake, who was educated at Midhurst and the
Royal Academy, Woolwich, is a Magistrate for Suffolk.
— Thurston House, Bury St. Edmunds.
BLAKE, John Aloysius, Esq., of Tramore, co.
Son of Andrew Blake, Esq., of Waterford, and of Bal-
linamona, co. Kilkenny, by Mary, dau. of Patrick
Gallwey, Esq ., of Waterford ; b. 1 826. Is a Magistrate
for Waterford City ; was Mayor of Waterford 1855-6-7 ;
President of the Chamber of Commerce 1857-8; has
been M.P. for Waterford since 1857 ; appointed Chair-
man of Royal Commission on Irish Sea and Oyster
Fisheries 1868, and Inspector of Irish Fisheries 1869 ;
author of ' Defects in the Moral Treatment of Insanity,'
' The Blind Poor,' and the ' Sea and Inland Fisheries of
Ireland.' — Bellevue Terrace, Tramore, co. Waterford;
12, Ely Place, Dublin.
BLAKE, John Henry, Esq., of Rathville, co.
Younger son of the late Col. John Blake, of Furbough,
co. Galway, by Maria Eliza, dau. of Edmund Gallwey,
Esq., of Cork; b. 1810. Is a Magistrate for co. and
borough of Galway. — Bathville, Kiltulla, Athenry.
+ BLAKE, the late Joseph Skerrett, Esq., of
Annefield, co. Mayo.
Son of the late Joseph Blake, Esq., of Toomnenaun, co.
Galway, by Mary, dau. of the late Dominick Deane
Skerrett, Esq., of Athgoe Park, co. Dublin; b. 18 — .
Was a Magistrate for cos. Galway and Mayo.
+ BLAKE, Mark, Esq., of Ballinafad, co. Mayo.
Eldest son of the late Maurice Blake, Esq., of Bal-
linafad, by Anne, dau. of — Lynch, Esq. ; b. 1818.
Is a Magistrate for co. Mayo, of which he has been
High Sheriff; was M.P. for co. Mayo 1840-6.— Bal-
linafad, Ballyglass, co. Mayo ; Reform Club, s.w.
Heir Pres. , his brother Maurice Lynch, late Lieut. 57th and
19th Foot ; 6. 1823 ; m. 1856 Margaret, dau. of — Wallace,
Esq., and has issue.
BLAKE, Martin Kirwan, Esq., late of Merlin
Park, co. Galway.
Youngest son of the late Charles Blake, Esq., of Merlin
Park, co. Galway, by Georgina, youngest dau. of George
Browne, Esq., of The Nealo, co. Mayo; b. 1809; in.
1835 Julia, only dau. of John Blake, Esq., of Bally-
glunin Park, co. Galway, and has, with other issue,
♦Charles Martin, -a Dop.'-Lieut. for co. Mayo, b. 1838.
Mr. Blake, who was educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin,
is a Magistrate for cos. Galway and Mayo. — County
Club, Galway.
BLAKE, Peter, Esq., of Holly Park, co.
Eldest surviving son of the late Pierce Blake, Esq., of
Holly Park (who d. 1833), by Anne, only dau. of Peter
Connellan, Esq., of Coolmore, co. Kilkenny ; b. 1810 ;
in. 1836 Catharine, eldest dau. of John Boyle Kernan,
Esq., of Capra, co. Monaghan, and Earne Lodge, co.
Fermanagh, and has, with other issue, * Martin Pierce,
Major 5th Lancers, b. 1838. Mr. Blake is a Magistrate
for co. Galway. — Holly Park, Athinry.
+ BLAKE, Peesse John, Esq., of Corofin, co.
Son of the late Henry Blake, Esq., of Corofin; b. 1800.
Is a Magistrate for co. Galway. — Corofin, Ballyglunin,
co. Galway.
BLAKE, Theobald Michael, Esq., of French-
fort, co. Galway.
Eldest son of the late Edward Blake, Esq., of Kil-
tullagh, by Maria, dau. of Owen McDermott, Esq. ;
b. 1826; s. 1853; m. 1854 Elizabeth Mary, dau. of
James Blake, Esq., of Vermont, co. Galway, and has issue
* Edward, b. 1855. Mr. Blake, who was educated at
Oscott Coll., is a J. P. and D.L. for co. Galway. — French-
fort and Kitullagh, Orcmmore, co. Galway.
BLAKE, Valentine O'Connor, Esq., of Tower-
hill, co. Mayo.
Eldest son of the late Major Maurice Blake, of Tower-
hill, by Maria, dau. of Valentine O'Connor, Esq., of
Dublin, and of Oakly Park, co. Dublin; b. 1806; s.
1847 ; m. 1836 the Hon. Margaret Mary, eldest dau. of
Charles, 3rd Lord Ffrench, and by her (who d. 1869)
has, with other issue,
* Maurice Charles Joseph, 6. 1837 ; m. 18G3 Jeannette, dau. of
Richard P. O'Reilly, Esq., of Sans Souci, co. Dublin, and
Castle Wilder, co. Longford, and has issue.
Mr. Blake, who was educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin
(B.A. 1829), is a J.P. and D.L. for Mayo (High Sheriff
1839) and a Magistrate for co. Galway. — Towerhill,
Ballyglass, co. Mayo ; Bunowen Castle, co. Galway.
BLAKE, Walter Martin, Esq., of Ballyglunin,
co. Galway.
Son of the late Henry Blake, Esq. (who d. 1860), by-
Adelaide, dau. of the late Bobert French, Esq., of
Monivae Castle, co. Galway; b. 1828; s. his uncle
1861. — Ballyglunin Park, Athenry, co. Galway.
Heir Pres., his brother Robert French, 6. 1380.
+ BLAKE, William, Esq., of South Petherton,
Son of the late W. Blake, Esq. ; l>. 18—. Is a Magis-
trate for Somerset (High Sheriff 1869).— Bridge House,
South Petherton, Somerset.
BLAKE, the late William John, Esq., F.R.S.,
of Danesbury, Hei-ts.
Eldest son of the late William Blake, Esq., of Danes-
bury (who was High Sheriff of Herts 1836), by Mary,
dau. of Joseph Nash, Esq. ; b. 1805; s. 1852 ; d. 1875 ;
was a J.P. and D.L. for Herts ; M.P. for Newport,
1837-41. — Danesbury, Wclwyn.
Heir Pres., his nephew Arthur Maurice, Capt. Gren. Guards ;
b. 18—.
BLAKE. (See Aldrich-Blake.)
BLAKE. (See Jex-Blake.)
BLAKE. (Sco under Wallscourt, Lord.)
BLAKE, of Furbough. (See Daly.)
BLAKE-HUMFREY, Robert, Esq., of Wrox-
ham House and Horstead, Norfolk.
Eldest surviving son of the late Thomas Blake, Esq., of
Norwich, by Theodora Martha, eldest dau. of David
Colombine, Esq., of Norwich (a gentleman of French
extraction); b. 1795; s. 1847; in. 1838 Charlotte,
youngest dau. of the late Liout.-Col. Harvey, of Thorpe
Lodge, Norfolk, and has, with other issue,
* Robert Harvey ; educated at Eton and Trinity Coll., Cam-
bridge ; Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple ; a Magis-
trate for Norfolk ; b. 1S43 ; m. 1873 Jane Charlotte, eldest
dau. of the Rev. Arthur W. Upcher, and has issue * Alwyne,
b. 1875.
Mr. Blake-Humfrey, who assumed the name and arms
of Humfrey by the will of the Rev. John Humfrey, of
Wroxham, 1847, is a J.P. and D.L. for Norfolk, and a
Lieut. 9th Royal Veteran Battalion ; served in the Pe-
ninsula.'— Wroxham House and Horstead, Norwich.
BLAKEMORE. (See Booker.)
BLAKENEY, John, Esq., of Abbert, co. Galway.
Eldest son of the late John Henry Blakoney, Esq., of
Abbert, J.P. and D.L., and formerly High Sheriff of co.
Galway, by Charlotte, 3rd dau. of the late Sir Ross
Mahon, Bart., of Casflegar, co. Galway, and niece of
John, 1st Marquis of Sligo ; b. 1826; s. 1858; m. 1854
Frances, dau. of the late James Hardiman Burke, Esq.,
of St. Cleran's, co. Galway, and has, with other issue,
■--John, b. 1855. Mr.. Blakeney was High Sheriff of
co. Galway 1874, and formerly an Officer in the 23rd
Foot. — Abbert, Castle Blakeney, co. Galway.
BLAKER, Nathaniel, Esq., of Preston, Sussex.
Eldest son of the late Nathaniel Blaker, Esq., of
Preston, by Anna, dau. of Anthony William Hodson,
Esq., of Westmeston Place, Sussex; b. 1800; s. 1863 ;
m. 1834 Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas P. Fuller, Esq., late
of May's Place, Selmeston. — Preston, Brighton.
BLAKISTON, Sir Matthew, Bart., of Sandy-
brooke Hall, Derbyshire (cr. 1763).
Eldest son of the late Sir Matthew Blakiston, Bart., of
Sandybrooke Hall, by Lucy, dau. of James Mann, Esq.,
of Linton Place, Kent ; b. 1811 ; s. as 4th Bart. 1862 ;
late Lieut. Staffordshire Yeomanry. — Sandybrooke Hall,
Heir Pres., his brother Horace Mann, B.D. of Emmanuel
Coll., Cambridge ; Vicar of Benhall, Suffolk; b. 1S19 ; m.
18G0 Charlotte, 2nd dau. of the Rev. William Henry G.
Mann, and hao, with other issue, * Horace Nevile, b. 1SG2.
Orangefield and Roddens, co. Down.
Eldest son of the late Richard Bayly Blakiston-Houston,
Esq., of Orangefield and Roddens (who assumed the
additional arms and name of Houston by royal licence
1843), by Mary Isabella, dau. of John Holmes Houston,
Esq., of Orangefield and Roddens; b. 1829; s. 1857 ;
m. 1859 Marian, dau. of Richard S. Streatfeild, Esq., of
The Rocks, Sussex, and has, with other issue, * Richard,
b. 1864. Mr. Blakiston-Houston is a Magistrate for
co. Down (High Sheriff 1860) ; late Capt. South Down
Militia. — Orangefield and Boddcns, Belfast; Kildare
Street Club, Dublin ; Carlton Club, s.w.
BLAMIRE, of Thackwood. (See Young.)
BLAND, Francis Christopher, Esq., of Derry-
quin Castle, co. Kerry.
Eldest son of the late James Franklin Bland, Esq.,
J.P. and D.L., of Derryquin Castle, b}- Emma, dau.
of the late Joseph Taylor, Esq., of Dunkerron Castle,
co. Kerrv: ft. lSJii : lS4;>.lano. iliiu. of tho Rev. BL AN I )Y-,1 KN K INS, Jonx, Esq.
Archibald R. Hamilton, of Cork. KM has. with Other
issue. * Jam os Franklin. ft. 1850; 1873 Agnes
IhiBiHt. e'.d.-st dau. of Samuel WilB«n Block, Esq.,
and has issue » ;i Bon»i> 1875. Mr. Bland, who was'
educated at Trinity Coll.. Dublin, is a Magistrate for
co. Kerry (High ' Sheriff 1 859). — Ikrryquin Castle.
Siiccm, <\). Kerry,
BLAND. John Lorris. Esq., of BlandsfortJ
Queen's Co.
Son of tlio late Loft us Henry Bland. Esq.. Q.C., of ,
Rlandsfnrt. Chairman of Quarter Sessions for co.
Tvronc. and some time M.P. for Kings eo. (who d.
18721 by his 1st wife. Charlotte Elisabeth, 2nd dau. of j
the late General tho Hon. Arthur (trove-Anncsley ; ft.
ISil : m. 1868 Alice, 2nd dau. of the late Capt. George
Hotham. R.E.. and has issue * Humphrey Loftus.
ft. 1869. Mr. Bland, who is a Magistrate for Queen's j
Co., was formerly Capt. 6th Inntskilling Dragoons.
— Blatnisfort, Ablicyleur, Queen's Co.
BLAND, the Yen. Nathaniel, of Beaufort, co.
Son of tho late Major Nathaniel Bland, of Lakeville. |
CO. Kern-, by his kinswoman. L»Ttitia. dau. of the
late Rev. James Bland, of Derriquiu. co. Kerry;
ft. 180- : m. 183- Ann, dau. of the late Capt. Edward
Fuller. Educated at Trinity Coll.. Dublin ; is Rector
of Knookane. and Archdeacon of Aghadoe. — Knockane
Glebe, Beaufort, Killarney.
BLAND, tbe Rev. ROBKBT Wintringham, of
Abbeyville, co. Antrim.
Second but eldest surviving son of the late John Bland.
Esq.. of Blandsfort, Queen's Co., by Elizabeth, dau. of
Robert Birch, Esq., of Dublin ; b. 1795 ; m. 1826 Alicia,
dau. of Edward Evans. Esq., of Dungannon, co. Tyrone,
and has, with other issue,
» John Humphrey. 6. 1S2S ; in. l$r,7 Emily Charlotte, dim. of
the late Rev. "Wyndhain C. Madden, Rector of Bergh
Apton, Norfolk.
Mr. Bland, who was educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin
(B.A. 1S16. M.A. 18211, is a Magistrate for co.
Antrim, and was formerly Incumbent of St. George's,
Belfast. — Abbeyville, Belfast ; University Club, Dublin.
BLAND, of Hartlip.
(See Godfrey - Faussett - Osborne.)
BLAND, of Kippax. (See Davison-Bland.)
BLANDFORD, Marquis of.
(See under Marlborough, Dulcc of.)
BLANDFORD, Mrs., of Weston Bampfylde,
Elizabeth Burton Leach, 2nd dau. of the Rev. Thomas
Oldfield Bartlett, Rector of Swanage, Dorset ; m. 1861
the Rev. Henry Weare Blandford. of Weston Bamp-
fylde, formerly Rector of Fryering, Essex, who d. 1869.
leavingissue, * Henry Weare, b. 1863. Mrs. Blandford
is Lady of the Manor of Weston Bamfylde. — Weston
Bamfylde, Uchestcr.
+ BLAND Y. Frederic, Esq., of Birchamp
House, Gloucestersbire.
Son of the late F. Blandy, Esq. Purchased this
property in 1874 from M. I. Fortescue-Brickdale, Esq.
— Birchamp House, Colcford.
+ BLANDY, William Frank, Esq., late of
Tyleliurst, Berks.
Eldest sen of the late William Blandy, Esq., of
Tylehurst (who d. 1873); b. 18—. The late Mr.
Blandy was a Magistrate for Berks.
of Kingston
Bagpuize, Berks.
Eldest son of tbe late John Blandy, Esq., of Kingston
Bagpuin, bj Caroline Anne. dau. of the Rev. Nathaniel
Poynta, of Atascott House, Oxonj ft. 1889; s. 1844;
m, 1861 Alice Martha, 3rd dan. of Charles Wilson
Faber. Esq., of Northaw House, Herts, and has, with
other issue, * John, ft. 1865. Mr. Blandy- Jenkin 3,
who was educated at Eton, is a J.P. and D.L. for Berks
(High Sheriff L866), a Magistrate for co. Glamorgan,
and Lord of the Manor of Kingston Bagpuizc ; he
assumed the name of Jenkins after his great-uncle,
K. H. Jenkins. Esq., of Llanharran, co. Glamorgan.
— Kingston Bagpuizc, Abingdon .
BLANK, Sir Seymour John, Bart., C.B., of
Blanefield, Ayrshire (cr. 1812).
Eldest son of the Late Sir Hugh Seymour Blane, Bart.,
of Blanefield, by Eliza, dan. of John Armit, Esq., of
Dublin: l>. 1833; s. as 3rd Bart. 1S69. Educated at
Eton ; is a Colonel in tho Army, and Kt. of the Order
of the Medijie; was A.D.C. to Lord Canning, and
Military Secretary to Lords Elgin and Lawrence in
India. — The Past it res, Derby ; Blanefield, Maybole, N.B.
Heir Pres., his brother Arthur Rodnev, Commander R.N. ;
b. 1834.
BLANE, David Anderson, Esq., of Foliejon
Park, Berks.
Second son of the late William Blane, Esq., of Foliejon
Park, and of Grougar, co. Ayr, N.B., by Honoria, dau.
of Thomas Newnham, Esq., of Southborough, Kent; b.
1801 : s. 1 835. Educated at Eton and Haileybury Colls. ;
is a Dep.-Lieut. for Berks ; was formerly a Member of
Council at Bombay. — Foliejon Park, Winkfield, Wind-
sor ; 21, Prince's Gardens, W.
Heir Pres., bis brother Thomas Law, late of the East India
Company's Civil Service; b. 1806.
BLANSHARD, Henry Edward, Esq., of Jes-
mond Dene, Northumberland.
Eldest son of the late William Blanshard, Esq., of
Jesmond Dene (who d. 1872), by Marian, eldest dau.
of the late Richard Samuel Short, Esq., of Edlington
Grove, co. Lincoln ; b. 1847. The lato Mr. Blanshard
was a Magistrate for Northumberland, Recorder of
Doncaster, and Judge of the Northumberland County
Courts. — Jesmond Dene Hall, Newcastle-on-Tync.
BLANSHARD, Richard, Esq., of Lymington,
Eldest son of the late Henry Blanshard, Esq., of Kirby
(who d. 1 8oo), by Sarah Anne, dau. of Richard l'ercival,
Esq., of Lombard-street, London ; b. 1817 ; m. 1852
Emily, dau. of James Hyde, Esq., of Aller, Somerset.
Educated at Queen's Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1840,
M.A. 1845); called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1845 ;
is a Magistrate for Essex and Hants ; wras formerly
Governor of Vancouver's Island. — Fairfield House,
Lymington ; Conservative Club, s.w. ; Albany, w.
Heir Pres., his nephew Richard F. Davis, Capt. Staff Corps
(son of R. Davis, Esq.. by Margaret, dau. of the late Henry
Blanshard, Esq.), 6. 18—.
BLANTYRE, Lord (Charles Stuart).— Cr.
Eldest son of Robert Walter, 11th Lord, by Fanny
Mary, dau. of the late Hon. John Rodney; b. 1818 ; s.
1830; m. 1843 Lady Evelyn, 2nd dau. of George Gran-
ville, 2nd Duke of Sutherland, K.G. (she d. 1869). Is
a J.P. and D.L. for co. Renfrew, a Dep.-Lieut. for co.
Lanark, a Magistrate for co. Berwick, and a Repre-
sentative Peer for Scotland ; was formerly Lieut.
Grenadier Guards. — Lennoxlove, Haddington, N.B. ;
Erskine House, Glasgow ; Travellers' Club, s.w. ; 41,
Berkeley Square, w.
Heir, his son Walter, Master of Blantyre ; 6. 1851.
BLATHWAYT, George William, Esq., of
Dyrham, Gloucestershire.
Eldost son of tho Into Lieut.-Col. George William
Blathwayt, J.P., of Dyrham, High Sheriff of
Somerset 1849 (who d. 1871), by Marianne, dau. of
the Rev. Thomas Agmondisham Vcsey ; 6.1824; m.
1856 Charlotte. Amelia, dan. of Major Thomas Richard
Baker, of the family of Bayfordbury, Herts. Is a
Magistrate for Somerset and co. Gloucester, Lord of
the Manor of Dyrham, and Patron of 2 livings ; was
formerly in the 1st Dragoon Guards. — Dyrham Park,
Chipping Sodbury.
BLENCOWE, Henry Prescott George, Esq.,
of Tlioby Priory, Essex.
Eldest son of Everard Bleneowe, Esq., by Georgiana,
dau. of the late Capt. Thomas H. Doyle, Paymaster
75th Regt, ; b. 1858; s. 1861.
BLE1STCOWE, John Alexander, Esq., of Mars-
ton, Northamptonshire.
Eldest surviving son of the late John Jackson Blen-
eowe, Esq., of Marston, by his 2nd wife Cecilia, dau. of
the Rev. Charles Prowett, Rector of Stapleford, Herts ;
b. 1846 ; s. 1857 ; m. 1869 Katherine Anne Cotterell
Foster, eldest dau. of the Rev. John Edward Addison
Fenwick, of Thirlestane House, co. Gloucester, Vicar
of Needwood, co. Stafford, and granddau. of the
late Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart., of Middlehill, co.
Worcester. Educated at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1868) :
is a Magistrate for co. Northampton, and Lord of the
Manor and Patron of Marston St. Lawrence. — Marston
House, Banbury.
Heir Pres., his brother Charles Edward, B.A., of Wadham
Coll., Oxford ; 6. 1847.
BLENCOWE, John George, Esq., of Bineham,
Only son of the late Robert Willis Bleneowe, Esq., of The
Hooke, Sussex (who d. 1874), by Charlotte, youngest
dau. and coheir of the late Sir Henry Poole, Bart., of
Poole Hall, co. Chester, and The Hooke; b. 1817; m.
1855 Frances, eldest dau. of the late William John Cam-
pion, Esq., of Danny Park, Sussex, and has issue. Mr.
Bleneowe, who was educated at Eton and Ch. Ch.,
Oxford (B.A. 1839), is a J.P, and D.L. for Sussex,
and alternate Patron of Burton Dassett; was MP.
for Lewes 1860-65.- — Bineham, Chailey , Lewes ; Oxford
and Cambridge Club, s.w.
BLENKINSOPP, Richard Blenkinsopp George
LEATON-, Esq., of Hoppyland, co. Durham.
Eldest son of the late George Thomas Leaton-Blenkin-
sopp, Esq., Dy Harriot, dau. of Henry Collingwood,
Esq., of lalburn Tower, Northumberland ; b. 1809 ;
s. 1864 ; 'in. 1836 Mary Emma, dau. of Sanderson
Ilderton Esq., of Ilderton, Northumberland, and has,
with other issue, * George Ilderton, b. 1840. Mr.
Leaton -Blenkinsopp is a Magistrate for co. Durham,
and Dep.-Lieut. for Northumberland. — Hoppyland
Castle, Bishop's Auckland ; Humblcdon Hall, Bodding-
ton, Northumberland.
BLENNERHASSETT, Sir Rowland, Bart., of
Churchtown, co. Kerry (cr. 1809).
Only son of the late Sir Arthur Blennerhassett, Bart.,
of Churchtown, by Sarah, dau. of Mr. John Mahony ;
b. 1839 ; s. as 4th Bart. 1849; m. 1870 Charlotte, only
dau. of Count de Leyden. Educated at Stonyhurst,
co. Lancaster, and Ch. Ch., Oxford ; is a J.P. and
D.L. for co. Kerry (High Sheriff 1866) ; was M.P. for
Galway 1865-74. — Churchtown House, Beaufort, Kil-
larney ; Brooks's and Boodle's Clubs, s.w.
Heir, his son Arthur Charles Bernard ; b. 1871.
BLENNERHASSETT, Arthur, Esq., of Bal-
lyscedy House, co. Kerry.
Only son of the late Charles John Blennerhassett, Esq.,
of Ballyseedy (who was High Sheriff of co. Kerry 1858),
by Mary Anne, dau. of the late John Hickson, Esq.,
D.L., of Grove Dingle, co. Kerry; b. 1856; s. 1859.
— Ballyseedy House, Tralce.
BLENNERHASSET, Gerald, Esq., of Rid-
dlestown Park, co. Limerick.
Eldest son of the late Gerald Blennerhassett, Esq., of
Riddlestown Park, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff of co.
Limerick 1812 (who d. 1845), by Elizabeth, dau. . of
William Massy, Esq., of Glenville; b. 1809 ; m. 1840
Geraldine Anne, 'dau. of the late John Fraunceis
Fitz-Gerald, Esq. (Knight of Glin), of Glin Castle,
co. Limerick, and has, with other issue, * Gerald
FitzGerald, b. 1845. Mr. Blennerhassett is a Magis-
trate for co. Limerick, and Lord of the Manor of
Riddlestown. — Riddlestown Park, Bathkeale ; County
Club, Limerick.
Third son of the late Arthur Blennerhassett, Esq., of
Ballyseedy, co. Kerry, and brother of Arthur Blenner-
hassett, Esq. (who was M.P. for co. Kerry 1837-41) ;
b. 1803. Educated at Winchester and Trinity Coll.,
Dublin (B.A. 1825) ; appointed Rector of Ryme 1830,
and Vicar of Hermitage, Dorset, 1834; is a Magistrate
for Dorset. — Ryme Rectory, Sherborne.
BLENNERHASSETT, Rowland Ponsonbt,
Esq., of Kells, co. Kerry.
Only son of the late Richard Francis Blennerhassett,
Esq., of Kells, by Honoria, dau. of William Carrique
Ponsonby, Esq., of Crotto; b. 1850; educated at Ch.
Ch., Oxford. Is a Magistrate for co. Kerry ; elected
M.P. for co. Kerry 1872. — Kells, Caherciveen ; Reform
Club, S.w.
BLEWITT, of Llantarnan. (See Bowling.)
BLIGH, Lady, of Enbrook, Kent.
Anne Julia, 4th dau. of the late Rev. Francis
Brownlow, by Lady Catharine, dau. of Anthony, 8th
Earl of Meath ; m. 1865, as his 2nd wife, the Hon. Sir
John Duncan Bligh, K.C.B., of Enbrook, who was a
J.P. and D.L. for Kent, and formerly in the Diplomatic
Service, and who d. 1872. Lady Bligh is Patron of
1 living. — Enbrook, Sandgate.
BLIGH, the Hon. and Rev. Edward Veset.
Second son of Edward, 5th Earl of Darnley, by the
Hon. Emma Jane, 3rd dau. of Henry Brooke, 1st Lord
Congleton ; 6.1829 ; in. 1854 Lady Isabel Mary Frances,
4th dau. of William Nevill, 4th Earl of Abergavenny ;
and has, with other issue, * Lodovick Edward, b. 1854.
Mr. Bligh was educated at Eton and Downing Coll.,
Cambridge (M.A. 1855); appointed Rector of Rotherr
field 1856, Vicar of Birling 1864 ; is a Magistrate for
Kent ; was formerly in the Diplomatic Service. — Bir-
ling Vicarage, Maidstone.
BLIGH, the Hon. and Rev. Henry, late of
Rotherfleld Hall, Sussex.
Third son of Edward, 5th Earl of Darnley, by the Hon.
Emma Jane, 3rd dau. of Henry Brooke, 1st Lord Con-
gleton; b. 1834 ; in. 1858 Emma, youngest dau. of the
late Col. Henry Armytage, of Broomhill Bank, Kent,
and has issue * two daughters. Mr. Bligh, who was
educated at Rugby aud Ch. Ch., Oxford, is a Magis-
trate for Sussex, and Vicar of Abingdon. — > The
Vicarage, Abingdon.
BLIGH, Frederick CHERBURGH,Esq., of Brittas,
co. Meath.
Only son of the late Edward Bligh, Esq., J.P. and D.L.,
of ]?ritt:»s (who d. 1872V, l<y Sophia, dau. of the late
Charles Eversfield. Esq., of Donne Park. Sussex : 6.
1890, >■ 1858 Emily Matildrt. youngest <l;\u. of
Hinton East. Esq.. nicer of the late Night Hon. Sir
Edward Hyde East. Part., and lias, with other issue.
* Frederick Arthur, b. 1861. Mr. Nligh. who was
educated at Eton, was formerly Major list Foot; he
represents a branch of the family of Lord Darnley.
— Brit tan, Xokber, co. Meatk.
BTJGH, Oliver Morgan, Esq., of Cilmery
Park. Breeonshire.
Second but eldest surviving son of the late James Bligh,
Esq.. by Jane. dau. of Oliver Morgan, Esq.. of Bristol;
Ik 1818: s. his brother 186*; m. I860 Ellen, dau. of
J. Edwards, Esq.. of Clifton, and has issue * Stanley
Price Morgan, b. 1870. Mr. Nligh is a Magistrate far
co. Brecon (High Sheriff 1878). — flthwiy tlUri, Builth.
BLIGH. (See under Dart)lcy, Earl of.)
BLINCOE, the Rev. Robert, of Swettenham,
Onlv son of the late Robert Blincoe. Esq., of Bank
House, Macclesfield (who d. 1860). by Martha, dau. of
Christopher Simpson, Esq., of Leeds; 6.1826: m.
1864 Charlotte Louisa Field, only child of Thomas
Tripp. Esq.. of Barton- on-the-Humber. [and has, with
other issue. * Robert, b. I860. Mr. Blincoe. who was
educated at Queen's Coll.. Cambridge (B.A. 1848, M.A.
1857V is Patron and Rector of Swettenham. — Swetten-
ham Rtctory, Cong! don, Ckcskirc.
BLISS. (See Ban-do.)
BLISSET, the Rev. Henrv, of Letton Court,
Eldest surviving son of the late Joseph Blisset, Esq.. of
Letton Court (who d. 1838), by Elizabeth, dau. and co-
heir of John Freeman, Esq.. of Letton (she d. 1867);
b. 1808; m. 1S44 Jamima. dau. of James Hope,
Esq.. and has, with other issue, an only son, * John
Freeman, a J.P. and D.L. for co. Hereford, b. 1S45.
Mr. Blisset, who was educated at Balliol Coll., Oxford
(B.A. 1829. M A. 1837), is a Magistrate for co.
Hereford. Lord of the Manor, Patron, and late Rector
of Letton and Willersley, and Patron of Winforton, co.
Hereford. — Ldton Court, Hereford; Carlton Club, s.w.
BLOCK, Samuel Wilson, Esq., of Oreenhill
Grove, Herts.
Eldest son of the late Samuel Richard Block, Esq.,
F.R.G.S.. of Greenhill Grove, by his 1st wife, Agnes,
dau. of Adam Wilson, Esq., of Edinburgh ; b. 1822 ; s.
1S64; m. 1851 Elizabeth, dau. of Alexander Cheyne,
Esq.,M.D. — Greenhill Grove, Chipping Barnet.
BLOFELD, the Rev. Thomas John, of Hoveton,
Only son of the late Rev. Thomas Calthorpe Blofeld,
J.P. and D.L. of Hoveton (sometime Vicar of Hoveton
and Rector of Felmingham), by Mary Caroline, dau.
of Francis Grose, Esq., F.A.S. ; b. 1807; s. 1855;
m. 1834 Catherine Charlotte, dau. of the Rev. Anthony
Collett, Rector of Haveningham, Suffolk, and by her
(who d . 1872) has, with other issue,
* Thomas Calthorpe. M.A. of Trinity Coll., Cambridge;
Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln's Inn ; b. 1836 ; m. ISliS
Fanny Elizabeth, -4th dau. of the late Rev. John Anthony
Partridge, Rector of Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, and has, with
other issne. * John Calthorpe, b. 1875.
Mr. Blofeld, who was educated at Eton and Trinity
Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1829, M.A. 1832), is a J.P. and
D.L. for Norfolk and Vicar of Hoveton. — Hoveton House,
BLOIS, Sir John Ralph, Butrt., of Coekfiold,
Sult'olk (\t. 1686V.
Third but eldest surviving son of the late Capt. Sir
John Ralph Blois, N.N. (who ,/. 1S53), by Eliza Knox,
dau. of New J. Barrett, of Inniskeel, co. Donegal; />.
1830; as 8th Hart. 1S55: m. 1865 Eliza Ellen,
youngest dau. of Capt. Alfred Chapman. Educated at
the Royal Naval Coll, ; is a and D.L. for Suffolk
(High Sheriff 1862), and Patron of 2 livings; late
Lieut. R.N.^C'x kfield Hat!, Yo.vfurd, Sa.vmundham ;
Grutulisbvrgh Ball, JVoodbridgc ; Conservative and
Union Clubs, s.w. ; 5, Quern's Gate Place, w.
Heir, his son Ralph Barrett Macnnghtcn, b. lStiU.
BfcOMEFIELD, the Rev. Sir Thomas Eardley
W11.MOT, Bart, (er. 1807).
Elded son of the late Sir Thomas William Bloniefield,
Bart., by Salome, dau. of the late Samuel T. Kekewich,
Esq.. M.P., of Peamore, Devon \. b. 1820 ; s. as 3rd Bart,
1858; m. 1st 1844 Georgina Louisa, dau. of the late
Lieut.-General sir Peregrine Maitlaml, K.C.B. (she d.
1852); 2nd 1853 Fanny, eldest dan. of the Rev. J.
D'Aivy J. Preston, of Askham Bryan, co. York. Edu-
cated at Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1843, M.A.
1846); ordained 1811 ; appointed Master of Hcmsworth
Hospital, co. York, 1872; was Vicar of All Saints,
Poutefract, 1859-72. — Bblgate Lodge, Fontefract.
Heir, his son Thomas Wilmot Peregrine, a Clerk in the
Board of Trade; 6. 1818; m, 1874 Lilias, dau. of Major
the Hon. Charles Napier, and has issue * Thomas Charles
Alfred, b. 1875.
BLOMEFIELD, of Nectoii. (See Mason.)
BLOMFIELD, the Rev. George Becher, of
Mollington Hall, Cheshire.
Youngest son of the late Charles Blomfield, Esq., of
Bury St. Edmunds, and brother of the late Bishop of
London ; b. 1801 ; m. 1st 1827 Frances Harriet, dau. of
the late Rev. Richard Massie, of Coddington, co.
Chester: 2nd 1848 Mary, dau. of the very Rev.
Frederick Anson, Dean of Chester; 3rd 1854 Eliza-
beth Elhn. dau. and coheir of John Feilden, Esq., of
Mollington Hall, co. Chester, and has, with other issue,
* George James, in Holy Orders, M.A. of Christ's Coll., Cam-
bridge, and Rector of Norton-sub-Hambdon ; b. 1831 ; m.
1855 Georgina, dau. of Francis Hinuber, Esq.
Mr. Blomfield, who was educated at Ch. Coll., Cambridge
(B.A. 1824, M.A. 1827), ordained Deacon 1824, and
Priest 1826, is a Canon Residentiary of Chester Cathe-
dral ; late Rector of Stevenage, Herts. — Mollington
Hall, Chester.
BLOMMART, John, Esq., of Willett House,
Only surviving son of the late Lieut.-General Daniel
Francis Blommart, of Willett House, by Elizabeth,
dau. and coheir of Rev. Bickham Escott, of Hartrow ;
b. 1812; s. 1852; m. 1861 Fanny Harriet, dau.
of the Rev. Alex. Fownes LuttreU, Rector of East
Quantoxhead. Mr. Blommart, who was educated at
Winchester and University Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1834), is
a Magistrate for Somerset, Lord of the Manor of El-
worthy, and Patron of 1 living. — Willett House, Taunton.
BLOOD, Edmond Maghlin, Esq., of Brickhill,
co. Clare.
Eldest son of the late Neptune Blood, Esq., of Brick-
hill, by Bridget, dau. of David Roche, Esq., of Carass,
co. Limerick; b. 1815; s. 1822; m. 1851 Mary Amy,
dau. of Thomas Fergusson, Esq., of Leixlip, co. Kil-
dare, and has, with other issue, Neptune William, b.
1853. - Mr. Blood, who was educated at Trinity Coll.,
Dublin, was High Sheriff of co. Clare 1867.— BricMUll,
Cratloe, co. Clare. Residence: Croxley House, Rick-
BLOOD, John, Esq., of Ballykilty, co. Clare.
Eldest son of the late Fitzgerald Blood, Esq., of Bally-
kilty (who (/. 1864), by Millicont Anne, eldest dan. of
the late Francis Moriee, Esq., of Springfield, co. Clare;
b. 1849. — Ballykilty, near Quin, co. Clare.
BLOOMFIELD, Lord (John Arthur Douglas
Bloomfield, G.C.B., P.O.). — Cr. 1825.
Only son of 1st Lord (who was sometime Envoy Ex-
traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court [
of Sweden), by Harriott, dan. of the late John Douglas, I
Esq., of Grantham, co. Lincoln; b. 1802; s. 18-16; m.\
1845 Georgiana, dan. of 1st Lord Eavensworth. Is a
Dep. Lieut, for co. Tipperary ; was Envoy Extraordi-
nary at St. Petersburg 1844-51, at Berlin, 1851-60;
Ambassador Extraordinary at Vienna, 1860-71 ; created
a Peer of the U. K. 1871. — Ciamaltha, Newport, co. Tip-
perary ; Travellers' Club, s.w. ; 16, Holland Park, w.
BLOOMFIELD, Sir John, G.C.B. (cr. 1867).
Son of the late Patrick Bloomfield, Esq., of Sligo,
by Araminta, dau. of the late James Gilldea, Esq., of
Coslough, co. Mayo; b. 1793. Educated at the Royal
Military Academy, Woolwich ; is a Lieut.-Gen. in the
Army, and Col. Commandant R.H.A. ; served in
the Peninsula, at Waterloo, in the West Indies, and at
Corfu ; late A.D.C. to the Queen, and Inspector-General
of Artillery. — United Service Club, s.w. ; 108, Jermyn
Street, s.w.
Edmund's Coll., Ware ; is a Magistrate for co. Salop,
and a J.P. and D.L. for co. Worcester (High Sheriff
1835).- -Sodington, and Mawley Hall, Bcwdlcy.
Heir, his sou Walter de Sodington, a J.P. and D.L. for co.
Worcester ; b. 1833.
BLOOMFIELD, Fitzmaurice Gustavus, Esq.,
of Newpark, co. "YVaterford.
Second son of John Colpoys Bloomfield, Esq., of Castle
Caldwell, co. Fermanagh, and Redwood, co. Tipperary,
by Frances Arabella, dau. of Sir John Caldwell, Bart., j
of Castle Caldwell, co. Fermanagh; b. 1824; r,i. 1848 I
Henrietta Sophia, dau. of John Commerell, Esq., of
Strood Park, Sussex, and had, with other issue, Fitz-
maurice Edmund, b. 1859; d. 1871. Mr. Bloomfield,
who was educated at the Royal Military Academy,
Woolwich, and was formerly in the Bengal Artillery,
is a Magistrate for co. Waterford. — NevparJc, Water-
ford; Kildare Street Club, Dublin.
BLOOMFIELD, John Caldwell, Esq., of Castle
Caldwell, co. Fermanagh..
Eldest son of John Colpoys Bloomfield, Esq., of Red-
wood, co. Tipperary, by Frances Arabella, eldest dau.
of the late Sir John Caldwell, Bart., of Castle Caldwell
(she d. 1872); b. 1823; in. 1st 1846 Elizabeth, dau. of
the late William D'Arcy, Esq., of Necarn Castle, co.
Fermanagh (she d. 1874) ; 2nd 1875 Adelaide Hannah
Frances, eldest dau. of Sir Josiah William Hort, Bart.,
and has by the former, with other issue, * Benjamin Mey-
nell, b. 1850 ; educated at Harrow and Trinity Coll.,
Cambridge; Capt. Fermanagh Light Infantry (Militia).
Mr. Bloomfield, who is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Fer-
managh (High Sheriff 1874), was formerly an Officer
in the Army. — Castle Caldwell, Enniskilkn.
BLOSSE. (See Lynch-Blosse.)
+ BLOSSE-ARMSTRONG, William, Esq., of
Lisnagrough, co. Tipperary.
Son of the late W. Blosse- Armstrong, Esq., of Lisna-
grough ; b. 1799 ; is married, and_ has issue. Was
formerly Lieut. 9th Lancers. — Residence : Portarling-
ton, Ireland.
BLOUNT, Sir Edward, Bart., of Sodington,
Worcestershire (cr. 1642).
Only surviving son of the late Sir Walter Blount, of
Sodington, by Anne, dau. of the late Thomas Riddell,
Esq., ofFelton Park, Northumberland; b. 1795; s. as
8th Bart. 1803; m. 1830 Mary Frances, dau. of the
late Edward Blount, Esq., M.P. Educated at St.
BLOUNT, Michael Charles, Esq., of Maple-
durham, Oxon.
Eldest son of the late Michael Henry M. Blount, Esq.,
of Mapledurham, J.P. and D.L. (who d. 1874), by his
first wife, Elizabeth Anne Mary, 4th dau. of Robert
Edward, 10th Lord Petre ; b. 1819. Is Lord of the
Manor of Mapledurham. — Mapledurham House, Reading.
Heir Pres., his brother Charles John, 6. 1822.
BLOUNT, William, Esq., of Orchehill, Bucks,
and of Orleton, Herefordshire.
Second but eldest surviving son of the late William
Blount, Esq., of Orleton, co. Hereford, by Mary, only
dau. of Lacon Lambe, Esq., of Sidney, co. Hereford ;
h. 1799; s. his brother 1833; in. 1st 1821 Eliza,
youngest dau. of Thomas Wright, Esq., of Fitzwalters,
Essex; 2nd 1839 Lady Charlotte Jane, eldest dau. of
Edward, 12th Duke of Somerset, and has issue *Wil-
liam, Major retired, of the Madras Army; b. 1824;
in. 1859 Anne, dau. of Valentine O'Brien O'Connor,
Esq., of Rockfiekl House, co. Dublin (she d. 1874), and
*Archibald Henry (on whom Orleton is settled),
1840. Mr. Blount, who was educated at Stonyhurst
Coll., and called to the Bar at Gray's Inn 1833, is a
Dep.-Lieut. for Bucks; was M.P. for Totness 1839-40.
— Orchehill House, Gerrard's Cross; Orleton, Ludlow;
Reform Club,s.vf.; 66, Cumberland Place, w.
BLOW, the Rev. John, of Godmanham, York-
Eldest son of the late Rev. William Blow, J.P. and
D.L., Rector of Goodmanham (who d. 1870), by
Elizabeth Sarah, dau. of the Rev. John Clark ; b. 1815 ;
in. 1st 1845 Mary, dau. of Mr. William Clark, of
Craike, co. York (she d. 1866); 2nd 1868 Jane, dau.
of John Pearson, Esq., of Pickering, co. York. Edu-
cated at St. John's Coll., Cambridge '(B.A. 1839,
M.A. 1842). Is Patron and Rector of Goodmanham.
— Goodmanham Rectory, Market Weighton.
+ BLUNDELL, Henry Bldndell Hollinshead,
Esq., of Deysbrook, Lancashire.
Son of the late Richard Blundell Hollinshead Blundell,
Esq., of Deysbrook; b. 1832; m. 1863 the Hon.
Beatrice, youngest dau. of the late Vice-Admiral the
Hon. Henry Dilkes Byng. Educated at Ch. Ch., Ox-
ford (B.A. 1854); is a Dep.-Lieut. for co. Lancaster,
Patron of Hnlsall, and Captain Grenadier Guards.
— The Lodge, Virginia Water, Staines.
Heir Pres., his brother Richard, Major 3rd Hussars ; b. IS3S j
m. 18(>.j Henrietta Frances, youngest dau. of Richard A.
Hyacinth Kirwan, Esq., of Bawnmore, co. Galway.
+ BLUNDELL, John, Esq., of Crook Hall,
Fourth son of the late William Blundell, Esq., J.P. and
D.L., of Crosby Hall, co. Lancaster, by Catherine, dau.
of the late Sir Thomas Stanley, Bart., of Hooton Hall,
co. Chester, and brother of Nicholas Blundell, Esq.
(whom see); b. 182- ; m. 185- Catharine, dau. of the
late Peter Middle-ton, Esq. Is a Magistrate for co.
Lancaster. — Crook Hall, Chorley.
BLUNDELL, Nicholas, Esq., of Crosby Hall,
Eldest son of the late William Blundell, Esq., of Crosby
Hall, by Catherine, dau. of the late Sir Thomas Stanley,
Bart., of Hooton Hall, co. Chester; b. 1811 ; s. 1854;
111. 1847 Agnes Mary, dau. of the late Sir Edward
Joseph Smythe, Bart., and has, with other issue,
* William Joseph, b. 1851. Mr. Blundell is a J.P. and
PI., for cv>. LuetttW, ninl Major in the Puke of
Lancaster's Own Rifles.- (W>y Hall, /.iirryxW.
BLUNPF.LL, of Incc. l**
BLUNOKX. Sir .Iohx, Hart., of Castle Blumlcn,
eo. Kilkenny (or. L766).
Eldest son of the Into William Pitt Blunden, Esq., by I
Harriot, onlv dau. of Thomas Pope, Esq., of Popolield,
QmmVOo.'; >>. 1814; *. his uncle ns 3rd Part. 1818;
m. 1839 EKnbcth, dau. of tho Into John Knox, Em., of
Dublin. Is :» .T P. and 1VL. for oo. Kilkenny, of which
he has been Hitrli Sheriff— Oeatie Blunden, Kilkenny.
Heir, his son William, 6. 1S40.
BLUNT. Sir CsAKLSS Wii.t.i.vm. Bart., of
Heathfield Park, Sussex (or. 17'JO).
Eldest and only surviving son of tho lato Richard
Charles Blunt, Esq., of Bretlands. Surrey (vhorf. 1846),
bv Elica Forbes, dan. of the lato Major William Forbes
Mercer, of Potterhill.eo. Perth ^she> 1871); 1810 :
*. his rrmnin as 8th Part. 1847. Educated at Trinity
Coll.. Cambridge 1884, M.A. 1815) ; called to the
Bar at the Middle Temple 1886; is a J.P. andP.L. for
Sussex (High Sheriff 1873\— Heathfield Par/:, Hauk-
hurst ; Ringmcr, Lrtrrs; United University Club, s.vr.
lltir /Vr.«„ his cousin Charles (eldest son of the latf William
Ulnnt, Ksq.. l>y Elita, dan. of Gen. Ooddnrd Ri hards) ;
b. MM ; k Indian Customs Ofttecr at Rangoon, Burmah.
BLUNT. Col. Harris, C.B., of Kenip-
shott Park. Hants.
Eldest surviving son of the late Edward Waller Blunt,
Esq.. of Kempshott Park (who d. 1860), by Jane
SUirlev, dau. of James Allan. Esq.. of the Hall, co.
Stirling; !>. 1825 : 5. his brother 1862 ; m. 1 S.">6 Mary
Augusta, dau. of the late Lieut. -Col. James Tod, and
has, with other issue, * Edward Walter, b. 1859. Col.
Blunt, who was educated at the Royal Military Coll.,
Sandhurst, is a P. A. — Kempshott Park, Busing-
stoke ; East India Club, s.w.
BLUEST. Mrs., of Wallop House, Hants.
Marian, eldest dau. of William Pearee, Esq., of Wea-
senham, Norfolk; M. 1827 the Per. Walter Blunt, of
Wallop, who d. 1868. leaving, with other issue, *Eraily
Anna Maria, m. 1S59, Thomas Elward Bidgood, Esq., of
Rockbeare Court, Pevon. and has. with other issue,
•Harry Walter, b. 1860. — Wallop Huusc, Stockbridgc.
+ BLUNT, the late Capt. Bichakd Johx, of
Brentlands, Surrey.
Son of the late Richard Charles Blunt. Esq.. of Brent-
lands. by Eliza Forbes, his wife (she d. 1871 ) ; b. 1810 ;
d. 1874: was a Magistrate for Surrey ; formerly Capt.
Madras N.I. — Brentlands, Chertseg.
BLUNT, Wilfrid Scawen, Esq., of Crabbet,
Onlv surviving son of the late Francis Seawen Blunt,
Esq", of Crabbet (who d. 1842), by Mary, dau. of the
Rev. John Chandler, of Witley, Surrey; b. 1840; s.
his brother 1872; m. 1869 Lady Anne Isabella Noel,
only dau. of William. 1st Earl of Lovelace, and has
surviving issue * Judith, 1873. Mr. Blunt, who was
educated at Stonyhurst and St. Mary"s Coll., Oscott,
was formerly in the Piplomatic Service. — Crabbet, near
BLYTH, Hexky Etheridge, Esq., of Burnbam
Westgate, Norfolk.
Eldest son of the late Henry Blyth, Esq., of Burnham
Westsrate, bv Sarah, dau. of Anthony Etheridge, Esq.,
of Stanhoe" Norfolk; b. 1798; «. 1831; m. 1827
Frances, eldest dau. of Anthony Gwyn.Esq., of Baron's
Hall. Norfolk. Is a Magistrate for Norfolk. — Burn-
ham Westgate, Lynn.
BLYTH. (See Kerslake.)
BLYTH. (See Bum-Bfytk,)
BOARD, Capt. John, of Westaribam, Kent,
Eldest son of the lato Kev. Richard Board, LL.B., Viear
of We-torham (whorf. 1869), by Elizabeth, dau. of John
Jones. Esq., of DeryOrmond, Cardigan; />. 1828; m. 1854
Mary Elizabeth, dau. of the Ivev. W. W. Pyne, of Oxted,
Sumy, and lias, wit hot her issue, * John William, h. 1866.
Mr. Board, who was educated at Kton and C. C. C,
Oxford (B.A.. 1850). is a Magistrate for Kent, Patron of
1 living, and Capt. 86th R.V. — Farleigh Place, Wester-
ham, mar Kdenbridgi ; United Unicersi/g Clvb, s.w.
BOABD, of Pax Hill. (See Bouchard.)
BOCKETT-PUGH, Henri Pugh, Esq., of
Tollbridge Wells, Kent.
Second son of the Rev. Benjamin Bradney Bockett,
M.A., of Epsom, Surrey, by tanny S. Bockett, dau. of
William Bramwell, Esq'., of London ; b. 1838; m. 1867
Margaret, dau. of I'M ward Mant Miller, Esq., and has,
with other issue, * a son. Ik 1 870. Mr. Boekott-Pugh
assumed the surname of Pugh under the will of his
aunt. Mrs. Sarah Pugh, lato of Southborongh, in 1868.
— Residence ; Alvescott House, Faringdon , Oxon.
BODDAM-WHETHAM, Mrs., of Kirklington,
Maria Agatha, only child and heir of the late Major-
General John Whetham, of Kirklington Pall (who d.
1853), by Susanna, dau. of T. Kington, Esq., and
willow of R. Bayly, Esq.: m. 1841 Alexander Bod-
dam, Esq., late of the 58th Regt., and Bon. Col. R.
Sherwood Foresters, a Magistrate for Notts, who as-
sumed in 1S70 the name of Whetham, and d. 1872,
leaving, with other issue, * John Whetham, late Lieut.
73rd Foot; h. 1813. Mrs. Boddam-Whotham is Lady
of the Manor of Kirklington. — Kirklington Hall, near
BODDINGTON, the Rev. Thomas Francis, of
Wroxbarn, Norfolk.
Eldest son of the late Reginald Brooke Boddington, Esq.,
J.P. and D.L., of Burcher Court, co. Hereford, (who d.
1863), by Frances Anne, dau. of the late Rev. William
St. Andrew Vincent, Rector of Bolney. Sussex, and Pre-
bend of Chichester ; b. 1838; m. 1862 Louisa Mary,
dau. of H. J. H. Bond, Esq., M.P., Regius Professor of
Physio at Cambridge, and has. with other issue, * Henry
Francis Vincent, b. 1864. Mr. Boddington, who was
educated at Rugby and St. Peter's Coll., Cambridge
(B.A. 1861, M.A. 1865). is Vicar of Wroxham.— Wrox-
ham, near Norwich.
BODEN, Hexky, Esq., of Tbe Friary, and late
of Ednaston Lodge, Derbysbire.
Eldest son of the late Henry Boden, Esq.. of FMnaston
Lodge, Perbyshire (who d. 1862), by Anne, dau. of
Joseph Smith, Esq., of Lea Lodge, Kent ; b. 1836; m.
1866 Mary Shut tie worth, dau. of Edward Anthony
Holden, Esq., of Aston Hall, co. Derby (whom see),
and has, with other issue, *Henry Walter Pegge Shuttle-
worth, b. 1867. Mr. Boden, who was educated at
Rugby, is a Magistrate for co. Derby ; late Lieut.
Perbyshire Yeomanry Cavalry. — The Friary, Derby ;
Junior Carlton Club, s.w.
BODENHAM, Charles de la Barre, Esq., of
Botberwas, Herefordsbire.
Only son of the late Charles Thomas Bodenham, Esq.,
of Rotherwas, by Eliza Mary, dau. of Thomas Weld,
Esq., of Lulworth Castle, Porset; b. 1813; s. 1865;
m. 1850 the Countess Irena Maria, dau. of Count
Pzierzykraj Morawski. Educated at St. Gregory's
Coll., Pownside ; is a J.P. and P.L. for co. Hereford,
Lord of the Manor of Dinedor, and a Knight of the
Order of St. John of Jerusalem. — Itotherwas Park,
h 97
BODKIN, John James, Esq., of Kilcloony, co.
Gal way.
Eldest son of the lato Major Thomas Bodkin, of Kil-
cloony, by Eliza, dau. of Col. Smith, of Topcroft Hall,
Norfolk; b. 1801; m. 1824 Mary, dau. of Dominiek
George Bodkin, Esq., of Louth Lodge, co. Galway, and
by her (who d. 1862) had, with other issue,
Thomas James, educated at Oscott Coll. ; a Magistrate for
co. Galway; 6. 1824; d. 18G8, having m. 1855 Helen Louisa,
dau. of Cornelius O'Kelly, Esq., of Gallagh Castle, co.
Galway, and loft, with other issue, * John James, b. 1855.
Mr. Bodkin, who was educated at Stonyhurst Coll., is a
J.P. and D.L. for co. Galway ; he was M.P. for Galway
1831-2, for co. Galway 1835-47 — Kilcloony, litam, co.
Galway ; Reform Club, s.w.
BODKIN", Robert, Esq., of Aimagh, co. Gal-
Eldest and only surviving son of the late John. Bodkin,
Esq., of Annagh, by Harriet, dau. of the late Martin
Staunton Kirwan, Esq., of Bluidwell, co. Galway ; b.
1809 ; s. 1853 ; 1842 Elizabeth, youngest dau. and
coheir of the late Thomas Redington, Esq., of Bye Hill,
co. Galway. Is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Galway (High
Sheriff 1833). — Annagh, Battyglunvn, co. Galway.
BODKIN, William Peter, Esq., of Highgate,
Eldest son of the late Sir William Henry Bodkin, of
Highgate, some time Assistant Judge for Middlesex,
and formerly M.P. for Rochester (who d. 1874), by
his 1st wife, Sarah Sophia, eldest dau. of Peter Ray-
mond Poland, Esq. ; b. 1814. Educated at King's
Coll., London ; is a Magistrate for Middlesex. — West
Hill, Highgate, n.
4 BODKIN, William Thomas, Esq., of Rose-
berry, co. Galway.
Son of the late W. Bodkin, Esq., of Roseberry ; b. 1800.
Is a Magistrate for co. Galway. — Roseberry, Ballymoe
BOEVEY, Sir Thomas Hyde CRAWLEY-,
Bart., of Flaxley, Gloucestershire (cr, 1784).
Eldest son of the late Sir Martin Hyde Crawley- Boevey,
Bart., of Flaxley Abbey, by Elizabeth, dau. of the Rev.
George William Daubeney ; b. 1837; s. as 5th Bart.
1862; in. 1865 Frances Elizabeth, only dau. of the
Rev. Thomas Peters, Rector of Eastington, co. Glou-
cester. Is a Magistrate for co. Gloucester (on roll for
High Sheriff 1874), Patron of 1 living, and a
Verderer of the Eorest of Dean ; late Ensign 60th Foot.
— Flaxley Abbey, Newnham.
Heir, his son Francis Hyde, b. 1SGS.
BOGER, Deeble, Esq., of Wolsdon, Cornwall.
Eldest son of the late John Boger, Esq., of Wolsdon,
Magistrate for Cornwall, by Lucy, dau. of Samuel Hcxt,
Esq., of Trenarren, Cornwall; b. 1799; s. 1849; in.
1829 Frances, dau. of the late Thomas Bewes, Esq.,
M.P., and by her, (who d. 1872), has, with other issue,
* Walter Deeble, M.A., of Trinity Coll., Cambridge, and
Barrister-at-Law, of Lincoln's Inn; 6.1832; m. 1863 Amelia
Harriet, youngest dau . of the late Thomas Holmes Bosworth ,
Esq., of Westerham, Kent.
Mr. Boger is a J.P. and D.L. for Cornwall, and a Dep.-
Warden of the Stannaries. — Wolsdon, Torpoint.
BOGGIS-ROLFE, Francis Douglass, Esq., of
Wormiiigford, Essex.
Only child of the late Capt. James Edward Boggis, 55th
Regt., J.P. and D.L., by his 1st wife, Mary, dau. of
the late Lewis Kerr, Esq., Solicitor-General of the
Bahamas; b. 1846; s. 1870; m. 1871 Charlotte Har-
riot, eldest dau. of the late Major William Gabbett
Beare, of Kingsgate, Kent, and has, with other issue
* Edward Francis, b. 1873. Mr. Boggis-Rolfe, who was
called to the Bar at the Middle Temple 1872, and goes
the Home circuit, is a Magistrate for Essex, and Capt.
W. Essex Militia. His father assumed the additional
name of Rolfe 1866, under a deed of settlement by
Miss Ann Rolfe, of Wormiiigford. — Maidstone Grange,
Wormingford, Colchester ; 37, Harewood Square, n.w.
BOILEAU, Sir Francis George Manningham,
Bart., of Tacolnestone, Norfolk (cr. 1838).
Eldest surviving son of the late Sir John Peter Boileau,
Bart., F.R.S., of Ketteringham, Norfolk, by Lady
Catherine Sarah, youngest dau. of Gilbert, 1st Earl of
Minto; b. 1830; s. 1869; m. 1860 Lucy Henrietta,
eldest dau. of Sir George Nugent, Bart., and grand-
dau. of Nicholas, Lord Colborne {ext.). Educated at
Eton and Ch. Ch. Oxford (B.A. 1852) ; called to the
Bar at Lincoln's Inn 1855; is a J.P. and D.L. for
Norfolk. Lord of the Manors of Ketteringham and
Tacolnestone, Patron of 1 living, and Major 3rd Nor-
folk Rifle Volunteers. — Ketteringham Parle, and
Tacolnestone Hall, Wymondham ; Brooks's, Travellers',
and Marlborough Clubs, s.w. ; 20, Upper Brook Street, w.
Heir, his son John Francis Elliot, b. 18C3.
BOILEAU, Lieut.-Col. George Wilson,
F.R.G.S., F.Z.S., of Stauneld Hall, Nor-
Eldest son of George Wilson Boileau, Esq., of Seapoint
House, Bray, co. Wieklow, by Anna, dau. of William
Phipps, Esq.; b. 1822; in. 1850 Fanny Elizabeth, dau.
of Major-Gen. William Knyvett, and has, with other
issue, * Brandram Theophilus, 6.1851. Mr. Boileau,
who was educated at the Military Coll., Addiscombe, is a
Magistrate for Norfolk, and Lieut.-Col. Commanding
1st Norfolk Rifle Volunteers; was formerly Lieut.-
Col. Bengal Staff Corps, and served with distinction in
India. — Stanfield Hall, near Wymondham ; United
Service Club, s.w.
BOILEAU-POLLEN, John Douglas, Esq., of
Little Bookham, Surrey.
Eldest son of the late Rev. George Pollen Boileau-
Pollen, of Little Bookham, by Elizabeth, dau. of Sir
James Hall, Bart., of Dunglass, co. Berwick; b. 1824 ;
s. 1847. Educated at Harrow and C. C. C, Oxford.
— Little Bookham Manor, Leatherhead.
Heir Pres., his brother Charles Edward, b. 1828.
BOLAND, Robert Spencer, Esq.
Youngest son of the late Lieut.-Col. J. Boland (who d.
1820), by Helen, dau. of Alexander Ross, Esq.; b.
1813 ; 'in. 1837 Harriet Laura, dau. of the late Sir John
P. Milbanke, Bart., and widow of Robert Crewe, Esq.
Educated at the Military Coll., Sandhurst; is a Magis-
trate for co. Ayr ; was formerly Capt. 59th Foot. — Resi-
dence : 'Fullarton House, Troon, Ayrshire; Junior United
Service Club, s.w.
BOLAND, Thomas Parsons Riggs, Esq., of
Pembroke, co. Cork.
Second, but eldest surviving, son of the late Thomas
P. Boland, Esq., J.P., of Pembroke (who d. 1869), by
Dorcas Pedder, only dau. of Benjamin Phipps, Esq.,
of Cregg Castle, co. Cork; b. 1835; in. 1872 Emily
St. Leger Harris, youngest daughter of the late Richard
Harris Purcell, Esq., of Annabella Park, co. Cork, and
had issue Reginald, b. and d. 1873.
BOLCKOW, Henry William Ferdinand, Esq.,
of Marton Hall, Yorkshire.
Eldest son of the late Henry Bolckow, Esq., of Germany,
by Caroline Dussler his wife ; 1806 ; m. 1st 1840
Miriam, widow of C. Hay, Esq. ; 2nd 1851 Harriet, da\i.
of the late James Farrer, Esq., of Halifax. Is a J.P.
and D.L. for the N. Riding of Yorkshire, a Magistrate
for co. Durham and for Middlesbrough, and an ex-
tensive ironmaster ; elected first Mayor of Middles-
brough 1853, and M.P. 1868. Was naturalised by
Bol] Tin: rxiTT
»popi»l Act of Parliament. — ^farfo^^ Ma/l, Middles-
favngh ,• Reform Ch/b. s.w. ; 32, Princes Gate, s.w.
BOLD, the Rev. Hrr.H, M.A., of Lhnlihangel-
Tnl-y-Llyn. Bmimookahire.
Son of the l;»to Hiurh Bold Esq. (Chairman of Quarter
Sessions of co. Brecon, and Recorder of Brecon, who 4,
1839). by Ann. 2nd dau. of tho Rev. Richard Davios,
M.A.. Canon of St. David's and Vicar of Brecon; b.
1797; m. 1850 Theresa Gales, dau. of N. Mart land.
Esq., of The Oaklands. Cheltenham. Educated at Eton
»ud Ch. Ch.. Oxford (B.A. 1820, M A. 182.r>) ; is a J.P.
and D.L for co. Brecon, a Magistrate for co. Radnor,
and Patron and Rector of Llantihaugel-Tal-y-Llyu with
Llanyweru. — Bough rood Castle, Lfystocn, Brecon.
BOLDEX. Samuel Edward, Esq., of Spring-
field Hull, Lancashire.
Younger son of the late John Bolden, Esq., of Hyiuiug,
e». Lancaster, by Mary, dau. of John Satterthwaito,
Esq.; b. 1806. Is a Magistrate for co. Lancaster.
— Springfield Hall, Lancaster ; Bilton Road, Rugby.
BOLDEX. Wii.iiam Bou tx. Esq., of Hyning,
Eldest son of the late John Bolden, Est]., J.P. and D.L.,
of Hyning (who assumed the name of Bolden in lieu of
Leonard on succeeding to the estates of his maternal
uncle. William Bolden, Esq.), by Mary, dau. of John
Satterthwaite. Esq.. of Rigmaden Hall, co. Westmore-
land ; b. 1803; 1855: ;». 1834 Mary Anne, dau. of
George Andrew, Esq.. of Compstall, co. Chester, and has
issue. Educated at Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A.
18061 : is a J.P. aud D.L. for co. Lancaster. — Hyning.
BOLDERO, Joiix, Esq., of White House, Suf-
Eldest son of the late Simon Boldero, Esq., of Drink-
stone. Suffolk, bv his 2nd wife. Mary, dau. of — Hazle-
wood, Esq.. of Wooltrit, Suffolk; 'b. 1806; m. 1829
Sarah Maria, eldest dau. of John Raynham, Esq., of
Drinkstone Hall. Suffolk, and has. with other issue,
* John Simon, M.A., of C. C. C, Cambridge, and
Vicar of Ambleeote, co. Stafford ; b. 1830; m. 1859
Emma, dau. of J. B. Burrell, Esq.. of Arthur Seat,
Victoria, Australia, and bas. with other issue, * John
Herbert, b. 1865. — White House, Rattlesdcn, Woolpit.
+ BOLDERO, Mrs., of Lower Beding, Sussex.
Margaret, dau. of the late William Christian. Esq., of
Hoddesden. Herts; m. 18 — Henry Boldero, Esq., J. P..
of Lower Beding, and by him (who d. 1863) has issue
an only child, *Margaret, m. 1868 Sir Walter Barttelot,
Bart., M.P., of Stopham, Sussex (whom see). Mrs.
Boldero is Lady of the Manor of Lower Beding.
— Xorth Lodge, Lower Beding, Horsham.
-f BOLES, the Rev. Jambs Thomas, of Ryll
Court, Devon.
Son of the late J. Boles, Esq., of Ryll Court : b. 1822 ;
bis uncle, the late Major-General Boles, 184- ; m.
1S4- Mary Frances, dau. of — Dennis, Esq., of Ex-
mouth, Devon, and has issue. Educated at Exeter
Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1S44, M.A. 1846) ; is a Magistrate
for Devon; was formerly Chaplain in the Collegiate
Church of Ottery St. Mary. — Ryll Court, Exmouth.
BOLOER, William Hexrt, Esq., of Ballina-
harna, co. Kilkenny.
Youngest son of the late Edward Bolger, Esq., of Bal-
linabarna (who d. 1847), by Maria, only dau. of Francis
AlcCrohn, Esq., of Lisbon, co. Kerry; b. 1836 ; s. bis
brother James 1864. — Ballinabama, Innistiogue.
BOLESTGBROKJE, Viscount (Henry St. John).
— Cr. 1712.
Eldest son of Henry, 4th Viscount, by Maria, dau. of
KlNcPOM. [Bol
the late Sir Henry V. St. John Mildmay, Bart.; b.
1820 : S. 1861. Is a lVp.-Lieut. for Wills,' and Patron
of 1 living. — Lydiard Park, Swindon.
ih:r /Ves., his oousln Maurice William Ferdinand. Vicar, of
Frnmpton-upon-SeYerii (son of the Into Hon. Ferdinand St.
John, who il. 1866. l>y Solina Chin-lotto, dau. of Maurice St.
Legei Kontingo. Baq.); 6. 1827; m. 18M Charlotte Lucy
Hamilton, eldest dun. of the late John Dalycll, Esq., of
Lingo, CO. fife, and ha-, with other issue, * Henry Tcrcy,
b. 1854.
+ BOLITHO. Thomas BEDFORD, Esq., of Tre-
widilen, Cornwall.
Son of the late Thomas Bolitho. Esq. ; b. 18—. Ia a
Magistrate for Cornwall. — Trewiddcn, Penzance.
BOLITHO, Thomas Simon, Esq., of Penalvcrnc,
Trengwainlon, and Tregcnna Castle, Corn-
Second son of the late Thomas Bolitho, Esq., of Tha
Coombe, Penzance; b. 1S08; m. 1838 Elizabeth, dau.
of Thomas Robins, Esq., of Liskcard, and has, with
other issue, * Thomas Robins, educated at Harrow, and
B.A. of C. C. C. Oxford; b. 1840; m. 1870 Augusta
•lane, 3rd dau. of tho late Richard Bassett Wilson,
Esq., of Cliffe Hall, co. York. Mr. Bolitho is J.P. and
D.L. for Cornwall, and Deputy-Warden of Stannaries
(High Sheriff 1867). — Pinah-crne, and Trengwainton,
near Penzance ; Tregcnna Castle, St Ives.
+ BOLLAND, Mrs., of Kettle well, Yorkshire.
Dorothy, dau. of the lata Esq. ; m. 18 — William
Bollaud, Esq., of Kettlewell. Is Patron of the living
of Kettlewell.
BOLLARD, Thomas, Esq., of Kirkby Fleethani,
Only surviving son of the late Christopher Bolland,
Esq., of Roundhay, near Leeds, co. York (who was a
cousin of the late Right Hon. Baron Bolland), by Eliza,
dau. of William Fearne, Esq., of Leeds ; b. 1822 ; i, 1829 ;
?n. 1844 Margaret, dau. of William Vane Hope, Esq., of
York, and by her, who d. 1874, has, with other issue,
* Thomas, i.*1849. Mr. Bolland is a Magistrate for tho
N.Riding of York. — Bron Ala, Carnarvon ; 13, Albion
Road, Scarborough.
BOLLLNG, the Rev. Edward James, of Lever-
bridge, Lancashire.
Eldest son of the late William Boiling, Esq., of Darcy-
Lever (who was M.P. for Bolton 1832-41 and 1847-8),
by Elizabeth Christian, dau. of the late Rev. James
Slade, Vicar of Winsford, Somerset ; b. 1827 ; s. 1848 ;
m. 1852 Henrietta, dau. of Thomas Ridgway Bridson,
Esq., of Bolton, co. Lancaster, and has, with other issue,
* Reginald William, b. 1858. Mr. Boiling, who was
educated at University Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1850, M.A.
1853), was appointed Rector of Little Cressingham,
Norfolk, 1859, and Vicar of Leverbridge 1871. — Lever-
bridge, Bolton.
BOLTOIST, Lord (William Henry Orde-Pow-
lett).— Cr. 1797.
Eldest son of the late Hon. Thomas P. Orde-Powlett;
by Letitia, dau. of Henry O'Brien, Esq.; b. 1818; s.
his uncle as 3rd Lord 1850 ; m. 1844 Letitia, dau. of
the late Col. Crawfurd, of Newfield, co. Ayr. Is a J.P.
and D.L. for the N. Riding of Yorkshire, a Magistrate
for Hants, and Patron of 5 livings. — Hachwood Park,
BasingstoJce ; Bolton Hall, Bed ale ; Carlton and Boodle's
Clubs, s.w. ; 46, Princes Gardens, w.
Heir, his son William Thomas (of Wensley Hall, Bedale,
co. York), J.P. and D.L. for the N. Riding of Yorkshire,
and Capt. Yorkshire Hussars ; b. 1845 ; m. 1868 Lady Algitha
Frederica Mary, eldest dau. of Richard George, 9th Earl of
Scarbrough, aud has, with other issue, * William George
Algar, b. 1869.
+ BOLTON, Col. Augustus Samuel, late of
Killyinoon Castle, co. Tyrone.
Son of the late Augustus Bolton, Esq., of — , England,
H 2 99
by a dan. of — Bomford, Esq.; b. 1822; in. 185-1
Mary, dan. of — Holford, Esq., and lias issue a dan.
Florence. Col. Bolton, who was educated at Sandhurst
Coll., is a Grand Juror for co. Tyrone, and a Col. in
the Army retired. He was formerly in the 31st Foot,
and a Gentleman-at-Arms.
BOLTON, Charles Newport, Esq., of Brook
Lodge, co. Waterford.
Eldest son of the late Rev. Henry Bolton, A.M., Vicar
of Dysart, Enos, and Kiltail, Queen's Co. (and nephew
of the late Lieut.-General Sir Robert Bolton, G.C.H., of
Swerford Park, Oxon), by Frances, dan. of Sir Simon
Newport, Knt., cousin of the late Right Hon. Sir John
Newport, Bart. ; b. 1816 ; s. 1854 ; m, 1845 Anne, eldest
dau. of the Rev. Joshua Anderson, M.A., Rector of
Myshall, co. Carlow, and has issue * Henry Anderson,
b. 1848. Mr. Bolton, who was educated at Chelten-
ham and St. Edmund Hall, Oxford (B.A. 1837), is a
Freeman of the City, and a Grand Juror of co. Water-
ford. — Brook Lodge, Waterford.
BOLTON, Edward Chichester, Esq., of Tally-
donnell, co. Louth.
Eldest surviving son of the late Chichester Fortescue
Bolton, Esq., M.A., Barrister-at-Law (who d. 1865), by
Harriet, dau. of the late Rev. Henry Stewart, D.D.,
and niece of the late Rt. Hon. Sir John Stewart, Bart. ;
b. 1835 ; s. his brother 1870 ; late a Capt. R.A.— Tully-
donncll, co. Louth; Carlton and East India United
Service Clubs, s.w.
Heir Pres., his brother Henry Stewart, Lieut. 12th Regt. ; 6.
BOLTON, Miss, of Mount Bolton, co. Water-
Jane, only dau. of the late John Bolton, Esq., of Mount
Bolton, by Eliza, 2nd dau. of Maunsell Bowers, Esq.,
of Mount Prospect, co. Kilkenny ; s. her brother 1841.
— Mount Bolton, Waterford ; Green Park, Bath.
+BOLTON, Richard, Esq., of Bective Lodge,
co. Meath.
Elder son of the late Robert Compton Bolton, Esq., of
Bective Lodge, by Charlotte, dau. of Joseph Neynoe, Esq. ;
b. 180- ; m. 18 — Frances, dau. of the late George Bom-
ford, Esq., of Rahinstown, co. Meath (she d.s.p. 1846).
— Bective Lodge, Rahinstown, co. Meath.
Heir Pres., his brother Robert, b. ISO-; m. 18 — Maria, dau.
of John Arthur, Esq., of Seafleld, co. Dublin.
BOLTON, William, Esq., of The Island, co.
Eldest son of the late William Bolton, Esq., of The
Island, by Jane, dau. of Col. Joshua Nunn, of St. Mar-
garet's, co. Wexford, b. 1815 ; s. 1853 ; m. 1843
Susan, dau. of Montiford Westropp, Esq., and has issue
* William, b. 1849. Mr. Bolton is a Magistrate for
eo. Wexford (High Sheriff 1856).— The Island, Kil-
muckridge, co. Wexford.
BOLTON. (See Massif, of Clarcville.)
BOMFORD, George, Esq., of Oakley Park, co.
Eldest son of the late George Bomford, Esq., of Drum-
largan, co. Meath, by Arbella, dau. of Samuel Winter,
Esq., of Agher; b. 1811 ; s. 1814; m. 1832 his cousin
Arbella, dau. of John Pratt Winter, Esq., of Agher,
and has, with other issue,
* George Winter, b. 1834 ; m. 1SC1 Flora McVeagh, 2nd dau.
of the Rev. Francis R. Sadlier, D.D., Rector of Rodans-
town, rco. Meath, and has, with other issue, * George
Sadleir, b. 1864.
Mr. Bomford, who was educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin
(B.A. 1832), is a Magistrate for eo. Meath (High Sheriff
I860).— Oakley Park, Kells.
BOMFORD, John NORTH-, Esq., of Gallow
and Ferrans, co. Meath.
Eldest son of the late Isaac North-Bomford, Esq., of
Gallow and Ferrans (who assumed the additional name
of Bomford by royal licence 1837 under the will of his
uncle, Isaac Bomford, Esq., of Gallow and Ferrans),
by Belinda Emily, dau. of Abraham John Pilkington,
Esq., of Kilbride Castle, co. AVestmeath ; b. 1838; s.
186G ; in. 1867 Charlotte, eldest dau. of John Devenish
Meares, Esq., D.L., of Meares Court, eo. Westmeath.
Mr. North-Bomford, who was educated at Trinity Coll.,
Dublin, is a Magistrate for co. Meath ; he was formerly
Capt. 29th Regt. — Ferrans House, Ki/eock.
BONAR, of Easter Warriston. (See Agnew.)
BOND, Capt. Edward Wellington, of Bondville,
co. Armagh.
Eldest son of the late Henry Coote Bond, Esq., of
Bondville, by Eliza, dau. of the Rev. Edward Stanley,
of Tyhollend; b. 1817; s. 1845. Was educated at
Shrewsbury and Trinity Coll., Dublin ; is a J.P. and
D.L. for co. Monaghan, a Magistrate for co. Armagh,
Lord of the Manor of Bondville, and Senior Captain
Monaghan Militia. — Bondville, Micldleton, co. Armagh.
BOND, the Rev. John, of Tynehani, Dorset.
Eldest surviving son of the late Rev. William Bond,
Rector of Tyneham, Dorset, and Canon of Bristol, by
Jane, only dau. of the late Henry Biggs, Esq., of Stock-
ton, Wilts ; b. 1801 ; s. 1852. Educated at Wadham Coll.,
Oxford (B.A. 1824, M.A. 1828); is Vicar of Weston,
Somerset, a Prebendary of Wells, and late Rural Dean
of Bath. — Weston, Bath; Tyneham, Wareham.
Heir Pres. , his nephew William Henry (elder son of the late
Rev. Henry Bond, B.C.L., Vicar of South Petherton,
Somerset, who d. 1870, by Editha Augusta Mary, only dau.
of the late Hon. Henry Pomeroy, and granddau. of John,
4th Viscount Harberton) ; educated at Eton ; Lieut. 1st
Royal Scots Regt ; 6. 1852.
BOND, Joshua Walter MacGeough, Esq., of
Drumsill, co. Armagh.
Eldest son of the late Walter MacGeough Bond, Esq., of
Drumsill and The Argory, co. Armagh, by his 2nd wife
Anne, 2nd dau. of the late Ralph Smyth, Esq., of Gay-
brook, co. Westmeath; b. 1831 ; s. 1866; in. 1856 Alber-
tine Louise, dau. of Frederick Shanahan Esq., Barrister-
at-Law, and has, with other issue, * Walter, b. 1857.
Mr. Bond, who was educated at Cheltenham Coll., and
the Royal Military Coll., Sandhurst, is a J.P. and D.L. for
co. Armagh (High Sheriff 1872) ; late Lieut. 49th Foot ;
he was M.P. for Armagh 1855-7, and 1859-65.
— Drumsill, Armagh; AUandale, Wimborne, Dorset;
Sackville Street Club, Dublin; Army and Navy and
Carlton Clubs, s.w.
BOND, the Rev. Nathaniel, of Creech Grange,
Second son of the late John Bond, Esq., of Creech
Grange, by Elizabeth, dau. and heir of John Lloyd,
Esq., of Cefncoed, co. Cardigan ; b. 1804 ; s. his brother
1844 ; in. 1835 Mary, 2nd dau. of the late John Hawkes-
worth, Esq., of Forest, Queen's Co., and has, with other
* Nathaniel (of Holme Priory, Wareham), educated at Oriel
Coll., Oxford; a Magistrate for Dorset ; b. 1S40; m. 1864
Lady Selina I. Scott, 5th dau. of John, 3rd Earl of Eldon,
and has, with other issue, * John Wentworth Garneys
b. 1S65.
Mr. Bond, who was educated at Oriel Coll., Oxford
(B.A. 1829), is a Magistrate for Dorset, Rector of
Steeple-cum-Tyneham, and Prebendary of Salisbury.
— Creech Grange, I. of Purbeck, Wareham.
-fBOND, Richard, Esq., of Fairy Hall, co.
Son of the late R. Bond, Esq. ; b. 1810. Is a Magistrate
for eo. Westmeath. — Fairy JScdl, Eathowen, co. West*
Gwulie, by Jane, only child and lu ir of the late Rev.
Richard Maurice, of Bryn-y-Gwalie j 6, 1803; m.
1st 1827 Anna Maria, 2iu'l dau. of Matthew Harrison,
Esq., of Croydon ; 2ml 1832 Hose, youngest dan. of
the late William Dempster, Esq., of Skibo Castle, co,
Sutherland ; 3rd 18— Ellen, youngest dan. of the lato
John Wood, Esq.. of Worthing, Sussex, and has, with
oilier issue, * Richard, Lieut. -Col. Bombay Staff Corps ;
h. 1828. Mr. Maurice-Bonnor, who was educated at
Westminster and Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1826, M.A.
1852), is Dean of St. Asaph and Chancellor of tho
Diocese; he was formerly Vicar ofRhuabon, — Bri/n-i/-
GfalL, Cambridge (BJL 1829k railed to the Bar at j Gwalie' Oawesiry; Deanery House, St. Asaph.
Lincoln* Inn 1833: was a Magistrate for Dorset, and B 0 X N 0 Li - M AUR1 C E. (See Maurice.)
formerly Recorder ot Wareham. — Tumham, 11 archam. ______
„,«■,, „, v d c r i BOX S A 1.1,. .Iohn G i:okc;i: William. Esq., of
HUM). \\ n.LOl >: i: , Esq., ot rarrnsrli, co. i> e r\ j- i- > m> J
T e , H' ^» ' bTonfraith, Cardiganshire.
Second son of the late Rev, Isaac Bonsall, M.A., Rector
+BOND, Robkbt, Ksq, of Glen view, ro.
Son of the late Capt. Edward Wellington Bond, of
Glonniew (who vras a Magistrate for eo. Tyrone);
*. 18—. Educated at Trinity Coll.. Dublin; is a
Magistrate for co. Tyroae. — G/e;cicic, Londonderry. ,
BOND, tho late Thomas, Esq., of Tyneham,!
Youngest son of the late Rev. Wm. Bond, of Tyneham.
by Jane, only dan. of the late Harry Biggs. Esq., of
Stockton House. Wilts; b. 180.'). Educated at Trinity
Youngest son of the lateWilliam Bond. Esq.. of Farragh,
by Elisabeth, eldest dau. of Alexander Perry, Esq., of
Edgeworth Town, eo. Longford; b. 1790; 1811; m.
1S2;> Alicia Sidney, only dau. of William Gosselin,
Esq.. of Abbey Derg, co. Longford, and has, with other
• James WIlIOQgtltay, a ,T.r. and D.L. for co. Longford
(High Sheriff. 1S70) ; b. 1SS7 ; ro. 1864 Emma Georgiann
Charlotte, dan. William Hunter Little, Esq.. ot Llanvair ]
Grange. CO. Monmouth, and has, with other issue, * Wil- ■
lought-y James, b. 18C7.
Mr. Bond is a J.P. and D.L. for Longford (High Sheriff
1 830.) — Farragh, Longford.
BOXD-CABBELL. (See Cabbcll.)
BOXD-SHELTON, Capt. Ralph MacGeough,
of The Argory, co. Armagh.
Second son of the late Walter MacGeough Bond, Esq., of
The Argory and Drumsill (who d. 1866). by Anne. 2nd
dau. of the late Ralph Smyth. Esq.. of Gaybrook, co
of Llanwrin, co. Montgomery, by Catherine, dau. of the
late Rev. John Davies, Rector of Cemines, co. Mont-
gomery, Rural Dean ; b. ISIS: 18.03 Frances, dau.
of the late Joseph Davies, Esq., of Galltyllan, co.
Montgomery, and has issue * John Joseph, b. 1854,
Mr. Bonsall. who was educated at Shrewsbury, is a
Magistrate for co. Cardigan (High Sheriff I860)
and for co. Montgomery. — Fronfraith, Ahcrystwith.
BONSALL, Thomas, Esq., of Glanrheidol,
Eldest son of the late Rev. Isaac Bonsall, Rector of
Llanwrin (who </. 1861), by Catharine, dau. of the late
Rev. John Davies, Rector of Cemmes, co. Montgomery ;
h. 1813 ; n. 18.30 Mary, dau. of James Hiighes, Esq.,
of Glanrheidol, and has, with other issue, * Thomas
William, b. 1851. Mr. Bonsall, who was educated at
Shrewsbury and Jesus Coll., Oxford, is a J.P. and D.L.
for co. Cardigan. — Glanrheidol, Ahcrystwith.
Westmeath. and brother of Joshua Walter MacGeough BOXTIXE, William CuNNINGHAME GRAHAM-
Bond, Esq.. of Drumsill (whom see); b. 1832 ; ;.!. 1873 -jt< „p * _j„„v. t\ \. l i • ■?
Caroline, second dau. of Arthur Xepean Molesworth, j Jf*' °f £ n '• Dumbartonslure,
Esq.. of Fairlawn, co. Armagh. Educated at Chel
teuham Coll. ; is a Magistrate for co. Armagh ; was
formerly Captain 12th Lancers. — The Argory. Moy, co.
Armagh; Kildare Street Club, Dublin ; Travellers' and
Army and Navy Clubs, s.w.
BOXTLAAi. Sir George Francis, Bart. (cr.
Only son of the late Sir Samuel George Bonham, Bart,
(who was formerly Governor of Prince of Wales Island,
Singapore. Malacca, and Hong Kong), by Ellen Emilia,
dau. of Thomas Barnard, Esq.. of South wick Crescent,
Hyde Park; b. 1847; s. 1863; m. 1871 Louisa, 3rd
dau. of the Right Hon. Sir Andrew Buchanan, G. C. B.
Educated at Eton and Exeter Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1868) ;
is a Third Sec. in H.M.'s Diplomatic Service ; late an
Attache at St. Petersburg. — Residence : Enzcrsdorf,
Vienna ; Junior Carlton Club, s.w.
Heir, his son, b. 1873.
BOXTLOI, Francis, Esq., of Ballintaggart, co.
Son of the late Rev. John Bonham, J.P., of Ballin-
taggart (who d. 1875). by Barbarina, 3rd dau. of John
Xorris. Esq.. of Hughenden House, Bucks; b. 1831;
in. 1S6S Emily Mary Georgiana, dau. of the late James
Reid, Esq., of Milbank House, Fermoy, co. Cork. Mr.
Bonham, who is a Magistrate for co. Kildare, was
formerly Major 71st Highlanders. — Ballintaggart,
Ballitorc, co. Kildare.
(See Carter of Ad hurst St. Mary's.)
BOXXOR, the Very Rev. Richard Bonnor
MAURICE-, of Bryn-y-Gwalie, Denbigh.
Eldest son of the late John Bonnor, Esq., of Bryn-y-
Gartmore, Perthshire.
Eldest son of the late Robert Cunninghame Cunning-
hame-Graham, Esq., of Gartmore and Finlaystone
(who was a Magistrate and Vice-Lieut, of co. Dum-
barton), by Frances Laura, dau. of the late Archibald
Speirs, Esq., of Elderslie ; b. 1825 ; s. to the estate of
Ardoch 1845, and of Gartmore 1863; m. 1851 the
Hon. Anne Elizabeth, dau. of Admiral the Hon.
Charles Elphinstonc-Fleming, and has, with other
issue, * Robert, 1852. Mr. Bontine is a J.P. for,
and Vice-Lieut, of co. Dumbarton, and a Dep.-Lieut.
for co. Stirling. — Ardoch, Cardross, N.B. ; Gartmore
House, via Stirling; Finlaystone, Port Glasgow, N.B.;
Brooks's Club, s.w.
BOOKER. (See Gordon.)
BOOKER, Thomas William, Esq., of Velindra
House, Glamorganshire.
Second but eldest surviving son of the late Thomas
William Booker, Esq., M.P. (who assumed, in 1856,
the name of Blakemore, and d. 1858), by Jane Anne,
only dau. of the late John Coghlan, Esq. ; b. 1830 ; s.
his brother 1861; m. 1861 Caroline Emily, youngest
dau. of the late Robert Lindsay, of Glanafon, co.
Glamorgan, and had, with other issue, a son, b. 1872,
d. 1875. Mr. Booker is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Glamorgan
(High Sheriff 1865).— Velindra House, Cardiff.
BOOKET, Thomas Poer Trench, Esq., of
Doninga, co. Kilkenny.
Eldest son of the late Thomas T. Bookey, Esq., of
Doninga, by Florinda, dau. of tho Most Rev. Dr.
Power Le Poer Trench, late Archbishop of Tuam ; b.
1819; s. 1853; m. 1864 Frances, youngest dau. of
Harvey de Montmorency, Esq., of Castle Morres, co.
Kilkenny. Educated at Rugby and Exeter Coll., Ox-
ford ; is a Magistrate for cos. Carlow, and Kilkenny
(on rqll for High Sheriff 1875), and Capt, Kilkenny
Fusiliers. — Doninga, Gorcsbridge, Bagnalsiown, co.
Kilkenny ; Kildare Street Club, Dublin.
BOOKEY, William Thomas Ebskine, Esq., of
Derrybanc, co. Wicklow.
Only son of the late William Truejoojc Bookey, Esq.
* of LYrrybane (who d. 1851), by Georgiana, dau. of,
' Alexander Erskine, Esq., of Bryanstone .Square, Lon-
don ; b. 1842 ; m. 1867 Mary, dau. of the late William
Perry, Esq., D.L., of Woodrooff, co. Tipperary, and has
issue a daughter. Mr. Bookey, who was educated at
Harrow, is a Magistrate for co. Wicklow and Major
Wicklow Rifles Militia ; was formerly a Captain in
the Carabineers. ■ — Derrybanc, Bathdrum ; Kildare
Street Club, Dublin ; Army and Navy Club, s.w.
BOOTH, Sir Robert GORE-, Bart., of Lis-
sadell and Earlsfield, co. Sligo (cr. 1760).
Eldest son of the late Sir Robert Newcomen, Bart., of
Lissadell (who assumed the name of Booth), by Hannah,
dau. of Henrj- Irwin, Esq., of Streamstown, co. Sligo,
and Ray, co. Donegal; b. 1805 ; s. as 4th Bart. 1814 ;
tn. 1st 1827 the Hon. Caroline, dau. of Robert 1st Vis-
count Lorton ; 2nd 1830 Caroline Susan, dau. of Thomas
Goold, Esq. (d.) Educated at Westminster and Queen's
Coll., Cambridge (M.A. 1826), and admitted M.A. of
Trinity Coll., Dublin ; is Lord Lieut, and Custos Rotu-
lorum of co. Sligo (High Sheriff 1830), and Patron of
2 livings; has been M.P. for co. Sligo since 1850.
■ — Lissadell, co. Sligo; Carlton Club, s.~w. ; 7, Bucking-
ham Gate, s.w.
Heir, his son Henry William, b. 1843 ; m. 18G7 Georgina Mary,
only dau. of the late Col. Charles John Hill, and has, with
other issue, * Josslyn Augustus Richard, 6. 18G9.
BOOTH, Sir Williamson, Bart., of Paxton
Park, Hunts (cr. 1834).
Eldest son of the late William Booth, Esq., of Roydon
Hall, Essex (who d. 1834), by Mary, dau. of John
Williamson, Esq. ; b. 1811 ; s. his uncle under a special
remainder 1850. Educated at Eton ; is a J.P. and D.L.
for Hunts ; was High Sheriff of cos. Cambridge and
Hunts 1855. — Paxton Park, St. Neots ; Stanstcad Abbots,
Ware; Windham Club, s."w. ; B. Thames Yacht Club.y/.
Heir Pres., his brother Charles, b. 1812.
BOOTH, Charles, Esq., of Netherfield, Herts.
Eldest son of the late William Booth, Esq., by Mary,
dau. of John Williamson, Esq., of Letehworth, Herts ;
b. 1812. Is a J.P. and D.L. for Herts, and a Com-
missioner of Lieutenancy for London. — Netherfield,
Ware ; Windham Club, s.w. ; 67, Lower Brook Street, w.
+ BOOTH, George, Esq., of Laragh, co.
Son of the late W. Booth, Esq., b. 18—; m. 18—
Georgiana, dau. of , Esq. (she el. 1868). Is a
Magistrate for co. Wicklow. — Laragh, Newton-Mount
Kennedy, co. Wicklow.
BOOTH, John Bainbridge, Esq., of Killerby
Hall, Yorkshire.
Son of the late John Booth, Esq., of Killerby HaU
(who d. 1857), by Jane Charge Frances Dorothy, dau.
of Charles Wright, Esq., of Cleasby, co. York ; b.
1835 ; m. 1874 Margaret Alice, second dau. of the
late John Williams Gardom, Esq., of Butterton Park,
co. Stafford. Mr. Booth is Lord of the Manor of
Killerby. — Killerby Hall, near Catterick.
BOOTH, Richard, Esq., of Glendon, North-
Eldest son of the late John Booth, Esq., D.L., of Glendon
(who was High Sheriff of co. Northampton in 1818),
by Augusta, youngest dau. of the late Sir Richard De
IP2 " ' B.
Capoll Brooke, Bart., of Oakley Hall, co. Northamp-
ton; /;. 1836; s. 1857; m. 1860 Margaret Home, dau.
of John Gibson Reoves, Esq., of Moseley, co. Wor-
cester, and has, with other issue, * Robert Home Brooke,
b. 1862. Mr. Booth, who was educated at Marl-
borough Coll., and at Exeter Coll., Oxford, is a Magis-
trate for co. Northampton, and Lord of the Manor of
Glendon. — Glendon Hall, Kettering.
+ BOOTH, Thomas, Esq., of Cosgrove Priory,
Son of the late John Booth, Esq., of Glendon, co. North-
ampton (who d. 1857), by Augusta, youngest dau. of
the late Sir Richard De Capell Brooke, Bart., and
brother of Robert Booth, Esq., of Glendon (whom see) ;
b. 1835. Is a Magistrate for co. Northampton ; was
formerly Lieut. 5th Dragoon Guards.
BOOTH, Thomas, Esq., of Friskney, Lincoln-
Eldest son of the late Rev. Thomas Willingham
Booth, J.P., of Friskney, by Mary Anne, only child
of William Pacey, Esq.; b. 1834; s. 1869; m. 1864
Mary, 2nd dan. of John Osborne, Esq., Q.C. Edu-
cated at Eton and University Coll., Oxford (B.A.
1857) ; is a Magistrate for co. Lincoln (on roll for High
Sheriff 1874), Patron of 1 living, and Capt, R. South
Lincoln Militia ; late Lieut. 5th Dragoon Guards.
— Friskney, Boston.
BOOTH. (See Haworth-Booth.)
BOOTH. (See Sclater-Booth.)
BOOTHBY, Sir Brooke, Bart. (cr. 1644)4
Eldest son of the late Rev. Sir Brooke William Robert
Boothby, Bart,, by Martha Serena, dau. of the Rev.
Charles Boothby, Vicar of Sutterton, co. Lincoln ; b.
1856; s. as 11th Bart, 1865; educated at Harrow.
— Residence : Harrow, n.w.
Heir Pres., his brother Charles Francis, 6. 1858.
BOOTHBY, Charles Edward, Esq., of Need-
wood, Staffordshire.
Son of the late Rev. Brooke Boothby (2nd son of Sir
Wm. Boothby, 8th Bart., of Broadlow Ash, co. Derby),
by Louisa Henrietta, dau. of Henry, 3rd Lord Vernon ;
b. 1820 ; m. 1855 the Hon. Georgiana Mary (only dau.
of Edward, 3rd Lord Suffield, by his 1st wife Georgiana,
only child of George, 2nd Lord Vernon), widow of G.
E. Anson, Esq., C.B., and formerly Bedchamber-woman
to the Queen. Educated at the Charterhouse and at
the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich ; is Axe-bearer
and Ranger of Her Majesty's Forest of Needwood ;
a Magistrate for cos. Stafford and Derby, a Commis-
sioner of Taxes ; formerly a Clerk in the Privy Council
Office, and Secretary to the late Marquis of Lansdowne
and Earl Granville (1851-8). — The New Lodge, Need-
wood Forest, B urton-on- Trent ; Travellers' Club, s.w.
BOR, William Loftus, Esq., of Ballandolon,
co. Kildare.
Second son of the late Edward John Bor, Esq., J.P. of
Ballandolon (who was High Sheriff of King's co. 1850,
and who d. 1870), by Charlotte Margaret, dau. of the
late William Hopkins, Esq., J.P., of Frayne, co. Meath ;
b. 1850; s. his brother 1872; is a Magistrate for
King's Co. — Ballandolon, near Edenderry, co. Kildare.
BOREHAM, William Wakeling, Esq., E.R.A.S.,
of Haverhill, Suffolk.
Eldest son of the late Joseph Boreham, Esq., of Haver-
hill (who d. 1854), by Eleanor, dau. of Giles Wakeling,
Esq., of Sturmer, Essex; b. 1804; m. 1835 Jane
Chalklen, dau. of Stephen Long, Esq., of Hythe, Kent,
t The Baronetcy was first granted in 1644, and the letters patent
were signed at the time, but not sealed till the Restoration.
«nd has. with other issue, * William Clmlklen, 6. IS 1(5 j
;. 1S71 Mary Catherine Frances, only d.-ut. of William
Simpson. Esq.. of Haverhill. Mr. Horeham is a Ma-
cist rate for Suffolk and Essex. — The Mount House,
BORLASK. John, Esq.. of Castle Horneck ami
Pendivn, Cornwall.
Eldest son of the late Samuel lWlase. Esq., D.L., of
Castle Horneek and Pendeen. by his 1st wife Caroline
Borlase, dau. of William Wymond. Esq., of Tresungurs;
b. I8i»j 1866: m. 18.54 Lnlia. dau. of the Rev.
Miehael Xowell Peters. M.A., Vicar of Madron and
Morrah. Educated at lYterhonse, Cambridge; is a
Magistrate for Cornwall, and Capt. Miners' Artillery
Militia. — Castle Horneek. BmMM,
Htir r>vt., his half brother William-Copelnml, M.A., F.S.A.,
a Magistrate for Cornwall ; ft.
NON. (.See I'crnon.)
BOROUGH, Sir En warp Richakp, Bart. (cr.
Eldest son of the late Sir Richard Borough, Bart.,
by Anna Maria, dau. of Francis Gerard, 1st Viscount
Lake; i. 1800; s. as 2nd Bart. 1S37 : m. 1831 Lady
Elizabeth, dau. of William. 2nd Earl of Howth (she d.
18631. Educated at Westminster and Ch. Ch., Oxford ;
is a J.P. and DJL for the City of Dublin, a Magistrate
for co. Dublin, and a partner in the house of Borough,
Armit, and Co.. Army Agents in Dublin : late Major in
the Royal Dublin City Militia. — Glciiavrcna, Howth, co.
Dublin ; 61. Fit-williahi Square Xorth, Dublin ; United
Service Club, s.w.
BOROUGH, John Charles Burton, Esq., of
Clietwynd, and Edgmond, Salop.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Borough, Esq., of
Hulland, co. Derby, by Jane. dau. of William Smith-
son. Esq.. of Heath, co. York; b. 1810; & 1838; m.
1848 Elizabeth Charlotte, dau. of Admiral Roberts-
Gaweu, and has, with other issue, * John Sidney
Burton, b. 1S52. Mr. Borough, who was educated at
Eton and Ch. Ch., Oxford (B^V. 1832), is a Magistrate
for eo. Stafford, and a J.P. and D.L. for co. Salop
(High Sheriff 1844) ; Lieut. S. Salopian Yeomanry
Cavalry ; Lord of the Manors of Chetwynd and
Edgmondfc and Patron of 3 livings.- — Chctuynd Park,
Neuport, Shrojishire ; Hulland Hall, Ashbourne ; Carl-
ton Club, s.w.
BORRER, the Rev. Caret Hampton, of Hurst-;
pierpoint, Susses.
Only son of the late Nathaniel Borrer, Esq.. of Pakyns
(who was a Magistrate for Sussex), by his 1st wife
Mary Anne, dau. of Richard Weekes, Esq., of Matts,
Sussex; b. 1814; s. 1863; m. 1837 Elizabeth, dau.
of James Orr, Esq., of Holywood House, co. Down, and
has, with other issue,
* Cary Hampton, educated at Eton ; a Magistrate for Sussex ;
late Capt. 60thEifles ; 6. 1838 ; m. 1871 Alice only surviv-
ing child of the late John Eames Downe, Esq.
Mr. Borrer. who was educated at Eton and Oriel Coll.,
Oxford (B.A. 1836, M.A. 1840), is a Commissioner of
Taxes for Sussex, Rector of Hurstpierpoint, Prebendary
of Chichester, a Surrogate and Rural Dean, and Patron
of 1 living. — Hurstpierpoint.
BORRER, Clifford Fortescue, Esq., of Pick-
well, Sussex.
Second son of the Rev. Carey H. Borrer (whom see) ;
b. 1841 ; m. 1866 Christina Sophia, elder dau. of
Charles K. Freshfield, Esq., of Upper Gatton Park,
Merstham, Surrey, and has, with other issue, * Walter
Charles Preshfield Clifford, b. 1872. Mr. Borrer, who
was educated at Eton, was formerly in the 60th Rifles.
— Pickwell, Cuckfield. Residence : Furze Hill Villa,
Brighton; Naval and Military Club, s.w.
BORRER, Dawson, Esq., F.R.C.S., &c, of AHa-
mont, co. Carlow.
Second son of the late William Borrer, Esq., of Barrow
Mill. Sussex, by Elizabeth, dau. of Nathaniel Hall,
Esq., of New Hull, Henfield, Sussex ; A. 1818; s. 1862;
,. 1853 Georgians, dau. of Thomas Braddell, Esq., of
Coolmelagh, eo. Wexford. Is a Magistrate for co.
Carlow. — Altamonf, Tallow, co. Carlow.
BORRER, Henry Elall, Esq., of Portsladc,
s.<n of 1 be late John Borrer, Esq., of Portsladc (who
was a Magistrate lor Sussex), by his 3rd wife Sarah
Anne. dan. of Nat haniel Hall, Esq., of New Hall,
Sussex; b. 1822; s. 1866. Is Lord of the Manor of
Suldlesham. — Portsladc Manor, Brighton.
BORRER, William, Esq., F.L.S., of Brook Hill,
Eldest sun of the late William Borrer, Esq., of Barrow
Hill, Henfield, Sussex (who d. 1862), by Elizabeth,
dau. of Nathaniel Hall, Esq., of New Hall, Henfield;
ft. 1814; in. 1840 Margaret, dau. of John Hamlyn
Borrer. Esq., of Brighton, and has, with other issue,
* William, b. 1846. Mr. Borrer, who was educated
at Peterhouse, Cambridge (B.A. 1838, M.A. 1841), is
a J.P and D.L. for Sussex. — Brook Hill, Horsham.
BORRETT, George Tuthill, Esq., of Cransford
Hall, Suffolk.
Eldest son of the late Thomas Borrctt, Esq., of Crans-
ford Hall (who d. 1875), by his 1st wife, Laurie Maria
Love, only child of Sir George L. Tuthill, Knt., M.D.,
of Cavendish Square, London ; b. 1838; m. 1867 Ellen,
2nd dau. of George Holmes, Esq., of Brooke Hall,
Norfolk. Educated at Eton and King's Coll., Cam-
bridge; is a Magistrate for Suffolk. — Cransford Hcdl,
WicJchwn Market; 15, Bryanston Square, w.
BORROWES, Sir Erasmus Dixon, Bart., of
Barretstown, co. Kildare (cr. 1646).
Eldest son of the late Rev. Sir Erasmus Dixon Bor-
rowes, Bart., of Lauragh, by Harriet, dau. of the late
Henry Hamilton, Esq., of Ballymacoll, co. Meath ;
6. 1831 ; s. as 9th Bart. 1866;' to. 1851, Frederica, dau.
of Brigadier-General George Hutchison. Is a Magis-
trate for co. Kildare (High Sheriff 1873), and a Major
in the Army retired, late of the 80th Foot. — Barrets-
town Castle, Ballymorc Eustace, Naas.
Heir, his son Kildare, Lieut. 11th Hussars, b. 1852.
BORROWFS, Robert Htgginson, Esq., of
Gilltown, co. Kildare.
Son of the late Robert Borrowes, Esq., of Gilltown, by
Charlotte, dau. of Col. Madden, of Hilton Park, co.
Cavan; b. 1826; s. 1850; m. 1859 the Hon. Louisa
Katherine, 3rd dau. of John Cavendish, 3rd Lord
Kilmaine. Is a Magistrate for co. Kildare (High
Sheriff 1853); late Major Kildare Rifles; formerly
Capt, 13th Light Dragoons. — Gilltown, Newbridge, co.
Kildare ; Arthur's CVub, s.w.
BORTHWICK, Lord (Cunningham Borth-
wick).—Cr. 1452,
Only surviving son of the latePatriek Borthwick, dejure
17th Lord Borthwick (who d. 1840), by Ariana, dau.
of Cunningham Corbett, Esq., merchant, of Glasgow;
b. 181 3 ; m. 1865 Harriet Alice, eldest dau. of Hermitage
Thomas Day, Esq., banker, of Rochester, Kent. His
lordship established in 1870 his right to this title.
— Bavenstone, Wigtownshire, N.B. ; Carlton and Con-
servative Clubs, s.w. ; 35, Hertford Street, w.
Heir, his son .Archibald Patrick Thomas (Master of Borth-
wick), 6. 1867.
BORTHWICK, John, Esq., of Orookston, Mid-
Eldest son of the Into John Borthwick, Esq., of Orook-
ston, and Borthwick Castle (who d. 1846) by Anne,
eldest dan. of Robert Dundas, Esq., of Arniston, Mid-
lothian ; b. 1825; m. 1854 Elizabeth Mason, eldest
dau. of Vice-Admiral Pringle, of Torwoodlee, eo. Sel-
kirk. Educated at Edinburgli ; is a Magistrate for
Midlothian and co. Berwick. — Crookston House, Edin-
burgh; Borthwick Castle, Gorebridge, N.B.
BORTHWICK, Lewis, Esq., of Springwood,
Son of the late John Borthwick, Esq., of Orookston
(who d. 1830), by Grace, dan. of George Adinston,
Esq., of Carcant, Midlothian; b. 1801 ; m. 1843 Susan,
2nd dau. of John Westgarth, Esq. Is a Magistrate for
co. Edinburgh, and a Writer to the Signet. — Springwood
Park, Liberton, Edinburgh, N.B.
BORTHWICK. (See Brown Borthwick.)
BORTON, the Rev. William Ket.
Eldest son of AVilliam Borton, Esq., by Alice, dau. of
William Key, Esq., of Musley Bank, near Malton,
Yorkshire; b. 1806; in. 1852 Jessie, youngest dau. of
S. Phillips, Esq., of Garrick's Villa, Hampton, Mid-
dlesex, and has issue * Silvanus Key, 1853. Mr.
Borton, who was educated at Repton and St. Catherine
Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1829, M.A. 1831), is a Magis-
trate for Essex ; appointed Rector of Wickham St.
Paul's 1835, Rural Dean of Hedingham 1845, Hon.
Canon of Rochester 1872 ; a Surrogate 1873. — Wickham
St. Paul's, Hedstead ; University Club, s.w.
BOSANQUET, Augustus Henry, Esq., of
Osidge, Herts.
Second son of the late William Bosanquet, Esq., Banker,
of London, by Charlotte Elizabeth, dau. of John Ives,
Esq., of Norwich; b. 1792; in. 1825 Louisa, dau. of
the late David Bevan, Esq., of Fosbury, Wilts, and
has, with other issue, * Arthur, of the E. India Civil
Service; b. 1828; m. 1861 Isabella, dau. of Col. Craw-
ford, and has issue * Lionel, b. 1862. Mr. Bosanquet,
who was educated at Harrow and Haileybury Coll.,
was formei'ly in the East India Co.'s Civil Service.
— Osidge, East Barnet ; 10, Boycd Crescent, Bamsgate.
BOSANQUET, James Whatman, Esq., of Clays-
more, Middlesex.
Second son of the late Samuel Bosanquet, Esq., of
Dingestow Court, co. Monmouth (who d. 1843), by
Laetitia Philippa, youngest dau. of the late James
Whatman, Esq., of Vinters, Kent; b. 1803; m. 1st
1840 Merelina, only dau. of the late Right Hon. Sir
Nicholas C. Tindal ; 2nd 1854 Frances Georgians,
Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the late Lord John Somerset
(she d. 1862) ; 3rd 1864 Emily Dorothy, eldest dau. of
the late James Best, Esq., of Park House, Boxley,
Kent ; he has issue, by his 1st wife, * Bernard Tindal,
b. 1842; in. 1874 Eva Maud, second dau. of Alderman
Cotton, M.P. Mr. Bosanquet, who was educated at AVest-
minster, is a Magistrate for Middlesex, a Commissioner
of Lieutenancy for the City of London, and a banker in
London. — Claysmorc, Enfield, Middlesex.
BOSANQUET, Pekcival, Esq., of D'Acre
Lodge, Herts.
Second son of Augustus Henry Bosanquet, Esq., of
Osidge, Herts, by Louisa Priscilla, dau. of David
Bevan. Esq.,